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Scenic photo of Factory Butte at sunset.

BLM Utah Soil Program

Utah's diverse geology, topography, vegetation, and climatic conditions generated in an array of soil environments. These soils provide the foundation for vegetation, biological soil crusts, and other biotic communities; sustain healthy, productive rangelands, woodlands, and other areas; safeguard watershed functions, water and air quality; and support many other resource uses on public lands managed by the BLM.

The BLM is partnered with NRCS to develop inventories and tools for management of soil resources including completion of soil surveys and Ecological Site Descriptions (ESDs) for public lands. 

Soils are one of the most fundamental and basic of natural resources. Soil processes determine, to a large extent, the structure and function of ecosystems. Soils provide the foundation for vegetation, biological soil crusts, and other biotic communities; sustain healthy, productive rangelands, woodlands, and other areas; safeguard watershed functions, water and air quality; and support many other resource uses on public lands managed by the BLM.  The BLM is partnered with NRCS to develop inventories and tools for management of soil resources including completion of soil surveys and Ecological Site Descriptions (ESDs) for public lands.   Scientists from the University of Utah and Westminster College work on identifying layers in mud cores.