
           Shih L. Chang
      Water Hygiene Division
     Office of Water Programs
   Cincinnati, Ohio 1*5268, U.S.A.

             Amoebic MeningoencephalItis and Recreational  Waters

                                Shih L. Chang

     The swimming-associated amoebic meningoencephalitis is a relatively

new and uncommon disease, but has attracted increasing attention of

public health workers because of its extremely high fatality and its

occurrence in widely scattered resort areas.  In a very recent report

Chang (1971)  gathered from the literature and personal communications

a total of ^5 cases - 22 in the United States, 17 in Czechoslavokia,

and 6 in Australia.  In addition, five suspected cases were reported in

Britain (Symmers, 1969; Appley et al., 1970; Warhurst et al., 1970).

Two of them were revealed in a retrospective examination of old patho-

logical specimens and the other three occurred in August 19&9 without

a history of swimming.

     In April 1971 (Hecht et al., 1970, another case of swimming-

associated anoebic meningoencephalitis occurred near San Bernardino,

California,  in a different setting.  A girl in a group of about 20

young people was afflicted with the disease after a few days of swimming

In a small,  shoulder-deep pool fed by water from a hot spring.  The

temperature  of the pool water is normally 27.7~39.3°C.

     The causative amoebae of this disease  is morphologically

indistinguishable from the free-living forms known as Naegleria gruberi.

which are small  (15-18u  in diameter), actively motile, and capable of
trancient flagellate transformation, and are commonly found  in sewage

effluents from cerobic treatment processes, in fresh  surface waters,

and  in soil  (Singh,  1952; Chang, 1958,  I960,  1971).   Cysts of JL. .gruberi


have also been found in municipal  water supplies (Chang et al., I960)

and fn outdoor swimming pools (Chang, 1971).

     The generally accepted belief in the mode of infection of amoebic

menlngoencephalitis is that the amoebae gain their entrance into the

upper part of the nasal cavity through diving or swimming activities.

From there they work their way through the nasal mucosa and the

cribiform plate into the cranial cavity.  They first attack the meninges;

expansion of the lesion into the adjacent part of the brain results  in


     To understand the epidemiology of this disease a number of questions

must be answered: 1.  Are pathogenic strains of Naegleria fundamentally

different from the wild strains of N. orubcri in pathogenic?ty?  2.   Can

wild strains of N. gruberi become pathogenic under certain conditions?

3.  Can pathogenic strains of Naeoleria establish growth  in the midst of

wild N. grubcr? in a natural aquatic environment?  4.  Can pathogenic

Naegleria produce asymptomatic  infections  in man by parasitizing the

nasopharyngeal region  and cause the disease only when  the amoebae  are

washed  into  the upper  nasal  cavity?  5.  Can wild strains of JL. gruberi.

parasitize human  nasopharyngeal region and  gain  pathogenic!ty  through

such a  parasitism?  6.  Do aquatic or  terrestrial animals or  birds serve

as  carriers  of the pathogenic Naegleria?   7.  Why should  an  indoor

swimming pool  be  involved  in the  occurrence of  the disease?

      It is  intended  in this  report to  present data that  hove  been

obtained both  in  the  laboratory and  the  field to answer  some  of these

questions and  to  discuss  the direction  of  future research in  order that

preventive measures  Caii Le  forrnuiatCu.


                           Materials and Methods

1.  Naeqlcria Amoebae

     Nine pathogenic strains of Naegleria, all isolated from autopsy or

cerebrospinal fluid, were carried in PMK (primary monkey kidney) cell

cultures.  Four of these strains were also-carried on the BST (buffered

sucrose tryptose) agar plates in association with a strain of Bordetella

bronchoseptica.  Ten wild strains of N. gruberi, isolated from swimming

pools, river or lake waters, and sewage effluents, were carried on the

BST agar plates in association with a strain of Aerobector aeroqenes.

All cell cultures were kept at 35°C and plate cultures at room

temperature (25°-27°C).

