Background Document


     The  Tentative Determination

              To Issue

     Incinerat1on-At-Sea  Permits
        HQ 83-001  (Special)
        HQ 83-002  (Special)
        HQ 83-003  (Research)
          Criteria and Standards Division
          Office of Water Regulations and Standards
          Office of Water
          October, 1983


                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
      1. Foreword	1
      2. Background	        J   5
      3. Summary of the Permits	I  !  !  11
     1.  Introduction	19
     2.  Compliance with the  Ocean Dumping
        Regulations	21
     3.  Compliance with the  London Dumping
        Convention	92
     4.  Compliance with TSCA Regulations
        When  Incinerating Liquid  PCBs 	115
     5.  Consistency  With Land-Based  Incinerators
        Permitted  Under RCRA	125
     6.  U.S.  Coast  Guard's Findings on the
        Contingency  Plan	136
     7.  Conclusion	'	133
APPENDIX I - POHC Case Examples

                             I.   INTRODUCTION

 1.   Foreword

      The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made a
 tentative determination to issue special and research permits to
 Chemical Waste Management, Inc., Oak Brook, Illinois, and Ocean
 Combustion Service, B.V., Rotterdam, the Netherlands, for the M/T
 VULCAMUS I and M/T VULCANUS II to transport and dispose of material as
 authorized by the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of
 1972 (the Act), as amended.

      Chemical  Waste Management, Inc., and Ocean Combustion Service (the
 Applicants) submitted  an application for a Special Permit on July 10,
 1981,  and an application for a Research Permit on November 2, 1981.
 Public  meetings  were held in  Brownsville, Texas,  May 25,  1982,  and in
 Mobile, Alabama, May 27, 1982, to consider the Applicants'  permit
 requests  and to  discuss  the preliminary results  of the  first research
 burn on PCBs (HO 81-002).   On  August 31,  1982,  a  public  hearing was
 held in Brownsville, Texas  to  receive formal comments on  the
Applicants'  request  for  permits  and  to  outline  the quality  assurance
and quality  control  procedures  used  in  monitoring  the second PCB
research  burn.   Subsequent  to  the  public  hearing  and  after  considering
the hearing  record,  the  Agency decided  to revise  its  approach in
developing the conditions for  the  proposed  permits.'  The  Assistant
Administrator for Water made a> new tentative determination  to issue

  permits  based on the finding that the activities under the proposed
  permits  would not  unreasonably  degrade or endanger human  healthl,
  welfare  or  amenities,  or  the marine  environment, ecological  systems or
  economic potentialities of  the  oceatflbecause  the proposed  permits  are
                                     * ii
  consistent  with  the  Ocean Dumping Regulations in 40 CFR Parts  220-228
  WASTES AMD  OTHER MATTER (the London Dumping Convention} to which the
  United States is a Contracting  Party.  With respect  to the incineration
 of PCRs, the  proposed  permits meet the requirements  of the regulations
 in 40 CFR 761.70(a) implementing  provisions of  the Toxic Substances
 Control  Act on the incineration of liquid PCBs.   In  addition,  as a
 matter of Agency policy, the proposed permits are consistent with the
 Resource Conservation and  Recovery Act regulations on land-based
 incinerator facilities  in  40 CFR Part 264, Subpart 0.

      The  purpose of this background document is to provide all
 interested  parties  with an opportunity to  comment on the factors
 considered  in  reaching  the tentative  determination to issue the permits
 and to invite  public  comment on  the principles used in developing  the
 permits for  the  incineration at-sea program.   These principles  will be
 used  as a basis  for developing specific criteria regulating
 incineration at-sea activities.

     Public  hearings  will  be held  to  receive comments on the  proposed
permits and the findings used as a  basis for the tentative

 determination to issue the permits, in the following locations on the

 dates and at the times specified below:

      1.  November 21, 1983, from 9:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.
           Jacob Brown Auditorium
           Brownsville Civic Center
           600 International Boulevard
           Brownsville, Texas

      2.   November 22, 1983 from 7:00 p.m.  to 10:00 p.m.
          November 23, 1983 from 9:00 a.m.  to 1:00 p.m.
           Mobile Gas Service Corporation Auditorium
           2828  Dauphin Street
           Mobile, Alabama
     Registration  will  begin  at 8  a.m.  for day sessions  and at 6:00

p.m. for  the  Mobile  evening  session.  A 30 minute  staff  presentation

will open  all  sessions  and if necessary,  a summary of the staff

presentation  will  be  repeated at 7 p.m.  for the  Brownsville session.

All speakers  must  register and will be  heard in  the order in which  they

have registered.   Remarks should be summarized in  five minutes  or less.

Speakers are  encouraged to submit  written  statements  for the record.

Comments on the tentative determination to  issue the  permits  and the

principles on which the permits are based  should be sent by December 8,

1983, to:
               Patrick M. Tobin
               Criteria and Standards Division  (WH-585)
               Office of Water Regulations and  Standards
               U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
               401 M Street, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20460
               (202) 755-0100

      Information  on  Incineration  at-sea  and all  reports  and  studies

 cited  in  this  background  document  may  be examined  at  the following

 locations during  normal  business  hours:
                United  States  Environmental  Protection  Agency
                Library,  Room  2904 Mall  (Rear)
                401 M Street,  S.W.
                Washington,  D.C.  20460
                Attn:   Ms. Gloris J.  Butler
                (202) 382-5926

                U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,  Brownsville,
                Room 508, Boca Chica  Towers
                2100 Boca Chica Blvd.
                Brownsville, Texas  78520
                Attn:   Mr. Arthur Barrera
                (512) 546-2456

                State of  Texas Law Library
                Texas Supreme  Court Building
                13th and  Colorado Streets
                Austin, Texas  78711
                Attn:   Ms. Kay Schlueter
                (512) 475-3807

                U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile
                Room 5031 New  Federal Building
                109 St. Josephs
                Mobile, Alabama  36601
                Attn:  Ms. Cissy Scott
                (205) 690-3182
     For further information on the contents  of this  Background

Document and on the incineration at-sea program in general, contact:
               Dr. Alan B. Rubin
               Chief, Criteria Section
               Criteria and Standards Division  (WH-585)
               U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency
               401 M Street, S.W.
               Washington, D.C. 20460
               (202) 245-3030

 2.    Background

      Incineration  is  a method  of  thermally destroying  liquid  organic
 compounds  at  high  temperatures.   The  liquid wastes  incinerated  at-sea
 are  generated by a variety  of  industrial  processes  and for  the  most
 part  are defined as hazardous  by  EPA  in Appendix  VIII  of 40 CFR  261.

      Incineration  at-sea  is regulated under the Marine Protection,
 Research and  Sanctuaries  Act of 1972, as  amended, the  regulations
 promulgated thereunder in 40 CFR  Parts 220-228 and  the Annexes  that  are
 binding on the United States as a  Contracting Party to the  CONVENTION
 MATTER (London Dumping Convention).   If incinerating polychlorinated
 biphenyls  (PCBs),  the requirements  of Section 6(e)  of  the Toxic
 Substances Control Act (15  U.S.C.  §2605(e)), and  the regulations  issued
 thereunder in  40 CFR  Part 761.70(a),  apply.

     The vessels used to  transport  hazardous wastes are certified  by
 the International  Maritime  Organization (IMO) and the  U.S.  Coast  Guard.
 The M/T VULCANUS I is a double-hull,  double bottom  cargo vessel  that
was converted, in  1
 ship.  The M/T VIILCANUS II has a similar design and is also classified
 as a "Type II" chemical ship.  It was launched in 1982 and has a length
 of 93.55 meters, a beam of 16 meters and maximum draft of 6.2 meters.
 Waste is carried in cargo tanks ranging in size from 112 cubic meters
 to 574 cubic meters.  The waste cargo capacity on M/T VULCANUS I is
 3,503 metric tons (approximately 800,000 gallons) and on M/T VULCANUS
 II the capacity is 3,170 metric tons (approximately 724,000 gallons).

      The incinerator system on both vessels is located in the stern.
 The M/T VULCANUS I has two incinerators; the M/T VULCANUS II has three
 incinerators.   The initial  certification and biennial  recertification
 of the incinerators is performed  by a Contracting Party to the London
 Dumping Convention,  which  in  the  case of the VULCANUS vessels is the
 Government  of  the Netherlands.  In  addition, the U.S.  Coast Guard
 inspects  and certifies the  safety of the incinerators  as required by
 P.L. 97-389, December  29,  1982.

     The  incinerator systems  used in these vessels  are refractory lined
 furnaces  consisting  of two  chambers - a  combustion  chamber for internal
mixing  and  a stack  to  ensure  that adequte retention  time for complete
combustion  is  available.  Combustion gases  pass  through  these two
chambers  sequentially.  The wastes  are fed  from  storage  tanks in the
vessels and pass  through a gorator  which  reduces  any  solid particles
into a  pumpable slurry.  The  liquid pumpable wastes  are  fed to the
combustion  system by means of  electrically  driven pumps.

be between 1166°C and 1350°C.  The average waste residence time in the
incinerator will be on the order of one second or longer.  Incinerator
systems such as those on the M/T VULCANUS I and II can process 20 - 25
metric tons of wastes per hour (as opposed to land-based incinerators
which process 2-4 metric tons per hour).

     The emissions resulting from the incineration of mixed liquid
organic compounds consist primarily of hydrochloric acid, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and water vapor with minute amounts of
metallic oxides, silicate ash, partially combusted organic compounds
and possibly trace amounts of surviving organics.  The hydrochloric
acid is rapidly diluted and neutralized by the ocean's buffering
capacity and any remaining metallic oxides, silicate ash, or surviving
organics are in such trace amounts that they do not exceed marine water
quality criteria.  None of the emissions from incineration at-sea
activities has been demonstrated to have an adverse impact on the
marine environment.

     EPA issues research and special permits for incineration at-sea.
Research permits are issued for no more than 6 months and are used to
demonstrate the destruction efficiency of an incinerator on a
particular chemical compound.  Incineration at-sea special permits are
issued for no more than three years, if it has been demonstrated that
the incinerator can achieve a destruction efficiency of at least 99.99
percent on the most difficult to burn compound in the waste mixture.

     Incineration takes place only in specially designated areas.  The
incineration sites must be outside areas of commercial and recreational

      There are three rotary cup type burners located on the periphery
 of  each  incinerator near the base.   Waste and if necessary, fuel  oil
 pass  through a central  tube to atomization nozzels near the periphery
 of  the rotary cup.^  High velocity combustion air supplied by large
 fixed-speed blowers with a rated capacity of 90,000 cubic meters  per
 hour  per incinerator,  shape the flame.   The burners with their rotating
 cups  are directed  tangentially to the vertical  axes of the incinerators
 so  that  along with the  combustion air they are  able to swirl  and  mix
 the combustion gases.

      A three-way valve  is employed  on each burner.  One valve position
 allows wastes to feed  into  the incinerator; another valve position
 allows fuel  oil to feed into the incinerators alone or in combination
with  the wastes; and a  third valve  position shuts off the wastes  to the
 incinerator.   Wastes may only be fed though the incinerator, and  then
only  when  the incinerator reaches steady state  operating conditions.
The automatic shutoff  valve position prevents the wastes from entering
the incinerators until  the  operating conditions specified for
temperature,  oxygen, and carbon monoxide have been reached, or if any
of these operating  conditions are not attained  during the course  of a
burn.  Until  the incinerator is in  compliance with the operating
conditions,  auxiliary fuel  oil  is burned.

      Wastes  are fed  into the incinerator when the incinertors have
reached the  operating conditions  specified in the permit.  The
temperature  of combustion is -neasured at the incinerator wall and will

 traffic  and  away  from  areas  of  biological  significance.  The Gulf
 Incineration Site  is approximately  315  kilometers south, southeast of
 Halveston, Texas  and encompasses  approximately 4,900 square kilometers.
 It was originally  designated  as an  incineration  site on September 15,
 1976,  (41 FR 39319) and was  redesignated on April 26,  1982, (47 FR

     Since 1974, the M/T  VULCANUS  I has conducted four series of burns
 under EPA permits.  Between October 1974,  and January  1975, 8400 metric
 tons of  organochlorine wastes from  the  Shell Chemical  Company Deer Park
 manufacturing complex were incinerated  in  the Gulf of Mexico under a
 Research permit.   Under an interim  permit,* a second series of burns,
 totaling 29,100 metric tons of mixed wastes were conducted at the Gulf
 Incineration Site  in 1974-1975 and  in 1977.  A third series of burns
 followed during July 1977 under a research permit and during September
 1977 under an interim permit, when Herbicide Orange was incinerated at
 a site 322 kilometers west of Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.  The
 last series  of burns were performed in  1981 and  1982 when liquid PCB
wastes were  incinerated under a research permit at the Gulf
 Incineration Site.
* Interim permits were used only until April 1978.

      Since  1974,  EPA  has  acquired  substantial  experience  in  regulating
the  incineration  of mixed  chemical wastes  in  incinerator  vessels  and  in
land-based  incinerator  facilities.   During this  same  period,  there  have
been  significant  improvements  in analytical techniques, methodology,
and  instrumentation.  These  improvements allow the  detection  of minute
quantities  of any compound in  a waste mixture, in the combustion
emission, and in  the  environment.  Based on EPA's accumulated
experience  in monitoring the incineration  of  hazardous wastes  and on
the improvements  in incinerator technology and analytical methodology,
EPA is confident that the proposed permits will  provide the same  or a
greater degree of protection to public health  and the environment as
other hazardous waste disposal  alternatives.

3.  Summary of the Permits

     The Special Permits (HQ 83-001 and HQ 83-002) would authorize the
Applicants, over a three year period, to use both vessels to transport
to the designated Gulf Incineration Site (in the Gulf of Mexico) and
incinerate at the site a combined total of 300,000 metric tons
(approximately 79.7 million U.S.  gallons) of mixed liquid organic
compounds.  The M/T VULCANUS I would be authorized to incinerate mixed
liquid organic compounds having heats of combustion of 1.79 kcal/gram
or greater and the M/T VULCANUS II would be authorized to incinerate
mixed liquid organic compounds having heats of combustion of 0.24
kcal/gram or greater.  Both vessels are authorized to incinerate TCDD
at a maximum concentration of 2 ppm and PCBs at a maximum concentration
of 35 percent by weight.

     The Research Permit (HQ 83-003) would be issued for six months and
would authorize the Applicants to demonstrate that the M/T VULCANUS
II's incinerators could attain a destruction efficiency of 99.99
percent or greater on 10 percent dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane
(DDT), 90 percent solvent wastes.

     Part III of this Background Document includes a section-by-section
analysis of the permits.  The major provisions of the proposed  permits
are summarized below:

EPA Signature:

     Assistant Administrator for Water


     Chemical Waste Management, Inc., Oak Brook, Illnois and its
     subsidiary Ocean Combustion Service, B.V., Rotterdam, the


     0 HO 83-001: M/T VULCANUS I

     0 HO R3-002: M/T VULCANUS II

     0 HO 83-003: M/T VULCANUS II

Required Vessel and Incinerator Certifications

     0 Certificate of Fitness issued by the International Maritime

     0 Letter of Compliance issued by the U.S. Coast Guard

     0 Survey Report and Form of Approval for the incinerators issued
       by a Contracting Party to the London Dumping convention.

Compliance with the Requirements of Other Laws and Conventions:

       OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER (London Dumping Convention).

     0 Section 6(e) of the Toxic Substances Control Act,  15 ll.S.C
       §2605(e).  The Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic
       Substances must grant written approval of the Permits before the
       incineration of any wastes containing PCBs may occur.

     0 Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource
       Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.

Permit Program Manager:

     0 Director, Criteria and Standards Division, Office  of Water
       Regulations and Standards

Permit Term:

     0 HQ 83-001:  3 years  (Special Permit)

     0 HO 83-002:  3 years  (Special Permit)

     0 HO 83-003:  6 months (Research Permit)

Eligible Materials in Wastes to be Incinerated:

     0 HO 83-001:  liquid organic compounds with heats of combustion
                   equal to or greater than 1.79 kcals/gram

     0 HO 83-002:  liquid organic compounds with heats of combustion
                   equal to or greater than 0.24 kcal/gram

     0 HO 83-003:  liquid DDT wastes consisting of 10 percent DDT in
                   90 percent organic solvents having heats of
                   combustion equal  to or greater than 0.24 kcal/gram.

Prohibitions and Limitations on Materials Incinerated
 HO 83-001  and  HQ 83-002:
 -  Ouantifiable concentrations  of  compounds  with  heats  of
   combustion  less  than 1.79  kcal/gram  (HO 83-001)  or 0.24
   kcal/gram (HO 83-002)
 -  Quantifiable concentrations  of
   — DDT  and  associated compounds DDO, DDE
   -- PCT  (polychlorinated triphenyls)
   — BHC  (lindane)
 -  TCDD  (dioxin) in concentrations exceeding 2 ppm
 -  PCBs  in concentrations exceeding 35 percent
 -  Chlorine in concentrations exceeding 70 percent
 -  Over  100 ppm of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper,  lead,
   nickel, selenium, thallium,  zinc
 -  Over  9  ppm mercury
 -  Over  20 ppm silver
 -  Materials which are produced for radiological, chemical, or
   biological warfare, high-level radioactive wastes, materials
   which cannot be identified or which are persistent and may
   float or remain in suspension.

HQ 83-003:
 -  identical  to above, except TCDD and PCBs are excluded from
   the trial  burn  under the Research permit.

Waste Analysis

     0 Before each  incineration  cruise  an  analysis  of  the wastes  is
       conducted  in accordance with EPA-approved protocols  (in Appendix
       A  of the Permit) in an EPA-approved  laboratory

     0 Duplicate  samples may be  taken by EPA or an  EPA-authprized EPA
       representative and may be coded  and  analyzed  in  an EPA-approved
       laboratory to verify the  Permittees' samples  and analyses.
        1  i            *

Authorization for Loading and Incineration;

Provided  in writing by the Permit Program Manager if:

     0 it is determined that the Permittees successfully demonstrated
       compliance with the performance  standard, operating  conditions
       and other  provisions of the permit  on the previous incineration
       cruise; and

     0 it is determined that the wastes to  be  incinerated meet the
       specifications in the permits.

Port of Departure;

     Port of Mobile, Alabama

Incineration Site:

     fiulf Incineration Site

Amount of Material Authorized to be Incinerated:

     0 HO 83-001 and HO 83-002:  a combined total of  300,000 metric tons

     0 HO 83-003: 900 metric tons

Performance Standard:

     0 HO 83-001: 99.99 percent  destruction efficiency; 99.9 percent
       combustion efficiency

     0 HQ 83-002: 99.99 percent  destruction efficiency; 99.9 percent
       combustion efficiency

     0 HQ 83-003: 99.99 percent  destruction efficiency  and  99.9 percent
       combustion efficiency

 Operating Parameters:

      0 HQ 83-001:
        -  temperature:   minimum-1280°C:  average-1303°C:  prior to waste
           feed 1n1tiation-1353°C
        -  oxygen:   minimum-5%;  average-10.1%
        -  carbon monoxide:   maximum-!00  ppm; average-8 ppm

      0 HQ 83-002:
        -  temperature:   nrinimum-1166°C;  average-1200°C:  prior to waste
           feed initiation-1250°C
        -  oxygen:   minimum-5%;  average-10.6%
        -  carbon monoxide:   maximum-!00  ppm; average-22  ppm
        -  if incinerating TCDD  or  PCBs,  same as  HO 83-001
      0 HQ 83-003:
        -  minimum and maximum parameters only are  specified for
           temperature,  oxygen and  carbon monoxide  and  are  the same  as
           HO 83-002.

Automatic Waste  Feed Shut-off;

     Automatic devices  shut-off the  waste feed to  the  incinerator

        0   flameout  occurs

        0   minimum temperature or oxygen, or  maximum carbon  monoxide,
           are  reached;  or

        0   monitoring devices fail  for  temperature,  air flow,  draft
           (negative pressure) in the combustion  chambers,  oxygen,
           carbon monoxide, carbon  dioxide, waste feed  and/or  auxiliary
           fuel (if used).

Monitoring Requirements;

     0 Automatic, tamper proof  devices are to continuously  monitor  and
        record  temperature, air  flow, oxygen,  carbon monoxide,  carbon
       dioxide, draft (negative  pressure) in  the combustion chambers,
       and waste feed and/or auxiliary fuel  (if  used).

     0 At  least hourly  recordings  of time, date, wind  speed and
       direction and vessel  position, course  and speed are  to  be made.

     0 All monitoring data are to  be submitted to the Permit  Program
       Manager for evaluation of compliance with the performance
       standard, operating conditions and monitoring requirements of
       the permit.

 Instrument Calibration:

      0 Calibration of the instrument measuring temperature, air flow,
        draft (negative pressure) in the combustion chambers, oxygen,
        carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, waste feed flow and auxiliary
        fuel flow (if used) is to be done before each cruise, and in
        accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or, more
        frequently if conditions warrant.  A permanent record is to be
        made of each calibration.

 Other Requirements:

      0 No black smoke or extension of the flame above the plane of the
        stack is allowed.

      0 Ammonia is to be added to the plume, if necessary, to make it

      0 A draft (negative pressure) of at least one (1) inch of water
        column is to be maintained in all combustion chambers.

      0 If tanks are washed,  they must be washed with a combustible
        solvent  and  such washings and any residues or ash remaining
        after incineration are to be incinerated at-sea or, upon return
        to port, incinerated  in EPA-approved facilities or otherwise
        properly disposed of  in accordance with applicable EPA

      0  Any wash waters, ballast waters,  or pump room bilge water found
        to be contaminated are to be incinerated at sea or, on return to
        port  either  incinerated in EPA-approved land-based facilities or
        alternatively,  treated in accordance with applicable EPA
        regulations.   In no case are these contaminanted waters to be
        discharged directly to the ocean  or into the harbor.

 Verification  of Permit  Conditions:

      Verification is by:

        0   automatic  tamper proof monitoring devices;  and

        0   24  hour per day  independent  observation  of  the incineration
           activities by  shipriders  employed by and/or approved by and
           responsible to  EPA.

Contingency Plan:

     The  Contingency Plan, approved  by the  U.S.  Coast Guard and EPA, is
     to be followed during any accident  or  emergency.

Modifications to or Revocation of the  Permit:

       May result from:

       0 Factors  stated  at 40 CFR  Section 223.3(a)(l-4)
       0 The violation of any provision of the Permit  including any
        misrepresentation, inaccuracy or failure to disclose all
        relevant facts  in the permit application.
       0 A change in any condition or fact upon which  the Permit is based
        that adversely  affects human health or welfare or the
       0 Failure to meet the performance standard or operating
       0 Civil  penalty of up to $50,000 per violation, per day.
      0 Criminal  penalty of up to $50,000 per violation, per day and/or
        1  year in prison for each violation.
 Liability Insurance
      0 The Permittees shall  inform the Permit Program Manager of any
        decrease  in their  liability insurance.

      The  two  sections that  follow include:   the FINDINGS and the
 SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS  of  the Permits.  The FINDINGS demonstrate
 that  the  proposed  permits  are  consistent  with the  requirements of:   the
 Ocean Dumping Regulations, and  the London  Dumping  Convention and  for
 the purposes  of  incinerating PCBs,  the TSCA regulations  on the
 incineration of  liquid  PCBs.   In  addition,  as a  matter  of  Agency
 policy, the proposed  permits are  consistent with the  RCRA  regulations
 on land-based incineration of hazardous wastes.  The  FINDINGS  section
 also  give the U.S.  Coast Guard's  views on  the Contingency  Plan as  a
 guide  for responding  to potential emergencies and  accidents  while  at
 sea or in the harbor.   The SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS of  the  proposed
Permits discusses the permit conditions and the  rationales  for their

                             II. FINDINGS

     The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized by the
Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (the Act), as
amended (33 DSC $1412), to issue permits for the dumping of material
into the ocean "where the Administrator determines that such dumping
will not unreasonably degrade or endanger human health, welfare, or
amenities, or the marine environment, ecological systems, or economic
potentialities."  In establishing criteria for the review and
evaluation of permit applications, Section 102 of the Act requires that
consideration be  given to the following:
    "(A) The need  for the  proposed  dumping.
    "(B) The effect  of  such dumping on  human  health  and welfare,
     including  economic, esthetic,  and  recreational  values.
    "(C) The effect  of  such dumping on  fisheries  resources,  plankton,
     fish,  shellfish, wildlife,  shorelines  and  beaches.
    "(D) The effect  of  such dumping on  marine ecosystems,  particularly
     with  respect  to-                                                .
        (i)  the  transfer, concentration, and dispersion  of  such  material
        and  its  byproducts  through biological, physical, and  chemical
        (ii) potential changes  in marine ecosystem diversity,
        productivity, and stability, and
        (iii) species and community  population dynamics.
    "(E) The persistence and  permanence of  the  effects  of  the dumping.
    "(F) The effect  of  dumping particular volumes and concentrations of
     such materials.
    "(G) Appropriate locations and  methods  of disposal  or  recycling,
     including  land-based  alternatives  and  the  probable impact  of
     requiring  use of  such alternate  locations  or methods  upon
     considerations  affecting  the  public interest.

     "(H) The effect on alternate uses  of oceans,  such  as  scientific
      study,  fishing,  and  other  living  resource  exploitation,  and
      nonliving resource exploitation.
     "(I) In  designating recommended  sites,  the  Administrator  shall
      utilize wherever feasible  locations beyond the edge  of the
      Continental  Shelf."
      In  addition,  the Act  provides  that  the  standards  and  criteria

 binding  on  the  United States  as  a Contracting  Party  to the London

 Dumping  Convention,  shall  be  applied  to  the  extent that application  of

 such  criteria do not  relax  the requirements  of the Act.

      EPA made the  tentative determination  to issue the proposed

 permits  because the proposed  dumping  would "not  unreasonably  degrade  or

 endanger human  health, welfare,  or  amenities,  or the marine

 environment, ecological systems  or  economic  potentialities."  The basis

 for that determination included  a comparison of  the  proposed  permits

     0 the criteria for the review and evaluation of  ocean  dumping
       permits in 40 CFR Parts 220-228, which implement  Section 102 of
       the Act;

     0 the regulations and technical guidelines of the London Dumping

     0 the regulations in 40 CFR 7fil.70(a) implementing  the Toxic
       Substances Control Act (15 USC §2fi01, P.L. 94-466, Oct. 11,
       1976), because the applications proposed to incinerate
       polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the mixed  organic chemical
       wastes ;

     0 the regulations in 40 CFR 264.340-.351 implementing  the
       requirements for land-based incinerators under the Solid Waste
       Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and
       Recovery Act (42 USC 6905, 6912(a), 6924, 6925, and  6927), if
       applicable, as a matter of Agency policy that  incineration

       at-sea permits  be at  least  equivalent  to  land-based  incinerator
     The FINDINGS compares the  requirements  in  each  of  the  above  to  the
proposed permits and gives EPA's  rationale for  concluding that  the
proposed permits are consistent with each of  them.

     In addition, EPA requested the assistance  of the U.S.  Coast  Guard
in evaluating the adequacy of the Contingency Plan in implementing
procedures to protect the environment, if accidents  or  life threatening
incidents should occur in the harbor or at-sea.


       The Ocean Dumping Regulations  require in 40 f.FR  220.3(f) that
  "permits for incineration at-sea  are to be issued only as  research
  permits...  until  specific criteria  to regulate this type  of  disposal
  are  promulgated,  except  in those  cases where studies  on the  waste, the
  incineration  method  and  vessel, and  the site have been conducted  and
  the  site has  been  designated  for  incineration at-sea  in accordance with
  the  procedures  of  Section 228.4(b).   In all  other respects the
  requirements  of Parts  220-228 apply".

       If  the studies  have  been performed  and  an  incineration  site  has
 been designated in accordance with Part  228,  the  criteria that the
 Administrator is to  use in reviewing  and evaluating ocean dumping
 permits, as required by Section 102 of  the Act, are in  Part 227.
 Subpart A of Part 227 states that:
      "(a) If the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates that the
      material  proposed for ocean dumping satisfies the environmental
      impact criteria set forth in Subpart B, a permit for ocean dumping
      will  he issued unless:
        (1) There is no need for the dumping, and alternative means of
      disposal  are available,  as determined in accordance with the
      criteria  set forth in Subpart C; or
        (2) There are unacceptable adverse effects on esthetic,
      recreational or economic values as determined in accordance with
      the  criteria set forth  in Subpart D; or
        (3) There are unacceptable adverse effects on other uses of the
      ocean as  determined in  accordance with the criteria set forth in
      Subpart E"  (emphasis added).

      The  following  discussion explains, in detail, the studies of the
waste, the incineration  method and vessel,  and  the site  necessary for
issuing a  special  permit under Section 220.3(f).   Then,  the
requirements of  Part  227,  Subparts B,  C,  D and  E,  and the  criteria that
were  taken  into  consideration in  establishing the Gulf Incineration
Site, are  discussed.   In  applying the  criteria  in Parts  227 and 228 for

 Incineration at-sea permits, EPA evaluated the emissions resulting from

 the incineration of mixed liquid organic compounds as the materials to

 he disposed of by ocean dumping.  The emissions may include:

 hydrochloric acid; carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; water vapor and

 trace amounts of metallic oxides, silicate ash and partially combusted

 and surviving organic compounds.

