United States
                                Environmental Protection
Office of Water
Regulations and Standards
Washington, DC 20460
                                                Juria, 1985

      This  document is one of a series  of  preliminary assessments dealing
 with chemicals  of potential  concern  in  municipal  sewage  sludge.   The
 purpose  of these documents  is  to:   (a) summarize  the  available  data for
 the constituents  of  potential  concern,  (b)  identify  the  key  environ-
 mental  pathways  for  each  constituent  related  to a  reuse  and'disposal
 option  (based on hazard  indices),  and  (c) evaluate  the  conditions under
^which  such a pollutant  may pose a hazard.  Each  document provides  a sci-
 entific  basis  for  making an  initial determination  of whether  a  pollu-
 tant,  at levels currently observed  in  sludges,  poses  a  likely  hazard  to
 human  health  or  the  environment  when  sludge is disposed  of  by  any  of
 several  methods.   These  methods  include  landspreading on food  chain  or
 nonfood  chain  crops,  distribution  and  marketing  programs,  landfilling,
 incineration and  ocean  disposal.

     These documents  are intended to serve as a rapid screening  tool  to
 narrow an  initial list  of pollutants to those of  concern.   If  a signifi-
 cant hazard  is  indicated by this preliminary analysis,  a  more  detailed
 assessment will  be  undertaken  to  better quantify  the  risk  from  this
 chemical  and to derive criteria  if  warranted.   If a hazard is  shown  to
 be unlikely, no further  assessment  will  be conducted  at  this  time;  how-
 ever,  a  reassessment will  be conducted  after   initial  regulations  are
 finalized.  In no  case,  however,  will  criteria  be derived  solely  on the
 basis of  information  presented  in  this  document.

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS





    Landspreading and Distribution-and-Marketing	  2-1

    Landfilling 	  2-1

    Incineration	  2-2

    Ocean Disposal 	  2-2


    Landspreading and Distribution-and-Marketing 	  3-1

         Effect on soil concentration of tricresyl phosphate
           (Index 1)	  3-1
         Effect on soil biota and predators of soil biota
           (Indices 2-3)	  3-3
         Effect on plants and plant tissue
           concentration (Indices 4-6) 	  3-4
         Effect on herbivorous animals (Indices 7-8) 	  3-6
         Effect on humans (Indices 9-13) 	  3-8

    Landf illing 	  3-13

    Incineration 	  3-13

    Ocean Disposal 	  3-14


    Occurrence 	  4-1

         Sludge 	  4-1
         Soil - Unpolluted 	  4-1
         Water - Unpolluted 	  4-1
         Air 	  4-2
         Food 	  4-2

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS


    Human Effects	  4-2

         Ingestion 	  4-2
         Inhalation 	  4-2

    Plant Effects 	  4-3

    Domestic Animal and Wildlife Effects 	  4-3

         Toxicity 	  4-3
         Uptake 	  4-3

    Aquatic Life Effects	  4-3

    Soil Biota Effects 	  4-3

    Physicochemical Data for Estimating Fate and Transport 	  4-3

5.  REFERENCES	  5-1


                                SECTION 1

     This  preliminary  data  profile  is  one  of  a  series  of  profiles
dealing  with chemical  pollutants  potentially of  concern  in  municipal
sewage sludges.   Tricresyl phosphate  (TCP)  was  initially  identified as
being  of   potential   concern   when  sludge   is   landspread  (including
distribution  and   marketing).*  This   profile  is  a   compilation  of
information  that may  be  useful  in  determining  whether  TCP  poses  an
actual hazard to human health  or the  environment  when sludge is disposed
of by this method.
     The  focus   of  this  document  is  the calculation  of  "preliminary
hazard indices"  for selected  potential exposure  pathways,  as  shown in
Section  3.   Each  index illustrates  the hazard  that could result  from
movement  of a  pollutant  by  a  given  pathway  to  cause  a  given  effect
(e.g., sludge •*•  soil •*• plant uptake •* animal  uptake •*  human  toxicity).
The values and assumptions employed in  these  calculations  tend  to repre-
sent  a  reasonable  "worst  case";  analysis  of  error or uncertainty has
been  conducted  to  a limited degree.   The  resulting  value  in most cases
is  indexed  to  unity;  i.e.,  values >1  may indicate  a  potential  hazard,
depending upon the assumptions  of the calculation.
     The data used  for index calculation have been selected or  estimated
based  on  information  presented  in  the  "preliminary  data  profile",
Section 4.   Information  in  the profile  is based  on a compilation of the
recent literature.   An  attempt has been  made to  fill  out the  profile
outline to  the  greatest  extent possible.  However,  since  this  is  a pre-
liminary analysis, the literature has  not been exhaustively perused.
     The  "preliminary  conclusions" drawn  from each  index in  Section  3
are  summarized  in  Section  2.    The preliminary  hazard  indices  will be
used  as  a  screening tool  to determine which  pollutants  and  pathways may
pose  a hazard.   Where  a potential hazard  is  indicated  by interpretation
of  these  indices,  further analysis will include  a  more  detailed  exami-
nation of  potential risks  as   well  as  an  examination  of  site-specific
factors.    These  more  rigorous  evaluations   may  change the  preliminary
conclusions  presented  in  Section  2,  which  are  based  on  a  reasonable
"worst case" analysis.
     The  preliminary  hazard   indices   for   selected   exposure   routes
pertinent to  landspreading  and  distribution  and marketing  are  included
in  this  profile.   The calculation  formulae  for these indices  are shown
in the Appendix.  The indices  are rounded to two significant figures.
* Listing was determined by a  series  of  expert  workshops  convened during
  March-May,  1984  by  the  Office  of Water  Regulations  and  Standards
  (OWRS) to  discuss landspreading,  landfilling, incineration,  and ocean
  disposal, respectively, of municipal sewage  sludge.

                                SECTION 2

                         MUNICIPAL .SEWAGE SLUDGE
     The  following  preliminary  conclusions  have  been  derived  from the
calculation  of  "preliminary hazard  indices",  which  represent  conserva-
tive or  "worst  case" analyses  of hazard.   The  indices and  their basis
and  interpretation  are  explained  in   Section  3.    Their  calculation
formulae are shown in the Appendix.


