



The Marine Protection, Research,  and

 Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as Amended

          (33 U. S.C.  1401)
          Washington, D.C.
           September 1974

                            Table of Contents •


I.     Introduction and Executive Summary                     2

II.    Statutory Authorities                                   10

III.   General Program Approach                            12

IV.   Present Operational Mechanisms and Procedures        19

V.    Ocean Dumping Permit Program  Status                 23

VI.   Some Additional Plans for EPA Programs Pursuant
      to Title 1, Marine  Protection, Research and
      Sanctuaries Act, as amended                           32


      1.  A Comparison  of Similarities and Differences in
          the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries
          Act, as amended,  and the Federal Water Pollution
          Control Act, as amended   ..                        33

      2.  Ocean Dumping Permits Not Granted or Being
          Phased Out     '                                  37
                              - 1 -


   In 1969 and  1970  considerable  public concern  was aroused by a
number of incidents  involving the ocean disposal of nerve  gas and
other warfare agents. This interest led to the [-Reparation of a report
by the Couns-il on Environmental Quality (CEQ)  which addressed the
magnitude and nature of the entire ocean dumping problem and pro-
posed methods,  both  technological and legislative,- -to- deal • with it-.-—
At that time, prior to passage of the Marine Protection, Research
and Sanctuaries  Act  of 1972, responsibility for the control of ocean
dumping from certain ports was largely vested in/ti^e  U.S.  Army
Corps of Engineers (CE), and to a  much lesser extent in the Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC) and the U.S.  Coast Guard. The respon-
sibilities of the  Federal Water  Pollution Control Administration,
though  substantial,  were  geared to continuous, discharges and to
a  different and  narrower geographic area.

    CEQ's recommendations were to enact new legislation to:

    - establish a permit system for ocean  dumping based on envi-
ronmental effects;

    -- broaden the geographic coverage; and

    -- vest responsibility in an agency  oriented toward  environmen-
tal considerations.

    These recommendations were embodied in the Marine Protection,
Research and Sanctuaries Act. The Federal Water Pollution Control
Act (FWPCA) Amendments of 1972  also regulates the disposal of mat-
erial into the marine environment by requiring the promulgation of
criteria to prevent degradation  of the marine environment  (Section
403) and their required  application in  the issuance of  permits for
outfall  disposal.  The language  of the criteria as presented  in the
two  laws is  slightly  different,  as  is  their arrangement. The basic
thrust intended by the Congress  is clear,  however.  Appendix 1 com-
pares the similarities and differences in the two laws insofar as ocean
disposal and ocean dumping are concerned.

    During this same period international negotiations for the develop-
ment of  an international treaty to  regulate the dumping of wastes in
the marine environment were being conducted.  In December 1972, the
United States signed the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pol-
lution by Dumping of Wastes and  Other Matter, and the Senate gave
its consent to ratification of the Convention in August,  1973.  There
were some  minor inconsistencies between the Treaty, commonly
called the International Ocean Dumping  Convention, and  the domestic
legislation  which were  rectified by  the passage of  PL 93-254 on
March 22, 1974.
                               - 2 -

    In its passage, of these laws'and in ratification of the Treaty, the
Congress made the national  commitment  for  the protection of the
ocean, as well as inland and near-coastal waters.

    It was apparent that the Congress  took  the view that protection of
the marine environment was  of  immediate concern in requiring that
criteria be  developed based on the presently known impact of waste
materials on the oceans.  At that time, however, only 10 of the 200
dumping sites in use  had ever been studied in any respect, and most
of the other  considerable ocean  research  had been  directed  toward
primarily theoretical  oceanographic problems and phenomena.  As a
consequence of this, there is a great dearth of knowledge on the im-
pact of wastes,  a condition which must be rectified at the same time
the permit progrm is in operation.  The   Environmental Protection
Agency's  (EPA) efforts  to meet its  responsibilities under  the Act
are therefore  undertaken with the realization that modifications of
the various program aspects can be expected in the future.

   The Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, as amended
prohibits  the  dumping of high-level radioactive wastes  and  all bio-
logical, chemical,  and  radiological warfare agents into the oceans.
The dumping of other  wastes except dredged materials is to be strictly
regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. The goal has been
the regulation of* all  ocean dumping in such  a manner as to prevent
any permanent  damage  to the marine environment at any dump site
and  to allow  only temporary  minor  perturbations  during  actual
dumping operation.

    The general approach was to  establish interim procedures and
criteria for the issuance or denial of permits on a general basis and
then to promulgate final  regulations and criteria as rapidly as cir-
cumstances  permitted.   These were  promulgated October 15, 1973.

    The long-range  strategy  for the  program envisions sequential
steps based on the achievement of intermediate  operational goals.
This strategy  is summarized in Exhibit A.   Briefly, the steps include
the following:   .

    First, efforts were aimed at the development of procedures for
the issuance or  denial of ocean dumping permits.  EPA published in-
terim procedures  on April 5, 1973.  These  included, as an interim
measure, a shortened period for  public notice and hearings.  The
final regulations, published October 15,  1973, were based on initial
operating experience  with the  program and  on public comment on the
interim regulations.   Some additional modifications will be made in
the future as additional operating experience is gained.

    Second,  EPA has  published  criteria which established the basis
upon which permits are issued or denied.   These include quantitative
                               - 3 -

                                                                                EXHIBIT A
                                                                        OCEAN DUMPIKG PROGRAM SCHEDULE
                               .CONTROL LEVEL
                                 CONTROL L"EVEL
                             CONTROL LEVEL
                                                             CONTROL LEVEL
     Beginning Date
Procedures for Incjlr.g or
Drnring Permits
 Criteria for Evaluating
 Permit Applicsticns
   Spring  1973
Ihterirr.; Shortened Time
for Public Notice
interim; Laboratory
M'-thods Acceptable to
   Fall  1973
   Final Regulations   {§
    Winter  1975
 Final General Criteria;
 Interim Laboratory
 Methods Manual in Use
Criteria Made Specific for
Different Waste*: Final Lab-
oratory Methods Manual in
                                                                                                                       Summer  1977
                                                                                                                      Summer 1983
Final Criteria and Lab-
oratory Methods
Evaluation and Designation
of Disposal Sites
 Interim Designation of
 Sites Alreajjy in Use
^'•rpin Trend Assess- •
nicnt and Uascline
.Surveys: Interim Sites
in Use
 Initial Site Designations
 Made Based on Environ-
 mental Impact Statements
Site Designations Changed
as Required Da^cd on Up-£
dated ELV»
Ir.iplTn-nuiion of P!.in» b>
Curr;prrs to Meet Criteria
or Halt Ocean Dumping
 All Permittees Examine
 Alte rnati ves
Interim Permittees
Devclnp nnd Implement
Req'iired Pl.itis; Do Re-
search on their Waste's on N'arlne
Envi ronment
                             All Permittees Using Dcst
                             Practicable Treatment of
                             Wastes Dumped Under
                            J/e»t A variable
                            Applied to All Wastes Oct-a.n
                            Ournprd   '      >
 Surveillance And
 Enfo rcemenl
Surveillance and
Enforcement Procedures
Fully Operational

criteria concerning allowable concentrations of certain materials and
analytical tests from which the probable impact of the waste materi-
als on the environment may be determined.