 (a) Permits for Incineration at-Sea (40 CFR 220.3(f)

      "Permits for incineration  of wastes at sea will be issued only as
      research permits...  until  specific criteria to regulate this type
      of  disposal  are promulgated, except in those cases where studies
      on  the waste, the incineration method and vessel, and the site
      have  been conducted  and the site has been designated for
      incineration at-sea  in accordance with the procedures of
      S228.4(b).   In all other respects the requirements of Parts
      220-228 apply."

      EPA has not  promulgated any specific criteria for incineration

 at-sea permits.   However,  EPA has concluded that adequate studies have

 been  conducted on the waste, incineration method and vessel, and the

 site.  This  part  describes  the  system that will  be used to satisfy the

 requirement  that  studies  on the waste and incineration method, and

 vessel be  conducted without requiring that a study on the incineration

 method and  vessel  be conducted  for each compound in a waste mixture.

 In  addition,  this  part  discusses the tests that were conducted to

 qualify  the  vessels for the wastes that they are authorized to

 incinerate.   Descriptions are also given on the environmental

monitoring  studies conducted at the Gulf Incineration Site.

 (1) The  heat  of combustion  of principal  organic hazardous constituents
 (POHCs)  is  used as a surrogate  for determining the incinerability of
the entire waste mixture.

     The liquid organic wastes  to be incinerated are complex mixtures

of many different  compounds.  A surrogate system was developed so that

a trial burn would not have to he conducted on each compound in a waste
mixture prior to authorizing that waste mixture to be incinerated.

     This surrogate system was first described in the rulemaking  for
"Incinerator Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste
Management Facilities" -  Interim Final Rule Parts 264 and 122, 46 FR
7666, January 23, 1981, and has been used in  recent permits for
land-based incineration of complex wastes mixtures under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act  (RCRA).

     Under the  system, principal organic  hazardous constituents  (POHCs)
are selected to measure the performance of the incinerator  during test
burns  under a  research permit.  A  POHC  is  an  organic  chemical  in  the
waste mixture  that has been identified  as  hazardous  by  EPA  in  Appendix
VIII of 40 CFR  261.   Generally, those  organic constituents  which  are
most difficult  to destroy, as  measured  by  their  heat  of combustion, and
most abundant  in  a waste  mixture,  are  selected as POHCs.*   During the
trial  burn, the incinerator is operated to demonstrate  a destruction
efficiency**  of at  least  99.99 percent on each POHC  designated for the
trial  burn.
 *  For examples of how the POHCs are selected see Appendix I to this
 ** The formula for determining Destruction Efficiency is:
    Destruction Efficiency =
             Total POHC fed - POHC in combustion gases x 100
             —"             total POHC fed

     A destruction efficiency of at least 99.99 percent was estahlished
as a performance standard based on extensive data indicating that such
a destruction efficiency is attainable and can be routinely measured in
incinerators burning a wide range of organic hazardous wastes in
concentrations over 100 ppm.  A 99.99 percent destruction efficiency
ensures that there will be no products of incomplete combustion from
the incineration process, except as trace contaminants as required in
40 CFR 227.6 and as discussed elsewhere in the FINDINGS.

     Waste mixtures that are eligible for incineration under special
permits are those mixtures that contain only those compounds or classes
of compounds with heats of combustion equal to,  or greater  than,  the
POHC with the lowest heat of combustion on which the  incinerator
demonstrated a destruction efficiency of 99.99 percent.   By
demonstrating that an  incinerator can achieve a  destruction efficiency
of 99.99 percent on a  particular POHC,  EPA can generally  be assured
that any less thermally stable  hazardous constituents  burned  in  that
incinerator under comparable conditions will  be  destroyed also.

     Compounds with a  lower heat  of  combustion have  greater thermal
stability and are therefore more  difficult  to burn  than  compounds with
a higher heat of combustion.   The Agency  has  ranked  293  hazardous
constituents by their  heats of combustion*  (expressed in  kilo calories
* Heat  of  combustion  is determined empirically in the laboratory
  through  bomb calorimetry or may be calculated through chemical bond

per gram  (kcal/ gram)) in an index, "Ranking of Organic Hazardous

Constituents by Incinerability" (Index of Incinerability).  The ranking

on the Index of Incinerability is in ascending order by ease of

incineration.  For example, the compound most difficult to destroy has

the lowest heat of combustion and is listed first and the compound

least difficult to destroy has the highest heat of combustion and is

listed last.

     Prior to loading the vessel, the permits require that an analysis

of the waste mixture to be incinerated be performed using EPA-approved

sampling and analytical protocols (listed in Appendix A of the

permits), and be conducted in an EPA-approved laboratory.  The

compounds identified in the analysis of the waste mixture can be
compared to the Index of Incinerability to determine whether there are

any quantifiable concentrations* of chemicals in the mixture that have

a heat of combustion less than that of the POHC tested.

     For a waste mixture containing compounds not listed on the Index

of Incinerability, the Permittees would have to demonstrate by one of

three methods that the incinerator could destroy such compounds to at
 Quantifiable concentration is defined as  a minimum  concentration  of  a
  discrete chemical constituent (element or compound) in a chemical
  waste that can be detected, identified, and  quantified without
  confirmatory analyses.  The amount of this concentration will vary
'  depending on the chemical constituent, possible  interferences of
  other constituents in the chemical waste, the method of sample
  preparation, and method of analytical detection,  identification,  and
  quantification (as defined in Appendix A  of  the  permits).

least 99.99 percent efficiency.  First,  the Permittee  could  determine
the heat of combustion of the compound and then compare the  heat of
combustion of the compound  in question to that of  any  of the POHCs for
which the incinerator was tested.   If the compound  in  question's heat
of combustion was equal to  or greater than any of  the  POHCs  tested,  it
could be burned.  However,  if the heat of combustion was lower,
then the compound could not  be  incinerated until a  test burn was
conducted to prove that the  incinerator  could destroy  the compound to
at least 99.99 percent efficiency.

     Second, the Permittees  could determine the chemical class  to which
the compound belongs and compare the lowest heat of combustion  of any
member of that class to any  of  the  POHCs on which  the  incinerator was
tested.  Only if the heat of combustion  of any member  of that class  was
greater than or equal to the POHCs  tested could the compound be

     Third, the Permittees  could demonstrate the capability  of  the
incinerator to destroy the  compound to at least 99.99  percent
efficiency by conducting a  trial burn under a  research permit.  This
approach is resource intensive  and, therefore, expensive.

     There are five compounds identified in Annex  5 to the London
Dumping Convention on which  doubts  as to incinerability exist.  These
compounds are:

     0 Polychlorinated  biphenyls  (PCPs)
     0 Polychlorinated  triphenyls (PCTs)
     0 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD,  dioxin)
     0 Dichlorodiphenyl  trichloroethane  (DDT)
     0 Benzene hexachloride (BHC, lindane)

     in  order for these compounds to be eligible for incineration under
a special permit, the applicant must demonstrate the ability of the
incinerator to achieve at least  a 99.99 percent destruction efficiency
on the compound.  At such time when substantial scientific data  from
trial burns on these five compounds show  a  strong correlation between
destruction efficiency and  incinerator operating  conditions  and/or
other data becomes  available  on  the similarity of the  performance of
incinerators  on  different  vessels,  EPA may  make a determination  that
there is no  longer  doubt as to the  incinerability of these compounds.
 If and  when  doubt no longer exists  regarding the incinerability of
 these  five compounds,  then incineration  of these compounds will  be
 permitted in a manner similar to other organic hazardous compounds
 using the Index of Incinerability.

      In EPA's judgment, use  of  the POHC/Index of Incinerability
 surrogate system as described above and  the trial  burns  conducted  on
 the vessels,  as  described  below, meet the  requirements that studies of
 the waste and incineration method  and vessel  he  conducted prior to
 issuing special  permits for incineration at-sea.

(2)  Studies of the Incineration Method and Vessel

     In accordance with Article VI1(1) of the London Dumping
Convention, the incineration system for every vessel must be initially
surveyed under the direction of a Contracting Party to the London
Dumping Convention.  An initial survey is carried out to ensure that
during incineration of waste and other matter, combustion efficiency
(on the entire waste mixture) and destruction efficiency (on the POHCs
tested) are in excess of 99.9 percent.

     The proposed permits require a destruction efficiency  of 99.99
percent on the POHCs tested and a combustion efficiency  of  99.9  percent
on the entire waste mixture.   Extensive  Agency data  indicate a high
correlation between a  99.9  percent combustion efficiency and a 99.99
percent destruction efficiency.   The  lower  combustion efficiency of
99.9 percent  is due to the  fact that  a waste mixture is  not pure;  it
includes such elements as metals,  sand and  moisture which  cannot be
destroyed  completely.  Combustion  efficiencies are continuously
calculated on each  incineration  cruise.   Destruction efficiencies  are
calculated on each  research permit  cruise,  but not necessarily  on  each
cruise under  the  special  permits.

     Annex 5, Regulation  3  of the London Dumping Convention specifies
that the  Contracting  Party  under whose direction the survey is being
carried out shall:

      "(i)  approve the siting, type and manner of use of temperature
           measuring devices;
      (ii)  approve the gas sampling system including probe  locations,
           analytical  devices, and the manner of recording;
      (iii)ensure that approved devices have been installed to
           automatically shut off the feed of waste  to the  incinerator
           if the temperature drops below approved minimum  temperatures;
      (iv) ensure that there are no means of disposing of wastes or
           other matter from the marine  incineration facility except  by
           means of the incinerator during normal operations;

     (v)  approve the devices by which feed rates of waste and fuel  are
          controlled and recorded;
     (vi) confirm the performance of the incineration system by testing
          under intensive stack monitoring, including the measurements
          of Oo, CO, C02, halogenated organic content, and total
          hydrocarbon content using wastes typical  of those expected to
          be incinerated."
     The incineration system is to be surveyed at least every two years
to assure that the incinerator continues to comply with the
regulations.  In addition and in accordance with PL 97-389,
December 29, 1982, the U.S. Coast Guard inspects and certifies the
safety of the incineration system.

     Initial inspection and certification  of the M/T VULCANUS  I's and
M/T VULCANUS II's incineration system was  performed by the
Rijkswaterstaat, Government of Netherlands.  Certificate  of  Approvals
were issued in  June  1983, for the M/T VULCANUS  I and in  July 1983,  for
the M/T  VULCANUS II  and therefore are current and valid.

     Prior  to issuing special  permits allowing  regular incineration of
mixed chemical  wastes,  EPA issues  research permits  or  uses  the initial
incinerator survey  by a  Contracting Party to the London  Dumping
Convention  to determine  the  destruction efficiency  of  an incinerator on
a particular compound,  or to  establish  the incinerability of the five
compounds identified in  Annex 5  of  the  London  Dumping Convention.

     The M/T VULCANUS I's incinerators  are certified to  incinerate
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin  (TCDD,  dioxin) in  concentrations of less
than  2  ppm  based on a 1977 trial burn of Herbicide Orange which
contained concentrations of  dioxin averaging 1.9 ppm.  The most recent
study of the M/T VULCANUS I's incineration system was the second trial
burn  under  Research Permit HQ 81-002, August 15-31, 1982 which

qualified the M/T VULCANUS I to burn PCBs in concentrations of 35
percent and mixed liquid organic compounds with a heats of combustion
equal to or greater than 1.79 kcal/gram (hexachlorobenzene).  A
discussion of these two trial burns follows.

(i) M/T VULCANUS I's Trial Burns

     Incineration of U.S. Air Force stocks of Herbicide Orange was
performed onboard the M/T VULCANUS  I operating in the Pacific Ocean
west of Johnston Atoll.  Approximately 10,400 metric tons were
incinerated under permits granted to the U.S. Air Force and ocean
Combustion Service, BV.  The first  shipload was incinerated under
Research Permit No. 770DH001R and the second and third shiploads under
Special Permit No. 770DH001S.

     EPA contracted with TRW,  Inc., to perform combustion  gas
monitoring during the incineration  of the herbicide.   The  U.S. Air
Force  issued a contract  (No. F41608-77-C-0169) to the  Brehm Laboratory
of Wright State University to analyze the stack gas  samples for

     Stack sampling operations  utilized  a USAF-OEHL  benzene impinger
train  and a modified U.S. EPA  Method  5 train  (Lear-Siegler) which
incorporated an organic  vapor  sorbent trap.   The  USAF-OEHL train was
the  primary train for acquiring samples  for  the  dioxin analysis,
whereas the Lear-Siegler train  was  used  to  acquire  samples to be
analyzed for other  organic  species  potentially present in the stack
gases.  The Lear-Siegler train also served  as a  backup to the USAF-OEHL
train.  Stack gas  samples were acquired  by  a  remotely  activated, water-
cooled, stainless,  steel  probe capable  of traversing the starboard
stack  diameter  of  3.4 meters.

     Usually a concentration of at least 100 ppm of a compound is
needed in a waste mixture to analytically measure and demonstrate an
incinerator's destruction efficiency on a compound to at least 99.99
percent.  In the Herbicide Orange mixture, TCDD averaged only 1.9 ppm.

     While an overall destruction efficiency of greater than 99.93
percent was obtained for dioxin in the three burns, EPA believes that
in actuality the incinerators  probably achieved at least a 99.99
percent destruction efficiency on TCDD based on the fact that during
the same trial burn, the destruction efficiencies  for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T
were calculated to be greater  than 99.999 percent.  However, to be  able
to demonstrate an unqualified  destruction efficiency, there has to  be  a
detectable and quantifiable amount of a  compound  in the  stack gas
samples.   Failure to detect a  compound  does  not mean  that  the compound
is not  there,  if the level  of  detection  of  the methodology is not
adequate to  measure  low levels of a  particular compound.   At  that  time,
the sampling methodologies  employed  did  not have  the  analytical
sensitivity  to measure  such low levels  of potentially surviving dioxin
in stack gas samples,  particularly for  mixtures  that  contained
compounds  with a similar chemical structure as dioxin.

      Dioxin  is easier  to incinerate than other compounds that the
vessels are authorized to include in a waste mixture.  Dioxin has  a

heat of combustion of 3.43 kcal/gram, while hexachlorobenzene has a
heat, of combustion of 1.79 kcal/gram and tetrachlormethane has a heat
of combustion of 0.24 kcal/gram on which the M/T VULCANUS  I and M/T
VULCAMUS II, respectively, demonstrated greater than 99.99 percent
destruction efficiencies.

     In addition, incinerator plume modelling and  subsequent  ocean
dispersion modelling have demonstrated that emissions  resulting from
the incineration of chemical wastes containing 2 ppm of  dioxin  at  a
destruction efficiency of 99.93 percent will cause no  adverse
environmental impact.  This  is based  on a  determination  that  any
potential uncombusted dioxin in the emissions would result in an
ambient marine water concentration  of dioxin below the marine aquatic
life no-effect level for dioxin and below  the  limiting permissible
concentration as  required  by 40 CFR  227.27.

      The test results are shown in Figure I  below.
                                FIGURE I

    0  Incinerator wall  temperature                1273°C (average)
    0  Concentration of  Oxygen (02)             8.9 percent  (mean)
    0  Concentration of  Carbon Dioxide (COo)     10.3 percent  (mean)
    0  Concentration of  Carbon Monoxide (CO)        10 pm  (mean)
    0  Residence time                              1.0 second
    0  Combustion Efficiency ,(CE)                   > 99.9
    0  Destruction Efficiency*:
        Dioxin  (TCDD)                              > 99.93 (average)
        2,4-D                                      > 99.999
        2,4,5-T                                   > 99.999

      More  detailed information may  be found  in:

      U.S.  EPA,  Office  of Research and Development, At-Sea  Incineration
                         Onboard  the M/T  VULCANUS.  ~19l5

      For the August 1982, trial  burns,  EPA contracted with  the  Energy

and Environmental Division of TRW  Inc., Redondo  Beach,  California, to

sample and monitor the  incineration  process  and  to  analyze  both  raw

waste and combustion gas samples in  order to determine  whether the

vessel met the performance and operating requirements in the  permit.  A

representative from EPA was onboard  during the testing, and a

technician-employee of  EPA assisted  the TRW  test team.
     *DE = 100 x Co-Cf

     Where Co = emission concentration at 0*, destruction efficiency
           Cf = emission concentration determined from analyses

     A standard EPA-specified sampling train* mandated for use in
testing land-hased incinerators for emissions of PCBs was modified for
at-sea analysis and was used to acqui-e sanples of the effluent
combustion gases.  A fixed-position, water-cooled probe was mounted in
the starboard incinerator and directed stack gas to the train.  Samples
from the emissions were analyzed for PCBs and chlorobenzenes by TRW.

     The test results, in Figure II indicated below, show that the
operating conditions on the M/T VULCANUS  I meet the requirements  for
Incineration at-sea permits.  The operating conditions established in
this trial burn are the average operating conditions required in  the

     More detailed information on the study of the M/T VULCANUS  I's
incineration system and the wastes  incinerated, including the
analytical procedures and quality assurance/quality control  procedures
used in the study, iiay be found in:
     U.S. EPA,  Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory,  At-Sea
     Incineration of PCB-Containing Wastes  on  the M/T  VULCAMUS  (I).
     1983.   (EPA-6no/7-83-024).
* A sampling train  is  laboratory  equipment  used  in  collecting  samples
  of the emissions  from  incinerator  stacks  at  high  efficiency.

                 FIGURF  II.  M/T  VULCANUS  I  TRIAL  BURN DATA
      Incinerator wall  temperature
      Concentration  of  Oxygen  (03)
      Concentration  of  Carbon  dioxide  (CO?)
      Concentration  of  Carbon  Monoxide  (CO)
      Residence  time
      Combustion Efficiency  (CE)
      Destruction Efficiency (DE)*
      -PCB,  Octachloro
                              1303°C (average)
                              10.1 percent
                              9.1 percent
                              8 ppm
                              1.3 seconds
                              99.99 percent

 (ii)  M/T VULCANUS  IPs Trial Burns

     A study of the M/T VULCANUS  IPs  incineration  system  and  its

 initial survey and certification  is based on a trial burn  conducted by

 the Government of the Netherlands during January  and February  1983, at

 the North Sea Incineration Site.  As part of the  initial survey,

 Chemical; Waste Management, Inc.,  contracted with  the Energy  and

 Environmental Division of TRW Inc., to measure the  emissions of several

 POHCs selected from the waste mixture  incinerated.  This study

 established the eligibility of the M/T VULCANUS II  to incinerate mixed

 liquid organic compounds with a heats  of combustion equal  to or greater
* DE = 100 x Wi - Wo

       Wi = mass feed rate into the incinerator
       Wo = mass emission rate in the stack gas before release to the
       Wo = FoCo

       Fo = flow rate (dry) of combustion effluent  in m^/hr.
       Co = concentration in combustion effluent
       DE = 100 x Wi-FoCo

than 0.24 kcal/gram (tetrachloromethane on the Index of

     Sampling and chemical analyses were conducted according to a test
plan reviewed by EPA.  fSee Plan for Sampling and Analysis of Volatile
Organics During a Certification-Voyage of the M/T VULCANUS II.  Report
to Chemical Waste Management January, 1983).  A standard volatile
organic sampling train (VOST)*, incorporating approved minor
improvements in design, was used to acquire samples of the effluent
gas.  A stainless steel-jacketed, water-cooled  probe with a quartz
liner was  designed and fabricated for use with  the  VOST  train.  Four
complete tests  were  performed,  and  each  test  generated  six pairs  of
adsorbent  tubes containing organic  vapors from  the  combustion  gases.

     Pertinent  process-related  data were acquired from computer
printouts  maintained  by  the  Chief  Engineer  of the MA  VULCANUS II.
These  data included:   temperatures  in  the incinerators, feed  rates  of
waste  and  air,  and  concentrations  of  carbon dioxide,  carbon monoxide,
and oxygen in  the stack  gases.

     The test  results, as indicated below show that the operating
conditions on  the M/T VULCANUS II meet the Agency's requirements for
 * The VOST is used for testing land-based incinerators on
   tetrachloromethane, one of the POHC's tested in the trial burn.

incineration at-sea.  The operating conditions established in this

trial burn are the average operating conditions required in the permit,

except when incinerating TCDD and PCBs, as explained later in this



   0 Incinerator wall temperature             1166°C (average)
   0 Concentration of Oxygen (02)             10.6 percent
   0 Concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO?)    9.fi percent
   0 Concentration of Carbon Monoxide  (CO)    22 ppm
   0 Residence time                           1.1 seconds
   0 Combustion Efficiency (CE)               99.9
   0 Destruction Efficiency (DE)
       Tetrachloromethane*                    >99.99 percent
       Chloroform*                            >99.99 percent
       1,1,2 Trichloroethane*                 >99.99 percent
       1,2 Dichloroethane*                    >99.99 percent
       1,1 Dichloroethane*                    >99.99 percent

     More detailed  information on  the  study of the M/T  VULCANUS  II1s

incinerator system  and  the wastes  incinerated may be found in:

     TRW, Incineration  of Volatile Organic Compounds on the M/T
     VULCANUS  ll.Prepared for  Chemical  Waste Management, inc.  Apri1
     Memorandum  from Merrill  Jackson,  to  Steven  Schatzow,  Review  of
     Reports  of  At-Sea  Incineration  Onboard  the  M/T  VULCANUS  II.
     June  24,  1983.~~

     The  requirement  for  test burns  for the  M/T  VULCANUS II to

 incinerate mixed liquid organic  wastes containing TCDD and PCBs have

 been waived.   These waivers are  based  on  a determination by EPA's
 * These numbers are conservatively expressed based on a minimum 50%
  VOST recovery.

 Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory  (IERL-CI) that  both
 the M/T VULCANUS,I and M/T  VULCANUS  II are using the same equipment and
 on EPA's accumulated experience with the monitoring of incinerators for
 TCDD and PCBs emissions.  These findings are  contained in:
     Memorandum from David 6. Stephan, Director,  IERL-CI, to Patrick M.
     Tobin, Acting Director, Criteria and Standards Division.
     Recommended Operating Parameters, Past Performance Reliability
     Considerations, and Similarity Considerations for VULCANUS  I and
     _IJ_.  August 10, 1983.
     Memorandum from Marcia E. Williams, Acting Director,  Office of
     Toxic Substances to Patrick M. Tobin, Acting Director, Criteria
     and Standards Division.  Waiver of a PCB Trial Burn for the
     VULCANUS II.  July 9, 1983:
     Because of the determination that the equipment on both vessels  is
the same, the operating conditions specified in the permit for the M/T
VULCANUS II (HQ 83-002) when it is incinerating TCDD and PCBs are the
same as those used in the permit for the M/T VULCANUS  I (HQ 83-001).

(3)  Environmental Studies at the Gulf Incinerator Site

     In addition to the studies of the efficiency of the incinerator
systems, EPA has conducted environmental monitoring studies in
conjunction with the research permits.  These studies  include both air
and water quality monitoring and are summarized below.

      (1) Water  quality  studies

     During the 1974-1975 incineration in the Gulf of Mexico of the
Shell Chemical  Company's organochlorine wastes on the M/T VULCANUS I,
monitoring was  conducted from airplanes and onboard two research
vessels (ORCA and OREGON II owned by NOAA and the Scripps Institute of
Oceanography, respectively).  The incineration plume near the M/T
VULCANUS I was monitored by aerial photography and the air was sampled
from an Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL), Las Vegas
aircraft which followed and periodically contacted the vessels'
incinerator plume.  Dye tests were run to determine water current
patterns and diffusion  rates, and samples of marine organisms
(plankton) were collected for identification and analysis.  Surface
water was collected under the plume and analyzed for organochlorine
content, pH, chlorinity, trace metals, chlorophyll and adenosine
tri-phosphate (ATP) levels.  No PCBs or other organochlorines were
detected and there were no noticeable effects on marine life due to the
incineration operations.  Additional  information on these studies may
be found in:
     U.S. EPA, Disposal of Organochlorine Wastes by Incineration
     at-Sea, 1975. (EPA-430/9-75-014).

     During the August 1982, incineration of PCBs on the M/T VULCANUS  I
under Research Permit HO 81-002, TerEco personnel, under contract to
EPA, conducted a 4-day baseline or pre-burn cruise to the Gulf Ocean
Incineration Site to check on the environmental conditions at the site
prior to the incineration of PCB wastes and to launch two pelagic
biotical ocean monitors (P-BOM's).  In August, they participated in the

monitoring cruise during which time they launched five P-BOM's, three
of which were impacted by the fallout of the plume from the M/T
VULCANUS I, and two of which served as controls.  Three species of
marine organisms were exposed in each P-BOM and were processed for
laboratory analyses while still aboard the OSV ANTELOPE (an EPA owned
and operated research vessel).

     Laboratory analyses involved determining the concentrations  of
PCBs in the surface waters,  in collectors placed on each  P-BOM, in
neuston, and in the tissues  of Menidia beryllina and Fundulus  grandis
(both finfish).  No increase in ambient water background  levels of
organochlorines was detected from the  incineration.  Results  show that
Fundulus and Menidia did not accumulate additional  PCBs above  their
background levels.  The  core of the monitoring  effort  centered in
determining the adenylate energy charge  (AEC) of test  (exposed to
fallout plume) and  control  individuals  of  the above species  and the
grass shrimp Palaemonetes/pugio.  Although  the  results of AEC
calculations revealed  that  all  three  species  suffered  some stress
during their stay on the ship  and their  exposure  in the P-BOM's,  it  was
concluded  that  plume contact from the incineration  of  PCB wastes  could
not  have caused this physiological  reaction.  The  more likely cause  was
the  stress caused by the long  delay in deciding upon the vessel's
departure  and the related  long period that the  test organisms had to
stay in crowded  conditions.

     Metabolic enzyme analyses carried out on Fundulus tissues  compare
favorably with results obtained by TerEco in other environmental
studies.  No evidence was generated that related any metabolic  change
in test animals directly to the incineration process.  This study is
reported in.greater detail in:

     U.S. EPA, Monitoring Results and Environmental  Impact on the Gulf
     of Mexico Incineration Site from Incineration of RGB's Under
     Research Permit HQ 81-02.  April 1983.  Appendix v.

     (ii)  Air Monitoring Studies

     In a 1978 report to EPA, monitoring  data obtained  from the  Shell
at-sea  incinerations in 1974-1975 and in  1977 and mathematical modeling
were used to  describe the  plume  formed  during incineration.  Simulation
plume models  estimating the maximum  hydrochloric  acid,  organohalogens
and metal oxides  released  from the  pluine  to the air and to'the water
were compared to  actual observations.   The  report  indicated a  strong
correlation  between  the  simulation  models and actual observations.
There was no  increase  in  ambient air concentrations of organochlorines
in the  vicinity  of the  vessel  or wherever the  plume contacted  the water
surface.  These  findings  are  described  in:
     U.S.  EPA, Environmental  Assessment:  At-Sea Incineration and_Land_
     Based  Incineration of Organochlorine waste?:Prepared by TRW,
      Inc.,  under Contract No. 68-02-2660 (EPA-fcUO/2-78-087).
Similar results  were also documented in:
     U.S.  Department of State and EPA, Fin^l_E^vj£onm^ntaJ_lmpact
     Statement for Incineration of Wastes At Sea. Under the 1972 Ocean
     Dumping Convention, 1979.

     Michael fiuttman, et al., Ambient Air Monitoring of the August
     1982. M/T VULCANUS PCB Incineration at the Gulf of Mexico
     Designated Site, La Jolla. California. ORB Associates, January
     In this latter report, JRB Associates using EPA's survey vessel
OSV ANTELOPE as a sampling platform, tracked the incineration plume and
collected ambient air samples for PCB measurement.  The primary
objective was to determine if any detectable amounts of fugitive PCBs
or organochlorine residues from the incineration process could be found
in the atmosphere.  Using a dispersion model to predict plume location
and guide the sampling, a secondary objective was to check the model's
validity using hydrogen chloride (HC1) from the incineration process as
a tracer.

