United States          Office of Water         EPA-823-ROO-012
        Environmental Protection       4305            July 2000
rxEPA BASINS Technical Note 6

     Estimating Hydrology and Hydraulic
     Parameters for HSPF


Introduction  	    1

Air Temperature (ATEMP) Parameters   	  2

Snow (SNOW) Parameters 	  3

Pervious Land Hydrology (PWATER) Parameters	    7

Impervious Land Hydrology (IWATER) Parameters 	   18

Flow Routing (HYDR and ADCALC) Parameters  	   20

References  	   24

Parameter and Value Range Summary Tables  	   26

                               BASINS Technical Note 6
               Estimating Hydrology and Hydraulic Parameters for HSPF
                                       July, 2000
This technical note provides BASINS users with guidance in how to estimate the input parameters
in the ATEMP, SNOW, PWATER, IWATER, HYDR, and ADCALC sections of the
Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) watershed model. For each input parameter,
this guidance includes a parameter definition, the units used in HSPF, and how the input value
may be determined (e.g. initialize with reported values, estimate, measure, and/or calibrate).
Where possible, the note discusses how to estimate initial values using the data and tools included
with BASINS.  Also discussed, where appropriate, is the physical basis of each parameter and the
corresponding algorithms as described in the HSPF Users Manual (Bicknell, et al, 1997) and
earlier literature sources. In addition to the guidance provided below, model users are directed to
other sources, including the ARM Model User Manual (Donigian and Davis, 1978), as well as
studies of agricultural BMP representation with HSPF (Donigian and Crawford, 1973;Donigian et
al, 1983; and Gasman,  1989).

Summary tables are attached that provide 'typical' and 'possible' (i.e. maximum 'expected')
ranges for the parameters discussed below, based on both the parameter guidance and experience
with HSPF  over the past two decades on watersheds across the U. S. and abroad (Donigian,
1998). The overarching principal in parameter estimation should be that the estimated
values must be realistic, i.e. make  'physical' sense, and must reflect conditions on the
watershed.  If the values estimated by the model user and/or derived from the guidance below, do
not agree with the value ranges in the summary table, the user should question and re-examine the
estimation procedures. The estimated values may still be appropriate, but the user needs to
confirm that the parameter values reflect unusual conditions on the watershed.

Another source of parameter information is the HSPF Parameter Database (HSPFParm) (US
EPA, 1999). Developed by AQUA  TERRA  Consultants, under contract to the EPA, HSPFParm
consists of parameter values from previous applications of HSPF across North America
assimilated  into a single database, and with a  customized graphical user interface for viewing and
exporting the data.  The pilot HSPFParm Database contains parameter values for model
applications in over 40 watersheds in 14 states. The parameter values, contained in the database,
characterize a broad variety of physical  settings, land use practices, and water quality constituents.
The database has been provided with a simplified interactive interface that enables modelers to
access and explore the HSPF parameter values developed and calibrated in various watersheds
across the United States, and to assess the relevance of the parameters to  their own watershed
                                      Page 1 of 32

The parameter guidance below is listed in order of the parameter tables required by each module
section (i.e. ATEMP, SNOW, PWATER, IWATER, HYDR, and ADCALC) in the HSPF UCI
(users control input) file, and the parameters are grouped as required in each UCI table.
                                    Page 2 of 32

Air Temperature (ATEMP) Parameters

The ATEMP section variables are used by both the PERLND and IMPLND modules.  This
section is not required for basic hydrology unless SNOW is being simulated.


ELD AT  Elevation difference (feet),  (measure). ELD AT is the difference in elevation between
          the air temperature gage and the mean elevation of the associated pervious land
          segment (PLS).  ELD AT is equal to the PLS elevation minus the gage elevation and
          can be either positive (PLS  higher) or negative (gage elevation higher). ELDAT is
          used to adjust the gage air temperature to the PLS using a lapse rate; see Section
          4.2(1). 1 in the HSPF User Manual (Bicknell et al., 1997) for additional information.

    Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
          Weather station elevation is available in BASINS from the Elev_ft field in the WDM
          Weather Data Stations theme attribute table.  To get the mean watershed elevation,
          run a Watershed Topographic Report. The mean elevation is available in the
          Elevation Report.

AIRTMP Initial air temperature (degrees F), (measure/ estimate). Air temperature at start of
          simulation period.

    Use of BASINS DatafTooh:
          Open the WDM file in WDM Utility (WDMUtil) and select the hourly air temperature
          time series (ATEM) for the weather station to be used in the simulation.  Specify both
          the current start and end dates  as the model simulation start date and select an hourly
          time step.  Use the List/Edit Time Series function to display  the air temperature for the
          starting hour of the simulation.
                                     Page 3 of 32

Snow (SNOW) Parameters
The SNOW section variables are used in both the PERLND and IMPLND modules.  Note: flag
CSNOFG in PWATER and IWATER must be selected for snow melt to be taken into account.

The ICE-FLAG table contains only the flag to simulate ice formation in the snow pack. A value
of 0 means ice formation is not simulated; 1 means that frozen water or frozen ground at the
bottom of the snowpack is computed daily based on air temperature and inches of melt in the
snowpack. This option is appropriate in regions where frozen ground conditions are observed.


LAT         Latitude (degrees), (measure). LAT is positive for the northern hemisphere,
             negative for the southern hemisphere. LAT is used in the calculation of snow
             surface albedo to identify summer and winter time periods.

       Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
             The Lat_dd field in the WDM Weather Data Stations theme attribute table
             contains the latitude of the station in decimal degrees.

MELEV     Mean elevation (feet), (measure). MELEV is used to compute the convective
             heat flux from the atmosphere to the snowpack.

       Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
             Generate a Watershed Topographic Report.  The mean elevation for the watershed
             is located in the Elevation Report.

SHADE     Fraction of the land segment shaded from solar radiation by trees or slope
             (unitless), (measure/estimate). SHADE controls short wave solar radiation that
             reaches  the snowpack.  SHADE is also used in the calculation of long wave
             radiation, based on Stefan's law of black body radiation (Bicknell et al, 1997).

       Use of BASINS DatafTooh:
             Estimate as the fraction  of the watershed with coniferous forest (see FOREST in

SNOWCF    Factor by which recorded precipitation is multiplied during snow events to account
             for poor gage catch efficiency (unitless), (estimate). Snow catch in a gage is
             affected by wind speed,  instrument characteristics (e.g. snow shields), and gage
             exposure/location.  SNOWCF is normally 1.0 or greater. Crawford (1999) states
             that physically realistic values of SNOWCF are in the range of 1.0 to 1.5.  Larson
             and Peck, 1974 present  data relating snow catch factor (SCF - a SNOWCF
             analogue) to windspeed. For unshielded gages, they show a parabolic curve for

                                     Page 4 of 32

             SCF with a value of 1.0 at 0.0 mph, 1.3 at 5 mph, and 1.8 at 10.0 mph. They also
             show a plot of the ratio of gage catch to true catch (the inverse variable) as
             roughly straight line plots, both starting from 1.0 at 0.0 mph.  The shielded gage is
             roughly 0.75 at 10 mph, and the unshielded is roughly 0.55 at 10 mph.  Only 200
             out of 3500 weather stations in the U.S. are  shielded; shielding of weather stations
             began in the mid 1940's (Doty, 2000).

