United States
Office of Water EPA - 821-F-13-001
oEPA Environmental Protection
Agency	4303T	August 2013
Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan
EPA has published in the Federal Register its
Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program
Plan for review and comment by the public. The
public comment period will last for 60 days
from publication date. Once public review and
comment on the Preliminary 2012 Plan has been
completed, EPA will prepare and then publish
the Final 2012 Plan.
Clean Water Act section 304(m) requires EPA to
biennially publish a plan, after public notice and
comment, which establishes a schedule for the
annual review and revision of existing effluent
guidelines and identifies any new industrial
categories selected for effluent guidelines
rulemaking and provides a schedule for such
Findings of the Preliminary 2012 Plan
In the Preliminary 2012 Plan, EPA is not
identifying any industry categories for new or
revised effluent guidelines at this time. EPA is
proposing to delist from the effluent guidelines
plan and discontinue the rulemaking for the
Coalbed Methane Extraction industry. This is
based on new information regarding the
declining prevalence of this industry, due in
large part to the increased extraction of natural
gas from other sources, such as shale formations.
EPA is also proposing to delist the Chlorine and
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon manufacturing
industry from the Plan and to discontinue its
rulemaking on the basis of data collected
voluntarily by the industry which demonstrates
that discharges of dioxin are being effectively
Based on a preliminary study that has been
completed, EPA has concluded that an effluent
guideline revision is not necessary for
Regenerated Cellulose Manufacturers
(previously categorized as Plastics Molding and
Forming, found in title 40 Part 463 of the Code
of Federal Regulations, or CFR).
After completing the 2011 Annual Reviews,
EPA determined that discharges from 17 of the
top 20 industrial categories were not a hazard
priority. However, EPA determined that
additional information and analysis is still
necessary before concluding the review of the
three remaining industrial categories: Pulp,
Paper and Paperboard (40 CFR Part 430),
Petroleum Refining (40 CFR Part 419), and
Meat and Poultry Products (40 CFR Part 432).
Therefore, EPA is continuing to review these
categories" discharges during the 2012 Annual
Reviews and will report its finding in the Final
2012 Plan.
Ongoing Guidelines Actions
Under prior year's plans, EPA released a new
guideline for Airport Deicing Discharges and is
currently working to issue new or revised
effluent guidelines for: Steam Electric Power
Generation, plus pretreatment standards for
discharges to publicly-owned treatment works
from Dental Amalgam and Shale Gas
For More Information
Contact Mr. William F. Swietlik by phone at
(202) 566-1129, by mail at U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Water,
Engineering and Analysis Division (4303T),
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington,
D.C., 20460; or by e-mail at:
swietlik.william@epa.gov. You can access the
Federal Register notice, the Plan and all
supporting documents at