     Results from the baseline survey indicated only trace amounts of
air-borne organic materials, and no organochlorines were present.  By
comparison, during the  incineration monitoring  significantly higher
amounts of air-borne organics were measured, but again no PCBs or other
organochlorines were detected.  Presumably, the elevated airborne
organics were generated by combustion on the M/T VULCANUS  I, either
from the waste incineration or from the  vessel's  engines.  Real-time
HC1 monitoring assured  that the incineration emission  plume  generated
by the M/T  VULCANUS  I was  being sampled.   Although  there were
discrepancies between measured airborne  HC1 levels  and distributions
predicted by the model, agreement  between  the  two was  relatively good
considering the uncertainties  involved  in  modeling  atmospheric

     A report prepared by the Texas Air Control Board furnished
monitoring data for incineration plume remnants at several shore
locations taken during the test burn of PCBs in August 1982.  The Texas
Air Control Board used special high vojume air samplers with glass
fiber pre-filters and polyurethane foam plugs  to collect  particulate
and gaseous PCBs, chlorinated dibenzodioxins,  and chlorinated
dibenzofurans.  Based on trajectory forecasts, it was estimated  that
the plume from the M/T VULCANUS I would impact only one of the samplers
over one 48 hour period during the 339 hours of sampling  conducted
during the burn period from August 16-28,  1982.  Gas chromatographic
(GC) and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric  (GC/MS) analysis of the
foam plugs and pre-filters collected during the burn and  post-burn
sampling did not indicate the presence of  PCBs, other organochlorine
compounds, or hydrochloric acid.  Further  discussion of these  tests may
be found in:

     Texas Air Control Board, Report on Air  Sampling for  PCB's Along
     the Texas Gulf Coast During  Incineration  Operations  Cond'ucted  by
     the M/T VULCANUS  I. April  1983.
     In  summary, based on the studies  of  the wastes, the  incineration
systems  on the M/T VULCANUS  I and M/T  VULCANUS II  and  the effects of
incineration on  the  incineration  site,  EPA has concluded  that:
        adequate studies have been conducted in accordance with 40 CFR
        the incinerators onboard the M/T VULCANUS I and M/T VULCANUS  II
        have  demonstrated a destruction efficiency of at least 99.99
        percent on the compounds proposed for incineration;

no short term increases have been found in background
concentrations of organochlon'nes in the water, and no short
term effects have been found on water chemistry or biota exposed
to the plume in the vicinity of the vessels: and

air monitoring studies indicate no air borne emissions of
PCBs or other organochlorine residues from the incineration

(b) Subpart P - Environmental Impact

     Subpart B, Sections 227.5 - 227.13 of the Ocean Dumping

Regulations sets forth specific environmental impact prohibitions,

limits and conditions for the dumping of materials  in the ocean.

Section 227.4 states that "if the applicable  prohibitions,  limits  and

conditions are satisfied, it is a determination of  EPA  that the

proposed disposal will not unduly degrade or  endanger the marine

environment and that the disposal will present:
     110 No unacceptable adverse  effects  on  human  health  and  no
        significant damage to the  resources  of  the marine  environment;

     110 No unacceptable adverse  effect on the marine  ecosystem;

     110 Mo unacceptable adverse  persistent  or permanent  effects  due to
        the dumping of the particular volumes or  concentrations  of
        these materials; and

     110 No unacceptable adverse  effect on the ocean  for  other uses as a
        result of direct environmental impact."
     The analyses  used  in making  that  determination follow.
(1) Section 227.5 Prohibited Materials

     "The ocean  dumping  of  the  following  materials will  not be approved
     by EPA... under  any  circumstances:"
High-level radioactive wastes as defined  in §227.30;"
    110 Materials  in whatever  form  (including without limitation,
       solids,  liquids,  semi-liquids,  gases or organisms) produced or
       used for radiological,  chemical  or biological warfare;"

    110 Materials insufficiently described by the applicant in terms of
       their compositions and properties to permit application of the
       environmental impact criteria of this Subpart B;"
    110 Persistent inert synthetic or natural materials which may float
       or remain in suspension in the ocean in such a manner that they
       may interfere materially with fishing, navigation, or other
       legitimate uses of the ocean."
     The incineration at-sea permits specifically prohibit these
materials from the wastes to be incinerated.  There are  a number of
provisions in the permits which will ensure that  these  prohibited
materials are not included  in the wastes.   As discussed  earlier, prior
to loading the wastes onto  the vessel,  the  Permittees must  analyze the
wastes in accordance with  EPA-approved  procedures in  EPA-approved
laboratories.  The  Waste Sampling and Analyses  Procedures  included  in
Appendix A of the permits  are  the analytical  protocols  that must be
followed by  the  Permittees  in  analyzing their wastes.   These protocols
require  identification  of  quantifiable  concentrations of the chemical
classes  of the  constituents.   This  is  sufficient analytical detail  to
ensure that  prohibited  materials are not in the wastes.  In addition,
through  the  Permit  Program Manager, EPA may authorize a duplicate
sample  be  taken by  EPA or  an EPA-authorized representative from the
blending/holding tanks, from the vessels' or dockside storage tanks  to
verify  the original chemical analyses  submitted  by the  Permittees.
Loading  of the  vessel  and  incineration of the wastes are authorized
only after EPA is certain that the wastes  do not contain prohibited  or
 restricted materials.
 (2) Section 227.6 - Constituents  prohibited  as  other than trace

     Subpart B, 40 CFR 227.6(a) also prohibits the dumping of
organohalogens, mercury and mercury compounds, cadmium and known
carcinogens, mutagens or teratogens, except as trace contaminants.
Section 227.6(h) states that the prohibitions and limitations of
Section 227.6(a) do not apply  "for the granting of permits for the
transport of these substances  for the purpose of incineration at-sea,
if the applicant can demonstrate that the stack emissions consist of
substances which are rapidly rendered harmless by physical,  chemical or
biological processes in the sea."  These requirements are to be
established on a case-by-case  basis.

      The  regulations do not define the criteria  for  determining  whether
stack  emissions  are  rapidly rendered  harmless.   However,  Annex  5,
Regulation  5.2.1 of  the London Dumping Convention  states, "based on
current scientific knowledge on the  environmental  effects of
incinerating  liquid  organochlorine compounds, substances  are rapidly
rendered  harmless  if the  Regulations  and Technical  Guidelines are
observed."   These  Regulations  and Technical Guidelines contain  specific
operating parameters for  the  incinerators.  As discussed under
 "Compliance with the London Dumping Convention," and shown  in Table 3,
 "Hazardous  Waste Incineration:  Comparison of At-Sea and Land-based
 Requirements", page 88, the requirements of the incineration at-sea
 permits are equivalent to or more stringent than the requirements  of
 London Dumping Convention.

      In  addition,  the  permits  prohibit  the  incineration  of wastes
containing  compounds with  heats  of  combustion  less than  that  of the
principle organic  hazardous  constituent  (POHC)  for which the
incinerator demonstrated at  least a 99.99 percent destruction
efficiency.  This  prohibition  means that all compounds  in the wastes
should be destroyed to at  least  99.99 percent  efficiency and  any
emissions from  incineration  will be rapidly  rendered  harmless, as
required in Section 227.6(h).

     As  discussed  later in this  part, modelling studies  also  indicate
that if  the destruction efficiency  on the organic compounds is at  least
99.99 percent,  the emissions from the incinerator meet  all the
conditions  necessary to establish that  they  are rapidly  rendered

     Therefore,  EPA concludes  that  the  stack emissions  will not contain
any prohibited  constituents  in Section  227.6(a) except  as trace
contaminants which are "rapidly  rendered harmless" as provided for
under Section 227.6(h) and in  accordance with  the Regulations and
Technical Guidelines of the  London  Dumping  Convention.
(3) Section 227.7 - Limits established  for  specific wastes  or  waste
     Section 227.7 establishes  additional  limitations  on  certain
materials for these materials to be  acceptable  for  ocean  dumping.   The
permits comply with this  section as  follows:

     (i)  Section 227.7(a).  Incinerating the entire waste mixture to
          the required 99.9 combustion efficiency is more than
          sufficient to assure that the trace contaminants in the
          emission when they reach the water are totally soluble.
     (ii) Section 227.7(b).  The permits do not allow the incineration
          of containerized wastes.  Therefore, the provision that low
          level radioactive materials be containerized is not
     (iii)Section 227.7(c).  The gaseous emissions are stenle and
          therefore do not contain living organisms.
     (iv) Section 227.7(d).  The stack emissions contain hydrochloric
          acid but in amounts which EPA has determined are rapidly
          neutralized by the ocean after allowance for initial mixing
          as defined in 40 CR 227.29.
     (iv) Section 227.7(e).  The gaseous emissions contain no
          biodegradable constituents or constituents which consume
          oxygen in any fashion.
(4) Section 227.8 - Limitations on disposal rates of toxic wastes.

     Section 227.8 states that "no wastes will be deemed acceptable  for
ocean dumping unless such wastes can be dumped so as not to  exceed the
limiting permissible concentrations as defined in Section 227.27.
Limiting permissible concentration is defined  as  "that  concentration of
a constituent which, after allowance for initial mixing  as defined in
Section 227.29, does not exceed applicable  marine water  quality
criteria..." or where there are no marine water  quality  criteria, that
concentration of a waste which  ... "will not  exceed  a toxicity
threshold defined as 0.01  of a concentration  shown  to be acutely toxic
to appropriate sensitive marine organisms  in  a bioassay  carried  out  in
accordance with approved EPA procedures."

     To determine the maximum concentration of metals which could be
included in a waste mixture so that the resulting emissions reaching
the water would not exceed applicable marine water quality criteria or
the limiting permissible concentration, a model was developed for EPA
that was more stringent than necessary to comply with Section 227.0 for
initial mixing.  The model used a combination of a mixing zone model
and a plume dispersion model.  This model was then used to calculate
the maximum concentrations of metals in the stack gases to ensure that
the marine water quality criteria for the metals would not be exceeded.
It was then possible to determine the maximum concentration of metals
in the wastes so that the marine water quality criteria were not
exceeded as a result of incinerating the wastes.  A full discussion of
the model may be found in:
     JRB Associates.  Permissible Metal, PCB,  and Dioxin
     Concentrations inTncineratlon Waste Material.  Report submitted
     under EPA  Contract Mo. 68-01-6388,  Work Assignment No. 37,
     September  1983.
     Other than silver, which  the model  indicated  should  not  exceed 20
ppm in the waste mixture  and mercury, which  should  not  exceed  9  ppm,
metals could be in  significantly  higher  concentrations  than  the  100 ppm
requirement  included in the  proposed  permit  and  still would  not  exceed
the marine water quality  criteria  for  each  of  the  metals.   However, EPA
has retained the 100 ppm  concentration  limit  for each  of  the  metals
other  than  for  silver  and  mercury,  in  recognition  of the  modelling
uncertainties  and  until long  term  monitoring  can verify that  emissions
of  trace amounts of metals indeed  have no  impact on the environment.

 Only after substantial  long term monitoring, will  EPA evaluate all  the
 data and seek public input to determine if these allowable metal
 concentrations in waste can be relaxed.

      A similar set of models was used to document  that trace quantities
 (if any) of TCDD and PCBs which might be released  in.the stack gases
 would not cause the marine aquatic life no effect  level  or the marine
 water quality criterion to be exceeded.  TCDD and  PCB were chosen as
 surrogates for all  organic compounds  because TCDD  and PCBs are among
 the most toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative of  all the organic
 compounds.  The model showed that  if  TCDD and PCBs were  in
 concentrations of 2 ppm and 35 percent or less, respectively, and if
 TCDD was destroyed  to 99.93 percent efficiency and PCBs  were destroyed
 to  at least  99.99 percent efficiency, any surviving TCDD or PCBs
 emitted  in the incinerator plume would result in ambient marine water
 concentrations of TCDD  and PCBs below the marine aquatic life no  effect
 level  or the  marine water quality  criterion  for TCDD and PCB,
 respectively,  which is  below the limiting permissible concentrations as
 required in  40 CFR  227.27.   In  fact,  after incineration  and mixing  of
 surviving  PCBs in the water,  PCBs  were not detected in concentrations
 beyond background levels.   This  determination was  based  on the
 environmental  monitoring  conducted in conjunction  with the August 1982,
 trial burn.   Based  on these  studies,  TCDD and PCBs may be included  in
the wastes in  concentrations  no  greater than  2 ppm and 35 percent by
weight,  respectively.

      The special  permits  do  not  require that  destruction efficiency be
determined for constituents  on  each load  of wastes  that  are
incinerated.   However, from  time-to-time,  the Permit  Program Manager

may request that the Permittees sample and analyze the wastes and
emissions to verify that the operating conditions established in the
special permits achieve the performance standard of 99.99 percent
destruction efficiency.  The special permits do require that a
performance standard of at least 99.9 percent combustion efficiency be
attained on each load of wastes incinerated.  Based on EPA's
accumulated experience and judgment, a combustion efficiency of at
least 99.9 percent on the entire load of mixed chemical wastes
corresponds to destruction efficiencies of at least 99.99 percent  on
compounds with heats of combustion  greater than the POHCs tested.
Combustion efficiencies are continuously calculated on each
incineration cruise.  Therefore, EPA concludes that the permits will
result in emissions below the  limiting permissible  levels as  required
in  Section 227.8.

(5) Section 227.9  - Limitations  on  quantities  of  waste materials

      The  permits are  consistent  with  Section 227.9 because  the quantity
of  material in  the emissions  will  not  damage the ocean  environment or
reduce  its amenities.   Monitoring  conducted thus far  shows  no
detectable adverse environmental  impact, as shown in  the foregoing
discussion of  environmental  monitoring conducted at the site.  As a
precaution,  EPA is restricting, at this time, the use of the Gulf
 Incineration  Site  and any other site which is designated to one vessel
at  a  time.   This is being done for navigational  safety and until the
Agency evaluates the  monitoring data from the site.  This does not
mean  that only one Permittee may use a site.  Rather, EPA will assure
that  there is an equitable distribution of the use of a site among all

     EPA, in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, has developed a
monitoring strategy to measure the long-term impacts on human health
and the marine environment associated with the incineration at-sea of
mixed liquid organic wastes.  Measurements for the strategy include
both atmospheric and ambient physical, chemical and biological analyses
of the marine environment.  The monitoring strategy is designed to
produce generic and site-specific long-term monitoring plans that can
be used both as predictive tools for identifying potential areas of
environmental impact and, if necessary, for triggering permit
modifications.  The computer models generated for the implementation of
the strategy will be sufficiently flexible to predict cumulative
effects of multiple vessel and long-term burns.

(6) Section 227.10 - Hazards to fishing, navigation, shorelines or
     The permits meet the requirements of Section 227.10.  The location
of the incineration site was specifically chosen because  it is removed
from fishing areas and it is outside of the normal shipping fairways
for commercial and recreational vessels.  As the monitoring data
discussed earlier indicate, the emissions pose no threat  to fishing,
navigation, shorelines or beaches.  The characteristics of the site are
discussed in detail later in the FINDINGS.

(7) Sections 227.11 - Containerized wastes; Section 227.12 -  Insoluble
wastes; Section 227.13 - Dredged material

     Sections 227.11, 227.12, and 227.13 are not applicable to the
incineration at-sea permits because the permits do not authorize the
incineration of containerized wastes or dredge material.  The emissions
from incineration are below limiting permissible levels,  which complies
with the criteria for soluble wastes established in Section 227.12.

     Based on the above analysis, EPA has determined that the
incinerator emissions will meet the criteria of Subpart B and that the
proposed release of the emissions to the marine environment will not
unduly degrade or endanger the marine environment.

     Section 227.2(a) provides that if the applicants' wastes satisfy
the environmental impact criteria in Subpart B, a permit will be issued
     (1)  There is no need for the dumping,  and  alternative  means  of
          disposal are available, as determined  in  accordance with  the
          criteria set forth  in Subpart  C; or
     (2)  There are unacceptable adverse effects  on esthetic,
          recreational or economic values as determined  in accordance
          with the criteria set forth  in Subpart D; or
     (3)  There are unacceptable adverse effects on other uses  of  the
          ocean as determined in accordance  with the criteria  set  forth
          in Subpart E.
     The  remaining  sections  of  this  part  discusses EPA's determination
that there is a  need  for  ocean  dumping,  that there are no unacceptable
impacts on esthetic,  recreational  or economic values of the ocean and
.that there are no unacceptable  adverse effects on other uses of the

(c) Subpart C - Need for Ocean Dumping

     Subpart C of Part 227 (40 CFR 227.14-.16) states the basis on

which an evaluation will be made of the need and the alternatives to

ocean dumping.  Section 227.15 lists the factors to be considered in

determining the need for dumping, and section 227.16 lists the

determinations that musL be made, after thorough evaluation  of those

factors.  The  determinations  that must be made include:

"(1) There  are no practicable improvements  in process  technology  or
overall waste  treatment to  reduce the adverse impact  of  the  waste in
the total environment;

"(2) There  are no practicable alternative  locations  or methods of
disposal or recycling  available,  including  without  limitation storage
until  treatment  facilities  are  completed,  which  have Jes_s adverse
environmental  impact  or potential  risk to  other  parts  of the
environment than  ocean dumping"  (Emphasis  added).

      Section 227.16 (b) defines  practicable as  "...available at

reasonable incremental cost and energy  expenditures, which need not be

competitive with  the  costs  of ocean dumping..."

The determinations  and the factors to be considered in making the

determinations are  discussed below.

 1. There are  no practicable  improvements in process technology or
 overall waste treatment to reduce the adverse impact  of  the  waste  on
 the total  environment.

      Section  227.15 lists two factors which are pertinent to this

 determination.  ERA'S analyses of each factor is presented  below.

     (i)  Degree of treatment useful and feasible for the waste to be
          dumped, and whether or not the waste material  will  be treated
          to this degree before dumping.

     EPA has determined that incineration of the mixed liquid organic
wastes under the terms of this permit constitutes a very effective
means of treating those wastes.  As is explained elsewhere in this
document, incineration at-sea will  result, at a minimum, in the
destruction of 99.99 percent of each of the organic constituents
contained in the waste.  Thus, the  amount "dumped" in the sense of
actually being released to the environment will consist of only a very
small fraction of the wastes.  The  by-products of the incineration
process consist of hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
water vapor and trace amounts of metal  oxides, silicate ash, and may
additionally consist of trace quantities of surviving organic  compounds
and partially combusted organic compounds.  Surviving waste
constituents (metallic oxides or organic by-products of incomplete
combustion) comprise no more than  0.1 percent  of the emissions.
Although not completely destroyed,  the  incineration  process  degrades
surviving organic compounds  by  lowering their  molecular weight and
their chlorine content.  As a result, these products of  incomplete
combustion  are less toxic than  the original compounds.   As  discussed
earlier, all the emissions,  including products of  incomplete
combustion, will be below the  limiting  permissible  level,  which ensures
that the marine water  quality criteria  or,  the marine  aquatic  life  no
effect  level are not exceeded and  therefore are rapidly rendered
harmless as required in  Section 227.6(h).

     The permit does not require treatment of the wastes before being
loaded onto the vessels for incineration because EPA is unaware of any
treatment method for the wastes which would be useful, in terms of
further reducing the potential impact of the emissions from ocean
incineration.  Therefore,  EPA concludes that the wastes will  be treated
to an appropriate degree prior to their release to the environment.
      (ii) "Raw materials and manufacturing or other  processes resulting
          in the waste, and whether or not these materials  are
          essential to  the provision  of the applicant's goods and
          services, or  if  other less  polluting materials or processes
          could be  used."
      In evaluating  this factor, EPA  is asked to  consider changes  in  raw
materials, manufacturing,  or  other processes which,  if  used,  would
reduce  the amount  of wastes generated and  the  need  for  ocean  dumping.
By its  nature, this factor applies only to actions  which could be taken
before  the wastes  are  generated;  it  cannot apply to wastes which  have
already been  generated. Waste  reduction  is  thus inapplicable to  wastes
which are  stored  and  awaiting incineration under these permits
 (approximately  one million gallons),  but  could  be applied  to the  wastes
yet  to be  generated which, over the  term  of the permit, might be
 incinerated  (approximately, an  additional  78 million gallons).

      It is difficult  to address waste reduction alternatives  with much
 specificity  because of the large number of different processes used in
 generating the wastes  covered under  this permit.  As the Office  of

Technology Assessment* points out, there are several ways to reduce the

amount of waste generated:

     0 source segregation or separation

     0 process modification

     0 end-product substitution

     0 material recovery  and recycling

     Mo  one method provides  the  ultimate  means  of  reducing  the  volume

of wastes.  Often these  approaches  are  used  simultaneously  or


      Source  segregation  is  the simplest and probably the least  costly

method of reducing waste volume.  This  approach avoids the

contamination of  large volumes of nonhazardous waste by segregating

hazardous from non-hazardous constituents and forming a concentrated

hazardous waste.   Implementation of this method can be accomplished

 in a short-to-medium time period by individual generators.

      Process modifications  are,  in general, made  on a  continuous  basis

 in existing plants to increase  production efficiencies, to make  product

 improvements, and to  reduce manufacturing  costs.   These modifications

 include  relatively small changes in operational methods,  such  as  a

 change  in temperature,  pressure, or  raw  material  composition,  as well
 *0ffice  of  Technology Assessment.   Technologies and Management
   Strategies for Hazardous Waste ConfrcTrWashington, D.C., GPO, March

as major changes such as the use of new processes or equipment.
Although a manufacturing process often may be used in several plants,
each facility has slightly different operating conditions and designs.
Thus, a modification resulting in hazardous waste reduction  in one
plant may not be applicable industrywide.  Proprietary concerns have
inhibited the transfer of information on process changes and the use of
process modifications to reduce hazardous wastes.

     End-product substitution is the replacement of hazardous waste-
intensive products, that is, industrial products the manufacture of
which involves significant hazardous waste, by a new product the
manufacture of which would eliminate or reduce the generation of
hazardous waste.  This is a long-term effort.  As the Office of
Technology Assessment points out, the general problems with  this method

     0 Not all of the available substitutes avoid the production of
       hazardous waste.
     0 Substitution may not be possible in all situations.

     A change in consumer behavior may motivate product  changes, but  if
the only benefit is the reduction of potential adverse effects  on  human
health or the environment other incentives may be needed to  accomplish
end-product substitution, such as tax incentives, regulations,
limitation of raw materials, etc.

     Recovery and recycling are often used together but  technically
they are different.  Recovery involves the separation of a  substance
from a mixture.  Recycling is the use of such a material  recovered from
the mixture.  Recovery and recycling are usually considered  a waste
reduction method; however, in the Ocean Dumping Regulations, recycling
also must be examined as an alternative to incineration  at-sea.

 Therefore, except for the summary in Table 1 below comparing the four
 reduction methods,  recovery and recycling is discussed in the analysis
 of the alternatives to ocean dumping.

      EPA believes that there is a high potential  for the use of new
 processes and  technologies to substantially reduce the amount of
 hazardous waste  generated in this country.  At present, however, the
 Agency is unaware of any technological modifications which would
 substantially  reduce the amount of wastes generated over the period of
 the  permits.   While waste reduction technologies  need to be encouraged,
 the  timing of  their implementation is a factor to be considered in
 evaluating the need for ocean dumping under this  permit.  Even if there
 were  changes which  were known and could be made in all  the processes
 involved  in generating the wastes covered by the  proposed permit, these
 process changes,  product substitutions, recovery  operations, etc., take
 time  to  implement.   General  adoption of the changes discussed may take
years.  EPA generally  is supposed to take action  on a permit within 180
 days  of a  completed application.   Unless public comments on the
 proposed  permits  demonstrate that there are generally available waste
 reduction  technologies  applicable to the wastes that are to be
 incinerated under this  permit,  EPA will  not deny  these  permits solely
on the premise that  in  the future these technologies may be available.
However, as changes  in  technology and process  design occur, EPA will
evaluate these alternatives  for each new permit,  or renewal, according
to the availability  of  the process and raw material  alternatives known
at that time.

           Table 1 - A Comparison of the Four Reduction Methods
1) Easy to Implement; usually low
2) Short-term solution

1) Potentially reduce both hazard
   and volume
2) Moderate-term solution
3) Potential savings In production

1) Potentially industrywide impact-
   large volume, hazard reduction
0 In-pi ant
1) Moderate-term solution
   Potential savings in manufacturing
   Reduced liability compared to
   commercial recovery or waste
0 Commercial recovery (offsite)
1) No capital investment required for
2) Economy of scale for small waste
0 Waste Exchange
1) Transportation costs only
                                        1) Still have some waste to
                                        1) Requires R&D effort; capital
                                        2) Usually does not have
                                           industrywide impact
                                        1) Relatively long-term
                                           soluti ons
                                        2) Many sectors affected
                                        3) Usually a side benefit of
                                           product improvement
                                        4) May require change in
                                           consumer habits
                                        5) Major investments required
                                           need growing market
                                        1) May require capital
                                        2) May not have wide impact
                                        1) Liability  not transferred to
                                        2) If privately owned, must
                                           make profit and  return
                                        3) Requires permitting
                                        4) Some history of  poor
                                        5) Must establish long-term
                                           sources of waste and markets
                                        6) Requires uniformity in
                                        1) Liability not transferred
                                        2) Requires uniformity  in
                                           composition of waste
                                        3) Requires long-term relation-
                                           ships-two-party  involvement
SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment.

     The second determination to be made is:

(2) There are no practicable alternative locations and methods of
disposal or recycling available, including without limitation, storage
until treatment facilities are completed, which have less adverse
environmental impact or potential risk to other parts of the
environment than ocean dumping.
     Section 227.15 lists two factors which must be examined in making

the above determination.  The factors are:
     (i) The relative environmental risks, impact and cost for ocean
         dumping as opposed to other feasible alternatives including
         but not limited to:
         (A) Land-fill;
         (B) Well injection:
         (C) Incineration;
         (D) Spread of material over open ground;
         (E) Recycling of material for reuse;
         (F) Additional biological, chemical, or physical treatment of
             intermediate or final waste streams;
         (G) Storage

     (ii) Irreversible or irretrievable consequences of the  use  of
          alternatives to ocean dumping.
     Before discussing each of these factors,  a  relevant  question  to

ask is how much hazardous waste must be disposed of?  Uncertainty

pervades as to how much hazardous waste is  generated  in the United

States each year.  Estimates range from 41  to  275 million metric tons

depending on the definition of hazardous wastes  used.  Recently, EPA

has estimated that 150 million metric tons  of  wastes  regulated  by  the

Agency were generated in 1981.

     Many States define hazardous wastes more  broadly than EPA.  High

BTU wastes burned in commercial and industrial boilers and wastes  from

small generators (less than 1 ton per month) are exempted from  EPA's

estimates.  The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste
Management Officials recently surveyed the States for the study by the
Office of Technology Assessment referenced earlier.  That survey
indicated that, based upon the State's definitions, 255 to 275 million
tons of  hazardous waste  are generated  annually.

     There  is,  in fact,  no  "one" method  of disposal which  is  effective
for all  hazardous wastes generated in  the United States.   EPA's
analysis of each  of the  factors  is in  terms  of liquid  hazardous  wastes
similar to  those  which would  be  destroyed under incineration at-sea

      m The relative environmental risks, impact  and cost for ocean
          dumping as opposed to other  feasible alternatives including,
          but not limited to:
          (A) Land  fill
      Nationwide, EPA  has estimated that almost  95  percent  of the
 hazardous  wastes generated are managed  at the site where  they are
 produced.   Of  the  wastes  disposed of  by industry,  as  much as 95 percent
 of the  hazardous wastes are  disposed  of on  land.  In  the Gulf Coast
 Region, which  has  approximately 21 percent  of the nation's hazardous
 waste  generators,  use of land disposal  varies among the States as it
 does  nationwide.   In Louisiana, 97 percent of the wastes are managed
  onsite.  Of the three percent disposed of offsite, 50 percent of  these
  wastes are disposed of on land.   In  Texas, 95 percent of  all hazardous
  wastes generated  are disposed of  on  land.*

  *  ibid Office of Technology Assessment p. 8

       Virtually  any waste  can  be  physically  buried  in  a  landfill.
 However, as the Office  of Technology Assessment  pointed  out,  landfills
 are not effective in  controlling  the migration of  liquid wastes.   Land-
 filled wastes that are  toxic,  persistent, soluble,  and  volatile  present
 significant risk to human exposure.*

      The scientific community, the public,  Congress and  several States
 are beginning to doubt  the long-term safety and  reliability of even the
 most advanced landfills for the type of liquid hazardous waste that the
 Applicants seek to incinerate.  Congress is considering  legislation to
 ban the disposal of highly toxic wastes on land  (see Senate bill,  S.
 757 and House bill,  H.R. 2867).   In addition, as Table 2 summarizes,
 several States are active in banning or restricting land disposal  of
 hazardous  wastes.
       Table 2 -  Summary of State Activities on Restricting Land
                      Disposal  of Hazardous Wastes
Report Regulatory Regulatory Regulatory
Legislative Required Action Action Action
State Action by Legislature Draft Proposed Final
New York
Rhode Island

X (proposed)







Source:  Office of  Solid Waste,  U.S.  EPA
* ibid Office of Technology Assessment  p.  175

     An extensive study is currently being undertaken hy EPA's Office
of Solid Waste to define the hazards of various types of wastes,
identify the wastes found to be inappropriate for land disposal,
identify alternative disposal technologies, and assess the respective
capacities and environmental acceptability of such technologies.

     In EPA's judgment, the environmental risks associated with the
incineration at-sea of  liquid organic  compounds are significantly less
than those associated with landfill ing of liquid organic compounds.