     A.   Effect on Soil Concentration of Tricresyl Phosphate

          Assuming a  soil  background  concentration  of  0  Ug/g  DW,  the
          concentration of TCP  in  sludge-amended soil may  be expected to
          increase.  The greatest  increases  in  the TCP  concentration are
          indicated by  the  index values  obtained  when  the  worst-case
          concentration  in  sludge is  assumed  (2  orders of  magnitude
          greater  than  the  values  obtained  for  the  typical  sludge
          concentration) (see Index 1).

     B.   Effect on Soil Biota or Predators of Soil Biota

          Conclusions  were  not  drawn because  index values could  not be

     C.   Effect on Plants and Plant Tissue Concentration

          Conclusions  were  not  drawn because  index values could  not be

     D.   Effect on Herbivorous Animals

          Conclusions  were  not  drawn because  index values could  not be

     E.   Effect on Humans

          Conclusions  were  not  drawn because  index values could  not be


     Based on  the recommendations of  the experts  at  the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May,  1984), an assessment  of  this  reuse/disposal option is
     not being  conducted at  this  time.   The U.S.  EPA reserves  the right
     to conduct such  an assessment for  this option  in the future.


     Based on  the  recommendations -of  the experts  at the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May, 1984),  an assessment of  this reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted  at  this  time.  The U.S. EPA reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.


     Based on  the  recommendations  of  the experts  at the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May, 1984),  an assessment of  this reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted  at  this  time.  The U.S. EPA reserves the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.

                                SECTION 3

                       IN MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE

     A.   Effect on Soil Concentration of Tricresyl Phosphate

          1.   Index of Soil Concentration (index 1)

               a.   Explanation -  Calculates concentrations  in Ug/g  DW
                    of pollutant in sludge-amended  soil.   Calculated for
                    sludges  with  typical  (median,  if  available)  and
                    worst   (95   percentile,   if   available)   pollutant
                    concentrations,  respectively,   for  each  of   four
                    applications.    Loadings (as  dry matter) are  chosen
                    and explained as follows:

                      0 mt/ha  No sludge applied.   Shown  for  all  indices
                               for  purposes of  comparison,  to  distin-
                               guish hazard posed  by  sludge  from  pre-
                               existing   hazard   posed   by   background
                               levels  or other  sources of the pollutant.

                      5 mt/ha  Sustainable yearly agronomic  application;
                               i.e.,  loading  typical   of   agricultural
                               practice,  supplying   ^50  kg   available
                               nitrogen per  hectare.

                     50 mt/ha  Higher  single -application  as  may be  used
                               on public  lands,  reclaimed areas or  home

                    500 mt/ha  Cumulative  loading  after  100  years  of
                               application at 5 mt/ha/year.

               b.   Assumptions/Limitations   -   Assumes   pollutant   is
                    incorporated into  the upper  15  cm of  soil  (i.e.,  the
                    plow  layer),   which  has  an  approximate  mass  (dry
                    matter)  of  2  x  10^ mt/ha  and  is  then  dissipated
                    through first order  processes which  can  be  expressed
                    as a soil half-life.

               c.   Data Used and Rationale

                      i. Sludge concentration of pollutant (SC)

                         Typical    6.85 Ug/g DW
                         Worst   1650     ug/g DW

                         The typical and  worst sludge concentrations  are
                         the median and maximum concentrations reported

          for    TCP    sludges    containing    detectable
          concentrations   from   publicly-owned  treatment
          works  in  Michigan  (Jacobs  and  Zabik,  1983).
          (See Section 4, p. 4-1.)

      ii. Background concentration of pollutant in soil
          (BS) = 0 Ug/g DW

          Data were  not immediately available concerning
          background concentration  of  TCP  in soil.   For
          the  purpose   of   calculating   Index   1,   the
          background  concentration  of  TCP  in  soil  is
          assumed to be 0 Ug/g DW.

     iii. Soil half-life of pollutant (t£) = 82 years
          Under  conditions  of  neutral  pH,  the  half-life
          of TCP  is reported  to be  -r82  years  (Brown et
          al.,  1975).  The  persistence  of  TCP in soils of
          neutral   pH  appears   to   be  related   to  the
          relative  absence  of  available   OH  groups  to
          which  TCP  is  reactive.     At   conditions  of
          elevated  pH  (10),  the  half-life  of  TCP  is
          reported  to  be 30  days  (Brown  et  al . ,  1975).
          (See  Section 4, p. 4-3.)

     Index 1 Values (yg/g DW)

                         Sludge Application Rate (mt/ha)
     Concentration        0        5        50       500
e.   Value  Interpretation  -  Value  equals  the  expected
     concentration in sludge-amended soil.

f.   Preliminary Conclusion -  Assuming a  soil  background
     concentration of 0 Ug/g DW,  the  concentration  of TCP
     in sludge-amended  soil may be expected to  increase.
     The greatest increases in  the TCP concentration are
     indicated  by  the  index  values  obtained  when  the
     worst-case  concentration   in  sludge  is  assumed  (2
     orders of magnitude greater than  the  values  obtained
     for the typical sludge concentration).

B.   Effect on Soil Biota and Predators of Soil Biota

     1.   Index of Soil Biota Toxicity (Index 2)

          a.   Explanation -  Compares  pollutant concentrations  in
               sludge-amended soil with  soil  concentration shown to
               be toxic for some soil organism.

          b.   As sumptions/Limitations -  Assumes pollutant  form in
               sludge-amended  soil   is   equally  bioavailable  and
               toxic as form used  in  study  where toxic effects were

          c.   Data Used and  Rationale

                 i. Concentration of pollutant in sludge-amended
                    soil (Index 1)

                    See Section 3, p. 3-2.

                ii. Soil concentration toxic to soil biota (TB) -
                    Data not  immediately available.

          d.   Index 2  Values  - Values  were  not calculated  due to
               lack, of  data.

          e.   Value Interpretation  - Value equals factor  by which
               expected soil  concentration  exceeds  toxic  concentra-
               tion.  Value >  1  indicates a  toxic  hazard  may exist
               for soil biota.

          f.   Preliminary Conclusion -  Conclusion was  not  drawn
               because  index  values could not  be calculated.

