SUBJECT:  Coordinating 208 Planning and Air Quality
          f^faintenance Area Planning
                                                             OCT 3 0197.5
Director, Water Planning Division (lvH-554)

Regional Administrators
 ATTN:     Water Program Directors
                                       PROGRAM GUIDANCE MB'DRANDUM: AM-14

               This memorandum sets forth procedures  for coordination between
          air quality maintenance area planning and 208  areawide waste  treatment
          management planning.  The Regional Offices  will be  responsible  for
          assuring the implementation of these procedures.  This guidance is  to
          be implemented immediately.


               Under the Clean Air Amendments of 1970, the  states were  required
          to develop State Implementation Plans (SIPs) for  the  attainment and
          maintenance of National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six
          pollutants:  suspended particulate matter,  sulfur oxides,  carbon monox-
          ide, hydrocarbons,  nitrogen dioxide and photochemical oxidants.  However,
          most state regulations did not fully address the  problem of maintaining
          air quality and, as a result of a court case,  EPA disapproved all SIPs
          because they lacked effective mechanisms for maintaining standards.  EPA
          then required that  the states identify areas that may have the  potential
          for exceeding any NAAQS within the subsequent  10-year period.   Based
          upon the information submitted by the states,  EPA is  publishing a list of
          these potential problem areas which are termed Air  Quality Maintenance
          Areas or AQMAs.  A  detailed analysis of the impact  en air  quality of
          projected growth in each AQMA identified by EPA must  be completed by
          either the state or Regional Office by April   1976.   Where the  analysis
          indicates that an area will either not attain  the NAAOS, or will not be
          able to maintain them for the subsequent 10 years,  the state  must then
          develop a plan containing measures to ensure the  attainment and/or  main-
          tenance of the standards.   Furthermore, to  ensure the continued maintenance
          of the NAAQSs, states must review the adequacy of the AQMA plan at  l.east
          every 5 years.
EPA Form 1320-6 (Rev. «-72)

     Aspects of 208 planning and AQMA planning are interrelated, both
in terms of their impact on one another and in terms of their similarities
of approach.  Both are concerned with maintaining environmental quality;
both utilize an areawide approach in which areas of potential or existing
problems are identified and a unified plan is developed for the entire
area.  However, when a program is designed to control pollution, in just
one medium, it can result in environmental deterioration in another.  The
goal of both AQM and 208 is to improve the quality of the environment,
but by focusing on the problems within a single medium, conflict may
arise with the attainment and maintenance of standards in the other' medium.
At the same time, if care is taken to coordinate their development, the
plans produced through these two programs can be mutually supportive.

     In order to facilitate coordination between 203 and AQM planning,
the Regional Offices should encourage the states to:

     1,  Designate, when possible, the same agency to do both 208 and
         AQMA. planning;

     2 .  Incorporate 208 areas and AQMAs into common boundaries where
         there is already an existing overlap and when such an action
         appears practical;

     3.  Ensure that there is adequate and periodic reporting of 208
                           Vi'j. ciT CG i*jL*OolpOI*CijLiifc^ .i/v^i '~\ p J
     4 .   Review 208 plans for consistency with any corresponding AQMA

     5.   Resolve any conflict which iray develop during the planning stage
         between an AQMA. and a 208 area if it cannot be resolved informally
         by the planning agencies .

The Regional Office should also assure that the agencies responsible for
developing 208 areawide plans:

     1.   Develop letters of agreement with corresponding AQMA planning
         agencies to cover such items as integration of work plans and
         consistency of data and control strategies;

     2.   Specify in their work plans how coordination will occur throughout
         the planning process ;

     3.   Integrate their data requirements with the AQMA planning effort
         before gathering data so tiiat the information obtained for the
         208 plan is transferable to AQMA. planning.  208 agencies should
         allow the AQMA. planning agencies to utilize their population,

         land use, economic and water quality data whenever possible;

     4.  Have representatives from any corresponding AQMA. on their
         advisory group;

     5.  Inform the AQMA planning agency about alternatives being considered,
         and offer them an opportunity to review and comment on alternatives.
         In addition, the environmental assessment associated with a 208
         plan must address the impact of the alternatives and the selected
         plan on air quality;

     6.  Report (as part of the semiannual report requirements) to the
         Regional Offices on coordination efforts with AQMA planning;

     7.  Review completed AQMA plans as a final check for consistency and
         allow the AQMA. planning agency to review 208 plans;

     8.  Attempt to resolve any conflicts with the AQMA planning effort
         which may develop during the plroming stage.

Finally, it is the Regional Office's responsibility:

     1.  When reviewing the plans for 208 areas, to make sura they are
         consistent with corresponding ACp-'A plans and not to approve
         plans which are in conflict;

     2,  To resolve conflicts between the two planning efforts which cannot
         be resolved by the state;

     3.  To resolve conflicts which involve other federal agencies.

The attached paper discusses the above points in greater detail and explains
the interrelationships between the two programs.  The paper also discusses
the use of grant conditions as one mechanism to implement this guidance.


     The Regional Offices shall implement the steps described in this
guidrivice memorandum to facilitate coordi.nii.tion between 208 arenwj.de planning
and AQMA. planning.



