EPA   Complying With the Stage 1
         Disinfectants and Disinfection
         Byproducts  Rule: Basic Guide

         One of the Simple Tools for Effective
         Performance (STEP) Guide Series

         For Small Systems Adding Any Chemical Disinfectant
          In addition to this guide, owners and operators of systems adding chlorine dioxide or ozone should obtain
          Supplement A of this guide or contact their state to learn about additional requirements of the Stage 1
          Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR). Owners and operators of conventional
          filtration systems should obtain Supplement B of this guide or contact their state for more information on
          how additional requirements of the Stage 1 DBPR apply to them.

Office of Water
EPA 816-B-05-004
March 2006
Printed on Recycled Paper

NOTICE: This guide is intended to aid you in complying with the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1
DBPR) published on December 16, 1998, under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The SDWA provisions, the Stage 1 DBPR,
  and other EPA regulations described in this guide contain legally binding requirements.  This document does not substitute for
those provisions or regulations, nor is it a regulation itself. It does not impose legally binding requirements on EPA, states, or the
  regulated community, and may not apply to a particular situation based on the circumstances. EPA and state decision-makers
     retain the discretion to adopt approaches on a case-by-case basis that differ from this guidance where appropriate. Any
  decisions regarding a particular community water system or non-transient non-community water system will be made based on
    the applicable statutes and regulations. Therefore, interested parties are free to raise questions and objections about the
        appropriateness of the application of this guide to a particular situation, and EPA will consider whether or not the
  recommendations or interpretations in this guide are appropriate in that situation based on the law and regulations.  EPA may
  change this guidance in the future. To determine whether EPA has revised this guide and/or to obtain copies, contact the Safe
                                       Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

 Please note that the term "state"  is used in this guide to refer to your Primacy Agency. The Primacy Agency for most systems is
  your state Drinking Water Agency. However, the Primacy Agency for systems located in the  Navajo Nation is your tribal office,
and the Primacy Agency for systems located on other tribal lands, in Wyoming, or in the District of Columbia is your EPA Regional

Acronyms and Definitions	  i

Is This Guide for Me?	  3

What Will I Learn? 	  4

Ensuring Safe Drinking Water  	  5

What Is the Stage 1 DBPR?	  6

What Do I Have to Do and When Do I Have to Do It? 	  7

Chlorine and Chloramines  	  10
      Monitoring Requirements for Chlorine and Chloramines 	  11
            Do I Have to Monitor for Chlorine and Chloramines?	  11
            How Often Do I Have to Sample and Where Do I Take the Samples?	  11

TTHM and HAAS 	  13
      Monitoring Requirements for TTHM and HAAS 	  14
            Do I Have to Monitor for TTHM/HAA5?	  14
            How Often Do I Have to Sample?	  14
            Where Do I Take the Samples?  	  17

Analysis, Compliance, and Reporting	  18
      Who Must Analyze My Samples?	  19
      How Do I  Determine Compliance?	  20
      What Do I Report to the State?	  22
            Routine Monitoring Reports  	  22
            MCL, MRDL, and Monitoring Violations 	  23
      What Do I Report to My Customers?  	  24
            Routine Public Notification 	  24
            Public Notification in the Case of a Violation 	  24

How Can I Achieve and Maintain Compliance?	  26
             Modifying Treatment	  26
             Changing Your Source Water	  26
             Partnerships with Other Water Systems	  27

How Can Stage 1 DBPR Requirements Affect Compliance with Other Rules?	  28
             Lead and Copper Rule 	  28
             Total Coliform Rule	  29
             Long-Term  1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule  	  29

What Resources Can I Use to Comply with the Stage 1 DBPR?	  30

      Appendix A: Compliance Determination Examples  	A-1
      Appendix B: Sample Monitoring Worksheets	B-1
      Appendix C: Developing a Monitoring Plan 	  C-1
      Appendix D: Additional Sources of Information on the Stage 1 DBPR	  D-1
      Appendix E: Contact Information for Safe Drinking Water Act Primacy Agencies 	E-1
      Appendix F: Tribal  Contacts	F-1
      Appendix G: Other STEP Documents  	  G-1

 Additional copies of this Basic Guide, and its supplements, can be downloaded from EPA's
                 Safe Drinking Water Web site atwww.epa.gov/safewater.

You can also call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791 to request these documents.

Acronyms and  Definitions
CCR - Consumer Confidence Report
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
Compliance Samples - Required samples your system takes to
comply with regulations.  Compliance samples are identified in your
monitoring plan.  All compliance samples identified in your
monitoring plan must be included in your compliance calculations,
even if you take more than the minimum number of samples.
Conventional Filtration - A series of processes including
coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration that results in
substantial particulate removal.
CWS - Community water system
DBP - Disinfection  byproduct
DBP Precursor - Disinfection byproduct precursor
Enhanced Coagulation - Refers to the process of achieving
improved disinfection byproduct precursor removal by using
conventional treatment.
Enhanced Softening - Refers to the process of achieving improved
disinfection byproduct precursor removal by using precipitative
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
GWUDI - Ground water under the direct influence of surface water
HAAS - The sum of the concentration of the five haloacetic acids
covered by the Stage 1 DBPR (monochloro-, dichloro-, and
trichloro-acetic acid and monobromo- and  dibromo-acetic acid)
LT1ESWTR- Long-Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
MCL - Maximum contaminant levels are the maximum permissible
level of a contaminant in water delivered to a consumer.  MCLs are
enforceable standards.
MRDL - Maximum residual disinfectant levels are the maximum
permissible level of disinfectant residuals in water delivered to a
consumer. MRDLs are enforceable standards.
MRT - Maximum residence time
NTNCWS - Non-transient non-community water system
Operational Samples - Samples your system takes not for
compliance purposes, but to gain a better understanding of water
quality. These samples should not be included in your compliance
Oxidant - Oxidants are most often used for the oxidation of reduced
iron and manganese, destruction of taste and odor causing organic
contaminants, and the destruction of synthetic organic
contaminants. Many oxidants act as coagulant aids and are used as
part of an overall program for the control of potentially harmful
disinfection by-products.
PN - Public notification
Primacy Agency - The state agency that has been granted primary
enforcement responsibility for administration  and enforcement of
primary drinking water regulations and related requirements
applicable to public water systems within  a state (40 CFR 142.2).
PWS - Public water system
RAA - Running annual average
Stage 1 DBPR - Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts
State - Used in this guide to  refer to your Primacy Agency. The

Primacy Agency for most systems is your state Drinking Water
Agency. The Primacy Agency for systems located in the Navajo
Nation is your tribal office, and the Primacy Agency for systems
located on other tribal lands, in Wyoming, or in the District of
Columbia is your EPA Regional office.
Subpart H - PWSs using surface water or ground water under the
direct influence of surface water as a source.
SUVA -  Specific ultraviolet absorption
TCR - Total Coliform Rule
TOC - Total organic carbon
TTHM -  Total trihalomethanes (the sum of the four trihalomethanes
covered by the Stage 1 DBPR: chloroform, bromoform, and
dibromochloro- and bromodichloro-methane)
TNCWS - Transient non-community water system
WTP - Water treatment plant

Is This Guide for Me?
The Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR) applies to water systems that add a chemical disinfectant such
as chlorine, chloramines, chlorine dioxide, or ozone to their drinking water during any part of the treatment process for any purpose (e.g.,
taste, odor, color).  EPA has developed three documents to address the requirements of the Stage 1 DBPR:
      The Basic Guide-for community water systems (CWSs) and non-transient non-community        .,     .     .  _[y   .    .   ,
                                  3       }      ^     '                            }        If you do not add a chemical
      water systems (NTNCWSs) that add a chemical disinfectant and serve fewer than 10,000
 disinfectant to your water, the
Stage 1 DBPR does not apply to
      Supplement A - for CWSs, NTNCWSs, and transient non-community water systems                     your system-
      (TNCWSs) that use chlorine dioxide and CWSs and NTNCWSs that use ozone.
•     Supplement B - for Subpart H CWSs and NTNCWSs that add a chemical disinfectant and
      use conventional filtration.

Systems that will typically find these guides useful (if they add a chemical disinfectant) include:
            •      Small towns                           •     Home owners' associations
            •      Rural water districts                    •     Small private systems
            •      Tribal systems                         •     Factories, religious institutions, and schools with their own
            •      Manufactured housing communities             water suPP|ies

CWSs, NTNCWSs, and TNCWSs that use chlorine dioxide and CWSs and NTNCWSs that use ozone should obtain Supplement A of this
guide or contact their state. Subpart H systems that add a chemical disinfectant and use conventional filtration should obtain Supplement B
of this guide or contact their state. Contact information for Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Primacy Agencies is provided in Appendix E.
Tribal contact information is provided in Appendix F.  If your system is a new system or if you are just starting to add a chemical disinfectant,
you should work with your state to determine which requirements apply to you. Your state can also help you figure out how to calculate
compliance with the Rule.

What Will I Learn?
Table 1: Requirements of the Stage 1 DBPR
As a drinking water system operator, your most important job is to protect
the health of your customers. This guide will help you by providing
information about:

   •  The health risks associated with disinfectants, disinfection
      byproducts (DBFs), and residual disinfectants;

   •  The monitoring requirements of the Stage 1 DBPR;

   •  How to determine if you are in compliance;

   •  What to report to the state and to your customers; and,

   •  How to maintain compliance through partnerships, treatment, and
      other options.

