August,  1987

                                  Health  Advisory
                              Office  of Drinking Water
                        U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency
        The Health Advisory  (HA)  Program,  sponsored  by  the Office of Drinking
   Water (ODW),  provides  information  on  the  health effects,  analytical method-
   ology and treatment  technology that would be useful  in dealing with the
   contamination of drinking water.   Health  Advisories  describe nonregulatory
   concentrations of drinking water contaminants at  which adverse health effects
   would not be  anticipated  to  occur  over  specific exposure durations.  Health
   Advisories contain a margin  of safety to  protect  sensitive members of the

        Health Advisories serve as informal  technical guidance to assist Federal,
   State and local officials responsible for protecting public health when
   emergency spills or  contamination  situations occur.   They are not to be
   construed as  legally enforceable Federal  standards.   The HAs are subject to
   change as new information becomes  available.

        Health Advisories are developed  for  one-day, ten-day, longer-term
   (approximately 7 years, or 10% of  an  individual's lifetime) and lifetime
   exposures based on data describing noncarcinogenic end points of toxicity.
   Health Advisories do not  quantitatively incorporate  any potential carcinogenic
   risk from such exposure.   For  those substances that  are known or probable
   human carcinogens, according to the Agency classification scheme (Group A or
   B),  Lifetime  HAs are not  recommended.  The chemical  concentration values for
   Group A or B  carcinogens  are correlated with carcinogenic risk estimates by
   employing a cancer potency (unit risk)  value together with assumptions for
   lifetime exposure and  the consumption of  drinking water.   The cancer unit
   risk is usually derived from the linear multistage model with 95% upper
   confidence limits.   This  provides  a low-dose estimate of cancer risk to
   humans that is considered unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk in excess
   of the stated values.   Excess  cancer  risk estimates  may also be calculated
   using the One-hit, Weibull,  Logit  or  Probit models.   There is no current
   understanding of the biological mechanisms involved  in cancer to suggest that
   any one of these models is able to predict risk more accurately than another.
   Because each  model is  based  on differing  assumptions, the estimates that are
   derived can differ by  several  orders  of magnitude.

    Diazinon                                                  August,  1987

                                 __      -2-   _____


    CAS No.  333-41-5

    Structural Formula
                                       -^     N

            0, 0-Die thyl-O- ( 6-methyl-2- ( 1 -me thylethyl ) -4-pyr imidinyl ) ester


         e  Antigal;  AG-500; Basudin;  Bazudin;  Ciazinon;  Ducutox;  Dassitox;
            Dazzel; Dianon; Oiater;  Diaterr-Fos;  Diazajet; Diazide;  Diazitol;
            Diazol; Dicid; Dimpylat;  Dizinon;  Dyzol;  Exodin;  Flytrol;  Galesan;
            Kayazinon; Necidol/Nucidol;  R-Fos;  Spectacide; Spectracide (Meister,
         8  Soil insecticide; insect control in fruit,  vegetables,  tobacco,  forage,
            field crops, range, pasture,  grasslands and ornamentals;  nematocide
            in turf; seed treatment and fly control (Meister,  1985).
    Properties (Meister, 1983; Windholz et al.,  1983)

            Chemical Formula               C^f^iC^^SP
            Molecular Weight               304.36
            Physical State (258C)       Colorless oil
            Boiling Point                  83 to 84°C  (0.002  mm  Hg)
            Melting Point                  ~
            Vapor Pressure (20°C)          1.4 x 10-4
            Water Solubility  (20°C)        40 mg/L
            Log Octanol/Water Partition
            Taste Threshold                —
            Odor Threshold                 --
            Conversion Factor              —

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987



     0  Diazinon has been found  in 7,230 of 23,227 surface water samples
        analyzed and in 115  of  3,339 ground water samples (STORET, 1987).
        Samples were collected  at 3,527 surface water locations and 2,552
        ground water locations,  and diazinon was found in 46 states.  The
        85th percentile of all  nonzero samples was 0.20 ug/L in surface
        water and 0.25 ug/L  in  ground water sources.   The maximum concen-
        tration found was 33,400 ug/L in surface water and 84 ug/L in ground

Environmental Fate

     0  14c-Diazinon (99% pure), at 7 or 51 ppm on sandy loam soil, degraded
        with a half-life of  37.4 hours after exposure to natural light (Blair,
        1985).  The degradate,  oxypyrimidine, was detected at a maximum
        concentration of 19.60% (13.5 hours) of applied material when exposed
        to natural sunlight.  After 35.5 hours (37.4 hours is the half-life)
        of sunlight exposure, 20.7% of the radiolabeled material was in
        soil-bound residues  (some of which contained oxypyrimidine), 24.4%
        was oxypyrimidine and 39.7% diazinon.  Losses of 7% were attributed to
        volatilization of diazinon and degradates (of which 0.5% was carbon
        dioxide).  The total 14C-radioactive material balance was 87-89% at
        the 0 hour and 84% at all other experimental points.