2.  Bacteri a-Associates

     The B. bronchoseptica. Gram~negative and rod-shaped, were  isolated

from a culture on inorganic agar of one of the pathogenic strains of

Naeqleri'a.  It was apparently, a contaminant but found to support the

growth of both wild and pathogenic strains of Naegleria.  Stock cultures

were carried on heart  infusion agar slants.  The A. aeroqenes was

isolated from a se\vage effluent.  It supported the growth of wild strains

of Haeqlcria on the BST agar plates and that of the pathogenic  strains

on Inorganic agar.  Stock cultures were carried on nutrient agar slants.

3.  HaT.-i?l ion Cel 1 Cul tures

     Primary MK cells were purchased from a commercial source.  PrepaVation

of tube and bottle cultures has been described elsewhere  (Chang et a).,

1958; Berg et a)., 19&3).  Hep-2 cells  (oesophageal cancer cell line) was

obtained from Or.' Robert Sullivan of the Milk Sanitation  Research Section,

FDA, Public health Service, and Vera cells (African green monkey kidney

cell line) from Dr. Gerald Berg of the Advanced Waste Treatment Research,
Cincinnati Water Research Laboratory. 'Both cell  lines were originally
purchased from the-American Type Culture Collections.  Tube and bottle
cultures of each cell line were prepared in the same manner as  the  PMK
cells except that  the EME (medium with  Earl's  base) was  used  for  growth
and maintenance of  the  Hep-2  cells.
*K  BST Aaar
     The  BST agar  was developed  primarily  for cultivation of  free-living
amoebae  in  laboratory  (Chang, 1958).  It is a phosphate-buffered (PH J.k-
7.5)  agar containing 1% (w/v) sucrose and 0.2% tryptose.  The low concen-
 tration  of  tryptose is  necessary because of its  inhibitive effect on
 amoebae  at concentrations commonly employed in bacteriological media.
 Agar plates were poured with 25 ml of the medium per petri dish.
 5   Concentration of Amebae from Water or Wastewater
      The method for concentrating amoebae  in  water has  been  previously
 described  (Chang  1971).  In  brief,  gallon-size samples  are allowed to
 pass through 25u  microstrainers before  they  are  filtered through lOu
 membranes.  Each  membrane  is placed on the wall  of  a sterile beaker and
 flushed  repeatedly with a  small  amount of dilution water with the aid
 of a capillary  pipette. The washings  are surveyed for types and concen-
  tration  of amoebae by  examining under  low power one or more drops placed
  on a microslide.   The  number of amoebae gal'1 is obtained by multiplying
  the average number of  amoebae drop'1 by the  number of  drop  in ml  and
  number  of ml  in a gallon.
       Fiberglass prefiltcrs  can be  used to replace the  lOu membranes.   If
              .       ..    ,     ».._.. M^ .•<-  —x* —-^.* .p».«.  Q§" * •fiF>r"i"lt«T>S
  LUC ^fcTciiii^*' itCfcwi  i.  fc^j  *•- -  » «  - -


filters may be used for each sample!  The washings are pooled before  they

are examined for amoebae.  If the volume of the pooled washings  is  too

large, it can be reduced by centrifuging and resuspending the sediment

In a desirec amount of dilution water.

6.  Examination of Concentrated Samples for Amoebae bv Plaguing  on  Plates

     This technique is quite similar to the plaque counting of bacteriophage

and has been described elsewhere (Chang,1971).  In essence, a concentrated

sample is diluted with a suspension of B. bronchoseptica such that  each

drop from a capillary pipette contains not more than 3 amoebae.  The

entire sample is plaqued by placing 10 drops on each poured BST  agar

plate and smearing the mixed suspension evenly over the whole plate with

a sterile golf club-shaped glass rod.  After the  liquid  is absorbed,  the

plates are turned over and incubated at 25°-28°C.  Examination of plates

for plaques starts on the 3rd day and covers a period of 2 weeks.
     Wild strains of N.  gruberi and other schizopyrenid  amoebae  grow

fast on bacteria and generally show plaques  in 3  to k days of  incubation;

