United States
                       Environmental Protection
                       Office of Water
                       Washington, D.C.
EPA 832-F-99-072
September 1999
Water  Efficiency
Technology  Fact Sheet
Incinerating  Toilets

Incinerating  toilets  are   self-contained  units
consisting  of a  traditional commode-type  seat
connected to a  holding tank and a gas-fired or
electric heating system to incinerate waste products
deposited in the holding tank.  The incineration
products are primarily  water and a fine, non-
hazardous ash that can be  disposed of easily and
without infection hazard.


Though traditional water-flushing toilets are widely
used throughout  developed regions of the world,
their use is not always feasible. For example:

•    In rural areas where  no municipal sewage
     system exists, or where installation of septic
     systems  is impractical  or  prohibitively
     expensive due to shallow soils, steep slopes,
     high  groundwater levels, or extreme cold
     weather conditions.

•    For remotely located roadside rest areas,
     where connection to a piped sanitary system
     is impractical and the cost unjustifiable.

•    For work crews operating in areas where
     permanent toilets are not available.

•    In marine  vessels, for which  discharge of
     untreated  waste  into bodies  of  water is
     prohibited;  human wastes must  either be
     stored in tanks while at sea or be treated prior
     to discharge.
                      •     In areas where water is scarce due to drought
                           or other environmental conditions and the
                           need  to   conserve  water  motivates
                           consideration of alternative, water-free toilet

                      •     Where community, environmental, and health
                           organizations   have  concerns  regarding
                           existing sewage disposal practices, especially
                           seepage of contaminants into local water
                           supplies from improperly functioning septic or
                           other treatment systems,  or  exposure  of
                           residents   to  improperly  dumped  waste
                           products from  rudimentary collection pails
                           called "honey buckets."

                      All of these situations are potentially suited to the
                      use of incinerating toilets which are portable, water-
                      free, and sanitizing.

                      Often touted  as a "pollution-free" technology,
                      incinerating toilets have some clear advantages over
                      many traditional methods of sewage disposal. There
                      are also disadvantages that should be considered.


                      •    Uses no water.

                      •    Incineration cycle produces a fine, sterile ash
                          that can be thrown in the trash.

                      •    Ash is  space-saving; as little  as  one
                          tablespoon of ash is generated on average per

•     Incinerating  toilet  systems  are  portable,
      simple to install, and easy to use.  Can be
      installed in remote areas, either for temporary
      or permanent use.   Can  be  installed  in
      unheated   shelters,  even   in   freezing

•     Relatively odorless in comparison to more
      commonly  used   storage-in-disinfectant
      portable toilets.

•     In most  areas, can be  used  in unheated
      shelters without fear of freezing.


•     Incinerating process destroys nutrients in the
      waste; ash is inadequate for replenishing soil

•     Incinerating  requires  energy,  resulting  in
      higher average energy costs for users.

•     Units  are  not entirely pollution-free;  both
      portable  electric   generation  (for  remote
      locations) and propane fuel burning produce
      some air pollutants.

•     Anti-foam agents, catalysts or other additives
      are typically required for use.

•     Some models cannot be used while the
      incineration cycle is in progress.


Specific design criteria depend on the type of energy
used  for incineration.   Incinerating  toilets  are
designed with a chamber that receives and  stores
human  wastes until  ready for  incineration.  The
incinerating chamber is  typically  composed  of
stainless steel or a cast nickel alloy.  The chamber is
accessed through a toilet seat  support—part of a
housing made of non-corroding fiberglass reinforced
plastic  or  similar  material—having  a sealable
receiving opening for introduction of wastes into the
chamber.  Vapor and products  of combustion are
fed by blower fan to a venting system which may be
as simple as an exhaust  pipe, or which may also
incorporate an  afterburner or  other odor control
system.  Not all units  can be used   during the
incinerating cycle.  Some units require initiation of
an incinerating cycle after each use while others
allow for multiple uses before an incineration cycle
takes place.

Electric Incinerating Toilets

The  Incinolet   electric  incinerating  toilet
(Blankenship/Research Products, 1999) is designed
with a paper-lined upper bowl that collects newly
deposited waste. To "flush," a foot pedal is pressed
causing an insulated chamber cover to lift and swing
to the side while the bowl halves separate, dropping
the paper liner and its contents into the chamber.
When the foot pedal is released, the chamber is
resealed and the  bowl  halves return to normal

Incineration is initiated by pressing a "start" button
after each use of the toilet.  The manufacturer does
not recommend using  the toilet multiple times
between incineration cycles. The toilet can continue
to be used while incineration is in progress.  Once
the "start" button is pressed, an electric heating unit
cycles on-and-off  for 60 minutes while  a blower
motor draws air from the chamber over a heat-
activated catalyst  bed designed to remove  odor
components.  Upon leaving the catalyst bed, the air
is forced out  through a vent line. Makeup air for
the chamber is drawn from the room in which the
toilet is operating.  The blower motor continues to
operate after the heating cycle to cool the unit. A
complete cycle takes from 1.5 to 1.75 hours.