    General requirements for all wastes areb.asedonthe best available
scientific knowledge at the time of publication ;;';r!rhe criteria allow only
a 50 percent increase over normal background concentrations of mer-
cury and cadmium in the part of the dumpsite" immediately affected by
the dumping and an average  concentration  in the""-mixing zone'"of'"no"
more than one percent of the waste concentration known to  be toxic
to sensitive marine organisms.

    The ultimate goal in developing criteria for the evaluation of ocean
dumping permits is to establish specific criteria for some wastes and
adequate general criteria for others.  The  needed research strategy
has  been  developed in  consultation with the  National  Oceanic and
Atmospheric  Administration  (NOAA),  the  Corps of Engineers,  the
Coast Guard, the Navy,  the  National Science Foundation, and EPA.
Exhibit B summarizes  the milestones of this strategy.

    The third step  in the long-range strategy for the ocean  dumping
program is the designation of dumping sites.  As part of the publica-
tion of  initial regulations and  criteria the sites then in use for ocean
dumping were approved on an interim basis. These designations will
"continue until each site has been adequately surveyed and a determina-
tion made  as to whether  its use  should  be allowed or  terminated.

    Environmentally acceptable sites for disposal will be announced in
the Federal  Register  and will be supported by environmental  impact
statements.  Site designations are to be completed as rapidly as  pos-
sible along with annual up-dates on all other previously surveyed sites.

    At the inception of the program a number of municipalities  and
industries were  dumping wastes  which were toxic or otherwise un-
acceptable for ocean  disposal.   The phasing out of these activities
is being implemented  on  a case-by-case basis.  Lack of immediately
available alternatives has necessitated this phased approach.

    Surveillance  of dumping and  enforcement  of permit conditions
during actual dumping operations  are being  accomplished through the
efforts  of the Coast Guard.   All  violations of  permit conditions and
illegal  dumping reported  to EPA are subject  to enforcement  action
through the assessment of civil penalties and, where necessary, crim-
inal proceedings.   The Coast Guard has reported some  30 apparent
violations, four formal enforcement proceedings have become  neces-
sary.  In other instances, the  "violations" resulted from very  minor
                              - 5 -

navigational errors, misunderstandings on the terms of the permit,
or the fact that the dumpers were operating under previously existing
Corps of Engineers permits.

    Interagency coordination is being achieved by an interagenc}' Com-
mittee composed of EPA,  NOAA,  the Coast Guard,  CEQ, and the
Corps of Engineers. This  Committee's purpose is to provide overall
program coordination.  Programs have been initiated by the agencies
with research capabilities which will contribute  to the objectives of
the ocean disposal research program. Both NOAA  and EPA are work-
ing toward the development of baseline and trend assessment surveys
on a continuing basis.  The Corps of Engineers has underway a five-
year dredged  material research program which will provide  EPA
with the baseline data  necessary to evaluate dredged material dis-
posal sites.

    The needs of the permit program for continuing information  on
the health of the marine environment are only part of the total nation-
al need for data on the oceans.  EPA and other agencies are also
actively participating in the development of a national marine monitor-
ing plan through an Interagency Committee on Marine Environmental
Prediction (ICMAREP) subgroup, the Subcommittee on Marine Envi-
ronmental Baselines and Monitoring (SC/MBM).

    Despite  the  lack of precise scientific data concerning the impact
of most pollutants on the ocean environment, the permit program is
moving ahead.   All ocean dumping  is now closely controlled.  This
means that only those  dumping activities  which meet environmentally
protective criteria or which are a part of an implementation schedule
leading toward  compliance with  such criteria are now permitted.
Most signifcantly, the option of uncontrolled dumping is  no  longer
available. Many materials which were once discarded to the detriment
of the oceans are now being reclaimed for  new beneficial uses.   At
the same  time  we are gathering scientific information and data with
respect to the  interaction of pollutants  and the ocean environment.
    The permit program has been underway for a year.  In that year
criteria have been developed for the evaluation of permit applications,
procedural regulations have.been prepared on an interim basis, some
110 ocean  disposal sites have been identified, about 160 permit appli-
cations have  been considered,  and  55  permits  have been  issued.
About 70 additional permits have been denied, withdrawn, or placed
on compliance schedules to end or  sharply reduce the  amount of waste
being dumped. The remainder are pending.  Tonnages being disposed
of by ocean dumping are summarized in Exhibit C.
                              - 6 -

                          Exhibit B

                  OCEAN DUMPING PERMITS
Winter 1974

Summer 1974

Fall 1974

Summer 1975
Summer 1975
Winter 1975
   Draft Interim  Analytical Methods  Manual
   for the Ocean Disposal Permit Program
   distributed to the Regions

   Conduct Workshop to Assess Status of
   Marine Bioassay Techniques

   Publish Report on Improved Marine Bioassay

-  Revised Draft  Interim Analytical Methods
   Manual for the Ocean Disposal Permit
   Program Incorporating Sampling Proced-
   ures Prepared by NOAA.

   Recommendations Available from
   Office of Research and Development on
   Revision of Criteria.

   Issuance of Final Methods Manual.
                              - 7  -

    Ironically,  the major  problem  in the future is anticipated to be
increased pressure to dispose of wastes in the ocean which result
from more and  better waste treatment facilities removing increased
amounts of wa.stes from, both municipal and industrial waste  streams.
Therefore,  EPA's implementation  of the marine protection program
called for in  the legislation is designed to take into consideration the
entire ecosystem.  A basic object, as the Congress obviously intended,
is to find and use the least environmentally damaging site and method of
disposing of  each waste whether it  involves land, air,  or water.   In
some cases,  barging of wastes for final disposal in the ocean  pro-
vides,  and must  continue  to provide, both the least  damaging site
and method.
                               - 8 -

                        Exhibit C


                      (In tons, approx. )
Waste type
Industrial waste
Sewage sludge
Construction and
demolition debris
Solid waste
5,429,400 -
240   11,995,740
                          - 9 -


    The Marine Protection, Research, and  Sanctuaries Act,  as
amended,  commonly called the Ocean Dumping Act, absolutely pro-
hibits the  dumping of high-lev^! radioactive-wastes and all biolog-
ical, chemical  and  radiological warfare  a^e'tts  in  the ocean.  The
dumping of all other wastes except dredged material is to be strictly
regulated by EPA.   The basis for regulation is  given in  the form of
general criteria which require the Environmental Protection Agency"
(EPA) to  balance  the  following factors in coming to a determination
whether to issue or deny a pemit:       .