HartTnnel la and Ac?nth:-o.:ba spp. grow slower and take  7-10 days  to  show

plaques.. The pathogenic strains of Naegleria grow so poorly  in  the

presence of bacteria growth  that their plaques are not visible until

after  12-15 days.  These differences have already been observed  with

several strains of wild  and  pathogenic Naegleria  and other species  of

free-living amoebae  (Chang, 1971)•

     Microscopic examination of  the plaques  for trophozoites  and cysts

enables one  to place the amoebae in general  groups mentioned  above.  To

establish cultures of  single strains of amoebae the  center of  a  plaque

 if  fntir^ftft l.ii th  an  • «i^/-n I pi- i nn nnorllo f\f  I O("»0 pnrf rn<»  pmn»na»»  SO


up are placed in the center of a BST agar plate preseeded with B^.

bronchoscotica or on an inorganic agar plate preseeded with A^. aerogenes.

The amoebae will move away from the site of inoculation, and transfer

of the migrated amoebae with the bacteria-associate onto a new plate

results in the formation of a pure amoeba culture with a known

bacter i a-as soc i ate.

7.  Preliminary Test for Pathooenicity

     This is done by demonstrating the CPE (cytopathic effect) of the

amoebae on PMK cells.  The amoebae of an established plate culture were

suspended in sterile dilution or distilled water, and were repeatedly,

centrifuged and washed to remove the associated bacteria.  The sediment

was finally suspended in water containing 200 ugm each of tetracycline

and streptomycin.  After 2-k hours of storage in a refrigerator the

suspension was centrifuged again and the supernate discarded.  The

sediment was transferred to a tube of PMK cell cultures.  Generally,

one trial was enough to establish a positive culture.  Occasionally,

I or 2'trials were needed before a positive culture was prepared.

Similar procedure was used for preparing amoebic cultures in Hep-2 or

Vera eel 1 tubes.

     As soon as the cultures were established, they were observed for the

CPE on the mammalian cells.  In the preceding report  (Chang, 1971)  it

has been shown  that k pathogenic strains of Naeglcria exhibited marked

CPE on PMK cells while 3 v/ild strains (3 swimming pools and  I grown  in

PMK cell cultures for quite sometime) exerted no harmful effect.


8.  Plaguing in P~"^ CP!! Cultures"

     Because of the CPE pathogenic strains of Naeqleria can be isolated



amoebae than the lakes that are free-of sewage pollution.  Interestingly,

even the outdoor swimming pools carry small numbers of free-living

amoebae, p'robably introduced into the pool by bathers who have walked

on the nearby ground.

     Another interesting point is the predominance of Acanthe^oeba over

Naegleria enoebae in sewage effluents and polluted river water and the

reversal of the occurrence in Jake waters.  Of particular interest is

the isolation of N. gruberi as the only species in 3 out of the 6 lakes

In Florida.  However, the Australian cases of amoebic meningoencephalitis

were associated with swimming in a sewage-polluted estuary (Carter, 19&8).

Since the Acanthamoeba is better adapted to adverse conditions than the

Naeqleria amoebae (Chang, 1971), it  is understanable that the former is

present in  larger numbers than the latter  in sewage effluent and polluted


               Cvtooathic Effect and Pathocenicitv of Wild and
                       Pathogenic Strains of Macgleria

     The CPE on mammalian cells was  ascertained by growing both wild

and pathogenic strains of Naeqleria  amoebae in the respective cell

cultures; the pathogenicity of these strains were ascertained by  intra-

nasal and intracerebral  inoculations into mice.  The results obtained

from these  experiments are summarized  in Table 2.