         Procedures for Coordination  Between Air Quality
SUBJECT:  Maintenance Planning  and  208 Areawide Waste Treatment  DATE: §£p 3 2
         Management Planning

FROM:    John R.  Quarles, Or.
         Deputy Administrator

TO:      Regional  Administrators
             He are keenly aware  of  the  importance of coordinating related
         EPA programs  to ensure that they are mutually supportive and that
         they neither  conflict nor duplicate effort.  The 208 Areawide Waste
         Treatment Management Program and the Air Quality Maintenance Program
         are intsrrelated programs which ara regional in scope and which will
         be developed  concurrently in many areas.  In many cases, the plans
         resulting from these programs will be  addressing similar environmental
         problems in related madia and will employ similar management alterna-

             T'ne attached procedures were developed by the Office of Water
         and Hazardous Materials  and the Office of Air and Waste Management
         to provide guidance on coordinating the 208 and AQMA programs.  This
         guidance was  distributed in draft form to all  the Regions in May for
         comment and review.  This final version incorporates those comments
         received and  reflects the new proposed regulations  for Air Quality

             Copies of this guidance should be  provided to all the stats
         offices responsible for  air and water  quality and,  in addition,
         be given to all designated  203  planning agencies and AQMA planning

 EPA Form 1320-6 (R«v. 6-72)

I .   Introduction :

    A .   Rationale for the Programs

             Air Qual ity
         Under Ihs Clean Air Atonements  of  1970,  the  states  were required
    to develop State iMplomentation  Flans  (SlPs)  Tor  the  attainment and
    :n,?. iiite nance of National Ambient  Air  Quality  Standards (MAAQS) for six
    pollutants:  suspended participate matter, sulfur oxides,  carbon monoxide,
    hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide and photochemical  oxidants.   Mowever, most
    stats regulations ccuccrv'irated on the  attainment  of standards through
    em ir, si en controls ana did not fully  address  the problem  oi" ir.ainr.aining air
    qual ity.

         As a result of a court  case won by the  Nacural  Resources Dev'ense
         f i C> tl I '„ ,j Li I V U I U Vv U U i  U  <,t O V.  11V ' *  Vj>  VI l[~  . 1U i_ v-' I U I  i vxj ,j v " 1 I U C -> v> «,., I U i 1 O C.
    Council, EPA disapproved all  SIPs because  tiuiy  lacked effective mechanisms
    for n:aint.3iniM'.j stai;dard3.   EPA  then  required  th-it  the  states identify
      ------ f         t         ^                  i
    are termed Air finality Maintenance Areas  or  AQi-iAs.
         By July 1, 1976,  EPA  will  determine  which  areas  need ruiintenance
    plans, and as discussed  further below,  by this  sa;ne date the Regional Adniini-
    ctv'ators will have  to  decide  which Air  Quality  Control  Regions (AQCPvs) need
    plan re-visions for  both  attainment and  n:aintenance.  An analysis  performed
    by cither the State  or EPA is due by April  1 ,  1976  (RAs n>ay modify this date),
    to determine v.-hich  areas would  need attainment  and/or maintenance plan revisions.
    The Regional Administrators will  specify  a  submittal  date for the AQMA plan  and
    the time period the  plan must cover.  To  ensure the continued maintenance  of
    the NAAQS, states must review the adequacy of  the AQMA plan at least every 5
    years or more frequently if the plan  itself covers  less than 5 years.

         2.  208 Planning,                                           .   '

         Section 203 of the  Federal Hater  Pollution Control Act Ansendnients
    of 1972 allows the  state or local governments  to designate certain areas
    v.'hich have substantial water  quality control problems for areawide waste

treatment management planning.  The states are responsible for developing
plans in areas not designated.  The plans developed under 203 must,  among
other things, identify the facilities necessary for meeting and maintaining
water quality standards for the next 20 years and regulate their location,
modification, and construction.  The plans must also include procedures
designed to control nonpoint sources of pollution, pretrcatment of industrial
wastes, and the disposal  of wcistcwater residues.  The management agency
or agencies necessary for implementing the plan must also be identified.

     One large difference between the two programs is that monies have
been appropriated especially for 20S areawide planning while' AQ.MA planning
is part of the SIP and is funded out of existing grants .   The money allocated
to the state  through Program. Support Grants (Section 105  of the Clean Air
Act), together with the matched state or local funds, must be apportioned
among a number of other air quality programs wliich are part of the SIP (e.g.
Stationary Source Review, New Source Performance Standards, Transportation
Control Measures), along with other general functions (^nforcement,  engineer-
;irsn3 technical services, and uiuiiagement) ,
                           ol TV
their  impact on one another end in terms of their similarities or approach.
Both an.- concerned with maintaining environmental quality; both utilize
an areawide approach in ivhich a was of potential or existing problems
are identified and a unified plan is developed for the entire area.  However,
when a program is designed to control pollution in just one medium, it can
result in environmental deterioration in another.  Win"!: the goal of both
AQM and 208 is to improve the quality of the environment, the single
medium focus of separate prograns may result in conflict with the attain-
ment and maintenance of standards in the other medium.  At tho same time,
if care is taken to coordinate their development, the plans produced
through these two programs can be mutually supportive.

