
Environmental liability and public health concerns often prevent the redevelopment, expansion or reuse of properties that may be contaminated by hazardous substances or pollutants. Sites that have been abandoned or underutilized due to the potential presence of contaminants are often known as "Brownfields."

Under the provisions of CERCLA Section 128(a) AS-EPA has taken steps to develop a State Response Program to address potential hazards surrounding brownfields and site-specific source of environmental contamination. Elements of the State Response Program include:

    - Timely survey and inventory of potential Brownfields sites in the territory

    - Oversight and enforcement authorities to ensure that response actions are taken by property owners and other
      responsible parties to mitigate potential environmental contamination

    - Mechanisms and resources to provide meaningful opportunities for public participation

    - Mechanisms for approval and certification of environmental response actions at potentially contaminated

    - Public record of sites where response actions have been planned or completed

Help AS-EPA keep American Samoa pollution-free! To report a potentially contaminated site or request additional information, please contact the AS-EPA Air and Land Division.

Ioane Tomanogi, Brownfields Coordinator