COVIND    Maximum snowpack depth (water equivalent) at which the entire land segment is
             covered with snow (inches), (estimate).  COVIND is a function of topography and
             climatic conditions.  The ARM Model User  Manual (Donigian and Davis, 1978, p.
             65, MPACK variable) says typical values are in the range of 1.0 to 6.0 inches. For
             mostly flat topography and where snow is a  common occurrence, values will be
             near the low end of this range since complete coverage of the segment will result
             from low snowfall amounts; whereas in mountainous watersheds the COVIND
             values will be near the high end of the range reflecting the need for greater
             snowfall to achieve complete coverage. Note that COVIND is in water equivalent,
             so that a value of 1.0 inches corresponds to approximately 10 inches of snow.

RDCSN     Density of new snow relative to water when air temperature is at or below 0
             degrees F (unitless ratio), (estimate, then calibrate). The expected values are
             from 0.10 to 0.20.  RDCSN can be calibrated by comparing field snow density
             data from snow courses with model snowpack (PACK) and density results
             (RDENPF). RDCSN is automatically adjusted in the model when the air
             temperature is above 0 degrees F. The snow density/ temperature functional
             relationship is described by Bicknell et al., (1997).

TSNOW     Wet bulb air temperature below which precipitation occurs as snow under
             saturated conditions (degrees F), (estimate, then calibrate).  Values of 31 to 33
             degrees F are often used (Donigian and Davis, 1978).  When the air temperature
             exceeds the value of TSNOW, precipitation is modeled as rain, not snow.
             TSNOW can vary between 30 and 40 degrees F; the initial estimate should be at or
             near 32 degrees F. Crawford (1999) states that TSNOW is the most obvious
             parameter to change to increase or reduce snow accumulation.  However,
             changing TSNOW is effective only when significant snowfall occurs at or near 32
             degrees F. If typical winter air temperatures are below 30 degrees F then TSNOW
             will have little or no effect.

SNOEVP    Factor to adjust evaporation (sublimation) from the snowpack (unitless),
             (estimate, then calibrate).  Values near 0.1 are expected (Donigian and Davis,
             1978, p. 65, EVAPSN variable). Evaporation from the snowpack occurs only
                                     Page 5 of 32

             when the vapor pressure of the air is less than that at the snow surface (Bicknell et
             al, 1997).  Evaporation occurs only from the frozen content of the snowpack and
             is adjusted based on SNOEVP, wind movement, and the fraction of the land
             segment covered by the snowpack. Snow evaporation is not large in most
             watersheds, but can be important where windy, low humidity conditions are
             common (Crawford, 1999).

CCFACT    Factor to adjust the rate of heat transfer from the atmosphere to the snowpack,
             due to condensation and convection, to match field conditions (unitless),
             (estimate, then calibrate). CCFACT is a function of climatic conditions. Typical
             values are near 1.0, although a range of 0.5 to 2.0 has been observed (Donigian
             and Davis, 1978, p. 64, CCFAC variable). CCFACT is used in conjunction with
             wind movement and air temperature to compute heat transfer from the snowpack
             to the land surface.

MWATER  Maximum liquid water holding capacity in the snowpack (in/in), (estimate, then
             calibrate). MWATER is a function of the mass of ice layers; the size, shape, and
             spacing of snow crystals; and the degree of channelization and honeycombing of
             the snowpack to allow liquid water accumulation. Experimental values range from
             0.01 to 0.05, with 0.03 a common value (Donigian and Davis, 1978,  p. 64, WC).

MGMELT  Maximum rate of snowmelt by ground heat (in/day), (estimate, then  calibrate).
             MGMELT is the rate of melt when the snowpack temperature is at 32 degrees F.
             A standard value is 0.01 in/day. Areas with deep frost penetration and/or frozen
             ground have MGMELT values approaching zero (Donigian and Davis, 1978, p.
             64, DGM).

Pack-snow   Initial quantity of snow (water equivalent) in the snowpack (inches), (estimate). If
             the simulation starts at the beginning of the water year (October 1) Pack-snow is
             usually set to zero, except in arctic climates.

Pack-ice     Initial quantity of ice (water equivalent) in the snowpack (inches), (estimate).  If
             the simulation starts at the beginning of the water year (October 1) Pack-ice is
             usually set to zero, except in arctic climates.

Pack-watr   Initial quantity of liquid water in the snowpack (inches), (estimate). If the
             simulation starts at the beginning of the water year (October 1) Pack-watr is
             usually set to zero, except in arctic climates.
                                     Page 6 of 32

RDENPF    Initial density of the frozen contents (Pack-snow and Pack-ice) of the snowpack
             relative to water (unitless ratio), (estimate). If the simulation starts at the
             beginning of the water year (October 1) RDENPF is usually set to 0.01 (minimum
             value), except in arctic climates; otherwise see RDCSN.

DULL       Initial index to the dullness of the snowpack surface, from which the initial albedo
             is estimated (unitless), (estimate).  If the simulation starts at the beginning of the
             water year (October 1) DULL is usually set to zero (for perfectly reflectable
             snow), except in arctic climates. DULL ranges from zero to 800 and  is an
             empirical index. It's increased by one for each hour in which new snow does not

PAKTMP   Initial mean temperature of the frozen contents of the snowpack (degrees F),
             (estimate). If the simulation starts at the beginning of the water year  (October 1)
             PAKTMP is usually set to 32 degrees F, except in arctic climates.

COVINX    Initial snowpack depth (water equivalent) required for the entire land segment to
             be covered with snow (inches), (estimate). If the simulation starts at the beginning
             of the water year (October 1) COVINX is usually set to its default value of 0.01,
             except in arctic climates; otherwise see COVIND, SNOW-PARM1.

XLNMLT   Initial increment to ice storage in the snowpack (inches), (estimate).  XLNMLT
             represents an equivalent heat deficit that must be overcome before snowmelt is
             released from the pack; otherwise some portion of the potential melt will freeze
             and become pack ice.  For most simulations, XLNMLT can usually be set to zero,
             except possibly in arctic climates, because the values will be recalculated based on
             current (usually hourly) air temperatures. XLNMLT is used only if ICE-FLAG is
             set to 1.

SKYCLR   Initial fraction of sky assumed to be clear (unitless), (estimate). Unless a storm is
             in progress at the start of simulation period, set SKYCLR to 1.0 (no clouds).

       Use of BASINS DatafTooh:
             Open the WDM file with the WDM Utility (WDMUtil) and select the CLOU time
             series for the weather station of interest. Identify the value of CLOU for the
             starting date and time in the model simulation.  Set SKYCLR to 1-CLOU.
                                      Page 7 of 32

Pervious Land Hydrology (PWATER) Parameters

The PWAT-PARM1 table includes flags to indicate the selected simulation algorithm option, or
the selection of monthly variability versus constant values for selected parameters. Where flags
indicate monthly variability, the corresponding monthly values must be provided in Monthly Input
Parameters (see below following the PWAT PARM4 Table section).  That section also provides
guidance on which parameters are normally specified as monthly values.