     1 .  In termed la Tradeoffs

     An obvious example of the intermedia conflict is the use of control
technologies and equipment which are employed to reduce omissions to one
medium while transferring the pollution problem to another medium.   Lime/
limestone scrubbers, one means for reducing S02 emissions, produce  a
liquid sludge which must be disposed of.  Conversely, sewage treatment
plants may try to dispose of sludge through incineration, thus increasing
air quality problems.  Such problems can also affect energy production
considerations.  A fossil-fueled electric generator may be undesirable
because of air quality limitations, but an alternative nuclear generating
plant may be unable to meet thermal pollution standards.

        2,  Communi ty Growth

     Potential conflicts are also apparent when examining  the  issue
of community grov;th -- v.'hcre should it occur, how should  it  be
distributed and how niiic'h should be allowed?  The two programs  will
view these questions from different perspectives, which in some cases
may result in different ^nswers.  Tor example, the location  of waste
treatment plants and sewer interceptors can act as an  inducement  to
growth and guide growth toward the serviced areas.  These  areas plan-
ned for expanded sewersge service niay have existing air quality problems
which increased growth would simply exacerbate.  In Ocean  County,  few Jersey,
for instance, the combination of the expansion of the  Gar-den State Parkway
ar.c! a proposed new large treatment plant would have pormi i-.tsd  a rapidly
accelerating growth rate and resulting »ir pollution problems  rrom increased
coiiinniting.  Citizen objections finally resulted in a reduction in  the
scale oi"  the plant.  I;i t!>o Wash ing ton, D.C. f-'etropol i tan  Area, a  large
interceptor wan run out to serve tne Dulles International  Airport  through
lend wirkJi was laryoly undeveloped.  Th:; combined attract ion of both
the air;;ort ar,u the available sewer service has put: scv/ero pressure on
the local communi ties to accommodate greater deyalc;;rt:o;it  :ind thus  more
pol lution.

     In addition to conflicts over the amount of growth,  the two  programs
nicy censcicucly attempt to guide growth toward different,  d istriunLioriS.
Tn designing an AQMA plan, fjr exiinple, the planning aqoncy  uiay -..'ani;  to
utilize the option of emission density /:oning  to establish oi-iisoion li-nr.s
for different aj'e-as.  An industrial zone might have a  limit  or 3  tons of
total suspended participates per square r:-i 1 e while  the limit fur  a commer-
cial zone would be considerably less.  However, wasteload  ;i 11 orations
consistent with maintaining water quality may necessitate  a  different
land use  configuration which would not correspond to the  air quali.ty  zones.
For example, the location of additional heavy  industry within  a particular
area may  lower the quality of the receiving water below standards, though
due to favorable meteorological conditions, it is a desirable  location in
terms of  air quality maintenance.

     On a larger scale., the two programs may favcr different general-
growth patterns.   In one area, for example, substantial iii-migration
and a concommitant demand for housing may  result from  ino-easing  job
opportunities.  !*!

    best  suited  to meet the requirements of a water quality plan may conflict
    with  the needs for Air Quality Maintenance Planning.

          3.  Reinforcement

          Thus  far, only possible conflicts between the two programs have
    been  mentioned,   However,  they should be designed to be consistent with
    one another  so tivit their  policies can be reinforcing, thus providing
    further  inducement, for corni.ni ties to take regulatory action.  Haste-
    water treatment  and collection facilities, for example, can be designed  •
    to  serve those areas  lacking significant air quality attainment and
    maintenance  problems, thus directing grov.'th away from problem areas.  In
    doing so,  however, con .si dorr, t ion must be givon to preventing da ten' oral; ion
    of  air and water quality.   If land use policies and controls are consistent,
    growth can be regulated so that it does not result in violations of either
    water or air quality  standards.  Therefore, it is important that agencies
    developiny plans under the  two programs coordinate closely with each other
    to  assure  that their  plans v/ill achieve national objectives for both media
    and  that  th-jy are compatible and complementary .  The plans v/ill thus more
    likely reinforce each other  as they arc implemented.

! I .  DG;:icmation  and  Timing

    A .       (a tion  of  Plamy-nn  Agencies
          Under the  208  regulations,  an  agency must be designated to do
     th/3 planning at the same  time  the 203 area  is designated.  There can
     only be  one agency  responsible for  planning  in each 203 area, and often
     :he designated  c.g.-ancy is  •"»  regional  pi aiming council or a COG,  If
     th;ire is no existing regional  planning organization, one must be
     created, and it must include representation  from all the jurisdictions
     within the 208  areas.  As part of the planning process, an implementa-
     tion program must be developed and  the implementing agency or agencies
     must be  identi fied.

          The situation  in AQMAs is somewhat different.  The state has the
     initial  responsibility for  developing the AQMA analysis and plans,
     although it may delegate  this  responsibility to a lower level of govern-
     ment.  For example, the state  might decide  to do the planning itself,
     or it might decide  to co  it in conjunction  with local or regional. •
     cigenices.  If this  is the case,  more than one local or regional agency
     might be involved for each  AQMA,   It is recommended that one agency
     have lead responsibility, but  this  is not a  requirement.  Implementation
     can be the responsibility of one or more agencies as in 203.  Because
     many air pollution  control  agencies may not  have adequate expertise
     in developiny and implementing the  kinds of  measures that may be needed
     for air quality maintenance such as land use and transportation measures,
     they are required by the  regulations to consult with other agencies, such

as the EPA 208 agencies,  HUO  701  agencies,  DOT 3-C agencies, Coastal
Zone Management agencies  and  OMB  A-95 clearinghouses, if they develop .
the AQMA plan.  Furthermore,  the  State would have tofforward the AQMA •
plan to the appropriate A-95  clearinghouse for comment prior to submission
to EPA.