     2.   Index of Soil Biota Predator Toxicity (Index  3)

          a.   Explanation  -   Compares  pollutant  concentrations
               expected in tissues of organisms  inhabiting  sludge-
               amended   soil  with  food  concentration   shown  to  be
               toxic to a predator on soil organisms.

          b.   Assumptions/Limitations  -  Assumes  pollutant  form
               bioconcentrated   by  soil  biota   is  equivalent  in
               toxicity to form used  to  demonstrate   toxic  effects
               in  predator.     Effect  level   in  predator  may  be
               estimated from that in a different species.

          c.   Data Used and  Rationale

               i.   Concentration  of  pollutant  in sludge-amended
                    soil (Index 1)

                    See Section 3, p. 3-2.

               ii.  Uptake factor of pollutant  in  soil  biota (UB) -
                    Data not immediately available.

               iii. Peed    concentration    toxic    to    predator
                    (TR) - Data not immediately available.

          d.   Index 3  Values  - Values  were  not  calculated  due to
               lack of data.

          e.   Value Interpretation - Values equals  factor by which
               expected  concentration  in  soil  biota  exceeds  that
               which is  toxic  to predator.  Value > 1  indicates a
               toxic hazard may exist for predators of  soil biota.

          f.   Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion was  not  drawn
               because index values could not  be calculated.

C.   Effect on Plants and Plant Tissue Concentration

     1.   Index of Phytotoxic Soil Concentration (Index 4)

          a.   Explanation  -  Compares  pollutant  concentrations  in
               sludge-amended    soil    with    the '  lowest    soil
               concentration shown to be toxic  for some  plants.

          b.   Assumptions/Limitations -  Assumes pollutant  form in
               sludge-amended  soil  is   equally  bioavailable  and
               toxic as form used in study  where toxic  effects were
               demons t rated .-

          c.   Data Used and Rationale

                 i. Concentration  of  pollutant  in  sludge-amended
                    soil (Index 1)

                    See- Section 3, p. 3-2.

                ii. Soil concentration toxic to plants  (TP)  - Data
                    not immediately available.

          d.   Index 4  Values  - Values  were not calculated  due to
               lack of data.

          e.   Value Interpretation -  Value equals factor  by which
               soil concentration exceeds  phytotoxic concentration.
               Value > 1 indicates a phytotoxic hazard  may exist.

          f.   Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion was  not  drawn
               because index values  could not be calculated.

     2.   Index of Plant Concentration Caused by Uptake  (Index 5)

          a.   Explanation    -    Calculates    expected     tissue
               concentrations,   in  Ug/g  DW,   in  plants   grown  in

          sludge-amended soil,  using  uptake data  for  the most
          responsive    plant    species   in    the   following
          categories:   (1)  plants  included  in the  U.S.  human
          diet; and  (2) plants  serving  as  animal  feed.   Plants
          used vary according to availability of data.

     b.   Assumptions/Limitations  - Assumes  an uptake  factor
          that is  constant  over all soil  concentrations.   The
          uptake factor  chosen for the  human diet  is  assumed
          to be representative  of  all  crops  (except  fruits) in
          the  human  diet.    The uptake  factor chosen for  the
          animal diet  is  assumed  to  be representative of  all
          crops  in  the  animal diet.    See  also  Index   6  for
          consideration of  phytotoxicity.

     c.   Data Used and Rationale

          i.   Concentration  of  pollutant  in  sludge-amended
               soil (Index  1)

               See Section  3, p. 3-2.

          ii.  Uptake  factor  of  pollutant  in  plant  tissue
               (UP) - Data  not immediately available.

     d.   Index 5  Values - Values  were  not calculated due to
          lack of data.

     e.   Value  Interpretation -   Value  equals  the  expected
          concentration in  tissues  of  plants  grown  in  sludge-
          amended  soil.    However,  any  value  exceeding  the
          value of Index 6  for the  same or  a similar  plant
          species may be unrealistically high  because  it  would
          be precluded by phytoxicity.

     f.   Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion was  not  drawn
          because index values could not be calculated.

3.   Index  of  Plant  Concentration  Permitted  by  Phytotoxicity
     (Index 6)                    .i

     a.   Explanation - The  index  value is the maximum  tissue
          concentration,   in   Ug/g    DW,    associated    with
          phytotoxicity in  the same or  similar plant  species
          used  in  Index  5.    The  purpose  is  to   determine
          whether  the plant  tissue concentrations  determined
          in Index  5 for high  applications  are realistic,  or
          whether  such  concentrations  would  be  precluded  by
          phytotoxicity.  The maximum concentration should be
          the highest at which some plant growth  still  occurs
          (and  thus  consumption  of  tissue   by  animals   is
          possible) but above which consumption by  animals  is

          b.   Assumptions/Limitations   -   Assumes   that   tissue
               concentration  will  be  a  consistent  indicator  of

          c.   Data Used and Rationale

               i.   Maximum  plant  tissue  concentration  associated
                    with  phytoxicity  (PP)  -  Data  not  immediately

          d.   Index 6  Values -  Values  were not calculated  due to
               lack of data.

          e.   Value  Interpretation  -  Value  equals  the  maximum
               plant  tissue  concentration   which  is  permitted  by
               phytotoxicity.   Value  is compared  with values  for
               the same or  similar  plant species given by  Index 5.
               The lowest of  the two  indices  indicates  the maximal
               increase  that  can occur  at   any given  application

          f.   Preliminary  Conclusion -  Conclusion  was  not  drawn
               because index values  could not be calculated.

D.   Effect on Herbivorous Animals

     1.   Index of Animal Toxicity  Resulting from  Plant Consumption
          (Index 7)

          a.   Explanation  -  Compares  pollutant   concentrations
               expected  in  plant  tissues grown in  sludge-amended
               soil with  feed  concentration shown to  be   toxic  to
               wild or domestic herbivorous  animals.   Does  not  con-
               sider  direct  contamination   of   forage  by  adhering

          b.   Assumptions/Limitations  -  Assumes   pollutant   form
               taken up by  plants is  equivalent  in  toxicity to  form
               used to demonstrate  toxic effects in  animal.   Uptake
               or  toxicity  in  specific plants  or  animals  may  be
               estimated from other  species.

          c.   Data Used and Rationale

                 i. Concentration of  pollutant  in plant  grown  in
                    sludge-amended soil (Index 5) - Values  were  not
                    calculated due  to  lack  of data (see Section 3,
                    p. 3-5).

                ii. Feed concentration toxic to herbivorous  animal
                    (TA) - Data  not  immediately available.

          d.   Index 7  Values -  Values  were not calculated due  to
               lack of data.

     e.   Value Interpretation -  Value equals  factor  by which
          expected  plant  tissue  concentration  exceeds  that
          which is  toxic to  animals.   Value  >  1  indicates a
          toxic hazard may exist  for herbivorous animals.

     f.   Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion  was not  drawn
          because index values could not be calculated.

