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You can use the Quick Search option in either the NAL Catalog or in the Article Citation database.

  • Only one database may be searched at a time using Quick Search.
    • The NAL Catalog includes records for books, periodical titles, Web documents, audiovisual materials, etc.
    • The Article Citation database has records for indexed periodical articles, book chapters, reprints, and links to indexed Web sites.
  • Type words or phrases into the "Quick Search" box for the database you wish to search. Multiple words are searched as a phrase.
  • Truncation is assumed. Text entered will be retrieved when found at the beginning of larger words or terms. For example, entry of the term "butter" retrieves records with butter, Butterfield Press, butterflies, buttermilk, butternut and buttery.
  • Fields may NOT be specified. Searches retrieve all matches from Title, Source, Author, Subject, Notes, and Call Number fields.
  • Boolean operators are NOT used. "And", "or" and "not", if entered, are searched as part of the phrase in the text you enter.
If more controlled retrieval is needed, use the Basic Search, Keyword Search, or Advanced Search options for either or both databases. These other search options allow specific field searching, with truncation applied only as desired. To learn more about the many search options available, follow any of the links below:

Last Modified: Nov 03, 2006
National Agricultural Library Catalog
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