United Stales   Olflce of Water EPA-821-F-99-008
Environmental Protection (4303)    June 1999
 Methods and
 Guidance for
 the Analysis
   of Water
     Version 2.0

Tables of Approved Methods
on CD-ROM!
E PA’s Office of Water is making
available a revised EPA Methods and
Guidance for the Analysis of Water CD
ROM. This CD-ROM includes the full text of
newly developed EPA Wastewater and
drinking water methods and guidance
docwnents. Additionally, the CD-ROM
contains tables detailing what methods are
approved at 40 CFR part 136 and 141.
F or the first time, the Office of Water
CD-ROM includes links tables based on
those in the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) listing which methods are approved for
wastewater and drinking water compliance
monitoring. Accessing approved EPA water
test methods has never been easier.
T o find which methods are approved for
an analyte of interest, simply click on
the tables of approved methods button
and search by analyte. Then, click on the EPA
method number listed for that analyte to
instantly access the full text of the method.
• Includes more than 500 methods and
guidance documents that test for 776
• MAC and PC Compatible
• Contains tables of approved methods listed
at4O CF’R parts 136 and 141
U.S Environmental Protection Agency

       Have Complete EPA
    Methods and Guidance at
          Your Fingertips!

      Never before has such a comprehensive
      collection of wastewater and drinking
      water methods and guidance been
available in one place. Each document is
complete, including tables, diagrams, figures,
and flowcharts.

      The software includes a powerful text
      search engine to allow searches by
      method number, analyte name, and key
words. All methods, guidance documents, and
graphics have been converted to Adobe
Acrobat© Portable Document Format (PDF)
to ensure efficient text searches.

Your workplace library will not be complete
without this valuable reference tool.  The
Methods and Guidance for the Analysis of
Water CD-ROM will:

4  Eliminate the inconvenience of bulky
   hardcopy materials that clutter up your
   office or lab

4  Provide instantaneous access to clean
   copies of complete documents with no
   tattered edges, missing figures, or ripped

•   Allow you to cut and paste text and
   diagrams to develop laboratory standard
   operating procedures
               Office of Water

What Guidance Documents
are on the
Office of Water CD-ROM?
• Guidance on Evaluation, Resolution, and
Documentation of Analytical Problems Associated
with Compliance Monitoring
• Guidance on Establishing Trace Metal Clean Rooms
in Existing Facilities
• Guidance OIL the Documentation and Evaluation of
Trace Metals Data Collected for Clean Water Act
Compliance Monitoring
• Protocol for EPA Approval of Alternate Test
Procedures for Organic and Inorganic Analytes in
Wastewater and Drinking Water
• Protocol for EPA Approval of New Methods for
Organic and Inorganic Analytes in Wastewater and
Drinking Water
• Protocol for EPA Approval of New or Alternate Test
Procedures for Whole Effluent Toxicity
• Guidelines and Format for Methods to Be Proposed
at 40 CFR Part 136 or Part 141
• Preliminary Report of EPA Efforts to Replace Freon
for the Determination of Oil and Grease
• Report of EPA Efforts to Replace Freon for the
Determination of Oil and Grease and Total Petroleum
Hydrocarbons: Phase II
• Comparison of VOA Conipositing Procedures
• Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study (LMMB)
Methods Compendium
Please fax questions to the Sample Control Center
(Operated by DynCorp under
EPA contract 68-C-98-139) 703-461-8056

What Methods are on the
Office of Water CD ROM?
• 1996 Code of Federal Regulations (Cl’R), Title 40,
Part 136 -Appendices A, B, C, and 1)
• Metals In Environmental Samples
• Inorganic Substances In Environmental Samples
• EPA Approved 500 Series Methods
• Organic Compounds in Drinking Water
• Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes
• Methods for the Determination of Non-conventional
Pesticides in Municipal and Industrial Wastewater,
Volumes 1 and H
• Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of
Radioactivity in Drinking Water
• Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic
Toxicity of Etiluents and Receiving Water to
Freshwater Organisms
• Short-Tenu Methods for Estimating the Chronk
Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Water to Marine
and Estuarine Organ bins
• Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of
Effluents and Receiving Waters to rreshwater and
Marine Organisms
• 1600’s Series Methods, including T race Metals
Methods a iid methods for mlcrol)iological parameters
in water
• New 503 methods for analysis of chemical and
inicrol)iOlogIcal analytes in biosolids
• Analytical Methods for the Determination of
Pollutants in Phunnaceutical Manufacturing
Industry Wastewater
• Report of the Method 1664 Validation Studies
Washington, DC 20460

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System Requirements
- i386(TM), i486(TM), Pentium (A), or Pentium Pro (R)
processor-based personal computer
• Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11
- 8MB 0fRAM
• 5 MB of available hard-disk space
Windows 95 or Windows NT
- i386(TM), 1486(TM), Pentium(R), or Pentium Proc(R)
processor-based personal computer
- Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT(R)
• 10 MB of availabie hard-disk space
• Macintosh with a 68020 or greater processor, or Power
• 3 5 MB of RAM available to Acrobat Reader
• Apple System Software version 7 1