B.  Geographic Doundari es

     Most AQr'iAs consist of urban  and urbanizing areas, and many
overlay Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas.   Because of this, the
initial boundaries  arc often  defined as coincident v;i th county boundaries,
though in sorr.e. cases  boundaries divide counties.   Other AQMAs cover
areas whore resource  exploitation or industrial df've! orient, create,
or inay potentially  create, an air quality problem.  Oesigr.ations
arc; po-Uitant  ipecific;  that  is,  an AQMA -lay be designated for a
potential violation of any cno or several of the pollutants for which
standards exist.

     Fo! lowinci to-r  initial dui; irjna ticn. sUtai; cr £?A niust -!o an in-depth
analysis of ti-s  p>~obU-:iiis  ;-ooc;.'! by each rullutaiit Per v;hich an area
 is designated.   This  v/oulu ircluJc an ass'.^snient ;;f -jrcv.'th ;'ictors
and dr/slopjnont  patterns  an-j  a projection of future air quality for
at lc:.>;t 10 y?ars.   It is possible that b,i:od on this analysis, the?
boundaries would  L^ revised to correspond rr.ore closely to the air shad
vdthin v/hich  the  objectionsie po!i:;i:anos are a pr«?Jie«i.

     2C-3 aroav/ide  plcinninc: is not pollutant specific,  It is i^yrforir.O'J
'whenever the  governor of  the  state (or in suine cases, local officials)
del errnir.es  tiui:  an  area will  hc\ve subst^iici A! problc::is in controlling
'•/ater  c;.ia!ity due  to  hi';h coricentrat'ions of population and iiKh:;try or
other  conditions.   The state  is responsible for planning in ail other
areas  through the  State U'atsr Quality Management Plan.  Boundaries, for
203 areas are coincident  v/ith governmental boundaries in most cases, though
hydrological  boundaries also  n:ay influence boundary '.leteniiination.  The
designations  are  proposed either by the state (or states if it is an
 interstate  area),  or by  the local jurisdictions th

 In other areas, the first problem may be to attain air quality
 standards before considering maintenance measures.  In any case, by
 July 1,  1976 the Regional Administrators must identify all attainment
 and maintenance SIP revisions that will be necessary as well as just
 maintenance revisions,  It is the RA's responsibility to set a
 submittal date for the AQMA plan which will be contingent upon the
 lead ti;iie neetiod for effective maintenance.  For example, if the
 first 10 year oir quality analysis reveals maintenance problems, and
 to solve the problem requires an action 7 years in advance, then the
 necessary action must be in the first maintenance revision.  It does
 not Matter how many years the revision covers, the necessary lead time
 from action i.o prevention of air quality standards violation must be
 considered.  The shortest time period a revision cculd cover, however,
 would probably be three years since less would be impractical.

      Plans that provide for the maintenance of tils ilAAQS for loss
 than 10 years :iust provide a discussion of problems in nwip.taining
 the NAAQS for the remainder of the 10-year period.  In addition,
 AQMA analyses ond plans n>ust address the sarno periods as other
. federal ly-sponr.ored plans in AQMAs where such plans account for
 periods of longer than 10 years.  These plans include the Department
 of TVonsporf-.j.t ion's 3-C pUns, trie !.\v-arL;;:ont of Housing and Urban
 Developer's 701 comprehensive plans, .;rc! ilPA's Section ?Q3 areavmie
 v;?ste t r ::•;?,<::.•;: rii; :nanaa£;,:-Mu: plans.  If  the AQMA plan does not maintain stan-
 dards over the full period cover ad by other fcuernlly-sponscred plan', then
 i:he AQMA plan wou'd have fo clis'".u:;' '.he ;r:ui:V:c::a;io>; prouieiHS expected
 over the remainder of the period.  The1 Administrator, at his discretion,
 could pervni t the States  to perform a  less detailed ACr!A Analysis for
 the period beyond the initial IQ-year  period  than for the initial VO-year

      From  'chc i'!ats of designation, according  to  the Act, 1:08 planning
 agencies havy one year to develop a work plan and Lv;o years to develop
 a plan,  However, in order to qualify  for IOC?.; fedora 1 funding, the
 work plan  had  to be submitted to  EPA  before the  ond of FY 75.  Thus,
 for most designated areas the deadline for the romp Is ted nloti will bs
 around June  1977, but the exact da to  for each 208 area depends on when
 it ro.cciveci  its grant.   Proposed  changes in the  grant regulations would
 allow the  RAs  some discretion in  detorniining  when 203 plans would be
 due  from those agencies  receiving grants in FY 74 and FY 76.  The RA
 would be allowed to grant  the planning agencies  more  time based on his
 determination of when they had sufficient staff  to begin plan development
 and had  initiated major  work elements.  Under die proposed  changes new
 grantees would have two  years to  develop the  plan from the  date the
 detailed work  plan was approved by EPA.  The  agencies could receive

      up to 5 percent of  their grant award  to  prepare  the  work plan.

