Welcome to the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

"ITEP strengthens tribal capacity and sovereignty in environmental and natural resource management through culturally relevant education, research, partnerships and policy-based services."

School Gardens:

A resource site designed to provide educators with school garden best practices, planning tools, content and funding resources, and sample curricula for the development of place and situation specific school garden programs.

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ITEP Trainings:

Nov 15-17: IAQ in Tribal Communities

Nov 29-Dec 2: Clean Air Act & Permitting

Dec 6-9: Air Quality & IAQ in Alaska

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NAU's ITEP provides training for a brighter, cleaner Navajo future
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals is playing a critical role in helping the Navajo Nation advance economic opportunities and restore the land impacted by years of contamination.

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ITEP Climate Change:

Adapting to Change

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Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
PO Box 15004 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5004
928/523-9555 Fax: 928/523-1266