           (B) Well  injection

     Injection of  liquid  waste  into subsurface  formations  is  a
technology that  uses porous  sedimentary  strata  to  hold  liquid waste.
Essentially, underground  injection  entails  drilling  a well  to the  depth
required to  intersect  an  appropriate geologic  formation (known as  the
injection  zone)  and pumping  the liquid waste  in with pressure
sufficient to  displace the  native fluids,  but  not  so greater as to
cause  fracturing of the strata  and  waste migration.

     Wells are categorized  into five classes  (47  FR  4992).  Federally
defined hazardous liquid waste  can  be disposed of in Class I or Class
 IV wells.  Class I wells are those wells used for the disposal of
municipal  and  industrial  waste  liquid which is injected below the
deepest underground source of drinking water.  Class IV wells are those
wells  used to inject  hazardous  liquids into or above a formation that

is within  one-quarter mile  of  a  drinking water  source.   The  exact
number of  these wells is not known.   Some  Class  IV wells  are  already
banned and the Agency has proposed a  possible ban on  the  remainder.

     The majority of Class  I wells are comparatively  deep, that  is 60fl
to 1800 meters (2,000 to 6,000 ft).   Disposal at these  depths  is
unlikely to contaminate surface  or near-surface water.  Technologies
for constructing and operating wells  for disposal are well established.
In general, waste disposal  through properly constructed and operated
injection wells into deep formations  below the  lowest drinking water
source is much less likely  to contaminate surface or  shallow  aquifers
than is waste disposal through landfills.  In EPA's judgment  the risks
associated with incineration-at-sea are no greater than those
associated with deepwell injection.

          (C) Land-based Incineration

     Land-based incineration is permitted under the Solid Waste
Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) and the regulations found in 40 CFR 264.340-264.351 or in the
case of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA) and the regulations found in 40 CR 761.70.  Table 3
"Hazardous Waste Incineration: Comparison of At-Sea And Land-Based
Requirements," on page  88, compares  the major  provisions  of  each of  the

     As shown in the  Table  and discussed  elsewhere in the FINDINGS,  the
environmental  effects of  incinerating  at-sea will  be  no  greater  than
those  of incinerating on  land.  This finding  is  based on the
determination that  if at-sea and land-based incinerators each attain a
99.9  percent combustion efficiency and attain  a 99.99 percent
destruction  efficiency or destruction removal  efficiency, and adhere to
the stipulated operating parameters, at-sea and land-based  incinerators
 are equally effective.  In addition, both at-sea and land-based
 incinerators meet applicable  water  quality and air pollution

     The differences in land-based and at-sea  incineration are most
apparent in the type of risks involved.  Both  land-based and at-sea
incineration permits require that contingency  plans and safety
procedures be implemented if there are spills, accidents or other
potentially hazardous incidents.  In case of catastrophic or periodic
malfunctions at land-based facilities, the potential for acute adverse
human health and environmental effects is greater due to the close
proximity of population centers and areas of environmental concern.
However, the ability to fully clean up small spills is greater at
land-based facilities.

     The risks involved with at-sea incineration vessels are collisions
in a harbor or potentially life threatening incidents at-sea which
might require jettisoning the cargo.  All practicable precautions have
been taken, including the design and safety features of a Type II
chemical carrier, the "Broadcast to Mariners"  warning other ships of
the vessel's progress to and incineration at the Gulf site, the
preparation and provision for execution  of a detailed emergency
response (Contingency) Plan, and the location  of the Gulf  Incineration
Site on the continental slope, away from population centers, shipping
fairways, and ecologically productive areas.

     Because land-based and at-sea incinerators are subject to the  same
performance standards and the risks involved in each process are
comparable, EPA finds that the overall environmental, human health  and

safety risks associated with at-sea Incineration are no greater than
those associated with land-based incineration.

           (D) Spread of material over open ground

     Spreading liquid hazardous wastes on open  land is  not a viable
alternative.   If disposed  of  in this manner,  the wastes could  easily
contaminate water  supplies  or, through air transport  of volitile
components, could  directly affect  human  health.

           (E)  (Recovery  and)  Recycling  of Material  for Reuse

     Recovery  and  recycling are not new industrial  practices.   In
 certain instances  they are an excellent way of reducing the volume of
 hazardous waste.   If extensive recovery i.e., the separation of a
 substance from an  effluent is not required prior to recycling a waste
 constituent, in-plant operations are relatively easy.  But  as is shown
 on Table 1. on page 61, capital investment is  normally  required to
 implement recycling processes.  In many  industrial processes, recovery
 and recycling it  is not yet  a viable alternative.*   Complex component
 separation techniques such as reverse osmosis  are  being  investigated
 for application to  organic liquids.  These  are generally expensive
 operations and have not been applied commercially.   However,
  *  ibid.  Office of lechnology Assessment p. 148

distillation and evaporation, though energy intensive, are used
commercially on organic liquids.

     Chlorinolysis, which uses a chemical transformation process on
chlorocarbon waste, is an emerging technology.  However, the process is
capital intensive, requires a pure waste stream and, as the Office of
Technology Assessment* points out, is a limited option because there is
an insufficient U.S. market for carbon tetrachloride, the major
end-product of Chlorinolysis.

     While stricter disposal  regulations, or  prohibitions of certain
disposal practices (i.e. landfill ing) for particular wastes, might
increase the attractiveness of  both  in-plant  and  commercial  recovery/
recycling facilities,  storing hazardous wastes  longer than  90  days
requires a permit.  This permit  requirement may discourage  recycling  if
large  quantities of a  waste must accumulate  (for  economic  reasons)  from
different generators  prior  to recycling  or  recovery.  A further
disincentive to  commercial  recovery  and  recycling is  that  until
recovery and recycling is  complete,  the  generator cannot transfer his
liability for  the  waste  to  the  recycling  operator.

      EPA believes  that recovery and  recycling is  an environmentally
preferable option  to  incineration  at-sea  and  other hazardous waste
disposal options.   Over the period of the permits, however, EPA is
unaware of any generally applicable  technological modifications which
 *ibid.  Office of Technology Assessment p. 214

would substantially increase the applicability of this option to the
type of wastes to be incinerated.

          (F) Additional biological, chemical, or physical treatment of
              intermediate or final waste streams
     As indicated above, EPA is  unaware of any commercially available,
practicable treatment that could supplement incineration to make the
emissions more environmentally acceptable.

          (G) Storage

     Storage  postpones  and  delays  for  future  generations  the
inevitable  need  to  dispose  of the  wastes.  Were  storage the  only
option, huge  areas  would be required.   While  storage of hazardous
wastes  for  over  90  days requires a RCRA permit and  implementation  of
safety  measures, these  requirements do not  alleviate the  potential  for
leakage and adverse effects on  human health  and  the environment.   As a
result, EPA does not believe that  storage is  a viable alternative  to
incineration  at-sea.
      (ii)  Irreversible  or  Irretrievable Consequences of the Use of
          Alternatives  to  Ocean Dumping
      Section  227.15(d)  asks EPA to evaluate the irreversible or
 irretrievable consequences of using the alternatives just described in
 (i)(A)-(G).  The irreversible consequence of land-based incineration  is

similar to that of ocean incineration.  Only trace amounts of
uncombusted materials are discharged to the environment.

     Landfills require, as a practical matter, the restriction of land
areas from other uses for an indefinite period, as many of these wastes
are likely to remain hazardous for a  long time.  Landfills also  pose
the potential threat of contaminating  surface  or ground waters at some
future time.  While  cleanup of contaminated ground water  is  technically
possible, as a practical matter the cleanup is very  difficult  and in
some cases is prohibitively expensive.  The advantage  of  incineration
is that the wastes for all practical  purposes  are destroyed

     There are  risks associated with  the  land-based  and at-sea
incineration alternatives.   EPA does  not  believe that  at-sea
incineration has  any greater  irreversible or  irretrievable consequences
than the  other  alternatives.   Therefore,  based on the forgoing analysis
of  the factors  to be considered  in determining the need for ocean
dumping,  EPA finds that:
      (1)   There are no practicable improvements which can be made  in
           process technology or in overall  waste treatment to reduce
           the  adverse impacts of the waste released to the  environment
           from the incineration at-sea emissions.
      (2)   There are no practicable alternative locations  and methods of
           disposal or recycling available which have  less adverse
           environmental  impact or potential risk to other parts of the
           environment than incineration  at-sea.

(d) Subpart D - the Impact of the Emissions on Esthetic, Recreational
    and Economic Values; Subpart E - the Impact of the Proposed Ocean
    Dumping on Other Uses of the Ocean~
     In order to evaluate the impact of incineration at-sea on
esthetic, recreational and economic values, and on other uses of the
ocean included in Subparts D and E of Part 227, EPA reviewed the basis
for designating the Gulf Incineration Site, the area where the
incineration activities will be carried out under these permits.  By
their nature, Subparts D and E of Part 227 are dependent on the
characteristics of the site where the incineration is to take place as
well as on the effects of the incineration emissions on the site.
Therefore, this discussion begins by focusing on the criteria which
were considered in the designation of the Gulf Incineration Site.

(1) The Gulf Incineration Site

     The Gulf Incineration Site was designated as an ocean disposal
site for high temperature incineration at-sea of mixed liquid organic
wastes on September 15, 1976 (41 R 39319).  The Gulf Site was the
first site designated because the initial experimental incineration
at-sea permits were granted to waste generators from the Gulf Coast
region.  The Site was redesignated on April 26, 1982 (47 FR 17817).

     The Gulf Incineration Site lies 315 kilometers south, southeast of
Galveston, Texas, and 350 kilometers south, southwest of Cameron,

Louisiana.  It occupies approximately 4900 square kilometers in the

Gulf of Mexico.*  The water depth at the site's center is approximately

1,375 meters (4,500 feet).

     Sites for incineration at-sea  are designated through a  rulemaking

procedure.  The criteria  and procedures for designating  sites  are  found

in 40 CFR  Part 228.   In evaluating  potential  sites,  initial

consideration is  given to those  areas where:

      0  there  would  be minimal  interference with existing fisheries and
        shell fisheries or  regions with  heavy commercial  or recreational
        navigation,  and

      0  temporary  changes  in water quality or other environmental
        conditions during  initial mixing are expected to be reduced to
        normal  ambient seawater levels or undetectable contaminant
        concentration or effects before reaching beaches, shorelines, or
        marine sanctuaries.

      For those areas meeting the criteria in 40 CFR 228, a  draft

 Environmental Impact Statement  (EIS) is prepared and made available  for

 public comment with  the  notice  proposing  the  site.  A  final EIS  is  made

 available at the time of final  site designation.

      Under  research  permits,  air and water quality  monitoring studies

 were conducted to  assess the  impact  on  the marine environment of

 incinerating  organochlorine wastes at-sea.  A designated Site is not
  * The coordinates of the Gulf Incineration Site are:
       Latitude.           Longitude
       26°20'00"N          93°20'00"W
       26°20'00"N          94°00'00"W
       27°00'00"N          93°20'00"W
       27000'00"N          94°00'00"W


required for a research permit (see 40 CFR 228(4)(b)).  For a
discussion of these studies conducted at the Gulf Incineration Site,
see Environmental Studies at the Gulf Incineration Site at page 38.

     The following summary briefly describes the reasons for EPA's
determination that the Gulf Incineration Site meets the criteria
outlined in 40 CFR 228.6.  More detailed information may be found in;
     U.S. EPA, Final Environmental Impact Statement.  Designation of a
     Site in the Gulf of Mexico for Incineration of Chemical Wastes.
     Washington, D.C., July, 1976.
     (i)  Geographic position, depth of water, bottom topography, and
          distance from the coast.
     The site is positioned over the continental slope of the northern
Gulf of Mexico, some 300 kilometers from the nearest coast, where the
minimum depth of water is 1100 meters.  This satisfies the requirement
of Section 228.5, that "EPA will, wherever feasible, designate  ocean
dumping sites beyond the edge of the continental shelf."  Furthermore,
the Site is located as near as possible to the industries that  produce
substantial quantities of highly toxic organic wastes thereby reducing
transportation distance and the risks associated with long distance
transport of hazardous waste.
     (ii) Location in relation to breeding, spawning,  nursery,  feeding,
          or passage areas of living resources in adult  or juvenile

     Available evidence indicates that the waters of the site contain
low levels of nutrients, few standing crops of phytoplankton, few
larvae of commercially important shnmp species, and few large nektonic

     (iii) Location in relation to beaches and other amenity areas.

     Results of testing indicate no detectable concentrations of
pollutants reaching the beaches.  The site is so far from shore that
only under the most unlikely of physical conditions would products of
the incineration process reach Gulf beaches and then only in such high
dilution as to be undetectable by even the most advanced chemical
analytical techniques.

     (iv) Types and quantities of wastes proposed to be disposed  of,
          and proposed methods of release, including methods of
          detecting the wastes after  release.
     The results of the research burns demonstrate that combustion
efficiencies of greater than 99.9 percent  as  required  in these  permits,
are achievable.  This means that less than 0.1 percent of the waste
will be discharged to the  environment.  The  principal  products  of
combustion are hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide, water vapor,  metallic
oxides, silicate ash and may, additionally  contain trace  quantities  or
surviving or partially combusted organochlorines.   It  has  been
demonstrated that no detectable deleterious  effects  on the  marine
environment have occurred  during the  incineration of organochlorine

      (v)  Feasibility of  surveillance and.monitoring.

      The location of the  site poses no special  problems  of monitoring
either from sea or  from the  air.  The configuration  of the site  has
been  established congruent with specific  Loran* C  lines  in order to
facilitate navigation and surveillance.

      The possibility of vessels being involved  in  an accidental
collision at the site is  extremely remote.   Poor visibility  at the site
is rare.  In addition, the permit allows  only one  vessel  to  operate  at
the site at any one time.  A U.S. Coast Guard "Broadcast  to  Mariners"
warns commercial and recreational vessels to not enter the site  during
the incineration.

      (vi) Dispersal, horizontal transport and vertical mixing
          characteristics of the area, including prevailing  current
          direction and velocity.

      Prevailing winds over the site are from the eastern quadrant  and
are at a velocity such that  total atmospheric dispersion of  the  plume
will  take place before it reaches land, some 300 kilometers  away.  This
eliminates all but  the remotest possibility  of  any remnants  of the
incineration plume  reaching  land areas.   Under  all but the most  unsual
wind  conditions, the plume touches the sea surface within one to two
nautical miles downwind of the incinerator ship, distances well  within
the site boundaries.  In  a 100 year period,  it  is  estimated  that 43
* The Loran System  is  a  method  of precisely determining a geographical
  position on the ocean.

tropical storms and 26 hurricanes are expected to occur within or very
near the incineration site.  These storms are predictable far enough in
advance so that appropriate action may be taken to suspend or defer
ocean incineration operations and thus these metorological events will
have minimal effect on incineration at the  site.

     Current flow at the site prevails to the west or  northwest.  Water
movement in this direction  assures additional mixing  and  travel  time
before  reaching shallow water since these waters  enter a  counter-
clockwise  gyre west-northwest of the  site.

     The depth of the water at  the site  is  more  than  sufficient  to
provide adequate mixing  for the minute concentrations of organic
chemicals  possibly  being  added  by the incineration process.

      (vii) Existence and  effects of  current and previous discharges and
     dumping  in the area  (including  cumulative effects).

     The  flow and  resultant short residence time of the waters at the
 site precludes  the  possibility  that  previous incineration activities
 could  have produced measurable  effects upon pelagic life while within
 the site  boundaries.  In view of the great depth of water at the site
 and the nature of the plume fallout, no effects  on bottom life will

occur within the site boundaries.  Additionally, since no known dumping
has previously occurred at the site, the only effects would be from
incineration and these have been shown to be nonexistent or '

      Mii)  Interference  with  shipping,  fishing,  recreation,  mineral
             extraction, desalination,  fish  and  shellfish culture,  areas
             of  special  scientific  importance  and  other legitimate  uses
             of  the  ocean.
      The site  is beyond shipping fairways (the site is at  least 75
 kilometers from the nearest shipping fairway) and the normal  reach of
 recreational vessels.  It does not support viable shell fisheries or
 finfisheries.   It is also 90 kilometers or more from the 180 meter
 bottom contour inshore of which numerous submarine banks of  scientific
 interest, such as the East and West Flow Garden banks, occur.

       (ix) The  existing water  quality  and  ecology  of  the site as
           determined by  available  data  or  by  trend  assessment  or
           baseline  surveys, as  described  in  the  Guidelines  for Ocean
           Disposal  Site  Baseline  and  Trend Assessment Surveys.

       Data obtained  from  earlier studies and  from monitoring
 observations which  have  been  carried  out reveal  that the  water quality
 at  the site is typical  of normal  ocean Gulf waters both chemically  and

       (x) Potentiality for the development or  recruitment of nuisance
           species in the disposal site.

     It is unlikely that the growth of nuisance species of any type
would be encouraged by incineration at the site in view of the fact
that the plume products are sterile, non-nutntive and do not change
the water quality.

     (xi) Existence at or  near the  site  of any  significant natural  or
          cultural features of historical importance.
     There are no  known natural  or  cultural  features  of  historical
importance located within  or near the  boundaries  of the  site.
(2)  Subpart D, Part 227 -  Impact of the  Proposed  Dumping on  Esthetic,
     Recreational  and  Economic  Values
     This  discussion  considers,  in  accordance with the criteria listed
in  Subpart D  of  Part  227,  the  impact  of  incineration  at-sea  activities
conducted  at  the Gulf Incineration  Site  on esthetic,  recreational and
economic  values  according  to the criteria listed in Subpart D of Part
227.  The findings are based on: (1) EPA's knowledge of the
incineration  site, acquired through the site designation process and  by
conducting biological and chemical  studies at  the site during the
 research permit  burns; and (2)  EPA's accumulated data and knowledge
 from monitoring incineration at-sea activities and sampling the  stack
 emissions similar to those that will be discharged as a  result of  the
 proposed permit activities.

      The factors  to  be considered  and EPA's  findings follow.
       H)  Nature  and extent of  present  and  potential  recreational  and
       commercial  use  of the  site affected  by the  proposed dumping;

     The Gulf Site was selected in part because one, it is far from
normal commercial shipping fairways, two, it is beyond the reach of
most  recreational vessels, three, it is low  in marine  resources of
recreational or commercial value, and four,  it is  sufficiently far from
shore to ensure that  any  trace  contaminants  from  the emission  plume
are in such minute amounts or are so diluted by the ocean  that on-shore
or near shore  activities  would  not  be affected.   Therefore,  EPA  finds
no adverse  impact on  commercial  or  recreational activities from
incineration  at-sea  activities.

      (ii)  Existing water quality,  and  nature and  extent of disposal
      1     activities, in the areas  which  might be affected by the
           proposed  dumping;  and
      (iii)Applicable water quality  standards.
      The  monitoring data indicate that the water  quality  at the site  is
typical  of normal  oceanic Gulf water.   Since the  site is  more than
three miles from the shore, there are no applicable State water quality
 standards for the site.

      As discussed earlier,  EPA has found no impact on the quality  of
 the water or  on the  biota from the emissions  due to  incineration  at-sea
 activities.   However,  until EPA can verify  through  a  long term
 monitoring program  that  there  are  no long  term  impacts from extended
 incineration  at-sea  activities, EPA  is  limiting  the  use of the Site to
 one  vessel at a time.   This will  ensure  adequate time for mixing and

dilution of any emission products and will allow time for the Site to
recover from any potential impacts without overloading and hindering
its capability for recovery in future burns.  Therefore,  EPA does not
believe there will be any adverse water quality or biological impacts
from incineration at-sea  activities.

     (iv) Visible characteristics  of  the  materials  (e.g.  color,
          suspended  particulates)  which  result  in an  unacceptable
          esthetic nuisance  in  recreational  areas.

     The contents of the  emission  plume  pose no problem for
 recreational  areas.   The  hydrochloric acid in the gaseous emissions is
 neutralized and  buffered  by  the ocean waters within a few miles of the

      The plume itself is not likely to be visible from any recreational
 areas because the site is so distant from the  shore.   In fact, the
 permits require the addition of ammonia  to  the plume, when needed,  to
 ensure its visibility in order that any  ships  which  wander off course
 or which have not heard  the  "Broadcast to Mariners"  will  be  aware  of
 and avoid  the incineration operations.   EPA is convinced that  the  plume
 and its contents will have  no  impact  on  recreational areas.
       (v)   Presence  in  the material  of pathogenic organisms which may
            cause  a  public  health hazard either directly on through
            contamination of fisheries or shellfisheries.

     This factor is not appropriate for incineration at-sea permits
because the emission by-products are sterile.

     M) Presence in the material of toxic  chemical constituents
          released in volumes which may affect humans directly.
    (vii) Presence in the material of chemical constituents which may
    (     be persistent or bioaccumulate and which may  have an  adverse
          effect on humans directly or through food  chain  interactions;
    (viii) Presence in the material of any  constituents  which  might
          significantly affect  living marine organisms  of  recreational
          or commercial value.
     EPA has shown through modelling  studies that if TCDD  is  destroyed
 to  99.93 efficiency and  if PCBs are  destroyed to 99.99 percent
 efficiency,  any remaining TCDD or PCBs in the emissions would result in
 ambient marine concentrations of .TCDD or PCBs below the marine aquatic
 life no-effect level' for TCDD and the marine water quality criterion
 for PCBs, respectively (the  limiting permissible concentrations defined
 in  40 CFR 227.27).  In addition, the permits preclude the Incineration
 of  wastes with compounds that  have a heat of combustion less than that
 of compounds successfully incinerated in  the trial  burn.  And  finally,
 the concentration of metals  in the waste  is  limited  so that  the
 metallic oxides released to  the environment will  not  exceed  marine
 water  quality  criteria (the  limiting  permissible concentrations  as
 defined in 40  CFR 227.27).   Therefore,  EPA  concludes that the emissions
 will contain  no products that  could  present a  risk  to human  health
 directly or through  contamination of fisheries  or shell fisheries.

     Based on the nature of the site an.d the contents of the emissions,
EPA finds that incineration at-sea, when,conducted in accordance with
the proposed permits, will not have an unacceptable impact on esthetic,
recreational or economic values of the ocean according to the factors
outlined in Subpart D.
(3) Subpart E, Part 227 - Impact of the Proposed Dumping on Other Uses
    of the Ocean
     EPA considered the impact of the proposed  incineration  at-sea
permits on the uses set forth in Section 227.21.  Consistent with
Section 227.20, EPA considered the potential effects  of the  ocean
Incineration activities on the specific uses listed.  Based  on  our
knowledge of the site and the by-products  of the  incineration  process,
EPA's determination is that incineration-at sea will  not  have  an
unacceptable impact, as shown by the following  analysis:
     (i)  Commercial fishing  in open ocean  areas,  coastal  areas  and  in
          estuarine areas.
     The Gulf Incineration Site  is  located  over  the  continental  slope,
300 kilometers from the nearest  coast.  The minimum  depth  at  the site
is 1100 meters.  Available evidence  indicates  that,  consistent  with its
location, the water at the site  has  a  low level  of biological activity
and would not and could not  support  a  viable commercial  fishery.  The
site is approximately 4900 square kilometers.   It  is large enough so
that the plume containing the  emission  products  will touch down well

 within In the site, usually within a few miles of the Vessel.  Upon
 initial  mixing after touch down, these incineration by-products are
 rapidly rendered harmless or are below levels which would exceed marine
 water quality criteria.  Any by-products reaching the shore would be so
 diluted as to be undetectable by the most sophisticated analytical
      (ii)  Recreational  fishing in open ocean areas, in coastal areas
           and  in  estuarine areas:
     The  site is  beyond the reach of most recreational vessels and, as
 indicated  above,  it  is  highly unlikely that the emission products would
 be detectable outside the site area.

     (iii)Recreational  Use of Shorelines  and Beaches;

     The environmental  monitoring conducted as part of the 1982 trial
burn discussed earlier,  indicated that there would not be any
detectable effect  of  incineration at-sea  activities on recreational  or
other uses of the  shorelines  and  beaches.

     (iv) Commercial  and  recreational  navigation;

     The site is 75 kilometers  from  the nearest  commercial  shipping
fairway and beyond the  reach  of most recreational  vessels.   During

Incineration operations, the U.S. Coast Guard issues a "Broadcast to

Mariners", warning vessels to stay away from the incineration site.

                   i                                                ••

     (v) Actual or anticipated exploitation of living marine  resources;


     The site is over the continental slope and has a low  level of

living marine resources.  Existing or future exploitation  of  living

marine resources would not be affected.

     (vi) Actual or  anticipated  exploitation of non-living resources,
          including  without  limitation,  sand and  gravel  and other
          mineral deposits,  oil  and  gas  exploration  and  development  and
          offshore marine terminal or other  structure  development;

     The  site  is beyond  the  area where  incineration  activities would

interfere with  any sand  and  gravel operations  or  offshore  marine

terminal  or  other structural  development.   Available evidence indicates

that oil, gas  and other  mineral  deposits,  exploration  and  development

are unlikely in or near  the  site.

      (vii)  Scientific Research  and Study

     There  are no  known natural  or cultural features within  or near the

site that would draw scientific research or study other than the

monitoring  of the  effect of incineration activities.

(e)  Finding

     EPA finds that the proposed permits meet all the requirements of
the Ocean Dumping Regulations applicable to incineration at-sea and
Section 102 of the Act.

     As part of the tentative determination to issue the permits, EPA
compared the provisions of the proposed permits to the requirements of
the London Dumping Convention, TSCA regulations for the incineration of
PCBs and RCRA regulations for land-based incinerator facilities.  These
analyses follow.  Table 3 "Hazardous Waste Incineration: Comparison of
At-Sea, and Land-based Requirements", below, summarizes the major
provisions of the proposed special permits, the London Dumping
Convention and TSCA and RCRA requirements.

                                                                                            TABLE 3
                                                                                 HAZARDOUS WASTE INCINERATION
                                                                        COMPARISON OF AT-SEA AND LAND-BASED REQUIREMENTS
            A. Performance

               1) DE/DRE
                                               CWM SPECIAL PERMITS
                                                                                                         TSCA  (PCBs)
DE: 99.991
                                  DE  99.9%
                                                                    ORE  99.991
                                                                       ORE  (non-liquid)  99.999«
                                                                            (liquids). See note  1.
               ?) CE
               3) Other
HC1 rapidly rendered harmless.
HC1 rapidly rendered
HC1 emissions: If > 4 lbs/hr.,
control to no greater than
larger of 4 lbs/hr. or IS of
HC1 In stack gas pre-pollution
control equipment.
Water scrubbers to control
HC1 emissions to RA's
                                        Metals  limited  to  trace
                                        amounts (100  ppm,  except
                                        silver, 20  ppm.  and  mercury, 9
                                        ppm) so that  they  will not
                                        exceed  marine water  quality
                                  Metals limited to
                                  trace amounts.
                                   Par-titillate emissions. < .08
                                   gralns/dscf when corrected
                                   for amount of oxygen In stack
             B.  Incinerator
An  Initial  trial  burn  is
performed to certify
attainment  of  performance
standards for  POHCs and
compliance  with operating  and
monitoring  requirements.
Additional  trial  burns may be
necessary for  burning  a new
POHC with a lower heat of
combustion. Trial  burn needed
to  Include  in  a waste  mixture
DDT (and ODD.  DDE)  PCT. and
BHC.   Incinerator must be
recertified every two  years.
Incinerator "survey"  Is
initially required to certify
attainment of performance
standards, compliance with
operating and monitoring
requirements.  Trial  burns
necessary for PCBs,  DDT  (and
Dim, DDE), PCT, BHC  and  TCDD.
Incinerator must  be  recertified
every two years.   No significant
changes without approval.
An Initial trial bum or data
submitted In lieu thereof is
required to certify attainment
of performance standards for
POHCs of each specific waste
feed and compliance with
operating and monitoring
requirements.  Additional trial
burns and permit modifications
may be necessary for burning new
waste feeds, or after facility
RA determines necessity of
Initial trial burn to certify
attainment of performance
standards.  An additional
trial burn may be required
after any pertinent facility
            C. Operating Conditions
               1) Temperature
                2) Dwell  time
mnm. prior
to waste
feed 1353-C
mnm. 1280*C
avg. 1303°C
Wastes w/
Jastes w/o
                                   Flame-  >_ 1250"C unless CE and    Minimum  specified  on  case by
                                   DE  achieved at low- temperature case-basis.   See note  3.
                                   Wall:  > 1200-C unless as         Measuring  location should be
                                   above.7  See Note 2.             specified.
                                         On the order of 1.0 seconds.     "0"  the  order of" 1.0 seconds.*
                                                                   Established Indirectly through
                                                                   combust!oi' qas velocity,
                                                                   temperati re requirements and
                                                                   specification of  allowable waste
                                                                   feed locations. If variable.
                                                                                                                                                 Liquids   >  1200°C or  16PO°C
                                                                                                                                                 (+  100°C)7  depending  on dwell
                                                                        Liquids- 2.seconds fl 1ZOO°C
                                                                        or 1.5 seconds 0 16%°C.