    1.  The need for  the proposed dumping, as determined by EPA.

    2.  The effect of the dumping on the marine environment.

    3.  Social  and economic considerations involving the  dumping,
        including  effects on health and welfare,  fishery resources,
        recreational values, etc.

    4.  Alternate  means of disposal,  including alternate methods of
        treatment, land-based disposal, and recycling.

    5.  The feasibility of dumping beyond the continental shelf.

    These same criteria apply to the issuance of permits under Sec-
tions 402  and 403  of the  Federal  Water Pollution  Control Act,  as
amended for outfall discharges into the ocean.

    To carry out this responsibility the Administrator of EPA  is
authorized to promulgate regulations,  designate areas where ocean
dumping maybe permitted,  and designate critical areas where  dump-
ing is prohibited.  EPA must also give public notice  and allow oppor-
tunity for  public hearing before any permit is issued.

    Dredged material may be dumped by the U.S.  Army  Corps  of
Engineers after the proposed  permit has been reviewed and agreed
upon by EPA.   In issuing such permits the Corps is required to use
EPA-designated sites wherever feasible, but the Corps may  use other
sites if:

    1) they determine that disposal at the EPA sites is not econom-
ically feasible, and

    2) EPA makes the determination that such disposal will not have
an unacceptable adverse effect on the environment.
                                - 10 -

    Surveillance of dumping operations to ensure that permit condi-
tions are met is assigned to the U.S.  Coast Guard.  EPA, however,
has the authority to  assess civil  penalities for violation  of permit
conditions.  There is also a provision for criminal action.

    Title II of the Act requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) to support the permit program by initiating a
comprehensive program of research and monitoring to determine the
overall effects of man's activities on the marine environment.  Title
III gives to NOAA authority to  establish marine sanctuaries.
                                - 11 -


     The Act required full implementation of the ocean dumping per-
mit program six months after enactment.  Permitting criteria were
developed utilizing existing and somewhat inadequate scientific  know-
ledge and technical expertise in ocean dumping management, and  all
ocean dumping came under strict  regulation by the statutory  effec-
tive date (April 23, 1973).

     Interim procedures and criteria were established for issuance
or denial  of permits on a general basis and final regulations and cri-
teria were promulgated  as rapidly as circumstances permitted with
anticipation that major modifications would be desirable as experience
was gained and scientific knowledge expanded.  The long-range  strat-
egy for the program includes five sequential levels  of control based
upon projected dates  for the achievement of  intermediate operation-
al goals.  These are summarized in Exhibit 1 and are discussed here
in terms of the five operational activities shown in that Exhibit.
1.  Procedures for the Issuance or Denial of Ocean Dumping Permits.

   Administrative mechanisms for receiving and reviewing permit
applications, for conducting public hearings, and for actions taken
in regard to applications are needed to provide for equitable handling
of applications. Such procedures  must provide a balance between the
expeditious processing of applications and the need for adequate inter-
nal and external review by all interested parties.

   Interim procedures for issuing or denying permits were promul-
gated on April  5,  1973.   These included,  as an interim measure, a
shortened period for public notice  and hearing.  The  final regula-
tions were published October  15,  1973, and were  based on initial
operating experience with the program and  on public comment on the
interim regulations.   As  in the  technical aspects of the program,
additional modifications will be made in the future, although the reg-
ulations are substantively final in  their present form.

2. Criteria for the Evaluation of Permit Applications.
   Underlying  these procedures,  however, are  the criteria on which
permitting, administrative procedure,  and enforcement  are based.
There must be  published criteria which establish the basis upon which
permits will be issued or  denied.   These must include quantitative
criteria concerning allowable  concentrations of  certain materials
and  analytical tests or other procedures by which the probable impact
of the waste materials on the environment may be determined.
                                - 12 -

                                              EXHIBIT 1
                                       OCEAN DUMPING PROGRAM SCHEDULE
Beginning Date
Proceflures for Issuing or
Denying Penult* i
Criteria for Evaluating
Permit Applications
Evaluation an-J Designation
of Li«po5»l Sites
Implementation of Plant by
Dumpor* to Meet Criteria
or Melt Ocean Dumping
Surveillance and
Spring 1973 .
Interim; Shortened Time ,
for Public Notice
Interim: Laboratory
Method* Acceptable to •
Interim Designation of
Sites Already In Use
All Permitteee Examine
Surveillance and
Ki nf o rccnif* nt Procedures JPr
Fully Operational
Fall ]973

Final General Criteria;
Interim Laboratory
Methods Manual In Use
Begin Trend Assess-
ment and Baseline
Surveys; Interim Sites
In Use
.Interim Permittees
Develop ftnH Implement
Required Plans; Do Re- gft
search on their Waste's
Impact on Marine

Winter 1975

Criteria Made Specific for
Different Wastes; Final Lap-
oratory Methods Manual in
Initial Site Designations
Made Based on Environ-
mental Impact Statement*
— W^OI^^Mi^^B^MWIBMM^^r

Summer 1977

Final Criteria and Lab- fin
oratory Methods
Site Designations Changed
as Required Dated on Up- S
dated ElS'e
All Permittees Using Best
Practicable Treatment of
Wastes Dumped Under

Summer 1983
• >
- ?
Best Available Technology
Applied to Alt Waste* Ocn
Dumped .


    When the initial efforts were being made to develop criteria under
which disposal of wastes  to the marine environment could be per -
mitted, knowledge was  too incomplete regarding the impact of spe-
cific wastes on marine ecosystems to establish a regulatory base of.
quantitative criteria  for each-  type of waster or even for sufficiently
general definitive para.neters of impact. Liftle is known about ambi-
ent concentrations of other than major constituents of seawater.or the
natural variability of these constituents  in coastal or oceanic _waters.

 Another area of concern is the toxicity of wastes to specific marine
organisms, both on an acute and  on a chronic basis.  Rates of bio -
accumulation  for some materials  for  some organisms are known,
but there  is almost no .information available on  the ambient levels
permissible for bioccumulative toxic materials.

    As a result of the general inability to predict the effects of wastes
on the  marine environment,  general criteria were developed to cover
any reasonable conceivable situations involving the impacts of the dis-
position of wastes into the marine environment.  Also,  in devel-
oping such criteria it was necessary to recognize the fact that there
were little actual data on the ocean itself and that at least part of the
basis for  the criteria must rest  upon analogy to conditions in the
freshwater environment.

    For the criteria to serve a reasonable basis for  the issuance or
denial  of permits for ocean  disposal, they must meet these require-

    1.  They must be  fully responsive to the statutes governing regu-
lation of ocean dumping and other  waste disposal to the marine envi-

    2.  They must be quantitative to the greatest degree possible with-
in the present state of knowledge.

    3.  They must be enforceable.

    4.  They must be consistent with present scientific knowledge and
theory.  For each type of waste regulated a rationale was developed
in response to Section 102(a)(B, C, D, E,  & F) that would set limits for
waste disposal which would  assure  that the waste could be dumped
safely  into the marine environment without damage to the marine envi-
ronment,  or to human health, welfare,  social,  economic, esthetic or
recreational values.  Allowable concentrations of pollutants specified
in the legislation are:
                                - 14 -

Mercury and its Compounds
Cadmium and its Compounds

    An increase of no more than 50 percent above  normal ambient
oceanic values is permitted in the mixing zone. That is, if the ambient
concentration of mercury is four parts  per million,  no more than
six parts  per million  is allowed  to be present in the mixing zone
for more than four hours after  completion of the dump.