2.   Index of  Animal  Toxicity Resulting  from  Sludge Ingestion
     (Index 8)

     a.   Explanation -  Calculates  the amount  of  pollutant  in
          a  grazing   animal's   diet  resulting   from  sludge
          adhesion  to  forage or  from  incidental  ingestion  of
          sludge-amended  soil  and  compares   this  with  the
          dietary toxic  threshold concentration  for  a grazing

     b.   Assumptions/Limitations   -  Assumes  that  sludge  is
          applied over and  adheres  to  growing  forage,  or that
          sludge  constitutes  5  percent  of  dry matter  in  the
          grazing animal's  diet,  and  that  pollutant   form  in
          sludge  is equally  bioavailable  and  toxic  as  form
          used to demonstrate toxic  effects.   Where  no sludge
          is applied  (i.e.,  0 mt/ha),  assumes diet is  5 per-
          cent soil  as a basis for comparison.

     c.   Data Used and Rationale

            i. Sludge concentration of  pollutant (SC)

               Typical    6.85 Ug/g DW
               Worst   1650     yg/g DW

               See Section 3, p.  3-1.

           ii. Fraction of animal diet assumed to be soil (GS)
               = 5%

               Studies  of  sludge  adhesion  to growing  forage
               following applications of  liquid or filter-cake
               sludge show  that  when  3  to  6  mt/ha of  sludge
               solids  is  applied,   clipped  forage  initially
               consists of  up  to  30 percent  sludge on  a dry-
               weight basis  (Chaney  and Lloyd,  1979;  Boswell,
               1975).   However,  this contamination  diminishes
               gradually with  time  and  growth,  and  generally
               is  not detected in the  following year's growth.
               For  example,  where pastures  amended  at  16 and
               32  mt/ha were  grazed  throughout a  growing sea-
               son  (168 days), average  sludge   content  of for-
               age   was    only    2.14    and    4.75  percent,
               respectively  (Bertrand et al.,  1981).   It seems
               reasonable to  assume  that  animals may  receive

                    long-term  dietary  exposure to  5  percent sludge
                    if  maintained  on  a forage  to  which  sludge is
                    regularly  applied.   This estimate  of  5 percent
                    sludge  is  used regardless  of  application rate,
                    since  the  above  studies did not  show  a clear
                    relationship between  application rate  and  ini-
                    tial  contamination, and  since  adhesion  is  not
                    cumulative yearly because of die-back.

                    Studies  of grazing animals indicate  that  soil
                    ingestion, ordinarily  <10 percent  of dry weight
                    of  diet,  may  reach as  high  as 20  percent  for
                    cattle  and 30 percent  for sheep  during winter
                    months  when  forage  is   reduced  (Thornton  and
                    Abrams,  1983).     If   the   soil   were  sludge-
                    amended, it is conceivable  that  up  to 5 percent
                    sludge may  be  ingested  in  this manner  as well.
                    Therefore,  this  value  accounts  for either  of
                    these scenarios, whether forage  is  harvested or
                    grazed in the field.

               iii. Peed  concentration  toxic to  herbivorous animal
                    (TA) - Data not immediately available.

               Index 8  Values  - Values were not calculated  due to
               lack of data.

               Value Interpretation  -  Value  equals factor  by which
               expected, dietary concentration exceeds  toxic concen-
               tration.   Value  >  1  indicates a  toxic hazard  may
               exist for grazing animals.

               Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion was not  drawn
               because index values could not be calculated.
E.   Effect on Humans
          Index of  Human Toxicity Resulting from  Plant  Consumption
          (Index 9)

          a.   Explanation -  Calculates  dietary intake  expected  to
               result  from  consumption  of crops  grown  on  sludge-
               amended  soil.     Compares   dietary  intake  with  the
               acceptable daily intake (ADI) of the pollutant.

          b.   Assumptions/Limitations - Assumes that  all  crops  are
               grown on  sludge-amended soil and  that  all  those con-
               sidered to be  affected take up the pollutant  at  the
               same  rate.   Divides  possible  variations  in  dietary
               intake into two  categories:,  toddlers  (18  months  to
               3 years) and individuals over 3 years  old.

     c.   Data Used and Rationale

            i. Concentration  of  pollutant  in  plant  grown  in
               sludge-amended soil  (Index 5}  - Values were not
               calculated due  to  lack of data  (see Section 3,
               p. 3-5).

           ii. Daily  human dietary intake  of  affected  plant
               tissue (DT)

               Toddler     74.5 g/day
               Adult      205   g/day

               The  intake  value for  adults  is  based  on  daily
               intake  of  crop   foods   (excluding  fruit)  by
               vegetarians  (Ryan  et  al.,  1982);  vegetarians
               were chosen  to represent  the  worst case.   The
               value for  toddlers  is  based on  the FDA Revised
               Total   Diet   (Pennington,   1983)   and   food
               groupings  listed  by the  U.S.  EPA  (1984).   Dry
               weights   for    individual  food    groups   were
               estimated  from composition  data  given by  the
               U.S. Department  of  Agriculture  (USDA)  (1975).
               These values  were  composited  to  estimate  dry-
               weight  consumption of all non-fruit crops.

         iii.  Average daily  human  dietary  intake of pollutant
               (DI) -  Data not immediately available.

          iv.  Acceptable  daily  intake  of  pollutant  (ADI)  -
               Data not immediately available.

     d.   Index  9  Values  - Values  were  not calculated due  to
          Lack of data.

     e.   Value  Interpretation  -  Value  equals factor  by  which
          expected  intake exceeds  ADI.   Value >  1 indicates  a
          possible  human  health threat.   Comparison  with  the
          null index value  at 0 mt/ha indicates  the  degree  to
          which  any hazard is  due to  sludge application,  as
          opposed to pre-existing dietary sources..

     f.   Preliminary  Conclusion  -  Conclusion  was not  drawn
          because index values could not be  calculated.

