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Nov. 7, 2016, marks a grim milestone for Texas – we’ve gone 16 years straight with daily deaths on our roadways. That’s right. At least one person has died each and every day on Texas roads since Nov. 7, 2000.

In an effort to end this tragic trend, TxDOT created the #EndTheStreakTX campaign to educate drivers on how to take responsibility so that we put a stop to these preventable daily deaths. We are asking people to change their social media profile pictures to the black image available for download at the links below; and to share/retweet facts that we distribute about the last 16 years of daily deaths on Texas roads by using the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.

TxDOT also will invite the public to share personal stories of loved ones lost in car crashes on its social media pages using photo and video testimonials with the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.

Finally, safe driving only requires a few simple tips:

  • Buckle seatbelt – all passengers need to be buckled.
  • Never drink and drive – drunk driving kills; get a sober ride home.
  • Pay attention – put your phone away and avoid distractions.
  • Drive the speed limit – always follow speed limits and drive slower speeds when weather or conditions warrant.

Remember:  YOU hold the key to driving safely. YOU can help us #EndTheStreakTX.