    The waste may contain no more than 1 percent of the 96-hour TLm
(that concentration which kills one-half of all organisms being tested
within 96 hours)  for any  organohalogen;  in the mixing zone,  then,
no more than 1/10, 000 of the  TLm value will be permitted.

Oils and Greases

    The upper  limit is that  amount which will give a visible  sheen
when mixed in a ratio of 1/100 with undisturbed water.
General Toxicity of Mixed Wastes

    The upper limit is 1 percent of the TLm or other acute toxic level in
the mixing zone. The 1 per cent application factor is generally regarded
as a safe  limit to use when specific toxicity  values are not known.

    Other  specific requirements for other wastes are stipulated in the
published  regulations including arsenic, lead, copper,  zinc, vana-
dium, organosilicones,  inorganic processing wastes such as cyanides
and fluorides, petro and organic chemicals such as aliphatic solvents
and phenols,  and biocides, as well  as many other potentially harmful

    Within this administrative and technical framework, then,  the
program is.moving forward with deliberate speed.

    Interim criteria were published May 16,  1973, modified as a result
of public comment,  and were  republished  as  final criteria October
15, 1973.   These are general requirements for  all wastes and  are
based on the best available  scientific knowledge at the time of pub-
lication.  The results of  research now underway by EPA, NOAA  and
others should provide a  data base  upon which to revise these  cri-
teria. It is also necessary to develop a  series  of standardized  proce-
dures and techniques to ensure that all wastes  are tested to known
degrees of accuracy.
                             - 15 -

   A research  strategy to accomplish this  has been developed in
consulatation with EPA, NOAA, "the Corps of Engineers, the Coast
Guard, the Navy,  and the National Science Foundation. The ultimate
goal in developing criteria for the evaluation of ocean dumping permits
is to establish  specific criteria for some wastes and adequate gen-
eral criteria for others. Key milestones for  achieving this  goal are
as follows:
         Winter 1974
         Summer 1974

         Fall 1974

         Summer 1975
         Summer 1975
         Winter 1975
-  Draft Interim Analytical Methods
   Manual for the Ocean Disposal
   Permit Program (distributed to
   EPA Regions).

   Conduct Workshop to Assess
   Status of Marine Bioassay

-  Publish Report on Improved
   Marine Bioassay Techniques

-  Revised Draft Interim Analyti-
   cal Methods Manual for the
   Ocean Disposal Permit Pro-
   gram Available Incorporating
   Sampling Procedures Prepared
   by NOAA.

-  Recommendations Avail-
   able  from Office of Research and
   Development on revision of

-  Issuance of Final Methods
                               -16 -

3.  Designation of Dumping Sites."

    Administrative' procedures for the designation of  dumping  sites
must be promulgated and the  technical criteria for approval and dis-
approval must be defined. Specific requirements for baseline  surveys
must be established and the mechanism for accomplishing such sur-
veys must be developed and implemented.

    In the absence of reasonably complete knowledge concerning the
effect on the marine ecosystem of many wastes, sites in use for ocean
dumping were approved on an interim basis.  This interim designation
ordinarily will continue until  each site has been adequately surveyed
and a determination made as to whether to  continue its use.  Exception
may be made where wastes are  considered to have minimal  impact
and the opportunity exists for moving the site seaward beyond the con-
tinental shelf (as noted in the Act).  Regulations for the designation
and management  of ocean dumping sites are being developed  and will
include the requirements for baseline and  trend assessment surveys.
An interagency agreement concerning such surveys is being developed
with NOAA.  EPA is also mounting supplementary surveys.

    As studies progress environmentally acceptable sites will be ap-
proved through promulgation  in  the Federal .Register.   Each desig-
nation will be supported by an environmentalimpact statement.  Envi-
ronmental impact statements for »sites  for the disposal of unpolluted
dredged  material will be based  on one-year monitoring programs of
typical  sites now being conducted by the Corps of Engineers. The
schedule for  accomplishment designations is as follows:

         Spring 1975            -  First site designation environ-
                                  mental impact statement pre-
                                  pared  (two interim dump sites
                                  in Region III).

         Summer 1975          -  First group of site designations

         Winter  1975            -  Second group of site desig-
                                  nations completed.

         Summer 1976          -  Third group of site desig-
                                  nations completed plus annual
                                  updates on all othe site

    As well as providing  the necessary technical base  for the ocean
dumping activity,  the program of baseline and trend assessment sur-
                               - 17 -

veys, plus monitoring requirements imposed on  dumpers, will form
part of  an overall  marine monitoring program by Federal agencies
with program missions  in the marine environment.  An interagency
plan for the coordination of  activities  and type  of participation by
each agency  is now in draft form and will  soon be circulated among
the participating agencies for formal approval.

4.  Surveillance and Enforcement.

    An effective mechanism for surveillance of  dumping operations is
required  to ensure that permit conditions are met and  that illegal
dumping is difficult to do without being  caught.  Violations of permit
conditions and illegal dumping reported to EPA must be subject to
vigorous enforcement action through the assessment of civil penalties
and, where necessary, by instituting criminal proceedings.

    The Coast Guard is informed routinely of each dumping operation
and conducts surveillance to the extent that their resources allow.
Four formal enforcement actions  have been  taken  based on  some
thirty Coast Guard  notifications to EPA regions of  apparent violations.
In other instances,  the  "violations" resulted from very minor  navi-
gational errors, misunderstandings on the terms of  the permit, or
the fact that the dumpers were  operating  under  previously existing
Corps of Engineers permits.

    While some minor modifications  of procedures may  be made in
the future, no substantive changes seem to be necessary at present.
The Coast Guard is also exploring the use of automatic surveillance
devices as well as  dumpsite marking techniques.
                                - 18 -


      Types of wastes proposed for disposal in the ocean vary over
a very wide spectrum necessitating a variety of types of permits. Ex-
hibit 2 briefly describes the types of permits now available.

      The authority  to  i^sue  or deny  speci^l-;-and interim permits,
set permit conditions, and modify or revoke them, has been delegated
to the Regional Administrators of  EPA's ten regions. The authority
to issue or deny  emergency permits, general permits;- and research ~
permits his been retained by  the Administrator.   In addition,  EPA
Headquarters  is  responsible for overall coordination of the program
and the promulgation of all regulations, including.d.-'sposal site desig-
nations.  Environmental  assessments  will be prepared  in regional
offices, and released by the Administrator  as  part  of the disposal
site designation procedure.