     Table  2 shows  that  8 strains of the pathogenic Naeqleria exhibited

marked  CPE  on PMK cells  but none grew  in either the Vera or Hep-2 cell

cultures.   They all produced a fatal meningoencephal!tis  in mice  by

either  route of inoculation.  On the other hand, none of  the wild strain

of N^ qruhcri showed CPC on Pf'.K or Vera cells but a mild  CPE on Hep-2

cells.  Ti'icy produi.Ku no liisedSc in  mice even by • im inlrcicerebrai


Inoculation, and of the inoculated mice were sacrificed and no

inflammation of, or presence of amoebae, in the brain at the site of


     One of the 9' pathogenic strains of Naeoleria (strain WM from

Richmond, Virginia) was reported to be highly pathogenic to mice

(Duma et al.f 1971); it exhibited a questionable CPE on PMK cell and

grew well in both Vera and Hep-2 cells.  Since this strain has been

established in cell cultures for only a few months, its behavior in

these cell cultures will be followed and its pathogenicity in mice will

be retested.

     Two additional strains of patient origin, Lj and L2> were received

from Dr. David Warhurst of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

Strain L. was isolated from the ccrebrospinal fluid of the 3 recent

cases in England and L. from the brain at autopsy.  The former was  i-

dentified'as Naegleria and l_2 as Schizoovrenus.  Both grew  in all 3 types

of cell cultures but exhibited only a mild CPE on Hep-2 cells.  No

pathogenicity was observed of either strain  in mice by intranasal or

intracerebral inoculation.  It appears that  both strains of amoebae

could have  been contaminants rather than the etiologic agents.

     Also of  interest  is the fact  that all the wild strains of N. aruberi

employed  in  the study had been grown  in PMK  cell cultures  for  at  least 15

months prior  to the pathogenicity  tests.  Their  lack of CPE on  thesev

cells during  the period of cultivation  in our  laboratory and their  lack

of pathogenicity  in mice strongly  indicate  that  the cytopathic  property


and pathogenicity of the Naegleria are genetically related and cannot

be acquired through prolonged cultivation in cell  cultures.

     These results indicate a definite correlation between the CPE on

PMK cells and pathogenicity in mice.  In this connection it is of

interest to note that several strains of A. rhvsodes that were isolated

from human throats (Wang & Feldman, 19&7) and carried in PMK cell

cultures exhibited a mild CPE on the cells and produced localized

granulomatous lesions with presence of amoebae in the brains of mice

at the site of inoculation, although the infected mice showed no ill

effect from the amoebae (Chang et al., 197-).

                Survival of Pathogenic Naealeria in Water  in
                       Coexi s ten ce w i t h W i 1 d S t r a i n s

     Taking advantage of the fact that wild strains of N. qruberi form

plaques on plates in bacteria-association much earlier than the pathogenic

Strains of Naegleria. and that only the pathogenic strains of Naegleria

form plaques' in PMK cell sheets, these plaquing methods were employed

to study the survival of a pathogenic Maegleria (Richmond, Virginia,

strain)  in coexistence with a wild strain (a swimming pool strain)  in

a simulated natural aquatic environment  in the following manner.

     A suspending water was prepared by mixing 50 mg "Purina" fishfood

powder in 200 ml dilution water.  The fishfood was so sterilized in a

hoi-air oven that the powder was partially charred.  This  treatment made

the powder quite resistant to bacterial decomposition thus permitting

a limited amount of bacterial growth and maintaining an aerobic condition

throughout the period of study.  A. rcrocrnrs and R. bronchscpt ica

suspensions were added  to the water to give each a calculated density


of 5,000 ml"'.  The bacteria-laden water was dispensed in J*0-m1 amounts

in 3 petri dishes, and each dish received enough suspensions of both

strains of Nj°gleria to give a calculated amoeba density of 50 ml   of

each strain.

     At weekly intervals of incubation at room temperature 3-ml samples

were taken and processed for plate plaquing for enumerating the wild

Strain of N. grubori and another set of 3-ml samples for cell sheet

plaquing to enumerate the pathogenic Naegleria.  Decimal dilutions were

prepared from the samples and used in both plaquing when plaque counts

were expected to be high.  The duplicate plaqued plates were incubated

at room temperature and the plaqued cell sheets in bottles were  incubated

at 35°C and were examined for appearance of plaques daily for 2 weeks.