     0  14C-Diazinon (99% pure)  degraded in sandy loam soil with a half-life
        of 17.3 hours when exposed to natural sunlight (Martinson, 1985).
        The degradate, oxypyrimidine, was detected at maximum concentrations
        of 23.72% (32.6 hours)  of applied after exposure to natural sunlight.
        The degradate 2-(1'-hydroxy-1'-methyl)ethyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine
        was present after 8  hours of natural sunlight exposure at 3.6% of the
        applied material but was not present in the non-exposed samples.  An
        unidentified degradate  resulting from non-photolytic degradation
        (since it was also present in non-exposed samples), accounted for
        about 7% of the applied material under sunlight.

     0  In a Swiss sandy loam soil at 75% of field capacity and 25°C, ring-
        labeled 14C-diazinon (97% pure) applied at 10 ppm rapidly degraded to
        2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine (IMHP) with a half-life of
        less than one month.  Within 14 days only 12.3% of the activity was
        found as the parent;  72.9% was identified as IMHP.  Breakdown of IMHP
        was slower than that of diazinon and 49% of the applied radioactive
        material was in the  form of IMHP after 84 days.  After 166 days the
        amount of IMHP decreased to 4.7% of the applied material.  Increased
        recoveries of 14CO2  (55.6% after 166 days) and unextracted 14C residues
        (15.1% after 166 days)  corresponded to IMHP breakdown.  No other major
        metabolites were found.   Radioactivity in the H2S04 and ethylene
        glycol traps was <1% of the applied 14C throughout the study and
        material balance was generally above 80% of the applied material
        (Keller, 1981).

     Diazinon                                                  August,  1987




          0  Mucke et al.  (1970) reported that  in both male and  female  rats,  69 to
             80% of orally administered diazinon is  excreted in  the urine  within
             12 hours.  This indicates that diazinon is well absorbed from the
             gastrointestinal  tract.


          0  The retention of  diazinon labeled  with  14C in the pyrimidine  ring  and
             in the ethoxy groups was investigated in Wistar rats  (Mucke et al.,
             1970).  Doses of  0.1 mg/rat were administered by stomach tube daily
             for 10 days.  Tissue levels 8 hours after the final dose were as
             follows:  stomach and esophagus, 0.25%;  small intestine, 0.65%;
             cecum/colon,  0.76%; liver, 0.16%;  spleen, 0.01%; pancreas, 0.01%;
             kidney, 0.04%; lung, 0.02%; testes, 0.02%; muscle,  0.77% and  fat,

          0  Chickens were fed diazinon at levels of 2, 20 or 200  ppm in their  food
             for a period of 7 weeks  (Mattson and Solga,  1965).  Assuming  that
             1 ppm in the diet of chickens is equivalent  to 0.125  mg/kg/day,  this
             corresponds to doses of  about 0.25, 2.5 or 25 mg/kg/day  (Lehman, 1959).
             At the end of the feeding period,  tissues from the  animals fed 200
             ppm  (25 mg/kg/day) in the diet were analyzed for diazinon.  There  was
             no diazinon detected in  fat, white or dark muscle,  heart,  kidney,
             liver, gizzard or eggs.  The limit of sensitivity of  the method  was
             0.05 ppm.  There  appeared to be no accumulation of  diazinon in the
             body at 200 ppm (25 mg/kg/day) in  the diet.


          0  The metabolism of diazinon 14c-labeled  in the pyrimidine ring was
             investigated  in Wistar rats (200 g) after administration by stomach
             tube  (Mucke et al., 1970).  In addition to some unchanged  diazinon,
             three major metabolites, all with  the pyrimidine ring intact, were
             identified in the urine, and to a  lesser degree in  the feces.  A
             fourth  fraction containing polar materials was also found.  The  three
             main metabolites  were the result of a split  at the  oxygen-phosphorus
             bond, with subsequent hydroxylation of  the isopropyl  side  chain.
             There was no  significant expiration of  labeled carbon dioxide, further
             indicating that the pyrimidine nucleus  remained intact.

           0  The metabolism of diazinon was investigated  in vitro  in rat liver
             microsomes obtained from adult male rats (Nakatsugawa et al., 1969).
             It was  found  that diazinon underwent a  dual  oxidative metabolism
             consisting of activation to diazoxon and degradation  to diethyl
             phosphorothioic acid.  The authors noted that they  had observed
             similar pathways  in studies with parathion and malathion,  and these
             results emphasized the importance  of microsomal oxidation  in  the
             degradation of organophosphate esters,  indicating that many of the
             so-called phosphatase products or  hydrolysis products may  actually be
             oxidative metabolites.