                                  CUM SPECIAL PERHI1S
                                                                                                                                             TSCA (PCBs)
   3) O  fn stack gas
   4) CO  In stack gas
                                  10. IS
       100 ppm
         8 ppm
                      Minimum 3JS*
                                           tastes  w/
                10. IX
                          tastes  w/o
                                           lastes w/
100 ppm
  8 ppm
                          lastes w/o
100 ppm
 22 ppm
                                                                                            Liquids  3X 8 1200°C or 2 %
                                                                        Maximum specified on case by case basis.
   5) Waste feed rate
   6) Combustion  gas

   7) Flame/Plume
 No black  smoke or  flame
 extension above stack  plane;
 no plume  Impingement,
 ammonia-adding device  to
 make plume visible.
                    No black  smoke  or  flame
                    extension above stack  plane.
                                                                        Maximum specifted on a case by case
                                                                        basts;  effectively controlled by
                                                                       ' stipulation of maximum total  thermal
                                                                        Input rate.  Turndown allowable if
                                                                        other operating conditions  complied
                                                                        with.   Mass or volume feed  rates may
                                                                        also be Imposed.   Waste feed
                                                                        locations  are to  be specified.

                                                                        Maximum specified  on case by  case   '
   8) Other Operating
 Combustion chamber draft (nega-
 tive pressure) maintained greater
 than 1 inch of water below atmos-
 pheric pressure.

Prompt reply to  all radio
calls, broadcast regular radio
warnings, during incineration,
operating controls and
monitoring devices to be
supervised during Incineration.

Waste-contaminated water to be
ocean Incinerated or land
disposed, residues shall be
land disposed.
                                                               Reply  to all  radio  calls.
                                                               broadcast  regular radio
                                                               warnings*, during incin-
                                                               Waste-contaminated tank
                                                               washings, pump room bilges
                                                               incinerated P sea or  land
                                                               disposed, incinerator residue
                                                               disposal shall conform to LDC
                                                       No hazardous waste  to  be fed  during
                                                       start-up  or shut-down  unless  Inciner-
                                                       ator within specified  conditions.

                                                       Combustion zone fugitive emissions
                                                       controlled by 1) totally sealed
                                                       combustion zone 2}  combustion zone
                                                       pressure  < atmospheric pressure, or 3)
                                                       alternate means providing control equal
                                                       to 2), above.
                                                                                     Scrubber effluent shall comply
                                                                                     with applicable standards.
   Automatic waste
   feed cut-off
 linked  to minimum wall
 temperature,  flame-out.
 minimum Oi» maximum CO. and
 failure of monitoring devices
 for  temperature-,  air flow-,
 draft (negative pressure),
 02.  CO. C02.  and  waste
 and  auxiliary  fuel  flow.
                    Linked to wall tempciature
                    and flame-out.*
                                             Linked to operating parameters for: CO  Triggered by 1) Insufficient temp-
                                             in stack gas, waste feed rate.          crature. ?) failure of monitoring
                                             combustion temperature, combustion gas  devices for, 0;. CO, C0?, PCB rate and
                                             velocity.  Should be interlocked_to all quantity, 3) Insufficient excess
                                             required continuous'monitoring devices, oxygen.
                                             For each operating parameter, permit
                                             spei.ities a range for operation and,
                                             •somewhat beyond that." a level at
                                             which cut-off system must be

                                  CWH SPECIAL PERMITS
                                                                                                                                        TSCA (PCBs)
E. Monitoring

   1) Temperature
      (wall or flame)

   2) Air flow
   3) Draft  (negative

   4) CO

   5) C02

   6) 02

    7) Haste feed and
      auxiliary fuel rate
    8) Combustion Gas

    9) Other Monitoring






 Vessel  position, course
 and speed, wind speed
 and direction; Incin-
 eration date, time, thereof.
                                   •Continuous*                    Continuous
Required; frequency un-
Required; frequency un-          Continuous

Required; frequency un-

•Routine* (by  use  of  an
automatic oxygen analyzer).*

Continuous  for liquid waste
and  fuel, except vessels
existing pre-1/1/79.
 Vessel  position, course,
 speed;  meteorological
 conditions (wind direction.
 speed)*; air feed rate. If
 variable*; waste Incinerated.*
 and date, time thereof.
                                                                    HC1; participates.

                                        At RA-speclfled  Intervals.

Feed rate and quantity
measured at regular Intervals,
maximum of 15 minutes.
                                                                                                            Scrubber effluent.
  f.  Instrument  Calibration/
  Before each cruise  and
  according  to manufacturer's
  specifications,  for devices
  measuring  CO,  CO ,  0 ,  wall
  temperature, waste  flow and
  fuel  (If used),  air flow,  and
  draft  (negative  pressure).

  Cut-off  system tested before
  each  Incineration cruise.
                                  Inspection schedule required.  At
                                  least dally visual Inspection of
                                  Incinerator and associated
                                                                                                  At least weekly testing  of  cut-
                                                                                                  off system.
  G. Outsider Observation/
   Mandatory 24 hour  per day
   "shiprlders", who  can terminate
   a  burn  for cause.   EPA can
   board vessel, enter
   Incineration- related premises,
   and inspect required records,
   monitoring devices and
   Incineration and navigation
                                 R.A. can enter and Inspect
                                 facility premises and required
                                 records, can sample any sub-
                                 stances and monitor operations.
   H. Waste Analysis
   Chemical analysis to be
   submitted to'EPA before each
   hum.  f PA may request that a
   duplicate sample be taken and
                                  Waste analysis plan must be
                                  developed, and followed -
                                  frequently enough to verify
                                  waste feed is within permit-
                                  specified physical and chemical
                                  composition limits.

                                 CHN SPECIAL PERMITS
1.  Haste Limitations
  J. Safety/Contingency
Haste containing detectable
quantities of organic compounds
with a heat of combustion < 1.79
kcals'/gm (VULCANUS I) or <0.24
kcals/gm (VULCANUS 11).  Trial
burn required for PCT.
8HC and POT.

Dioxln Is limited to 2 ppm.
The PCS and chlorine
concentration of the waste is
limited to 35X and 70X.

The concentration of arsenic,
cadmium, chromium, copper.
lead, nickel, selenium,
thallium, zinc 1s limited to  100
Mercury concentration is limited
to 9 ppm, silver concentration
Is limited to 20 ppm.

Material containing  hIghHevel
radioactivity, material produced
for  radiological, chemical, or
biological warfare,  or  that Is
persistent and may float  or
remain  suspended  in  the ocean.
Is prohibited.

 Application requirement.
 Shall be followed during
 emergencies.  Activities
 requiring its Implementation
 must be reported to EPA.
Trial  burn required for
PCBs.  PCTs. TCDD, BHC, and
HC1 emissions-  if > 4 lbs/hr..
control to no greater than
larger of 4 lbs/hr. or IS of
HC1 In stack gas pre-pollutlon
control equipment.

Partlculate emissions- <.08
grains/dscf when correcTed
for amount of oxygen in stack
                                      Application requirement.   Hust
                                      be implemented during emergency.
                                      Report to R.A. required when-
                                      ever Implemented.

  1. If applicable operating conditions are met, It Is believed that a ORE of
     99.99991 will be attained.

  2. LDC Technical Guidelines state that temperature controls and  records are based
     upon wall measurements.

  3  As RCRA permits are  performance-based, there  are  no  generic operating
     conditions.  Each facility's operating conditions are  determined by the
     conditions  necessary for achievement of  the performance standard, as
     demonstrated during  the trial burn.

  •Indicates provisions of the  LDC Technical  Guidelines.  Contracting Parties
    to  the LDC  are to  "take full  account of" the Technical Guidelines.

   avg   Average
   BHC   Benzene hexachlonde
   CE   Combustion efficiency
   CO   Carbon monlxtde
   CO*   Carbon dioxide
   ODD   Dlchlorodiphenyl  dichloroethane
   DDE   Dlchlorodlphenyl  dichloroethane
   DDT   Oichlorodiphenyl  trlchloroethane
   OE   Destruction efficiency
   ORE   Destruction and removal efficiency
   dscf dry standard cubic feet
   gm   gram
   HCI   Hydrochloric acid
   hr   hour
   max  maximum
   min  minute
                      0«   Oxygen
                      PCT  Polychlorinated trlphenyls
                      POHC Principal organic hazardous
                      ppm  parts per million
                      sec  second
                      TCDD Telrachlorodibenzo-p-dloxln


     As a Contracting Party to the CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF
Dumping Convention), EPA is bound by the "Regulations for the Control
of Incineration of Wastes and Other Matter at Sea", and is required "to
take full account of" the "Technical Guidelines" implementing the
Regulations.  The Regulations and Technical Guidelines are in Annex 5
of the London Dumping Convention.

     The following discussion shows that the  proposed permits are
equivalent to and in many cases more stringent  than the Regulations and
Technical Guidelines of the London Dumping Convention.  The Regulations
are discussed first, followed by the Technical  Guidelines.

(a)  Regulations of the London Dumping  Convention

(1) Regulation  2.2:
     Contracting Parties  shall  first  consider the  practical
availability of alternative  land-based  methods  of  treatment,  disposal
or elimination, or  of treatment  to  render  the wastes  or  other matter
less harmful, before issuing  a  permit  for  incineration  at sea in
accordance with these Regulations.   Incineration at sea  shall in no way
be interpreted  as discouraging  progress towards environmentally better
solutions  including  the  development  of new techniques.
     This  requirement is  satisfied  by  EPA's  consideration of the need
for  ocean  dumping discussed  in  "Compliance With the Ocean Dumping

(2)Regulat1on 3:

(1)  The incineration system shall be subject to the  surveys specified
below....  The Contracting Party which proposes to issue an
incineration permit shall ensure that the surveys have been completed
and the incineration system complies with the provisions of these
Regulations.  If the initial survey is carried out under the direction
of a Contracting Party a special permit, which specifies the testing
requirements, shall be issued by the Party.  The results of each survey
shall be recorded in a survey report.

     (a)  An initial survey shall be carried out in order to ensure
          that during the incineration of waste and other matter
          combustion and destruction efficiencies are in excess of 99.9
          per cent.

     (b)  As a part of the initial survey the State under whose
          direction the survey is being carried out shall:

          (i)  approve the siting, type and manner of use of
               temperature measuring devices;
          (ii) approve the gas sampling system including probe
               locations, analytical devices, and the manner of
          (iii)ensure that approved devices have been installed to
               automatically shut off the feed of waste to the
               incinerator if the temperature drops below approved
               minimum temperatures;
          (iv) ensure that there are no means of disposing of wastes  or
               other matter from the marine incineration facility
               except by means of the incinerator during normal
          (v)  approve the devices by which feed rates of waste and
               fuel are controlled and recorded;
          (vi) confirm the performance of the incineration system  by
               testing under intensive stack monitoring, including the
               measurements of Ooi CO, C02» halogenated organic
               content, and total hydrocarbon content using wastes
               typical of those expected to be incinerated.

     (c)  The incineration system shall be surveyed at least every two
          years to ensure that the incinerator continues to comply with
          these Regulations.  The scope of the biennial survey  shall be
          based upon an evaluation of operating data and maintenance of
          records for the previous two years.

(2)  Following the satisfactory completion of a survey, a form  of
approval shall be issued by a Contracting Party if the incineration
system is found to be in compliance with these Regulations.  A  copy of
the survey report shall be attached to the form of approval.  A form of
approval issued by a Contracting Party shall be recognized by other
Contracting Parties unless there are clear grounds for believing that
the incineration system is not in compliance with these Regulations.  A
copy of each form of approval and survey report shall be submitted to
the Organization.

(3)  After any survey has been completed, no significant changes which
could affect the performance of the incineration system shall be made
without approval of the Contracting Party which has issued the  form of

     In addition to the Certificate of Approval required by  the above

Regulation, the U.S. Coast Guard inspects the incineration system  to

ensure its safety, as required by P.L. 97-389, December 29,  1982.
     Prior to issuing a  special  permit,  EPA  requires  vessels to

demonstrate a destruction  efficiency  of  at  least 99.99 percent on a

principle organic hazardous constituent  (POHC).   This is  more stringent

than the London Dumping  Convention  regulation.   The M/T VULCANUS I, in

a trial burn conducted in  August 1982, demonstrated a destruction

efficiency of greater than 99.99 percent on  hexachlorobenzene which had

the lowest heat of  combustion  (1.79 kcal/gram)  of the POHCs tested.

The M/T VULCANUS  II, during  its  survey by the Government  of the

Netherlands and EPA during January  and February 1983, demonstrated a

destruction efficiency of greater than  99.99  percent  on

tetrachloromethane, which had the lowest heat of  combustion  (0.24

kcal/gram) of the POHCs tested.

(3) Regulation 4:

(1) Where a Contracting Party has doubts as to the thermal
destructability of the wastes and other matter proposed for
incineration, pilot scale tests should be undertaken.

     EPA has limited  the compounds eligible  for incineration in a waste

mixture to those compounds with a heat of combustion greater than the

POHC for which a trial burn  demonstrated a destruction efficiency of

99.99  percent.  Therefore, EPA does not doubt the thermal

destructability  of wastes that are to  be incinerated under  the proposed

special permits.

 (11) Where a Contracting Party proposes to  permit  incineration of
wastes over  which  doubts as  to the efficiency of  combustion exist,  the
 Incineration system shall  be subject  to the  same  intensive  stack
monnorfng as  required for  the initial  incineration  system  survey.   The
 specific  compounds referred  to,  in Technical Guideline 4.1.2,  are.   (i)
 pSlycnlorinated  biphenyls (PCBs); (ii) Pol^!^;!?te<

VULCANUS II to incinerate TCDD and PCBs because of the determination
that the incinerator equipment on the M/T VULCANUS II is the same as
the equipment on the M/T VULCANUS I and the Agency's accumulated
experience in monitoring the incineration of TCDD and PCBs emissions.

     The proposed Research Permit, HQ 83-003, would fulfill the
requirements of the London Dumping Convention to conduct a trial burn
on DDT and its associated compounds ODD and DDE prior to including
these compounds in a waste mixture, under a special permit.  The trial
burn is to be conducted and if successful the Special Permit for the
M/T VULCANUS II will be modified to authorize the  incineration  of DDT,
DDD and DDE.
(4) Regulation 5:
     The operation of the incineration  system shall  be  controlled so as
to ensure that the incineration  of wastes or other matter  does  not  take
place at a flame temperature  less than  1250 degrees  centigrade, unless
the results of tests demonstrate that the required combustion  and
destruction efficiency  can  be achieved  at a  lower  temperature.
     A flame temperature of 1250°C is equivalent  to  a wall  temperature
of 1200°C.  Wall temperature  is  used  in the  proposed permits.

     The proposed  permits  require a minimum  wall  temperature of 1280°C
for the M/T  VULCANUS  I  and  1166°C  for the  M/T VULCANUS  II.  In
addition,  prior  to initiating the  waste into the incinerators, the
proposed permits  require a  wall  temperature  50°C higher than the

average temperature,which must be maintained during  incineration.
These temperatures are 1353°C for the M/T VULCANUS  I and  1250°C  for the
                                            *' ' t
M/T VULCANUS  II.   tf the M/T VULCANUS  II is  incinerating  PCBs, then the
minimum wall temperature must be the same as those  for the
                                           ,   |  I  r

     The specified minimum temperatures are  based  upon data  collected
from actual trial  burns on both vessels and  from evaluations  of  a  large
number of other  incinerators.  These values  are  used as an operating
guide.  Waste feed is automatically stopped  to an  incinerator unit  if
it drops below the specified minimum temperature or a  flame  out  occurs.
                                                       i       ' /
Auxiliary fuel must be substituted for waste feed  to raise the
temperature to the level specified for waste feed  initiation before
     s                                       r
wastes may be fed  again into the incinerator.

     The proposed  special permits also stipulate average  wall
temperatures that must be maintained during  waste  incineration.  The
average temperatures are based on the  average temperatures, attained 1n
the trial burns  that demonstrated destruction efficiencies of 99.99
percent on the POHCs tested.  The average wall temperature  required 1s
1303°C for the M/T VULCANUS  I and 1200°C for the M/T VULCANUS II.
Although the average attained during the February  1983, trial burn was
1166°C for the M/T VULCANUS  II, EPA used the usual  1?00°C London

Dumping Convention requirement as the average for the M/T VULCANUS II
since a minimum and average cannot be the same.

     The Research Permit does not stipulate an average wall temperature
because the trial burn will establish the average which is to be
maintained during incineration.

(5) Regulation B.2:
     The combustion efficiency  shall  be  at  least 99.95^ 0.05% based  on:
                                 ««       ^              ~"
                                on  "  rn
   Combustion efficiency =      ™2       x 100
where Cro  = concentration of carbon dioxide in the  combustion  gases
         ro  =
        Crn2= concentration  of  carbon  monoxide  in  the combustion  gases,
     The  proposed  special  and  research  permits  have this  identical
     requirement expressed in  a  slightly  different  formula:
     Combustion Efficiency =  rCQp]  x 100
                              [C02J  + [COJ
     C02  = concentration of carbon  dioxide in the combustion gases
     CO =    concentration of carbon monoxide in the combustion gases
 (6) Regulation 5.3:
     There shall  be  no black  smoke  nor flame extension above the plane
 of the stack.
     The  proposed  permits include the same provision.
 (7) Regulation 5.4:

     The vessel shall reply promptly to radio calls at all times during
the incineration.  ,
     A similar requirement is included in the proposed permits.

(8) Regulation 6:
(11) At a'minimum, the following data shall be recorded during each  •
incineration operation and retained for inspection by the Contracting
Party who has issued the permit:
     (a)  continuous temperature measurements by approved temperature
          measuring devices:
     (h)  date and time during  incineration and record of waste being
     (c)  vessel position by appropriate navigational means;
     (d)  feed rates of waste and fuel - for liquid wastes and fuel the
          flow rate shall be continuously recorded; the latter
          requirement does not  apply to vessels operating on or before
          January  1979;
     (e)  CO and COp concentration in combustion gases;
     (f)  vessel's course and speed.
     The proposed  permits also  stipulate that monitoring  devices  record
these parameters.  In addition  to monitoring and recording wall
temperature, and the waste and  fuel feed rates, the  proposed permits
require continuous monitoring and recording of air flow to the
incinerators, the  level of oxygen, carbon monoxide,  and carbon  dioxide
in the stack gases and draft (negative pressure) in  the combustion
chamber.  The permits require the continuous monitoring and  recording
of the feed rates  of waste and/or fuel (if used) on  the M/T  VULCANUS  I,
even though the vessel was operating  prior to January  1,  1979.  This
requirement together with the requirement to continuously monitor and
record air flow were added not  only to be consistent with EPA's
land-based permit  programs, but also  to ensure adequate data are
available to calculate dwell time, the time the  liquid waste and  its
gaseous combustion by-products  are in the lower  combustion  chamber and
upper incinerator  stack.

      Continuous monitoring of wall temperature, and the level of oxygen
 and carbon monoxide in the stack gases are required because these are
 the key parameters for determining the operating efficiency of tne
 incinerators.  In addition, continuous monitoring of the level of
 carbon dioxide in the stack gases and the waste feed flow and/or
 auxiliary fuel flow (If used) are required in order to calculate
 combustion efficiency, dwell  time and overall incinerator performance.

      EPA is also requiring the continuous monitoring and recording of
 draft (negative pressure) in  the combustion chamber to ensure that
 there is sufficient oxygen in the combustion gases  from the blowers and
 to  prevent the escape of  fugitive emissions from the incinerators and
 thereby protect shipboard personnel.

 (9)  Regulation 7:
      A permit application for the incineration of wastes or other
 matter at-sea shall  include information  on the characteristics of
 wastes or other matter sufficient to  comply with the notification
 requirements  (which  includes  an  analyses  of the wastes and  the
 properties of the  wastes).

      The application  for  the  special  permits included a request to
 incinerate approximately  300,000 metric  tons of mixed liquid organic
 wastes,  EPA has  limited the mixed chemical  wastes eligible  for
 incineration  (see  Section-by-Section  Analysis, Special  Provision No.
 2).   In  addition,  prior to the loading of a vessel  for each
 incineration  cruise, a chemical  analysis  of the wastes  to be
 incinerated on that cruise must  be  submitted to EPA.

     The analyses  of the  wastes  are to be conducted  in  accordance with
EPA-approved  protocols, (listed  in  Appendix A of  the  Permits), in an
EPA-approved  laboratory.   Use of  the  protocols will  ensure  the
identification of  all chemical compounds  present  in  the wastes in

quantifiable concentrations.  EPA may take duplicate samples from the

blending/holding tanks or from the vessels' and/or the dockside storage

tanks to verify the analyses.  Only when EPA is convinced that the

wastes meet the specifications of the permits will written

authorization for loading and incineration be provided.

     Therefore, the proposed permits exceed the requirement of this

Regulation  because the exact composition of each  load  of wastes will  be

known prior to each incineration cruise.

(10) Regulation 8:

     Provisions to be considered in  establishing  criteria  governing  the
selection of incineration sites shall  include the following:

           (A)  the atmospheric  dispersal characteristics  of the  area -
               including wind speed  and  direction,  atmospheric
               stability, frequency  of inversions and  fog,
               precipitation types and amounts,  humidity  - in  order  to
               determine the  potential  impact  on  the surrounding
               environment  of pollutants released from the marine
               incineration facility,  giving  particular attention to
               the possibility  of  atmospheric  transport of pollutants
               to coastal areas;
           (B)  oceanic  dispersal  characteristics of the area in  order
               to evaluate  the  potential  impact  of plume  interaction
               with  the  water  surface;
           (C)  availability of  navigational  aids.

     The Environmental  Impact  Statement on the designation of the Gulf

 Incineration Site,  published in July 1976, covered the points indicated

 in this London Dumping Convention Regulation.   A description of the

 site may be found under "Consistency with the Ocean Dumping


(11) Regulation 9:

     Contracting Parties shall comply with notification procedures
adopted by the Parties in consultation.  These notification procedures
include a form which is to contain the following information for each

     (1)  issuing authorities;
     (2)  date issued;
     (3)  period  for which the permit  is valid;
     (4)  country of origin of wastes  and port of loadings;
     (5)  total quantity of wastes (in metric units) covered by the

     (6)  forTin which the waste is presented  (bulk or containers; in
          the  latter case, also size and labelling);
     (7)  composition  of the  waste, such as:
          .1   principal organic components;
          .2   organohalogens;
          .3   main inorganic components;
          .4   solids  in suspension; and
          .5   other  relevant constituents.
     (8)  properties  of  the waste, such  as:
          .1   physical  form:
          .2   specific  gravity;
          .3   viscosity;
          .4   calorific value;
          .5   radioactivity; and
          .6   toxicity  and  persistence,  if necessary.
      (9)  industrial  process  giving  rise  to the waste;
      (10) name of the marine  incineration  facility and state of

      (11) areTof3incineration  (geographical  location; distance from
          the nearest coast);
      M?) expected frequencies  of incineration;
       13 special conditions relating to the operation of the marine
           incineration facility which are more stringent than those
           specified in the Regulations or other than those in the
          Technical Guidelines;                            i-e*^ <«
      (14) additional   information, such as relevant factors listed in
           Annex  III to the Convention.

      If the Assistant Administrator for Water makes a final determina-

      tion to  issue the permits, after taking into consideration  public

      comments received on the proposed permits  and the findings  in the

      Notice,  EPA will notify the International  Maritime  Organization

      of  the Permits,  in accordance with this Regulation.

(b)  Technical  Guidelines

(1) Technical Guideline 3.1.2:
     Where solid wastes are burned, the waste type and rate of input
should be recorded in the log.
     The design limits of the incinerator systems on the M/T VULCANUS I
and II preclude the incineration of solids.  Therefore, this Guideline
is not applicable.

(2) Technical Guidance 3.1.3:
     The feeding of wastes in containers to the incinerator will
necessitate special design and operational requirements in order to
comply with the Regulation.
     For the same  reason as stated immediately above, this Guideline  is
not applicable.

(3)  Technical Guideline 3.2.1:
     The amount of air entering the incinerator should be  sufficient  to
ensure that a minimum of 3 per cent oxygen is present in the  combustion
gases near the incinerator stack exit.  This  requirement should  be
monitored by an automatic oxygen analyzer to  routinely record  oxygen
     The proposed  permits are more stringent  than  this London  Dumping
Convention Guideline.  Based  on EPA's  extensive data  base  on  all  types
of hazardous waste incinerators, oxygen  levels  in  the range  of
approximately  5 through  15 percent have  been  identified  as a
consistently successful  operating  range  for  oxygen levels  in  the
combustion gases.  Therefore, a minimum  5 percent  oxygen  level  in the
stack gases  is stipulated  in  the  permits.   Based  on the  trial  burns,

the average oxygen level in the combustion gases must be equal to or

greater than 10.1 percent for the M/T VULCANUS I and 10.6 percent for

the M/T VULCANUS II, except if incinerating TCDD or PCBs.  If

incinerating TCDD or PCBs, the average oxygen level for the M/T

VULCANUS II must be equal to that of the M/T VULCANUS I.

(4)  Technical Guideline 3.3.1:

     Temperature controls and  records should be  based on the
measurement of wall temperature.  Unless otherwise determined by the
Contracting Party there  should be three or more  temperature measurement
devices for each incinerator.

(B)  Technical Guideline 3.3.2:

     The Contracting Party  should define the operating  wall temperature
and the temperature below which the  flow of waste  to  the incinerator
should be  automatically  shut  off by  approved equipment.

(6)  Technical Guideline 3.3.3:

     The minimum wall  temperature should  be  1200°C unless  the results
of tests on the  marine incineration  facility demonstrate that the
required combustion and  destruction  efficiencies can  be achieved at a
lower temperature.

     The proposed  permits  are consistent  with  these temperature

guidelines because:

      0 the permits  are contingent  on a survey of the incineration
       system by a  Contracting Party to the London Dumping Convention;

      0 EPA has defined a minimum temperture of 1280°C  for the M/T
       VULCANUS  I and  1166°C for the M/T VULCANUS II unless
       incinerating TCDD or PCBs when the minimum temperature shall  be
       1280°C.  If reached, these  minimums trigger automatic devices
       that shut off  the flow of wastes to the incinerators;

      0 the minimum wall temperature is 1200°C unless,  as in the case of
       the M/T VULCANUS II, the required destruction efficiency was
       achieved  at a  lower temperature.


     0 EPA has defined a minimum temperature that must be attained
       orior to feeding wastes to the incinerators.  This temperature
       is 1353°C for the M/T VULCANUS I and 1250°C for the M/T VULCANUS
       II (1353°C when incinerating TCDD or PCBs).
(7)  Technical Guideline 3.4.1:
     Destruction efficiency should be determined not only for the total
organic components of the wastes but additionally for particular
substances such as PCBs, PCTs, TCDD, BHC, DDT in the survey and
approval  of the incineration system.
     The proposed special permits were developed in accordance with
this Technical Guideline.  EPA has developed a system based on
comparing the heats of combustion of compounds in  a waste mixture to
the heats of combustion of the principle organic hazardous constituents
(POHCs) used  in the trial burn.  As  discussed previously in greater
detail, one or more POHCs in a waste mixture are  selected, based  on
their heat  of combustion and  on  their  concentration  in  the mixture.
During a  trial burn,  under a  research  permit or  as part of an  initial
survey of an  incineration system,  the  POHCs selected  are carefully
monitored to  determine  the destruction  efficiencies  for the
incinerator.   If  the  incinerators  demonstrate  a  destruction  efficiency
of  99.99  percent  or  greater  on each  of the POHCs,  then  the waste
mixtures  under  a  special  permit  may contain compounds with  heats of
combustion  equal  to  or greater than  the POHC with the lowest  heat of

      In  order to incinerate any of the five compounds  listed above, a
trial  burn  is performed.  Various trial burns  for the MA VULCANUS I
included waste mixtures containing TCDD, PCBs and hexachlorobenzene and
the trial burn for the M/T VULCANUS II included a waste mixture

Containing tetrachloromethane.  Therefore, the M/T VULCANUS I is
authorized to incinerate TCDD and PCBs as well as compounds that have a
heat of combustion equal to or greater than 1.79 kcal/gram, the heat of
combustion of hexachlorobenzene.  Trial burns on TCDD and PCBs were
waived for the M/T VULCANUS II based on a determination that the
incinerators on the M/T VULCANUS II are similar to those of the M/T
VULCANUS  I and on the Agency's accumulated experience in monitoring
incinerator emissions for TCDD and PCBs.  Therefore the M/T VULCAHUS II
is authorized to incinerate TCDD, PCBs and compounds with  heats of
combustion equal to or  greater than 0.24  kcal/gram.

(8)  Technical Guideline 3.5.1:
     The  mean residence time  of  the incinerator  should  be  on  the  order
of one second or longer at a  flame temperature of  1250°C  (or  a  wall
temperature of 1200°C)  during normal  operating conditions.   Technical
Guideline 3.5.1)
     The  proposed permits  have an  identical  provision.