      The following coordination mechanisms have  been established:

      1.  An interagency committee for overall program coordination,  .
consisting  of  EPA,  NOAA, the Corps of Engineers, and  the  Coast
Guard.  In practice most coordination is done on a bilateral basis,
and the entire committee meets only when there are  substantive issues
affecting more than one program.

      2.  An intra-agency coordinating  committee.   The membership
of this committee is the same that  made up the working  group which
developed the  regulations and criteria.  Overall programmatic issues
other than  regulations are  frequently resolved -at the periodic meet-

      3.  General marine monitoring plans  are coordinated through
the Interagency Committee on Marine  Environmental Prediction and
its Subcommittee on Marine Environmental  Baselines and Monitoring,
which is chaired  by EPA.  This Subcommittee meets on an  intermittent
basis and is developing a national marine monitoring plan which in-
volves all Federal agencies with missions in the marine environment.

      4.  A special interagency committee on ocean dumping research
has been formed  among EPA, NOAA,  the Coast Guard, the Corps of
Engineers, the Navy, and  the  National Science Foundation (NSF) to
coordinate research activities.  This group has participated in devel-
oping the program's research strategy.

      The, major  present  operational activity of the program is in the
procedures for the processing of permit applications. This activity
is as follows:
                             -19 -

Permit Type

               EXHIBIT 2


 	Restrictions and Use	;____

 -Material must meet "limiting permissible
  concentration" criteria for no adverse

 -Ocean dumping must be most environ-
  mentally acceptable alternative.

 -Need to dump must exist.
 -Materials exceed."limiting permissible
  concentration" or "trace contaminant"

 -Dumper must develop and implement
  acceptable schedule to improve waste
  quality to meet the criteria, or
  eliminate discharge entirely.

 -Individual cases where an emergency
  is demonstrated to exist posing an
  unacceptable risk to human health.

 -Cases which admit of no other
  feasible solution.

 -Requires State Department

 -Materials not prohibited by law or
  regulation dumped for purposes of
  investigation or research into the
  impact of pollutants on the marine

 -Materials of non-toxic nature in
  small quantities.
Time Limit
  3 years
  1 year
Single use
18 months
*May require a public hearing.
                           - 20 -

Permit Type   	Restrictions and Use	    Time Limit

Materials      -Materials removed from water bodies by     Case-by-case
                the Corps of Engineers in the course of
                carrying out assigned functions, and
           <•••-    missions.'                   ''"•'••-•                  ,,..

               -Must be reviewed by and receive con-	  ,.,_.^m
                currence from the EPA Regional
                Administrator from whose region the
                waste is transported for disposal. .
                          - 21 -

    1.-  After  receipt of a completed application, the EPA  regional
office makes a technical evaluation of the application, which  includes
evaluation of the following factors:

         a.  Alternatives  to  dumping based on the review of the re-
gional staff.

         b.  Impact  of the waste on the marine environment based on
the published  criteria.

         c.  Need  for the  dumping.

         d.  Social and economic consequences of ocean dumping and
the alternative methods of disposal.

   .- 2.  Based on this evaluation a tentative determination to  issue or
deny the permit is made and public notice is  given of the tentative

    3.  A public hearing is held at public request or at the discretion
of the Regional Administrator.

    4.  The Regional Administrator issues or denies the permit.

    Procedures for the implementation  of the monitoring program,
including baseline and trend assessment surveys, are now being de-
veloped. These procedures in their present form assign management
of ocean disposal sites to EPA  Regional Administrators and make
them responsible  for the preparation of  environmental assessments
(based on baseline and trend assessment  surveys) on each site desig-
nation.  The Environmental Impact Statements  (EIS) themselves will
be prepared by  EPA headquarters (by contract) and released as part
of the site designation procedure.
                        - 22 -


    Final regulations and  criteria for the issuance of permits were
published October 15,  1973.   All permits issued under  the interim
regulations published in April, 1973, were terminated as of
April 15,  1974, and  all permits  now in  force were issued under  the
final regulations and criteria.   These and other key dates are noted
in Exhibit 3.

    Except for minor or one-time  dumps,  examples  of  which are
shown with related material in Exhibit  4,  all dumping of municipal
sewage sludge originates in the New York and Philadelphia metropol-
itan areas.   The total volume of these muncipal sewage sludges is
almost equal to the volume of all other materials dumped.  All  dump-
ers of sewage sludge are operating under interim permits while devel-
oping and implementing  plans to make their waste  harmless or to
cease ocean  dumping.   Exhibit  5 summarizes the volumes of both
municipal and industrial wastes dumped in 1973 and compares them
with the volumes dumped in 1968.
                        - 23 -

                  Exhibit 3

October 23, 1972

April 23,  1973

March 22, 1974

    *   *    * •

April 5, 1973

May 16, 1973

October 18, 1973

October 15, 1973

April 15, 1974
  - Passage of PL 92-532

  - Effective Date of Act

    First Permits Issued

  - Amendments to  PL 92-532 Pass

jV   ^    j1^    jV   jj;    jV   jj*    jV

  - Interim Regulations Published

  - Interim Criteria Published

  - First Annual Report Transmitte

  - Final Regulations & Criteria

   - Termination of All Permits
    Issued Under Interim Regulatio
                  - 24 -

                                                        EXHIBIT 4

                                              EXAMPLES OF MINOR OR ONE TIME
 1.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 2.  Safety Projects, Inc.
     3 Maiden Street
     West Quincy, Massachusetts

 3.  ASS Transportation Company
     75 Jacobus Avenue
     Kearny, New Jersey
     (for Stamford, Connecticut)

 4.  Safety Projects, Inc.
     3 Maiden Street
     West Quincy, Massachusetts
 5.  Fairhaven Marine, Inc.
     P. O. Box 188
     Fairhaven, Massachutts

 6.  Pine State By-Products, Inc.
     Front Street
     South Portland, Maine

 7.  Pfizer Chemical
     Groton, Connecticut

 8.  McKie
     South Boston, Massachusetts
Date of
Issuance  Type of Waste

07-15-73  Derelict wooden barge
         ' "Comet"       ;    /

06-27-73  10,000 Ibs. sodium
          300 Ibs. lithium
          300 Ibs. potassium',

10-12-73  Primary sewage sludge
Amount of Waste
9,400 tons
Location of Dumping  Duration

42°25.5V, 70°35'W   One-timt
                       dump  ,

42°25.5'N, 70°35'W   One-time
110-mile toxic waste One-time
dumping giound,        dump
Region II
11-20-73  Miscellaneous laboratory "   5,500 gal./yr.     42°25.5'N, 70°35'W   11-15-74
          reagents & chemical waste,
          contaminated laboratory
          equipment ,    ,    •            .     .   i    '
Pending ^ Derelict wooden ship
        •v "Conquest"
114 tons
04-04-74  Water from washing down     7,000 gal./day ,   43°32'45"N, 69°55'W  Ekf- rati
          plant containing 1/2%       2.55  ;
          fish & poultry by-products
Pending   Mycelium
04-27-74  Steel filings
1,200 tons/wk.
3,400 tons
42°25.5'N, 70°35'W   05-\j-~4

                                   Date of
                                   Issuance  Type of Waste
Amount of Waste   Location of Dumping  Duratic -.
 9.  Plantation of Mdnhegan Island Pending   Table scraps, bottles, , etc.  800 #/day
10.  U.S.  Army Corps of Engineers  Land
     424 Trapelo Road              alter-
     Waltham,  Massachusetts        native
                                             Derelict ship
                                             Effortless I & II
11.  Stamford,  Connecticut
                                   Pending   Primary sewage sludge
12.  Harbor Development Commission Pending   Wooden barge
     New Bedford, Massachusetts
                                                                         500 tons
Sewer sludge ground  Asking . or
                     one yea


                              OCEAN DISPOSAL;  TYPES AND AMOUNTS,  1968* AND 1973**

                                               (IN TONS, APPROX.)