Table 1 outlines the requirements of the regulations and the systems to
which they apply. It also indicates where you can find information on each
disinfectant residual, byproduct, or precursor in this guide and its
supplements.  The appendices contain examples of compliance calculations
and sample monitoring worksheets.
Byproduct, or
Chlorine &
Chlorine Dioxide
(TTHM) & five
haloacetic acids
DBP Precursors
Systems Required to
CWSs and NTNCWSs using
chlorine or chloramines for
any purpose
All systems using chlorine
dioxide for disinfection or
adding any chemical
disinfectant for any purpose
CWSs and NTNCWSs using
chlorine dioxide for
disinfection or oxidation
CWSs and NTNCWSs using
CWSs and NTNCWSs using
surface water or ground
water under the direct
influence of surface water
(GWUDI) and conventional
Where to
Basic Guide
Page 10
Basic Guide
Page 13
     This guide describes the minimum federal requirements under the Stage 1 DBPR. Some states may have additional requirements
        and monitoring forms.  Be sure to check your state's specific requirements. For state and tribal contact information, refer to
                                                    Appendices E and F.

Ensuring Safe Drinking Water
To prevent waterborne disease, most systems add
chlorine or other chemical disinfectants to their water to kill
or inactivate the pathogens. Unfortunately, while chemical
disinfectants are effective at controlling many harmful
microorganisms, they can react with naturally-occurring
organic materials in the water (DBP precursors).
Disinfectants can also dissociate, or break down, into other
chemicals. Both reactions can form unintended DBPs.
This presents a dilemma for systems: they must add
chemical disinfectants to reduce the risk of waterborne
disease outbreaks, but at the same time carefully control
their use in order to avoid producing harmful byproducts.
Table 2 shows the  relationship between DBP precursors,
DBPs, and disinfectants.
Table 2: DBP Production*
Precursor in Water
Organic Materials

*Although disinfection can prodi
EPA does not yet regulate them
potential health effects.

Chlorine Dioxide

jce other DBPs besides those listed here,
due to a lack of information about their
To address this situation, EPA developed the Stage 1
DBPR in conjunction with the Long-Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT1ESWTR), which regulates microbial contamination
in Subpart H systems. Together, the LT1ESWTR and the Stage 1 DBPR strike a balance between protection from the acute health risks of
microbial contamination and protection from the long-term health effects of chemical disinfectants and their byproducts.  EPA expects that
the forthcoming Ground Water Rule will expand regulation of microbial contamination to ground water systems.
    The Stage 1 DBPR and the LT1ESWTR are integrally related. Actions you take to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR might affect your
                  responsibilities under the LT1ESWTR, and vice-versa. Check with your state for more information.

What  Is the Stage  1  DBPR?
The Stage 1 DBPR describes what are allowable levels of microbial pathogens and chemical disinfectants. The Stage 1 DBPR regulates
the allowable levels of disinfectants, DBPs, and DBP precursors in drinking water. Specifically, the Rule requires systems to:

•  Meet the maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) for three chemical disinfectants: chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide (40
   CFR 141.65).  This guide only contains information on the requirements for chlorine and chloramines.  See Supplement A for more
   information on chlorine dioxide.

•  Meet the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for TTHM, HAAS, chlorite, and bromate (40 CFR 141.64). This guide only contains
   information on the requirements for TTHM and HAAS. See Supplement A for more information on chlorite and bromate.

Conventional systems are required to remove specified percentages of DBP precursors from their raw water (measured as Total Organic
Carbon (TOC)) through enhanced coagulation, enhanced softening, or by meeting alternative compliance  criteria (40 CFR 141.135).  See
Supplement B for more information on these requirements.

What  Do I Have to  Do and When  Do I Have to Do It?

The Stage 1 DBPR went into effect for small systems on January 1, 2004.  By this date, CWS or NTNCWS that add a chemical disinfectant
should have begun complying with monitoring requirements and the MRDLs for the disinfectants (e.g., chlorine or chloramines). In addition,
these systems should have begun complying with monitoring requirements and MCLs for the DBFs (e.g., TTHM and HAAS) (40 CFR
141.130(a),(b)). Depending on your treatment practices, you may have had to meet standards for additional disinfectant residuals and
contaminants. Check Table 1 on page 4 to determine if additional requirements apply to your system.

To comply with the Stage 1 DBPR, small systems must develop a monitoring plan, monitor their water (i.e., collect samples), calculate
compliance, and report to the state. This guide discusses all four activities.

All systems covered by any portion of the Rule had to develop a monitoring plan no later than January 31, 2004. In addition, Subpart H
systems serving more than 3,300 persons had to submit their plan to the state by April 10, 2004, 10 days after the end of the first quarter
following the effective date of the Rule (40 CFR 141.132(f)).  Monitoring plans should now be complete and available for inspection by the
state and the public. If you have not yet developed a monitoring plan, contact your state for assistance with developing the plan. Appendix
C contains more information about monitoring plans.

To meet the treatment technique requirements, MRDLs, and MCLs that may apply to your system, you have to monitor the source and
finished water you deliver to customers.  All monitoring must be done under normal operating conditions (40 CFR 141.132(a)(1)). This guide
discusses chlorine and chloramines monitoring requirements starting on page 10.  Turn to page  13 for information on monitoring
requirements for TTHM and HAAS.

Systems monitoring once a year or less often should use their single result to determine compliance. For systems monitoring more than once
a year, compliance is based on a running annual average (RAA) of the monitoring results. RAAs are calculated for:

•  Chlorine and chloramines by calculating an RAA of monthly averages, computed quarterly.

•  TTHM and HAAS by calculating  an RAA of quarterly results (or average of results), computed quarterly.

For example, a ground water system serving 8,000 persons monitors for HAAS (MCL = 0.060 mg/L). At the end of every quarter, the
system calculates the RAA using the HAAS sample result from that and the previous three quarters.  To calculate the RAA, the system adds
the four HAAS results then divides the sum by the total number of samples (4).

                       Table 3. RAA Calculation
Q4 2004
Q1 2005
Sample results used
Sample taken
Q1 2004
Q2 2004
Q3 2004
Q4 2004
Q2 2004
Q3 2004
Q4 2004
Q1 2005
Running annual average
0.057 + 0.029 + 0.064 + 0.081 = 0.058
0.029 + 0.064 + 0.081 + 0.037
- u.05cs
RAAs give systems a built-in flexibility: even if some individual samples exceed an MCL or MRDL, it is still possible to maintain compliance.
EPA uses RAAs to determine compliance because the health risks of chlorine, chloramines, TTHM, and HAAS are from long-term exposure,
and a temporary exceedance does not create a health risk.

Detailed information on monitoring and determining compliance appears later in this guide. Appendix A includes examples of compliance
calculations and completed monitoring worksheets. Blank monitoring worksheets are provided in Appendix B.

You must report sampling results to your state. If you are monitoring for chlorine and chloramines, you must report these results within 10
days of the end of each quarter in which you monitor.  If you monitor for TTHM and HAAS every quarter, you will also have to report TTHM
and HAAS results within 10 days of the end of each quarter. If you monitor for TTHM and HAAS less often than quarterly, you only have to
report these results within 10 days of the end of the quarters in which you collect your samples (40 CFR 141.134(a)).  If you violate a
monitoring requirement or an MCL or MRDL, you will also have to report to your customers.  Page 22 has more information on reporting

You should contact your state with any questions on your Stage 1 DBPR compliance requirements. SDWA Primacy Agency contact
information is provided in Appendix E and tribal contact information is provided in Appendix F.  Appendix D lists some sources of additional
information on disinfection and DBPs, and Appendix G lists other documents in the STEP Guide Series.

Chlorine and Chloramines

Monitoring  Requirements for Chlorine and Chloramines
Excessive amounts of chlorine and chloramines may have adverse health effects. All      Table 4: Chlorine and Chloramines MRDLs
CWSs and NTNCWSs that add chlorine or chloramines as a disinfectant or an oxidant must
monitor for chlorine and chloramine residuals (141.132(c)(1)). The MRDLs for chlorine and
chloramines are listed in Table 4.
4.0 mg/L
4.0 mg/L
                                                                           *as Cl,
Remember: if you use chlorine or chloramines as an oxidant (rather than as a disinfectant),
you still must monitor for chlorine and chloramine residuals.

Routine Monitoring
You must measure residual chlorine and chloramine levels at the same
times and at the same locations that you take your routine coliform bacteria
samples (40 CFR 141.132(c)(1)(i)). The Stage 1 DBPR requires that you
monitor for chlorine and chloramines at the same time and locations as your
coliform bacteria samples because they are representative of water quality
throughout your system.

Table 4 provides the number of routine samples the TCR  requires based on
population served. Note that the minimum number of samples required by
the TCR may be different than the number you currently take based on your
TCR sampling site plan.
Table 5: Minimum Number of Required Routine Total
Coliform Samples
Population Served
25 to 1 ,000 persons
1,001 to 2,500
2,501 to 3,300
3,301 to 4,100
4,101 to 4,900
4,901 to 5,800
5,801 to 6,700
Samples per
Chlorine and
Samples per

                    Table 6: Compliance Quarters
January - March
April - June
July - September
October - December
Compliance is based on an RAA of the monthly averages of all samples collected in the
system. Compliance is calculated quarterly.  Table 6 shows the quarters. Detailed
information on monitoring and determining compliance appears later in this guide.
Appendix A includes examples of compliance calculations and completed monitoring
worksheets.  Blank monitoring worksheets are provided in Appendix B.

Systems may temporarily need to increase chlorine and chloramine levels to address
specific microbiological contamination problems caused by events such as distribution line
breaks, storm water run-off, source water contamination, or cross-connection
contamination.  By basing compliance on an  RAA rather than on individual sample results, EPA gives systems the flexibility to temporarily
use higher-than-normal levels of disinfectants to address specific problems without falling out of compliance with the Stage 1  DBPR.

Increased Monitoring
Technically, there is no increased monitoring requirement for chlorine and chloramines.  However, you must take one sample for chlorine or
chloramines for every TCR sample you take. This means that if you are required to take repeat coliform samples because a routine sample
is positive, you are also required to take additional chlorine or chloramines samples at the same time and same locations as the repeat TCR

Reduced Monitoring
Reduced monitoring for chlorine and chloramines is technically not permitted under the Stage 1 DBPR.  However, CWSs and NTNCWSs
that serve 1,000 persons or fewer and have been allowed by the state to reduce TCR monitoring may also reduce monitoring for chlorine
and chloramines to match their TCR monitoring schedule.