CSNOFG     Flag to use snow simulation data; must be checked (CSNOFG=1) if SNOW is

RTOPFG     Flag to select overland flow routing method; choose either the method used in
              predecessor models (HSPX, ARM, and NFS) or the alternative method as
              described in the HSPF User Manual. Recommendation: Set RTOPFG=1; This
              method, used in the predecessor models is more commonly used, and has been
              subjected to more widespread application.

UZFG        Flag to select upper zone inflow computation method; choose either the method
              used in predecessor models (HSPX, ARM, and NFS) or the more exact numerical
              solution to the integral of inflow to upper zone,  i.e the alternative method.
              Recommendation: Set UZFG=1; This method, used in the predecessor models, is
              more commonly used, and has been subjected to more widespread application.

VCSFG      Flag to select constant or monthly-variable interception storage capacity, CEPSC.
              Monthly value can be varied to represent seasonal changes in foliage cover;
              monthly values are commonly used for agricultural, and sometimes deciduous
              forest land areas.

VUZFG      Flag to select constant or monthly-variable upper zone nominal soil moisture
              storage, UZSN. Monthly values are commonly used for agricultural areas to
              reflect the timing of cropping and tillage practices.

VMNFG     Flag to select constant or monthly-variable Mannings n for overland flow plane,
              NSUR.  Monthly values are commonly used for agricultural, and sometimes
              deciduous forest land areas.

VIFWFG     Flag to select constant or monthly-variable interflow inflow parameter, INTFW.
              Monthly values are not often used.

VIRCFG     Flag to select constant or monthly varied interflow recession parameter, IRC.
              Monthly values are not often used.
                                     Page 8 of 32

VLEFG      Flag to select constant or monthly varied lower zone ET parameter, LZETP.
             Monthly values are commonly used for agricultural, and sometimes deciduous
             forest land areas.

FOREST    Fraction of land covered by forest (unitless) (measure/estimate). FOREST is the
             fraction of the land segment which is covered by forest which will continue to
             transpire in winter (i.e. coniferous). This is only relevant if snow is being
             considered (i.e., CSNOFG=1 in PWATER-PARM1).

       Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
             Run a Land Use Distribution Report on the watershed(s).  Determine the acreage
             for EVERGREEN FOREST LAND - 42. Estimate the fraction of MIXED
             FOREST LAND - 43 acreage which is coniferous. Add this to the EVERGREEN
             FOREST LAND - 42 acreage and divide the sum by the Forest land subtotal
             acreage. This is the value of FOREST for the Forested land use in that watershed.
             Estimate from field survey for all other land use types.

LZSN       Lower zone nominal soil moisture storage (inches), (estimate, then calibrate}.
             LZSN  is related to both precipitation patterns and soil characteristics in the region.
             The ARM Model User Manual (Donigian and Davis, 1978, p. 56, LZSN variable)
             includes a mapping of calibrated LZSN values  across the country based on almost
             60 applications of earlier models derived from  the Stanford-based hydrology
             algorithms. LaRoche et al (1996) shows values of 5 inches to 14 inches, which is
             consistent with the 'possible' range of 2 inches to  15 inches shown in the Summary
             Table.  Viessman, et al, 1989, provide initial estimates for LZSN in the Stanford
             Watershed Model (SWM-IV, predecessor model to HSPF) as one-quarter of the
             mean annual rainfall plus four inches for arid and semiarid regions, or one-eighth
             annual mean rainfall plus 4 inches for coastal, humid, or subhumid climates.  These
             formulae tend to give values somewhat higher than are typically seen as final
             calibrated values; since LZSN will be adjusted  through calibration, initial estimates
             obtained through these formulae may be reasonable starting values.

INFILT      Index to mean soil infiltration rate (in/hr); (estimate, then calibrate). In HSPF,
             INFILT is the parameter that effectively controls the overall division of the
             available moisture from precipitation (after interception) into surface and
             subsurface flow and storage components. Thus, high values of INFILT will
             produce more water in the lower zone and groundwater, and result in higher
             baseflow to the stream; low values of INFILT will produce more upper zone and
             interflow storage water, and thus result in greater direct overland flow and
             interflow.  LaRoche et al (1996) shows a range of INFILT values used from 0.004
                                     Page 9 of 32

       in/hr to 0.23 in/hr, consistent with the 'typical' range of 0.01 to 0.25 in/hr in the
       Summary Table.  Fontaine and Jacomino (1997) show sediment and sediment
       associated transport to be sensitive to the INFILT parameter since it controls the
       amount of direct overland flow transporting the sediment. Since INFILT is not a
       maximum rate nor an infiltration capacity term, it's values are normally much less
       than published infiltration rates, percolation rates (from soil percolation tests), or
       permeability rates from the literature.  In any case, initial values are adjusted in the
       calibration process.

       INFILT is primarily a function of soil characteristics, and value ranges have been
       related to SCS hydrologic soil groups (Donigian and Davis, 1978, p.61, variable
       INFIL) as follows:

             SCS Hvdrologic         INFILT Estimate
             Soil Group           (in/hr)        (mm/hr)      Runoff Potential
                    A            0.4-1.0      10.0-25.0   Low
                    B            0.1-0.4      2.5-10.0    Moderate
                    C            0.05-0.1     1.25-2.5    Moderate to High
                    D            0.01-0.05    0.25-1.25   High

       An alternate estimation method that has not been validated., is derived from the
       premise that the combination of infiltration and interflow in HSPF represents the
       infiltration commonly modeled in the literature (e.g. Viessman et al, 1989, Chapter
       4). With this assumption, the value of 2.0*INFILT*INTFW should approximate
       the average measured soil infiltration rate at saturation, or mean permeability.

Use of BASINS DatafTooh:
       Use of Soil Hydrologic Group/INFILT Table:
       Use the identify tool on the State Soil theme to identify the map unit identification
       numbers (Muid's) for each soil layer overlapping the watershed.  Open the Soil
       Component Data table and perform a query for all records for each map unit (e.g.
       ([Muid] = "PA044") or ([Muid] = "PA052") ) in the watershed. Highlight the
       Hydgrp (soil hydrologic group) field and select summarize from the Table menu.
       Use the summary, together with the above table to estimate an average INFILT
       value for the watershed.

       Use of Alternative 2.0*INFILT*INTFW Method:
       The State Soil (STATSGO) data layer contains data on soil permeability, defined
       in the  1996 National Soil Survey Handbook (Soil Survey Staff, 1996), as the rate
       of water movement through completely saturated soils. Run the BASINS State
       Soil Characteristic Report and select mean estimate, area-weighted, surface layer,
       for permeability to get the value of 2*INFILT*INTFW. Note that although this
                              Page 10 of 32

              method has not been validated, it may produce reasonable starting values for
              adjustment through calibration.