    Oiazinon                                                  August,  1987

            The excretion of  diazinon  labeled  with 14C in the pyrimidine ring and
            in  the ethoxy groups  was investigated after administration by stomach
            tube to Wistar rats  (Mucke et al., 1970).  The diazinon was excreted
            rapidly by both male  and female  animals,  and 50% of the administered
            dose was recovered within  12  hours.   Of this, 69 to 80% was excreted
            in  the urine, and 18  to 25% in the feces.  There was negligible
            expiration of labeled carbon  dioxide.  There was no evidence of
            accumulation of diazinon in any  tissue.
            Oiazinon is a reactive organophosphorus compound, and many of its
            toxic effects are similar  to those produced by other substances of
            this class.  Characteristic effects include inhibition of acetyl
            cholinesterase (ChE)  and central nervous system (CNS) depression.
       Short-term Exposure

         0  Weden et al.  (1984)  described a of diazinon poisoning
            in a 26-year-old man who deliberately ingested a preparation
            containing an unknown concentration of diazinon in an apparent suicide
            attempt.  Upon admission to the hospital,  the patient exhibited most
            of the usual  symptoms of organophosphate poisoning, including muscarinic,
            nicotinic and CNS manifestations.   During treatment and monitoring,  it
            was noted that the urine output was very low and was dark and cloudy
            in appearance.  By the second day,  the urine was found to contain
            moderate amorphous crystals that could not be identified.  With
            increased intravenous fluids, the urine output increased, but the
            crystaluria persisted and increased up to the 4th day, with a gradual
            decrease for  the next 5 days, at which time the patient was discharged.
            Serum creatinine and urea nitrogen levels remained normal throughout
            this period.   It was noted that this phenomenon may have been related
            to the specific pesticide formulation that had been ingested, but the
            authors suggested that renal function should be monitored more closely
            in persons with organophosphate poisoning.

         0  Two men reportedly developed "marked" inhibition of plasma cholin-
            esterase following the administration (route not specified) of five
            doses of 0.025 mg/kg/day.  A dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day for 28 days
            reduced plasma cholinesterase in three men by 35 to 40%.  In other
            tests, each involving three to four men, doses ranging from 0.02 to
            0.03 mg/kg/day produced reductions in plasma cholinesterase activity
            of 0, 15 to 20 and 14%.  In no case was there any effect on red
            blood cell cholinesterase activity or on hematology, serum chemistry
            or urinalysis.  Thus, 0.02 mg/kg/day was identified as a No-Observed-
            Adverse-Effect-Level (NOAEL) in humans (FAO/WHO, 1967, cited in
            Hayes, 1982).

Diazinon                                                  August,  1987


   Long-term Exposure

     0  No information was found in the available literature on  the long-term
        health effects of diazinon in humans.


   Short-term Exposure

     0  The acute oral toxicity of diazinon MG8 (a yellow oily liquid, 1,200
        mg/mL) was studied in male albino rats (238 to 321 g) by DeProspero
        (1972).  Four groups of six rats each were given a single  dose of
        diazinon by gavage and then observed for 7 days.  Dose levels
        administered were 157, 313, 625 or 1,250 mg/kg.  Within  4  hours of
        administration, animals at the three higher levels displayed symptoms
        of lethargy, tremors, convulsions and runny noses.  Mortality in the
        four groups was 0/6, 2/6, 5/6 and 6/6, respectively, with  death
        occurring between 8 and 24 hours after exposure.  At 2 days, the
        remaining animals at the two intermediate levels had recovered.  There
        was no mention of adverse symptoms at the lowest dose level.  Gross
        necropsy (performed only on animals that died) did not reveal abnormal
        findings.  The acute oral LD5g value was calculated to be  395.6 mg/kg.

     0  Hazelette (1984) investigated the effects of dietary hypercholesteremia
        (HCOL) on sensitivity to diazinon in inbred male C56BL/6J  mice.  The
        LD50 of diazinon in HCOL mice was nearly half that of diazinon admin-
        istered to normal mice (45 versus 84 mg/kg).  Cholesterol  feeding
        increased ChE activity in both blood and liver, and these  increases
        were negated by diazinon.  Hepatic diazinon levels were  also higher in
        the HCOL animals.  It was concluded that HCOL resulted in  an increase
        in susceptibility to, and toxicity of, diazinon.

     0  Adult mongrel dogs (one/sex/dose) were fed diazinon (0 or  1.0 ppm in
        the diet) for a period of 6 weeks (Doull and Anido, 1957).  Assuming
        that 1 ppm in the diet of dogs is equivalent to 0.025 mg/kg/day, this
        corresponds to doses of about 0 or 0.025 mg/kg/day (Lehman, 1959).
        Serum and erythrocyte ChE determinations were made on a  weekly basis
        before and during exposure.  Neither plasma nor red blood  cell ChE
        varied by more than ±15% from control in exposed animals of either
        sex, and there were no observed changes in body weight for the test
        period.  The apparent NOAEL for this study, based on blood chemistry
        parameters, is 0.025 mg/kg.