Monitoring Requirements for TTHM and HAAS
Because of the adverse health effects of the group of chemicals called TTHM and HAAS, all
CWSs and NTNCWSs that add a chemical disinfectant must monitor for TTHM and HAAS (40
CFR 141.132(b)).  If you add an oxidant that is not a disinfectant such as potassium
permanganate and do not add a disinfectant to the water, you are not required to monitor for
TTHM and HAAS.  The MCLs for TTHM and HAAS, as well as lists of the individual chemicals
included in each regulated group, are listed in Table 7.

If you use a chemical disinfectant as an oxidant, you still must monitor for TTHM and HAAS,
even if you are not using the chemical for disinfection.

Routine and Increased Monitoring
How often you sample for TTHM and HAAS depends on your system's size, source of water,
number of treatment plants, and sampling results. Table 8 will help you determine how often
you need to sample.

Remember that your TTHM and HAAS  monitoring requirements are tied together. If you exceed
the MCL for either TTHM  or HAAS, you must increase monitoring for both TTHM and HAAS.
Table 7: TTHM and HAAS MCLs
Disinfection Byproduct
Monochloroacetic Acid
Dichloroacetic Acid
Trichloroacetic Acid
Monobromoacetic Acid
Dibromoacetic Acid



Table 8: TTHM/HAA5 Routine and Increased Monitoring Frequency and Monitoring Locations*
System Type
Subpart H systems
serving from 500 to
Subpart H systems
serving < 500
Ground water
systems serving
< 10,000
Routine Monitoring
1 sample per plant per
1 sample per plant per
year** during the
month of warmest
water temperature
Routine Monitoring
representative of
maximum residence
time (MRT)
A sampling result
> 0.080 for TTHM
> 0.060 for HAA5
beginning the
quarter following
the trigger results
Same as routine
  OCFR 141.132(b)(1)(i).
 * Multiple wells drawing water from a single aquifer may be considered one treatment plant for determining the minimum number of samples required (with state approval) (40 CFR
If you are required to sample once per year during the month of warmest water temperature and you exceed the MCL for either TTHM or
HAAS, you must increase monitoring for both contaminants to once per quarter. An exceedance of the MCL does not trigger an MCL
violation unless your result is so high that your RAA will exceed the MCL regardless of your monitoring results for the next 3 quarters. More
information on calculating compliance is provided on page 20.  To return to routine annual monitoring, you must achieve an RAA of no
greater than  0.060 mg/L for TTHM and no greater than 0.045 mg/L for HAAS after at least 1 year of monitoring. These levels are three-
quarters (75  percent) of the MCL.

Reduced Monitoring
You may be  able to reduce your monitoring frequency for TTHM and HAAS (with prior written permission from the state). Criteria to qualify
for reduced monitoring varies according to  system type.  Table 9 provides information on reduced monitoring requirements.

If you qualify for reduced monitoring, you may remain on reduced monitoring as long as your result or average of results does not exceed
0.060 mg/L for TTHM or 0.045 mg/L for HAAS (i.e., 75 percent of the MCL). If your system exceeds either of these levels, you must return
to a routine  monitoring schedule for both contaminants in the quarter immediately following the monitoring period in which your system

exceeds either of these levels. If you operate a ground water system serving fewer than 10,000 persons and your reduced monitoring
results exceed either the MCL for TTHM or the MCL for HAAS, you must begin increased monitoring (i.e., once per quarter) for both
contaminants in the quarter immediately following the monitoring period in which your system exceeds either of these levels.  Remember, an
exceedance of the TTHM or HAAS MCL does not necessarily result in an MCL violation. The compliance section on page 20 provides more
information on determining compliance.
Table 9: TTHM/HAA5 Reduced Monitoring Frequency and Monitoring Locations
System Type
Subpart H
systems serving
from 500 to 9,999
Subpart H
systems serving
Ground water
systems serving
< 10,000
Reduced Monitoring Trigger*
< 0.040 mg/L
(i.e., 50 percent of the
MCL) for 2 consecutive
< 0.030 mg/L (i.e., 50
percent of the MCL) for 2
consecutive years***
Annual Average Source
Water Total Organic
Carbon (TOC)**
< 4.0 mg/L (before
One sample per
treatment plant per
year during the
month of warmest
water temperature
Location of MRT
Not eligible for reduced monitoring
< 0.040 mg/L
(i.e., 50 percent of the
MCL) for 2 consecutive
<_0.020 mg/L
(i.e., 25 percent of the
MCL) for 1 year***
< 0.030 mg/L (i.e., 50
percent of the MCL) for 2
consecutive years***
<_0.015 mg/L
(i.e., 25 percent of the
MCL) for 1 year***
One sample per
treatment plant per
3-year monitoring
cycle**** during the
month of warmest
water temperature
Location of MRT
'Systems sampling more than once per year will use an RAA (calculated by averaging quarterly averages) while systems sampling only once a year will use the results for that month (single
result or average of all results for that month).
**ln general, only systems using conventional filtration are required to monitor for TOC. A Subpart H system serving from 500 to 9,999 persons and not using conventional filtration, however,
must also monitor for TOC if the system wants to reduce TTHM/HAA5 monitoring. This monitoring is only required if a system wants to qualify for reduced monitoring.
**** The 3-year cycle begins on the 1st of January after the system qualifies for reduced monitoring.

If you serve fewer than 10,000 persons and you collect the minimum number of samples required for routine monitoring for TTHM and
HAAS, you must take all these samples at the location or locations representative of the Maximum Residence Time (MRT).
The point of MRT for each plant is an active point (that is, the location is currently providing water to customers) in the distribution system where
the water has been in the system the longest. This active point may not necessarily be the same as the most distant point from the treatment plant.
Many factors can affect the location or locations determined to represent MRT, including the number of plants operating at the time of monitoring
and seasonal  variations in population.

If you collect more than the minimum number of samples, at least one quarter (25 percent) of the samples must be collected at the
location(s) representative of MRT. The remaining samples must be taken at locations representative of average residence time in the
distribution system (40 CFR 141.132(b)(1)(i)). If you operate a system with multiple treatment plants, you may have more than one location
of MRT or the MRT may vary from quarter to quarter, depending on which plants are operating. Contact your state for assistance in
determining your location(s) of MRT.

Analysis, Compliance, and Reporting

Who  Must Analyze My Samples?
The Stage 1 DBPR specifies analytical methods for measuring each relevant water quality parameter covered by the Rule.  You must use
analytical methods specified in the Rule or otherwise approved by EPA to monitor and show compliance under the Stage 1  DBPR.
For more information on analytical methods, see 40 CFR 141.131 or refer
to the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule: Laboratory
Quick Reference Guide (EPA 816-F-02-021), available online at:

Only laboratories certified by EPA or your state can analyze samples for
TTHM and HAAS. Contact your state for a list of certified labs.

EPA believes that samples for chlorine and chloramines can be
adequately analyzed on-site by a party approved by EPA or the state.
Your system operator may qualify.  Contact your state for more
information. State contact information is provided in Appendix E; tribal
Contact information is provided in Appendix F.
                                                              A chemical feed pump with chemical storage (day tanks)

How  Do I Determine Compliance?

Unless you are collecting samples for chlorine dioxide and chlorite or only collecting one sample a
year, compliance is determined by calculating an RAA.  How you calculate the RAA may differ for
each disinfectant and DBP. Compliance calculations may change if your monitoring requirements
change.  In all cases, compliance is calculated at the end of each quarter, and you should use data
collected for the last 12 months, not simply the current calendar year.

You should calculate RAAs for a contaminant or disinfectant at the end of every quarter in which you
collect samples for that contaminant or disinfectant.  If you are required to monitor at least once a
quarter for a contaminant or disinfectant, calculate compliance at the end of each quarter. If you
are required to monitor less frequently than once a quarter, calculate compliance at the end of
each quarter in which you collected samples.

If any sample causes the RAA to exceed an MCL or MRDL, the system is in violation of the MCL
or MRDL immediately. The system cannot wait until the end of the calendar year to assess an
MCL violation. To illustrate this concept, the following example shows a system that has collected
quarterly samples for TTHM in quarters 2, 3, and 4 of 2005 and quarter 1 of 2006.  The results for
the four quarterly samples the system has taken are as  follows:
        TAKE NOTE!
When you calculate your RAA, you
must use all the compliance samples
identified in your monitoring plan.
If you do not collect all of the
required samples, you have
committed a monitoring violation.
Take the average of the samples
you have collected to determine if
you have also violated an MCL or
Only include compliance samples in
your compliance calculations. Do
not include any additional
operational samples your system
takes in your calculations.
                                               Quarter 2, 2005: 0.100 mg/L

                                               Quarter 3, 2005: 0.100 mg/L

                                               Quarter 4, 2005: 0.090 mg/L

                                               Quarter 1, 2006: 0.090 mg/L
The system calculates its RAA at the end of the first quarter of 2006. The RAA (0.095 mg/L) violates the MCL (0.080 mg/L). The system has
committed an MCL violation and must report to the state. It cannot wait until the end of the calendar year to assess its MCL violation.