(9)  Technical Guideline 3.6:
     Devices  to  shut  off the  waste feed  to the  incinerator should
include the following:
      (1)  flame  sensors with  each  burner to stop waste flow to that
          burner  in the event of a flame-out; and
      (2)  automatic equipment to stop waste flow in the event of wall
          temperatures  falling below  1200°C.
     The  proposed  permits  require  that automatic devices shut off the
flow  of the wastes  to the  incinerators not only if the flame goes out
or  the temperature  falls  below a specified reading, but also if carbon

 monoxide or oxygen In the combustion gases exceeds or falls below the
 specified levels,  respectively,  or the monitoring devices  for wall
 temperature,  air flow,  draft  (negative pressure) in the combustion
 chambers, carbon monoxide,  oxygen, carbon  dioxide and waste feed  flow
 or  auxiliary  fuel  (if used) fail.

 (10)  Technical  Guideline  3.7.1:
      In  approving  the siting  of  temperature measuring devices and gas
 sampling  probes, the  Contracting Party should  take into account that  1n
 certain  cases  flames  can  be non-homogeneous (e.g. through  vortex
 formation in the incinerator  or  during incineration of solid or
 containerized wastes).   (Technical  Guideline 3.7.1)
      During the  1977  Research Permit burn  of Herbicide Orange, EPA
 positioned  the  gas  sampling probe  at different locations in the cross
 section of  the  stack  and  found from carbon monoxide,  carbon dioxide  and
 oxygen readings  that  the  combustion gas composition was homogeneous.
(11) Technical Guideline 4.1.1:
     Hue to the  risk of spillages wastes  should  not  be  transferred  from
barges to the Vessel outside harbour  limits  except where  special
arrangements have been made for  the prevention of  spillages  to  the
satisfaction of the Contracting  Party.
     Consistent with this Technical Guideline,  the  proposed  permits
require that the loading of the vessels may  take  place  only  in  the Port
of Mobile, Alabama.

(12) Technical Guideline 4.1.2:
     Wastes in damaged containers  should  not  be taken on  board  marine
incineration facilities.
(13) Technical Guidelines 4.1.3:


     Containers loaded on board should be adequately labelled.

(14) Technical Guideline 4.1.4:

     Containerized wastes should be stowed in accordance with the
regulations of the IMCO International  Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
(IMDG Code).

     These provisions are not applicable to the proposed (permits

because containerized wastes are not authorized for incineration.
          ' \

(15) Technical Guideline 4.2.1:

     Tank washings and pump-room bilges contaminated with wastes should
be incinerated at sea in accordance with the Regulations for the
Control of Incineration of Wastes and Other Matter at Sea and with
these Technical Guidelines, or discharged to port facilities.
(Technical Guideline 4.2.1)

     The proposed permits require that if tanks are washed, they may

only be washed with combustible solvents and such washings must be

incinerated at-sea or, on return to port either incinerated in

EPA-approved  land-based facilities or treated in accordance with 40 CFR

761.60 and TSCA Compliance Program Policy No. 6 PCB-2 — Physical

Separation Techniques (August  16, 1983).
(16) Technical Guideline 4.2.2:

     Residues  remaining in  the  incinerator  should  not  be dumped  at  sea
except in accordance with the provisions  of the  Convention.

     The proposed  permits require  that  any  residues  remaining in the

incinerator must be incinerated  in EPA-approved  facilities.

(17) Technical Guideline 4.3.1:


     In licensing the incineration of wastes and other matter on board
approved maMne incineration facilities, the Contracting Par* should
have regard to the need to avoid hazards to other vessels by
aSoropriate location of the incineration sites or incineration zones
wScerned and by ensuring that the relevant maritime authorities are
™?if ed of thedate of sailing and/or intended schecu e  as well  as
the intended movements of the marine incineration facility (whether
underway, at anchor, etc.).
     As discussed under "Consistency with the Ocean Dumping
Regulations", the Gulf Incineration Site is 75 miles from the nearest
commercial  shipping  fairway  and beyond  the  reach of most  recreational
vessels.   In  addition, the  proposed permits require that  10  days before
the  loading of  the  vessels  is  to  begin,  the Permittees  notify the  U.S.
Coast  Guard and the Captain  of the Port Mobile  and, 24  hours before
sailing the Permittees notify  the Captain  of  the Port,  Mobile.

 (18) Technical  Guideline 4.3.2:
      Regular radio warnings should be broadcast during the period of
      During transport to and incineration at the Gulf Incineration
 Site, the U.S. Coast Guard issues "Broadcasts to Mariners" warning
 ships away from the Site.
 (19) Technical Guideline 4.3.3:
      Contracting Parties  in a given  geographical  area  should endeavor
 to designate common incineration  sites  in  the  area.
      Mexico  is a Contracting  Party  to  the  London  Dumping Convention.
 Although  at  this time Mexico  has  not  indicated an interest  in
 incinerating at-sea mixed liquid organic  wastes,  it  would be
 appropriate for the United States and the Government of Mexico to work

out a joint agreement on the use of the Gulf Incineration Site should

the Government of Mexico wish to initiate incineration at-sea


(20) Technical Guideline 4.4.1:

     For the carriage of liquid wastes an incineration ship shall carry
a valid "Certificate of Fitness" as required under the IMO Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in

     As a condition of the permits, the vessels must  have and

prominently display a valid "Certificate of Fitness."

(21) Technical Guideline 4.5.1:

     Marine incineration facilities should  record  (in addition to the
ones previously mentioned under Regulations):

     (i)  the oxygen concentration  in  the combustion  gases;
     (ii) the air feed rate, if variable, the  air  feed used;
     (iii)the tank(s) from which waste is taken; and
     (iv) the meteorological conditions, e.g., wind speed and

     As previously  indicated,  the  permits  require  continuous  monitoring

and  recording of air flow to the incinerators  and  oxygen content  in  the

combustion  gases.   The oxygen  content  of  the  combustion  gases  is a

direct result and an indicator  of  sufficient  air  flow.   In  EPA's

judgment, monitoring the oxygen content of  the combustion gases  is  more

important than the  air feed  flow.   However, the  continuous  monitoring

of  air flow is necessary to  be able to calculate dwell  time for wastes

entering the  incinerators.

     EPA requires  a full  accounting of all  wastes before the wastes are

loaded onto the  vessel.  The samples  for the analyses are taken from

the Mending/holding tanks in Emelle, Alabama.  If the wastes are
eligible for incineration based on the analyses from the
blending/holding tanks, there is no combination of blending in the
vessels' storage tanks that would make the wastes less acceptable for
incineration.  Therefore, during the  incineration, EPA has  not required
the identification  of the tank  from which the wastes  are  being fed  into
the incinerator.

      EPA does  require  the monitoring  of  meteorological  conditions
 including  wind speed and  direction.   Based  on EPA's  experience,  a
 combination of vessel  speed plus wind velocity of three knots is
 necessary  to ensure the plume does not come in contact with the vessel.

 (22)  Technical Guideline 5.1.1:
      Information on the characteristics of wastes or other matter  to be
 provided  hould include, if possible, information on the chemica1nd
 nhv^ical transformation of the waste  after incineration, in  particular,
 ^rsequent formation of new compounds,  composition of ashes  or  unburned
      At least 99.9 percent of  the products of  incineration are  known.
 They include  hydrochloric  acid, carbon  dioxide,  carbon monoxide, water
 vapor  and  trace  amounts  of metallic  oxides,  silicate ash,  and partially
 combusted  or  surviving  organic compounds.   Partially combusted  or
 surviving organic compounds  comprise no more than 0.1  percent of the
 emissions.  While these products  cannot be characterized completely,
 their  impact on the environment is believed to be minimal  based on the

     0 The incineration process degrades the compounds by lowering the
       molecular weight and chlorine content of the compounds.  As a
       result, these partially combusted or surviving organic compounds
       are less toxic than the original compounds.

     0 Environmental monitoring of incineration at-sea over the last
       nine years has shown no adverse affects on the marine aquatic
       ecosystem from any aspect of incineration at-sea operations.

(23) Technical Guideline 4.1.2:

     Examples of wastes or other matter over which doubts exist as to
the thermal destruction and efficiency of combustion are listed as

     0 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

     0 Polychlorinated triphenyls (PCTs)

     0 Tectrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)

     0 Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT)

     0 Benzene hexachloride (BHC, lindane)

     The requirements for trial burns  and a demonstration of 99.99

destruction efficiency on these compounds were discussed above  under

Regulation 4.

(24)  Technical Guideline 5.2.1:

     The Contracting Party must ensure that the  incineration  of a waste
containing Annex I  substances  (such as organohalogen compounds,
mercury, cadmium) should not  result in the  introduction  of  Annex  I
substances into the marine environment unless these  are  rapidly
rendered harmless x>r are present as trace contaminants.  Based  on
current scientific  knowledge  on the environmental  effects of
incinerating  liquid organochlorine compounds, this requirement  is
considered to be met if the Regulations and Technical  Guidelines  are

     EPA's findings are that  the Regulations  and Technical  Guidelines

have been observed  and that incineration will not  result in the

introduction  of organohalogen compounds, mercury and mercury compounds

and cadmium and cadmium compounds into the environment, except as trace

(25) Technical Guideline 5.2.2:
     Where it is proposed to incinerate wastes at sea containing other
Annex  I substances or organochlorine compounds such as PCBs, PCTs,
TCDD,  BHC, DDT, it will be necessary to determine that the  residues
entering the marine environment after  incineration are rapidly rendered
harmless or present as trace contaminants through procedures adopted  by
the Contracting Parties in consultation.
     Based on EPA's accumulated data and  experience in monitoring
incineration  emissions for TCDD and PCBs  and  emission plume modelling
and subsequent  ocean  dispersion modelling,  it has  been demonstrated
that any emissions  of  the  incineration process will be rapidly  rendered
harmless or  will  be present  as only trace contaminants,  well  below the
limiting permissible  concentrations defined in 40 CFR 227.27 as  the
marine water quality  criterion or the  marine aquatic  life no effect
level  for  PCBs  and TCDD,  respectively.

 (26)  Technical  Guideline 5.3.1:
      Each  Contracting Party should immediately notify the  International
'Maritime Organization of a Special Permit issued for incineration of
wastes or other matter at sea.
      If the Assistant Administrator for Water makes a final
 determination to issue the permits, after taking into consideration
 comments received on the proposed  permits and the Notice,  EPA will
 notify the International Maritime  Organization  in accordance with the
 procedures set out in the London Dumping Convention  described under  the
 Regulation 9 discussed above.

(c) Finding

     Based on the above analysis, EPA finds that the proposed Special

and Research permits are consistent with the Regulations and Technical
Guidelines of the London Dumping Convention.


     Section 6(e)(l)(A) and (B) of the Toxic Substances Control Act*
(TSCA), requires the Administrator "to promulgate regulations to
prescribe methods for the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls and
require polychlorinated biphenyls to be marked with clear and adequate
warnings, and instructions with respect to their processing,
distribution in commerce, use, or disposal or with respect to any
combination of activities."  Based on this mandate, EPA promulgated
regulations in 40 CFR 761.70, controlling the incineration of wastes
containing PCBs.

     EPA Regional Administrators usually issue permits for incinerating
PCBs; however, for at-sea incineration of PCBs, the Assistant
Administrator for Water was delegated the responsibility for issuing
the permits.  The Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic
Substances gives written approval of the permits before any
incineration of PCBs.

     Because the special permits apply only to liquid PCB wastes, for
purposes of complying with TSCA regulations for incinerating PCBs, EPA
focused on those TSCA regulations in 40 CFR 761.70(a) which apply to
liquid PCB wastes.  The following analysis compares the requirements of
Section 761.70(a) with the proposed incineration at-sea permits.
* 5 USC §2601, P.L. 94-469, October 11, 1976, 90 Stat.  2003

 (a)  Operational Permits

 (1) Section 761.70(a)(l)

     Combustion criteria shall be either of the following:

     (i)  Maintenance of the introduced liquids for a 2-second dwell
          time at 1200°C(VI000C) and 3 percent excess oxygen in the
          stack gas; or
     (11) Maintenance of the introduced liquids for a 1 1/2 second
          dwell time at 1600°C(+100°C) and 2 percent excess oxygen in
          the stack gas.

     If incinerating TCDD or PCBs, the proposed incineration at-sea

permits require.

     0 a minimum wall temperature of 1280°C; a minimum temperature of
       1353°C prior to waste feed into the incinerators;
       and an average wall temperature of 1303°;

     0 a mean residence time on the order of one second or longer;

     0 a minimum 5 percent oxygen in the stack gases; and

     0 an average 10.1 percent oxygen in the stack gases.

     These parameters were selected based on the August,  1982 trial

burn of PCBs under Research Permit HQ 81-002 which demonstrated a

destruction efficiency of greater than 99.99 percent on the M/T

VULCANUS I.  Except for "dwell time", the time the liquid waste and  its

gaseous combustion by-products are in the lower combustion chamber and

upper incineration stack, the parameters for the proposed permits are

more stringent than the TSCA requirements.

     EPA once felt that residence time was a parameter of major

significance in developing regulatory policy.  Residence  time is

 currently  overshadowed  by the more  important  parameter of destruction

 efficiency.   While  it is  often stated  that  residence  times (and

 therefore  the need  to establish chemical  waste feed  and air flows)  of  2

 seconds  or more were universally needed  to  achieve good destruction

 performance  for PCBs, the Agency now  has  an extensive data base  which

 indicates  that as little  as  tenths  of  one second  may  be sufficient  in

 well  designed incinerators.   TSCA has  a  waiver provision for dwell  time

 which  basically relies  on destruction  removal  efficiency as the  primary

 measure  of incinerator  performance.

 (2)   Section  761.70(a)(3):

      Combustion efficiency shall  be at least  99.9 percent computed  as


           Combustion efficiency =
           CC02/CC02 + Ceo x  100
           Ccog = Concentration of carbon  dioxide  in  the combustion
           Ceo = Concentration of carbon  monoxide  in  the combustion
                gases .

     The proposed permits have an identical  performance standard.

 (3)   Section  761.70(a)(3):

     The rate and quantity of PCBs  which  are  fed  to  the combustion
 system shall  be measured  and  recorded  at  regular  intervals of no longer
 than  15 minutes.  (Section 761.70(a)(3)

     The proposed permits  require continuous  monitoring and recording

 of waste feed rate and/or auxiliary fuel  (if  used).

 (4)  Section  761.70(a)(4):

     The temperatures of  the  incineration process shall he continuously
measured and  recorded.  The  combustion temperature of the incineration
 process  shall he based  on either direct  (pyrometer)  or indirect  (wall
 thermocouple-pyrometer  correlation) temperature readings.


      The proposed permits have an identical  provision for continuously

 measuring and recording wall  temperature.

 (5)   Section 761.70(a)(5):

      The flow of PCBs to the  incinerator shall  stop automatically
 whenever the combustion temperature drops  below the temperatures

      The proposed permits require automatic  tamper proof devices to

 instanteously shut off the flow of wastes  to the incinerators  if the

 wall  temperature falls below  the minimum specified.

 (6)   Section 761.70(a)(b):

      The flow of PCBs to the  incinerator shall  stop automatically when
 any one  or more  of the following conditions  occur unless a  contingency
 plan  is  submitted by  the incinerator owner or operator and  approved by
 the Regional  Administrator and  the contingency  plan indicates  what
 alternative  measures  the incinerator owner or operator would take if
 any of the following  conditions occur:

      (i)  Failure of  monitoring operations specified;
      (ii) Failure of  the PCB  rate and quantity  measuring and recording
      (iii)Excess  oxygen falls  below the  percentage specified.
      (Section  761.70(a)(B))

     An  identical  provision is  included  in the  proposed permits.

 (7)  Section  761.70(a)(9):

     Water scrubbers  shall  be used for HC1 control  during PCB
 incineration and  shall  meet any performance  requirements specified by
the appropriate  EPA Regional  Administrator.   Scrubber effluent  shall be
monitored and  shall comply with applicable effluent or pretreatment
standards, and any other  State  and Federal laws and regulations.  An
alternate method  of KC1  control  may  be used  if  the alternate method has
been approved  by  the  Regional Administrator.   (The HC1  neutralizing
capability of  cement  kilns is considered to  be  an  alternate method).

     Land-based Incinerators must have auxiliary air pollution control
devices such as scrubbers to neutralize the hydrochloric acid emitted
as a by-product of the incineration of orqanochlorine compounds.
Scrubbers are also used to remove excess particulate matter.  Water
scrubbers are not required for incineration at-sea because the
hydrochloric acid is rapidly rendered harmless by the dilution and
buffering action of the ocean.  The proposed  permits require that the
vessels' direction and orientation during incineration be controlled to
ensure that the hydrochloric acid  in the incinerator plume  is directed
to the stern of the vessel.  The proposed permits limit the amount of
metals in the waste stream to ensure that any emissions reaching the
water do not cause marine water  quality criteria to be exceeded.  The
modeling described earlier showed  that metals in excess of  the  100 ppm
limit except for mercury, which  is limited  to 9  ppm and silver, which
is limited  to 20 ppm,  are more than  adequate  to  ensure  water  quality
criteria or the limiting permissible  concentration  of PCBs  as  required
in 40 CFR 227.27 are  not exceeded.

 (8)  Section 761.7(a)(6)
     Monitoring  of  stack  emission  products  shall  be conducted:
      (i)  When  an  incinerator is first used for the disposal  of PCBs
          under  the  provisions  of  this regulation;
      (ii) When  an  incinerator is first used for the disposal  of PCBs
          after  the  incinerator  has  been  modified in a manner which may
          affect  the  characteristics of the stack emission products;
     Mil) At  a minimum such monitoring shall  be conducted for the
          following  parameters:  (a)  02; (b) CO; (c) C0?;  (d) Oxides
          of  Nitrogen (N02); (e) Hydrochloric Acid (HCT); (f) Total
           Chlorinated Organic Content (RC1); (g) PCBs; and (h) Total
           Particulate Matter.

     During the August 1982, trial burn on the M/T VULCAMUS I that
demonstrated a destruction efficiency of greater than 99.99 percent on
PCBs, the stack gases were monitored for the above parameters, except
for (d) oxides of nitrogen and (h) total particulate matter.

     The stack gases were not monitored for oxides of nitrogen because
the wastes incinerated contained  only minute concentrations of
nitrogenous compounds and in EPA's judgment, there would  have been  no
quantifiable emissions.

     Total particulate matter was not measured  because  all  surviving
organic species are  completely disassociated  from any particulate
matter in  the  emissions  at  the temperatures  associated  with the
combustion gases  in  at-sea  incinerators (1300°C).

     Measuring total  particulate matter would have no effect on  the
calculation  of destruction  efficiency.   The  liquid nature of the wastes
being  incinerated also  precludes significant formation  of particulates.
The  combustion gases are much cooler (40°C)  on land-based incinerators
because  of the scrubbers so surviving organic species could be
associated with particulate matter.  Therefore,  in order to accurately
calculate destruction efficiency for land-based  incinertors, total
particulate matter must be monitored.

 (9)  Section..761.7n(a)(7):

      At a minimum monitoring and recording of combustion products and
 incineration operations shall  be conducted for the following parameters
 whenever the incinerator is incinerating PCBs; (i) 02; (ii) CO; and
 (iii) C02.  The monitoring for 02 and CO shall be continuous.  The
 monitoring for C02 shall be periodic, at a frequency specified by the
 Regional Administrator.

      The proposed permits require continuous monitoring and recording

 of oxygen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the stack gases and

 the draft (negative pressure)  in the combustion chamber.

 (b)  Trial  Burns

 Section 761.70(d)(2):

      The Regional  Administrator may not approve the incineration of
 PCBs  unless  he finds that the  facility meets the operating  and
 performance  requirements for incinerating liquid and/or non-liquid
 PCBs.   The Regional Administrator may approve the facility  based on an
 initial  report submitted by the applicant and a waiver for  a trial burn
 or may  approve the facility based on a trial  burn.   If the  Regional
 Administrator  determines a trial  burn is necessary, the applicant must
 submit  a detailed  plan  which includes:

      (1) Date  trial burn is to be conducted;
      (2) Quantity  and type of  PCBs  and PCB items to be incinerated;
      (3) Parameters to  be monitored and location of sampling points;
      (4) Sampling  frequency and methods and schedules for sample
      analyses;  and
      (5) Name,  address,  and qualifications of persons who will  review
      analytical  results  and other pertinent data,  and who will  perform
      a  technical  evaluation of the  effectiveness of the trial  burn.

      The Regional  Administrator may disapprove,  modify, or  approve the
      plan.   If  the plan  is approved,  the trial  burn takes place at a
      date  and  time agreed  to by the Regional  Administrator  and  the

     Trial burns  are used  in the  incineration at-sea program to conduct

an initial survey  of a  new vessel,  in  accordance with the London

Dumping  Convention, and  to determine  the performance (destruction

efficiency) of  an  incinerator  on  PCBs  or other POHCs.   Research permits

are written for  incineration at-sea  trial  burns  and are similar to

special  permits.   The research  permit  specifies  the POHCs to be

included  (PCBs  or  other  compounds),  the minimum  operating conditions

and, as part of Appendix A, the testing protocols to be used in
determining the destruction efficiency of the incinerator.  EPA reviews
the qualifications of persons who will collect the samples and perform
the analysis.  However, it has been and it will continue to be EPA
policy to have an EPA observer or an  EPA-certified observer onboard the
vessel during the trial burn.  If the trial burn  is conducted at  a U.S.
incineration site, EPA may conduct  environmental  monitoring studies
from  its research vessel,  OSV  ANTELOPE.

      The waiver  of a  trial burn  in  order  for  the  M/T  VULCANUS II  to
incinerate  mixed chemical  wastes  with TCDD or PCBs  discussed  earlier,
was authorized under  the  above provision  in the TSCA  regulations.  The
determination  to issue the waiver was based on a finding by EPA's
 Industrial  Environmental  Research Laboratory (IERL-CI) that the
 M/T VULCANUS I and M/T VULCANUS II are using the same equipment and on
 EPA's accumulated experience with monitoring incinerator emissions for
 TCDD and PCBs.

 (c)  Finding

      TSCA  regulations for liquid PCBs specify  a  performance  standard of
 99.9 percent  combustion  efficiency.   However,  the  performance  standard
 for  non-liquid  PCBs  in Section  761.70(b)(l)  states:
            "The  mass  air  emissions  from  the incinerator shall
            be  no greater  than  O.OOlg  PCB/kg of tne F-CB
            introduced into the incinerator"

      This  translates  into  a destruction  removal  efficiency* of  at  least
 99.9999 percent.  While there is no equivalent destruction removal
 efficiency stipulated in the TSCA Regulations for  liquid PCBs,  it  is
 believed that if the incinerator meets the operating requirements
 (i.e., temperature, oxygen, and dwell time) and  attains the stipulated
 performance standard for combustion efficiency of 99.9 percent on the
 entire waste mixture, then, the incinerator will achieve a destruction
 removal efficiency of at least 99.9999 percent.

      The proposed incineration at-sea permits require a destruction
 efficiency of at least 99.99 percent.  In the August 1982, trial burn
 the M/T VULCANUS I demonstrated a destruction efficiency of greater
 than 99.99 percent.   A great deal  of attention has been focused on this
 apparent  difference  in land-based and at-sea incineration program

      In EPA's  judgment,  the real  difference is not in the actual
 performance of land-based and  at-sea  incinerators, but  in the  ability
 to  routinely  detect  trace quantities  of  surviving PCBs  to demonstrate a
 particular  performance level.   Sampling  of the combustion gases  in
 land-based  facilities  is done  after  the  gases  pass through the
 scrubbers.  As a  result, the combustion  gases  are approximately 40°C at
 the time the gases are sampled  in land-based  facilities  while  the
 combustion  gases  on the MA  VULCANUS  I and II  are over  1200°C  at
* Destruction removal efficiency  is equivalent  to  the  destruction
  efficiency of at-sea incinerators.  The difference in  terminology  is
  a result of the auxiliary air pollution control  devices,  such  as
  scrubbers, that are required in land-based  facilities.

sampling.  At these high temperatures the difficulty of sampling
increases substantially.  The cooler combustion gases in land-based
facilities allow for longer sampling periods.  The longer the sampling
period, the greater the volume of gases that can be collected.  The
greater the volume of gases collected, the smaller the concentration of
surviving orgamcs that can be detected.  EPA believes that if
incinerators at-sea could be sampled in the same manner as TSCA units,
at-sea destruction removal efficiencies also could be expressed to
99.9999 percent.

     EPA scientists are confident that they can routinely demonstrate
greater than 99.99 percent destruction efficiency for at-sea
incinerators.  However, until the difficulties of sampling hot
combustion gases can be surmounted, EPA scientists are not confident
that they can routinely demonstrate a destruction efficiency of 99.9999
percent for at-sea incineration.

     Therefore, EPA finds that if at-sea  incinerators attain the
performance standard of 99.9 percent combustion efficiency which  is the
same as the TSCA requirements for liquid  PCBs, and meet the operating
requirements (for temperature, oxygen and carbon monoxide) which  are
more stringent than the TSCA requirements for liquid PCBs, then the
at-sea incinerators will perform at a level at least equal to that of
the land-based facilities incinerating liquid PCBs.

     Subpart 0 (40 CFR 264.340-264.351) of the regulations implementing
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) cover land-hased
incineration of hazardous wastes with the exception of PCBs which are
regulated under TSCA and the  rules in 40 CFR 761.70.  The  rules on
conducting trial burns under RCRA for land-based facilities are
in'40  CFR 122.27(b).  Although RCRA  regulations  do  not apply to the
incineration  of  hazardous wastes  at-sea,  it  is EPA's  policy to include
requirements  in  at-sea  incineration  permits  equivalent to the
requirements  in  land-based  permits,  unless  there is a specific  reason
which renders the land-based requirements unnecessary for incineration
 at-sea.  Table 3 on page 83, "Hazardous Waste Incineration:  Comparison
 of At-Sea and Land-Based Requirements" summarizes and compares the
 requirements in the proposed permits and those  in RCRA issued permits.

 (a)   Operating Permits

 (1)   Performance  Based  Permits

       RCRA-issued permits are performance based, as are  incineration
  at-sea permits.  There are no "generic" operating conditions.   Each
  facility's operating conditions are determined by the conditions

necessary for the achievement of the performance standard as
demonstrated in a trail burn.  (Trial burns under RCRA and under at-sea
research permits are described later in this section).

(2)  Section 264.342.  Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs)

     Both programs require trial burns to determine whether the
incinerators can achieve a destruction efficiency of at least 99.99
percent on a POHC.  A  POHC is selected based on  its heat  of combustion
and concentration in the waste mixture.  Waste mixtures eligible for
incineration in  both programs are those that contain compounds with
heats of combustion equal to or greater than that of the  POHC with the
lowest  heat of combustion for which  at least a 99.99 destruction
efficiency or destruction removal efficiency was demonstrated in the
trial burn.

(3)  Section 264.343(a).  Destruction Removal Efficiency/Destruction
     As discussed  under  "Compliance  with  TSCA Regulations",  destruction
removal efficiency  (ORE)  and destruction  efficiency (DE)  are

     The  formula for determining  destruction removal  efficiency and
destruction  efficiency is the  same:

                      Win -
          OE/DRE =       Win      x 100
     Win = Mass feed rate of one POHC in the waste stream feeding
               the incinerator
     Wm,t = Mass emission rate  of the same POHC in exhaust
                  emissions prior to release to the atmosphere.
(4) Section 264.343(d)
     For purposes of permit enforcement, compliance with the  operating
requirements specified in the permit will be regarded as compliance
with the performance standard.  However, evidence that  compliance with
those permit conditions  is insufficient to ensure compliance^with the
performance requirements of this Section may be  "information
justifying modification, revocation, or reissuance of a  permit.
     The  proposed  permits  have  a similar  provision.   Compliance with
the operating  conditions specified  in  the permit  will  be regarded as
compliance  with  the  performance standard.  However,  the proposed
permits may be modified, revoked or reissued if subsequent analyses
indicate  that  the  operating conditions specified in  the permits are
insufficient to  ensure compliance with the performance standard of
99.99  percent  destruction  efficiency and 99.9 percent combustion
 (5)   Section 264.344(a):
      The owner or operator of a hazardous waste  incinerator may  burn
 only  wastes specified in his permit and  only under operating conditions
 specified for those wastes.
 (6)   Section 264.344(b):
      Other hazardous wastes may be  burned only after  operating
 conditions have been specified  in a new  permit or a  permit modification
 as applicable.  Operating  requirements for  "ew wastes may be based on
 either trial burn results  or alternative data  included  with Part B of  a
 permit application.

     Similar provisions are included in the proposed permits.

(7)  Section 264.341(b):
     Throughout normal operation, the owner or operator must conduct
sufficient waste analysis to verify that waste feed to the incinerator
is within the physical and chemical composition limits specified in his
     The proposed permits  require a chemical analysis of the wastes
prior to each incineration cruise.  The chemical analysis must be
conducted in an EPA-approved laboratory in  accordance with  EPA-approved
protocols found in Appendix A  of the permits.  Duplicate samples may  be
taken  by  an authorized  EPA representative  to  verify the Permittees'
chemical  analysis.   Only when  EPA  is convinced that the wastes to  be
incinerated meet  the requirements  of the  permits  will  authorization be
given  for loading the vessels.

