CA Emergency Response and Disaster Preparedness

The CalEPA Emergency Response Management Committee (ERMaC) coordinates preparedness for and responses to environmental emergencies in California under assigned statutory authorities. ERMaC is comprised of appointed representatives and alternates from each board, department and office (BDO) and is chaired by an appointee of the Agency Secretary.

CalEPA is National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant for emergency preparedness and operates as a state agency with specific jurisdiction under the State Emergency Management System (SEMS), as coordinated by California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).

Mission Statement
ERMaC’s mission is to manage public health and environmental consequences of emergency events through effective, coordinated agency-wide preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation activities. ERMaC is responsible for emergency planning and training, and coordinates all CalEPA entities in emergency response and recovery. It serves as the forum for developing and maintaining the CalEPA collective Administrative Orders and emergency response plans.

CalEPA Emergency Programs:


Report Hazmat Emergency (800) 852-7550


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