           Because tho regulations for AQM  do  not  specify  due dates for the
      subiaittal cf maintenance plans, but leave  this  to the discretion of the
      RA> it is difficult to  generalize  on  the timing  of coordination between
      208 and AQ;';A plaining .  -Soi.ic CPA "scions will  keep their AQMAs to the
      time schedule developed earlier, which overlaps  greatly v/ilh the schedule
      for 203 pl'ans.  ..'here this  is not  possible,  it  is important to remember
      that tha plans which am developed are not one  time  efforts but must
      u?2 period ically updated in  order to ir.airitain them as effective irar.u'joment
      uools.  Section £Qo requires an annual certification of the plan by the
      novernor or his dosinnco as being  consistent with applicable basin plans.
      The 203 grant regulations state  that  if  in thn  judgment of the Regional
      Administrator, State Govenior(s) or 203  agency,  substantial changes have
      occurred v;hich warrant  revision or amendment of  the  approved plan, the
      plan shall be revised or c^ndod and  submitted  for review  in ^he same
» j


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           Thjro are  o number  of  procedures,  wiiich if iirpleri'^iif'.ecl, would
      facilitfito coordination  b-'tv-^en  2OS and AQ?} during the plaijni-'Hj ;;e/-iod.
      The purposa of  this  section is  to  outline tiic;;e ar^d to describe how
      thay v/cuui c?.  integrdted ir.to  tho  planning process.

           It should  also  be noted that  the state is responsible  for water
      quality nisnacement planning in  those areas of the state not designated
      for 203 arcawide planning.   Thus it is  only logical that the state
      ;uvency >"-Jipc-nsible for water quality ;"anacje!;;o;it cco:-c.h'n.-ito with the
      s-jency responsible for  the  St.ite Implementation Plnn.  Mnny of the pro-
      cedures discussed herein pertain to state planning efforts and chcind be
      carried out whc:n a;)plicab!e.  The  State Vwter Qua! i l\> Ma:i'Kje.;:c-iit Plans
      include many of the  same elements  that  203 plans in designated areas
      will contain.   The State is already responsible for the SIP of which
      /"\QMA plans are  a part.   The agencies responsible for 203 or AQMA planning
      in areas where  there is  no  co'-responding areav/ido planning effort for
      the other medium should  coordinate with the state agencies responsible
      for air or water quality management.

      A.  Planning Agency  Designation

           In most cases,  the  208 planning agencies will have been designated
      prior to the AQMA designations,  and often the designated agency will be
      a COG or regional planning  council.  Given this fact, coordination would


be facilitated if the states delegated responsibility for AQN plan-
ning to the same agency designated for 203  planning,  provided that
agency has rer-ponsibi 1 i ty for comprehensive planning  and is capable of
preparing such a plan.  Tlv:; development of  AQMA  plans in many areas
involve measures, such as land use controls,  which many'air pollution
control agencies have neither the expertise to develop nor the authority
to implement.  Thus, in addition to facilitating coordination, it may
be more politically acceptable to have an agency responsible for general
comprehensive planning develop the AQi-'A plan.  Of course, the feasibility
of having the sanie agency develop both plans  would depend on the boundaries
of the two areas.  If th?re is little overlap, the designated 208 agency
may not have the authority to conduct fanning in the AQMA.

     IF the saii'.-j agency i;; not designa ted,  cocrci'ination '.-ould still
have to occur, and to assure thai: it does,  the responsible planning
agencies should draw up letters of agreement between  them to cover
such items as integration of work plans, and consistency of date and
control strategies.

3 •  Goooraplric J'.oundari e_s_

     Frcn1 the <\srlicr discussion, it .--hoi.;Id be* apparent oh?.t in many
en sos  203 a:i'.i Af'-MA dusigrn tions u i'M not coincide,  Sonio i;:e!;ropol i Cnn
ar'xr;  may be design?.UK! In part for 208, vmile ufiOt'ner part is included
in AM  AQMA.  nOx-..>'v'.-irj  if  there is a considerable overlap between the two
bouii'.'iorins,  it would bft ;-;roforabS>? if they  could be the sai:;c.  During
the ACy'A analysis, v;hc-n ti;-? boundaries are  refir.cd, the s;:-ates or  those
cielep.-iVed by th.s-.in  should  consider incorporating  existing 203 areas into
the A^MA when this appeals to ba a prnctical  alternative,  Coiiversely,
if dssiynatlons  for  203 ar;.:-j.s are made after KY  7fj, consideration  should
be given to refining the  boundaries prior to designation to increase .
consistency with AQMA.

C.  Ifork ProqraiTis

     The 208 and AQMA  plans have a slightly-different planning sequence
but essentially  follow a  similar  process.

     The follov/inq generalized planning  tasks apply  to either
AQMA or 203  planning:

     1.  Inventory of  existing and  potential  emissions or
          discharcier, and  characterization  of possible problems.
     2.  Data  collection and projection  of  population, employment,
          and  1-ind use  over the planning  period.
     3.  Projection of waste loads  or emissions over the planning
     4.  Deter;;,i nation of effects  on air  or v/ater Duality.
     'j.  Determination of necessary elusion or \vaste load

     5.  Devourment of  a 1 torrviU ve s :.r;'. tecio:; of .^ste l:c\d  or
          emission redaction  to oc!;icvo o:id  ::":': i is £:>."'n  s-^'^hrds.