2.   Index  of Human  Toxicity  Resulting from Consumption  of
     Animal  Products  Derived  from Animals  Feeding on  Plants
     (Index 10)

     a.   Explanation   -   Calculates   human   dietary   intake
          expected to  result  from pollutant uptake by domestic
          animals  given  feed  grown   on  sludge-amended   soil
          (crop or pasture land)  but  not directly contaminated
          by adhering  sludge.  Compares expected  intake  with


b.   Assumptions/Limitations  -  Assumes   that  all  animal
     products  are  from animals  receiving all  their  feed
     from  sludge-amended  soil.   Assumes that  all  animal
     products  consumed  take  up  the  pollutant  at  the
     highest  rate   observed  for  muscle  of  any  commonly
     consumed  species  or  at  the  rate  observed  for  beef
     liver  or  dairy   products   (whichever   is  higher).
     Divides  possible  variations  in  dietary  intake  into
     two categories:   toddlers (18 months to 3 years) and
     individuals over 3 years old.

c.   Data Used and Rationale

      i.  Concentration  of pollutant  in  plant   grown  in
          sludge-amended soil  (Index 5)  - Values  were not
          calculated due  to  lack of data  (see  Section  3,
          p. 3-5).

     ii.  Uptake  factor  of  pollutant   in  animal  tissue
          (UA) - Data not immediately available.

    iii.  Daily human  dietary intake  of affected  animal
          tissue (DA)

          Toddler    43.7 g/day
          Adult      88.5 g/day

          The fat intake values  presented, which  comprise
          meat,  fish,  poultry,  eggs and milk  products,
          are  derived  from  the  FDA Revised  Total  Diet
          (Pennington,   1983),  food  groupings  listed  by
          the U.S.  EPA (198A) and  food  composition  data
          given by USDA (1975).   Adult  intake  of  meats  is
          based on  males  25  to  30  years of  age  and  that
          for milk  products  on  males  14  to  16  years  of
          age# the  age-sex  groups with  the  highest  daily
          intake.    Toddler  intake  of   milk  products  is
          actually   based  on  infants,   since  infant  milk
          consumption is the highest among that age  group
          (Pennington,  1983).

     iv.  Average daily human  dietary intake of  pollutant
          (DI) - Data not immediately available.

      v.  Acceptable daily intake  of  pollutant  (ADI)  -
          Data not  immediately  available.

d.   Index 10 Values -  Values  were not  calculated due  to
     lack of data.

e.   Value Interpretation - Same  as  for  Index 9.

f.   Preliminary Conclusion  - Conclusion was  not drawn
     because index  values  could not  be  calculated.

3.   Index  of  Human  Toxicity  Resulting  from  Consumption  of
     Animal  Products  Derived  from  Animals   Ingesting  Soil
     (Index 11)

     a.   Explanation  -   Calculates   human   dietary   intake
          expected  to  result   from  consumption   of   animal
          products derived  from  grazing animals-  incidentally
          ingesting  sludge-amended  soil.    Compares  expected
          intake with ADI.

     b.   Assumptions/Limitations  -  Assumes  that  all  animal
          products  are  from  animals   grazing   sludge-amended
          soil, and that all  animal  products consumed  take  up
          the  pollutant   at   the  highest  rate  observed  for
          muscle  of  any  commonly consumed species  or at  the
          rate   observed   for  beef   liver  or   dairy  products
          (whichever is higher).   Divides  possible  variations
          in dietary   intake  into two   categories:    toddlers
          (18 months  to 3 years)  and  individuals over  3  years

     c.   Data  Used and Rationale

            i.  Animal tissue  - Data not  immediately available.

           ii.  Sludge concentration of  pollutant (SC)

               Typical     6.85 yg/g  DW
               Worst    1650     yg/g  DW

               See Section  3,  p.  3-1.

          iii.  Background  concentration  of pollutant  in  soil
               (BS) = 0 Ug/g  DW

               See.Section  3,  p.  3-2.

          iv.  Fraction of animal diet  assumed  to be soil (GS)
               = 5%

               See Section  3,  p.  3-7.

            v.  Uptake  factor  of  pollutant  in  animal  tissue
               (UA) - Data  not immediately available.

           vi.  Daily human dietary  intake  of  affected  animal
               tissue (DA)

               Toddler     39.4 g/day
               Adult       82.4 g/day

               The affected tissue intake value is  assumed  to
               be from the  fat  component  of meat  only  (beef,
               pork,    lamb,    veal)     and    milk    products

               (Pennington,  1983).    This is  a  slightly  more
               limited choice than  for  Index  10.   Adult intake
               of meats  is based  on  males 25  to 30  years  of
               age and  the intake  for  milk products  on males
               14 to  16  years  of age,  the age-sex  groups  with
               the highest daily  intake.   Toddler  intake  of
               milk  products  is  actually  based  on  infants,
               since  infant  milk  consumption  is the  highest
               among that age group (Pennington, 1983).

          vii. Average daily human  dietary  intake of pollutant
               (DI) - Data not immediately available.

         viii. Acceptable daily intake of pollutant (ADI) -
               Data not immediately available.

     d.   Index 11 Values  -  Values were  not  calculated  due  to
          lack of data.

     e.   Value Interpretation - Same  as for Index 9.

     f.   Preliminary  Conclusion -  Conclusion was  not  drawn
          because index values could not be calculated.