Table 10 presents compliance criteria and identifies MCL and MRDL violations.  You can find detailed examples of how to calculate
compliance in Appendix A of this document. Sample monitoring worksheets and instructions for completing the worksheets are in Appendix
Table 10: Determining Compliance
           Compliance is based on:
       You have a MCL or MRDL violation if:
 Disinfectant Residual
   Chlorine &
(Same time as
An RAA of monthly averages, computed quarterly.
At the end of each quarter, average the monthly
averages for the last 12 months to determine the
The RAA of monthly averages is > 4.0 mg/L.
 Disinfection Byproduct
                  Less often than
                An RAA of quarterly results or quarterly averages,
                computed quarterly.
                An average of the sampling results taken in the last
                12 months. For systems monitoring annually,
                compliance is based on the result of the annual
                sample or average of annual samples if more than
                one sample is taken.  If the result is > MCL, the
                system must begin quarterly monitoring and
                determine compliance each quarter using an RAA of
                quarterly results.
                                                   The RAA is > 0.080 mg/L for TTHM or > 0.060 mg/L
                                                   for HAAS; or,
                                                   If you have not yet collected 4 quarterly samples
                                                   and any sampling result will cause your RAA to
                                                   exceed the MCL.
                                               You cannot violate the MCL while monitoring annually
                                               unless your sample, divided by four, is greater than the
                                               MCL. If you exceed the MCL while monitoring annually,
                                               but your sample, divided by four, is not greater than the
                                               MCL, you have not committed a violation, but must
                                               begin quarterly monitoring. You have committed an
                                               MCL violation anytime the sum of your results (or
                                               quarterly averages, if you are taking more than one
                                               sample per quarter) divided by 4 is > 0.080 mg/L for
                                               TTHM or > 0.060 mg/L for HAAS.
**40CFR 14
                        For compliance calculation examples, including the calculation of RAAs, see Appendix A.

What Do  I Report to the State?

All public water systems (PWSs) subject to the Stage 1 DBPR must report to their state.
If you are monitoring for chlorine and chloramines, you must report within 10 days
following the end of each quarter (40 CFR 141.134(a)).

If you are monitoring for TTHM and HAAS every quarter, you must report to the state
within 10 days following the end of each quarter.  Under some conditions, you will
monitor for TTHM and HAAS annually or less frequently. You must report information
on these contaminants in the routine sampling report within 10 days following the end of
the quarter in which samples were collected  (40 CFR 141.134(a)). For example, if you
take an annual sample in August, you must report to the state by October 10, 10 days
after the end of the third quarter.
 To make sure that you can report to the
    state within 10 days of the end of a
    monitoring period, you should allow
  enough time for the lab to perform the
 analysis and for you to receive the results
and complete the compliance calculations.
You should also allow enough time to take
 a replacement sample  should the original
      be misplaced or  mishandled.
Note that since you may not have to monitor for all contaminants every quarter, the contents of your routine sampling report may vary from
quarter to quarter (i.e., you may not have to report results for TTHM and HAAS every quarter, but you will still report chlorine and
chloramines monitoring results every quarter).  To illustrate this concept, the following example lists the information System A will include in
its quarterly reports to the state in two consecutive quarters.  System A monitors for chlorine every month and TTHM and HAAS once a year.
In the third quarter of 2005, the system collects chlorine samples in July, August, and September.  In August, the month of warmest water
temperature, System A collects its annual TTHM and HAAS sample. System A's quarterly report for the third quarter includes its required
information for chlorine and TTHM and HAAS.  In the fourth quarter of 2005, the system collects chlorine samples in October, November,
and December.  It does not collect any TTHM and HAAS samples.  Its  quarterly report for the fourth quarter only includes its required
chlorine information.

Table 11 shows the information that must be included in your routine sampling report, depending on how often you monitor.

If you violate an MCL for TTHM or HAAS or an MRDL for chlorine or chloramines, you must notify the state within 48 hours.  In addition,
you must provide Tier 2 public notice to your customers within 30 days (40 CFR 141.203(b)(1)).  If you violate a TTHM, HAAS, chlorine,
or chloramines monitoring requirement (i.e., you fail to take a required sample), you must report to your customers within 1 year.
Information on public notification (PN) requirements is included in the next section of this guide.  Check with your state for more
Table 11: Routine Sampling Report Information
Chlorine &
Monitoring Frequency
Same as TCR
Monitoring Frequency
Quarterly or more frequently
At least once a year
Less than once a year
If You Sample, You Should Report:
The number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter
The monthly average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12
The average of the monthly averages for the last 12 months
Whether the MRDL was violated
If You Sample, You Should Report:
Number of samples taken in the last quarter
Location, date, and analytical result of each sample taken that last quarter
Average of all samples taken that last quarter (quarterly average)
Annual average of quarterly averages for the last 4 quarters
Whether the MCL was violated
Number of samples taken during the previous 12 months
Location, date, and result of each sample taken during the previous 12
Average of all samples taken over the previous 12 months
Whether the MCL was violated
Location, date, and result of each sample taken
Whether the MCL was violated


What Do I Report to  My  Customers?
Letting your customers know what is happening with their water system is part of your legal responsibility.  In addition, informed
customers are more likely to understand the need for new treatment systems, infrastructure changes, and rate increases. While you
should try to communicate with your customers on a regular basis, you must provide information in the following situations:

By July 1 of every year, you must make a consumer confidence report (CCR) available to your customers (40 CFR 141.152(b)).
This report is designed to provide a "snapshot" of the quality of the water supplied by your system over the past year.  In your CCR, you
must tell your customers  about any violations, the actions you took to  fix the violations, and any potential health effects resulting from the
violations. You can find more information about CCRs on EPA's CCR Web site, www.epa.gov/safewater/drinkingwaterquality/index.html.
If you have a TTHM or HAAS MCL violation or a chlorine or chloramines MRDL violation, you must
provide Tier 2 public notice: that is, you must let your customers know within 30 days by using at
least one of a variety of PN methods (40 CFR 141.203(b)(1)).

Unless otherwise directed by your state, you must provide notice to each customer receiving a bill,
to other service connections to which your system delivers water, and to other people regularly
served by your system who would not otherwise receive notice (e.g., house renters, students,
nursing home patients, prison inmates).  You must use at least one of a variety of PN methods.
You can deliver the notice door-to-door or send it via mail. If you operate a non-community water
system, you can also post the notice in a public place. If any of your customers will not receive the
notice through mail, door-to-door delivery, or postings, you must also use other methods, like a newspaper or radio announcement, to
reach these customers (40 CFR 141.203(c)). Within 10 days of notifying your customers, you must submit to the state both a certification
that you have fully complied with the PN regulations and a copy of the PN.
  You must send your state
 copies of all PNs sent to your
 customers for Stage 1 DBPR
 monitoring, MCL, and MRDL
violations.  The copies must be
 sent with  a letter stating that
     you have met all the
  requirements of the Public
Notification Rule.  This must be
   done within 10 days of
 sending out a public notice.

All monitoring violations must be reported to the state and to your customers.  Generally, monitoring violations require Tier 3 public
notice: that is, you must notify your customers within 12 months of the violation.  You may include the notification in your CCR if it is
published in time to satisfy the 12-month deadline. Your state has the discretion to impose more stringent PN requirements.  Check with
your state for more information.

All PNs must include the following specific health  effects language for the appropriate contaminant or residual (40 CFR Subpart Q,
Appendix B):

      •  Chlorine: "Some people who use water containing chlorine well in excess of the MRDL could experience irritating effects to
          their eyes and nose.  Some people who drink water containing chlorine well in excess of the MRDL could experience stomach

      •  Chloramines: "Some people who use water containing chloramines well in excess of the MRDL could experience irritating
          effects to their eyes and nose.  Some people who drink water containing chloramines well in excess of the MRDL could
          experience stomach discomfort or anemia."

      •  TTHM: "Some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience
          problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer."

      •  HAAS: "Some people who drink water containing haloacetic acids in excess of the MCL over many years may have an
          increased risk of getting cancer."

How Can  I  Achieve and Maintain  Compliance?

Although the Stage 1 DBPR dictates water quality standards for disinfectant residuals and DBFs, systems have choices in how to meet
those requirements.  Modifying treatment processes, changing your source water, and forming a partnership with another system are
some of the most common ways to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR.

Some practical ways of reducing DBP formation include:
      •   Decreasing contact time and/or the concentration of disinfectant (as long as adequate microbial protection is maintained!)
      •   Changing disinfectants or using chloramines as a secondary disinfectant in conjunction with chlorine
      •   Adjusting the pH of your water
If high levels of DBP precursors in your source water lead to high levels of
DBPs in your treated water, you may want to consider blending your current
source water with water from a source with lower DBP precursor levels. The
lower levels of DBP precursors in the blended water may lower your levels of
DBPs and help you comply with the Rule.
Another alternative is abandoning your source and developing a new one.
Developing a new water source is expensive, but it may in some cases be
the most cost-effective way to lower DBP levels in the long run. Before
changing water sources, however, consider that a new water source may
have lower levels of DBP precursors but higher levels of other contaminants. In addition, switching from a ground water source to a
surface water or GWUDI source will subject your system to additional regulations.
  Restructuring and source water changes should
only be undertaken after a careful study of what the
    changes will mean for your system and in
    consultation with your state. The resulting
 adjustments may directly impact the effectiveness
    of the disinfection process, increase risk of
 microbial contamination, and affect your ability to
 comply with other rules such as the LT1ESWTR,
    the TCR,  and the  Lead and Copper Rule.

Small water systems face many of the same technical challenges larger systems face, but often lack their resources.  Working with other
water systems (e.g., joining with one or more communities to form a consolidated system, consolidating management, or purchasing
water from another established system) may allow you to lower costs, simplify management, and more consistently provide your
customers with safe drinking water.

How Can Stage  1  DBPR Requirements Affect Compliance with  Other

Changes you make to address DBP formation and disinfectant levels may also lead to changes in water characteristics that could
negatively affect your compliance with other regulations. For example, if you operate a Subpart H system, a disinfectant residual of zero
may keep you in compliance with the Stage 1 DBPR but will put you out of compliance with the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR).
This is because the SWTR requires surface water or GWUDI systems to maintain some residual level of disinfectant in the distribution
system to ensure adequate disinfection of pathogens.