Industrial Waste

Sewage Sludge

and Demolition

Solid Waste



1968 1973

3,013,200 3,997,100

4,477,000 5,429,400

574,000 1,161,000

0 0

15,200 0

8,079,400 10,587,500

1968 1973

696,000 1,408,000

0 0

0 0

0 ' 0

0 0

696,000 1,408,000
















| |
1 1

j i

1 1

1968 1973

,690,500 5,405

,477,000 5,429

574,000 1,161



9,782,700 11,995







*     1968 Source - Council on Environmental Quality, Ocean Dumping - A National Policy, October, 1970.

**    1973 Source - EPA Regional Offices.  Unpublished Reports, 1973 (8 months of dumping activity—
                    May to December 1973 under permits issued by Ocean Disposal Program extrapolated
                    for 12 months to provide an annual rate).

    Some 44 million cubic yards of dredged material  were dumped
into the ocean during 1973 under authority of the Corps of Engineers.
Of this volume,  only 2, 800, 000 cubic yards were dumped under permit
(almost  all from New York and  Philadelphia)- the  remainder  was
dumped by the Corps of Engineers itself under -conditions not requir-
ing EPA  permitting.   Exhibit  6 summarizes dredged material vol-
umes dumped in 1973.

    Of the total of 163 permit applications received,  72 represented
wastes, primarily industrial, of a nature unacceptable for ocean dump -
ping.  Appendix 2 lists, these applications and permits  according to the
disposition made.

    Eleven ocean dumping sites are now in active use  for municipal
and industrial wastes;  four are  beyond the continental  shelf.   Site
survejrs  are  being conducted on three sites, and additional surveys
will be initiated  in the first  quarter  of FY  75.  These  surveys are
designed to serve 'a two-fold purpose.  The  first is  advancement  of
knowledge  of  the  effects  of  disposal  in the oceans  of  a variety  of
wastes which  should result in  improvement of criteria for ocean
dumping; the second is formation of the  basis for environmental
impact statements to be  prepared for each dumping site  designated
on other than an interim basis.

    These s-tu'dfes are  being supplemented by EPA research activi-
ties, including' conducting investigations into ecological processes and
effects of ocean dumping.
         principal activity, in the New York Bight region,  is designed
to study  any changes in benthic community structure occurring as a
result of digested sewage sludge contamination and the movement of
sludge particles  dumped from  barges.   Two mathematical  models
have been developed for this last purpose; one is a barge discharge
dispersion model that predicts  the movement  of particulates through
the water column,  and the other is a circulation model for the New
York Bight  that can be  used to predict pollutant concentration over
time.  Both models are being field  validated as part of the New York
Bight study.  EPA regional and research staff are also studying and
evaluating two dump sites, one industrial and one municipal,  off
Delaware Bay.

    Other efforts are experiments  designed to assess and measure
contaminants (heavy metals, PCB's and hard pesticides) leaching
from spoils and  sludges  under  simulated field conditions, using ap-
propriate analytical and bioassay techniques.   Along with simulation
and mathematical model studies, afield study is being performed with
the object of coordinating and integrating laboratory studies with field
                        - 28 -

                                     EXHIBIT 6

                      DREDGED MATERIAL DUMPED IN OCEAN'- 1973
                                    Corps of Engrs.         Permits         Total
                                     (Cu. Yds.)           (Cu. Yds.)      (Cu.Yds.)
New England Division                   1,611,000           453,000       2,064,000

North Atlantic Division
  New York District                    9,764,000         2,054,000      11,818,000
  Philadelphia District                  416,000             -             416,000
  Norfolk District                        35,000             -              35,000

South Atlantic Division
  Jacksonville District                2,875,000             -           2,875,000
  Savannah District                    1,230,000             -           1,230,000
  Wilmington District                  2,501,000             -           2,501,000
  Charleston District                  1,159,000             -           1,159,000

Lower Mississippi Valley Division
  New Orleans District                     -                 -               - •

Southwestern Division
  Galveston District                  10,781,000             - ,         10,781,000

North Pacific Division
  Portland District                    7,122,000             -           7,122,000
  Seattle District                       457,000             -             457,000
  Alaska District                          7,000             -               7,000
South Pacific Division
  Los Angeles District                 3,500,000           226,000       3,726,000

Pacific Ocean Division                     -                17,000          '17,000
                                      41,458,000         2,750,000      44,208,000
                                       - 29 -

    An interim analytical methods manual for the analysis of wastes
and marine environmental samples has been completed.  This manual
is being used by EPA  coastal regions in  the operation of the ocean
disposal permit program while further research is being carried out
to develop  and certify analytical  methods specific to ocean  dumping

    In addition.  Coast Guard Research and Development is  working
on a positive recording navigation system which may alleviate a num-
ber of problems incurred in the ocean dumping surveillance program.
These are  principally related to  navigation, i.e.,  dumping at  night
and lack of navigational  equipment aboard transporting vessels.  To
date, the  Coast Guard has seen no need  to promulgate regulations
on ocean disposal  under the Act; however, they may do so in the
future if necessary to  resolve  this navigational equipment  problem
and to implement adoption of a more positive navigation and  surveil-
lance system.

    The Coast Guard's  enforcement program is  keyed to close sur-
veillance of the  disposal  of toxic materials with  spot-checks of non-
toxic material dumps.  Surveillance methods include escort or inter-
ception of  dumping vessels at the  dump site by vessels,  observation
of dumping operations by aircraft and harbor radar installations, the
use of ship riders  to ascertain position and dumping rate,   and the
spot-checking of ships' logs.  From April 1973  to March 1974, there
were 422ocean disposal surveillance missions; 31 apparent violations
were referred to EPA.  These were all investigated;  four could not
be resolved and formal enforcement actions were instituted.

    All four of these enforcement actions  were initiated in  the New
York region for the assessment of civil penalties as provided for by
Section 105(a)of the Act.  The alleged violations ranged from a failure
to submit a plan for the segregation of industrial and municipal wastes
and the  dumping of material  without a permit  to  short dumping--
failure to dispose of material in the designated dump site.

