When poorly treated sewage is discharged into our
waterways there can be serious consequences for the
entire community.  For example:

      1 Drinking water supplies are threatened, lead-
        ing to health emergencies and the resulting
        concern by citizens.

     O Local waterways become polluted with germs
        and toxic chemicals, rendering them  unsafe
        for swimming, fishing and boating.

     O Community growth and development are
        restricted,  causing a decline in land values
        and erosion of the tax  base.

     A In some cases, cities find themselves faced
        with a cut-off or severe reduction in Federal
        funds until sewage problems are  corrected.
                                                                                                                                                        United Slates
                                                                                                                                                        Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                   March 1979
                                                                                                                   OPA 140/8
EPA is charged by Congress to protect the Nation's land, air and water
systems. Under a mandate of national environmental laws focused on air
and water quality, solid waste management and the control of toxic
substances, pesticides, noise and radiation, the Agency strives to formulate
and implement actions which lead to a compatible balance between human
activities and the ability of natural systems to support and nurture life.
If you have suggestions, questions,
or requests for further information, they
may be directed to your nearest
EPA Regional public information office.
EPA Region 1 • JFK
Federal Bldg. •  Boston
MA 02203 • Connec
ticut, Maine, Massachu-
setts, New Hampshire,
Rhode  Island,  Vermont •

EPA Region 2 • 26
Federal Plaza •  New
York NY  10007 • New
Jersey, New York, Puer-
to Rico, Virgin Islands •

EPA Region 3 • 6th
and Walnut Streets •
Philadelphia PA 19106
• Delaware, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, Virginia,
West Virginia, District of
Columbia  • 215-597-9814
EPA Region 4 • 345
Courtland Street NE •
Atlanta GA 30308 •
Alabama,  Georgia,
Florida, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South
Carolina, Tennessee,
Kentucky  • 404-881-4727

EPA Region 5 • 230 S.
Dearborn • Chicago IL
60604 • Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Michigan, Wiscon-
sin, Minnesota •

EPA Region 6 • 1201
Elm Street •  Dallas TX
75270 • Arkansas, Loui-
siana, Oklahoma, Texas,
New Mexico •
EPA Region 7 • 324
East 11th Street •
Kansas City MO 64106
• Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska •

EPA Region 8 • 1860
Lincoln Street •
Denver CO 80295* Col-
orado,  Utah, Wyoming,
Montana, North Dakota,
South Dakota •

EPA Region 9 • 215
Fremont Street • San
Francisco CA 94105 •
Arizona, California,
Nevada, Hawaii,  Guam,
American  Samoa, Trust
Territories of the Pacific
• 415-556-2320

EPA Region 10 • 1200
Sixth Avenue •  Seattle
WA 98101 • Alaska,
Idaho, Oregon, Washing-
ton • 206-442-1220
                                                AEPA     Maintaining
                                                                  Clean  Water
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                                                                       Recent studies reveal the startling fact that over half of the nation's wastewater treatment plants are not oper-
                                                                       ating as well as they should. As a result, inadequately treated sewage is being discharged into streams, rivers
                                                                       and  lakes. The problem, in many cases, is traced to improper operation and maintenance at the treatment
                                                                       plant. Poor operation and  maintenance is often the'result of public apathy and/or neglect. Increased public
                                                                       interest in well operated treatment plants can be the first step in improving performance.

                                                                       Here are specific steps you as a city official or concerned citizen can take to help improve the operation and
                                                                       maintenance of your wastewater treatment plant:
                                                                     I Learn about the operation — and the prob-
                                                                       lems — of your local wastewater treatment

                                                                    O Determine whether your plant effluent meets
                                                                     • Federal and  state requirements.

                                                                    O Decide what your needs are.

                                                                    A  Consult a waste treatment specialist in your
                                                                       local engineering community.

                                                                     I Use the experience and know-how of engi-
                                                                       neering consultants, equipment manufac-
                                                                       turers and suppliers to investigate operational
                                                                       problems and recommend solutions.

                                                                     * Examine alternative solutions  for improving
                                                                       your plant O&M.
Elliott Bay, Seattle, Washington.
(Compare the cost effectiveness of alterna-

Insist on qualified managers, skilled operators,
adequate equipment and sufficient operating

Involve other citizens as well as the business
and civic leaders of your community through
an educational program about your plant.

Write for a list of technical manuals covering
operation, maintenance, staffing and trouble-
shooting of wastewater treatment facilities.

For additional information, write:
Municipal Operation Branch (WH-596)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington,  D.C. 20460
                                                                                                                          Left. Treatment plant at Lake Tahoe on the
                                                                                                                          California-Nevada border. Above. Techni-
                                                                                                                          cians review procedures at Hinsdale, Il-
                                                                                                                          linois, treatment plant.