Five  models  of the Incinolet electric toilet are
available:  two for fixed locations (one four-person
capacity and  one eight-person capacity);  two
mobile- location units for motor homes, trailers and
boats (one four-person and one eight-person); and
a urinal (eight-person). The smaller capacity units
are designed for 120 volt service, while the larger
units require 240 volts. All models retain the same
fundamental design principles described above.

 Gas-Fired Incinerating Toilets

Propane or natural gas-burning incinerating toilets
are manufactured  by Storburn International, Inc.
(Storburn,  1999; Lake Geneva A&C Corp, 1977.)

These units are equipped with a three gallon storage
chamber which can accommodate 40 to 60 uses
before initiation of an incinerating cycle. To initiate
the cycle, an anti-foaming agent is manually  added
to the chamber, a pilot is lit using a built-in piezo-
electric  igniter, and the burner is activated.   This
procedure automatically locks down the unit so it
cannot be used while the burner is in operation. A
complete incineration cycle takes approximately 4.5
hours for a full chamber.


Evaluation  of 19 On-Site  Waste  Treatment
Systems in Southeastern Kentucky.

A comparative "blackwater" (human  excrement
waste) treatment study, known as the Appalachian
Environmental  Health  Demonstration  Project
(AEHDP), was conducted in southeastern Kentucky
during the 1970s (U.S. EPA 1980.) As part  of the
year study, twenty prototype systems representing
several  alternative  treatment technologies  were
installed in private  residences  in southeastern
Kentucky during 1970  and  1971, including six
incinerating toilets.  The region used for the study
was  mountainous, characterized by shallow soils,
steep slopes and high groundwater, having  a
demonstrated   need  for   alternative  treatment
methods. Further, the study was performed in a
low-income  area  where cost of installation  and
operation was a critical consideration.

Two  of the six  toilets used in the  study were
Incinolet brand units and the  remaining four were
Destroilet brand propane-fired toilets.  Since the
Destroilet is no longer on the market, and was
significantly different in design from propane-fired
toilets available today,   findings related to the
Destroilet are  not  relevant to  this  Fact Sheet.
Results  pertaining to  the Incinolet electric  toilet,
however, are still  pertinent.

The  two users  of Incinolet toilets complained of
incomplete waste  incineration. Scraping of partly
burned  feces from  the walls of the incinerating
chamber was periodically necessary. One household
using the Incinolet deemed  the operating cost
excessive, and abandoned the  incinerating toilet in
favor of their outdoor privy after approximately six
months. The second household  used the Incinolet
for approximately three years; however, toilet use
was intermittent over this period and the outdoor
privy   was   preferred  because  of  incomplete
incineration   of  waste products.   The  second
household installed a septic system to replace both
the  Incinolet  and  the   privy.    The  study
acknowledges that the  Incinolet  manufacturer
subsequently added catalyst as an incineration aid,
but notes that the basic configuration of the unit was
Cold Weather Operation Study of a Storburn
Propane Combustion Toilet

Researchers from the Alaska Area Native Health
Service  and  from  the  University of  Alaska,
Anchorage, conducted an examination of Storburn
propane combustion toilets whereby honey bucket
waste  was collected over nearly a  month  and
burned in a Storburn toilet using various batch sizes
and burn cycle times (Ritz and Schroeder, 1994.)
All burn cycles were conducted while the toilet and
propane  fuel  tank were located  outdoors, with
ambient temperatures reaching as low as -11°C.
Anti-foam reagent was added to the contents of the
combustion chamber before each cycle to prevent
boil-over of liquid waste.

The  Storburn was found to  effectively  reduce
human  wastes to  ash,  even at  low  ambient
temperatures.   On the coldest day tested,  the
exhaust temperature  was measured  going from -
11°C to 100°C (the boiling point of water) only one
minute after ignition. On average, the ash remaining
after incineration amounted to 2.23 percent of the
total weight  of waste  treated in the Storburn.
Moreover,  microbiological  examination  of  the
resulting  ash revealed no fecal contamination.  The
coldest temperatures tested did adversely impact
incineration, however, because the contents of the
propane  tank  could  not  vaporize properly.  To
maintain  an optimal fuel  supply to the toilet, the
authors of the study recommend keeping  propane
tanks sheltered or  heated when used in sub-zero


Incinerating toilets are generally simple to operate,
either involving the press of a button to begin the
operating cycle or the activation of a burner.  The
degree of maintenance required  depends on the
model used.  Storburn gas-fired toilets have no
moving parts  and routine  maintenance involves
periodic cleaning of the burner and regular removal
of ash.

