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BES-2016-11-g-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Nanoparticle Catalysts Outperform Single Metal Atoms

Small platinum particles prove to be more catalytically active than single platinum atoms, a vital insight for designing more efficient catalysts.

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BES-2016-11-f-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Re-Energizing the Lithium-Ion Battery

Scientists seek to improve the battery by investigating the detailed interactions lithium ions experience with liquid battery electrolytes.

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BES-2016-11-e-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Greater than the Sum of Its Parts

Combining two types of catalysts speeds conversion of carbon dioxide into an industrial feedstock.

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BES-2016-11-d-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Oxygen Takes Elitist Attitude to Sharing Electrons

Scientists find oxygen molecules ignore electrons in metal atoms in key reaction, providing an important detail for fuel cell design

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BES-2016-11-c-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

A Natural Fondness for Plutonium

A protean protein transports actinides into cells and could change environmental cleanup.

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BES-2016-11-b-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Berkelium’s Unexpected Chemistry Has Been Captured

The first well-characterized materials containing berkelium differ from expectations

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BES-2016-11-a-thmb11.22.16Science Highlight

Improving Catalysis Science with Synchrotrons

The Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium (SCC) celebrates 10 years of helping scientists.

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Making Sense of Failure in Light-Harvesting Semiconductors09.07.16Science Highlight

Making Sense of Failure in Light-Harvesting Semiconductors

Researchers reveal the factors that affect the stability of semiconductors in solar fuel devices to aid the discovery of next-generation materials.

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Electrons Fingerprint the Fastest Laser Pulses 09.07.16Science Highlight

Electrons Fingerprint the Fastest Laser Pulses

Simulations indicate that ultrafast laser pulses leave vortex-shaped patterns in their wake.

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Defects, Electrons, and a Long-Standing Controversy08.24.16Science Highlight

Defects, Electrons, and a Long-Standing Controversy

Scientists explain diverse results around a material that is both insulator and conductor and offer chemical roadmap to harness it.

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:59:08 PM