Today in Energy


January 18, 2017

Natural gas-fired power plants lead electric capacity additions in Mexico

January 11, 2017

Wholesale power prices in 2016 fell, reflecting lower natural gas prices

January 10, 2017

Renewable generation capacity expected to account for most 2016 capacity additions

December 6, 2016

New England natural gas pipeline capacity increases for the first time since 2010

November 28, 2016

Three turbine manufacturers provide more than 75% of U.S. wind capacity

October 19, 2016

Over past decade, Mountain region states have used less coal for electricity generation

September 27, 2016

Recent increases in global nuclear capacity led by Asia

August 25, 2016

Monthly U.S. renewable electricity generation in 2016 surpasses previous years

August 23, 2016

North Carolina has more PURPA-qualifying solar facilities than any other state

July 15, 2016

Several nonpowered dams along the Ohio River to be converted to hydroelectric dams in 2016

July 7, 2016

EIA electricity generator data show power industry response to EPA mercury limits

June 22, 2016

U.S. crude oil storage capacity utilization rises even as storage capacity grows

June 6, 2016

EIA publishes construction cost information for electric power generators

June 2, 2016

Higher renewable capacity additions in AEO2016 reflect policy changes and cost reductions

May 19, 2016

Many natural gas-fired power plants under construction are near major shale plays

April 22, 2016

Higher Oregon renewable portfolio standard targets likely to boost wind power

April 21, 2016

Wind generation growth slowed in 2015 as wind speeds declined in key regions

April 8, 2016

Waste-to-energy electricity generation concentrated in Florida and Northeast

April 4, 2016

Average utilization for natural gas combined-cycle plants exceeded coal plants in 2015

March 24, 2016

EIA reviews and enhances data and projections for wind and solar electricity

March 23, 2016

Wind adds the most electric generation capacity in 2015, followed by natural gas and solar

March 18, 2016

Demand trends, prices, and policies drive recent electric generation capacity additions

March 8, 2016

Coal made up more than 80% of retired electricity generating capacity in 2015

March 1, 2016

Solar, natural gas, wind make up most 2016 generation additions

February 9, 2016

Natural gas use for power generation higher this winter

February 5, 2016

California has nearly half of the nation’s solar electricity generating capacity

December 17, 2015

Utility-scale solar in South Atlantic region dominated by North Carolina, Georgia

December 15, 2015

New database provides monthly inventory and status of U.S. electric generating plants

December 2, 2015

EIA electricity data now include estimated small-scale solar PV capacity and generation

November 4, 2015

Texas expected to keep breaking records for wind generation as wind capacity grows

November 2, 2015

Despite recent closures, U.S. nuclear capacity is scheduled to increase by 2020

October 29, 2015

Beyond China, other Southeast Asian countries plan for significant hydroelectric additions

September 8, 2015

Electric generator capacity factors vary widely across the world

August 27, 2015

Domestic market for distributed wind turbines faces several challenges

August 14, 2015

First offshore wind farm in the United States begins construction

August 11, 2015

West Coast wind patterns lead to below-normal wind generation capacity factors

August 7, 2015

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels

June 25, 2015

U.S. refinery capacity reaches 18 million barrels per day

June 5, 2015

Proposed Clean Power Plan would accelerate renewable additions and coal plant retirements

May 11, 2015

Projected electric capacity additions are below recent historical levels

March 10, 2015

Scheduled 2015 capacity additions mostly wind and natural gas; retirements mostly coal

February 25, 2015

Wind generation seasonal patterns vary across the United States

February 19, 2015

Wind generates more than 10% of Texas electricity in 2014

January 27, 2015

Hawaii’s electric system is changing with rooftop solar growth and new utility ownership

January 20, 2015

NERC assessment examines winter power system reliability, fuel diversity

December 18, 2014

Wind power capacity additions expected to increase in last quarter of 2014

December 2, 2014

32% of natural gas pipeline capacity into the Northeast could be bidirectional by 2017

September 9, 2014

Natural gas, solar, and wind lead power plant capacity additions in first-half 2014

September 8, 2014

Geothermal resources used to produce renewable electricity in western states

August 13, 2014

Steam coal imports remain down sharply from historic high in 2007

July 24, 2014

U.S. petroleum refineries running at record levels

July 16, 2014

EIA projects modest needs for new electric generation capacity

July 10, 2014

EIA projections show hydro growth limited by economics not resources

June 30, 2014

2014 U.S. petroleum refinery update: capacity edges up, ownership shifts

June 24, 2014

Fewer wind curtailments and negative power prices seen in Texas after major grid expansion

June 23, 2014

Texas hits new peak wind output

June 20, 2014

NERC’s Summer Reliability Assessment highlights regional electricity capacity margins

May 30, 2014

Privately owned generators play a growing role in Mexico’s electricity supply

May 20, 2014

Industrial onsite electricity concentrated in chemicals, oil, and paper manufacturing

April 8, 2014

Half of power plant capacity additions in 2013 came from natural gas

February 14, 2014

AEO2014 projects more coal-fired power plant retirements by 2016 than have been scheduled

January 31, 2014

NFL stadiums produce onsite energy with solar PV projects

January 29, 2014

Ownership of U.S. petroleum refineries has changed significantly since 2000

January 24, 2014

EIA now providing more detail on electric capacity additions and retirements

January 15, 2014

Monthly generator capacity factor data now available by fuel and technology

November 14, 2013

2013 completions of large solar thermal power plants mark technology gains

October 17, 2013

Global nuclear generation capacity totaled more than 370 gigawatts in 2012

October 1, 2013

Natural gas-fired combustion turbines are generally used to meet peak electricity load

