Invasive and Exotic Species of North America

any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem; and whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.


plants weeds




diseases pathogens

Other Species

reptiles, snails, frogs, birds

CAPS logo

Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey

With the enormous range of foreign and domestic pests that could wreak havoc on native plant species and agricultural industries, protecting U.S. agriculture and plant resources... More info...


Invasive Plant Atlas of the U.S.

This web site is a collaborative project between the National Park Service and the University of Georgia - Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. More info...


The Nature Conservancy Global Invasive Species Team Website

TNC's Global Invasive Species Team (GIST) was disbanded in March 2009. The GIST web site including the Element Stewardship Abstracts, images and INVASIPEDIA were in danger of becoming lost. in collaboration with the Global Invasive Species Team, is pleased to announce that the GIST web site has been archived. More info...

fia maps

Maps of Occupation and Estimates of Acres Covered by Nonnative Invasive Plants in Southern Forests

Regional Maps of occupation and coverage estimates are accessible for 33 recognized nonnative plants invading forests of the 13 southern States using U.S. Forest Service's Southern Research Station Forest Inventory and Analysis data. More info...


Cogongrass Road Crew Training Resources

Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) is one of the worst invasive plants we have in the South. This link contains information and resources for Extension agents to conduct a short informational training program for their county road crews. More info...

Responses to Silvicultural Practices

Invasive Plant Responses to Silvicultural Practices in the South

This guide is intended to aid foresters and managers in the southeastern United States in developing management plans and managing forests threatened by invasive plants. This guide integrates identification of invasive plants, potential mechanisms for spread (natural seed or vegetative production, or human induced spread by cultural practices) and a suite of silvicultural management/control practices. More info...

hemlock woolly adelgid

Nonnative Invasive Species in Southern Forest and Grassland Ecosystems

The Southern Region Task Force for assessing nonnative invasive species (NNIS) was assembled in August 2006 to prioritize NNIS posing the highest threats to forests and grassland ecosystems in the South. The Task Force collaboratively compiled a list of the most potentially damaging invasive species from multiple existing databases and through surveys of Forest Service regional staff. More info...

Hosted Web sites

National Association of EPPCs
Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council
Florida Invasive Species Partnership
River to River CWMA


2,893 Invasive Species

1,953 species with images

60,486 images


forest service, aphis, csrees

Contact Us

university of georgia

Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health
Warnell School of Forestry &
Natural Resources
College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
Tifton, Georgia USA


Keith Douce, Co-Director
David Moorhead, Co-Director
Chuck Bargeron, Technology Director
Karan Rawlins, Invasive Species
Joe LaForest, IPM and Forest Health