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CALifornia Measurement Advisory Council (CALMAC)

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    California has long been a leader in fielding energy efficiency programs, helping rank the state among the lowest in per capita energy use in the United States. These forward-looking programs have been thoroughly evaluated and reported. The independent evaluation reports offer an extensive body of useful and important knowledge that can benefit anyone - in both the public and private sectors - who is interested in the efficient use of energy.  
    In this tradition, from 1998 through approximately 2005, CALMAC provided a forum for the development, implementation, presentation, discussion, and review of regional and statewide market assessment and evaluation (MA&E) studies for California energy efficiency and demand programs conducted using Public Goods Charge funds. CALMAC met on a relatively regular basis through 2007, and on an as needed basis until 2009. In 2009 the group became inactive as its role was replaced by other industry bodies. The minutes and presentations on this site are retained for historical perspective. In addition, this site continues to be the official CPUC repository of publicly-funded studies of energy efficiency programs and related issues.  
    Here you'll find information on CALMAC (Complete CALMAC Mission Statement), its members (CALMAC Contacts) and updates on current California evaluation and research work (New Publications). You can learn about CALMAC's committee on Market Assessment and Evaluation Statewide Team of Research Organizations (MAESTRO) which operated during that period, and CADMAC, CALMAC's sister organization, which handled MA&E issues for programs fielded between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 1997.  
    Find the information you need!
More than 900 MA&E research reports dating from 1990 can be found in our Searchable Database. Downloadable files are available for evaluations of programs fielded since 1994. The Toolkit page supplies the key documents needed by evaluators. Use Links to find other sites related to energy efficiency program evaluation. If you wish to post a publication to the searchable database, please go to the CALMAC Administration.
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Sign up for our listserv by simply selecting the button on the lower left. The purpose of this listserv is to announce new publications and evaluation related information.

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