     0  The effect of diazinon on blood cell ChE activity was investigated
        in sheep after the administration of single oral doses by  gavage
        of 50, 65, 100, 200 or 250 mg/kg (Anderson et al., 1969).  Twenty-six
        sheep were used in the study groups.  Prior to dosing, 245 untreated
        sheep were used to determine the normal range of erythrocyte ChE
        values.  A typical severe clinical response consisted of profuse
        salivation, ataxia, dyspnea, dullness, anorexia and muscle twitching.
        In mild cases, only dullness and anorexia were seen, but were suffi-
        ciently pronounced to enable differentiation between normal and
        affected animals.  Sheep that were clinically affected by  diazinon

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

        suffered a depression of ChE of more than 75%.  However, there were
        five animals (at the 50-mg/kg dose level) that tolerated depressions
        of 80 to 90% without clinical effect.  The ChE values fell to minimum
        values within 1  to 4 hours,  and remained close to this level until
        about 8 hours after dosing,  during which time symptoms were observed.
        In those showing maximum depressions of 80% or more, the ChE activity
        returned to about half its normal value by the 5th day, and thereafter
        recovered only very slowly during a period of several weeks.

     0  Davies and Holub (1980) compared the subacute toxicity of diazinon in
        male and female Wistar rats.  The diazinon was incorporated into a
        semipurified diet at levels  of 2 or 25 ppm.  Assuming that 1 ppm in
        the diet of rats is equivalent to 0.05 mg/kg/day, this corresponds to
        doses of about 0.1  or 1.2 mg/kg/day (Lehman,  1959).  Effects on ChE
        activity were periodically assessed during a  28- to 30-day feeding
        period.  Levels  of 25 ppm (1.2 mg/kg/day) diazinon in the diet for
        30 days produced more significant reduction of ChE activity in plasma
        (22 to 30%) and  brain (5 to 9%) among treated females compared to
        treated males.   Erythrocyte ChE activity was  significantly more
        depressed (13 to 17%) in treated females relative to males at days
        21 to 28 of the  feeding period.  At no time was ChE activity in any
        tissue more reduced among treated males than  females.  At the 2-ppm
        (0.1 mg/kg/day)  dose level,  diazinon failed to affect erythrocyte ChE
        activity in either sex relative to controls.   Plasma ChE activities
        of treated males were not significantly different from control values,
        but treated females showed significant depression (29%) of plasma ChE
        activity.  This  investigation indicated that  the female rat is more
        sensitive to the toxicity of dietary diazinon than the male.  Based
        on the inhibition of ChE in  the female animals observed at 2 ppm, the
        Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level (LOAEL)  for this study was
        identified as 0.1  mg/kg/day.

   Dermal/Ocular Effects

     e  Nitka and Palanker (1980) investigated the primary dermal irritation
        and primary ocular irritation characteristics of a commercial formu-
        lation of diazinon in New Zealand White rabbits.  The percentage of
        diazinon in the  formulation  was not given.  After administration of a
        single application of 0.5 mL to abraded and intact skin of six rabbits,
        the formulation  was judged not to be a primary dermal irritant.  Nine
        rabbits were used to examine the effect of administration of a single
        dose of 0.1 mL of the formulation in one eye, and the results indicated
        that it was not  an ocular irritant.

   Long-term Exposure

     0  Female Wistar rats were fed  a semipurified diet containing 0 or 0.1
        to 15 ppm diazinon for up to 92 days with no  visible toxic effects
        (Davies and Holub,  1980). Weight gain and food consumption were
        comparable to controls.   Feeding studies up to 90 days revealed that
        rats were highly sensitive to diazinon after  31  to 35 days of exposure,
        as judged by reduction in .plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase (ChE)
        activities.  ChE was judged  most sensitive.   A NOAEL of 0.1  ppm,

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

        which the authors translated to an equivalent daily intake of 9
        ug/kg/day, is based on plasma ChE inhibition noted for up to 35 days
        of feeding.  Other data in this reference indicate that the depression
        of plasma ChE is not further inhibited by continued dosing (up to 90

     0  Barnett and Kung (1980) fed Charles River CD-1 mice diazinon in the
        diet at levels of 0, 4, 20 or 100 ppm for 18 months (males) or
        19 months (females).  Assuming that 1 ppm in the diet of mice is
        equivalent to 0.15 mg/kg/day, this corresponds to doses of about 0,
        0.6, 3 or 15 mg/kg/day (Lehman, 1959).  Groups of 60 animals of each
        sex were used at each treatment level, and a similar group served as
        controls.  In males, there was a significant reduction in weight gain
        at the highest dose.  Weight reduction was significant in all female
        groups, although it did not appear to be dose- or treatment related.
        There were no significant trends in mortality.  Animals showed skin
        irritation, loss of hair, skin lesions and piloerection.  Gross and
        microscopic examinations showed no inflammatory, degenerative, pro-
        liferative or neoplastic lesions due to the administration of diazinon.
        A LOAEL of 4 ppm (0.6 mg/kg/day) was identified for the mouse in this

