United States
         Environmental Protection

For additional  information
on the Stage 2  DBPR

Call the Safe Drinking Water
Hotline at 1-800-426-4791;
visit the EPA web site at
disinfection/stage2; or
contact yourstate drinking
water representative.

Stage 2  Disinfectants and Disinfection
Byproducts Rule: A Quick Reference
Guide For Schedule 4 Systems
                            Overview  of  the  Rule
                            Covered *
                                      Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DBPR) 71 FR 388, January 4, 2006,
                                      Vol. 71, No. 2
          To increase public health protection by reducing the potential risk of adverse health effects
          associated with disinfection byproducts (DBFs) throughout the distribution system. Builds on the
          Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR) by focusing on monitoring
          for and reducing concentrations of two classes of DBFs - TTHM and HAAS - in drinking water.
          Stage 2 DBPR requires some systems to complete an Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) to
          characterize DBP levels in their distribution systems and identify locations to monitor DBPs for Stage
          2 DBPR compliance. The Stage 2 DBPR bases TTHM and HAAS compliance on a locational running
          annual average (LRAA) calculated at each monitoring location.
           All community water systems (CWSs) and nontransient noncommunity water systems
           (NTNCWSs) that either add a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light, or deliver
           water that has been treated with a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light.
           Schedule 4 includes CWSs and NTNCWSs serving fewer than 10,000 people and not belonging to
           a combined distribution system in which any system serves less than 10,000 people.
                            * NTNCWSs serving < 10,000 people do not need to complete any of the IDSE options, but must conduct Stage 2 DBPR
                            compliance monitoring.
Stage 2 DBPR Regulated Contaminants
Regulated Contaminants
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM)

Five Haloacetic Acids (HAAS)

Monochloroacetic acid
Dichloroacetic acid
Trichloroacetic acid
Bromoacetic acid
Dibromoacetic acid
^^^^R ^^^^1
Study (SSS)
Very Small
System (VSS)
MCLG (mg/L)


MCL (mg/L)
0.080 LRAA

0.060 LRAA

Standard monitoring is one year of increased monitoring for TTHM and HAAS in addition to the
data being collected under Stage 1 DBPR. These data will be used with Stage 1 DBPR data to
select Stage 2 DBPR TTHM and HAAS compliance monitoring locations. Any system may conduct
standard monitoring to meet the IDSE requirements of the Stage 2 DBPR.
Systems that have extensive TTHM and HAAS data (including Stage 1 DBPR compliance data) or
technical expertise to prepare a hydraulic model may choose to conduct a system specific study
to select Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring locations.
The term "40/30" refers to a system that during a specific time period has all individual Stage 1
DBPR compliance samples less than or equal to 0.040 mg/L for TTHM and 0.030 mg/L for HAAS
and has no monitoring violations during the same time period. These systems have no IDSE
monitoring requirements, but will still need to conduct Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring.
Systems that serve fewer than 500 people and have eligible TTHM and HAAS data can qualify for a
VSS Waiver and would not be required to conduct IDSE monitoring. These systems have no IDSE
monitoring requirements, but will still need to conduct Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring.
EPA has developed several tools to assist systems with complying with the Stage 2 DBPR IDSE requirements.
These materials can be downloaded at www.epa.gov/safewater/disinfection/stage2.
** NTNCWSs serving < 10,000 people do not need to complete any of the IDSE options.
f Systems that are notified by EPA or the state their VSS waiver or 40/30 certification has not been approved will need to
complete Standard Monitoring or System Specific Study.

Compliance with Stage 2 DBPR MCLs (Routine Monitoring)
Water Type
Subpart H
Ground Water
Population Size
Frequency 1
per year
per quarter
per quarter
per year
per quarter
Total Distribution System Monitoring
Locations Per Monitoring Period2
Operational Evaluation
Systems must begin complying with the operational evaluation provision of the Stage 2 DBPR.
 1 All systems must monitor during month of highest DBF concentrations.

 2 Systems on quarterly monitoring must take dual sample sets every 90 days at each monitoring location, except for subpart H systems serving 500-3,300. Systems on
 annual monitoring and subpart H systems serving 500-3,300 are required to take individual TTHM and HAAS samples (instead of a dual sample set) at the locations with
 the highest TTHM and HAAS concentrations, respectively.  If monitoring annually, only one location with a dual sample set per monitoring period is needed if highest
 TTHM and HAAS concentrations occur at the same location, and month.

Critical Deadlines and Requirements
For Drinking Water Systems (Schedule 4)
January 4, 2006
April 1,2008
April 1, 2009
April 1, 2009
March 31, 2010
July 1, 2010
October 1,201 3
July 2014"
Systems serving fewer than 500 people that have TTHM and HAAS compliance data qualify for a VSS Waiver from conducting an IDSE, unless
informed otherwise by U.S. EPA or state primacy agency.
Systems that do not receive a VSS Waiver must submit to the U.S EPA or state primacy agency either a:
^ Standard monitoring plan,
^ System specific study plan, or
* 40/30 certification.
Systems conducting standard monitoring or SSS begin collecting samples in accordance with their approved plan.
Consecutive systems must begin monitoring for chlorine or chloramines as specified under the Stage 1 DBPR.
No later than this date, systems conducting standard monitoring or a SSS complete their monitoring or study.
No later than this date, systems conducting standard monitoring or a SSS must submit their IDSE report.
No later than this date, systems must:
^ Complete their Stage 2 DBPR Compliance Monitoring Plan (Systems serving more than 3,300 people must submit their Monitoring Plan to
the state.)*
^ Begin complying with monitoring requirements of the Stage 2 DBPR.*
Systems must begin complying with rule requirements to determine compliance with the operational evaluation levels for TTHMs and HAASs.
For States
July - December
March 31, 2009
October 4, 2007
January 4, 2008
September 30, 2010
January 4, 2010
States are encouraged to inform systems serving fewer than 500 people and do not qualify for a VSS Waiver from the IDSE requirements
should begin complying with standard monitoring requirements.
States must approve the system's standard monitoring plan, 40/30 certification, or system specific study plan or notify the system that the
state has not completed its review.
States are encouraged to submit final primacy applications or extension requests to EPA.
Final primacy applications must be submitted to EPA, unless granted an extension.
States must approve the system's IDSE report or notify the system that the state has not completed its review of the IDSE report.
Final primacy revision applications from states with approved 2-year extensions agreements must be submitted to EPA.
 * A compliance monitoring plan is not required if the IDSE report includes all information required in a Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring plan.
 f States may allow up to an additional 24 months for compliance with MCLs for systems requiring capital improvements.  System not conducting Cryptosporidium monitoring under
 141.701(a)(4) must begin Stage 2 DBPR Monitoring by this date.  Systems conducting Cryptosporidium monitoring under 141.701(a)(4) or 141.701(a)(6) must begin Stage 2 DBPR
 Monitoring by October 1, 2014.
 ft System not conducting Cryptosporidium monitoring under 141.701 (a)(4) must comply by this date.  Systems conducting Cryptosporidium monitoring under 141.701 (a)(4) or
 141.701(a)(6) must begin complying by July 2015.
Office of Water (4606)
June 2006
