Production Statistics

The biodiesel industry has steadily grown over the past decade, with commercial production facilities from coast to coast. The industry reached a key milestone in 2011 when it crossed the billion gallon production mark for the first time. It repeated that in 2012 with more than 1.1 billion gallons and set a new record in 2013 by producing nearly 1.8 billion gallons, according to EPA figures. The industry’s total production significantly exceeded the 2013 biodiesel requirement under the Federal Renewable Fuel Standard and was enough to fill the majority of the Advanced Biofuel requirement.

The total Biomass-Based Diesel volume of 1.8 billion gallons is primarily biodiesel but also includes renewable diesel, a similar diesel alternative made with the same feedstocks but using a different technology.

According to a recent study, the industry supported more than 62,200 jobs nationwide. Biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 57 percent to 86 percent, according to the EPA. Each of the last three years the industry has produced more than a billion gallons, and has exceeded the minimum requirements under the RFS.