     0  Horn (1955) fed diazinon to groups of 20 male and 20 female rats at
        0, 10, 100 or 1,000 ppm in the diet for 104 weeks.  Assuming that
        1 ppm in the diet of rats is equivalent to 0.05 mg/kg/day, this
        corresponds to dose levels of about 0, 0.5, 5 or 50 mg/kg/day (Lehman,
        1959).  The rats were started on the diet as weanlings weighing 62 to
        63 g.  In preliminary studies, the highest dose caused significant
        growth retardation.  The animals for this group were initially given
        100 ppm diazinon, which was increased gradually over a period of 11
        weeks to the 1,000-ppm level.  Mortality occurred in all groups,
        including the controls, and pneumonia was common.  In all groups,
        body weight and food consumption were comparable to the controls.
        Hematocrit values for males at 1,000 ppm were significantly depressed
        when compared to controls.  At 10 ppm, plasma ChE was inhibited by 60
        to 73%, red blood cell ChE was inhibited 24 to 42% and brain ChE was
        inhibited 8 to 10%.  At 100 or 1,000 ppm, there was 95 to 100% inhibition
        of ChE in plasma and blood cells.  At 100 ppm, brain ChE was inhibited
        19 (males) to 53% (females), and this increased to 41 (males) to 59%
        (females) at 1,000 ppm.  There were no significant gross pathological
        findings.  Based on inhibition of blood and plasma ChE, the LOAEL for
        this study was identified as 10 ppm (0.5 mg/kg/day).

     0  Woodard et al. (1965) exposed monkeys (three/sex/dose) to diazinon
        orally for 52 weeks.  The animals were started at doses of 0.1, 1.0
        or 10 mg/kg/day for the first 35 days, but these doses were lowered
        to 0.05, 0.5 or 5.0 mg/kg/day for the remainder of the study, apparent-
        ly because of poor food consumption and decreased weight gain.
        During the 52 weeks, body weight gain was slightly depressed in all
        treated groups, and soft stools were observed in all animals, with
        diarrhea in three animals (dose not specified).  One female at the
        0.5-mg/kg dose level had significant weight loss and signs of dehydra-
        tion, emaciation, pale skin coloration and an unthrifty hair coat.

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

        One female at this level (it is not clear whether it is the same
        animal just mentioned) exhibited decreased hemoglobin and a rapid
        sedimentation rate at 39 and 53 weeks.  Plasma ChE was inhibited 93%
        at the high dose and 23% at the mid-dose, but no inhibition was noted
        at 0.05 mg/kg (the low dose).  Red blood cell ChE was inhibited 90%,
        0% and 0% at the high, mid and low doses, respectively.  Other bio-
        chemical parameters were normal.  Based on inhibition of ChE, a NOAEL
        of 0.05 mg/kg/day and a LOAEL of 0.5 mg/kg/day were identified in
        this study.

   Reproductive Effects

     0  Johnson and Cronin (1965) conducted a three-generation reproduction
        study in Charles River rats.  Beginning.70 days before mating, groups
        of 20 females were fed diazinon (as 50% wettable powder) in the
        diet at 4 or 8 ppm.  Assuming that 1 ppm in the diet of rats is
        equivalent to 0.05 mg/kg/day, this corresponds to doses of about 0.2
        or 0.4 mg/kg/day (Lehman, 1959).  The end points monitored included:
        general maternal condition, number of live and dead fetuses, number
        of pups per litter, mean pup and litter weights, gross pathology of
        Fla' F2a and F3a animals, and histopathology of F3b animals.  All
        findings were reported to be normal, but there were no detailed data
        provided.  A NOAEL of 8 ppm  (0.4 mg/kg/day), the highest dose tested,
        was identified in this study.

     0  Diazinon was administered orally at dose levels of 0, 7, 25 or 100
        mg/kg to groups of 18 to 22 New Zealand White rabbits on days 6 to
        18 of gestation (Harris et al., 1981).  At the 100-mg/kg level,
        9/22 animals died.  This was not quite significant (p <0.07) using
        the Fisher Exact Test, although it was thought to be biologically
        significant by the authors.  Of these nine animals, seven showed
        lesions indicative of gastrointestinal toxicity.  At this dose,
        animals also were observed to have tremors and convulsions and were
        anorexic and hypoactive.  These symptoms were not observed in animals
        at the 7- and 25-mg/kg levels.  One rabbit at the 25-mg/kg level
        aborted on day 27, and all fetuses were dead.  At this dose there
        were no significant changes  in weight gain compared to the control,
        and no changes in the corpora lutea.  There were also no statistically
        significant changes in implantation sites, proportion of live, dead
        or resorbed fetuses per litter, fetal weights or sex ratios.  Based on
        these data, the NOAEL for reproductive effects for the rabbit was
        identified as 7 mg/kg/day.

   Developmental Effects

     0  Diazinon at dose levels of 7, 25 or 100 mg/kg was administered orally
        to New Zealand White rabbits on days 6 to 18 of gestation  (Harris
        et al., 1981).  Groups of 18 to 22 rabbits, 4 to 5 months of age and
        weighing 3.0 to 4.1 kg, were given diazinon in 0.2% sodium carbo-
        xymethyl cellulose (CMC) and a group of controls was given 0.2% CMC
        only.  At the 100-mg/kg level, 9/22 animals died, and although this
        mortality was not quite significant (p <0.07) using the Fisher Exact
        Test, it was thought to be biologically significant by the authors.