    In the first two notices of violation issued, a penalty amount was
proposed in an  attempt to  reflect the seriousness  of the violation.
However,  experience has indicated that this procedure is restrictive
and the proposal of actual dollar amounts has been omitted from the
most recent  notices.   As of June 30,  1974, no penalties had actually
been  assessed;  the most advanced proceeding was awaiting the find-
ings of fact and  recommendation of the hearing officer.  In each case,
within the  notice of violation, allegations  have  been discussed with
the alleged violator and possible  settlement prior to the hearing has
been unsuccessfully invited.
                             - 30 -

    The'outlook for EPA  programs in response  to  Title I, of the Act
rests on the degree of success of three on-going program components:
1) the knowledge of present conditions gained from  baseline"surveys,
2) the research program in identification of specific effects of certain
pollutants, and 3) continuing development of methods of sampling and
laboratory analysis specific to the marine environ..lent.

    The baseline  surveys will identify the normal biota and food chain
mechanisms in prospective  dumping site areas and  allow investiga-
tions of the effects  on species normal  to the area  of wastes  to be
dumped.   The surveys will also allow closer  determination of the
direction  and certification of  movement and  ultimate rate of waste

    Some preliminary^literature  searches indicate that  certain  sub-
stances harmful to freshwater biota may actually be helpful to marine
species, particularly in  deep water "desert" areas.   This aspect  of
identification  of  specific effects of certain pollutants will be investi-
gated along with testing of substances known to be harmful.  If proven
correct, EPA will encourage  the dumping of such  materials into the
ocean rather  than allowing disposal to surface waters which may be
adversely affected, or to land or deep wells where future water  supply
may be impacted.

    Further development of  sampling and laboratory analysis tech-
niques is  probably the most immediate need  in determination of the
effects of ocean  dumping. Many  pollutant-related methodologies are
borrowed from freshwater techniques which may or may not be direct-
ly applicable  to wastes mixed  with waters  naturally containing  high
concentrations (some 35 parts  per thousand) of dissolved salts, metals,
and  other materials.   Although a number of techniques presently in
use  allow for  analytical interference by such substances,  many others
must be adapted or completely changed to be useful.

    Another sphere  of  investigation which lies  somewhat  further  in
the  future is  that into possible synergism (i.e., when a combination
of two or  more substances results in an increase in toxicity or other
effects) and antagonism (i. e., when a combination of two or more  sub-
stances results in a decrease in toxicity  or other effects)  of pollutants
with natural ocean waters.
                            - 31  -

    NOAA and EPA have cooperated on one site survey and NOAA is
planning to absorb a large amount .of the baseline survey activity,
beginning  in FY '76.   NOAA has also reoriented its program on
Marine  Eco-System Analysis (MESA) in the New York Bight area
to concentrate on ocean dumping problems.

                         APPENDIX 1
                      Geographical Coverage

    Section 403(a) of FWPCA  states that no permit for a discharge
into the territorial sea, the waters of the continguous zone, or  the
oceans shall  be  issued unless in  compliance with guidelines estab-
lished under  Section 403(c).

    "Oceans," as  defined  in Section  502(10)'of FWPCA means any
portion of the high seas beyond the contiguous zone.

    MPRSA,  Section 3(b),  defines "ocean waters"  as  those waters
of the open seas lying  seaward of the base line from which the terri-
torial sea is measured,  as provided for in the Convention ontheTerri-
torial Sea and the Contiguous Zone.

    Sections  502(8)  and (9)  of FWPCA define "territorial sea" and
"contiguous zone" in a manner consistent with the Convention on  the
Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone.

    Therefore, the criteria established  under MPRSA and those re-
quired under  Section 403(c)  of FWPCA cover the same geographical
area: all open waters outside the  baseline from which the territorial
sea is  measured  not including  such areas as  Puget  Sound,  San
Francisco  Bay,  Galveston Bay, Tampa Bay,  Chesapeake Bay, Dela-
ware Bay,  and Long Island Sound, for example.

    Where any question arises, the official  U.S. designation of  the
territorial sea  given  on charts supplied by  the  Geographer of  the
State  Department is used.
                              - 33 -

                  Requirements for CrKsria

    Section  403(c)  of  FWPCA requires that the Administrator  pro-
mulgate  guidelines for determining the  degradation of the waters of
the territorial seas, the contiguous  zone, and. the oceans, which  shall
include:                                    •'•";:.

    (A)  The effect  of disposal of pollutants on human  health or wel-
fare, including but not limited to plankton, fish,"shellfish,  wildlife,
shorelines,  and beaches;

    (B)  The effect of disposal of pollutants on marine-life including the
transfer, concentration, and dispersal of pollutants or their by-prod-
ucts through biological,  physical, and  chemical  processes;  changes
in marine ecosystem  diversity, productivity, and stability; and spe-
cies and community population changes; -

    (C)  The effect of  disposal  of pollutants on esthetic,  recreation,
and economic  values;

    (D)  The effect of the disposal at varying rates, of particular vol-
umes and concentrations of pollutants;

    (E)  The persistence and permanence of the effects of disposal of

    (F)  Other possible locations and. methods of disposal or recycling
of pollutants including land-based alternatives; and

    (G)  The effect on alternate uses of the oceans, such as  mineral
exploitation and scientific  study.

    Section 102(a)of MPRSA states that the Administrator shall estab-
lish and  apply criteria for reviewing  and  evaluating  ocean dumping
permit applications, and in establishing such  criteria he shall  con-
sider, but not be limited to, the following:

    (A)  The need for the proposed dumping;

    (B)  The effect  of  such dumping on human health and welfare, in-
cluding economic, esthetic, and recreational values;

    (C)  The effect of such dumping  on fisheries resources,  plankton,
fish,  shellfish, wildlife, shorelines and beaches; ""

    (D)  The effect of  such dumping on marine ecosystems, particu-
larly with respect to:
                            - 34 -

        (i)  The transfer,  concentration, and dispersion of s'Sch
material and its by-products through biological,  physical, and chem-
ical processes;                                  .;.

        (ii) Potential changes in marine ecosystem diversity,
productivity, and  stability; and
        (iii) Species and community population'dynamics.

    (E) The persistence and permanence of the  effects of the

  s (F) The effect of dumping particular volumes and concentrations
o'f such materials;
     .          •                             6
    (G) Appropriate  locations and methods of  disposal or recycling,
including  land-based  alternatives  and  the probable impact of requir-
ing use -of such alternate locations  or methods  upon considerations
affecting the public interest;

    (H) The effect on alternate uses  of  oceans,  such as scientific
study, fishing, and other resource  exploitation, and non-living re-
source exploitation;

    (I)  In  designating recommended sites,  the  Administrator  shall
utilize wherever  feasible  locations beyond the  edge of the continental


    The language of the two sets of general criteria is slightly differ-
ent, the items  are arranged differently, and there is some overlap in
content, but the basic thrust and intent is clear.  For  example, refer-
encing the capital  letters of the two sets of criteria:

!_.  FWPCA (F); MPRSA (A, G)

,.  There is the  intent to consider  all other methods of disposal or
recycling before issuance of a permit to dump or otherwise discharge
wastes into the ocean.

