Preventive Maintenance Tasks for
     Tribal Drinking Water Systems
     Guide Booklet
United States            EPA 816-F-01-017
Environmental Protection      Office of Water (4604)
Agency               June 2001

I    Tools For Preventative Maintenance   |

What do these cards and booklet address?

The log cards and guidance booklet provide a schedule of routine operation and
maintenance tasks for small drinking water systems that use a groundwater supply.
They will help you develop a preventative maintenance program for your water
How is this booklet organized?

This booklet is divided into sections that outline daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, plus
individual sections that describe specific tasks for each month of the year. Each
section contains guidance notes that provide additional information on some tasks.
The notes correspond to the tasks on the accompanying cards. Please note that we
have not defined all tasks because some are self-explanatory.

   Tools For Preventative Maintenance
How can I customize these tools for my system?

Based on your system's requirements, you can add or subtract tasks and logs from
this preventative maintenance program. For example, the tasks in this set of tools
apply to groundwater systems only. If your source of supply is surface water, you will
need to perform additional preventative maintenance tasks. Guidance in outlining
such tasks is available from a variety of sources,  identified below. These cards and
logs can also be adopted for use by wastewater systems as well.

How will a preventative maintenance program benefit my water system?

A preventative maintenance program can help you prevent problems, and can  help
you build and maintain the technical, managerial,  and financial capabilities of your
system. It can enhance public health protection, improve your system's reliability, and
reduce the costs of maintaining your water system.

   Tools For Preventative Maintenance
Who can help me develop a preventative maintenance program for my

Additional assistance and guidance are available from many sources. Your EPA
Regional Office can help you develop schedules for monitoring and reporting, and
other technical assistance providers may be able to contribute training and
information. Please see the list of telephone numbers and web sites below.
     Please note that this booklet does not take the place of a complete
                  operation and maintenance manual.

For more information, contact:

U.S. EPA Headquarters	
           Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
           (202) 260-5543

           American Indian Environmental Office
           (202) 260-7939
U.S. EPA Regional Office Phone Numbers and Tribal Websites
(888) 372-7341
(404) 562-9655
ex. htm I

U.S. EPA Regional Office Phone Numbers and Tribal Websites, continued
       IL, IN, I
       AR, LA, NM, OK,

       IA, KS, MO, NB
 8     CO, MT, ND, SD,
       UT, WY

 9     AZ, CA, HI, NV,
       AS, Guam

 10    AK, IK, OR, WA

(800) 887-6063


                  an/i ndex.html


Additional Contacts
 DHHS Administration for Native
 DOI Bureau of Indian Affairs
 Bureau of Reclamation's Native
 American Affairs Office
(202) 690-7776
(303) 445-2692
 Indian Health Service

 National Rural Water
 State Rural Water Associations
For associations listed by State, see:

Additional Contacts, continued
 Rural Community Assistance Program
 Rural Utilities Service
(202) 720-0962
Safe Drinking Water Hotline:  1-800-426-4791 or
                           email: hotline-sdwa@epamail.

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                          Operational Duties
Check water meter readings and record water production. The system should
have a working,  properly calibrated master water meter to accurately monitor usage.
Take a daily water meter reading and then calculate total use during the previous 24
hours by subtracting the previous day's meter reading from the current day's meter
reading. Comparing  daily  use to design  capacity  allows the system operator to
determine whetherthe system's treatment capacity is adequate. Ifyourcustomers have
meters, they should be read on a monthly basis, totaled, and compared to yoursystem's
master meter. A  daily water production log card is provided. Please note that dates are
in reverse order to make calculations easier.

Check chemical solution tanks and record amounts used. Determine the amounts
of chemicals, typically chlorine and fluoride, that are used daily. If you use a fluoride
feeder(fluoride saturator)that is hooked to a meteredwaterline.youcan read the meter
daily. To measure the amount of othersolutions used, measure the current day's level,
subtract it from the previous day's level,  and multiply the difference in inches by the
volume per inch (gal/min). Task continues on next card

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                  Operational Duties, Continued
Check chemical solution tanks and record amounts used (continued).
Please note  when the tank is filled and at what level, so that an accurate usage
calculation can be made the next day. As a final step, you should compare the volume
of chemical usage to the volume of water produced. This will help you to determine
whether your chemical usage is in an acceptable range based on the concentration of
the  chemical and the desired  dose. Tanks should also  be checked for leaks and
blockages. A chemical solution daily usage log card is provided. Please note that dates
are  in reverse order to make calculations easier.

Check and record water levels in storage tanks. You should checkthe waterlevel
in each storage tank daily to ensure that tank levels are within the  normal operating
range.  If the tank is overflowing, there maybe a problem with the pump controls. If the
tank's level is below the normal operating range, there may be a capacity or control
problem. A storage tank daily water level log card is provided.

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                   Operational Duties, Continued
Check and record chlorine residual at the pointof application. Chlorine is added
to  disinfect and improve the quality of treated water.  Chlorine also helps control
microorganisms that might interfere with the treatment plant processes. The free
chlorine residual should not be less that 0.2 mg/L, and should stay belowthe maximum
residual disinfectant level of 4.0 mg/L. A daily disinfectant residual log card is provided.

Check and record chlorine residual in the distribution system. Take chlorine
residual readings at different points in the distribution system to ensure that the system
is maintaining a residual of at least 0.2 mg/L at all points. Perform these checks at points
where you expect long detention times of the water and loss of residual (dead end
mains, oversized mains, mains with low water use, etc.) Move the sample  point daily in
order to cover the whole distribution system in one week. Use the daily  disinfectant
residual log card to record your readings.
Daily                                                                   10

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                  Operational Duties, Continued
Inspect chemical feed pumps for proper operation. Make sure the feeder is not
broken or plugged up and that it is adjusted correctly. Check to see if the chemical
feeder is supplying the correct dosage by measuring how much chemical is being fed
and then calculating the dosage. You can measure the  amount fed by checking how
much chemical is removed from the day tank (orthe glass calibration container in newer
systems) overa certain time period. Calculate the dosage using the concentration of the
chemical solution, the volume of solution fed, and the volume of water produced over
the same time period. Referto your system operation manual to determine the correct
dosage. A daily chemical feed pump log card is provided. Please note that dates are
in reverse order to make calculations easier.

Inspect booster pump stations. Check on the condition of the pumps and controls
to ensure that booster pumps are operating properly. Check to make sure the pump
operating times are equalized (i.e., that the pumps automatically switch over). If this is
done  manually, then make the appropriate switch-over. Check and record meter
readings and pressure gauge readings on suction and discharge sides of pumps. A
daily booster pump log card is provided.

Daily                                                                 11

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                  Operational Duties, Continued
Check and record fluoride concentration in the distribution system. Fluoride is
added to water to reduce tooth decay. Too much  fluoride can stain teeth brown.
Optimum fluoride levels are a function of ambient temperature, but generally should
remain between 0.7 and 1.2 mg/L, except in Alaska, where they should remain between
1.1 and 1.7 mg/L. Measure and record fluoride levels, remembering that the natural
background level will affect the amount of fluoride that should be added. If you are using
a specific ion electrode, be sure to considerthe life of the electrode. If you are not using
a specific ion electrode, check your tests against results from a certified lab at least
once a month. A daily fluoride concentration log card is provided.

Record well pump running times and pump cycle starts. From the hour meter and
cycle counteron the  control panel, record the running times and numberof cycle starts
for your well pump. Be sure to take these readings at about the same time every day.
Comparing daily numbers will alert you to potential well pump problems.  A daily well
pump log is provided.
Daily                                                                 12

             Guidance Notes for Recommended Daily
                   Operational Duties, Continued
Investigate customer complaints. Complaints are  often the first indication of a
significant or potentially significant problem and should be investigated immediately. A
customer complaint log card is provided.

Inspect heater operation  during winter months.  Heaters should be checked
throughout the winter on a daily basis to determine that they are working properly.

Inspect well pumps, motors, and controls. System operators should always be on
the lookout for any defects in the system. Look, listen, and feel for unusual sounds or
vibrations. Make sure seals are intact and the system is not "running hot." Check all
timers to ensure that pump operating times are equalized. Controls should be operated
manually to verify that they are working. Make sure your backup power source will
operate when needed. When you shut down orturn off equipment for repairs, make sure
it will not start up accidentally and cause injury.
Daily                                                                 13

            Guidance Notes for Recommended Weekly
                          Operational Duties
Inspect chlorine and fluoridetesting equipment. Testing equipment is essential for
a comprehensive monitoring program and must be kept in proper working order. Make
sure you are using the correct chemical reagents foreach type of application. Reagents
should  be safely stored and clearly marked with the name and date  of preparation.
Manufacturer-prepared  reagents should be discarded when the expiration date is
reached. A chemical equipment weekly testing log card is provided.

Clean pump house and grounds. Keeping your pump house and grounds clean will
help with overall maintenance and operation of your system. The useful life of bearings
can be reduced if dirt gets into lubricants. Also, dirt and moisture will form an insulating
coating on motor windings and can cause motors to burn out. In addition to cleaning,
screen  all drain  and vent openings in the  building to prevent entry by animals and
insects, and in the summertime, mow the areas around the pump house and storage
tanks. A weekly cleanliness log card that also addresses fire hydrant accessability is
Weekly                                                                14

            Guidance Notes for Recommended Weekly
Make sure fire hydrants are accessible. Fire hydrants provide waterforfire fighting
and are a means to flush the system. The hydrants should be easy to get to and highly
visible. This includes removing snow drifts during the winter, tall grass or weeds during
the summer, and painting the hydrants a highly visible color. Hydrants should be color-
coded according to the available fire flows.

Record pumping rate for each well or source water pump.  Record the pumping
rate from your well or source water pumps. You can do this if your system has a meter
that registers flow. A change in pumping rate can indicate that you may have a pump
problem. Keep in mind that pumping rates will vary based on waterlevel in the well (i.e.,
the pump produces less when the well has been drawn down from static water levelto
the deepest pumping level) and based on the head the pump is pumping against (i.e.,
the waterlevel in the gravity storage tank or the current pressure of the hydropneumatic
tank). A weekly pumping rate log is provided.
Weekly                                                                15

           Guidance Notes for Recommended Weekly
Inspect all pump house plumbing for leaks. Excess moisture in the pump room can
damage motors and otherequipmentand create unsafe conditions foroperators. Leaks
also open pathways for contaminants to enter the water supply.
Weekly                                                           16

           Guidance Notes for Recommended Monthly
                         Operational Duties
Read electric meter at pump house and record. Monitor and note any unusual or
unexpected changes in electricity use over time. If pumping accounts for a large
proportion of your system's energy use, track water production. (In the winter, you will
also need to consider energy use for heating.) A monthly electric meter log card is

Take appropriate monthly water quality samples. Water quality samples should
be taken routinely in accordance with SDWA and EPA requirements. Take samples
according to approved procedures and submitthem to a certified laboratory for analysis.
Your EPA Regional Office can give you an annual schedule foryour required sampling.
A monthly sampling log card  is provided.
Monthly                                                              17

            Guidance Notes for Recommended Monthly
                   Operational Duties, Continued
Check and record static and pumping levels of each well. This task is important
fordetermining the reliability of the aquiferand for establishing baseline information that
can be useful if others tap into the aquifer or take actions that will affect it (e.g., gravel
mining). The static level is the level of the water table in a well when the pump is not
operating. You can measure this level as the distance in feet from the centerline of the
pump discharge. The pumping level is the distance from the centerline of the pump
discharge to the level of the free poo I while water is being drawn from the pool. You can
check these levels by using bubbler lines, electrical sensors, or manual drop lines. A
monthly static and pumping level log card is provided.

Inspect well heads. Well head covers orseals prevent contaminated water and other
material from entering the well. Visually inspect all well covers and pump platforms. They
should be elevated above the  adjacent finished ground level, sloped to drain away from
the well casing, and free of cracks or excessive wear. Make sure all seals and screens
are intact and  properly bolted and make sure all gaskets are in good condition.
Monthly                                                                 18

           Guidance Notes for Recommended Monthly
                  Operational Duties, Continued
Inspect and lubricate locks.  Locks should be inspected as they are used and
lubricated as needed to protect against corrosion. They should also be inspected to
ensure that they have not been tampered with. Defective locks should be repaired or
replaced immediately.

Check on-site readings against laboratory results. It is useful to compare test
results returned by the laboratory against on-site readings. Be sure you are comparing
the results from samples that were collected at the same time. Major  discrepancies
should be noted and equipment or chemicals adjusted accordingly.
Monthly                                                             19

           Guidance Notes for Recommended January
                         Operational Duties
Overhaul  chemical feed pumps (O  rings, check  valves, and  diaphragm).
Chemical feed pumps should be completely overhauled at least once a year. The
overhaul should include cleaning the feeder head, cleaning and checking all valves and
O rings for wear, and cleaning and checking the condition of check valves and pump
control valves. Replace any worn out parts.  Spare parts should be kept on hand so
breakdowns can be repaired quickly and worn parts can be replaced when the feeder
is disassembled for cleaning.

Inspect and clean chemical feed lines and solution tanks. To ensure that your
chemical feed system functions properly, inspect the lines to make sure they're not
clogged or kinked and that the solution tanks are clean. Regular cleaning of chemical
feeders will prevent many breakdowns in this equipment. This should be done every 3
January                                                              20

           Guidance Notes for Recommended January
                  Operational Duties, Continued
Calibrate chemical feed pumps after  overhaul. At least every 3 months and
particularly afterthe chemical feed pumps have been overhauled, the pumps should be
re-calibrated to ensure that they deliver the appropriate amount of chemicals to the
system. Measure the amount of solution withdrawn by the pump over a given time period
and compare this rate with the desired feed rate. Refertothe manufacturer's instructions
to adjust the feed pump accordingly.  Be sure to record  any new speed and stroke
settings anytime a change is made.
January                                                             21

           Guidance Notes for Recommended February
                         Operational Duties
Inspect chemical safety equipment and repair or replace as needed. Chemical
safety equipment should be checked and tested at least once each year to be certain
that it is  operable. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the proper upkeep of all
safety equipment, including portable ventilators or respirators, safety harnesses or belts,
goggles, gloves, hard  hats, and protective clothing. Detection devices for hazardous
gases should be calibrated based on the manufacturer's instructions. All equipment
should be repaired or replaced as needed.

Operate all gate valves inside the treatment plant and pump house. All valves in
a system should be inspected and exercised routinely. The frequency of inspection
depends on the type of valve, but you should inspect the valves at least twice a year.
The inspection should  include completely closing, reopening, and reclosing the valve
until it seats properly. Record the number and direction of turns to closure. Leaking or
damaged valves should be scheduled for repair.
February                                                               22

            Guidance Notes for Recommended March
                         Operational Duties
Inspect, clean, and repair control panels in pump house and treatment plant.
The control panels in the pump house and treatment plant should be inspected at least
once a year for corrosion and other problems that could cause shorts or failures. Control
panels should be carefully cleaned with air. Repair the panels if needed.

Exercise half of all mainline gate valves. It is important to exercise all valves in the
system at least once a year to ensure that you can locate them and that they can be
opened and closed properly during emergency shut-down periods. Record the number
and direction of turns to closure. Half of the gate valves should be exercised now, and
the otherhalf should be exercised in 6 months. You should develop a map that identifies
the valves and their locations. Any failures should be scheduled for repair.
March                                                                 23

             Guidance Notes for Recommended April
                          Operational Duties
Flush the distribution system and exercise/check fire hydrant gate valves. The
entire system should be flushed in one direction, outward from plant or storage facility,
at least once a year depending on the quality of your source water. Flushing clears any
sediment deposition in the lines. During the flushing, check the operation of the fire
hydrant gate valves and observe the color of the water. Continue flushing until the water
is clear. When operating a dry-barrel hydrant, you must open it completely so that the
drain will become fully closed. Otherwise, waterseeping through could result in hydrant
damage from freezing. Make sure that any open hydrants are flushing away from private

Inspect and clean chemical feed  lines and solution tanks. To ensure that your
chemical feed system functions  properly,  inspect the lines to make sure they're not
clogged or kinked and that the solution tanks are clean. Regular cleaning of chemical
feeders will prevent many breakdowns in this equipment. This should be done every 3
April                                                                   24

             Guidance Notes for Recommended April
                    Operational Duties, Continued
Calibrate chemical feed pumps. At least every 3 months the pumps should be re-
calibrated to ensure that they deliverthe appropriate amount of chemicals to the system.
Measure the amount of solution withdrawn by the pump over a given time period and
compare this rate with the desired feed rate. Referto the manufacturer's instructions to
adjustthefeed pump accordingly. Be sure to record any new speed and stroke settings
anytime a change is made.

Inspect fencing and gates. Treatment, storage, and pumping facilities should be
inspected at least twice a year to ensure that they provide adequate protection against
vandalism and unauthorized entry. Appropriate fencing, locks, and locked well covers
should  be used to protect the facilities from stray livestock and tampering. Warning
signs should be posted to deter trespassing.
April                                                                  25

              Guidance Notes for Recommended May
                         Operational Duties
Inspect storage tanks for defects and sanitary deficiencies. All storage tanks
should  be inspected  at  least annually to ensure that  they  are  protected from
contamination. Screen any openings to stop the entry of small animals, small insects,
and other organic matter. Screens should be in place on vents and overflows (or a flap
gate on any overflows). Thoroughly disinfect storage facilities after any construction or
repair. The storage tank inspection should include:

        #       Checking vents and screens for blockages or tears.
        #       Checking for overflows.
        #       Checking water level measuring devices.
        #       Checking that hatches are properly sealed and locked.
        #       Checking for any deterioration in the  tank's walls or the  tank's
May                                                                   26

              Guidance Notes for Recommended May
                   Operational Duties, Continued
Clean storage tanks if necessary. Thoroughly clean the tank after any construction,
maintenance, or repairs. Add chlorine to the water used to fill the tank during the
disinfection process and mix thoroughly. Maintain a chlorine residual of at least 50 mg/L
for at least 6 hours and  preferably for 24 hours. The storage tank also needs to be
cleaned above the water line. When the disinfection procedure is complete, properly
dispose of the disinfection water. You may have to declorinate the disinfection water
before disposing of it. Improperdisposalcan lead to contamination of potable waterdue
to backflow or to  unlawful surface water  pollution. If you use a strong disinfectant
solution to clean the tank and afterwards fill the tank with water, the disinfection water
maybe diluted enough for pumping straight to the distribution system for domestic use.
Procedures for large  tanks (holding  more than 1 million gallons) may be somewhat
different. When you are planning to take a tank out of service for cleaning, make sure
provisions are made to supply adequate waterto the distribution system.  If you are not
sure how to  provide service while the tank is  off-line, contact the  Rural Water
Association or Indian Health Service  for technical assistance.
May                                                                    27

            Guidance Notes for Recommended June
                        Operational Duties
Perform  preventative maintenance on treatment plant and pump house
buildings. Plant piping, buildings, and tanks should be painted regularly to prevent
deterioration. Store all pipes, plumbing fittings, chemicals, tools, and other materials in
a safe place. Pump house ventilation should be checked to  ensure there are no
blockages and that fans are operable.
June                                                                28

             Guidance Notes for Recommended July
                         Operational Duties
Inspect and clean chemical feed lines and solution tanks. To ensure that your
chemical feed system functions properly, inspect the lines to make sure they're not
clogged or kinked and that the solution tanks are clean. Regular cleaning of chemical
feeders will prevent many breakdowns in this equipment. This should be done every 3

Calibrate chemical feed pumps. At least every 3 months the pumps should be re-
calibrated to ensure that they deliverthe appropriate amount of chemicals to the system.
Measure the amount of solution withdrawn by the pump over a given time period and
compare this rate with the desired feed rate. Referto the manufacturer's instructions to
adjustthe feed pump accordingly. Be sure to record any newspeed and stroke settings
anytime a change is made.
July                                                                 29

               Guidance for Recommended August
                        Operational Duties
Operate all gate valves inside the treatment plant and pump house. All valves in
a system should be inspected and exercised routinely. The frequency of inspection
depends on the type of valve, but you should inspect the valves at least twice a year.
The inspection should include completely closing, reopening, and reclosing the valve
until it seats properly. Record the number and direction of turns to closure. Leaking or
damaged valves should  be scheduled for repair.
August                                                               30

          Guidance Notes for Recommended September
                          Operational Tasks
Exercise main line gate valves that were not exercised in March. It is important
to exercise all valves in the system at least once a year to ensure that you can locate
them and that they can be opened and closed properly during emergency shut-down
periods. Record the number and direction of turns to closure. Any failures should be
scheduled for repair.

Prepare system for winter operation. This includes checking all exposed facilities
such as pumps, valves, and pipes. Make sure that all exposed facilities are properly
insulated, the heaters in the treatment plant and pump house are operable and in good
safe working conditions, and vents are closed. Also, check all fire hydrants to insure that
they are drained, check that all propane or fuel tanks used for heating the pump house
are topped off, and lowerthe waterlevelinthestoragetankjustslightly (circulating more
of your water in storage facilities helps to prevent freezing). Please note that this task
may be postponed until October or November,  based on local conditions.
September                                                             31

           Guidance Notes for Recommended October
                          Operational Tasks
Inspect and clean chemical feed lines and solution tanks. To ensure that your
chemical feed system functions properly, inspect the lines to make sure they're not
clogged or kinked and that the solution tanks are clean. Regular cleaning  (every 3
months) of chemical feeders will prevent many breakdowns in this equipment.

Calibrate chemical feed pumps. At least every 3  months the pumps should be re-
calibrated to ensure that they deliverthe appropriate amount of chemicals to the system.
Measure the  amount of solution withdrawn by the pump over a given time period and
compare this rate with the desired feed rate. Referto the manufacturer's instructions to
adjust the feed pump accordingly. Be sure to record any new speed and stroke settings
anytime a change is made.

Inspect fencing and gates. Treatment, storage, and pumping facilities should be
inspected at least twice a year to ensure that they provide adequate protection against
vandalism and unauthorized entry. Appropriate fencing, locks, and locked well covers
should  be used to protect the facilities from stray livestock and tampering. Warning
signs should be posted to deter trespassing.

October                                                               32

          Guidance Notes for Recommended November
                         Operational Tasks
Prepare system for winter operation. This task should be completed now if you did
not complete it in October or November. This includes checking all exposed facilities
such as pumps, valves, and pipes. Make  sure all exposed facilities are properly
insulated, the heaters in the treatment plant and pump house are operable and in good
safe working conditions, and thatvents are closed. Also, check all fire hydrants to insure
that they are drained, check that all propane or fuel tanks used for heating the pump
house are topped off, and  lower the  water level in the storage tank just slightly
(circulating more of your water in storage facilities helps to prevent freezing).
November                                                             33

          Guidance Notes for Recommended December
                        Operational Tasks
Contactan electrician to check running amps on well pumps. A change in running
amps can indicate a change in the condition of the motors or pumps. When pumps start
drawing more amps, it generally means that the motors should be repaired. Checking
the amps and voltage on pumps can be a complicated  and dangerous task; do not
attempt it yourself. Contact an electrician to complete this procedure. This task should
be performed at least once a year and any time you sense a problem with your pump
(i.e., unusual sounds, vibrations, or the pump is running hot).
December                                                          34
