&EPA Help Card
              United States               Office of Water        EPA-823-B-96-005
              Environmental Protection      4305               June 1996
National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Consumption
The National Listing of Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories (NLFWCA) is
distributed as a Microsoft Windows® program that includes a wide range of
reporting and mapping capabilities. Some of these capabilities include:

      A flexible search and query system. You can select advisories by any
      combination of State, EPA Region, Pollutant, Species, Population Affected,
      and Status (active or rescinded). An example would be "all active  mercury
      advisories in the U.S.".

      A wide range of reports, listing all advisories or just the advisories that
      meet your search criteria. These reports include a summary report and
      reports of the percentage of each State's waterbodies affected by fish
      consumption advisories and the relative increase or decrease in numbers
      and the size of advisories by State. A report listing the general method,
      contact, and phone number by State is also included.

      On-screen maps showing the traces or counts of all advisories or  your
      selected advisories. These maps can be produced on a National, EPA
      Regional, or State-wide basis. You can "zoom" down to particular areas,
      "click" on individual advisories to get detailed information, and even
      overlay different searches in color. The maps can be printed, with  your
      own titles. You can set up several maps, and then move back and forth
      between them in one session.

The NLFWCA requires a PC running Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later, a minimum
of 4 MB of RAM, and approximately 25 MB of disk space.

To Install the Program under Windows 3.0, 3.1, or NT
(from floppy diskettes):
      1. Place the diskette labeled Disk! -Setup in drive A: (or B:).
      2. Start Microsoft Windows.
      3. In the Program Manager, click on file, and then Run.
      4. Type "A:setup" (or "B:setup") without the quotes, in the command box.
      5. Click the OK button.
      6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

To install under Windows 95:
      1. Click the Start button, then Run.
      2. Type a:setup in the Open edit box, and then click OK.
      3. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Once the installation process is complete, you are ready to run the program:
     1. Start Microsoft Windows 3.11 or earlier (not necessary in Windows 95).
     2. Double click on the NLFWCA icon (select from Start/Programs in Windows 95).
     3. That's it! You are now in the NLFWCA.

Uninstalling the 1994 NLFWCA
     The 1994 NLFWCA can be uninstalled if you no longer wish to use  it. If you
     have installed it in the directory \FAMAP, issue the commands cd\, and then
     DELTREEXFAMAP, from the DOS prompt.

Printer Hints
The NLFWCA uses the Windows printer drivers for printing maps and reports. The maps
can be  printed in color if you have a color printer set up in your Windows Print Manager.
You may also select map orientation using the Print Manager.

Quick Tutorial
To get a feel  for the NLFWCA, try the following sequence. We will examine active (as of
December, 1995) Mercury advisories in the U.S. The results of this quick tutorial will be
maps showing the location of Mercury advisories and counts of Mercury advisories by
State, and a full report of the associated data.

Step 1: Querying
     On the main menu, click Search, and then by Parameter. This brings up all of
     the search criteria  available. Under Select Pollutant, use the scroll bars to locate
     "Mercury". Click Mercury with the left mouse button. Mercury should now be
     highlighted. (By default, only active Mercury advisories will be selected. Click
     Rescinded in the Status box to override.) At the bottom of the window,  click
     the View Data button. The first 250 records for all active mercury advisories in
     the U.S will appear in spreadsheet format. Scroll through the list, both up and
     down and sideways to see the available  information. Then click More to  see
     additional data. Close this window  to return to the Search window.

Step 2: Reporting
     Leave Mercury highlighted in the Select Pollutant box. Now Click the Reports
     button. The  buttons will change to show all of the types of available reports.
     Click the Full Advisory Report button; the  full report for Mercury advisories will
     now be on the screen. The directional buttons let you move back and forth
     through the report, view the full page (by clicking the "Magnifying glass" icon),
     and send the report to the  printer. Close the report window. You may want to
     limit records to a particular state. In the  Search window, click on a state of
     interest and  then the Reports and Full buttons to view. Close the report

Step 3: Map of Advisories
     With the  Select window still open, make sure that Mercury is still highlighted.
     Now, click on the Map Advisories button. This action will  close the Select
     window, and prepare the system for mapping  the selected Mercury advisories.

     Since Mercury advisories span the entire U.S., the U.S. map will appear with the
     selected advisories, in red (by default). At this point, you may choose to display
     information about each advisory, one at a time, by clicking on the trace of your
     choice. You may also scroll through the advisories in alphabetical order using
     the arrow icons  on the speedbar.