LSUR        Length of assumed overland flow plane (ft) (estimate/measure).  LSUR
              approximates the average length of travel for water to reach the stream reach, or
              any drainage path such as small streams, swales, ditches, etc. that quickly deliver
              the water to the stream or waterbody. LSUR is often assumed to vary with slope
              such that flat slopes have larger LSUR values and vice versa; typical values range
              from 200 feet to 500 feet for slopes ranging from 15% to 1  %. It is also often
              estimated from topographic data by dividing the watershed area by twice the
              length of all streams, gullies, ditches, etc that move the water to the stream.  That
              is, a representative straight-line reach with length, L,  bisecting a representative
              square areal segment of the watershed, will produce two overland flow planes of
              width l/2 L. However, LSUR values derived from topographic data are often too
              large (i.e. overestimated) when the  data is of insufficient resolution to display the
              many small streams and drainage ways. Users should make sure that values
              calculated from GIS or topographic data are consistent with the ranges shown in
              the Summary Table.

       Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
              Since RF3 data is not of sufficient resolution, use of this BASINS data layer is not
              recommended for estimating LSUR.

SLSUR       Average slope of assumed overland flow path (unitless) (estimate/measure).
              Average SLSUR values for each land use being simulated can often be estimated
              directly with  GIS capabilities. Graphical techniques include imposing a grid
              pattern on the watershed and calculating slope values for each grid point for each
              land use.

       Use of BASINS DatafTools:
              Within the BASINS GIS, identify DEM polygons, along the length of the reach(es)
              being modeled, which happen to be bisected by the reach. Adjacent, uphill DEM
              grid cells, then, contain the elevation one grid cell away (i.e. 300 meters,
              measuring centerpoint to centerpoint). The approximate overland flow path slope
              at that point in the reach is then the difference in elevation between the bisected
              and the adjacent/uphill DEM grid cells,  divided by the 300 meter (984 feet) width
              of a grid cell. Make multiple estimates  along the length of the reach(es) and use
              these measurements to guide estimation of this parameter value.

KVARY      Groundwater recession flow parameter used to describe non-linear groundwater
              recession rate (/inches) (initialize with reported values, then calibrate as needed}.
              KVARY is usually one of the last PWATER parameters to be adjusted; it is used
              when the observed groundwater recession demonstrates a seasonal variability with

                                     Page 11  of 32

              a faster recession (i.e. higher slope and lower AGWRC values) during wet periods,
              and the opposite during dry periods.  LaRoche, et al, 1996 reported an extremely
              high 'optimized' value of 0.66 mm"1 or (17 in"1) (much higher than any other
              applications) while Chen, et al, 1995 reported a calibrated value of 0.14 mm"1 (or
              3.6 in"1).  Value ranges are  shown in the Summary Table.  Users should start with a
              value of 0.0 for KVARY, and then adjust (i.e. increase) if seasonal variations are
              evident. Plotting daily flows with a logarithmic scale helps to elucidate the slope
              of the flow recession.

AGWRC     Groundwater recession rate, or ratio of current groundwater discharge to that
              from 24 hours earlier (when KVARY is zero) (/day) (estimate, then calibrate).
              The overall watershed recession rate is a complex function of watershed
              conditions, including climate, topography, soils, and land use.  Hydrograph
              separation techniques (see  any hydrology or water resources textbook) can be used
              to estimate the recession rate from observed daily flow data (such as plotting on a
              logarithmic scale, as noted  above); estimated values will likely need to be adjusted
              through calibration. Value ranges are shown in the Summary Table. LaRoche, et
              al, 1996 reported an optimized value of 0.99; Chen, et al,  1995 reported values
              that varied with land use type, ranging from 0.971 for grassland and clearings to
              0.996 for high density forest; Fontaine and Jacomino, 1997 reported a calibrated
              value of 0.99. This experience reflects normal practice of using higher values for
              forests than open, grassland, cropland and urban areas.

PETMAX    Temperature below which ET will be reduced to 50% of that in the input time
              series (deg F), unless it=s been reduced to a lesser value from adjustments made in
              the SNOW routine (where ET is reduced based on the percent areal snow
              coverage and fraction of coniferous forest). PETMAX represents a temperature
              threshold where plant transpiration, which is part of ET, is reduced due to low
              temperatures (initialize with reported values, then calibrate as needed). It is only
              used if SNOW is being simulated because it requires air temperature as input (also
              a requirement of the SNOW module), and the required low temperatures will
              usually only occur in areas of frequent snowfall. Use the default of 40°F as an
              initial value, which can be adjusted a few degrees if required.

PETMIN     Temperature at and below which ET will be zero (deg F). PETMIN represents the
              temperature threshold where plant transpiration is effectively suspended, i.e. set to
              zero, due to temperatures approaching freezing (initialize with reported values,
              then calibrate as needed).  Like PETMAX, this parameter is used only if SNOW
              is being simulated because it requires air temperature as input (also a requirement
              of the SNOW module), and the required low temperatures will usually only occur

                                      Page 12 of 32

              in areas of frequent snowfall. Use the default of 35°F as an initial value, which can
              be adjusted a few degrees if required.

INFEXP      Exponent that determines how much a deviation from nominal lower zone storage
              affects the infiltration rate (HSPF Manual, p. 60) (initialize with reported values,
              then calibrate as needed).  Variations of the Stanford approach have used a
              POWER variable for this parameter; various values of POWER are included in
              Donigian and Davis (1978, p. 58).  However, the vast majority of HSPF
              applications have used the default value of 2.0 for this exponent. Use the default
              value of 2.0, and adjust only if supported by local data and conditions.

INFILD      Ratio of maximum and mean soil infiltration capacities (initialize with reported
              value). In the Stanford approach, this parameter has always been set to 2.0, so
              that the maximum infiltration rate is twice the mean (i.e. input) value; when HSPF
              was developed, the  INFILD parameter was included to allow investigation of this
              assumption. However, there has been very little research to support using a value
              other than 2.0. Use the default value of 2.0, and adjust only if supported by local
              data and conditions.

       Use of BASINS DatafTools:
              Run the BASINS State Soil Characteristic Report and select mean estimate, area-
              weighted, surface layer, for permeability.  The report lists the mean and maximum
              permeability statistics by subwatershed. Use these values in conjunction with the
              guidance provided for INFILT.

DEEPFR     The fraction of infiltrating water which is lost to deep aquifers (i.e. inactive
              groundwater), with  the remaining fraction (i.e.  1-DEEPFR) assigned to active
              groundwater storage that contributes baseflow to the stream (estimate, then
              calibrate}. It  is also used to represent any other losses that may not be measured
              at the flow gage used for calibration, such as flow  around or under the gage site.
              This accounts for one of only three major losses from the PWATER water balance
              (i.e. in addition to ET, and lateral and stream outflows). Watershed  areas at high
              elevations, or in the upland portion of the watershed, are likely to lose  more water
              to deep groundwater (i.e. groundwater that does not discharge within the area of
              the watershed), than areas at lower elevations or closer to the gage (see discussion
              and figures in Freeze  and Cherry, 1979, section 6.1). DEEPFR should be set to
              0.0 initially or estimated based on groundwater studies, and then calibrated, in
              conjunction with adjustments to ET parameters, to achieve a satisfactory annual
              water balance.

