Shifting Without Datum Documentation

By Casey J. McLaughlin

Most of us take for granted that latitude and longitude always mean the same place on a map but is that true?  I started thinking about GPS points and how a simple hand held (or my phone) may have an error of +/- several feet.  Now I am wondering if the fuss I make about specifying Datum is worthwhile….

Claudius Ptolemy: The World, 1482 (Wikipedia)

A Datum, defined by Webster’s is generally “something used as a basis for calculating or measuring.”  Ah ha! I had never thought outside of the geographic usage of the word but I find understanding word roots can be quite helpful.  What I really mean is what impact a Geodetic Datum has on latitude/longitude pairs.  A Geodetic Datum is “the reference point for the various coordinate systems used in mapping the earth” (  The Earth isn’t perfectly round and geodetic datums form the mathematical basis for modeling our home.

Meades Range Marker, Kansas (

There are several datums which I see most frequently; NAD27, NAD83, and WGS1984.  The NAD27 (North American Datum 1927) is interesting from a Region 7 perspective because its origin point is a survey point in Kansas – Meades Ranch (approx. 39.224087, -98.542152).   Just for reference, the geometric center of the contiguous U.S. is also in Kansas! Once we began using high precision remote sensing technology, we needed a new datum – NAD83 (North American Datum 1983) was born.  NAD83 has its origin defined by the Earth’s center of mass.  The two systems are different enough that a given latitude/longitude could be several meters off – depending on the distance from the datum!  Today, the World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 Web Mercator is commonly used – I believe most major web platforms use it.

The main point I’m getting at here is that documenting the coordinate system information of geospatial data IS important.  I have seen more than one dataset come in without proper documentation.  To map it, I have to assume what datum is used – it wasn’t recorded.  Please, if you’re collecting spatial data, don’t complicate it with incomplete information!  Documenting our data collections is vital for using data with confidence and ensuring future data reuse.

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Casey McLaughlin is a first generation Geospatial Enthusiast who has worked with EPA since 2003 as a contractor and now as the Regional GIS Lead. He currently holds the rank of #1 GISer in EPA Region 7′s Environmental Services Division.