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Federal Health Care Conscience Protection Statutes

OCR receives discrimination complaints under the Federal Health Care Conscience Protection Statutes, including the:

Your Health Care Conscience Protection Rights

You may file a complaint under the Federal Health Care Provider Conscience Protection Statutes if you believe you have experienced discrimination because you:

  • Objected to, participated in, or refused to participate in specific medical procedures, including abortion and sterilization, and related training and research activities
  • Were coerced into performing procedures that are against your religious or moral beliefs

How to File a Complaint under the Federal Health Care Provider Conscience Protection Statutes

You can file a complaint online or via mail, fax, or e-mail. Learn more about how to file a complaint with OCR.


Have Your Civil Rights Been Violated?

File a Civil Rights Complaint

Content created by Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Content last reviewed on June 10, 2016
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