Congressman Chris Collins

Representing the 27th District of New York
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Congressman Collins reacts to passage of the 'No Budget, No Pay Act'

Jan 23, 2013
Press Release

"Today the House of Representatives took an important step toward bringing fiscal sanity to Washington.  If the men and women elected to come here and do the people’s work cannot pass a budget – their most fundamental obligation – they should not get a paycheck.  The 'No Budget, No Pay Act' obligates the Senate to finally join the House in passing a budget – something it has failed to do for nearly four years -  and if the House and Senate do not pass a budget, members will not get paid.  If hardworking taxpayers and small business owners all across NY-27 have to budget, so should Washington.

Before there is a long-term increase to our debt limit, we must pass a budget that deals with America’s spending addiction.  This legislation, while temporarily raising the debt ceiling for three months, ensures that this Congress and this country will have a long overdue debate about responsible spending."