BASETP     ET by riparian vegetation as active groundwater enters streambed; specified as a
              fraction of potential ET, which is fulfilled only as outflow exists (estimate, then
              calibrate). Typical and possible value ranges are shown in the Summary Table.  If
                                      Page 13 of 32

              significant riparian vegetation is present in the watershed then non-zero values of
              BASETP should be used. Adjustments to BASETP will be visible in changes in
              the low-flow simulation, and will effect the annual water balance.  If riparian
              vegetation is significant, start with a BASETP value of 0.03 and adjust to obtain a
              reasonable low-flow simulation in conjunction with a satisfactory annual water

AGWETP    Fraction of model segment (i.e. pervious land segment) that is subject to direct
              evaporation from groundwater storage, e.g. wetlands or marsh areas,  where the
              groundwater surface is at or near the land surface, or in areas with phreatophytic
              vegetation drawing directly from groundwater.  This is represented in the model as
              the fraction of remaining potential ET (i.e. after base ET, interception ET, and
              upper zone ET are satisfied),  that can be met from active groundwater storage
              (estimate, then calibrate).  If wetlands are represented as a separate PLS
              (pervious land segment), then AGWETP should be 0.0 for all other land uses, and
              a high value (0.3  to 0.7) should be used for the wetlands PLS.  If wetlands are not
              separated out as a PLS, identify the fraction of the model segment that meets the
              conditions of wetlands/marshes or phreatophytic vegetation and use that fraction
              for an initial value of AGWETP.  Like BASETP,  adjustments to AGWETP will be
              visible in changes in the low-flow simulation, and will effect the annual water
              balance. Follow above guidance  for an initial value of AGWETP, and then adjust
              to obtain a reasonable low-flow simulation in conjunction with a satisfactory
              annual water balance.

CEPSC       Amount of rainfall, in inches, which is retained by vegetation, never reaches the
              land surface, and is eventually evaporated (estimate, then calibrate).  Typical
              guidance for CEPSC for selected land surfaces is provided in Donigian and Davis
              (1978, p. 54, variable EPXM) as follows:

                           Land Cover                       Maximum Interception (in)
                           Grassland                                0.10
                           Cropland                                 0.10-0.25
                           Forest Cover, light                        0.15
                           Forest Cover, heavy                       0.20

              Donigian et al (1983) provide more detail guidance for agricultural conditions,
              including residue cover for agricultural BMPs.  As part of an annual water
              balance, Viessman, et al. 1989 note that 10-20% of precipitation during growing
              season is intercepted and as much as 25% of total annual precipitation is
              intercepted under dense closed forest stands; crops and grasses exhibit a wide

                                      Page 14 of 32

             range of interception rates - between 7% and 60% of total rainfall.  Users should
             compare the annual interception evaporation (CEPE) with the total rainfall
             available (PREC in the WDM file), and then adjust the CEPSC values accordingly.
             (See Monthly Input Values below).

UZSN       Nominal upper zone soil moisture storage (inches) (estimate, then calibrate).
             UZSN is related to land surface characteristics, topography, and LZSN.  For
             agricultural conditions, tillage and other practices, UZSN may change over the
             course of the growing season. Increasing UZSN value increases the amount of
             water retained in the upper zone and available for ET, and thereby decreases the
             dynamic behavior of the surface and reduces direct overland flow; decreasing
             UZSN has the opposite effect.  Donigian and Davis (1978, p. 54) provide initial
             estimates for UZSN as 0.06 of LZSN, for steep slopes, limited vegetation, low
             depression storage; 0.08 LZSN for moderate slopes, moderate vegetation, and
             moderate depression storage; 0.14 LZSN for heavy vegetal or forest cover, soils
             subject to cracking, high depression storage, very mild slopes.  Donigian et al.,
             (1983) include detailed guidance for UZSN for agricultural conditions. LaRoche
             shows values ranging from 0.016 in to 0.75 in. Fontaine and Jacomino showed
             average daily stream flow was relatively insensitive to this value but sediment and
             sediment associated contaminant outflow was sensitive; this is consistent with
             experience with UZSN having an impact on direct overland flow, but little impact
             on the annual water balance (except for extremely small watersheds with no
             baseflow).  Typical and possible value ranges are shown in the Summary Table.

NSUR       Manning's n for overland flow plane (estimate). Mannings n values for overland
             flow are considerably higher than the more common published values for flow
             through a  channel, where values range  from a low of about 0.011 for smooth
             concrete, to as high as 0.050-0.1 for flow through unmaintained channels  (Hwang
             and Hita, 1987). Donigian and Davis (1978, p. 61, variable NN) and Donigian et
             al (1983) have tabulated the following values for different land surface conditions:

                           Smooth packed surface              0.05
                           Normal roads and parking lots       0.10
                           Disturbed land surfaces              0.15 - 0.25
                           Moderate turf/pasture              0.20-0.30
                           Heavy turf, forest litter              0.30 - 0.45

                           Agricultural Conditions
                              Conventional Tillage             0.15-0.25
                              Smooth fallow                  0.15-0.20
                              Rough fallow, cultivated         0.20 - 0.30
                              Crop residues                  0.25 - 0.35
                              Meadow, heavy turf             0.30-0.40
                                     Page 15 of 32

              For agricultural conditions, monthly values are often used to reflect the seasonal
              changes in land surfaces conditions depending on cropping and tillage practices.
              Additional tabulations of Manning's n values for different types of surface cover
              can be found in: Weltz, et al, 1992; Engman, 1986; and Mays, 1999. Manning's n
              values are not often calibrated since they have a relatively small impact on both
              peak flows and volumes as long as they are within the normal ranges shown above.
              Also, calibration requires data on just overland flow from very small watersheds,
              which is not normally available except at research plots and possibly urban sites.

INTFW       Coefficient that determines the amount of water which enters the ground from
              surface detention storage and becomes interflow, as opposed to direct overland
              flow and upper zone storage (estimate, then calibrate). Interflow can have an
              important influence on storm hydrographs, particularly when vertical percolation is
              retarded by a shallow, less permeable soil layer.  INTFW affects the timing of
              runoff by effecting the division of water between interflow and surface processes.
              Increasing INTFW increases the amount of interflow and decreases direct overland
              flow, thereby reducing peak flows while maintaining the same volume.  Thus it
              affects the shape of the hydrograph, by shifting and delaying the flow to later in
              time. Likewise, decreasing INTFW has the  opposite effect. Base flow is not
              affected by INTFW. Rather, once total storm volumes are calibrated, INTFW can
              be used to raise or lower the peaks to better match the observed hydrograph.
              Typical and possible value ranges are shown in the Summary Table.