The challenge for you is to find the level of disinfection that allows you to comply simultaneously with all applicable rules. This section of
the guide addresses some simultaneous compliance issues you should consider while implementing the Stage 1 DBPR at your system.
For more information, refer to EPA's Microbial Disinfectant Byproduct Simultaneous Compliance Manual, available online at

Under the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), exceedances of the lead and  copper action levels trigger specific compliance actions, which
include employing corrosion control practices. The three basic approaches for achieving corrosion control include pH/alkalinity
adjustment, corrosion inhibitor addition, and calcium  hardness adjustment. Increasing pH to comply with the corrosion control treatment
requirement can increase TTHM levels. A  higher pH may also cause systems to increase their disinfectant concentration and/or contact
time to remain in compliance with the LT1ESWTR. A higher disinfectant dosage and/or concentration time may also increase DBP

In addition, any change a system makes to its treatment process to comply with the Stage  1 DBPR that leads to altered water chemistry
(e.g., increased disinfectant doses, enhanced coagulation, or a change in disinfectants)  may impact the corrosion rate and release of
lead or copper.

The TCR and the Stage 1 DBPR are closely related, not only because chlorine                      _,      .   .
and chloramine monitoring requirements are tied to TCR monitoring
requirements, but also because microbial contamination (including coliform
bacteria contamination) is generally controlled by using disinfectants.  An             recluired to collect additional samP|es for total
                                                                            You must collect additional samples for
                                                                             chlorine and chloramines whenever you are
                                                                            coliform as a consequence of a total coliform-
                                                                                        positive sample.
increase in microbial levels could require higher levels of disinfectants. Although
the Stage 1  DBPR contains built-in flexibilities to allow you to address microbial
contamination events, if you use high enough levels of disinfectants for long
enough periods of time, you could commit an MRDL violation.

Maintaining microbial protection through the use of secondary disinfection while keeping DBP and disinfectant concentrations below new
MCLs and MRDLs could present a problem for systems with very long residence times (i.e., days).

The Stage 1 DBPR strives to minimize the formation of DBPs and keep disinfectants at safe levels.  On the other hand, the LT1ESWTR
aims to protect customers from exposure to pathogens by ensuring an adequate level of disinfection. Although most systems will be
able to comply with both rules simultaneously, you may face additional LT1ESWTR requirements depending on how you choose to
comply with the Stage 1 DBPR requirements. For instance,  if you want to attempt to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR MCLs and MRDLs
by making a significant change to your treatment practices, you are required  under the LT1ESWTR to consult with your state prior to
doing so. Check with your state for more information.

What  Resources Can I Use to Comply with the Stage 1  DBPR?
You may find that you need outside assistance to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR. Some water systems may decide that an investment
in infrastructure is necessary to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR.  Other systems may need to find other resources, such as training and
technical assistance. There are a number of agencies and organizations that can help you fill these needs. Some of these agencies are
listed below. Your state may also have additional sources of assistance for which your system may qualify. Contact your state or tribe
for more information. Contact information is provided in Appendices E and F.
Major Providers of Financial Assistance to Drinking Water Systems
Name of Program
Drinking Water State Revolving
Fund (DWSRF)
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Water
and Wastewater Loan and Grant
State-specific programs
Tribal-specific programs
These state-administered loans enable water systems to finance
infrastructure improvements, provide training, and fund source
water protection activities.
This program offers loans and grants to develop water and waste-
disposal systems in rural areas to reduce user costs.
Your state may offer additional funding programs.
EPA gives grants (not loans) to tribes through the DWSRF Tribal
Set-Aside program for improvements to water systems that serve
tribes. States and the Indian Health Service may provide
additional financial assistance.
Contact Information
Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791
(202) 720-9540
See Appendix E for state contact information
See Appendix F for tribal contact information

Other Potential Sources of Financing or Financial Assistance for Drinking Water Systems
Name of Program
Community Development Block
Grants (CDBG)
Public Works and Infrastructure
Development Grants
National Bank for Cooperatives
Loan Program (CoBank)
Rural Community Assistance
Corporation (RCAC)
Small Business Administration
Local Commercial Banks
This program offers grants to disadvantaged cities, urban
counties, and states to develop viable communities.
These grants help distressed communities overcome barriers that
inhibit the growth of their local economies.
CoBank provides loans to larger, credit-worthy rural utilities.
RCAC provides loans to rural utilities in 1 1 western states to help
meet the financing needs of rural communities and disadvantaged
SBA helps small businesses get low-interest loans.
Banks in your community can offer loans to help finance capital
improvements. Although interest rates may not be as favorable
as other options, it may be easier for you to negotiate a loan
through a local bank.
Contact Information
www.doc.gov/eda/HTM L/1 c_regloffices.htm
(202) 482-5081
(800) 542 -8072
(800) 827-5722
Talk to your city clerk about what banks in your area
most closely match your needs.
Before you apply for funding, find out what each source will pay for and what information they will need to consider in your application.
Ask about local matching fund requirements, application procedures, what makes a project "fundable," and special program
requirements and restrictions.  Ask to see applications from previously funded projects.  Get an idea of what information is required for
an application; most lending and granting agencies will want to see financial statements such as budgets, income statements, and cash
flow documents.


Appendix A: Compliance Determination  Examples

The following examples are designed to help you understand the requirements of the Stage 1 DBPR. Monitoring examples, including a
detailed narrative of monitoring activities for each contaminant, are provided, followed by portions of completed monitoring worksheets
showing sampling results and compliance calculations. Blank copies of the monitoring worksheets are provided in Appendix B for your
use. Please note that the completed worksheets that accompany the examples are abbreviated versions of the blank copies provided.

1) Compliance is calculated separately for the TTHM MCL and the HAAS MCL.
2) Monitoring locations and schedules are identical for both groups.
3) Increased monitoring triggered by one of the sample results (e.g., TTHM) would apply to TTHM and HAAS.
            The monitoring requirements listed in these examples correspond to the type of system described in
                      each example, and may be different than the requirements for your system.

Example #1: A Ground Water CWS Monitoring for Chlorine (Monthly)
This example discusses how a ground water CWS serving 2,000 persons would calculate compliance with the chlorine MRDL based on
12 months of sampling results.

This ground water system serving 2,000 persons uses chlorine for disinfection. According to its TCR sampling site plan, it collects two
samples per month for total coliform bacteria.  Therefore, the system is required to collect two chlorine disinfectant residual samples per
month. The samples must be collected at the same time and locations as the coliform samples (based on the system's TCR sampling
site plan).  On April 18, 2005, the system collects its monthly samples for April of 2005. The system calculates the monthly average by
adding the values of samples taken (1.2 mg/Land 1.0 mg/L) and dividing by the total number of samples (2). The result (1.1 mg/L) is the
system's average for that month. No further action is required.

In May, the system increases the level of chlorine in the water to address a source water contamination problem. The system's samples
in May (4.5 mg/L and 5.1 mg/L) and the monthly average (4.8 mg/L) exceed the MRDL (4.0 mg/L). Because compliance is based on an
RAA calculated every quarter, and not on individual monthly results, the system has not yet committed a violation.

June marks the end of the second quarter of 2005. After the system collects its two routine samples and calculates the monthly
average, it must also calculate an RAA using the monthly averages for the last 12 months. The monthly averages for April, May, and
June (shown on the worksheet) are 1.1 mg/L, 4.8 mg/L, and 1.3 mg/L. The monthly averages for July 2004 through March 2005 are as
follows: 1.1 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 1.5 mg/L, 1.1 mg/L,  1.2 mg/L, 1.3 mg/L, 1.1 mg/L, 1.5 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L.  The system calculates
compliance by adding the monthly averages for the last 12 months and dividing by the number of monthly averages (12):
             1.1+1.0+1.5+1.1+1.2+1.3+1.1+1.5+1.0+1.1+4.8+1.3 mg/L        13 Oma/L
           	  =    -^—      =  1.5 mg/L < MRDL
                                     12                                   12
The RAA is less than the MRDL. The system is  in compliance, even though one monthly average (May 2005) exceeded the MRDL. The
Rule includes this flexibility to allow systems to address specific microbiological contamination problems caused by events such as
distribution line breaks, source water contamination, or cross connection contamination without creating an MRDL violation.  No further
action is required other than submitting the routine monitoring report due by the 10th of the month following the end of the quarter. In this
example, after the second quarter of 2005, the routine report to the state is due on or before July 10, 2005.


Example #1 Worksheet
Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Worksheet
MRDL for Chlorine: 4.0 mg/L MRDL for Chloramines: 4.0 mg/L
Monthly Sample
Number and Type
Enter appropriate
number and type
Date Sample
Day, month
and year
Consult your
TCP Sampling
Site Plan
7 Water St.
12 Main St.
34 High St.
7 Water St.
27 South Rd.
11 PostRd.
Used for
monthly avg.
1 .2 mg/L
1 .0 mg/L
4.5 mg/L
5.1 mg/L
1 .5 mg/L
1.1 mg/L
Used for
1.1 mg/L
4.8 mg/L
1 .3 mg/L
Compliance Calculation
Running annual avg. computed
quarterly (Circle if above MRDL)

(1 .1+1 .0+1 .5+1 .1+1 .2+1 .3+1 .1 +1 .5+
1 .0+1.1+4.8+1 .3 mg/L)/12 = 1 .5 mg/L
Follow-up Action
Check appropriate
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
Date Report
Sent to State
Routine or
violation notice

 Results from previous months' monitoring

Example #2: A Surface Water CWS Monitoring for Chloramines (TCR Repeat Samples)
This example will show how a surface water system serving 750 persons using chloramines to maintain a distribution system disinfectant
residual will increase chloramine sampling based on increased required TCR monitoring in the distribution system after a total coliform-
positive sample result.

