United States
Environmental Protection
                        ANNUAL REPORT 2013
U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program
           U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program
         Did you know?
         Without properly
   functioning wastewater
systems, communities are
exposed to serious health
    risks from waterborne
illnesses such as hepatitis
      and gastrointestinal
         Did you know?
    Every new household
 connected to a collection
  and treatment system in
        the U.S. prevents
       approximately 200
    gallons per day of raw
 sewage from flowing into
 rivers, lakes and streams.
         Did you know?
          Investments in
    wastewater programs
    along the U.S.-Mexico
  Border save the U.S. $6
    million from  avoided
   diseases and over $13
  million from ecological
              EPA's U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infra-
              structure Program (BWIP) provides fund-
              ing for planning, design and construction
              of  critical  water and wastewater infra-
              structure  in  underserved  communities
              along the  U.S.-Mexico border. Many of
              these communities are economically  dis-
              tressed and lack access to safe drinking
              water and adequate wastewater collec-
              tion and treatment service.

              This Annual  Report highlights program
              accomplishments for federal fiscal  year
              2013 and  aspects  of the program  that
              make it unique.

              The BWIP is the  only federal program
              that can fund infrastructure  projects on
              both sides of the border.  Preventing  raw
              sewage discharge  at the source is  the
              most cost-effective and technically sound
              way to  protect the health of U.S.  resi-
              dents and the quality of our water re-
              sources.  Providing  safe  drinking  water
              reduces the  spread of waterborne  dis-
              ease and protects public health.

              Since its  1995 inception,  the BWIP  has
              completed 84  projects.  These  projects
              provided first-time access to safe drinking
              water to over 63,000 homes and first-time
              access  to  wastewater   collection   and
              treatment  services to nearly 570,000
        homes. Over 8 million border residents
        are benefiting from these projects.
        The six projects  completed  in FY 2013
        provided  over 3,400 homes with  safe
        drinking water and close to 26,000 homes
        with adequate wastewater collection  and
        treatment services.

        The BWIP is also one of the few federal
        programs that assists communities in the
        planning,  design and construction of wa-
        ter infrastructure  projects. Communities
        lacking sufficient  technical expertise  and
        financial resources to develop projects on
        their  own receive  development  assis-
        tance  that prepares them to  apply  for
        construction funding under the BWIP and
        other programs.

        By the end of FY 2013, the program was
        assisting  26  communities with  project
        development,  including   environmental
        and engineering review, design, financial
        analysis and  public participation. Some of
        these  projects  incorporate  sustainable
        infrastructure   components  that  allow
        communities   to  reduce  environmental
        impacts  and  energy   costs.  These
        measures ensure the environmental  and
        economic sustainability  of the  projects.
        Once  completed,  approximately half a
        million border residents  will benefit from
        these projects.

 U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure [Annual Report 2013
Addressing Infrastructure Needs of Border Tribes
The Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation is located in the western
part of the Carrizo Desert of California. The tribe's sole source of drinking
water comes from the reservation's wells and springs. Due to their proxim-
ity to septic tanks and excessive sanding, these wells had significant water
quality problems that threatened public health. Contaminants included
nitrates and coliform bacteria. In 2009, the Tribal Border Program awarded
$346,660 of U.S.-Mexico Border Program funds to rehabilitate 21  wells,
drill three new wells and install four small water storage tanks with water
lines. This project, completed in FY2013, provided 20 tribal  homes and
four community buildings with safe drinking water.
                                                                    Final installation of two 20,000-gallon water storage tanks
 Addressing Arsenic Contamination

 For residents of Anthony, N.M., completing a water system improvement pro-
 ject meant having access to a sustainable water supply. Before the improve-
 ments, some wells in Anthony had arsenic levels as high as 16.55 parts per
 billion. The improvements reduced arsenic concentrations to 10 parts per
 billion. The project included construction of two water wells with a combined
i capacity of 1,700 gallons a minute, installation of new pump equipment in two
! other water wells, a reverse osmosis unit with a capacity of 600 gallons per
 minute, and more than  14,900 feet of PVC water lines. The BWIP provided
 $261,000 to the City of Anthony for the planning and design phase, and $2.8
 million in construction funds.
 New well station in Anthony, N.M.
Addressing Failing Septic Tanks

Rio Grande City, Texas, decommissioned 27 failing septic
tanks, installed 27 home wastewater connections, and constructed
1,480 linear feet of wastewater collection line. The project now pro-
vides wastewater collection services to approximately 111 residents
along Water Street in Rio Grande City and eliminated the individual-
ly owned septic tanks, which did not meet the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality's new design guidelines. The BWIP provided
Rio Grande City with $77,950 for the planning and design phase,
and 100 percent of the $227,191  in construction funds.
                                                                 Replacement of wastewater collection line in Rio Grande City,
                                                                                      Texas (photo courtesy ofNADB)
                             Office of Wastewater Management

                                      832R14009 August 2014