To free the samples of bacteria for plaquing on cell sheets, each sample

was washed and centrifuged *4 times with dilution water containing

50 ug/ml' each of tetracylene and streptomycin.

     The averages of the duplicate plaque counts during a 6-week study

are plotted graphically in Figure 1.  The growth curves of the strains

of Nseglcria  in the figure show clearly that while the wild strain was

growing in a manner similar to that ascertained in plate cultures

(Chang, 1958), the pathogenic strain showed a steady decrease  in popu-

lation and reached almost its extinction in a 6-week period.

     To illustrate the appearance of plaques formed by the pathogenife

strain cell culture bottles, a photograph of a plaque bottle prepared

with a *»th week sample  is shown  in Plate I (A).  A photograph of 3  '

plcqucd plates prepared with a 100-fold dilution of a *Uh week sample  is


also shown in the same plate to show the appearance of plaques formed by

the wild strains of N. gruberi (B).  Worth mentioning is that the

plaques formed on plate cultures in bacteria-association can be identified

with some degree of certainty by examining the plaques under 10X

magnification.  As shown in Plate I the wild N. gruberi plague was

packed with well-defined, pearl-like cysts (C), while that formed by the

pathogenic strain showed the majority of the cysts of "ghose cell"-like

appearance (D).

     These findings indicate that under natural aquatic conditions with

bacteria as the chief, if not sole, supply of food, it would be very

difficult for pathogenic strains of Haegleria to maintain colonies in

the midst of overwhelmingly larger numbers of wild strains.  This does

not rule out the possibility that under certain conditions, which

favors the survival of the pathogenic, Naegleria may persist in an

aquatic environment over a long period.

              Probability of Existence of Hu-nan Carriers and/or
                    Animal Hosts of Pathogenic Naeglcria.

     Very recently we received 12 cultures of free-living amoebae from

Or. George R. Healy of the Center for Disease Control, Public Health

Service.  These cultures were isolated on inorganic agar with A. aerooenes

by nasal swabs from children before and after swimming in lakes.  Of

significance is that eight of these isolates made after swimming and,2

made before swimming have been identified as Naegleria.  Attempts will

be made to establish them in cell cultures and test them for pathogenic!ty

in mice.  It would be most interesting if any of these strains of

should U-rn out to be patnorenic.


     These findings were in contrast to those reported by Wand and

Feldman (196?) who encountered no Naeoleria amoebae in their cell

cultures prepared with throat swabs.  This difference could be due to

either preference of Naeoleria amoebae to parasitize the nose to the

throat or a short duration of parasitism by these amoebae.

                          Comments and Conclusions

     The findings from this study provide only a few missing pieces of

swimming-associated meningoencephalitis puzzle.  They do  indicate that

this disease  entity  is caused by a species of Naegleria which  is

physiologically  and  pathologically different from  the species Jk .qruberi,

commonly  found  in  natural waters and  soil.   It  is  logical  to  hypothesize

that  the  cytopathic  effect  of  the pathogenic Naegler.ia  is essential  to

 its  ability  to  penetrate  the  mucosa  in the upper  nasal  cavity and  the

cribriform plate to  facilitate  the  cranial  invasion.

      The  isolation of Naeqleria amoebae only  in some of  the Florida

 lakes is  an  interesting fact, but  its significance cannot be ascertained

without a further study of the presence of  pathogenic strains among

 these amoebae.   Such a study can be made with  the methods described in

 this report  and will be carried out in the near future.   It is hoped

 that similar studies will be made in other involved areas.  In this

 connection it is worth noting that Dr. Lubor Cerva has already

 initiated such  a study at the  indoor swimming pool in Czechoslavokia

 (Cerva, 1971).  He  reported the presence of Haenleria amoebae  in the

 water and in all areas of  the  swimming pool in contact with  the water  and

 failed   to  isolate  £ny pctl-.o^nic strains of Mncglcria  in any  part of


  the  pool.   Since  the  method  used  by terva  could  allow the wild  strains

  of Ncsglcrin  to overgrow the pathogenic individuals which,  if present,

  would be so few in  numbers,  a different approach may  be  necessary to

  give the latter a chance to  be isolated.