This surface water system serving 750 persons uses chloramines and, according to its TCR monitoring plan, collects one sample per month
for total coliform bacteria.  It is therefore required to sample for chloramines once a month at the same time and location. On June 14, 2005,
the system collects its routine monthly chloramine sample at the same time and location in the distribution system as its TCR sample.  The
chloramine result is 0.5 mg/L. Although the chloramine result is below the MRDL (4.0 mg/L), the system's TCR routine sample is total
coliform-positive.  This means that the system will have to collect a set of repeat total coliform bacteria samples within 24 hours of the
positive result (typically, this means  within 24 hours of being notified of a total coliform-positive result). Since the  system only collects one
sample per month, it will have to collect at least four repeat samples and will also have to collect four additional chloramine samples.

The system takes its additional total coliform and chloramine samples on June 16, 2004 (24 hours after the lab notifies the system of the
coliform-positive result). The samples are taken at:
          The original sample location - one repeat samples
          Within five service connections upstream - one repeat sample
          Within five service connections downstream - one repeat sample
          Another location in the distribution system - one repeat sample

The system uses the four additional chloramine samples (2.8 mg/L, 2.8 mg/L, 2.4 mg/L, and 2.7 mg/L) in addition to the original routine
chloramine sample (five total) to calculate its monthly chloramine average:
                                  0.5 + 2.8 + 2.8 + 2.4 + 2.7 mg/L         11.2 mg/L
                                 	  =  	  =2.2 mg/L
                                               5                           5
The system uses 2.2 mg/L as the monthly average for calculating an RAA (as illustrated in example #1).

Note that the system will have to collect at least five total coliform bacteria samples the following month, based on TCR requirements.  Thus,
the system will also have to collect five chloramine samples at the same times and locations and calculate a monthly average as illustrated


Example #2 Worksheet
Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Worksheet
MRDL for Chlorine: 4.0 mg/L MRDL for Chloramines: 4.0 mg/L
Monthly Sample
Number and Type
Enter appropriate
number and type
n Chlorine
• Chloramines
n Chlorine
• Chloramines
n Chlorine
• Chloramines
n Chlorine
• Chloramines
n Chlorine
• Chloramines
Date Sample
Day, month
and year
Sample Location
Consult your TCP
Sampling Site Plan
27 Green St.
27 Green St.
25 Green St.
15 Green St.
40 Green St.
Used for
monthly avg.
0.5 mg/L
2.8 mg/L
2.8 mg/L
2.4 mg/L
2.7 mg/L
Used for
2.5 mg/L
Compliance Calculation
Running annual avg. computed
quarterly (Circle if above MRDL)

Follow-up Action
Check appropriate
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
Date Report
Sent to State
Routine or
violation notice

Routine -

Example #3: A Ground Water CWS Monitoring for TTHM (Routine to Increased Monitoring)
This example shows how a ground water system using chlorine that serves fewer than 500 persons responds to an MCL exceedance during
routine annual monitoring at the location of MRT in the distribution system. Although it will not be discussed in detail in this example, the
system will also monitor for HAAS and adjust the HAAS monitoring schedule to match any changes that occur to the TTHM monitoring
schedule based on sample results. In addition, the system will monitor for chlorine.  For the purposes of this example, assume that the
system collects all appropriate companion HAAS samples and that all the sample results are less than the MCL for HAAS.

This ground water system serves fewer than 500 persons, has only one plant, uses chlorine and must monitor for TTHM and HAAS once a
year at the location of MRT. The system collects its routine MRT samples on August 23, 2005 because August is its month of warmest
water temperature. Since the TTHM result (0.052 mg/L) is less than the MCL for TTHM (0.080 mg/L), no further action is required except to
report to the state by October 10, 2005 (10 days after the end of the quarter in which the sample was taken).

The following year, however, the system's routine MRT sample (taken on August 14, 2006) for TTHM is 0.091 mg/L, which is above  the
MCL.  Regardless of its HAAS  sample result, the system must immediately begin quarterly monitoring for both TTHM and HAAS. The
routine annual sample (taken on August 14, 2006) becomes the first quarterly result and will be used to calculate the RAA.

To assess its compliance status for TTHM, the system  assumes that the next three quarterly results will be "zero" (a "best case scenario") to
calculate its RAA:

                             0.091 mg/L (Q1) + 0.000 (est. Q2) + 0.000 (est. Q3) + 0.000 (est. Q4)
                RAA =   	  =  0.023 mg/L <  MCL
The system must increase monitoring frequency for both TTHM and HAAS to quarterly because its routine annual TTHM sample (0.091
mg/L) exceeded the MCL (0.080 mg/L), but the system does not conduct any other follow-up (except to send in a routine monitoring report)
because there is no violation of the MCL, since violations are based on the RAA. The sample from August 14, 2006 counts as the first
quarterly sample used to calculate the RAA.

Example #3 Worksheet
TTl^l/HA^fe Monitoring Worksheet
MCL for TTHM: 0.080 mg/L MCL for HAAS: 0.060 mg/L
Monitoring Period
Enter appropriate
Third quarter 2006

Date Sample
Day, month,
and year

Sample Location

12 State Street
12 State Street

Circle if
above MCL
0.052 mg/L
£091 mg/L
^ 	 -*

Compliance Calculation
RAA computed quarterly (circle if
above MCL)
0.052 mg/L
M.091 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 = 0.023
X 4

Follow-up Action
Check appropriate box
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
X Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
Date Monitoring
Report Sent to
Routine or
Routine: 10/5/05
Routine: 9/5/06


Example #4: A Ground Water CWS Monitoring for TTHM (Increased to Routine Monitoring)
This example shows how the ground water system in example #3 qualifies to return to routine annual monitoring after an MCL exceedance
caused it to increase monitoring to once per quarter.  Although it will not be discussed in this example in detail, the system will also monitor for
HAA5 and adjust the HAA5 monitoring schedule to match any changes that occur to the TTHM monitoring schedule based on sample results.
In addition, the system will monitor for chlorine. For the purposes of this example, assume that the system collects all appropriate companion
HAA5 samples and that all the sample results are less than the MCL for HAA5.

The system continues to collect quarterly monitoring samples for TTHM and HAAS at the location of MRT in the distribution system. On
October 22, 2006 the system collects its second TTHM quarterly sample.  Using its TTHM samples from August and October, the system
calculates its RAA.  To assess its compliance status,  the system assumes that the next two quarterly results will be "zero" (a "best case
scenario") to calculate its RAA:
                                 0.091 mg/L (Q1) + 0.021 (Q2) + 0.000 (est. Q3) + 0.000 (est. Q4)
                    RAA =    	   = 0.028 mg/L < MCL
The RAA is below the  TTHM MCL. No further action  is required other than to report to the state within 10 days of the end of the quarter. The
system reports to the state on December 2, 2006.

The system continues to collect quarterly samples at  the point of MRT in the distribution system for the next 2 quarters.  At the end of  1 full
year of quarterly monitoring (second quarter of 2007), the system can calculate its RAA for TTHM with actual results for all 4  quarters:
                                     0.091 mg/L (Q1) + 0.021  (Q2) + 0.034 (Q3) + 0.049 (Q4)
                    RAA =   	  = 0.049 mg/L < MCL
The system's RAA for TTHM (0.049 mg/L) is below the MCL (0.080 mg/L).  The system has not committed an MCL violation. To return to
routine annual monitoring (one sample per plant per year during the month of warmest water temperature), the system's RAA must be less
than or equal to 0.060 mg/L.  The RAA (0.049 mg/L) is low enough to qualify the system to return to a routine monitoring schedule (you can
assume  for this example that the RAA for HAAS was  also less than or equal to the trigger level of 0.045 mg/L). The system contacts the state
for approval to return to routine monitoring, and the state grants approval.  The system will resume routine annual monitoring at the location of
MRT during the month of warmest water temperature (August) in 2007.

Example #4 Worksheet
(TTHIw)lAA5 Monitoring Worksheet
MCL for TTHM: 0.080 mg/L MCL for HAAS: 0.060 mg/L
Third quarter
quarter 2006
quarter 2007
quarter 2007
Date Sample
Day, month,
and year
Sample Location

12 State Street
12 State Street
12 State Street
12 State Street
Circle if above
0.091 mg/L
0.021 mg/L
0.034 mg/L
0.049 mg/L
Compliance Calculation
RAA computed quarterly (circle if
above MCL)
0.091 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 = 0.023
0.091 + 0.021 + 0.000 + 0.000 = 0.028
0.091 + 0.021 + 0.034 + 0.000 = 0.037
0.091 + 0.021 + 0.034 + 0.049 = 0.049
Follow-up Action Taken
Check appropriate box
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
X Increase Monitoring
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
X Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
Date Monitoring
Report Sent to State
Routine or violation
Routine: 9/5/06
Routine: 12/2/06
Routine: 3/1/07
Routine: 7/2/07

Appendix B: Sample Monitoring Worksheets
The following worksheets are designed to help you keep track of your Stage 1 DBPR monitoring and record the results from both routine and
follow-up monitoring (where applicable). The worksheets can help you ensure that you collect the right number of routine samples in each
monitoring period and that you calculate compliance correctly. The worksheets also remind you of corrective actions you will have to
take if you violate the MCL or MRDL.  While these worksheets can be a useful management tool, system operators should also keep the
original laboratory results on file.

Each worksheet includes an explanation of how to complete it and how to use it to calculate compliance. Review the examples in Appendix
A to help you understand how the worksheets would be used in real-world situations.
    Some states may have their own monitoring worksheets that small drinking water systems are required to complete.  The
     worksheets contained in this section are presented as learning tools, and should not replace monitoring forms required
                                                   by the state.

                                       Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Worksheet Instructions
Step #1A  Note when you took the sample.
In the column labeled "Monthly Sample Number and Type," number your monthly
samples (e.g., 1 = first sample, 2 = second sample). You can determine how many
samples you must take each month by looking at your TCR sample site plan.

