Measurements and Modeling for Quantifying Air Quality and Climatic Impacts of Residential Biomass or Coal Combustion for Cooking, Heating, and Lighting

EPA awarded six grants to research cleaner technologies and fuels for cooking, lighting and heating homes. This research will provide understanding of how effective cleaner burning methods are in protecting air quality and slowing climate change.

Request for Applications closing date: June 19, 2012

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Institution Project Period State
1 R835421
Experimental Interventions to Facilitate Clean Cookstove Adoption, Promote Clean Indoor Air, and Mitigate Climate Change Bailis, Robert
Chandar, Mamta
Dwivedi, Puneet
Grieshop, Andrew
Marshall, Julian D.
Talashery, Pradeep
Unger, Nadine
Zerriffi, Hisham  
Yale University, Jagriti, North Carolina State University, SAMUHA, University of British Columbia, University of Georgia, University of Minnesota March 2014 -
February 2017
(Extended to August 2018)  
2 R835422
Improving Air Quality, Health and the Environment Through Household Energy Interventions in the Tibetan Plateau Baumgartner, Jill
Ezzati, Majid
Paradis, Gilles
Schauer, James J.
Wiedinmyer, Christine
Yang, Xudong  
University of Minnesota, McGill University, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Tsinghua University, University of Wisconsin - Madison September 2013 -
August 2016  
3 R835423
A Global Map of Feasible Residential Solutions, Emphasizing Stoves with Space Heating Uses Bond, Tami C.
Bauer, Susanne
Edwards, Rufus D.
Francisco, Paul W
Masera, Omar
Princevac, Marko  
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Columbia University in the City of New York, University of California - Irvine, University of California - Riverside March 2014 -
February 2017  
4 R835424
How will cleaner cooking and lighting practices impact regional air quality and climate in the Sahel of Africa? Hannigan, Michael P.
Dickinson, Katie
Dukic, Vanja
Hayden, Mary
Monaghan, Andrew
Oduro, Abraham
Wiedinmyer, Christine  
University of Colorado at Boulder, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Navrongo Health Research Center June 2014 -
May 2017  
5 R835425
Impacts of Household Sources on Outdoor Pollution at Village and Regional Scales in India Smith, Kirk R.
Arora, Narendra
Bond, Tami C.
Edwards, Rufus D.
Seinfeld, John  
University of California - Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, The INCLEN trust, University of California - Irvine April 2014 -
March 2017  
6 R835438
Quantifying the Climate, Air Quality and Health Benefits of Improved Cookstoves: An Integrated Laboratory, Field and Modeling Study Volckens, John
DeFoort, Morgan
Peel, Jennifer
Pierce, Jeffrey
Robinson, Allen  
Colorado State University, Carnegie Mellon University September 2013 -
August 2016
(Extended to August 2017)  

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