
CalEPA oversees and enforces a wide range of programs that protect the environment, and the people of California from exposure to toxic chemicals and pollutants. CalEPA is also a leader in promoting innovative technologies and scientific research that focuses on solutions.


CalEPA and its office, boards, and departments, recognize agencies, local governments, small businesses, and individuals for their outstanding achievements in environmental protection. Award programs detailed on this page.

Border Affairs

The CalEPA Secretary chairs the California Mexico Border Relations Council, which serves as the central organizing body overseeing California-Mexico border issues. It includes the Secretaries of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Health and Human Services Agency, the California Transportation Agency, the Natural Resources Agency, Department of Food and Agriculture, and the Director of the California Office of Emergency Services.


Portal for links to site cleanup, deed restriction orders and more. Find links to CalEPA, CalRecycle, DTSC and SWRCB cleanup programs.

Climate Change Action

Since the passage of AB 32 in 2006, California has been involved in groundbreaking climate action, setting our state’s greenhouse gas reduction targets to 1990 levels by 2020, and forming partnerships with other states and nations around the world to enact policy that can address climate change. Learn more about California efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors of the economy, including energy, transportation, waste and natural resources.

Emergency Response

The CalEPA Emergency Response Management Committee (ERMaC) coordinates preparedness for and responses to environmental emergencies in California under assigned statutory authorities. ERMaC is comprised of appointed representatives and alternates from each board, department and office and is chaired by an appointee of the Agency Secretary.


The goals of California's environmental laws cannot be achieved without compliance. To achieve compliance, CalEPA uses many tools including education, inspection and enforcement. This site has information on who enforces California's environmental laws, training opportunities, and enforcement guidance documents.

Environmental Justice

CalEPA and our boards, departments, and office accord the highest respect and value to every individual and community, by developing and conducting our public health and environmental protection programs, policies, and activities in a manner that promotes equity and affords fair treatment, accessibility, and protection for all Californians, regardless of race, age, culture, income, or geographic location.

Loans and Grants

CalEPA offers funding opportunities authorized by legislation to assist public and private entities in the safe and effective management of environmental protection. Use the list to access more detailed information about the individual loan and grant programs currently offered. Downloadable listing (PDF)

Refinery Safety

CalEPA formed an Interagency Task Force on Refinery Safety in August 2013. The Task Force membership includes ten state agencies, U.S. EPA, and local agencies from areas of the state that contain refineries. We will work collaboratively to achieve the highest possible level of safety for refinery workers and local communities, and prepare for and effectively respond to emergencies if they occur.

Regulated Site Portal

This website makes it easier to find information about environmentally regulated facilities and sites statewide by combining a variety of state and federal data sources into a single searchable database and interactive map.

Tribal Relations

CalEPA and its Boards, Departments, and Office are committed to improving our communication and working relationships with California Indian Tribes. To achieve this goal, we have adopted the CalEPA Policy for Working with California Indian Tribes (PDF).

Unified Program

The Unified Program consolidates, coordinates, and makes consistent the administrative requirements, permits, inspections, and enforcement activities of six environmental and emergency response programs (Unified Program Fact Sheet, PDF). The state agencies responsible for these programs set the standards for their program while local governments implement the standards. CalEPA oversees the implementation of the program as a whole. The Unified Program is implemented at the local level by 83 government agencies certified by the Secretary of CalEPA.

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