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A road to a timber sale location. BLM Oregon photo.

Timber Sales

Timber sales allow for the sustainable harvest of timber for commercial purposes on public land.  The availability of timber for harvest depends on the age and condition of the timber, land status, and public demand, among other land use considerations.

Most timber is sold through a bidding process.  If you would like to bid on timber for commercial harvest, contact the nearest BLM Field Office

Bureau Wide Timber Data

Bureau wide timber data is also provided on a quarterly basis in Excel spreadsheet format. Two reports are provided: Contract Data reports which contain timber sale data and Transaction Data reports which contain information about BLM harvest activity.

The majority of the BLM's forestry timber sales occur in Oregon-Washington.  Find more regional information below.

Oregon Timber Sales

On August 5, 2016, the BLM signed the Records of Decision (RODs) for the Resource Management Plans of Western Oregon. The completion of the RODs marks the end of a four year effort by the BLM to use new science, policies, and technology to protect natural resources and support local communities.

The Resource Management Plans maintain strong protections for the northern spotted owl, listed fish species, and water resources, and offers predictable and sustainable outcomes for local communities by increasing job opportunities, tourism and recreation, fire resiliency, and timber harvest. Once these plans are fully implemented, the BLM estimates that it will be able to provide 278 million board feet (mmbf) per year in total timber harvest. Out of 2.5 million acres in the planning area, nearly three-quarters are protected in reserves for fish, water, wildlife, and other resource values.

The processes to propose, design, analyze, and sell a timber sale contract takes 2-5 years. The process involves interdisciplinary teams working together to select and design projects that best meet Resource Management Plan objectives, collection and consideration of public input, and analysis of environmental effects for informed decision making by BLM managers. This process is required under the National Environmental Policy Act. Timber sale notices, prospectuses and the annual sale plan are available through the link below.

    Timber Sale Information in Oregon and Washington

    View current Timber Sale Plans, Notices, and Prospectuses in Oregon and Washington.

    Featured Video

    Watch a timber sale from above on @BLMOregon YouTube.