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Database Name: National Agricultural Library
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Basic Search Hints

  • If your search fails, check your spelling.
  • Upper or lower case does not matter.
Setting Limits
  • A Basic Limit may be applied before or after a search is run. You may select only one Basic Limit for a search.
  • Set Limits must be applied before a search is run. Use this option when you want to limit by criteria not available in "Basic Limit" or by more than one of the limit options.
  • Limits do not work with Author, Subject or Call Number browse searches.
Title Begins with...
  • Enter first words of the title -- Omit initial articles: "A", "An", "The", etc.
  • Examples: sand county -or- soil survey of new -or- sports nutrition for
Subject Browse
  • Use Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the NAL Agricultural Thesaurus for subject browse searches:  organic farming (LCSH) -or- organic production (NALT)
Author Browse
  • For individuals, enter last name first: duke j -or- duke james
  • For organizations or groups, use normal word order: american dairy science association -or- american phytopathological society
Call Number Browse
  • Enter as much of the call number as you know.
  • Examples: S441 -or- SB241.M29 -or- 389.8 Am34
Journal Title Begins with...
  • Enter first words of the journal title -- Omit initial articles: "A", "An", "The", etc.
  • Examples: american journal of -or- journal of the american
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