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Special Accounts

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This category contains guidance and policies on EPA's use of "special accounts" under CERCLA section 122(b)(3). Special accounts are site-specific sub-accounts within the Superfund Trust Fund that are generally used to retain money paid under settlement agreements for use at a specific site.

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Additional Guidance on Prepayment of Oversight Costs and Special Accounts - (12/22/06)
Memorandum providing additional guidance on the prepayment of oversight costs. Sample settlement language for the prepayment of oversight costs attached.
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/spec-acct-oversight.pdf (PDF 116 K)
Management of Special Accounts - (8/4/05)
Memorandum to promote tracking and management of special account funds used for Superfund cleanups.
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/sa-manage.pdf (PDF 60 K)
Consolidated Guidance on the Establishment, Management and Use of CERCLA Special Accounts - (10/4/02)
Guidance serves as a reference guide for issues involving the deposit and use of special accounts
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/congui-estmgt-specacct.pdf (PDF 195 K)
Special Accounts: Guidance on Key Decision Points in Using Special Account Funds - (9/28/01)
Identifies general guidelines for Regions regarding when and how special account funds should be used throughout the remedial process
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/key-point-mem.pdf (PDF 39K)
Placement of Proceeds from CERCLA Settlements in Special Accounts - (1/27/00)
Memorandum advises regional offices of opportunities to place proceeds received from CERCLA settlements into an EPA special account.
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/proc-settle-mem.pdf (PDF 151 K)
Interim Final Guidance on Disbursements of Funds From EPA Special Accounts to CERCLA Potentially Responsible Parties - (11/3/98)
Addresses the circumstances under which a PRP may receive special accounts funds; timing & amount of special account disbursements; special account disbursement priorities; disposition of special account funds after completion of response action ....
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/disburs-spact-mem.pdf (PDF 33KB)
Fact Sheet: Special Accounts Accruing Interest on Settlement Funds - (6/4/96)
Fact sheet - Site specific special accounts set up to hold settlement funds at Superfund sites for use in the future are now interest-bearing.
http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/superfund/accrue-fund-rpt.pdf (PDF 53 KB)




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