IRC          Interflow recession coefficient (estimate, then calibrate). IRC is analogous to the
              groundwater recession parameter, AGWRC, i.e. it is the ratio of the current daily
              interflow discharge to the interflow discharge on the previous day. Whereas
              INTFW affects the volume of interflow, IRC affects the rate at which interflow is
              discharged from storage.  Thus it also affects the hydrograph shape in the 'falling'
              or recession region of the curve between the peak storm flow and baseflow. The
              maximum value range is 0.3 - 0.85, with lower values on steeper slopes; values
              near the high end of the range will make interflow behave more like baseflow,
              while low values will make interflow behave more like overland flow.  IRC should
              be adjusted based on whether simulated storm peaks recede faster/slower than
              measured, once AGWRC has been calibrated.  Typical and possible value ranges
              are shown in the Summary Table.
                                      Page 16 of 32

LZETP      Index to lower zone evapotranspiration (unitless) (estimate, then calibrate).
             LZETP is a coefficient to define the ET opportunity; it affects evapotranspiration
             from the lower zone which represents the primary soil moisture storage and root
             zone of the soil profile. LZETP behaves much like a 'crop coefficient' with values
             mostly in the range of 0.2 to 0.7; as such it is primarily a function of vegetation;
             Typical and possible value ranges are shown in the Summary Table, and the
             following ranges for different vegetation are expected for the 'maximum' value
             during the year:

                           Forest               0.6 - 0.8
                           Grassland           0.4-0.6
                           Row crops          0.5 - 0.7
                           Barren              0.1 -0.4
                           Wetlands            0.6-0.9
                                     Page 17 of 32

Monthly Input Parameter Tables:
In general, monthly variation in selected parameters, such as CEPSC and LZETP should be
included with the initial parameter estimates.  However, adjustments to the monthly values should
be addressed only after annual flow volumes are matched well with monitored data.  All monthly
values can be adjusted to calibrate for seasonal variations.

Monthly values for interception storage.  Monthly values can be developed based on the data
presented in the discussion in PWAT-PARM4/CEPSC and the Summary Tables.

Monthly values for upper zone storage.  For agricultural areas under conventional tillage,  lower
values are used to reflect seedbed preparation in the spring with values increasing during the
growing season until harvest and fall tillage. See PWAT-PARM4/UZSN discussion and Summary
Tables for guidance.

Monthly values for Mannings n for the overland flow plane.  Monthly values can be used to
represent seasonal variability in ground cover including crop and litter residue. See discussion in
PWAT-PARM4/NSUR for Manning's n as a function of agricultural conditions.

Monthly values for interflow parameter (INTFW) are not often used.

MON-IRC Table:
Monthly values for interflow recession parameter are not often used.

Monthly values for LZETP for evapotranspiration from the lower zone can be developed using an
expected maximum value from the PWAT-PARM4/LZETP discussion and the range of values
presented in the Summary Tables.  Monthly variable values should be used to reflect the
seasonality of evapotranspiration, in response to changes in density of vegetation, depth of root
zone, and stage of plant growth.
                                     Page 18 of 32

CEPS, SURS, IFWS, UZS, LZS, AGWS, are initial values for storage of water in interception,
surface ponding, interflow, the upper zone, lower zone, and active groundwater, respectively, and
GWVS is the initial index to groundwater slope. All these storages pertain to the first interval of
the simulation period.

The surface related storages (i.e. CEPS, SURS, IFWS) are highly dynamic, and will reach a
dynamic equilibrium within a few days, at most.  These state variables can be left blank, or set to
0.0 unless an individual storm  is being simulated. The soil storages (i.e.  UZS, LZS, and AGWS,
and the GWVS) are much less dynamic, so their beginning values can impact the simulation for a
period of months to a few years. If possible, users should allow as long  a startup time period as
possible (i.e. set the simulation period to begin prior to the period you=ll  use for comparison
against monitoring data or other use); as noted each of these storages should reach a dynamic
equilibrium within a few years of simulation. UZS and LZS should be set equal to UZSN and
LZSN respectively, unless it is known that the starting date is during a particularly wet or dry
period; starting values can be increased or decreased if wet or dry conditions were evident prior
to the simulation period. AGWS is a bit more problematic.  If far too high or too low, baseflow
will be excessive or skewed low for several months or  years, depending on AGWRC and
KVARY.  Improper values of GWVS can also cause simulation accuracy problems again for
lengths of time depending on values of AGWRC and KVARY.  However, since when KVARY is
set to 0.0 seasonal recession is not represented and GWVS is not calculated.  To avoid problems,
then, AGWS should be set to 1.0 inch and GWVS to 0.0 for initial simulation runs.

If the simulation period is limited in duration, you can  check and reset these state variables to
values observed for the same period in subsequent years with similar climatic conditions.
However, if major calibration  changes are made to the parameters controlling these storages (e.g.
UZSN, LZSN, INFILT), then the initial  conditions should be checked and adjusted during the
calibration process.  The values for AGWS and GWVS  should be checked and adjusted as noted
above, which assuming a yearly cycle of groundwater storage,  can be compared to values during
similar seasons in the simulation period. If the initial simulated baseflow (before the first
significant rainfall) is much different from the initial  observed streamflow, then further adjustments
can be made to raise or lower the flow  rates.
                                      Page 19 of 32

Impervious Land Hydrology (IWATER) Parameters

The IWAT-PARM1 table includes a number of flag variables to indicate either the selection of a
simulation algorithm option, or whether the parameter will be treated as a constant or be varied
monthly. As with PWAT-PARM1, where flags indicate monthly variability, corresponding
monthly values must be provided in Monthly Input Parameter tables (see below following IWAT-
PARM3 section).

CSNOFG    Flag to use snow simulation data; must be checked (CSNOFG=1) if SNOW
             module is run.

RTOPFG    Flag to select overland flow routing method. If RTOPFG=0, a new routing
             algorithm is used. RTOPFG=1 results in the use of the method used by
             predecessor models (HSPX, ARM, and NFS). Recommendation: setRTOPFG=l;
             this method is more commonly used and has been subjected to more widespread

VRSFG     Flag to select constant or monthly-variable retention storage capacity, RETSC.
             Monthly values are not often used.

VNNFG     Flag to select constant or monthly-variable Manning's n for overland flow plane,
             NSUR.  Monthly values are not often used.

RTLIFG     Flag to determine if lateral surface inflow to the impervious land segment will be
             subject to retention storage (RTLIFG=1).  This flag only has an impact if the
             another land segment  drains to the impervious land segment; otherwise lateral
             surface inflow is nonexistent. This feature is not commonly used in most HSPF

LSTJR       Length of assumed overland flow plane (feet), (measure/estimate).  See PWAT-
             PARM2/ LSUR discussion. For impervious areas, LSUR reflects the overland
             flow length on directly connected, or effective impervious area (EIA), and is
             usually in the range of 50 to 150 feet, although longer lengths may apply in
             commercial or industrial regions of large metropolitan areas.  Impervious surfaces
             that drain to pervious land, rather than to a reach, are considered part of the
             pervious land segment and not part of the EIA.

SLSTJR      Average slope of the assumed overland flow path (unitless), (measure/estimate).
             See PWAT-PARM2 / SLSUR discussion.
                                    Page 20 of 32

NSUR       Manning's n for overland flow plane (estimate). See PWAT-PARM4 / NSUR
             discussion. Recommendation:  set NSUR within the range of 0.05 to 0.10 for
             paved roads and parking lots.

RETSC      Retention (interception) storage of the impervious surface (inches) (estimate).
             RETSC is the impervious equivalent to the interception storage variable (CEPSC)
             used for pervious land segments.  RETSC is the depth of water that collects on the
             impervious surface before any runoff occurs. A study of five urban watersheds in
             the Puget Sound region  conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (Dinicola,  1990)
             found that a value of 0.10 for RETSC was appropriate. If parking lots and
             rooftops are designed for detention storage, larger values up to 0.5 inches may be

The following two parameters are used only if SNOW is being simulated.