     Al tMoi'tj!",  U'ey may be cm so:nr:v.'!'.^i: -ji f f::rr.,-!t  \.~.:.";: sclied:., lr:s ,  it  is
on  i.iie d-:velci':;":;i~ of  ;:''eir v:or!-; 'r.1 •
      uc jointly, ;v.;/ivtp-; --:.-:'.:;: iivj ..',;-.;  •; '-„:• ;' f r-vy; Ire •,,f,-ni..-:; f ; .•  t!;e ;:i;;^:-
  ..  ;;5:ng  n.^t^ro of  i'/cii ; ' • c •:: r .' r.is .    >':  .'1:0' ca;;-::,  i:;;e v,or!s  :. •.••-;;•:!!! r':J'~t
 :-<;';.;:: i fy iiov: cvO'";1 !na h io-i '..'iil  occur  c-i'-;.:^!'n;ji;  :,;•,.;  pi in-r^-'j  ;:. :i'jcoss .
 ";•,.": Sol lov.'ii!!j -ecticns  --! •.:.!] -.;!-.!: :;,•:.-. ;oi;;-e:; fn;-  !:-.y-:-:-.;vi:. > ; -,;i  •;,•; ;.j;o
 '!•.:•••/':'! ;:-.;; nr; rit of ;'r:)jecti.;:':i ; e'/alu^". iv;;i  of  altern^';;^e 3 tv.-Kojies , ^.;v'i
 .•"C.-itol  i\ivil v:. i°> , roporting, and  rapr-:;Siiii.-,ctic%n.   T;ie exact i;;e".(is or
 i implementing I'w-:.? pi'ocedures  must be  developed  in  the work  plan.

 0.   Gr-in';  Ccnd i Uoninq
      G?\-nt  conditions can !.e  used to  ii)eciry and  nivi:! ar-sur-vice that
 "i:ff Icient  attention vnll Ls  eiven to  cO'ji'din^Lion  needs,   "i.^i'-e :-•:•:-uj,~:-i
 for ;i.!:;;isisteri;i'j  the ACM pi•-.•;;;;ram v.'ii'.irin  the !le


             Air and Hater Quality  Planrnng Coordination

     The  Project Control  Program shall,  at a minimum,  establish
procedures to integrate  the air quality  maintenance planing  (AQMP)
and Aroavnde t.'nste Treatment Management  Planning  (AV.'VfR-iP) activities
for the designated area  by written agreement(s).   These agreements
shall  insure that:  •

A,  The designated air quality maintenance planning agcncy(s)  has
    rovicv;2'J and coinT.Gntcd en the  project control  program prior
    to  i i;s subciHtal  to  EPA.

0.  ?•.-:.•• I ex! ic reporting and output  review procedures for both  the
    /',Qi'-;P  snci A'J'.nH? progr:;!;vj are estaM inh.-yJ betv.'cen cho desijnatecl
    air quality na in/:nnano:} n! arming  •::•;; 2.:vv-'{s)  ar*ci the a reawide v.'ast
    troa '-.ir,cnt ;:UiU^e:rent pUmning  aacncy.

C.  The design?, cati air qua! icy '.^inten^nco planning agc^cyfs)  nas'tic
    ~\3  "C":ber(s/ oi:  ;:he  Ai'fjav.-J!"ie Plonnir-g Advisory Co;;^ii ttee,  ejcabli
    pursuant to 40 CFR 35 .lo:-4-^(d).
           ;s .'--I C'y.r!v.:; lent -^''C^  or  ;..••.•.;•.. ..-•< ^:i

          -3 aii- c-i;:! ! !-.y  :;:ain :;;;';;,;-;^ \> \-\-.\-:, I
                                    iVj  l'io ••;:•-; .'•^nsio-i air qvalit/  -•;>.>::v
     o.j^'iciss) cr  ':.;:•?  ox is tin-;.!  or.r-rci'iic , ••!.:•;. ;••'; ;j ra p i1 •> c , I-: .id vise,  ."..:d -^'
     b'':;li:ie tlf.t;;  a:vi daLa  "c:-:--.'.t:;  is .'i;::cnp : 'shad  r;riO!' b;;  L';o  •.! •••ol
     n^tvc of the d.it/i  Lv~;se for  ti--i A--:V;Ti'-'P 5'vl ACMP p> ••Hrr'.nis.

     Oyvrr'cpii'.or,!: or  i>ov: ocoi'.oir.'i'; ,  '!;i;i:ogr^;;;i1c 3  land  uso and uti'.er Lv'el


 E.   Data

      Both programs require the projection of  future  pollution levels.
 To  do this, they must correlate predictions of  the concentrations anc}-
 components of growth to the resulting emissions.  203  covers  a 20 year
 planning period,  ACMA plans must address the same time  period as other
 Federally-sponsored plans in the AQMA, so in  areas where 203  planning
 is  being done, A^'A plc.r,s must discuss at least  a 20 year period.  If
 the two plans aro to be consistent, they must develop  consistent pro-
 jections for democjraphic factors such as population  and  household type,
 and for economic growth and land use.  To insure such  consistency, a
 common classification system is needed for land  use  and  3conoi;i.ic factors
 so  that data will be compiled using a similar format.  The planning agencies
 should integrate their data requirements before  gathering data, so that
 the information obtained for the ore plan is  transferable to  the other,
 AQ'-'.A pla.is can use Uvo fota already collected by 203 in  areas v.here 203
 p'rV'.niiig is alrouciy underway.  In other cross,  the two programs should
 divide Lhe effort of obtaining data, which, when collected,  car, ba integrated
 into .1 common data base.

