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Maryland State Government Maryland Department of the Environment

Maryland Stormwater Design Manual , Volumes I and II
(October 2000, Revised May 2009)

The 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual is the official guide for stormwater management principles, methods, and practices in Maryland.  The Design Manual was originally published in October 2000, and was revised in May 2009.  The following is a list of the individual chapters of the Design Manual that may be downloaded.



Description of Chapter

File Name

  Manual Cover   mancover.pdf
  Volume 1 Cover   vol1cover.pdf


Introduction Table of Contents, List of Tables, Figures, and Preface 2009 Introduction.pdf

Chapter 1 Introduction 2009 Chapter_1.pdf
  Chapter 2 Unified Stormwater Sizing Criteria Chapter_2.pdf
  Chapter 3 Performance Criteria for Urban best management practice (BMP) Design Chapter_3.pdf
  Chapter 4 Guide to BMP Selection & Location in Maryland Chapter_4.pdf

Chapter 5  Environmental Site Design (ESD) 2009 Chapter_5.pdf
Glossary Glossary.pdf
  References   References.pdf
  Volume 1  Entire Volume 1 (Large File) MD SWM Volume 1
  Volume 2 Cover   vol2cover.pdf
  Appendix A Landscaping Guidance Appnd_A.pdf
  Appendix B.1 NRCS-MD 378 Pond Std's/Spec's Appnd_B1.pdf
  Appendix B.1.1 Supplemental Pond Spec's (Non 378 Ponds) Appnd_B1_1.pdf
  Appendix B.1.2 MDE Dam Safety Review Criteria Appnd_B1_2.pdf
  Appendix B.2 Construction Spec's for Infiltration Appnd_B2.pdf
  Appendix B.3 Construction Spec's for Bioretention, Filters, and Open Channels Appnd_B3.pdf

Appendix B.4 Construction Specifications for ESD Practices 2009 Appnd_B4.pdf
  Appendix C.1 Design Example 1 - Shallow Wetland Appnd_C1.pdf
  Appendix C.2 Design Example 2 - Water Quality BMPs Appnd_C2.pdf
  Appendix D.1 Testing Req's for Infiltration, Bioretention, and Sand Filter Subsoils Appnd_D1.pdf
  Appendix D.2 Geotechnical Methods for Karst Feasibility Testing Appnd_D2.pdf
  Appendix D.3 Wetland Drawdown Assessment - Short Cut Appnd_D3.pdf
  Appendix D.4 MD Critical Area Criteria IDA Zone Appnd_D4.pdf
  Appendix D.5 BMP Pollutant Removal  Documentation Appnd_D5.pdf


Appendix D.6 NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit Requirements


  Appendix D.7 MDE/WMA Overview of NPDES Stormwater Program

2014 General Permit for Stormwater Associated With Construction Activity

  Appendix D.8 Misc. Details Appnd_D8.pdf
  Appendix D.9 MD Stream Use Designations Appnd_D9.pdf
  Appendix D.10 Method for Computing Peak Discharge for WQv Appnd_D10.pdf
  Appendix D.11 Method for Computing Cpv Appnd_D11.pdf
  Appendix D.12 Critical Erosive Velocities for Grass and Soil Appnd_D12.pdf
  Appendix D.13 Infiltration Structure Design Appnd_D13.pdf
  Appendix D.14 Eastern Shore (Delmarva) Dimensionless Hydrograph Appnd_D14.pdf
Appendix D.15 Misc. MD-SHA Design Charts Appnd_D15.pdf

Appendix E.1 2009 -Stormwater Credits for Innovative Site Planning (formerly Chapter 5) Appnd_E.1.pdf
Volume 2 Complete Vol. 2 (Large File) MD SWM Volume 2
Archived Pages Pages removed from the April 2000 Manual with adoption of Supplement 1 (not needed if Manual purchased after May 2009)
Introduction Table of Contents, List of Tables, Figures and Preface Introduction.pdf
Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter_1.pdf

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Please direct comments or questions concerning the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual to the Sediment, Stormwater, And Dam Safety Program at (410) 537-3543 or email at


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