4.   Index of Human Toxicity from Soil Ingestion (Index 12)

     a.   Explanation -  Calculates  the  amount  of  pollutant  in
          the  diet  of a  child  who ingests  soil   (pica  child)
          amended with sludge.   Compares this  amount with ADI.

     b.   Assumptions/Limitations  -  Assumes   that   the  pica
          child  consumes  an  average  of  5  g/day  of  sludge-
          amended soil.  If an ADI  specific for a child  is not
          available,   this  index assumes  the  ADI   for  a 10  kg
          child is the same  as  that for a 70 kg  adult.   It  is
          thus  assumed   that   uncertainty  factors   used  in
          deriving the  ADI provide protection  for  the  child,
          taking  into  account the  smaller body  size and any
          other differences in sensitivity.

     c.   Data Used and Rationale

            i. Concentration  of  pollutant  in  sludge-amended
               soil (Index 1)

               See Section 3, p.  3-2.

           ii. Assumed amount of soil  in human diet (DS)

               Pica child    5    g/day
               Adult          0.02 g/day

               The value  of  5  g/day  for a  pica  child  is  a
               worst-case  estimate  employed   by   U.S.   EPA's

                         Exposure  Assessment  Group  (U.S.  EPA,  1983).
                         The  value  of  0.02  g/day for  an  adult  is  an
                         estimate from U.S. EPA, 1984.

                    iii. Average daily human  dietary  intake  of pollutant
                         (DI) - Data not  immediately available.

                     iv. Acceptable daily  intake  of  pollutant  (ADI)  -
                         Data not immediately available.

               d.   Index 12 Values -  Values were not calculated  due  to
                    lack of data.

               e.   Value Interpretation  -  Same as for Index  9.

               f.   Preliminary  Conclusion -  Conclusion  was  not  drawn
                    because index values  could not be calculated.

          5.   Index of Aggregate Human Toxicity (index 13)

               a.   Explanation  -  Calculates  the  aggregate  amount  of
                    pollutant in  the  human diet resulting from  pathways
                    described in  Indices 9 to 12.  Compares  this  amount
                    with ADI.

               b.   Assumptions/Limitations - As described for Indices  9
                    to 12.

               c.   Data Used and Rationale - As  described for Indices  9
                    to 12.

               d.   Index 13 Values -  Values were not calculated  due  to
                    lack of data.

               e.   Value Interpretation  -  Same as for Index  9.

               f.   Preliminary  Conclusion -  Conclusion  was  not  drawn
                    because index values  could not be calculated.


     Based  on  the  recommendations  of  the  experts  at  the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May, 1984),  an  assessment of  this  reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this time.   The U.S. EPA  reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.


     Based  on  the  recommendations  of  the  experts  at  the OWRS  .meetings
     (April-May, 1984),  an  assessment of  this  reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this time.   The U.S. EPA  reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.


     Based on  the  recommendations  of  the experts  at  the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May, 1984),  an  assessment of  this  reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this  time.   The U.S. EPA  reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.

                              SECTION 4

                      IN MUNICIPAL SEWAGE  SLUDGE

   A.   Sludge
        1.   Frequency of Detection

             Found in 162 of 235 sludges from
             more than 200 Michigan POTWs
        2.   Concentration
                                 0.069 Ug/g DW
          Median of all
            detected values:  6.85  Ug/g DW
        .  Mean:              39.9   Ug/g DW
          Maximum          1650     Ug/g DW

B.   Soil - Unpolluted

     Data not immediately available.

C.   Water - Unpolluted

     1.   Frequency of Detection

          Data not immediately available.

     2.   Concentration

          a.   Freshwater

               Data not immediately available.

          b.   Seawater

               Data not immediately available.

          c.   Drinking water

               Survey of 29 Canadian

               Frequency of detection - 23%
               Range 0.7 to 4.3
                                                   Jacobs and
                                                   Zabik., 1983
                                                   (p. 425)
Jacobs and
Zabik., 1983
(p. 425)
                                                      Williams  and
                                                      LeBel,  1981 .
                                                      (pp.  452-454)

    D.   Air

         Data not immediately available.

    E.   Pood

         Data not immediately avaialble.


    A.   Ingestion

         1.   Carcinogenicity

              Data not immediately available.

         2.  "Chronic Toxicity

              a.   ADI

                   Data not immediately available.

              b.   Effects

                   Lowest lethal dose observed for
                   humans by oral ingestion =
                   1.0 g/kg

                   Ingestion of 6 to 7 mg/kg TCP
                   has resulted in severe delayed
                   paralysis presumably resulting
                   from demyelination of nerve cells.

         3.   Absorption Factor

              Data not immediately available.

         4.   Existing Regulations

              Data not immediately available.

    B.   Inhalation

         1.   Carcinogenicity

              Data not immediately available.

         2.   Chronic Toxicity

              a.   Inhalation Threshold or MPIH

                   See below,  "Existing Regulations."
1978 (p. 2)
1978 (p. 1)

          2.   Chronic Toxicity

               a.   Inhalation Threshold or MPIH

                    See below, "Existing Regulations."

               b.   Effects

                    Data not immediately available.

          3.   Absorption Factor

               Data not immediately available.

          4.   Existing Regulations

              " OSHA Standard 100 ug  TCP/m3/day
               (averaged over S hours)


     Data not immediately available.


     A.   Toxicity

          LC5Q 1 mg/kg subcutaneous (rat)
          LC5Q 1900 to 2000 yg/kg oral (mouse)
          LC5Q 12.1 g/kg oral (rat)
          Tolerated dose 0 to 200 Ug/kg oral (cat)
                                                   1978 (p. 1)
                                                   Brown et al. ,
                                                   1975 (p. 138)
     B.   Uptake

          Data not immediately available.

     Data not immediately available.


     Data not immediately available.


                                                        Uodgman et al.,
Molecular wt,
Melting pt.:
Boiling pt.:
 (CH3C6H4)3 P04
368.36  1960

very soluble
very soluble
     Soil  half-life:   82  years
                                                   Brown et al.,
                                                   1975 (p. 139)

                                SECTION 5

Bertrand, J. E., M. C. Lutrick, G. T.  Edds  and  R.  L.  West.   1981.  Metal
     Residue  in Tissues,  Animal   Performance  and  Carcass  Quality  with
     Beef  Steers  Grazing   Pensacola   Bahiagrass  Pastures  Treated  with
     Liquid Digested Sludge.  J. Ani.  Sci.  53:1.

Boswell,  F.  C.   1975.   Municipal  Sewage Sludge  and  Selected  Element
     Applications  to  Soil:   Effect  on  Soil  and  Fescue.   J.  Environ.
     Qual.  4(2):267-273.

