United States
                Environmental Protection
                       Office of Water
EPA 821-F-10-001
March 2010
Fact  Sheet
                Correction Notice:  Effluent Guidelines for
                Discharges from the Construction and Development

     The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is correcting compliance dates that
     were incorrectly presented in the December 2009 final effluent limitations guidelines
     (ELGs) and new source performance standards (NSPS) to control the discharge of
     pollutants from construction sites.

       Construction activities like clearing,
     excavating, and grading significantly
     disturb the land. The disturbed soil, if not
     managed properly, can easily be washed
     off of the construction site during storms
     and enter water bodies. Stormwater
     discharges from construction activities
     can cause an array of physical, chemical
     and biological impacts.

     About This Correction

       EPA promulgated ELGs and NSPS to
     control discharges from construction
     activities on December 1, 2009 (74 FR
     62996). The final rule requires permittees
     at certain construction sites to collect
     samples of stormwater discharges and to
     comply with a numeric turbidity limitation.
     As published, the  preamble to the final
     rule and the final rule contain an error with
     respect to the compliance dates. Sites
     that disturb 20 or more acres of land at
     one time are required to conduct sampling
     of discharges and comply with the
     numeric limitation  for turbidity beginning
     on August 1, 2011. The preamble to the
                            final rule at page 63050 and the final rule
                            at ยง450.22(a) incorrectly state this date as
                            August 2, 2010. The correction does not
                            affect the compliance date for sites that
                            disturb 10 or more acres of land at one
                            time. This date remains as February 2,

                            Additional Information and Copies

                              For further information, please contact:

                                Mr. Jesse W. Pritts
                                U.S.  Environmental Protection
                                Agency, Office of Water (4303T)
                                Engineering and Analysis Division
                                1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
                                Washington, D.C. 20460

                              or send an e-mail to:

                              Pritts.Jesse@epa.gov. You can view or
                              download the complete text of the
                              Federal Register notice on the Internet