Maintenance for  the electric incinerating toilet

•     Regular emptying of the ash collection pan.

•     Cleaning of the outer stainless steel surfaces
      including the bowl halves.

•     Periodic (every  90  days)  cleaning of the
      blower motor with occasional replacement of
      the blower wheel.

•     Cleaning and lubrication of the  foot pedal

•     Removal of bits of paper and dust from the
      combustion chamber.

•     Annual inspection of the catalyst.


According to Incinolet product literature (Research
Products/Blankenship),  a  four-user  electric
incinerating toilet costs $2,300; an eight-user toilet
costs $2,700.  The purchase cost of a propane-
burning Storburn is $2,550; a natural gas-burning
unit costs is $2,590.  Vent kits for both types of
toilet are not included in these costs.

The cost of electricity varies widely according to the
location of service. Domestic retail energy prices
can vary from $0.05 to $0.15 per kilowatt-hour.
The Incinolet electric toilet is  claimed  by the
manufacturer to use 2 kw-h per cycle.  Assuming
four users, each using the toilet every 1.5 hours for
a use period of 10 hours, the electric toilet would
consume approximately 53 kw-h of energy per day,
or about  1,600 kw-h per month.  At $0.10 per kw-
h, this amounts to $160.00 per month or $1,920

According to the manufacturer, maintenance costs
for the Incinolet include $0.08 per bowl liner used
(one per use), a new heating coil every one to three
years ($89.10 each), and a new blower fan every
two   years  ($8.95  each).    Using the   same
assumptions for frequency of use and replacing parts
every two years,  the annual  maintenance cost is
approximately $828.

Assuming a total purchase and installation cost of
$4,000, for a 10-year service life, the average annual
cost (including purchase, installation, operation and
maintenance averaged over 10 years) is $3,148 in
1999 dollars for the Incinolet electric toilet.

Ritz and Schroeder performed a  life-cycle cost
analysis for the Storburn propane toilet (Ritz and
Schroeder,   1994.)   The  authors  calculated  the
annual operational cost per adult to be $233.60 and
the average annual  maintenance cost  to be $150.
Assuming a purchase and  installation price  of
$4,000, the  annual  cost for four  adult  users
averaged over a 10-year service life is $1,484 in
1994  dollars. In 1999 dollars  (assuming 5 percent
inflation per year),  this figure  is  equivalent  to
$1,894. Since this estimate reflects unit operation
under cold-weather  conditions, it may be assumed
that this represents the high end of the cost range;
the unit would require less energy for each burn
cycle when used indoors or in warmer climates, with
correspondingly lower energy costs.

       Lake Geneva A & C Corp, 1977. Store and
       Burn  Incinerating  Toilet  and Method.
       United States Patent US4051561.
The mention of trade names or commercial products
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation
for use by  the U.S. Environmental  Protection
       Research Products/Blankenship.  Incinolet
       Electric  Incinerating   Toilet   product
       literature.   Internet  site at http:/www.
       incinolet.com, accessed  June 1999.

       Ritz, P. and Schroeder, H.P., 1994.  "Life
       Cycle Cost Analysis of a Storburn Propane
       Combustion Toilet." Paper presented at the
       8th International Cold Regions Conference,
       Fairbanks, Alaska.

       Storburn   International.       Storburn
       International Inc.  Gas-Fired Incinerating
       Toilet product literature.  Internet site at
       accessed June 1999.

       U.S. Congress,  Office of Technology
       Assessment, 1994.  An Alaskan Challenge:
       Native Village Sanitation. OTA-ENV-591,
       U.S.  Government  Printing   Office,
       Washington, DC.

       U.S. EPA,  1980. Evaluation of 19 On-Site
       Waste Treatment Systems in Southeastern
       Kentucky.  EPA 600/2-80-101, U.S. EPA,
       Washington, DC.

Storburn International, Inc.
47 Copernicus Blvd., Unit #3
Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3P 1N4.
Contact: David Gabriel, Owner
Contact: Julie-Ann Friedrich

Research Products/Blankenship (Incinolet)
2639 AndjonDr.
Dallas, TX 75220
Contact: Carol McFarland

Dr. Herbert Schroeder
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
University of Alaska
3211 Providence Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99508
                                                          For more information contact:

                                                          Municipal Technology Branch
                                                          U.S. EPA
                                                          Mail Code 4204
                                                          401 M St., S.W.
                                                          Washington, D.C., 20460
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                                                           MUNICIPAL TECHNOLOGY