       The possible presence of pathogenic Naegleria  in human carriers or

  animal  reservoirs should be  investigated.   The method employed  should

  allow the pathogenic  individuals  to be  detected. A fluorescent antibody

  Straining method, if  developed, would be ideal  for such  a  survey.


  1.   The swimming-associated  cases of  amoebic meningoencephalitis were

  caused by a species of Haegleria  which  is  distinct  from  the wild strains

  of N. gruberi.  This  is based on  the  facts that  the pathogenic  strains

  exhibited profound  CPE on PMK cells and produced a  fatal meningoencephalitis

  in mice by intranasal and intracerebral inoculations, while the wild

  strains of N.  oruberi exerted no  CPE  on PMK cells and produced  no disease

  In mice by both inoculations.

  2.   Both Acanthe.fTioeba and Noegleria were frequently  found  in sewage

  effluents and fresh surface  waters,  and in small numbers in outdoor

..swimming pools.  The  Acantha.r.oeba was predominant  in  sewage effluents and

  polluted waters,  while the  Nacglcria  was predominant  in  small warm lakes.

  3.   There was no  evidence that wild  strains of  N.  qruberi  could acquire CPE

  or  bccc-'o pathogenic  after  a long period of cultivation  in cell


  I*.   Under simulated natural  aquatic  environment the  pathogenic  Naegleria,

  in coexistence with a wild  strain of  H. grubori  reduced  its population

                                  Table I

          Small  Free-Living Amoebae in Aerobic Sewage Effluents,
             Fresh Surface Waters, and Outdoor Swimming pools
Samples examined
                          No. of Amoebae
Amoebae isolated  in cultures
   and % in total amoebae
Waste effluents

 Cincinnati trickling
                          50,000 * 6,000
 Lebanon stabilization
  ponds         .          35,000 * it,000
A., rhvsodes  (65%)
Hi. qruberi   ( 18%)
Others       (17%)

A., rhvsodes  (60%)
Ik qruberi   (20%)
Others       (20%)
Surface waters

 Kentucky lake 1

          lake 2
 Florida lake 1*
        . lake 2
         lake 3
         lake **
         lake 5
         lake 6

 Ohio River near
  Missouri  River near
-- Kansas	«»».->-
 Swinminq pools

  Cincinnati  pool  1

             pool  2

             pool  3
                              150 -
                              350   65
                              320 i 60
                               18 - 7

                               21 1 8
                               11 +5
N. qruberi   (**2%)
A., rhvsodes  (30%)
Others       (28%)

A. rhvsodes  (^5%)
Hi qruhcri   (U0%)
Others       (15%)

ils. qruberi
Hs. qruberi
Nj qruberi
Hi. qrur-er.i.  A_._ radios a
Hi. qruberi ,  FL_ aoricola
Schizopyrenus russel1i
                              800 i 167       A_.. rhvsodes  (80%)
                                              N. qruberi   (18%)
                                              Others       ( 2%)
 Aj. rhvsodes (60%)
 N.  qrubcri   (15%)
 Others      (25%)
 A., rhvsodes (83%)
 fL.5L*i^£l  (17%)
 /L. rhvsodes (86%)
 N. Oj.-v.Serl  (10%)"
 Hi mr icnla (
 A_j. rhysoHos. (90%)
 N. grii^ri  (10%)
« Ihcsc  results  x.'2r.i rro-n a coopcrotivc s iuay wi in  LIIC uivibiun  01
   Heal III,  Florida State Department of Health and Rehabilitation Service.
   More  samples will  be examined andxresults will be reported  in detail
   when  the study is  completed.