      An authorization for loading  is,  for all  practical  purposes,  an
authorization  for incineration.  However,  should the analyses of any
samples taken  by EPA from the vessels' or dockside storage tanks or
from the blending/holding tanks at Emelle, Alabama demonstrate the
presence of compounds that were not in, or were in concentrations
 greater than that indicated,  in the original analyses of the
 Permittees' samples  of the blending/holding tanks,  EPA may  terminate
 the incineration even  if  incineration has  already  begun.

 (8)  Section 264.345(a):
     An  Incinerator must  be operated  in  accordance with  operating
 requirements specified in the permit.  These will be  specified on  a
 case-by-case basis as those demonstrated  in a  trial burn  or  from
 alternative data included with  Part B of  a facility's  permit
 application, to be sufficient to  comply  with the  performance  standard.
 (9)  Section 264.345(b):
     Each set of operating requirements  will specify  the  composition  of
 the waste feed (including acceptable  variations in the physical or
 chemical properties of the waste  feed which will  not  affect  compliance
with the performance standard)  for which  the operating requirements
 apply.   For each such waste feed, the permit will specify acceptable
 operating limits including the  following  conditions:
     (i)  Carbon monoxide (CO)  level  in  the stack exhaust gas;
     (ii) Waste feed rate;
     (iii )Combustion temperature;
     (iv) An appropriate  indicator of combustion  gas  velocity;
     (v)  Allowable variations  in incinerator  system  design  or
          operating procedures; and
     (vi) Such other operating  requirements as are necessary  to ensure
          that the performance  standards  are met.

     The proposed permits specify the compounds that  may  not  be
 included in a waste mixutre or  are restricted.  The proposed  permits
also specify the incinerator operating conditions necessary  to assure
compliance with the performance standards.  The level  of  waste analysis
to be submitted by the Permittees must be expressed as quantifiable
concentrations of the chemical  class  of  the compounds  in  a waste
mixture.  This level of analysis  is more  than  sufficient  for  EPA  to
determine whether the compounds in a waste mixture are eligible for
incineration.  It is not  necessary to specify  the physical properties
of the wastes because the design  limits  of the incinerator systems on
the M/T  VULCANUS I and II preclude wastes other than  pumpable liquids.
The proposed permits require that the waste feed  rate he  monitored but

do not specify a thermal input rate.  Nor do the proposed permits
specify "an appropriate indicator of combustion gas velocity."  In lieu
of these operating indicators, the incineration at-sea permits require
demonstration of the performance standard of 99.9 percent combustion
efficiency after each burn to control the performance of the

(10) Section 264.34R(c):
     During start-up and shut-down of an incinerator, hazardous waste
must not be fed into the incinerator unless the incinerator is
operating within the conditions of operation specified in the permit.
(Section 264.345(c))
     The proposed permits have an identical provision.
(11) Section 264.345(e):
     An incinerator must be operated with a functioning system to
automatically cut off waste feed to the incinerator when operating
conditions deviate from limits established.  (Section 264.345(e))

     The proposed permits stipulate that automatic devices shut off the
flow of the wastes to the incinerators whenever the flame goes out, or
the minimum temperature, minimum level of oxygen in the combustion
gases or the maximum level of carbon monoxide  in the combustion gases
are reached or, the devices monitoring temperature, air flow, draft
(negative pressure) in the combustion chambers, oxygen, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide and waste feed flow and/or auxiliary fuel  (if
used) fail.

(1?) Section 264.345(f):
     An incinerator must cease operation when  changes  in waste  feed,
incinerator design, or operating conditions exceed limits designated  in
its permit.  (Section 264.345(f))


     This provision is not applicable to the proposed permits because
prior to loading the wastes onto the vessel before each incineration
cruise, EPA makes a determination that the wastes meet the requirements
of the permits.
(13) Section 264.347(a)(l) and  (2):
     The owner or operator must conduct, as a minimum, the following
monitoring while incinerating hazardous waste:
     (i)  Combustion temperature, waste feed rate, and the indicator of
          combustion gas velocity specified in the facility permit must
          be monitored on a continuous basis.
     (ii) CO must be monitored  on a continuous basis at a point  in the
          incinerator downstream of the combustion zone and prior to
          release to the atmosphere.
     The proposed permits require continuous monitoring and recording
     0 wall temperature
     0 air flow to the incinerators
     0 oxygen  concentration in  the combustion gases
     0 carbon monoxide concentration in the combustion gases
     0 carbon  dioxide concentration in the combustion  gases
     0 flow rates of the wastes or auxiliary  fuel  (if  used)
     0 draft (negative pressure) in the combustion  chambers

     The requirement for the  continuous monitoring  and  recording of  air
flow to the incinerators  replaces  the  analogous  RCRA requirement for
combustion gas velocity.

(14) Section 264.347(a)(3):
     Upon  request by the Regional  Administrator, sampling and analysis
of the waste and exhaust emissions must be conducted to  verify that  the
operating  requirements established in  the  permit achieve the
performance standards of destruction  removal  efficiency.

     The proposed permits  have  a  similar  provision.

(15) Section 264.347(b):

     The incinerator and associated equipment (pumps, valves.
conveyors, pipes, etc) must be subjected to thorough visual inspection,
at least daily, for leaks, spills, fugitive emissions, and signs of

     The proposed permits  require calibration of instruments before

each cruise and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.  In

addition, the  proposed  permits require  shipriders to  provide 24 hour a

day observation of all  incineration activities.  Shipriders may be EPA

employees or EPA-approved  contractors that  report directly to  EPA but

are paid for by the Permittees.  These  shipriders will  inspect for

leaks,  spills, signs  of tampering, etc.  A  Principal  Shiprider,

designated  by  EPA, may  terminate  incineration  operations  if,  in his

opinion,  any term  or  provision of  the  permits  is  not  being met and  harm

to  the  environment or human  health or welfare  is  occurring or is  about

to  occur.   The proposed permits  also  provide for  the maintenance,

continuous  monitoring and continuous  recording of a minimum  draft

 (negative pressure)  in  the combustion  chambers.  This requirement  will

prevent the release  of  fugitive  emissions,  thereby protecting shipboard

personnel  and  help to insure proper incinerator operation.
 (16) Section 264.347(c):

      The emergency waste feed cutoff system and associated alarms must
 be tested at least weekly to verify operability, unless the applicant
 demonstrates to the Regional Administrator that weekly  inspections will
 unduly restrict or upset operations and that less frequent inspection
 will be adequate.  At a minimum, operational testing must  be  conducted
 at least monthly.

      The proposed permits require testing of the automatic devices

 shutting off the flow of wastes to the  incinerators  before each

 incineration cruise.

 (17) Section 264.3A7(d):


      Monitoring and inspection data must be recorded and the records
 must be placed in the operating log.
      The proposed special  permits require the Permittees to submit the
 monitoring and inspection  data to EPA within 10 working days after the
 termination of each incineration cruise.   Data on destruction
 efficiency tests  conducted under the proposed research permit and on
 destruction efficiency tests if conducted under the special  permits do
 not  have to be submitted to EPA until  90  working days  after the cruise
 because  it it  takes longer to analyze the data to calculate destruction

 (18)  Section 264.351(a):
      At  closure,  the  owner or operator must  remove all  hazardous waste
 and  hazardous  waste residues (including,  but not limited to, ash,
 scrubber waters,  and  scrubber sludges) from  the incinerator site.

      The proposed permits  require that waste contaminated waters or ash
from  the vessels  be incinerated at  sea or disposed of  in EPA-approved
land-based  facilties.
 (19)  Section 264.347(c)  and  Sections  264.50-56:  Contingency
      Plan/Emergency Procedures

      A Contingency  Plan must  be submitted as part  of the permit
application for a  RCRA permit  as  is  required for the incineration
at-sea permits.   While the  incineration at-sea  Contingency Plan and
emergency procedures cover  similar  generic topics  (i.e.,  fires,
explosions, spills, etc.)  as  RCRA,  the at-sea  Contingency Plan  focuses

on different coordination mechanisms and responses based on the nature
and locations of the operations.  EPA asked the U.S. Coast Guard to
review the Contingency Plan submitted by the applicants to determine
whether the Contingency Plan meets U.S. Coast Guard's requirements for
handling emergencies in the harbor and at sea.  The finding by the U.S.
Coast Guard is discussed in the next section.

(b)  Trial burns/research permits

     Sections 264.344{c), 122.27:

     The purpose of trial burns is to establish permit conditions,
including but not limited to, allowable waste feeds and operating
conditions for a new land-based hazardous waste incinerator under RCRA,
and for special permits under the Ocean Dumping Regulations.   In some
respects, the trial burn under RCRA corresponds to the "survey" of the
vessel conducted by a Contracting Party to the London Dumping
Convention and in other respects with the at-sea  incineration  research
permits issued to determine the destruction efficiency of incinerators
on POHCs and the five compounds listed in the London Dumping Convention
on which doubts exist as to their incinerability.

     Under RCRA, EPA approves the applicants' recommended operating
conditions, and trial burn plan, including waste  analysis, sampling  and
monitoring procedures, waste feed shut off systems, etc.  These items

are specified for the applicants in a research permit for incineration
at-sea trial burns.

     A trial burn is limited to 720 hours (30 days) under RCRA with an
option for an additional 720 hours when good cause is shown.
Applicants may continue to burn wastes under the conditions  specified
in the trial burn until the results of the trial burn are analyzed.

     Research permits  for  incineration at-sea trial  burns are  issued
for six months.  During the period of the research permit,  incineration
of wastes may occur  only  under  the closely monitored conditions
specified in the permit.   Until the data  from the  trial  burn is
analyzed additional  "burns" may not take  place.

(c) Findings

   \ Based  upon  the  above comparison  of RCRA program requirements and
the  conditions  included in the  proposed special  and  research permits,
EPA  finds  that  the proposed permits  are, at a minimum, consistent with
the RCRA  requirements.


     The Applicants were required to submit, as part of their
application, a Contingency Plan which outlines the safety precautions
taken in designing, constructing and equiping the vessels and the
procedures to be implemented in case of an accident or other emergency
at-sea.  Both vessels are classified as Type  II chemical ships which
means that to be certified by the  International Maritime Organization
and the U.S. Coast Guard there must be a  significant degree of cargo
containment  capability.  Since both vessels have  double hulls and
double bottoms and the wastes in both vessels  are stored in several
compartments in the  interior of the vessels,  there is  little  likelihood
that any collision would cause the rupture  of  the storage  compartments.
In addition, the safety equipment  and  its placement on board  the
vessels is  governed  by the  Safety  of  Life at  Sea  Convention  (SOLAS).
As a condition  of  the permits  and  to  operate  in international  and U.S.
waters, the vessels  must  have  on  board valid  certificates  indicating
compliance  with  all  international  and U.S. regulations.

      The  Contingency Plan  also specifies the coordination mechanisms
and  responses  if fires,  explosions, spills, collisions, etc., should
 occur  in  the harbor or at sea.  A major focus of the Contingency Plan
 is the steps that will  be taken to minimize the  environmental affect  of
 an incident.

      Because of the nature of the activities in the harbor or at sea,
 EPA requested that the U.S.  Coast Guard review and make recommendations
 on  the adequacy of the Contingency Plan.  Based on its preliminary
 review,  the U.S.  Coast Guard concluded that both vessels have taken the
 necessary precautions  to prevent incidents and that the Contingency
 Plan  is  a workable plan for  responding to a wide variety of potential
 emergencies at  sea or  in the harbor.   During the comment period on the
 Notice,  the U.S.  Coast Guard will  make further recommendations on the
 Contingency Plan.

      Besides  the  inspections that  the  U.S. Coast Guard makes of the
 vessels  and their  incinerators,  the U.S. Coast Guard issues "Broadcast
 to Mariners", warning  other  ships  of the vessels'  progress to and
 Incineration  at the  site.  In  addition,  the Captain of the Port Mobile
must  be  notified 24  hours  before sailing which precludes the vessels
from  sailing  if there  are  pending  storms which would interfere with the
safe  passage  of the  vessels  to the incineration site.   The U.S. Coast
Guard supervises the loading of  the vessels and the Captain of the Port
Mobile supervises  the  passage  of the vessels through Mobile Bay to the


     Rased on the foregoing analysis, EPA has made a tentative
determination to issue special  permits to Chemical Waste Management,
Inc. and Ocean Combustion Service, B.V. to use the M/T VULCANUS I and
the M/T VULCANUS II to incinerate a combined total of 300,000 metric
tons of mixed chemical wastes according to the conditions and
specifications in the permits.  In addition, EPA  has made a tentative
determination to issue a research permit to the Applicants to
incinerate 260,000 gallons of 10 percent dichlorodiphenyl
trichloroethane  (DDT), 90 percent solvent waste.

     EPA  has  determined that the proposed permits are  consistent with
the'criteria  in  the Ocean Dumping Regulations  in  40 CFR  220-228  and the
Regulations  and  Technical  Guidelines  of  the  CONVENTION ON  THE
 (the London  Dumping  Convention) to  which the United States is a
Contracting  Party.   With  respect to the  incineration of PCBs, the
permits meet the requirements  of the regulations  in 40 CFR 761.70(a)
 implementing provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act on
 incinerating liquid PCBs.   In addition as a matter of Agency policy,
 the proposed permits are consistent with the Solid Waste Disposal Act,
 as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act regulations on
 land-based incinerator facilities in 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart 0.

      The following SECTIOM-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS identifies the permit
 conditions and  the reasons for the choice of  the particular  permit
 conditions selected  in accordance with  40 CFR  222.3(a)(4).

     This sectlon-by-sectlon analysis summarizes the permit conditions
and the reasons for selecting the particular conditions as required by
40 CFR 222.3(a)(4).

EPA Signatory, Assistant Administrator for Water

     On September 16, 1983, the Administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency delegated responsibility to the Assistant
Administrator for Water to issue incineration at-sea permits.

     The Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic Substances,
who must grant written approval of the permits prior to any
incineration of PCBs, has approved the proposed permits as meeting the
requirements of TSCA for the incineration of liquid PCBs and the
regulations in 40 CFR 761.70(a).

I.   Authorized Permittees and Incineration Vessel

     This section identifies and gives the address of  the Permittees,
     Chemical Waste Management, Inc., and its subsidiary Ocean
     Combustion Service, BV.  It also identifies the specific vessel
     that is to be used for the incineration activities included  in

     each of the permits.  No vessel  other than the vessel  specified
     may be used for the authorized activities.

II.  Vessel and Incineration Certification

     This part of the permit identifies the certificates that must be
     obtained prior to issuing the permit.  They include a "Certificate
     of Fitness" issued by the International Maritime Organization
     (IMO) and a "Letter of Compliance" from the U.S. Coast Guard.
     These two certificates attest to the fitness of the vessels to
     load  and transport the material to be  incinerated  and to the  fact
     that the vessels are in compliance with international and U.S.
     Maritime Regulations for the  transport of dangerous chemicals.

     In addition to the  certificates authorizing the  vessels to
     transport  hazardous wastes, the incinerators  must  also  be  surveyed
     and certified  by a  Contracting Party to the London Dumping
     Convention.   Every  two years  the  incinerators must be recertified.
     The M/T  VULCANUS  I's incinerators  must be recertified by  June,
     1985  and the  M/T  VULCANUS  II1s  incinerators  must be  recertified by
     July, 1985.   The  U.S.  Coast  Guard  inspects the safety of  the
     incinerators  as  required  by  P.L.  97-389,  December 29, 1982.

III.  General  Provisions

     The items included in this section of the permits describe the
     general  administrative and enforcement provisions of the permits.

     The terms used in the permits have the same meanings assigned to
     them as  those in the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries
     Act of 1972, as amended (the Act) and the regulations issued in 40
     CFR Parts 220-228.  Two other terms are used in the permit:
     quantifiable concentration and Permit Program Manager.

     Quantifiable concentration is defined as the minimum concentration
     of a discrete chemical constituent (element or compound) in a
     chemical  waste that can be detected, identified, and quantified
     without  confirmatory analyses.  The amount of this concentration
     will vary depending on the chemical constituent, possible
     interferences of other constituents in the chemical waste, the
     method of sample preparation, and the method of analytical
     detection, identification, and quantification (as defined  in
     Appendix A of the Permits).

     The Permit Program Manager is identified as the Director,  Criteria
     and Standards Division, Office of Water Regulations and Standards,
     U.S. EPA.  The Permit Program Manager  is the official who  will
     make the decisions on all aspects of the permit and who is

ultimately responsible for ensuring that the incineration
operations are carrried out safely and efficiently.

By reference, EPA has included, as a general condition of the
permit, compliance with RCRA and TSCA regulations on the
generation, collection, transportation, labelling, storage and
reporting of hazardous materials; and U.S.  Coast Guard

To assure compliance with  the  terms  and conditions of the  permits,
EPA, or an authorized  representative of EPA, may enter the
premises  of the Permittees to  inspect  records  and  monitoring
equipment and take duplicate waste  samples  for analyses,  etc.   The
"Right of Entry"  is  a  generic  provision of  all permits.

EPA  is also  requiring  that shipriders  be  onboard  the vessels
during each  incineration  cruise to provide full and  continuous
observation  of  all  incineration activities.  This  provision is
predicated  on the nature  of incineration  at-sea activities which
precludes unannounced  spot checks.

The  shipriders may be EPA employees or may be  independent parties
 selected by the Permit Program  Manager.    If  independent  parties,
 the  shipriders are paid by the Permittees  but  report directly  to

 the  Permit  Program Manager.   A  Principal  Shiprider is  appointed  by
 the  Permit  Program Manager.   He has  the  authority  to terminate the
 burn if in  his  opinion  any term of  the  permit  is  not being  met and
 harm to the environment  or human  health  or  welfare is  occurring  or
 is about to occur.

 There is a  generic prohibition  against  any  intentional  or
 unintentional loss of wastes  during  loading, transport  or
 incineration  activities.   Compliance will be verified  by  comparing
 the  weight  of the wastes  loaded with the  weight of the  wastes
 incinerated and with the  weight of  any  remaining wastes in  the
 cargo tanks.

 The  Permittees  have $350,000,000  in  insurance  policies  which
 appear  fully adequate to  protect  the United States, States  and the
 public  against  any and all  liability arising out of the Permittees
 acts or  emissions in the  performance of the permits.   EPA is not
 necessarily endorsing this  specific  amount. The Agency is
 requesting  recommendations on appropriate methodologies for
determining an adequate  level of  liability  insurance.

For any  violation of the  terms  or conditions of the Permit, the
Permittees  may be liable  for  a  civil  and/or criminal penalty of
not more than $50,000 per day for each violation.   In  addition,
any  person  who knowingly  violates any provision of the  Act, the
regulations, or this Permit shall be fined  not more than  $50,000

per day for each violation and/or be imprisoned for not more than
one year.  The amount of the penalty will depend on the severity
of the particular violation.

The Permit may be modified, revoked or reissued if subsequent
analyses indicate that the operating conditions specified in the
Permit are insufficient to assure compliance with the performance
standard of 99.99 percent destruction efficiency and 99.9 percent
combustion efficiency.  In addition, if  analyses of data obtained
from long term monitoring of the Gulf Site indicate adverse
environmental and/or human health impacts from incineration
activities, the Permit may be revoked or reissued.  There is also
a provision that the Assistant Administrator for Water  or the
Permit Program Manager shall suspend the permit if any  of the
activities are likely to result in imminent and substantial  harm
to human health or to the environment.

Included in the General Provisions are procedures which must  be
followed if there is a life threatening  emergency which
necessitates the discharge of a portion  or all of the cargo  to
save lives.  If such an emergency should occur, the MASTER of  the
Vessel notifies the U.S. Coast Guard and the Permit Program
Manager immediately.  Within ten days of the emergency  a  full
written report is to be made to the Assistant  Administrator  for
Water detailing the emergency and the actions  taken.

IV. Special Provisions

     This section stipulates the terms and conditions necessary to
     assure that the mixed chemical wastes to be incinerated under HO
     83-001 and under HQ 83-002 and the 10 percent dichlorodiphenyl
     trichloroethane (DPT) 90 percent solvent to be incinerated under
     HO 83-003 are completely and safely destroyed.  Each condition is
     described separately, below.

1. Permit Term

       The three year expiration date for the Special Permits, HQ
       83-001 and HQ 83-002 is a regulatory requirement of 40 CFR
       220.3(b).  The six months expiration date for the Research
       Permit HQ 83-003 is a statutory requirement of 33 U.S.C.
       1412a(b), as amended by PL 96-572, December 20, 1980.

2. Description of Material

     a. Eligible Material:

       Mixed liquid organic compounds including, but not limited to
       chlorinated organic compounds, comply with  the criteria in 40
       CFR 227.4, 227.8, 227.11, 227.12, and 227.27.  The design of the
       incinerator system on the M/T VULCANUS I and the M/T  VULCANUS  II
       precludes wastes other than pumpable liquids.

        The M/T VULCANUS I Is authorized to incinerate mixed chemical
        wastes containing compounds with a heat of combustion equal  to
        or greater than 1.79 kcal/gram.   The eligibility of the M/T
        VULCANUS I's incinerators  was established in the August, 1982
        trial  burn (conducted pursuant to Research Permit HQ 81-002).
        Hexachlorobenzene was the  POHC with the lowest heat of
        combustion,  1.79 kcal/gram, tested.  The destruction efficiency
        attained in  the tests was  greater than 99.99 percent.

        Based  on the February, 1983 trial  burn on the M/T VULCANUS  II
        that was  conducted jointly  by  the Government of  Netherlands  and
        EPA1, a destruction efficiency  of  greater than 99.99 percent  was
        attained  on  tetrachloromethane which  has  a  heat  of  combustion  of
        0.24 kcal/gram.  Therefore,  the M/T VULCANUS II  is  authorized  to
        incinerate mixed chemical wastes with  a  heat  of  combustion equal
       to or greater than 0.24 kcal/gram.

     b. Prohibited Materials:
     The mixed chemical wastes may not include,  in  quantifiable
     concentrations, the following:

     (A) compounds with heats of combustion less than 1.79 kcal/gram
         for the M/T VULCANUS I  and less than 0.24 kcal/gram for the
         M/T VULCANUS II.   This  is consistent with the Ocean Dumping
         Regulations, 40 CFR  227.6(h), the requirements of the

         POHC/Index of Incinerability found In RCRA's regulation at  40
         CFR 122.27(b)(l) and the London Dumping Convention (Annex 5,
         Regulation 5).

(1) (B)-(D)'
     The London Dumping Convention (Regulation 4) requires 'a trial  burn
     for DDT,  BHC,  and PCT because there are doubts  as  to the
     incinerability of these compounds.
     The  amount  of  TCDD  (dioxin)  in  the waste  mixture is  limited  to  2
     ppm  based on the  1977  trial  burn  in which the  M/T VULCANUS  I
     incinerated Herbicide  Orange with  an  average concentration of 1.9
     ppm  TCDD.   Usually  a concentration of at  least 100 ppm  of a
     compound is needed  in  a waste mixture to  analytically measure and
     demonstrate an incinerator's destruction  efficiency  for that
     compound to at least 99.99 percent.   An overall  destruction
     efficiency  of greater  than 99.93 was  demonstrated  for dioxin in
     the three burns.  However, EPA believes that in  actuality, the
     incinerators probably  achieved at  least a 99.99  percent
    destruction efficiency based on the fact that  during the same
    trial burns, the destruction efficiencies for  2,4-D and 2,4, 5-T
    were calculated to be greater than 99.999 percent.

    At that time the methodologies employed did not  have the
    analytical  sensitivity  to measure low levels of  potentially

surviving dioxin in stack gas samples in order to be able to
demonstrate an unqualified destruction efficiency.  In order to do
so, there has to be a detectable and quantifiable amount of a
compound in the stack gas samples.  Failure to detect a compound
does not mean that the compound is not there, if the level of
detection of the sampling and analytical methodology is not
adequate to measure low levels of a particular compound and if, as
was the case with Herbicide Orange, there were compounds with a
similar chemical structure as dioxin in the stack gases sampled.

In addition to the fact that EPA believes the destruction
efficiency obtained on TCDD was probably closer to 99.99 percent
than the data indicate, dioxin is much easier to incinerate with  a
heat of combustion of 3.43 kcal/gram than hexachlorobenzene with  a
heat of combustion of 1.79 kcal/gram on which the M/T VULCANUS  I
later demonstrated greater than 99.99 percent destruction
efficiency or tetrachloromethane with a heat of combustion of 0.24
kcal/gram on which the M/T VULCANUS II demonstrated greater than
99.99 percent destruction efficiency.  Furthermore, incinerator
plume modelling and subsequent ocean dispersion modelling  have
demonstrated that the emissions resulting from the  incineration of
chemical wastes containing 2 ppm of dioxin  at a destruction
efficiency of 99.93 percent will cause no adverse environmental
impact.  This is based on a determination that any  uncombusted
dioxin in the emissions would result in an  ambient  water
concentration of dioxin below the marine aquatic  life no  effect
level for this compound and below the limiting permissible
concentration as required in 40 CFR 227.27.  Therefore,  EPA  has

     authorized the Incineration of waste mixtures containing dioxln at
     2 ppm or less.

     A trial burn was waived for the M/T VULCANUS II to demonstrate a
     99.99 percent destruction efficiency on dioxin based on a finding
     that the incinerator equipment on the M/T VULCANUS II is the same
     as that on the M/T VULCANUS I and on EPA's accumulated experience
     in monitoring incinerators for dioxin emissions.

(11) (B)
     The concentration of PCBs in the waste mixture may not exceed 35
     percent to assure that at a destruction efficiency of at least
     99.99 percent, any trace PCB emissions will  not cause ambient
     marine water quality criteria (limiting permissible
     concentrations) to be exceeded as required at 40 CFR 227.27.
     Trial  burns on the M/T VULCANUS I demonstrated destruction
     efficiencies of greater than 99.99 percent on PCBs.  In addition,
     incinerator plume modelling and subsequent ocean dispersion
     modelling have shown that any surviving PCBs in the emission plume
     would  result in an ambient marine water concentration of PCBs
     below  the marine water quality criterion for PCBs as required by
     40 CFR 227.27.

     EPA also waived the trial burn on PCBs for the M/T VULCANUS  II.
     This PCB waiver is based on the same determination as the TCDD
     waiver that the M/T VULCANUS II's incinerator equipment is the
     same as that on the M/T VULCANUS I and on EPA's accumulated
     experience in monitoring the incineration of PCBs.

     EPA is limiting the chlorine content of the wastes to 70 percent
     of the mixture.  Trial  burns have shown that the incinerators on
     both vessels can attain combustion efficiencies of 99.9 percent on
    -whole wastes with a chlorine content as high as 70 percent as well
     as destruction efficiencies of greater than 99.99 percent on POHCs
     in a waste mixture with a 70 percent chlorine content.  In fact,
     EPA has found no technical  basis in theory or In practice for
     limiting the concentration of total organochlorines.  There is a
     self-regulating incentive for the Permittees to incinerate wastes
     with sufficient heating values to maintain the specified
     temperature and other control parameters without supplementing the
     wastes with auxiliary fuel.

     This, therefore, will usually limit total  organochlorine  content
     in wastes to no more than 70 percent for any burn.   However,
     consistent with other provisions  of the Permit,  EPA  is  adopting  a
     conservative approach and specifying 70 percent  as a  maximum

(Hi)  (A-C)
     Limits  are  placed  on metals,  to  assure that the applicable marine
     water  quality  criteria  will  not  be exceeded.   The limits are based
     on  a model  developed for EPA by  JRB Associates under EPA Contract
     Mo. fi8-01-6388,  Work Assignment  No. 37.   The model  was used to
     determine the  limiting  permissible concentrations of a consistuent

as required by 40 CFR 227.27.  The models are discussed 1n the
report, Permissible Metal. PCB, and TCDD (Dioxin) Concentrations
In Incineration Waste Material, September 26, 1983.  The model
Indicated that for all but two of the metals (silver and mercury),
significantly higher metal concentrations than 100 ppm in waste
would not emit a level of metals after incineration that would
cause water quality criteria to be exceeded.  EPA has limited the
maximum concentration to  20  ppm for silver,  9 ppm for mercury and
100 ppm for the  remaining metals to add  an additional margin  of
safety due to the uncertainties of assumptions used in any model.
Although the limits in the permits are conservative, they will  be
retained until EPA can verify  that even  trace amounts of  these
materials will have no long  term  adverse Impact  on  the marine

 High  level  radioactive wastes  or  materials used  in radiological,
 chemical  or  biological warfare are prohibited by Section 102(a) of
 the  Act.   In  addition, the Ocean Dumping regulations  at 40 CFR
 227.5 prohibits  materials which cannot be identified or, which are
 persistent,  inert,  synthetic or,  which may float or remain in
 suspension in the ocean.

     The analyses conducted to confirm that the wastes are eligible
     for incineration must be done in accordance with Appendix A,
     "Waste Sampling and Analysis Procedures".