2.  FWPCA (A, C); MPRSA (B, C)

    There is the intent to consider  the  effects of the dumping or other
discharge on  human  health, welfare,  social,  and economic values,
including  direct effects such  as esthetics and recreational values and
indirect effects such  as  those affecting the usability of  the marine
environment for  the  production and utilization of living  marine re-
                          - 35 -

2-  FWPCA (B); MPRSA (D)

    There is the  intent to consider overall  acute and  chronic effects
of wastes on the entire marine ecosystem,  specifically including the
transfer, dispersal, or concentration of waste materials through bio-
logical,  chemical,  or physical processes.

£.  FWPCA (D); MPRSA (E)'

  •  Both Acts explicitly state  that  consideration must be given to the
persistence and permanence of the effects of the waste disposal.

5_.  FWPCA (E); MPRSA (F)

    Both laws state that  consideration  must be given to the effects
of dumping  or  otherwise disposing of particular volumes or concen-
trations  of material.

6_.  FWPCA (G); MPRSA (H)

    Both laws require that consideration be  given to alternate uses of
the ocean such as scientific study and resource exploitation.

7_.  MPRSA (I)

    The feasibility  of utilizing disposal  sites beyond  the continental
shelf is a consideration only in MPRSA.

    Thus, it is clear that both  laws require the same careful consider-
ations be made whether ocean disposal occurs  by dumping from  a
barge or by disposal through an outfall.
                            - 36 -

                        APPENDIX 2

1.  Previous Reported Dumpers Phased Out:
                                      	'• Location
 Benjamin Moore & Co.
 Chester Packing Co., Inc.
 Childers Products Co.
 Clairol,  Inc.
 Debell & Richardson
 Dow Chemical Service
 Drake Bakeries
 Drew ^Chemical
 Electro-Nucleonics, Inc.
 Engelhard Industries
 Fedders Corp.
 Ford Motor Co.
 Gamlen Chemical Co.
 Heinzelmen & Sons
 B. Horstmann  Co.
 I.C.I. America,  Inc.
 International Paper
 Ivers -Lee Co.
 Koppers Co., Inc.
'• Lehn & Fink,  Co.
 L & M Trucking Corp.
 Makar Trucking Co.
 National Can Corp.
 NL Industries, Inc.
 Norton & Sons, Inc.
 New  York Twist Drill
   Mfg. Corp.
 The Parker Co.
 G. Redner, Inc.
 Sandoz -Wander, Inc.
 Three Star Anodizing Corp.
 Universal Oil Products
 Safety Projects,  Inc.
 Sun Oil Co.
 Du Pont Co.
Newark,  N.J.   07105
Chester ,-N.Y.   10918
Bristol, Penna.   19007
Stamford, Conn.
Enfield, Conn.
Stoneham, Mass.
Wayne, N.J.   07470
Boonton,  N.J.   07005
Fairfield, N.J.  07006
Newark,  N.J.   07105
Edison, N.J.  08817
Mahwah,  N.J.  07430
Elmwood Park. N.J.  07407
Carlstadt, N.J.  07072
East Hanover, N.J.  07936
Bayonne, N.J.
Whippanjs N.J.
W.  CaldwelVN.J.  07006
Kearny, N.J.
Belle Mead, N.J.  08502
Kenilworth, N.J.  07033
Mendham, N.J.
Piscataway, N.J.
Pedricktown, N.J.  08067
Bayonne, N.J.  07002

Ramsey,  N.J.   07446
Wayne, N.J.  07470
Wanaque,  N.J.
East Hanover, N.J.  07936
Beacon, N.Y.  12508
East Rutherford,  N.J.  07073
West Quincy, Mass.
Marcus Hook,  Penna.
La Place, La.
                         - 37 -

Appendix 2 (page 2)
Dumpers With Alternate Methods of Disposal Implemented
Per EPA Requirements: ,            .. •-
 General Color Co.
 J.M. Huber Corp.
 The National Lockwaslier Co.
 Howmedica, Inc.
 Celanese Coatings Co.
 American Cyanamid Co.
 Green Village Packing Co.
 The Mennen Co.
 Weyerhaeuser Co.
 Wilson Products  Co.
 American Cyanamid Co.
 Kimberly-Clark Corp.
 St. Regis Paper Co.
 Hercules, Inc.
 Dow Chemical
Newark, 'N.JV  07114 ——~~
Edison, N.J.   08817
Holmdel, N.J.  07733
North Bra.ich, N.J.  08876
Rutherford, N.J.  07070
Belvidere,  N.J.  07823
Pearl River, N. Y.  10965
Green Village,  N.J.  07935
Morristown,  N.J. 07960
Closter,  N.J.  07624
Neshanic, N.J.  08853
Bound Brook, N.J.  08805
Spotswood, N.J.  08804
West Nyack,  N. Y. 10994
Kenvil, N.J. 07847
Mt. Holly,  N.J.  08060
                           - 38 -

Appendix 2 (page 3)
3.  Permits/Applications Denied or Withdrawn Per EPA Requirements:
Biocraft Corp.
BASF Wyandotte Corp.
The Clorox Co.
The Ansul Co.
Pratt & Whitney
Consolidated Edison Co.
Alcholac, Inc.
Everlon Fabrics Corp.
Waldwicj, N. J.
So. Kearny, N.J.  07032
Jersey City, N.J.  07305
Marinette,  Wise.
East Hartford,  Conn.  06108
New York,  N.Y.   10003
Ossing, N.Y.   10562
Closter,  N.J.   07624
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Appendix 2 (page 4)
4.  Dumpers Required to End Ocean Disposal By or Before June, 1975:

Bell Telephone Laboratories
Blue Ridge-Winkler Textiles
The Nestle Co.,  Inc.
U.S. Radium Corp.
Tenco  Division of the
   Coca-Cola Co.
Warner-Lambert Co.
Mycalex Corp.
Worthington Biochemical Corp.
Howmet Corp.
Gaess Environmental Service
   Corp., Chem-Trol Div.  of
   SAC Services, Inc.
 Sherwin Williams Co.
 Chevron Oil Co.
 Du Pont Co.
Whippany, N.J.  07981
Bangor,  Penna.   18102
Freehold, N.J.  07728
Hackettstown, N.J.  07840

Morris Plains, N.J.  07950
Morris Plans, N.J.  07950
Clifton,  N.J. 07011
Freehold, N.J.   07728
Dover, N.J.  07801
 Passaic, N.J.  07055
 Newark, N.J.  07101
 Perth Amboy, N.J.  08861
 LaPorte, Texas
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