       1x1 Oc
                         O  .... WiId strain

                         O  .... Pathogenic strain
                                             TIME (week)


                                |M  SIMIIIATCn HATIIDAI  »mi«Tl»> ptiliinnin

                                 Table II

         Pathogen!city of Wild and Pathogenic Strains of Naeqleria
Strains and Origin
CPE on mammalian cells    Pathogenicity on mice*
Mild strains of N. oruberi

2 strains from sewage
1 strain from Ky lake
and 2 from Ohio and
Missouri Rivers
3 swimming pool strains
No CPE on PMK and vera
cells; some CPE on
Hep-2 cells
No CPE on PMK and Vera
cells; some CPE on
Hep-2 cells
No CPE on PMK and Vera
eel Is; some CPE on
Hep-2 cells
Nonpathogenic to
mice by either intra-
nasal or intracerebral

Nonpathogenic to mice
by either fntranasal
or intracerebral

Nonpathogenic to mice
by either intranasal
or intracerebral
Pathogenic strains of Neenleria
2 strains from
Marked CPE on MK cells;
no growth in Vera or
Hep-2 eel 1 cultures
 1 strain from

2 strains from Australia

 3 strains from Richmond,
Causing fatal meningo-
encephalitis  in mice
by either  intranasal
or intracerebral
                                n     n
                          n     n     n
                          n     n     n
*  Most of these results v/crc obtained in cooperative studies with
   Or. C. G. Culberison of Lilly Research Laboratories and Or. Richard J.
   Dur.;i of Virginia ::^icol Center.  These results will be presented in
   detail in another report.


   steadily and  reached  almost extinction  in 6 weeks of  standing at  room

   temperature,  while  the wild strains exhibited a  growth curve similar

   to  that observed  in plate  cultures.

   5.   Of  12  cultures  of amoebae  isolated  from nasal swabs of  children

   made before and after swimming in  lakes, 2 preswimming 8  postswimming

   cultures were identified  as Nreoleria.  Their growth  characteristics

   in  cell cultures  and  their pathogenicity  in mice remain to  be ascertained.

   6.   Of  samples  taken  from 6 Florida  lakes, Naegleria  was  isolated alone

   in  three and  Naeoleria  and Schizopyrenus were  isolated  in one.  The

   growth  characteristics  in cell cultures and pathogenicity of  these

   Naegleria  strains remain  to be studied.

        From  these findings  it  is concluded  that much  research is  needed

   In  the  laboratory as  well  as  in the  field  to  ascertain  the  origin of

•   the pathogenic  Naeoleria  in  fresh  surface waters and  in  the Czechoslavokian

   indoor  swimming pool.  This  requires  investigations looking into  the

   presence of  pathogenic  Maegleria in waters  and  pools  where  cases  of

   amoebic meningoencephalitis  have occurred,  into the existence of  human

   carriers  and  into the possibility  of  aquatic  and terrestrial  animals,

   _and birds  serving as  hosts of  pathogenic  Nocgleria.  With the methods

   described  in  the  preceding and this  report,  it  is hoped  that such

   investigations  wi11 be  carried out in the "endemic" areas.

                               References  Ci ted
 Appley.J.,  Clarke, S. K. R. ,  Roome.A.P.C.H. ,  Sandry.S.A. ,  Saygi ,G. ,  Silk.B. ,
    and  Warhurst ,D.C.  (1970).  Primary  erroebic  meni nc,oencephal i ti s  in Britain.
    Brit. Med.  J. , J.:596-599.

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                 Explanation of Plate 1
A. ..A PM-C cell  bottle culture showing plaques formed bv
    patnosenic  ^eoTeria after an ll^da'y incubl?ion   ^
    bo,de cdKure  was  plaqued on the 3rd week of testi

»-  (t"cil? l97') and is shown here for the
or comparison.   Notice the "ghost-eel ["-like

  h"°9en1e  «olerU  aar"
   the        :f8!°9en1e 5«olerU, aparony due
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