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

        There were no significant differences in abnormalities between the
        control and treated groups, and it was concluded that diazinon was
        neither fetotoxic nor teratogenic in the rabbit at these dose levels.
        With respect to fetal effects, a NOAEL of 100 mg/kg/day, the highest
        dose tested was identified.  Based on maternal toxicity, a NOAEL of
        25 mg/kg/day is identified.

     0  Tauchi et al. (1979) administered diazinon by gavage to groups of
        30 pregnant rats for 11  days (days 7 to 17 of gestation), at dose
        levels of 0, 0.53, 1.45 or 4.0 mg/kg/day.  In each group, 20 animals
        were delivered by Cesarean section on day 17, while the remaining
        10 were allowed to deliver normally.  There were no effects on behavior
        or learning ability, and no pathological lesions were detected at 10
        weeks.  It was concluded that diazinon was not teratogenic at the
        doses tested.  The NOAEL for fetal effects in this study was 4.0
        mg/kg/day, the highest dose tested.


     0  Fritz (1975) conducted a dominant lethal study in NMRI-derived albino
        mice.  Single doses of diazinon were administered orally to males at
        levels of 15 or 45 mg/kg.  After exposure, the males were mated to
        untreated females several times over a period of 6 weeks.  There were
        no significant differences in mating ratios, the number of implantations
        or embryonic deaths (resorptions), and no adverse effects were observed
        in the progeny at either dose level.  It was concluded that diazinon
        did not produce dominant lethal mutations in this test at the doses

     0  The mutagenicity of diazinon was tested in bacterial reversion-assay
        systems with five strains of Salmonella typhimurium and one strain of
        Escherichia coli  (Moriya et al., 1983).  No evidence of mutagehic
        activity was noted in any of the test systems.

     0  Four strains of Salmonella typhimurium were used to assay the muta-
        genic potential of diazinon (Marshall et al., 1976).  Negative
        results were found by these investigators as well.


     0  A chronic bioassay for possible carcinogenicity of diazinon was
        conducted in F-344 rats and S6C3F^ mice (NCI, 1979).  Groups of 50
        animals were fed diazinon in the diet at the following levels:  rats,
        400 or 800 ppm; mice, 100 or 200 ppm.  Assuming that 1 ppm in the
        diet of rats and mice is equivalent to 0.05 and 0.15 mg/kg/day,
        respectively, this corresponds to doses of about 20 or 40 mg/kg/day
        in rats and about 15 or 30 mg/kg/day in mice (Lehman, 1959).  There
        was some hyperactivity noted in animals of both species, but there
        was no significant effect on either weight gain or mortality.  There
        was no incidence of tumors that could be clearly related to diazinon,
        and it was concluded that diazinon was not carcinogenic in either

   Diazinon                                                  August,  1987

        0  Charles River CD-1  mice were  fed  diazinon in the diet at levels of  4,
           20 or  100 ppm for 18 months  (males)  or  19 months (females)  (Barnett
           and Kung,  1960).   Assuming that  1 ppm in the diet of mice is equiva-
           lent to 0.15  mg/kg/day,  this  corresponds to doses of about 0.6, 3 or
           15 mg/kg/day  (Lehman,  1959).   Groups of 60 animals of each sex were
           used at each  treatment level,  and a  similar group served as controls.
           In males at the highest dose  level  there was a significant difference
           in weight gain from the controls.   Weight reduction was significant
           in all female treatment groups, but it  did not appear to be dose-
           or treatment-related.   There  were no significant trends in mortality.
           Gross  and microscopic examinations  showed no inflammatory,  degenerative,
           proliferative or neoplastic lesions  due to the administration of
           diazinon,  and the study was judged  to be negative-with respect to


        Health Advisories (HAs) are generally  determined for one-day,  ten-day,
   longer-term (approximately 7 years) and  lifetime exposures if adequate data
   are available  that identify a sensitive  noncartfinogenic end point of toxicity.
   The HAs for noncarcinogenic toxicants are derived using the following formula:

                 HA = (NOAEL or LOAEL) x (BW)  . 	 mg/L (	   /L)
                        (UF) x (	 L/day)


           NOAEL  or LOAEL = No- or Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level
                            in mg/kg bw/day.

                      BW = assumed body weight of a child (10 kg) or
                            an adult (70 kg).

                      UF = uncertainty  factor (10,  100 or 1,000), in accordance
                            with NAS/ODW guidelines.

               	 L/day = assumed daily water consumption of a child
                            (1 L/day) or an  adult  (2 L/day).

   One-day Health Advisory

        No information was found in the  available  literature that was suitable
   for determination of  the One-day HA value.   It  is, therefore, recommended
   that the Ten-day HA value for a 10-kg child  (0.02 mg/L, calculated below) be
   used at this time as  a conservative estimate of the One-day HA value.

   Ten-day Health Advisory

        The most  sensitive indicator of  the  effects of diazinon is inhibition  of
   ChE.  However, this effect is reversible, and significant inhibition of this
   enzyme often occurs without production of clinically significant effects.

