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Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto waves his country's flag on Independence Day in Mexico City on September 15, 2016.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto waves his country's flag on Independence Day in Mexico City on September 15, 2016.

Friday, Jan 27 11 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – International

Syrian peace talks got off to a rocky start in Kazakhstan. The Mexican president cancels a trip to the White House after reiterating that he's not paying for a border wall. And Russian lawmakers move forward with plans to decriminalize some forms of domestic violence. A panel of journalists joins Joshua Johnson for analysis of the week's top international news stories.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) at a Republican retreat January 26, 2017, in Philadelphia. Congressional Republicans are gathering for three days to plan their 2017 legislative agenda.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) at a Republican retreat January 26, 2017, in Philadelphia. Congressional Republicans are gathering for three days to plan their 2017 legislative agenda.

Friday, Jan 27 10 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – Domestic

It's been a week dominated by talk of walls and waterboarding, as well as refugee bans, torn-up trade deals and a big debate over when to call something a "lie." A panel of journalists joins Joshua Johnson for analysis of the week's top national news stories.

Reza Aslan has described himself as "cable news's favorite Muslim."

Reza Aslan has described himself as "cable news's favorite Muslim."

Thursday, Jan 26 11 a.m. (ET)

Fear, Faith And Fair Portrayals Of Muslims

Too often when you see a Muslim character on a TV show, he is a terrorist. We'll talk about the long effort to portray Muslims fairly in Hollywood and why such narrow depictions are particularly dangerous in an age of Islamophobia.

A U.S. flag put up by activists who oppose illegal immigration flies near the US-Mexico border fence.

A U.S. flag put up by activists who oppose illegal immigration flies near the US-Mexico border fence.

Thursday, Jan 26 10 a.m. (ET)

“Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor…” Actually…Nevermind

President Trump has moved ahead with plans to build a border wall. Is this the best way to fix our broken immigration system?

OK Go's video 'Upside Down and Inside Out' was shot on an airplane in parabolic flight to achieve bouts of weightlessness.

OK Go's video 'Upside Down and Inside Out' was shot on an airplane in parabolic flight to achieve bouts of weightlessness.

Wednesday, Jan 25 11:40 a.m. (ET)

How Math, Emotion And Naivete Helped OK Go Crack The Viral Code

OK Go's music videos are designed to dazzle. Their most recent, for the song "Upside Down and Inside Out," literally takes viewers to new heights with the use of parabolic flight to create weightlessness. That video earned the band and Trish Sie the Smithsonian Magazine 2016 American Ingenuity Award for Visual Arts. Joshua sits down with OK Go's lead singer Damian Kulash, bassist Tim Nordwind and video director and cinematographer Trish Sie, to discuss what drives them to push artistic boundaries in their work.

Children play at the opening of artist Carsten Holler's installation 'Gartenkinder.'

Children play at the opening of artist Carsten Holler's installation 'Gartenkinder.'

Wednesday, Jan 25 11 a.m. (ET)

How Play Shapes The World

Steven Johnson is fascinated about ideas. His latest book “Wonderland" charts the human impulse to play. In particular, how play has shaped our world and led to our greatest discoveries. Johnson is an historian and argues that play, our pursuit of surprise, pleasure, pure and simple joy is the soup from which the most amazing advances and innovations rise.