Prevent. Protect. Respond. Recover.

Tier II Reporting - The Basics

Idaho facilities covered by the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) must annually submit an emergency and hazardous chemical inventory form to the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IIOEM), the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and their local fire department. Facilities provide this information in Tier I or Tier II Form. Idaho requires use of the Tier II Form.

The deadline for 2016 submissions is March 1, 2017

Tier II Reporting - The Specifics

Tier II Forms require basic facility identification information, employee contact information (both emergency and non-emergency), and information about chemicals stored or used at the facility, which include:

  • The chemical name or the common name as indicated on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • An estimate of the maximum amount of the chemical present at any time during the preceding calendar year and the average daily amount
  • A brief description of the manner of storage of the chemical
  • The location of the chemical(s) at the facility
  • An indication of whether the owner of the facility elects to withhold location information from disclosure to the public (which must meet Federal provisions)

Please note that the list of required information in the Tier II Reports (beginning with Report Year 2013) has changed, as well as revisions to information which has been collected in past years. Click here for an overview of some of the changes.

To help you comply with the annual chemical inventory reporting required by EPCRA, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management encourages electronic submission via Tier2 Submit software.

You will find the following documents helpful in completing your inventory.

Tier II DOCUMENTS (All documents are PDF format)

Other Information You May Find Useful

If you need further assistance, please call (208)258-6549.