      Since most AQi-'A planning Agencies have limited  resources, primary
 reliance should ho placed on 2Gr. agencies for population, l,;nd use,
 £.:ynr.:ric ;u:d water ouelHy data •-.-hen this is  compatible  with  the time
 schedule for Ai^.'-'A planning,  The i dune much
 earlier than  the other, n-ira 'recent or cc:-[/rehens ive ciala .:'.\y '.)i.-cc:r,e
 av^'i;'iblc by  the  timo the s-'/cond planniiv.] effort \",  u.v.'erway.  if this
'Is  the ca;e,  there i^ay be aciiciuate re.VJOi1. for r'ocifyirig  projeoLi-ons.
 !iowf:vcr, if it Ccirnot he demonstrated thr-t th.e  oif^oronco in  pro.jectioiiS
 "is  cuo to the 

F .   Representation

     Periodic consultation between  AQM and  203 planning agencies will  r
help ensure tint both plans arc  consistent.   It is important, therefore ,
that representatives of  tho planning  agencies roponsible for each program
should ba  included  in any Advisory  group which might be created, to
ensure periodic consultation  between  tho two agencies.  AOMA planning
guidelines discuss  the necer.sary involvement and interrelationship of
various governmental crcan izations  in the development of an AQMA plan.
They assume t!i-it,  in most cases, a  number of aconcios will  he intimately
                 ,               ,
involved in tho  plan's  development,  and several  possible modes
cion are discussed.   l-!ho L'-r:vot-  method is chosen,  a representativ
                                                                of coorcliikv
                                                               ve of tho
203 planning
              ide for coordi nation  by  moans  of
                               included in such efforts.  2Gr. y..: ids lines
                                           an  Ai\'T\  agency sho
                                            he s"':.?. iTi;  of the
Advisory Con^ii ttns and  representatives
incited in  its r;,r:-bership.   In  additi,        ..            ..
ayfrncies should develop a  close  working relationship.  For example, each
planning agency c.c;uld designate'  one  person to sor-t: as liaison betv;ecn
thorn, to help  oribure  that  necessary  coord i nation
                                                              ld be
                                                              -.'o planning
       fashion.   This  w^u'id  also  help in identify ng possible conflicts
                                                     carried cue in a
U;K! rosolving  c!io;:i  inforiuaHy  as  they arise.
3 !' •'•'"!

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                                                                  In the
Instancs,  \vouid  li-iiit  tho  cc'ir;:;ion of oollutants L-'.sed on the ^ijicnal
lend trie/trsnspoi-taf ion plan.   The mo.-imun eivrissions al lov,:;;jle, con-
sistent v/ith  standards, v;ould  be allocated to planning s'.'ivir^as, and.
"'and use  and  transporttion  plans would be revised so  that these pre-
scribed emissions  limits would not be exceeded.  Emission c'
zonir'.g  limits  euiissions of a pollutant to prescribed levels v,
defined so?tial  areas.   The  limit is established i:> terms of
of emission.?  per area,  per v.isr.fi period, snch as pounds cf pa:
per .-ere,  per  year.  The allocation can correspord to  the t:yr;
use so  that,  for example,  heavy industrial ."ones art; allowed
limits  thon  residential r.onos.  Tranr-portation controls help rcdnce
emission';  from no Lor vehicles  by either roducinq t.ho pollutant omission'
rate per  vehicle mile  of travel (VMT) or by rechjcing the total number
of VJ-ir.   Measin'cs  to reduce  VMT liave the greatest impact on land use,
and can include  such things  as street closings or traffic free zones,
parking bans,  parking  supply management, restricted road building,
improved  mass  transit,  and control of urban development.  Other control
                                                               i tv

                                                                of land


strategies which affect lend use include  transfer  of  enn'sson  source
location, indirect source review, emission charges, and .regional
development planning.

     All of these control stratgies affect water quality and  planning
for iirc-cU-ndc waste treatment manager.ont.  Emission limits set for various
suhe.reas would effectively control certain types of development producing
tho;;e emissions, while possibly encouraging  then  to locate elsewhere.'
An optimum location decision in terms of  maintaining  air quality may
not be desirable in terns of handling water  pollution discharges.
Restricting the development of road networks in one area may lead to
development wlvi-re tiv*  troimportation in!"ras'cruc euro was  already in
existence - thus causing higher pollution loads  in already developed

     Ar, pointed out earlier, it is not  only  the control  strategies
which directly affect  land use arid thus  water quality, but also the
'technological ly and opera i.ioral ly crisnt^u str'u-^i^s , that is, omission
control measures.  Thesa include such thir.cjf, as now source performance
s !.'r.r.d;;rds, t\.;ol conversion, combination  of '-inn •, "on sources, stac!; hc-viht
rc1^! latiens and control or" fugitive dust sources.   Combination of emission
sources may cause a concer.'Li-.ition of v.'atcr pollution  dischart.j;!1;.  Tiie 'jse
uf U"i i i stacks may reduce ground level  concertra ti')n- but could result
in coiitaniina tec! precipi tatio;' .r/.;ch as t!;e "acici veins'1 observed in
Sw2r!'.:.i.  One control strategy for  fugitive d:jst consists of v.;.tiring
which cuijid cause runoff problems.

