James Delingpole

James Delingpole

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Investigation: How Green Activist Scientists Rigged an EU Pesticide Ban Costing Farmers and Businesses Billions

"'Victory for bees' as European Union bans neonicotinoid pesticides blamed for destroying bee population" read a front page headline in the Independent last year. It was the culmination of an intense burst of campaigning by left-wing pressure groups Avaaz, Change.org, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, BugLife and the Environmental Justice Foundation which erupted from nowhere last year. Dec 5, 2014 7:20 AM PT

Barbra Streisand, Nexus of Green Evil

Barbra Streisand - or whoever it is that handles her social media - has been tweeting about the (immensely sound) incoming GOP chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, Senator Jim Inhofe. Dec 4, 2014 9:33 AM PT

So Farewell, then, Telegraph Blogs...

So Telegraph blogs is finally to close. To no one's great surprise, I would imagine. Some of us, certainly, will have seen the writing on the wall in recent Telegraph blogposts. Dec 1, 2014 6:03 AM PT

Cameron's Plan to End the Migration Surge. Yeah, Right.

David Cameron has talked a good game in his speech today on immigration and Britain's relationship with the EU. He had to, obviously, because if he hadn't pulled something out of the hat everyone who hasn't already left the Conservative party to join UKIP would have done so by now. Nov 28, 2014 4:18 AM PT

These Cambridge Buttocks Have Restored My Faith in the Future of Western Civilisation

Check out these arses. Not just any old arses, either, but proper, educated Cambridge University arses. On a miserable, cold day in which I have been laid low with man flu, these pert buttocks have restored my faith in the future of Britain. (Especially - though I do not wish to prejudice your voting - the splendid pair belonging to Katie from Sidney Sussex.) Nov 25, 2014 6:06 AM PT

Owen Paterson makes his bid for the Iron Throne

Today Owen Paterson declared war on the Vichy wing of the Conservative party by telling them exactly like it is: Britain's ongoing membership of the EU is a disaster; we'd be much better off out;  the only reason we ever joined it in the first place is because the founding fathers of the EU lied about their true intentions, aided and abetted by equally mendacious useful idiots like Prime Ministers Harold Macmillan, Harold Wilson and Edward Heath. If we'd known what we were getting ourselves into we would never have given up our sovereignty; and we'd all be a lot freer and richer as a result. Nov 25, 2014 1:01 AM PT

Free Speech is Dead in Britain - As I Learned on a BBC Debate Programme Called 'Free Speech'

Is it just my imagination or was there a widely publicised report a few weeks ago by a professor called Alexis Jay describing in clinical detail how at least 1400 mostly underage girls were groomed, drugged and raped over a period of years in the northern town of Rotherham by gangs of men from predominately Kashmiri-Pakistani Muslim backgrounds? Nov 20, 2014 5:04 AM PT


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