PETMAX    Temperature below which ET will be reduced by 50% of that in the input time
             series (degree F), (estimate, then calibrate).  See PWAT-PARM3 /PETMAX

PETMIN    Temperature at and below which ET will be set to zero (degree F), (estimate, then
             calibrate).  See PWAT-PARM3 /PETMIN discussion.
                                    Page 21 of 32

Monthly Input Parameter Tables:

Monthly values for retention storage. Monthly values can be varied to represent seasonal changes
in surface retention storage due to litter accumulation or sediment deposition on the impervious
surface. Monthly values are not often used.

Monthly values for Manning's n for the overland flow plane.  As described above for MON-
RETN, monthly values can be changed to represent seasonal changes on the surface of the
impervious area. Monthly values are not often used.

RETS and SURS are initial values for storage of water in retention and surface ponding,
respectively. Both  of these storages pertain to the first day of the simulation period.  RETS and
SURS are highly dynamic and are only  non-zero if the simulation starts during or just following a
storm event. They can be left blank or set to zero unless an individual storm is being simulated.
                                     Page 22 of 32

Flow Routine (HYDR andADCALC) Parameters

HSPF computes streamflow through a stream reach or reservoir based on two assumptions: (1)
there is a fixed relationship between depth, volume, and discharge, and (2) discharge is a function
of volume (see ODGTFG discussion for exception). This means that flow reversals and
backwater effects in an upstream reach are not simulated. Routing is computed using storage
routing or kinematic wave routing. Momentum is not considered  in the routing computations.


The HYDR-PARM1 table includes flags to indicate which auxiliary variables to compute and
include in the RCHRES printout as well as flags to select routing options based on either volume,
time, or both. The auxiliary variables can be output to the WDM and statistically analyzed like
other time series.

VCONFG   Flag to select constant or monthly-variable factors  to adjust the outflow from the
             FTABLE discharge column, i.e. use the MON-CONVF table.  Monthly values are
             not often used.

AUX1FG    Flag to compute stream channel depth, stage, surface area, average depth
             (volume/surface area), top width (surface area/length), and hydraulic radius.
             AUX1FG must be set to 1 if precipitation and evaporation fluxes are calculated for
             the stream reach, or water quality is simulated for the reach.

AUX2FG    Flag to compute average cross section area (volume/length) and average velocity
             (discharge/average cross sectional area). AUX2FG must be set to 1 if oxygen in
             the stream reach is simulated. If AUX2FG=1 then AUX1FG must equal 1.

AUX3FG    Flag to compute bed shear velocity and bed shear stress. These values are used to
             calculate sediment deposition and scour (inorganic and organic) for a stream reach.
             If AUX3FG=1 then AUX2FG and AUX1FG must equal 1.

ODFVFG    For use when the stream reach outflow demand is a function of volume.  The value
             is the column in the appropriate FTABLE that contains stream reach discharge
             values. A maximum of five discharge exits can be  specified for a single stream
             reach. For a stream reach with a single exit, the appropriate value of ODFVFG(1)
             is usually 4, since the FTABLE includes columns for depth, surface area, and
             volume in  columns 1, 2, and 3, respectively. With  two exits (e.g. natural exit plus
             a side diversion) ODFVFG(1)=4 and ODFVFG(2)=5.

             If the value of ODFVFG is less than zero, then the  absolute value is the column in
             the COLIND time series which designates which FTABLE column to use. The
             COLIND time series is used to vary the FTABLE column used in the computation
                                    Page 23 of 32

             of discharge on a seasonal or daily basis. For example, if ODFVFG=-1 then the
             model checks the appropriate COLIND value for that time step and if the
             COLIND value equals 6 then column 6 in the FTABLE is used in the outflow
             calculations for that particular stream reach. In addition, a fractional value for
             COLIND can be used to interpolate between columns in the FTABLE, e.g. a value
             of 4.3 can be used to interpolate between columns 4 and 5, with 30% of the
             difference between columns 4 and 5 being added to column 4. This option can be
             used to simulate different rule curves and to vary from one set to another.

ODGTFG    Flag to specify that the stream reach outflow demand is a function of time. The
             value is the  number corresponding to the OUTDGT subscript number specified in
             the External Sources Block.  The  OUTDGT number links the reach outflow
             demand to a flow time series data set in the WDM.  A maximum of five discharge
             exits can be specified for a single  stream reach. For a stream reach with a single
             exit, the appropriate value of ODGTFG(l) is usually 1  (the corresponding
             operation number of OUTDGT in External Sources will then be 1). With two
             exits (e.g. natural exit plus a  side diversion) ODFVFG(1)=1 and ODFVFG(2)=2,
             corresponding to subscripts 1 and 2 of OUTDGT.

FUNCT      Flag to combine ODFVFG and ODGTFG functions, if appropriate. For each of a
             maximum of 5 possible exits the value of FUNCT can be 1 (select the smaller of
             the ODFVFG and ODGTFG values), 2 (larger of ODFVFG and ODGTFG), or 3
             (sum of ODFVFG and ODGTFG).
When the FTABLE is stored in the WDM file, this is the Data Set Number (DSN)
in the WDM file for that reach's FTABLE. When the FTABLE is stored in the
FTABLES block of the UCI file, FTBDSN is set to zero.

When FTBDSN is zero, this is the Id number of the FTABLE as included in the
FTABLES block of the UCI file. When FTBDSN > 0, this is the indicator to
identify a particular FTABLE data set in the FTBDSN DSN.

Length of the stream reach (miles), (measure).  Length is used in the computation
of auxiliary 1, 2, and 3 parameter values.
       Use of BASINS Data/Tools:
             This is populated automatically by BASINS during model initialization.
                                   Page 24 of 32

DELTH     Change in elevation from the upstream end of the stream reach to the downstream
             end (feet), (measure). DELTH is used if reaeration is computed using the
             Tsivoglou-Wallace equation in the OXRX Block or if sandload transport capacity
             is computed using either the Toffaleti or Colby method in the SEDTRN Block.

       Use of BASINS DatafTooh:
             This is populated automatically by BASINS during model initialization for RF1
             reaches.  The RF3 data coverage, however, does not contain the top and bottom
             elevation data held in the RF1 (i.e. Ptopele, Pbotele).  Instead use the identify tool
             on the DEM coverage to obtain the elevation at the top and bottom of each reach
             segment. DELTH is the reach top elevation minus the reach bottom elevation
             contained in the RF1.
Stage correction to convert RCHRES depth (DEP) to an equivalent stage or
elevation (feet), (measure).  STAGE (elevation) = DEP (depth) + STCOR. This
parameter is relevant only if you want to compare reach depth reported as stage to
modeled reach stage.