September 17, 2013

Most new residential solar PV projects in California program are not owned by homeowners

September 6, 2013

Vermont Yankee nuclear plant closure in 2014 will challenge New England energy markets

September 5, 2013

Higher wind generation in the Southwest Power Pool is reducing use of baseload capacity

July 16, 2013

Capacity at existing U.S. refineries increases in 2013

July 8, 2013

Pumped storage provides grid reliability even with net generation loss

June 24, 2013

Electric supply additions are not keeping pace with increased peak-hour demand in Texas

June 7, 2013

New generators help California meet summer challenges to electric reliability

May 20, 2013

Ethanol production capacity little changed in past year

April 11, 2013

Year-to-date natural gas use for electric power generation is down from 2012

March 15, 2013

Japan’s fossil-fueled generation remains high because of continuing nuclear plant outages

March 14, 2013

Above-normal outages of U.S. nuclear capacity persist at the start of 2013

March 8, 2013

New electric generators typically come online at the start of summer or in December

February 11, 2013

Wind industry installs almost 5,300 MW of capacity in December

January 23, 2013

How much electric supply capacity is needed to keep U.S. electricity grids reliable?

January 16, 2013

Large mergers drive changes in ownership of electric generating capacity in 2012

December 19, 2012

Planned wind turbine additions rise in advance of scheduled expiration of wind tax credit

November 21, 2012

Wind energy tax credit set to expire at the end of 2012

November 14, 2012

San Onofre nuclear outage contributes to Southern California’s changing generation profile

November 2, 2012

Extended outages at several nuclear plants led to high outage levels in 2012

October 24, 2012

New EIA data show total grid-connected photovoltaic solar capacity

October 4, 2012

Combined heat and power technology fills an important energy niche

September 17, 2012

Municipal solid waste plants convert garbage to electricity

September 7, 2012

Natural gas demand at power plants was high in summer 2012

September 6, 2012

NRG-GenOn acquisition plan would create the largest independent power producer

September 4, 2012

Electric grid operators monitoring drought conditions

August 22, 2012

Merger of Progress Energy and Duke Energy created largest U.S. electric utility

August 20, 2012

Natural gas, renewables dominate electric capacity additions in first half of 2012

August 17, 2012

Electric generator dispatch depends on system demand and the relative cost of operation

August 7, 2012

EIA has updated Gulf of Mexico energy statistics

July 31, 2012

Projected retirements of coal-fired power plants

July 27, 2012

27 gigawatts of coal-fired capacity to retire over next five years

July 19, 2012

Much of the country’s refinery capacity is concentrated along the Gulf Coast

July 17, 2012

Uprates can increase U.S. nuclear capacity substantially without building new reactors

July 11, 2012

New transmission project will help California meet summer electric demand

July 9, 2012

Texas electricity market faces summer challenges

July 5, 2012

Crude oil distillation and the definition of refinery capacity

June 29, 2012

Electricity storage: Location, location, location … and cost

June 15, 2012

Working crude oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma rises

June 14, 2012

California's electric power market faces challenges heading into summer

June 1, 2012

Reserve electric generating capacity helps keep the lights on

May 29, 2012

Seasonal hydroelectric output drives down wholesale electricity prices in the West

May 24, 2012

OPEC spare capacity in the first quarter of 2012 at lowest level since 2008

May 22, 2012

Electricity storage can smooth out moment-to-moment variations in electricity demand

May 21, 2012

Electricity storage can take advantage of daily price variations

May 17, 2012

Global generation capacity for nuclear power has grown to over 346 gigawatts since 1955

May 15, 2012

Participation in electric net-metering programs increased sharply in recent years

May 9, 2012

Policies for compensating behind-the-meter generation vary by State

May 8, 2012

U.S. nuclear outages back within five-year range

April 6, 2012

Regional differences for cost of crude oil to refiners widened in 2011

March 20, 2012

Refinery utilization rates react to economics in 2011

March 12, 2012

U.S. wind generation increased 27% in 2011

February 17, 2012

Natural gas pipeline capacity additions in 2011

February 16, 2012

Ohio's fuel mix for power generation is changing

February 10, 2012

Natural gas and renewable shares of electricity generation to grow, coal still largest

January 27, 2012

New Northeast natural gas pipeline capacity comes on-line

November 30, 2011

EIA releases U.S. fuel ethanol production capacity data

November 18, 2011

U.S. has large geothermal resources, but recent growth is slower than wind or solar

November 17, 2011

Over half the cooling systems at U.S. electric power plants reuse water

November 1, 2011

Peak underground natural gas storage capacity up again in 2011

August 17, 2011

Electric generating capacity additions in the first half of 2011

August 2, 2011

Wind generating capacity is distributed unevenly across the United States

July 18, 2011

Minimal petroleum-fired electric capacity has been added in recent years

July 13, 2011

U.S. wind capacity takes off after 2005

July 8, 2011

Hydropower has a long history in the United States

July 6, 2011

Natural gas use in the electric power sector is growing

July 5, 2011

Most electric generating capacity additions in the last decade were natural gas-fired

June 30, 2011

U.S. commercial nuclear capacity comes from reactors built primarily between 1970 and 1990

June 29, 2011

January 2011 U.S. refining capacity was the highest in 29 years

June 28, 2011

Most coal-fired electric capacity was built before 1980

June 16, 2011

Age of electric power generators varies widely

June 9, 2011

Average utilization of the nation's natural gas combined-cycle power plant fleet is rising

June 8, 2011

Electric generators' roles vary due to daily and seasonal variation in demand

June 7, 2011

Recent mix of electric generating capacity additions more diverse

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