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

Consequently, selection of a NOAEL or LOAEL value based only on inhibition
of ChE, in the absence of any other toxic signs, is a highly conservative

     The study in humans described by Hayes (1982) has been selected to serve
as the basis for determination of the.Ten-day HA value for diazinon.  Although
this study is a secondary source, it establishes a NOAEL in humans based on
the most sensitive end point, i.e., ChE.  Hayes reported that in human volun-
teers, short-term exposure to doses of 0.02 mg/kg/day did not result in
decreased ChE levels, while doses of 0.025 to 0.05 mg/kg/day caused ChE
reductions of 15 to 40%.  This NOAEL (0.02 mg/kg/day) is supported by studies
in animals; e.g., based on blood and serum ChE, Doull and Anido (1957)
reported a NOAEL of 0.05 mg/kg/day in a 6-week study in dogs.

     Using a NOAEL of 0.02 mg/kg/day, the Ten-day HA for a 10-kg child is
calculated as follows:

         Ten-day HA = (0.02 mg/kg/day)  (10 kg) = Q>Q2   /L (20   /L)
                           (10)  (1 L/day)


        0.02 mg/kg/day = NOAEL, based on absence of ChE inhibition in humans.

                 1 0 kg = -assumed body weight of a child.

                    10 = uncertainty factor, chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                         guidelines for use with a NOAEL from a human study.

               1 L/day = assumed daily water consumption of a child.

Longer-term Health Advisory

     The study by Woodard et al. (1965) has been selected to serve as the
basis  for the Longer-term HA.  Based on inhibition of plasma ChE in monkeys
exposed for 52 weeks, this" study identified a NOAEL of 0.05 and a LOAEL of
0.5 mg/kg/day.  These values are supported by the NOAEL for ChE inhibition of
0.025  mg/kg/day identified in a 6-week feeding study in dogs (Doull and Anido,
1957)  and by the LOAEL of 0.5 mg/kg/day identified by Horn (1955), based on
ChE inhibition in rats exposed for 2 years.

     Using a NOAEL of 0.05 mg/kg/day, the Longer-term HA for a 10-kg child is
calculated as follows:

       Longer-term HA =  (0.05 mg/kg/day)  (10 kg) = 0>005 mg/L (5.0   /L)
                           (100)  (1 L/day)
        0.05 mg/kg/day  = NOAEL, based on absence of ChE inhibition in monkeys
                          given diazinon orally for 52 weeks.

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987


                  10 kg • assumed  body weight of a child.

                    100 - uncertainty factor, chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                          guidelines  for use with a NOAEL from an animal study.

                1  L/day = assumed  daily water consumption of a child.

     Using a NOAEL of 0.05 mg/kg/day,  the Longer-term HA for a 70-kg adult is
calculated as follows:

     Longer-term HA = (0.05 mg/kg/day) (70 kg) , 0.0175 mg/L (17.5 ug/L)
                          (100)  (2 L/day)


         0.05 mg/kg/day = NOAEL, based on absence of ChE inhibition in monkeys
                          given diazinon orally for 52 weeks.

                  70 kg = assumed  body weight of an adult.

                    100 » uncertainty factor, chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                          guidelines  for use with a NOAEL from an animal study.

                2 L/day - assumed  daily water consumption of an adult.

Lifetime Health Advisory

     The Lifetime HA represents that  portion of an individual's total exposure
that is attributed to drinking water  and is considered protective of noncar-
cinogenic adverse health effects over a lifetime exposure.  The Lifetime HA
is derived in a three-step process.  Step 1 determines the Reference Dose
(RfD),  formerly called the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).  The RfD is an esti-
mate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without
appreciable risk of deleterious effects over a lifetime, and is derived from
the NOAEL (or LOAEL), identified from a chronic (or subchronic) study, divided
by an uncertainty factor(s).  From the RfD, a Drinking Water Equivalent Level
(DWEL)  can be determined (Step 2). A DWEL is a medium-specific (i.e., drinking
water)  lifetime exposure level, assuming 100% exposure from that medium, at
which adverse, noncarcinogenic health effects would not be expected to occur.
The DWEL is derived from the multiplication of the RfD by the assumed body
weight of an adult and divided by  the assumed daily water consumption of an
adult.   The Lifetime HA is determined in Step 3 by factoring in other sources
of exposure, the relative source contribution (RSC).  The RSC from drinking
water is based on actual exposure  data or, if data are not available, a
value of 20% is assumed for synthetic organic chemicals and a value of 10%
is assumed for inorganic chemicals.  If the contaminant is classified as a
Group A or B carcinogen, according to the Agency's classification scheme of
carcinogenic potential (U.S. EPA,  1986), then caution should be exercised in
assessing the risks associated with lifetime exposure to this chemical.

     Available lifetime studies were  not judged adequate for use in the deter-
mination of the Lifetime HAs since toxicological end points and numbers of

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987


animals tested were limited.  Therefore, the 13-week study of Davies and
Holub (1980) has been selected to serve as the basis for determination of
the Lifetime HA, with an additional safety factor of 10 for studies of less
than a lifetime.  This study identified a NOAEL of 0.009 mg/kg/day.

