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Oregon / Washington

Southwest Oregon RAC

Southwest Oregon RAC Info
Charter (PDF)
Application (PDF)

The Southwest Oregon Resource Advisory Council (RAC) provides advice and recommendations on all aspects of public land management, including Secure Rural Schools Title II recommendations, to the BLM's Medford and Roseburg Districts and the Lakeview District Klamath Falls Resource Area. The jurisdiction of the Southwest Oregon RAC includes BLM-managed lands in Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath Counties.

Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, Title II

Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act Title II funds are managed by Federal agencies. The Southwest Oregon Resource Advisory Council (SWOR RAC) recommends how these funds will be spent. The Act defines a wide variety of activities that can be accomplished with Title II funds. Project applicants are not limited to Federal agencies such as the BLM, any individual, non-profit organization, organized group, and local government can submit an application. However, the project must benefit Federal lands or resources in the benefiting county.

Title II funds are designed to make investments in public lands and create additional employment opportunities through projects that improve the maintenance of existing infrastructure, implement stewardship objectives that enhance forest ecosystems, and restore and improve land health and water quality. These projects are also designed to improve cooperative relationships among the people that use and care for public lands and the agencies that manage these lands.

Individuals and groups interested in submitting projects to the BLM are encouraged to discuss their project proposals with the appropriate coordinator for the District in which the project would be primarily implemented:

The Title II funds are managed by Federal agencies. The Southwest Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), made up of local citizens, will recommend how these funds will be spent authorized by section 524 of P.L. 114-10 and signed into law by the President on April 16, 2015.

Meeting Information

The next meeting of the SWOR RAC will be at the Medford Interagency Office October 12-13, 2016.

All RAC meetings are open to the public, and each meeting includes time for the public to present or comment on issues for RAC consideration.

Title II Projects



District Contacts

Christina Beslin, Secure Rural Schools Act and RAC Coordinator, 541-618-2371
Elizabeth Burghard, District Manager and Designated Federal Official, 541-618-2444