Brown,  S.  L.,  F.  Y.  Chan,  and J. L. Jones,  et  al.   1975.    Research
     Program on Hazard Priority Ranking of  Manufactured Chemicals, Phase
     II.   National  Science Foundation,  Washington,  D.C.    PB-263-162,

Chaney,  R.  L.,  and C.  A.  Lloyd.    1979.    Adherence  of  Spray-Applied
     Liquid Digested  Sewage Sludge to Tall Fescue.   J. Environ.  Qual.
     8(3): 407-411.

Hodgman, C. D., R. C. Weast, and S. M.  Selby  (eds.).   1960.   Handbook of
     Chemistry  and  Physics, 42nd  ed.    Chemical  Rubber Publishing  Co.,
     Cleveland, OH.  3481 pp.

Jacobs, L. W.,  and M.  J. Zabik.   1983.  The Importance of  Sludge-Borne
     Organic Chemicals  for Land Application  Programs.   Proc. 6th  Ann.
     Madison  Conf.  of Applied  Research  and  Practice  on  Municipal  and
     Industrial Waste,  Madison,  WI.  September.

Pennington, J. A. T.  1983.  Revision  of  the Total  Diet Study  Food Lists
     and Diets.  J. Am.  Diet.  Assoc.  82:166-173.

Ryan, J. A., H. R.  Pahren,  and  J.  B.  Lucas.  1982.   Controlling  Cadmium
     in the  Human  Food Chain:   A  Review and  Rationale Based  on Health
     Effects.  Environ.  Res. 28:251-302.

Thornton, I., and P. Abrams.  1983.  Soil Ingestion -  A Major  Pathway of
     Heavy Metal into Livestock Grazing Contaminated  Land.   Sci.   Total
     Environ.  28:287-294.

NIOSH/OSHA.  1978.  Occupational Health Guidelines  for Chemical Hazards.
     U.S. Government Printing  Office,  Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department  of   Agriculture.      1975.     Composition   of   Foods.
     Agricultural Handbook  No.  8.

U.S. Environmental   Protection  Agency.    1983.    Assessment   of  Human
     Exposure  to  Arsenic:    Tacoma,   Washington.     Internal   Document.
     OHEA-E-075-U.     Office  of Health  and   Environmental  Assessment.
     Washington, D.C.   July 19.

U.S. Environmental  Protection  Agency.   1984.   Air Quality  Criteria for
     Lead.   External Review  Draft.    EPA 600/8-83-028B.   Environmental
     Criteria  and  Assessment  Office.    Research  Triangle  Park, . NC.

Williams,  D.  T.,   and  G.  L.  LeBel.    1981.    A  National  Survey  of
     Tri(haloalky)-,  Trialkyl-,   and   Triarylphosphates   in   Canadian
     Drinking Water.  Bull. Environ.  Contam.  Toxicol.   27:450-457.


                      IN MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE

   A.  Effect on Soil Concentration of Tricresyl Phosphate

       1.  Index of Soil Concentration (Index 1)

           a.  Formula

                     (SC x AR)  + (BS x MS)
               Cbs ~        AR  + MS

               CSr = CSS  [1 + 0


                    CSS = Soil   concentration  of  pollutant   after   a
                          single   year's    application    of    sludge
                          (Ug/g DW)
                    CSr = Soil   concentration  of  pollutant  after  the
                          yearly   application   of  sludge   has   been
                          repeated for n +  1  years (ug/g- DW)
                    SC  = Sludge concentration of pollutant  (Ug/g DW)
                    AR  = Sludge application  rate (mt/ha)
                    MS  = 2000   mt  ha/DW  =  ass'umed  mass  of  soil  in
                          upper 15 cm                      .
                    BS  = Background  concentration  of   pollutant   in
                          soil  (Ug/g DW)
                    t^.  = Soil  half-life of pollutant  (years)
                    n   =99 years

           b.  Sample calculation

               CSS is calculated for AR = 0,  5,  and 50  mt/ha  only

           n m7 ,, /  nu - (6.85 Ug/g DW x  5  mt/ha) +  (0  Ug/g DW x 2000 mt/ha)
           0.017 ug/g DW - 	     (5 mt/ha DW + 2000 mt/ha  DW)

               CSr is calculated for AR = 5 mt/ha applied  for  100 years

   1.16 yg/g DW = 6.85 Ug/g DW [1 + 0.5(1/82)  + 0.5(2/82)  + ...  +


B.  Effect on Soil Biota and Predators of Soil Biota

    1.  Index of Soil Biota Toxicity (Index 2)

        a.  Formula

                   .   Il
            Index 2 = —


                 II  = Index 1 = Concentration of pollutant in
                       sludge-amended soil (ug/g DW)
                 TB  = Soil  concentration   toxic   to   soil   biota
                       (Ug/g DW)

        b.  Sample calculation  -  Values  were not calculated  due to
            lack, of data.

    2.  Index of Soil Biota Predator Toxicity (Index 3)

        a.  Formula

                  ,   II x UB
            Index 3 = ——	


                 II  = Index 1 = Concentration of pollutant in
                       sludge-amended soil (ug/g DW)
                 UB  = Uptake  factor of  pollutant  in  soil  biota
                       (yg/g tissue DW [Ug/g  soil DW]'1)
                 TR  = Feed  concentration  toxic to  predator  (ug/g

        b.  Sample calculation  -  Values  were not calculated  due to
            lack of data.

C.  Effect on Plants and Plant Tissue Concentration

    1.  Index of Phytotoxic Soil Concentration (Index 4)

        a.  Formula

            Index 4 = —


                 T!   = Index 1 = Concentration of pollutant in
                       sludge-amended soil (yg/g DW)
                 TP   = Soil concentration toxic to plants (ug/g DW)

        b.  Sample  calculation -  Values  were not calculated  due  to
            lack of  data.

    2.  Index of Plant Concentration Caused by Uptake (Index 5)

        a.  Formula

            Index 5  = !]_ x UP


               1^ =  Index 1 = Concentration of pollutant  in
                  sludge - amended soil  (ug/g DW)
               UP =  Uptake factor of pollutant in plant  tissue
                     (Ug/g tissue DW [Ug/g soil DW]"1)

        b.  Sample  Calculation -  Values  were not calculated  due  to
            lack of  data.