3. Analysis of Material

     The Ocean Dumping Regulations prohibit .in 40 CFR 227.5(c) the
   -  incineration of materials insufficiently described to determine
     their impact on the environment.  Before the wastes are loaded
     onto the vessels, for each incineration cruise, the Permittees
     must provide chemical analyses of the wastes to be incinerated.
     The chemical analysis must be conducted in an EPA-certified
     laboratory in accordance with the EPA-approved protocols found in
     Appendix A of the permit.  The analyses will provide information
     on quantifiable concentrations of the chemical classes of the
     constituents in the waste mixture.  A quantifiable concentration
     of an organochlorine is most likely 1-2 ppm and of a metal  1-10
     ppb.  This level  of detail is sufficient to determine the
     incinerability of the wastes and the effects of a waste on  the
     environment after incineration.

     The samples are to be taken  from the Permittees' blending/holding
     tanks at Emelle,  Alabama and, at the discretion of the Permit
     Program Manager,  from the dockside  or the  vessels' storage  tanks.

     The Permit Program Manager may require duplicate samples be taken
     by EPA or by an authorized EPA representative,  coded and analyzed
     in an EPA-approved laboratory to verify the Permittees analyses.
     This will be done at the Permittees'  expense.

     Permittees' are to report, to the best of their knowledge, whether
     any of the wastes to be incinerated are from hazardous waste sites
     which are subject to a Court, State or, an EPA cleanup order.
     This information will assist EPA and the States in verifying the
     location and final disposition of such wastes and may assist EPA's
     determination as to whether the wastes meet the permit conditions.

4. Authorization for Loading the Vessel and Incineration

     The Permit Program Manager will evaluate the chemical analyses
     submitted by the Permittees to ensure  that the  wastes do  not
     contain  quantifiable concentrations of chemicals with a heat of
     combustion  less than that  specified in the permits  (for HQ 83-001,
     1.79 kcal/gram; for  HQ 83-002 and  HQ  83-003, 0.24 kcal/gram),  and
     do  not contain  any  prohibited materials.   In addition,  the Permit
     Program  Manager will verify that the  duplicate  samples,  if taken,
     are equivalent.   If  the Permit Program Manager  is convinced that
     the wastes meet the  specifications  of the  Permit, he will
     authorize the  loading  of  the  vessel.   Loading  of the vessel may

     begin based on a verbal  authorization, but prior to departure, the
     specific written authorization must be onboard the vessel.

     The authorization for the loading is, for all  practical  purposes,
          ,          t. •
     an authorization for incineration.  However, should any  of  the
     results of analyses on samples taken by EPA from the vessels' or
     dockside storage tanks or from the blending/holding tanks in
     Emelle, Alabama demonstrate the presence of compounds that  were
     not in or were in concentrations greater than that indicated in
     the original analyses of the Permittees' samples of the
     blending/holding tanks,  the Permit Program Manager shall terminate
     the incineration if the  newly discovered compounds or the
     concentrations of these  compounds are not eligible for
     incineration.  If these  verification analyses of the mixed
     chemical wastes show the wastes are nevertheless eligible for
     incineration, the Permit Program Manager has the discretion to
     terminate or to continue the incineration.  In any case, whether
     the incineration is terminated or not, any discrepancies, beyond
     the expected range of sample and/or analytical variation,
     constitute a violation of the permits.

     The U.S. Coast Guard supervises the loading of the vessels and the
     Captain of. the Port, Mobile supervises the passage of the vessels
     through Mobile Bay of the Gulf.

5. Amount of Material

     The total amount of material authorized for incineration under  the
     special permits (HQ 80-001 and HQ  83-002)  between  the two vessels

     is 300,HOO metric tons.  One vessel  may incinerate the entire
     amount or both vessels nay incinerate a portion,  as long as the
     total amount incinerated does not exceed 300,nno metric tons.

     The 900 metric tons authorized under Research Permit HQ 83-003 is
     an amount needed to run a sufficient number of destruction
     efficiency tests.

6. Transportation Activities

     Section 223.1(a) states that the permit shall include  the  port
     through "or from which  the wastes will  be transported.   The
     authorized point of departure is the Port of Mobile, Alabama.
     Designation of a specific port also  serves to restrict  the
     geographic area in which the activities may  take  place  to  aid  in
     EPA's  and the U.S. Coast Guard's surveillance and enforcement

     The  Captain of the Port, Mobile  and  the 8th  District  Coast Guard
     are  to be notified 10  days  before the  loading of the  vessel.  This
     notification  is preliminary because  the loading  of the vessel  may
     not  take  place until  authorized  by  the Permit Program Manager.
     Twenty-four hours  prior to  sailing,  the Captain  of the Port is to
     be notified.  At this  time  the written authorization  for loading

     the vessel  from the Permit Program Manager must be onboard the
     Vessel .
     In notifying the Captain of the Port of sailing, items, such as
     permit number, vessel call sign, estimated arrival at the
     incineration site, etc. are required so that the U.S. Coast Guard
     can issue the "Broadcast to Mariners" of the vessels' progress and
     incineration activities.
     The items listed  in  this  section  including the permit,  name of
     person notified of  sailing, time  of  contact, confirmation code and
     written  authorization  for loading must  be onboard the vessel  to
     ensure that  the proper authorization and  notifications were made.
      During transport, the vessels must navigate around by at least 15
      nautical  miles the West and East Flower Gardens and by at least 5
      nautical  miles the Claypile and Stetson Banks.  These areas were
      identified in the 1976 EIS on the Gulf Incineration Site as areas
      of biological significance that would be adversely impacted if  an
      accident occurred.  While these areas are outside the normal
      shipping fairways, EPA made  transport around  them a  condition  of
      the Permit to provide additional  protection to these  areas.

7. Incineration Site

     The coordinates of the Gulf Incineration Site are:

        •Latitude                     Longitude
        26*20'00"N                   93°20I00"W
        ,26°20'00"N                   94000'00"W
        27°00'00"N                   93°20'00"W
        27>°OQI00"N                   94°00'00"W
     As provided for in 40 CFR 228.12(b)(l), incineration of the mixed
     chemical wastes may occur only when the vessel 1s within the
     boundaries of the site.  The continuous monitoring of the vessel's
     location required under Special Provision No. 10(b)(viii) and
     su'bmittal of these reports to the Permit Program Manager as
     provided for in Special Provision No.  11 will verify that
     incineration of the wastes occurred in the designated site  only.

     EPA is restricting the use of the site at this time to  one  vessel
     at a time, consistent with its authority under 40 CFR  228.7.   This
     is being done for navigational safety  and until the Agency
     evaluates the monitoring data from the site.  This does not mean
     that only one Permittee may use the site.  Rather, EPA  will  assure
     that there Is an equitable distribution of the use of the  site
     among all Permittees.

8. Performance Standard

(a) Destruction Efficiency of at least 99.99 percent

       — A destruction efficiency of 99.99 percent was established as
          a performance standard based on extensive data  indicating
          that such a destruction efficiency is attainable,and can be
          routinely measured in incinerators burning a wide  range of
          organic hazardous wastes in concentrations that  are over 100
          ppm.  This destruction efficiency ensures that  any emissions
          from the incineration process will be rapidly rendered
          harmless or will be present as only  trace contaminants, as
          required in 40 CFR 227.6.  This determination is based on
          incinerator plume modeling and subsequent ocean dispersion
          modeling that show any emissions will be below  the limiting
          permissible concentrations as  required  by 40 CFR 227.27.

     — The formula for calculating destruction efficiency is  as
        follows (example for DDT):

     Destruction Efficiency =
             Total DPT fed - DDT in combustion gases  x 100
             	total DDT  fed	

(b)  Combustion efficiency of at least 99.9 percent.

     — Based on EPA's accumulated experience and judgment  In
        monitoring incineration, a combustion efficiency of at least
        99.9 percent on the entire load of mixed chemical  wastes (or
        the liquid DDT wastes under Research Permit  HQ 83-003)
        corresponds to destruction efficiencies of at least 99.99
        percent for all compounds in the wastes whose heats of
        combustion are equal to or greater than 1.79 kcal/gram (M/T
        VULCANUS I) or 0.24 kcal/gram (M/T VULCANUS II).  Combustion
        efficiencies are continuously calculated on each Incineration

     — The formula for calculating combustion efficiency is as
     Combustion Efficiency = [CO? x 100
                             [C02 + [CO]
          C02 = carbon dioxide  1n the combustion gases.
          CO = carbon monoxide  in the combustion gases.
(c) Destruction efficiencies are calculated  on each incineration cruise
    under Research Permit  HQ 83-003 if more  than one cruise  is
    necessary to obtain sufficient data,  but  not necessarily  for each
    incineration cruise under  Special Permits  HQ 83-001 and  HQ  83-002.
    The Permit Program Manager  may request  in  either,of the  two special
    permits that the  Permittees  sample and  analyze  the  waste and
    emissions to verify that the operating  conditions established  in

    the permits achieve the performance standard of 99.99 percent
    destruction efficiency.

9. Operating Conditions

(a) Incinerator Conditions

     In EPA's judgment, the minimum and average operating conditions
     set forth in this section will ensure that the incinerators attain
     and maintain a destruction efficiency of 99.99 percent and a
     combustion efficiency of at least 99.9 percent.

     The minimum operating conditions are based on EPA's accumulated
     data and best engineering judgment that complete  combustion will
     still occur if operating conditions less stringent  than  these
     exist.  The minimum  operating  levels are set  for  temperature  and
     oxygen concentration  in the combustion gases, and a maximum  level
     of carbon monoxide concentration  in the combustion  gases because
     these are the three  key parameters in  assuring  complete  combustion
     of chemical wastes.

     The  average operating conditions  that  must be maintained during
     incineration  are  based  on  the trial  burns  which demonstrated thati
     the  incinerators  on  the M/T  VULCANUS I and M/T VULCANUS II
     achieved  destruction efficiencies of greater than 99.99 percent on

the POHCs tested.  The operating temperatures established for the
M/T VULCANUS II are lower than those for the M/T VULCANUS I,
except when burning TCDD or PCBs for two reasons.  First, the BTU
content of the wastes burned during the trial burn on the M/T
VULCANUS II was lower than the M/T VULCANUS  I.  Second, the
thermocouples measuring the wall temperature on the M/T VULCANUS
II are placed higher above the burner head in a cooler part of the
stack than on the M/T VULCANUS I.

The averages are to be calculated every two  hours.  The two hour
time frame corresponds to the approximate time it takes to run a
destruction efficiency test while recording  the operating
parameters during a trial burn.  By using the same time frame,
there is greater assurance that the proper combustion is attained
throughout the incineration.

The minimum  (or maximum for CO) operating conditions and the
averages for the M/T VULCANUS  II, when incinerating wastes
containing TCDD and PCBs, are the same as those for the M/T
VULCANUS I.  The reason for this is that the waivers for trial
burns on TCDD and PCBs for the M/T  VULCANUS  II were based,  inpart,
on the determination that the  incinerator equipment used on  the
M/T VULCANUS II is the same as that on the M/T  VULCANUS  I.

In the Research Permit, HO 83-003 only minimum  (or maximum for CO)

operating conditions are specified.  The Research Permit will

establish average operating conditions as a result of the trial

(i) The flow of the mixed chemical wastes into the incinerator
shall not commence or, if the mixed chemical waste flow has been
stopped for any reason, recommence, unless the incinerator wall
temperature is equal to or greater than 1353°C for the M/T
VULCANUS I or for the M/T VULCANIS II is equal to or  greater than
1250°.  If the M/T VULCANUS II is incinerating PCBs,  this
temperature must be 1353°C.
Prior to feeding the waste into the incinerator, a temperature

50°C higher than the average must be attained to provide an

adequate margin of safety against possible transients  in the

operating efficiency of the combustion zone.

(ii) Except as provided in (i) above, wastes may be  fed into  the
incinerator only if the following minimum conditions are met:

  (A) The combustion wall temperature is to be  equal to or  greater
  than 1280°C for the M/T VULCANUS I and 1166°C for  the M/T
  VULCANUS II.  If the M/T VULCANUS II is incinerating wastes with
  TCDD and PCBs then the minimum wall temperature is to be  equal
  to or greater than 1280°C.

  The minimum specified temperatures are based  upon  data collected

  from actual trial burns on both vessels and on data  from  a  large

  number of land-based incinerators.  These values are to  be  used

  as an operating guide to set the temperature  where waste  feed

  should be automatically stopped to the individual  incinerator

  unit in question.  In all cases, auxiliary fuel must be

      automatically substituted for waste feed at a rate to maintain
      the thermal operation of the incinerator until corrective action
      is taken to restore the proper temperature.

      (B) A minimum of 5 percent oxygen  (02) shall  exist in the
      combustion gases.
      EPA is specifying a minimum 5 percent oxygen  level in the
      combustion-gases for  incinerators  of the Vulcanus type  based
      upon a review of existing M/T VULCANUS  I and  II  performance
      data, land-based incinerator data,  and  the  Agency's  liquid PCB
      incineration  regulations  (40 CFR  761.70(a)).

      (C) The  concentration of  carbon monoxide  (CO) in the combustion
      gases shall  not  exceed 100  ppm.
      Carbon monoxide  is  stated as  an  "upper  permit limit  at 100 ppm"
      because  this  represents approximately  a 99.9 percent combustion
      efficiency at a  typical 10 percent carbon dioxide operating
Hii) The average operating conditions are based on the trial burns of
      the M/T  VULCANUS  I and M/T VULCANUS II.
       (A) The  average combustion wall  temperature  is  to be equal to  or
       greater  than 1303°C for the MA VULCANUS I and  1200°C  for the
       M/T VULCANUS II.  If the M/T VULCANUS  II is  incinerating wastes
       with PCBs, then the average wall  temperature is to  be  equal  to

The temperature in the combustion zone 1s an operational
indicator that the incinerator is performing properly.

(B) The average oxygen level in the combustion gases shall be
equal to or greater than 10.1 percent for the MA VULCANUS I and
10.6 percent for the M/T VULCANUS II, except if incinerating
TCDO and PCB, the average oxygen level in the combustion gases
for the M/T VULCANUS II must be equal to or greater than 10.1
The oxygen level in an incinerator combustion chamber or in the
stack gases provides an indication of how well combustion air
flow is adjusted to the needs of the waste combustion process.
Finding oxygen in the combustion gases indicates that combustion
air feed is adequate, while a lack of oxygen would present a
cause for concern that not enough air was being supplied to
oxidize all of the wastes or fuel fed to the incinerator.

M/T VULCANUS I and II data indicate that oxygen concentrations
as low as 3.8 to 5.4 percent have been measured during  trial
burns which demonstrated destruction efficiencies of  greater
than 99.99 percent on the POHCs tested.  The more typical
VULCANUS operating range has been in the 6.4 to greater than  13
percent range with 8 to 11 percent being the center  of  this
range.  The land-based units that EPA has tested or  has
evaluated, have attained destruction  efficiencies at  very
similar ranges of oxygen levels in the combustion chamber  outlet

 duct.   From the extensive data base on all  types of hazardous
 waste  incinerators,  EPA has found that oxygen levels in the
 range  of approximately 5 through 15 percent are a consistently
-successful  operating range for oxygen levels in the combustion

 (C) The average carbon monoxide level in the combustion gases
 shall  be no greater than 8 ppm for the M/T VULCANUS I and 22 ppm
 for the M/T VULCANUS II except if  incinerating TCDD and PCB, the
 average carbon monoxide level in the  stack gases for the M/T
 VULCANUS II must be no greater than 8 ppm.
 Preference is for as low or,  as close to zero  carbon monoxide
 level  as possible.  The  usual performance  of both  M/T  VULCANUS  I
 and II vessels  has  been measured in  the  range  of 3 to  20  ppm of
 carbon monoxide emission with most long  term data  showing a
 tendency for the 8  to  15 ppm range.   The better-performing
 land-based  incinerators  also perform at  the 5  to 10 or 20 ppm
 carbon monoxide range.
 (D) The  mean  residence time of  the mixed chemical  wastes  in the
 incinerator shall  be  on  the order  of 1.0 seconds or longer.
 This  requirement  is included in the permits to be consistent
 with  the London Dumping Convention.  Residence time is a
 parameter which was once felt to be of major significance  in
 developing regulatory policy but is currently overshadowed  by
 the more important parameter of destruction efficiency.  While
  EPA formerly  believed that  residence times  of  2 seconds  or  more

       were  universally  needed  to  achieve  good  destruction  performance
       under both  TSCA and  RCRA permits, the Agency  now  has an
       extensive data base  which indicates that as little as tenths of
       one second  may be sufficient  in well  designed incinerators for
       many kinds  of materials.  RCRA policy has dropped its residence
       time requirements and TSCA has a waiver  provision which
       basically relies  on  destruction removal  efficiency as the
       primary measure of incinerator performance.
    Automatic waste feed shutoff devices must stop the flow of the
    wastes to the incinerators whenever the flame goes out, or whenever
    the minimum operating conditions  specified  for wall  temperature  and
    oxygen or, maximum operating conditions for carbon monoxide  are  not
    achieved or, whenever the  monitoring  devices  for wall  temperature,
    air flow to the incinerators, draft (negative pressure) in the
    combustion  chambers, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide or
    waste feed  flow and/or  auxiliary  fuel  (if  used) fail.   This  is to
    prevent  incomplete  combustion of the  wastes,  provide data  to
    calculate  combustion efficiency  and dwell  time, and prevent  the
    escape  of  emissions other  than  through the plane of the stacks to
    protect  shipboard personnel.
      Before each cruise, the automatic devices shutting off the wastes
      to the incinerators are to be tested.  This assures that these
      devices are in proper working order.

 (c)  Other Operating Conditions

     The condition that  operating  controls  and  monitoring  devices  are
     to be supervised  at  all times  by  appropriately  trained  personnel
     is necessary, in  EPA's judgment,  to  assure the  safe and  efficient
     operation of the  incinerators.

     The condition that there be no black smoke or extension  of  flame
     above the plane of the stack  is a  requirement of the  London
     Dumping Convention.  Black smoke  or  flame  above the stack  is  an
     indication of incomplete combustion.

     The condition that a draft (negative pressure)  of  at  least  one  (1)
      i              *
     inch water column be maintained in each combustion chamber  will
     ensure that sufficient oxygen content  in the combustion  gases
     results only from the operation of the blowers  and also  will
     ensure that combustion emissions  can exit  only  through  the
     incinerator stack plane, thereby  protecting shipboard personnel.

     To assure that the plume is directed toward the stern of the
     vessel  and to assure that the plume does not come  in  contact with
     the Vessel,  the direction and orientation  of the vessel  and the
     vessel's speed plus wind speed must be controlled.  Based on  EPA's
     experience,  the vessel's speed plus wind velocity  must  be at  least
     three  knots  to assure that the plume does  not contact the vessel.

     The addition of ammonia to the plume, when needed, will  assure
     that the plume is visible and that any ships which wander off
     course or which have not heard the "Broadcast to Mariners" will  be
     aware of and avoid the incineration operations.  Visibility of the
     plume is also essential if monitoring activities such as plume
     tracking are conducted in the vicinity of the vessels.

     If tanks are washed, they are to be washed with a combustible
     solvent.  These washings and any tank residues remaining after
     incineration are to be incinerated at-sea or upon return to port
     incinerated in EPA-approved land-based facilities.

     This provision meets the requirements of the TSCA regulation  set
     forth in 40 CFR 761.60 and the TSCA Compliance Program Policy No.
     6 PCB-2 ~ Physical Separation Techniques (August 16, 1983).

     Any wash waters, ballast waters, or  pump-room  bilge water
     determined to be contaminated with organochlorine wastes  beyond
     background levels  (as  determined by  on-board analysis) or  any
     residues (ash) remaining in the incinerator must  be  incinerated
     at-sea or, on return to  port  either  incinerated  in EPA-approved
     land-based facilities  or, alternatively,  treated  according to
     applicable EPA regulations.   In no case  are  these contaminated

     waters or incinerator residues to be discharged directly to the
     ocean or into the harbor.  This provision further ensures all
     possible measures will be taken to protect the environment.

     The requirement that all radio calls be promptly answered, is
     included to make certain that there is continuous communication
     between the vessel and the U.S. Coast Guard, the Captain of the
     Port, Mobile and the Permit Program Manager during transport and
     incineration activities.  It  is essential that any unusual
     circumstances be reported immediately and that instructions on
     handling the unusual circumstances be conveyed to the  vessel.

     During the start up  of  the incinerators  or when  the waste  feed  is
     being switched from  one  tank  to another,  vibrations may  occur.
     Normally minor adjustments to the  operating  controls  should
     eliminate the vibrations.  EPA believes  that  any vibrations  should
     be  immediately investigated  and  corrective  steps taken to
     eliminate the vibrations.  The Principal  Shiprider may terminate
     incineration operations if  in his  opinion,  the vibrations  endanger
     the integrity of the incinerator  system,  the monitoring devices,
     the tanks or, the  vessel  itself.

in. Monitoring and Recording Requirements
     Tamper proof monitoring devices are to record during incineration,
     wall temperature, oxygen in the combustion gases, carbon monoxide
     in the combustion gases, carbon dioxide in the combustion gases,
     flow rates of the mixed chemical wastes and/or auxiliary fuel  (if
     used), time, date, wind speed  and  direction,  and  vessel  position,
     course and speed.  In  EPA's judgment, this information  is needed
     to  verify that  the performance standards  and  operating  conditions
     have been met,  that  the incineration  took place  at  the  designated
     site and  that  there  was no direct  discharge  of wastes  to the

     The monitoring and recording of wall  temperature, oxygen, carbon
     monoxide, carbon dioxide  and waste feed flow and/or auxiliary fuel
      (if used) must be continuous.  Wall temperature, oxygen and carbon
      monoxide are the key parameters which determine  the operating
      efficiency of  the incinerators.   In  addition, carbon dioxide  and
      waste feed flow and/or auxiliary  fuel flow  (if  used) are required
      in order to calculate combustion  efficiency,  dwell  time and
      overall incinerator performance.

  (c)  The continuous monitoring and recording  of  draft (negative
      pressure)  in  the  combustion  chambers will  ensure that Special
      Provision  9(c)(iii) is met.

(d)  The continuous monitoring and recording of air flow to the
     incinerators will  allow for the calculation of dwell  (residence)
     time and ensure that Special Provision 9(a)(iii)(D) is met.

     If the continuous recording devices fail for wall temperature,
     air flow to the incinerators, draft (negative pressure) in the
     combustion chambers, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
     waste feed flow and auxiliary fuel  (if used), the automatic
     devices that shut off the wastes to the incinerator must be
     activated for the reasons described in (b), (c) and (d) above.
     If the monitoring devices fail for measuring time, date, wind
     speed and direction, and vessel position, course and speed, an
     hourly manual log is to be kept until the devices are  repaired.

     Calibration of instruments measuring wall temperature,  air  flow  to
     the incinerators, draft (negative pressure) in the combustion
     chambers, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and  waste feed
     flow and/or auxiliary fuel flow (if used) must be conducted
     according to the manufacturer's specifications.  Calibrations  are
     necessary to assure the devices are giving true  readings.   More
     frequent calibrations than those  specified by  the manufacturer may
     be necessary, if in the opinion of the  Principal Shiprider, the
     vessel has been operating under unusual  circumstances  such  as  long
     and severe vibrations or  in  severe weather.

     Instrument calibrations are to be done according to the
     manufacturer's instructions and a permanent record kept of each
     calibration.   This record will be examined as part of EPA's
     analysis and  evaluation of the monitoring data following each

(h)  (Permits HQ 83-001, HQ 83-002 and HQ 83-003)

     The costs for the monitoring required to assure that the
     Permittees comply with the terms and conditions of the permit is a
     necessary and justifiable cost of business under this Permit and
     is to be paid for by the Permittees.

(h)  (Permit HO. 83-003)

     Destruction efficiency is the  performance  standard  used  by  EPA  in
     determining the ability  of the incinerator to destroy  particular
     compounds in a waste mixture,  in this  case,  DDT,  ODD and DDE.
     Calculations of the destruction  efficiencies of the compounds  are
     performed in accordance  with  the formula  in  Special  Provision  No.
     8 above and in accordance with the  protocols provided  in Appendix
     A of the Permit.

     The Permit Program Manager will  review the qualifications of the
     individual(s) performing the  analyses  and will  have the analyses

     verified by independent experts.   The cost of these analyses are
     borne by the Permittees.

     All raw data generated during any cruise will be part of the
     public domain for independent analysis and evaluation.  The data
     may be examined in the office of the Permit Program Manager.

11. Post-Cruise Reporting Requirements for HO 83-001. HO 83-002

     Within 10 working days  (90 days if destruction efficiency testing
     was required) after the vessels have  returned to the  Port of
     Mobile from an incineration  cruise, the monitoring  data  specified
     in Special Provision  No. 10  is to be  forwarded to the Permit
     Program Manager.  The Permit Program  Manager will  evaluate  the
     data to independently verify that the Permittees met  the
     performance standard(s) and  operating conditions specified  in  the
     permit and that the monitoring devices  functioned  properly.

     Successive  incineration cruises  are  dependent  on  a demonstration
     by the  Permittees  that they  complied with all  provisions and
     requirements  of  the Permit.   Any  repairs, or adjustments in
     procedures  must  be completed by  the  Permittees prior to
     authorization of successive  cruises.  The Permit Program Manager

     must authorize, in writing,  successive cruises.   Although  this
     requirement may cause a delay in incineration  activities,  in EPA's
     judgment, it is essential  to assure that incineration at-sea
     activities are carried out properly.

11. Post-Cruise Reporting Requirements for HQ 83-003

     The Permit Program Manager is responsible for reviewing all of the
     monitoring data, including destruction efficiency results
     submitted by the Permittees to assure that destruction
     efficiencies of 99.99 percent or greater and a combustion
     efficiency of 99.9 percent were attained, and that all other terms
     and operating conditions of the Permit were met.  The 90 day time
     frame for submission of this data  reflects the time  necessary for
     analyzing the monitoring data and  calculating the destruction

12. Contingency  Plan

     The  Contingency Plan  is included  in Appendix  B.   The Contingency
     Plan was  prepared by  the  Permittees and approved by  EPA  and the
     U.S. Coast  Guard.  It  defines the safety precautions taken to
     prevent  incidents,  the type of  incidents and  the response of the
     vessels'  MASTERS, officers  and  crew and Chemical Waste Management
     and Ocean Combustion Service personnel, should an incident occur.
     The type of incidents covered,  whether in the harbor, in
     transport, or at  the incineration site covered in the Contingency
     Plan include stranding, collision, fire and explosion, foundering

    and steering or propulsion failure.  A major focus of the
    Contingency Plan is the steps that will be taken to minimize the
    environmental affect of any incident including the notices to be
    given, the communication networks to be established and the
    responses to be implemented should a particular type  of incident

    The Permit  requires  a  full written  report  of  any_ incident  and  any
    activities  carried out  under  the Contingency  Plan  within  10
    working  days after the termination  of  the  burn in  which the
    incident occurs.   However,  if jettisoning  the cargo due to life
    threatening incidents  is  contemplated  or carried out, immediate
    verbal  notification  of the U.S. Coast  Guard and the Permit Program
    Manager is  required  as provided for in General Provision No. 7.

13.  Reports and Correspondence

     This section provides the names and addresses of  U.S.  Coast Guard
     and EPA Officials who receive  the reports, data and  related
     correspondence specified in  the Permit.

                             APPENDIX 1
                          POHC  CASE  EXAMPLES
     The fallowing examples demonstrate the application of the POHC
selection criteria:



  Chloroform                     3                   >75
  Dichloroethane                 1*                  3'°°
  Dichlorobenzene               8                  4-57
  Chlorophenol                   12                  6-89

      In this case, chloroform should be designated a POHC because of
 its low heat of combustion.  The most abundant constituent,
 dichloroethane, should also be designated a POHC.



    Chlorobenzene                  6                  6.60
    „,.    ,                         4                  7.78
    Phenol                         ^
                                  4                 10.03
    Toluene                        25                10.14

     Chlorobenzene,  the least incinerable constituent,  should  be
efficiency is not achieve for chlorobenzene.



  Tetrachloromethane               .001               -24
  Chloromethane                  8                3.25
  Dichloropropene                8                3»*4
      If chloromethane and dichloropropene are incinerated to a 99.99

         wi?h  tltrabhloromethane  as  the least incinerable POHC.

Institute of Environmental  Research.   The Design  of Public Consultation
     Programs for Hazardous Waste Management Facilities.   Environmental
     Protection Service.  Environment Canada.  Ottawa,  Canada.   June
Marshall, Patricia, ed., Citizen Participation Certification for
     Community Development!" A reader on the citizen participation
      rocess.  National Association of Housing and Redevelopment
       ficials, Washington, D.C. 20037, February 1977.
Torrey, Wayne R., and Mills, Florence W., eds.   Effective Citizen
     Participation in Transportation Planning.  Volume II. A Catalogue
     oPrechniques, U.S. Department of Transportation.  Federal  Highway
     Administration, Washington, D.C. 1976.
