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information on contaminated land activities.
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Contact information
For information on greener cleanups, contact:
Tom Coogan
Remediation & Redevelopment Program

Wisconsin's Initiative for Sustainable Remediation and Redevelopment (WISRR)

Sustainable cleanups, or "greener" cleanups, are fast becoming a hot topic in the world of environmental contamination remediation. The DNR's Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is working to foster environmentally-friendly practices through the Wisconsin Initiative for Sustainable Remediation and Redevelopment (WISRR).

The WISRR initiative continues the RR Program's history and spirit for applying innovation to a strong foundation of environmental protection and economic benefit. Formerly known as the Wisconsin Initiative for Sustainable Cleanups (WISC), this effort emphasizes the applicability of sustainable technologies in site remediation, and encourages the use of green technology during the redevelopment process. Saving energy, reducing greenhouse gases and minimizing waste through reuse and recycling are all aspects of WISRR.

By applying WISRR concepts to the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties, Wisconsin's citizens will be rewarded with remedies that are protective of public health, safety and the environment, and are also economically sound and more sustainable to meet long-term needs and protect valuable state resources.

Green and sustainable remediation manual

Environmental professionals can implement sustainable remediation practices at cleanup sites by using the WISRR Green and Sustainable Remediation Manual. The manual was drafted by an external contract under the guidance of the WISRR Team. A companion document examines real-world applications of the WISRR Manual at state-led remediation sites.

Quick reference guides

Pilot project: Refuse Hideaway solar array

Solar panel array at Refuse Hideaway Landfill.The RR Program's first pilot project is the former Refuse Hideaway Landfill [PDF], in the town of Middleton. The former landfill is a Superfund site, currently in the joint care of the U.S. EPA and DNR. Remediation systems have been running at the site for more than 20 years, using a substantial amount of energy.

In 2010, a 44-panel solar array was installed at the site to generate clean energy. The array off-sets one-fourth of the energy used to power the remediation systems. The RR Program will look at expanding this model for other state- and privately-owned sites once the results of the project can be examined.

Additional resources

*Note: there is a fee to download ASTM documents


If you have general questions you may contact DNR's Tom Coogan (608-267-7560) or a regional WISRR expert from the table below. For site specific questions please contact a DNR regional project manager.

DNR Region Contact Person Telephone Number
Northern Vacant  
Northeast Jennifer Borski 920-424-7887
South Central Larry Lester 608-275-3465
Southeast Mark Drews 262-574-2146
West Central Gina Keenan 715-839-3765
Last revised: Tuesday March 17 2015