    3.  Index  of   Plant  Concentration   Increment  Permitted   by
        Phytotoxicity (Index 6)

        a.  Formula

            Index 6  = PP


                 PP   = Maximum plant  tissue  concentration associ-
                       ated with  phytotoxicity (ug/g DW)

        b.  Sample  calculation -  Values  were not calculated  due  to
            lack of  data.

D.  Effect on Herbivorous Animals

    1.  Index of Animal Toxicity  Resulting  from Plant  Consumption
        (Index 7)

        a.  Formula

            Index 7  =
                 15   =  Index  5   =   Concentration  of  pollutant   in
                       plant grown  in sludge-amended  soil  (pg/g DW)

                 TA  = Feed  concentration   toxic   to   herbivorous
                       animal (ug/g DW)

        b.  Sample calculation. -  Values  were not calculated  due to
            lack of data.

    2.  Index  of  Animal  Toxicity Resulting  from Sludge  Ingestion
        (Index 8)

        a.  Formula

            If AR = 0; Index 8=0

            If AR * 0; Index 8 =  SC *S

                 AR  = Sludge application rate (mt DW/ha)
                 SC  = Sludge concentration of pollutant  (ug/g DW)
                 GS  = Fraction of animal diet assumed to  be soil
                 TA  = Feed  concentration   toxic  to  herbivorous
                       animal (ug/g DW)

        b.  Sample calculation -  Values  were not calculated  due  to
            lack of data.

B.  Effect on Humans

    1.  Index  of  Human Toxicity  Resulting  from Plant Consumption
        (Index 9)

        a. .  Formula

                      (-I5  x  DT)   * DI
            Index 9 = - — -

                 15  = Index   5  =  Concentration  of   pollutant   in
                       plant  grown in sludge-amended  soil  (pg/g DW)
                 DT  = Daily  human dietary intake of  affected plant
                       tissue (g/day DW)
                 DI  = Average daily human dietary intake  of
                       pollutant  (ug/day)
                 ADI - Acceptable  daily intake of pollutant

        b.  Sample   calculation   (toddler)   -  Values   were  not
            calculated due to lack of data.

2.  Index   of  Human   Tozicity/Cancer   Risk  Resulting   from
    Consumption of Animal  Products  Derived  from Animals Feeding
    on Plants (Index 10)

    a.  Formula

                   (Is  x  UA x DA)  + DI
      '  IndeX 10 - 	ADI	


             15  = Index  5  =  Concentration  of  pollutant  in
                   plant grown in sludge-amended soil (ug/g DW)
             UA  = Uptake  factor of pollutant in  animal  tissue
                   (Ug/g tissue DW  [ug/g  feed OW]"1)
             DA  = Daily   human  dietary   intake   of   affected
                   animal  tissue (g/day  DW) (milk  products and
                   meat, poultry, eggs, fish)
             DI  = Average daily human dietary intake of
                   pollutant (ug/day)
             ADI = Acceptable daily intake of pollutant

    b.  Sample  calculation   (toddler)   -  Values   were   not
        calculated due to lack of data.

3.  Index  of  Human  Toxicity  Resulting   from  Consumption  of
    Animal Products  Derived from Animals  Ingesting  Soil  (Index

    a.  Formula

      '  ,- AD   n. T A    n        (BS  x GS  x UA x  DA)  + DI
        If AR = 0; Index  11  = 	rrrr	

        Tr AD J. n  T j    n      (SC x GS x  UA x DA) +  DI
        If AR r 0; Index  11  =


             AR  = Sludge application rate (mt  DW/ha)
             SC  = Sludge concentration of pollutant (ug/g DW)
             BS  = Background  concentration  of   pollutant  in
                   soil (ug/g DW)
             GS  = Fraction of animal diet assumed  to be soil
             UA  = Uptake  factor of pollutant  in  animal  tissue
                   (Ug/g tissue DW  [ug/g feed DW]~1)
             DA  = Daily   human  dietary   intake  of   affected
                   animal  tissue (g/day DW) (milk  products and
                   meat only)
             DI  = Average daily human dietary  intake of
                   pollutant (ug/day)
             ADI = Acceptable daily intake of pollutant

    b.  Sample   calculation   (toddler)   -   Values  were   not
        calculated due to lack of data.

A.  Index  of  Human  Toxicity  Resulting  from  Soil  Ingestion
    (Index 12)

    a.  Formula

                   (Ii x  DS)  + DI
        Index 12 = 	—	


             II  - Index 1 = Concentration   of   pollutant   in
                   sludge-amended soil (ug/g DW)
             DS  = Assumed amount of soil in human diet  (g/day)
             DI  = Average daily human dietary intake of
                   pollutant (ug/day)
             ADI = Acceptable daily intake of pollutant

    b.  Sample   calculation   (toddler)   -   Values  were   not
        calculated due to lack of data.

5.  Index of Aggregate Human Toxicity/Cancer Risk (Index 13)

    a.  Formula

        Index 13 = I9 + I10 +  In + 112  ~ <


             Ig  = Index   9 =  Index   of  human  toxicity/cancer
                   risk   resulting   from   plant   consumption
             I10 = Index  10 =  Index   of  human  toxicity/cancer
                   risk  resulting  from   consumption  of  animal
                   products  derived  from  animals  feeding  on
                   plants (unitless)
             111 = Index 11  =  Index   of  human  toxicity/cancer
                   risk  resulting  from   consumption  of  animal
                   products derived from  animals  ingesting  soil
             Il2 = Index 12 =  Index  of  human  toxicity/cancer
                   risk    resulting   from    soil    ingestion
             DI  = Average  daily  human   dietary  intake   of
                   pollutant (ug/day)
             ADI = Acceptable daily intake of pollutant

    b.  Sample   calculation   (toddler)   -   Values  were   not
        calculated due to lack of data.


     Based on  the recommendations  of  the  experts  at the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May,  1984),  an assessment  of  this reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this  time.  The U.S. EPA reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.


     Based on  the recommendations  of  the  experts  at the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May,  198A),  an assessment  of  this reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this  time.  The U.S. EPA reserves  the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.


     Based on  the recommendations  of  the  experts  at the OWRS  meetings
     (April-May,  1984),  an assessment  of  this reuse/disposal option  is
     not being  conducted at  this  time.  The U.S. EPA reserves the right
     to conduct such an assessment for this option in the future.