Step 4: Map Overlays
     At this point, you may wish to add, say,  PCB advisories to your map of Mercury
     advisories. You can do this by selecting Search/by Parameter option from the
     main menu again, and highlighting PCBs from the Pollutant list. Now click the
     Map Overlay button. Then select Options/Colors/ Selected Advisories from
     the menu and change the color from red to green (or any available color other
     than red). Finally, click the Pencil icon on the speedbar. This will map the
     nationwide PCB advisories, in green, on top of your Mercury advisories. Note
     that any Mercury and PCB advisories that overlap will be green.

Step 5: Map of Advisory Counts
     Now we will make a map showing counts of active Mercury advisories by State.
     Select Search/by Parameter from the main menu. Highlight Mercury from the
     pollutant list as before. Click on the Map Counts button, and a new map
     showing counts by State will now be drawn. You can move back and forth
     between your maps by selecting Window, then the name of the window to

 This completes our brief tutorial. To exit the NLFWCA, select File/Exit, or double click
the "slash" in the upper left corner of the window button (the NLFWCA icon in the
upper left corner or the X icon in the upper right  corner in Windows 95).

Main  Menu
The NLFWCA follows standard Windows protocols for user interfaces. The entire system
is run using mouse "point and click" options.

File       has one option, Exit. Exit will immediately end your NLFWCA session.

Search   opens the mapping and reporting capabilities of the NLFWCA. There are
          two options: Search by Parameter and by Advisory Name. For example,
          if you want to examine Mercury advisories nationwide, select Search/by
          Advisory. When the Search window appears, go down the Pollutant list
          and Click on "Mercury". Your selection is highlighted on the screen. To
          deselect something, just click on it again. You can click on more than one
          item in a list. For instance you may want to group the pollutants "ODD",
          "DDE", and "DDT" in one query; simply click on all three pollutants. If you
          do not click anything, the query will return all advisories.  You may also
          select parameters in any combination from the other lists. Click on view
          Data to display all advisories meeting your criteria.  Map Advisories
          prepares a  map of selected advisories in red by default. Map Counts will
          show the number of advisories meeting the criteria by State. Overlay Map
          is useful when you want to show the results of more than one query on a
          map, such  as Mercury and PCB advisories nationwide.

         The Reports button provides tabular access to your data, based on
         your selected parameters. When you select a report, it will be displayed
         on screen to view. You can print it by selecting the printer icon. By
         Advisory, the other Search menu option, displays an alphabetical,
         incrementally searchable list of all advisories. You can search through
         this list by typing the first few characters of ihe advisory name. After
         selecting advisories, you can view the data or map them.

Options controls the map display, including the type of map to display
         (advisory traces or counts). You can choose  to Draw All or just the
         Selected advisories, display latitude/longitude coordinates, Overlay
         Cities on the map, what Colors to use on the maps, and whether
         or not to display the status bar at the  bottom of the screen. Simply
         point and click on your desired choices.

Maps    generates color maps on the screen. You can select the entire U.S., an
         EPA Region, or a specific State map. These maps will include all cr the-
         advisories for the selected geographical unit. Search can then be used
         to overlay selected advisories on these maps if you desire. The Options
         settings control what initially displays on the map. The map window
         consists of a viewing area and a speedbar. On the map area, the left
         mouse button can  be used to select an individual advisory; you may
         have to try a couple of times to get the mouse right on the advisory,
         especially for smaller traces. When you have successfully clicked the
         advisory, the data for that advisory will appear. The right mouse button
         places a "/oom" box on the screen, centered on the mouse cursor.
         There is a set of speedbar buttons at the bottom of the map. These
         buttons can be  used to Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom out to top level,
         Zoom box smaller, Zoom box larger, Next, Previous advisor)',  Note
         selection criteria, Print the map, Draw advisories, and Close the mao
         window. Note that the  "zoom" features will not work if there is more
         than one map window in your K'LFWCA session.

Window is used when you have  more than one map open in a session. You can
         select which map to view when  more than one map has been created
         by selecting its name from the drop down menu. You can a'so choose
         to Tite, Cascade, or Arrange Icons for your maps.

Help     is available from the menu, and  is also context-sensitive. This means
         that you can get help from wherever you are in the proqram by
         pressing F1, and the help will be related to your current activity! Thf
         Help menu is divided into Contents, Search for Help On, whit h
         displays an incrementally searchable list of keywords, Help on Help,
         which provides  help for whatever Windows version is installed on vour
         machine, and About the NLFWCA, which provides brief information
         on the system, including points of contact, available system resources
         remaining, the EXF file  creation date, and the version number of the
                        For additional information, contact:
                               U.S. EPA, Office of Water
                               Jeff Bigler (202)-260-1 305