      Int::-riiiedin prohlenis i:iay also arise  frc'ii water quality rvr.Mr:c'n;ent.
strategies.  Many of the measures  incorcor'ted into •?. 203 plan to control
point o;vl nonpoint sources affect  land  use which could affect AC/'A plans.
Sev.'or  interceptor and  facilities location, restricting tha Ic-cation of
industrial devolopmont to arcar, where the receiving v/atei's
capacity, and restricting development in arr.as wh^ro  siyni
polli.nii.in would result, ore decisions which  cculd  arfect a
iiovre'-'or, not all interaction between 2CG ancl AQM  i-ecd re
Both  plans should favor bettor ^an-Kifciuant of conn trucl; ion
exa:up!e, liieasur^s such as minimal exposure periods for active
areas,  or utilisation  of staged grading, seeding  and  sodding  procedures •
would  reduce both runoff and  fugitive dust problems.   More generally, the
objectives of both programs wnuld  be served  by limited urban  development
in certain areas or controlled density.   Transportation control plans
which  restrict road construction  to  such areas, and facility  planning
which  avoids routing an  interceptor  to  undeveloped areas could both be
used  as reinforcing  strategies.

      It is thus critical for  the successful•implementation of the 203
and AQMA plans to take advantage of  complementary  strategies  by evaluating
the effectiveness of various alternatives to determine their impact on


each medium.

     The planning  agencies  responsible for the tv/o programs  must
make sure that  they  inform  one another about alternatives  being
considered and  offer  one another an opportunity to review  and comment
on alternatives.   Such  COT-MIts should bo considered during  the evaluation
process so that alternatives for one medium could not  be selected that
would conflict  vm.h  i ir.pl encnUti on of the plans for the other r.edium.
This review and co;;;:::ent should be undertaken by the planning staffs and
the advisory  groups  to  the  planning agencies.

     208 agencies  will  have an additional opportunity  in preparing
the environmental  a^sessnant to assure thai ;-o conflict exists with
AQMA strategies.   L-;;h  alternative 208 plr-n v.'ili bo evaluated ro assess
its impact on air  quality.   u~>-: only the direct impact on  air quality
should bs assessed but  also the indirect effects on grov/th inducement
or distribution.

l!>  Reporting

     In order to  keep the pi-,-win;) o.gijr.oies pasted on  tho  ciirr-.:'.-. t •-.kr-.'o'iop-
;?!.?n'; of both  plans,  there :i:C-!.''!u be sci;^ ty;.:™ of periodic  or ;.:iloposL
ry.;orting i'Otv.'ssn  thsnt.  The st.vt* shoi:id bo veGpfu;:.iblo  for ensuring
tna :; the reporting is carried out.  fhis c-^.iici take ;-!ace  quartorly or at

jactions, analysis of v/atcr and air qujlity, ntc.).   Ii-f.vr-al  contacts
v-.-oulJ, of course,  b<:nt to  the !-"Y\ rn-rional
office.  The  report  should  describe how respr^en^atives of  eac i program
are involved  in an advisory capacity, any meetings ':h;c:h .have; l.-j-'.-n ';eid
between t!iG  two programs, what information has hcc-n provided to o:ic'n pro-
gram,  how consistency in data and projections is 'being achieved, and any
i/otantial conflicts  which may be developed.  This sh'iuld DO  done at a
minimum of L-very  6 njonths in the format of the stami-annual  reports required
of  coth  i:!;=;  AQM and  203 planning agencies.

I.  Progra:n  Approval

     After completion,  the  planning agency for each nrogron  sliculd review
the other's  plan  to  ensure  there are no conflicts, and as  a  final
check, the plans  should also be reviewed at  the state  K:vel  by those
responsible  for administering the tv/o programs, and by the EPA regional

     If potential conflicts  develop during the puintnng  stage, it is
expected that  the planning agencies responsible will  attempt to
resolve them informally.   If this is not possible,  the  conflict should
be referred v.p  to the  state  level where the agencies  responsible for
administering  these  t'.-.o  programs v.'ould resolve it.  As  a final resort,
it would be referred  to  the  Regional Administrator  for  mediation.

     In the case  that  other  federal agencies v/ere  involved in a dispute,
then EPA should meet  with representatives of the .-if fee ted agency to review
the situation  and v;henevcr possible to fonr.ulate recommendations for
resolving  th eiL'ner
Hir'.'.iiL'ni.  Thus,  2'^ i!M..1 A'y! agopci'rjS arc encouraged  i:o ror.olve conflicts
early c>r-i.!  nol:  v.'Ai i: unLM the plans arc so far alon~ l\\:\i ciionn^s v.'ould
                                    Environmental Protection
                                    Region V8 Library
                                    230 South Vezz-bctm Streo
                                    Chicago, Illinois  6060«f