In the column labeled "Date Sample Collected," record the day, month, and year
you took each sample.

Step #1B    Choose the chemical.
Check the box next to the chemical tested for in each sample.

Step #2     Record where you took the sample.
In the column labeled "Sample Location," record where you collected each sample.
There should be a location to match each location  listed  on your TCR Sample Site

Step #3A    Record result.
In the column labeled "Results," record the analytical results,  including units of

Step #3B    Calculate monthly average.
At the end of each month, you should calculate your monthly average. To
calculate your monthly average, add results for all samples taken that month and
divide by the total number of samples for the month. Enter the resulting monthly
average in the column labeled "Monthly Average" next to the  final monthly sample.
Step #4     Indicate follow-up action taken.
Specific follow-up actions need to be taken if your RAA is > MRDL or if you fail to
take a sample (a monitoring violation). You must also report to the state within 10
days of the end of every quarter in which you collected samples. In the column
labeled "Follow-up Action Taken:"
>• Check "Notify the State" if you took all your required samples, your RAA does not
  exceed the MRDL, and you only need to routinely report to your state.
>• Check "Notify the State" AND "Notify the Public" if you failed to take a required
>• Check "Notify the State" AND "Notify the Public" if your RAA of monthly averages
  is > MRDL. Notify the state within 48 hours and your customers within 30 days.
>• If the RAA is <  MRDL, check "Notify the State" to indicate the submission of your
  routine report.

Step #5     Report to state.
All systems must report to their state. In the column labeled "Date Report Sent to
State," enter the day, month, year, and type of report (routine or violation).
>• Systems monitoring for chlorine and chloramines must report within 10 days after
  the end of each quarter in which samples were collected.
>• Systems that have committed an MRDL violation must report to the state within
  48 hours.
Step #3C    Calculate RAA.
At the end of each quarter, calculate your RAA by summing your last 12 monthly
averages and dividing by 12 (if you failed to sample in a month, divide by the
number of months in which you have sampled). Enter this value in the column
labeled "Compliance Calculation." Compare this result to the MRDL. If the average
is > MRDL, circle the result as an indicator that you have violated the MRDL.

Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Worksheet
MRDL for Chlorine: 4.0 mg/L for Chloramines: 4.0 mg/L
Monthly Sample
Number and Type
Enter appropriate
number and type

Date Sample
Day, month and

Consult your TCR
sampling site plan

Results (a)
Used for
monthly avg.

Average (b)
Used for running
annual avg.

Compliance Calculation (c)(d)
Running annual avg. computed quarterly
(Circle if above MRDL)

Follow-up Action
Check appropriate box
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
Date Report
Sent to State
Routine or violation

(a) If you fail to take a required sample, you have committed a monitoring violation and must notify the state and your customers.
(b) Use all of your results for the month to calculate your monthly average.
(c) Use your last twelve monthly averages to calculate your RAA.
(d) If your RAA exceeds the MRDL, you have committed an MRDL violation and must notify the state within 48 hours and your customers within 30 days.

                                             TTHM/HAA5 Monitoring Worksheet Instructions
Step #1  Choose the chemical.
Circle either "TTHM" or "HAAS" at the top of the sheet.  Use one worksheet
exclusively to track compliance with each contaminant's standard.

Step #2  Note when you took the sample.
In the column labeled "Monitoring Period," indicate which sample you are
      1st Quarter: January to March
      2nd Quarter: April to June
      3rd Quarter:  July to September
      4th Quarter:  October to December
In the column labeled "Date Sample Collected," record the day, month, and year
you took the sample.

Step #3  Record where you took the sample.
In the column labeled "Sample Location," record where you collected the sample.
Note that systems  serving under 10,000 persons and only collecting the minimum
required number of samples must collect them at the point of MRT.  If you collect
more than the required number of samples, at least 25 percent must be taken at
the location of MRT. You must take the remaining samples at locations of at least
average residence time.

Step #4A  Record result.
In the column labeled "Results," record the sample analytical result,  including
units of measure.
     If you  are monitoring annually and the result is < MCL, no follow-up actions
     are required. You can skip to step 5.
     If you  are monitoring annually and the result is > MCL, circle the result as
     an indicator that you need to begin quarterly monitoring for both TTHM and
     If you  are monitoring quarterly, use the result to calculate your RAA in step

Step #4B   Calculate RAA.
If your annual result is > MCL, or if you are already conducting quarterly
monitoring,  you should calculate your RAA to determine compliance. In the
column labeled "Compliance Calculation:"
•  Add the results from the last 4 quarters (an annual sample that exceeds the
  MCL and triggers quarterly monitoring should be considered the first quarterly
  result). If you have not yet sampled for 4 quarters, use "0" for future quarters
  when calculating the RAAs.  NOTE: "0" is used to create a "best case
  scenario" (i.e., if the next quarter's results are as low as possible,  would you
  be in compliance?). However, if you fail to take a sample in a quarter, you
  may not use "0" for that quarter.
•  If you have monitored for 4 quarters or are using a "best case scenario," divide
  the sum by 4. If you failed to take a sample, divide by the number of samples
  you have taken.
• Compare the result to the MCL. If the result is < MCL, continue quarterly
  monitoring until told otherwise by the state.
• If the result is > MCL, circle the RAA as an indicator that you have violated the

Step #4C   Indicate follow-up action taken.
Specific follow-up actions need to be taken if a sampling result is > MCL or if you
fail to take a sample (a monitoring violation). You must also report to the state
within 10 days of the end of every quarter in which you collected samples.  In the
column labeled "Follow-up Action Taken:"
• Check "Notify the State" if you took all your required samples, your RAA does
  not exceed the MCL, and you only need to submit a routine monitoring report.
• Check "Notify the State" AND "Notify the Public" if you failed to take a required
• Check "Notify the State" AND "Notify the Public" AND "Increase Monitoring" if
  you are monitoring annually and your result will make your RAA exceed the
  MCL. Notify the state within 48 hours and your customers within 30 days and
  begin quarterly monitoring next quarter.
• Check "Notify the State" AND "Notify the Public" if you are monitoring quarterly
  and the RAA is > MCL.  Notify the state within 48 hours and your customers
  within 30 days and continue quarterly monitoring until told otherwise by your
• Check "Increase Monitoring" if your annual result (not your RAA) is > MCL but
  < 4 times the MCL.

Step #5    Report to state.
All systems must report to their state. In the column labeled "Date Report Sent to
State," enter the date and the type of report (routine or violation) you submitted:
• Systems monitoring quarterly  must report within  10 days after the end of the
• Systems monitoring annually (or less frequently) must report within 10 days of
  the end of each quarter in which samples were collected.
• Systems that have committed an  MCL violation must report to the state within
  48 hours.

TTHM/HAA5 Monitoring Worksheet
MCL for TTHM: 0.080 mg/L MCL for HAAS: 0.060 mg/L
Enter appropriate

Date Sample
Day, month,
and year

Sample Location (a)

Results (b)
Circle if above

Compliance Calculation (c)(d)
RAA computed quarterly (circle if above

Follow-up Action Taken
Check appropriate box
a Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
a Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
a Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
n Notify the State
n Notify the Public
n Increase Monitoring
Date Report Sent to
Routine or violation

(a) If you take more than the minimum number of samples, at least 25 percent must be taken at the location of MRT and the remainder must be taken at least at the point of average residence
(b) If you fail to take a required sample, you have committed a monitoring violation and must notify the state and your customers.
(c) If you are monitoring annually and your result will cause your RAAto exceed the MCL, you have committed an MCL violation. You must notify the state within 48 hours and your customers
within 30 days. You must also begin quarterly monitoring in the next quarter.
(d) If you are monitoring quarterly and the RAA is > MCL, you have committed an MCL violation. You must notify the state within 48 hours and your customers within 30 days. You must also
continue quarterly monitoring until told otherwise by the state.

Appendix  C: Monitoring  Plan Worksheets  and  Examples

Under the Stage 1 DBPR, each regulated system must develop and follow a monitoring plan that describes specific locations and
schedules for collecting samples to fulfill monitoring requirements, and the methods the system will use to calculate compliance with
the MCLs, MRDLs,  and treatment techniques. If you are approved for monitoring as a consecutive system or if you are providing
water to a consecutive system, you must account for the entire distribution system in your plan.  The plan must have been available
to both the state and public as of January 31, 2004. Subpart H systems serving between 3,300 and 10,000 persons must have
submitted the plan to the state by April 10, 2004.  Developing a monitoring plan helps ensure that your system will meet the
sampling requirements for the Stage 1 DBPR even if there are changes in your system's personnel. If you have not already
developed a monitoring plan, you should contact your state for assistance.  (141.132(f)).

The details of a monitoring plan will depend on the characteristics of the system and your state's requirements (contact your state or
tribe for complete requirements  - see Appendix E or F for contact information). Although additional requirements will vary from state
to state, the Stage 1 DBPR requires that you always include:

        •    specific locations and schedules for collecting samples for any monitoring requirement that applies to your system;
        •    how you will calculate compliance with the  MCLs, MRDLs, and treatment technique requirements.

In the pages that follow, you will find sample monitoring forms you can use for reference. You will also find blank monitoring plan
forms you can use to develop a monitoring plan for your system, along with instructions on how to complete them.  If you operate
more than one treatment plant, you may want to photocopy the blank monitoring forms and use one set for each treatment plant.
  Your state may have additional monitoring plan requirements that are not covered in this worksheet.  Check with your
                                           state for more information.

