
As part of The Fermi Site Office’s (FSO) Mission, Vision, and Principles.pptx file (148KB), the FSO manages the Department of Energy (DOE) performance-based management and operating contract for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient operation of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). FSO supports the Office of Science (SC) mission to foster, formulate, and support forefront basic and applied research programs which advance the science and technology foundations necessary to accomplish DOE missions. The Fermi Site Office roles include:

  • Serve as the local SC representative and site’s owner/landlord.
  • Provide Federal Project Director Service to all large projects.
  • Evaluate contract performance and deliverables through the Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP).
  • Deliver government-furnished services and approval necessary for mission success.
  • Maintain partnering with the contractor on Laboratory stewardship activities including evaluation of facilities, equipment, and scientific expertise for alignment with future Laboratory missions.


FSO is the SC line management organization within DOE. FSO is responsible for the management of the Fermilab contract, including oversight of the Laboratory contractor’s performance and serving as the DOE landlord for Fermilab. The FSO, under the leadership and direction of the SOM and Deputy SOM.pdf file (252KB), is organized into three divisions: (1) Programs, Projects, and Facilities.pdf file (257KB) (2) Environment, Safety, & Health, and Program Support.pdf file (260KB) (3) Business and Contract Support.pdf file (258KB). In addition to the staff in the three divisions, the FSO administrative staff is comprised of one individual.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:20:09 PM