RIN Integrity

RIN Integrity Program to Provide Confidence in Markets 

The National Biodiesel Board is committed to ensuring successful implementation of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard. 

The US biodiesel industry took a significant step towards stabilizing the RIN market with the Genscape RIN Integrity NetworkTM dashboard. The National Biodiesel Board's RIN Integrity Task Force has worked diligently with the petroleum industry to provide a solution to the uncertainties in the RIN market and offered inputs to this program's design.

The RIN Integrity NetworkTM dashboard allows obligated parties who subscribe to the Genscape service to do their due diligence with real-time information on participating biodiesel producers through a user-friendly, online information service. This "dashboard" allows subscribing parties to cheaply and easily tell whether an individual biodiesel producer's RINs have been verified through the Genscape system. 

You can find more information regarding RIN Integrity and the RIN Integrity NetworkTM below.

 NBB Press Releases  Additional Resources
RIN Integrity Program to Provide Confidence in Markets
May 25, 2012

• RIN Integrity Network Dashboard
• RIN Integrity - Report Fraud to NBB/EPA



When signs of isolated improper activity in the RIN markets began to emerge, NBB offered strong support of the Environmental Protection Agency's enforcement actions. In addition, seeing the need for a long-term RIN verification program to eliminate improper behavior in the RFS, and anticipating the uncertainty the expected EPA enforcement actions would have on the RIN markets, NBB began exploring possible solutions.  

In late 2011, Genscape, a leading company in providing real-time monitoring technologies for the energy sector, advised NBB of its intention to develop a RIN Integrity program.  Genscape asked for NBB's input to better tailor their program toward our member's needs.  NBB formed the RIN Integrity Task Force to also provide Genscape input from the broad range of stakeholders throughout the RFS program.  Genscape incorporated all of NBB's and the Task Force's input into their program.  NBB has been pleased with the speed and efficiency with which Genscape has been able to develop and deploy this private sector solution, as many NBB members urgently need this service to verify the integrity of their RINs.  

The Genscape program is completely voluntary and is owned and operated exclusively by Genscape.  NBB has been encouraging and supportive of the Genscape program as it has all the elements necessary to drive fraud out of the system and return certainty to the RIN markets.  NBB has worked to educate its members about the program and has obtained a 20% discount on the service for NBB members.

In June of 2012 an agreement between Genscape Inc. and Lee Enterprises Consulting merged Lee Enterprises’ renewable identification number (RIN) verification program, RIN 9000, into Genscape’s trademarked RIN Integrity Network. The addition of the Lee Enterprises program brings additional fuel quality sampling, RIN education, and other additional services to the program.

RIN Integrity Task Force

NBB's RIN Integrity Task Force is working to continually evaluate the RIN program, identify possible weakness, consider existing RIN integrity programs and options, and identify solutions.

NBB Chairman Gary Haer of REG Inc. co-chairs the task force along with David Blatnik of Marathon Petroleum. Additional members of the 12-member panel include representatives from every aspect of the biodiesel supply chain as well as an EPA representative serving in an advisory role.

"The RFS is working as intended. It's supporting jobs, improving our energy security, and offering a cleaner fuel option," said NBB Chairman Gary Haer. "We will not allow a few bad actors to risk the progress we have made for America's Advanced Biofuel - biodiesel.

The biodiesel industry’s goal is to evaluate and provide input to industry for solutions that work throughout the system. We have a responsibility to police ourselves and focus our ethical compasses on the long-term viability of this industry. It is our job to protect the RFS and to work with EPA and others to make the system better."

Record biodiesel production in 2011 reiterates the need to ensure the integrity of the RFS and related compliance processes. The RIN Integrity Task Force, made up of obligated parties, blenders, retailers, and small and large biodiesel producers, helped guide the development of the Genscape program that would provide transparency and integrity to the marketplace.