EPA 830-F-15-00
December 2015
United States
Environmental Protection
Small Residential
Construction Sites

     10  Steps  to  Stormwater  Pollution  Prevention  on  Small Residential  Construction  Sites
          Stormwater management on  small residential construction sites need not be complicated.
O     Protect Any Areas Reserved for Vegetation or Infiltration and Preserve Existing Trees
     If you will be installing infiltration-based features such as rain gardens or bioswales,
make sure these areas are designated as off limits to avoid compaction.
Save time and money by preserving existing mature trees during construction.
Preserving mature trees minimizes the amount of soil that needs to be stabilized
once construction is complete, and minimizes the amount of runoff during and after
construction activity.

     Stockpile Your Soil
     EPA's CGP requires operators to preserve native topsoil on site unless
infeasible and protect all soil storage piles from run-on and runoff. For smaller
stockpiles, covering the entire pile with a tarp may be sufficient.
     Protect Construction Materials from Run-On and Runoff
     At the end of every workday and during precipitation events, provide
cover for materials that could leach pollutants.

O     Designate Waste Disposal Areas
     Clearly identify separate waste disposal areas
on site for hazardous waste, construction waste,
and domestic waste by designating with
signage, and protect from run-on
and runoff.

     Install  Perimeter
     Controls on
     Downhill Lot Line
Install perimeter controls such as
sediment filter logs or silt fences
around the downhill  boundaries of your site.

     Install  Inlet Controls
     Sediment control logs, gravel barriers, and
sand or rock bags are options for effective inlet controls.
Make sure to  remove accumulated sediment whenever it has
reached halfway up the control.
                                                                                                                                               tm Post Your NOI and Keep an Up-to-Date
                                                                                                                                                  Copy of Your SWPPP on Site
                                                                                                                                              Post a sign or other notice of your permit coverage,
                                                                                                                                              including your NPDES tracking number and site
                                                                                                                                              contact information. Also, keep a copy of your
                                                                                                                                              complete and up-to-date SWPPP on site and easily
                                                                                                                                              accessible, including site maps showing where
                                                                                                                                              each BMP is or will be installed.
Install a Concrete/Stucco Washout Basin
Designate a leak-proof basin lined with plastic for washing out used
concrete and stucco containers. Never wash excess stucco or concrete residue
down a storm drain or into a stream!

     Maintain a Stabilized Exit Pad
     Minimize sediment track-out from vehicles exiting your site by maintaining an exit
pad made of crushed rock spread over geotextile fabric. If sediment track-out occurs, remove
deposited sediment by the end of the same work day.
     Site Stabilization
     Immediately stabilize exposed portions
of the site whenever construction work will
stop for 14 or more days, even if work is
only temporarily stopped. Remember, final
stabilization is required prior to terminating
permit coverage.

EPA's Construction General Permit (CGP) Small  Residential Lot Stormwater

Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Template

Who needs to seek coverage under the EPA CGP?
Stormwater discharges from construction activities that disturb one or more acres, or smaller sites disturbing less
than one acre that are part of a common plan of development or sale, are regulated under the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater permitting program. Prior to the start of construction,
construction  operators must obtain coverage under an NPDES permit, which is administered either by the state
(if it is authorized to operate the NPDES program) or EPA. Where EPA is the permitting authority, operators may
seek coverage under the EPA CGP. The CGP requires operators of construction sites to meet effluent limits (i.e.,
through the implementation of erosion and sediment controls) and requires operators to develop a SWPPP detailing
erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention measures that will be implemented to meet the requirements
of the CGP.

What is the  Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template?
The Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template is designed to help operators of small residential sites develop a
streamlined SWPPP that meets the minimum requirements of EPAs CGP. This simplified template does not change,
relax, or modify any existing  conditions in the CGP, including the requirement to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for
permit coverage.

How does it work?
                       Think of the Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template as a 1040EZ tax form for small
                       construction sites. All of the same requirements apply, but compliance options are
                        focused on only those controls that apply to small residential lot construction, and they
                        are presented in a simplified, user-friendly format.
                            The Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template streamlines SWPPP development
                            by providing a simplified menu of erosion and sediment control and pollution
                            prevention practices that operators can select from to complete a SWPPP consistent
                            with the minimum requirements in the CGP.

                            Easy to Use BMP Menu
                            The Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template provides operators with a walk-through
                            menu of typical erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention practices
                             (i.e., Best Management Practices or BMPs) appropriate for small construction sites.

                             Illustrated Appendix with Pull-Out BMP Spec Sheets
                             Clear, step-by-step BMP spec sheets for each practice you choose are provided in an
                             illustrated appendix that you may  edit based on your site-specific conditions.

        Does my project qualify for EPA's Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template?
 In order to use EPAs streamlined template, your site must meet a series of criteria, including:
     • Projects must disturb less than one acre of land;
     • Projects must be located outside of sensitive areas (areas with  endangered species concerns, historic
       preservation  issues, wetlands,  etc.);
     • Projects must not cause disturbance within 50 ft of a water of the U.S.;
     • Projects must not require the use of chemical treatment for Stormwater; and
     • Projects must not disturb steep slopes.
                    To access EPA's streamlined Small Residential Lot SWPPP Template, visit:
