United States Environmental        Office of Water          EPA-822-F-05-003
                       Protection Agency              4304T                February 2006

                       FACT SHEET

                       Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality
                       Criteria -  Nonylphenol -  Final

EPA is releasing final aquatic life ambient water quality criteria for nonylphenol. We developed acute
and chronic criteria recommendations for nonylphenol designed to protect aquatic life in both fresh and
saltwater.  These criteria can form the basis for state and tribal water quality standards.

What is Nonylphenol?
Nonylphenol is an organic chemical produced in large quantities in the United States. It is toxic to
aquatic life, causing reproductive effects in aquatic organisms. Nonylphenol is moderately soluble and
resistant to natural degradation in water. It is used as  a chemical intermediate and is often found in
wastewater treatment plant effluent as a breakdown product from surfactants and detergents.
The final ambient water quality criteria document for  nonylphenol contains criteria designed to protect
aquatic organisms and their uses. These criteria are guidance for states and tribes and, in themselves,
have no binding legal effect. However, they may form the basis for state water quality standards and
become enforceable through NPDES permits or other environmental programs.  These nonylphenol
ambient water quality criteria are published pursuant to Section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA).
EPA published draft criteria for nonylphenol on January 5, 2004 at 69 FR 340 and solicited scientific
input. Based on this input, EPA has revised some of the criteria.

What are the final nonylphenol criteria concentrations?
Freshwater Aquatic Life:
Freshwater aquatic life and their uses should not be affected if the one-hour average concentration of
nonylphenol does not exceed 28 ug/L more than once every three years on the average (acute criterion)
and if the four-day average concentration of nonylphenol does not exceed 6.6 ug/1 more than once every
three years on the average (chronic criterion).

Saltwater Aquatic Life:
Saltwater aquatic life and their uses should not be affected if the one-hour average concentration of
nonylphenol does not exceed 7.0 ug/L more than once every three years on the average (acute criterion)
and if the four-day average concentration of nonylphenol does not exceed 1.7 ug/L more than once
every three years on the average (chronic criterion).

How do I get a copy of the final Nonylphenol document?
You can get copies of the "Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criteria - Nonylphenol - Final" (EPA-
822-R-05-005) from EPA's Water Resource Center by calling (202) 566-1729. You can request a copy
by sending an e-mail to center.water.resource@epa.gov or by conventional mail to: EPA Water
Resource Center, 4101T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,  N.W., Washington, DC 20460. You can also
download the document from EPA's web site at http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/nonylphenol/.