     Using a NOAEL of 0.009 mg/kg/day, the Lifetime HA is derived as follows:

Step 1:  Determination of the Reference Dose (RfD)

                 RfD - (0.009 mg/kg/day) = 0.00009 mg/kg/day


        0.009 mg/kg/day = NOAEL, based on plasma cholinesterase inhibition
                          in rats exposed to diazinon in the diet for up to
                          92 days.

                    100 = uncertainty factor of 10 for the end point of
                          toxicity-cholinesterase inhibition and an additional
                          factor of 10 for a study of less-than-lifetime

Step 2:  Determination of the Drinking Water Equivalent Level (DWEL)

        DWEL = (0.00009 mg/kg/day) (70 kg) = 0.00315 mg/L (3.15 ug/L)
                        (2 L/day)


        0.00009 mg/kg/day = RfD.

                    70 kg = assumed body weight of an adult.

                  2 L/day » assumed water consumption of an adult.

Step 3:  Determination of the Lifetime Health Advisory

        Lifetime HA » (0.00315 mg/L)  (20%) = 0.00063 mg/L (0.63 ug/L)


        0.00315 mg/L » DWEL.

                 20% a assumed relative source contribution from water.

Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential

     0  Two studies on the carcinogenicity of diazinon in mice have been
        reported (NCI, 1979; Barnett and Kung, 1980).  Neither study revealed
        any evidence of carcinogenicity.

     0  The International Agency for Research on Cancer has not evaluated the
        carcinogenic potential of diazinon.

     • Diazinon                                                  August,  1987


           •  Applying the criteria  described  in EPA's guidelines for assessment of
              carcinogenic risk (U.S.  EPA,  1986a),  diazinon may be classified in
              Group E:  evidence of  non-carcinogenicity for humans.  This category
              is for substances that show no evidence of carcinogenicity in at
              least two adequate animal  tests  or in both epidemiologic and animal


           0  The NAS (1977)  has calculated an ADI  of 0.002 mg/kg/day, based on a
              NOAEL in humans of 0.02  mg/kg/day and an uncertainty factor of 10.
              Assuming average body  weight  of  human adult of 70 kg, daily consumption
              of 2 liters of  water and a 20% contribution from water, NAS (1977)
              calculated a Suggested-No-Adverse-Effeet-Level of 0.014 mg/L.


           0  Analysis of diazinon is  by a  gas chromatographic (GC) method applicable
              to the determination of  certain  nitrogen-phosphorus containing pesti-
              cides in water  samples (U.S.  EPA, 1986b).  In this method, approximately
              1 liter of sample is extracted with methylene chloride.  The extract
              is concentrated and the  compounds are separated using a capillary
              column GC.  Measurement  is made  using a nitrogen-phosphorus detector.
              The method detection limit has not been determined for diazinon but
              it is estimated that the detection limits for analytes included in
              this method are in the range  of  0.1 to 2 ug/L.


           0  Available data  indicate  that  reverse osmosis (RO), granular-activated
              carbon (GAC) adsorption  and ozonation will remove diazinon from
              water.  The percent removal efficiency ranged from 75 to 100%.

           0  Laboratory studies indicate that RO is a promising treatment method
              for diazinion-contaminated waters.  Chian (1975) reported 100% removal
              efficiency using a cross-linked  polyethylenimine (NS-100)  membrane
              and 99.88% removal efficiency with a cellulose acetate (CA) membrane.
              Both membranes  operated  separately at 600 psi and a flux rate of
              8-12 gal/ft2/day.  Membrane adsorption, however, is a major concern
              and must be considered as  breakthrough of diazinon would probably
              occur once the  adsorption  potential of the membrane was exhausted.

           0  GAC is effective for diazinon removal.  Dennis and Kobylinski (1983)
              and Dennis et al. (1983) reported 94.5%, 90.5% and 76% diazinon
              removal efficiency from  wastewater in 6 hr. treatment periods with
              45 Ibs of GAC.   Also,  95%  diazinon removal efficiency was achieved
              in an 8-hr, treatment  period  with 40 Ibs of GAC.

           0  Whittaker (1980) experimentally  determined GAC adsorption isotherms
              for diazinon and diazinon-methyl parathion solutions in distilled
              water indicate  that treatment with GAC can be used to remove diazinon.

Diazinon                                                  August, 1987

        UV/03 oxidation treatment appears to be an effective diazinon removal
        method.  UV/03 oxidized 75% of diazinon at 3.4 gm/L ozone dosage and
        a retention time of 204 minutes.   When lime pretreatment was used,
        UV/03 oxidized 99+% of diazinon at 4.1 gm/L ozone dosage and 240
        minutes retention time (Zeff et al., 1984).

        Some treatment technologies for the removal of diazinon from water
        are available and have been reported to be effective.  However,
        selection of individual or combinations of technologies to attempt
        diazinon removal from water must be based on a case-by-case technical
        evaluation, and an assessment of the economics involved.

    Oiazinon                                                  August, 1987



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