Weighting factor for hydraulic routing (unitless), (initialize with reported value).
KS is a weighting factor applied in the computation of the stream reach outflow.
The outflow for any given time step is KS times the outflow at the beginning of the
time step plus the complement (1-KS) times the outflow at the end of the time
step. Increasing KS from 0.0 to 1.0 increases the likelihood of model instability;
the value 0.5 will produce the most accurate results. Recommendation: set
Median diameter of the bed sediment (inches), (estimate/measure). DB50 is used
to calculate (1) the bed shear stress if the stream reach is a lake, and (2) the rate of
sand transport if the Toffaleti or Colby method is used.  Note: DB50 is not
connected with the sand particle diameter (D) input in the SAND-PM table in the
                                     Page 25 of 32

Monthly Input Parameter Table:

Monthly values for the FTABLE discharge adjustment factors are not often used. Monthly values
can be varied to represent seasonal changes in stream channel and flood plain volume-based
discharge due to vegetation growth or other alterations.
VOL is the initial volume of water in the stream channel.  For small streams VOL can be set to
zero to represent a dry channel.  Rivers and lakes should start with an initial volume appropriate
for the time of year the simulation begins, or should be based on stream volume predicted by the
model for previous runs for long time periods leading up to the  current simulation starting period.
COLIND is the initial value for the FTABLE discharge exit column and should be set to the same
value as ODFVFG for the exit (usually 4). OUTDGT is the initial value for the time series
outflow demand, if ODGTFG is set to one, and has units of cubic feet per second.
ADCALC calculates values for variables which are necessary to simulate longitudinal advection of
dissolved or entrained constituents. These values are dependent on the volume and outflow
values computed by the hydraulics section (HYDR) of the model.

CRRAT     Ratio of the maximum velocity to the mean velocity in the stream channel cross
             section under typical flow conditions (unitless), (estimate/measure). CRRAT
             must be 1.0 or greater, where a value of 1.0 corresponds to completely uniform
             velocity (plug flow) across the stream channel. CRRAT is used to determine the
             relative volumes of water stored in the stream reach versus that leaving the reach,
             in a given time step. If CRRAT is greater than the volume:outflow ratio then the
             outflow is assumed to be in part, made up of water that entered the reach in that
             same interval. The inflow constituent concentration, then alters the outflow
             constituent concentration.

VOL        Volume of water in the stream reach at start of simulation (acre-feet) (estimate).
             VOL is only used if section FIYDR is inactive, and thus FIYDR-INIT/VOL is not
                                     Page 26 of 32


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                                    Page 27 of 32

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       Handbook, title 430-VI (Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, September
       1996) available on the web at: http://www.statlab.iastate.edu/soils/nssh/.

US EPA, 1999. HSPFParm:  An Interactive Database of HSPF Model Parameters, Version 1.0.
       EPA-823-R-99-004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water,
       Washington, DC.  Available from the BASINS web site,

Viessman, W., G.L. Lewis, and J.W. Knapp.  1989. Introduction to Hydrology. Third Edition.
       Harper and Row, New York. 1989.

Weltz, Mark A., A. B. Arslan, L.J. Lane, 1992.  Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients for Native
       Rangelands.  Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol 118, No. 5, Sept/Oct,
                                     Page 28 of 32





Weather station/ watershed elevation diff.
Initial air temperature
deg. F
Topography, station location
Only used in air temperature data calculations
Only used in air temperature data calculations
Latitude of watershed segment
Mean elevation of watershed segment
Fraction shaded from solar radiation
Snow gage catch correction factor
Snowfall required to fully cover surface
Forest cover, topography
Gage type, characteristics, location
Topography, climate
Positive for northern hemisphere
Used in convective heat flux equation
Controls radiation to and from the snowpack
Calibrate to snow depth observations
Higher for mountainous watersheds
Density of new snow
Temperature at which precip becomes snow
Snow evaporation factor
Condensation/convection melt factor
Liquid water storage capacity in snowpack
Ground heat daily melt rate
deg. F
Climate, air temperature
Climate, topography
Climate, topography
Climate, geology
Adjust with field snow density data, if available
Precip. is snow when temperature below TSNOW
Only important in windy, low humidity conditions
Calibrate to change rate/timing of snowmelt
Adjust to change timing of snowmelt
Usually small under frozen ground conditions
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Fraction forest cover
Lower Zone Nominal Soil Moisture Storage
Index to Infiltration Capacity
Length of overland flow
Slope of overland flow plane
Variable groundwater recession
Base groundwater recession
1 /inches
Forest cover
Soils, climate
Soils, land use
Baseflow recession variation
Baseflow recession
Only impact when SNOW is active
Calibration, divides surface and subsurface flow
Estimate from high resolution topo maps or CIS
Estimate from high resolution topo maps or GIS
Used when recession rate varies with GW levels
Temp below which ET is reduced
Temp below which ET is set to zero
Exponent in infiltration equation
Ratio of max/mean infiltration capacities
Fraction of GW inflow to deep recharge
Fraction of remaining ET from baseflow
Fraction of remaining ET from active GW
deg. F
deg. F
Climate, vegetation
Climate, vegetation
Soils variability
Soils variability
Geology, GW recharge
Riparian vegetation
Marsh/wetlands extent
Reduces ET near freezing, when SNOW is active
Reduces ET near freezing, when SNOW is active
Usually default to 2.0
Usually default to 2.0
Accounts for subsurface losses
Direct ET from riparian vegetation
Direct ET from shallow GW
Interception storage capacity
Upper zone nominal soil moisture storage
Manning's n (roughness) for overland flow
Interflow inflow parameter
Interflow recession parameter
Lower zone ET parameter
Vegetation type/density, land use
Surface soil conditions, land use
Surface conditions, residue, etc.
Soils, topography, land use
Soils, topography, land use
Vegetation type/density, root depth
Monthly values usually used
Accounts for near surface retention
Monthly values often used for croplands
Calibration, based on hydrograph separation
Often start with a value of 0.7, and then adjust
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Length of overland flow
Slope of overland flow plane
Manning's n (roughness) for overland flow
Retention storage capacity
Topography, drainage system
Topography, drainage
Impervious surface conditions
Impervious surface conditions
Estimate from maps, GIS, or field survey
Estimate from maps, GIS, or field survey
Typical range is 0.05 to 0.10 for roads/parking lots
Typical range is 0.03 to 0.10 for roads/parking lots
Temp below which ET is reduced by half
Temp below which ET is set to zero
deg. F
deg. F
Climate, vegetation
Climate, vegetation
Reduces ET near freezing, when SNOW is active
Reduces ET near freezing, when SNOW is active
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WDM data set number for FTABLE
FTABLE number in UCI file
Stream reach (RCHRES) length
Stream reach length change in elevation
Stage correction factor
Routing weighting factor
Bed sediment diameter
WDM File
RCHRES block/ reach numbering
Topography, stream morphology
Topography, stream morphology
Channel slope, flow obstructions
Channel bed properties
Used only if FTABLE is in WDM file
Used only if FTABLE is in UCI file
Used only in computing auxiliary parameters
Used only for water quality and sediment
Dependent on elevation datum used
Use KS = 0.5
Used only in sediment calculations
Ratio of maximum to mean flow velocity
Initial stream channel water volume
Climate, vegetation
Season, channel geometry, climate
Only used with water quality
Initial volume in reach channel
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