Monitoring Plan Example #1: A Ground Water System Using Chlorine to Disinfect

The Muddy River ground water system is required to develop and maintain a monitoring plan and make it available for state
inspection by January 31, 2004. The operator of the system, Scott River, is completing a monitoring plan that will provide an
overview of system characteristics as well as individual monitoring plans for the disinfectant (chlorine) and DBFs (TTHM and HAAS)
for which it will be monitoring. Together, these plans will present basic system information, describe where and when samples will be
collected, and illustrate how the system will determine compliance with MCLs and MRDLs.

First, the operator enters system contact information, including the system's name and address, his phone number, and his email
address. This information can be useful for state officials or customers who need to contact the system.  Next, the operator enters
the number of customers (975) and the number of service connections (355) Muddy River serves. This information can help state
officials who are unfamiliar with the system determine the Stage 1 DBPR requirements with which the system must comply.

Next, the operator enters the system characteristics, including the type of system and types of filtration or disinfection used. All of
these can determine which Stage 1 DBPR requirements the system is required to meet. Muddy River is a CWS using chlorine for
disinfection.  Therefore, it is required to monitor for chlorine, TTHM,  and HAAS.

The operator then makes note of the system's source water characteristics. This will give the state a better understanding of how
and when the system operates and how the system's source water characteristics  affect its Stage 1 DBPR compliance requirements.
For example, because Muddy River uses two different treatment plants to treat its two sources, the system will be required to sample
at the locations of MRT for both plants.  This written record is also useful to Muddy River should it hire a new operator who is less
familiar with the system.  Muddy River's sources include two wells that operate year-round. Water from both sources is disinfected
with chlorine at the  system's two treatment plants.

Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring Plan
System Information
System Name: Muddy River PWS Contact Person: Scott River, Operator Population Served: 975
PWSID Number: MR12345 Phone Number: (555)555-1234 Service Connections: 355
Address: 55 Water Street Email: sriver@muddyriver.com
Anytown, Your State

System Characteristics
Type of System: Type of Filtration: Type of Disinfectant:
S CWS in Conventional Filtration /" Chlorine and/or Chloramines
n NTNCWS n Softening n Chlorine Dioxide
D TNCWS / None Booster Chlohnation? D Yes D No
in Ozone
n Other (please specify)
Source Water Characteristics
Source Name
Meadow Well
Muddy Well

Source Type
(GW, SW, Purch.)

(Primary, Backup)

Period of

Treatment Type

Treatment Plant
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP

Attach your system schematic to this monitoring plan for system staff, state, and lab reference.

Date Last Modified:  September 30, 2003


System Schematic:
         Muddy Well
      Meadow Well
Muddy WTP
                                                                       Distribution System
                                                   Muddy Water EP
                                       Meadow WTP
                                                     Meadow Well EP
                                                                                         RT for Meadow WTP
                                                                                        MRT for Muddy WTP

Monitoring Plan Example #2: Muddy River's Chlorine Monitoring Plan

Muddy River's monitoring plan for chlorine serves as both a sampling plan for the system operator and staffs own reference and as a guide for the
state to determine whether the system is sampling at the correct frequency and in the correct locations.  Muddy River's operator determined that the
system is required by the state to include sampling site locations, sampling schedules, and a description of compliance determination methods in its
monitoring plans.

First, the operator indicates the sites at which chlorine samples will be taken, using Muddy River's TCR monitoring plan for reference. The system
is required to take one sample per month at the same location and time as the one monthly TCR sample.  Because Muddy River has identified three
locations that properly characterize water quality throughout the distribution system for TCR monitoring, it will also monitor at these locations for
chlorine, alternating among sampling locations from  month to month.

The operator notes the frequency with which routine monitoring will occur and the number of samples that will be taken. Next, the operator notes
the scheduled sample dates.  Whenever possible, the operator selects dates early in the sampling period to allow time to address any compliance
problems or to re-take a sample if any problems with the original sample arise.

Although there is no  increased monitoring provision for chlorine, if a TCR sample is total coliform-positive,  the system will be required to take
additional chlorine samples at the  same time that repeat total coliform  samples are taken. Therefore, the operator notes these sampling locations
and the sampling schedule in the 'Additional TCR/Chlorine and Chloramines  Monitoring Locations' table, using Muddy River's TCR sampling site
plan for reference. The additional chlorine and chloramines samples will be taken at the same time and location as the system's additional TCR
samples. These additional samples include one repeat sample at the  same tap as the original sample, one repeat sample within five service
connections  upstream from the original sample, and one repeat sample within five service connections downstream from the original sample.
Because Muddy River collects only one routine  sample per month, the system must also collect one additional repeat sample at any other point in
the system.  Muddy River will collect this sample at the entrance to the distribution system.

The operator then writes  down a brief description of  how the system will calculate compliance with the chlorine MRDL, making sure to take into
account the possibility of increased monitoring due to repeat total coliform monitoring. Lastly, the operator fills in the date on which the monitoring
plan was completed  in the 'Date Last Modified' area.  If at any point the operator needs to modify the monitoring plan (e.g., because the state
determines that  the system must change its sampling locations, the system wants to take additional compliance samples), he will indicate the date
that changes were made as a reference for system staff and the state.


Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Plan
Routine Monitoring*
Disinfectant Residual

Sample Site Location
405 Lake Street
12 Main Street
1 5 River Street

Sampling Frequency
Once every 3 months
Once every 3 months
Once every 3 months

Scheduled Sample Dates
1st Monday of the month
1st Monday of the month
1st Monday of the month

* Note: Muddy River has identified 3 locations that properly characterize water quality throughout the distribution system for TCR monitoring.  It will monitor for
chlorine at these locations, alternating among sampling locations from month to month.

                                              Additional TCP/Chlorine & Chloramines Monitoring Locations1
Repeat Sample Site Locations2
Routine Sample Site
Scheduled Sample Dates
                              Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                                 405 Lake St.
                                    At original location
                               Within 24 hours of being notified of a total coliform-
                                                positive sample.
                             At entrance to distribution system
                              Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                                  12 Main St.
                                    At original location
                               Within 24 hours of being notified of a total coliform-
                                                positive sample.
                             At entrance to distribution system
                              Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                                  15 River St.
                                    At original location
                               Within 24 hours of being notified of a total coliform-
                                                positive sample.
                             At entrance to distribution system
 1   Systems must take additional chlorine or chloramines samples whenever total coliform-positive results require additional samples based on TCR requirements.
 2   Systems must collect: one repeat sample at the same tap as the original sample; one repeat sample within five service connections upstream from the original sample; and one repeat sample
    within five service connections downstream from the original sample (check your TCR sample siting plan). Systems collecting one or fewer routine samples per month must collect one additional
    repeat sample at any other point in the system. Unless the requirement is waived by the state, systems that collect fewer than five routine samples per month that experience a total coliform-
    positive result must collect five routine total coliform (and therefore chlorine and/or chloramines) samples the next month.
                                                                Compliance Determination
 Muddy River will calculate the monthly average by dividing the sum of the results of the chlorine samples by the number of samples collected and analyzed.
 Muddy River will calculate the annual average by dividing the sum of monthly averages by 12.

 If Muddy River is required to take any additional chlorine samples as a result of a total coliform-positive sample, these results will be taken into account when
 the monthly average is calculated.
Date Last Modified:   September 30, 2003

Monitoring Plan Example #3: Muddy River's TTHM and HAA5 Monitoring Plan

Muddy River's monitoring plan for TTHM and HAAS serves as both a sampling plan for the system operator and staffs own reference and as a
guide for the state to determine whether the system is sampling at the correct frequency and in the correct locations.  Muddy River's operator has
determined that the system is required by the state to include sampling site locations, sampling schedules, and a description of compliance
determination methods in its  monitoring plans.

First, the operator indicates the sites at which TTHM and HAAS samples will be taken. The system is required to take one sample per plant per
year at the point of MRT for TTHM and HAAS. Since Muddy River operates two plants (and thus has two points of MRT), it will collect two routine
samples per year, one at the location of MRT for Meadow WTP and one at the location of MRT for Muddy WTP.  The operator then notes the plant
with which the samples are associated, the frequency with which routine monitoring will occur, and the number of samples that will be taken. Next,
the operator notes the scheduled sample dates; whenever possible, the operator selects dates early in the sampling period to allow for time to
address any compliance problems or lab capacity issues.

The operator also notes sampling locations and develops a sampling schedule for increased monitoring, should either of the system's routine
samples exceed the MCL; and for reduced monitoring, should the system have low enough TTHM and HAAS levels to qualify.

The operator then writes down a brief description of how the system will calculate compliance with the TTHM and HAAS MCLs, making sure to take
into account the possibility of increased or reduced monitoring.

Lastly, the operator fills in the date on which the monitoring plan was completed in the 'Date Last Modified' area. If at any point the operator needs
to modify the monitoring plan (e.g., because the state determines that the system must change its sampling locations or the system wants to take
additional compliance samples) he will indicate the date that changes were made as a reference for system staff and the state.

TTHM/HAA5 Monitoring Plan
Sample Site
Number of Samples
Scheduled Sample Dates
Routine Monitoring
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
First week of August
First week of August
First week of August
First week of August
Increased Monitoring
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
2nd month of quarter; 1st week of month
2nd month of quarter; 1st week of month
2nd month of quarter; 1st week of month
2nd month of quarter; 1st week of month
Reduced Monitoring
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
18 Arbor Ave.
56 Park Rd.
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
Meadow WTP
Muddy WTP
Every 3 years
Every 3 years
Every 3 years
Every 3 years
First week of August
First week of August
First week of August
First week of August
Compliance Determination
Muddy River will use the results of the annual samples for TTHM and HAAS to determine compliance. If on an increased monitoring schedule, Muddy River will calculate
compliance using an RAA of quarterly results. Muddy River will calculate the RAA at the end of every quarter by summing the results from the most recent four quarters and
dividing the sum by the number of results. If on a reduced schedule, Muddy River will use the results of the samples taken once every 3 years to determine compliance.
Date Last Modified:  September 30, 2003

                                      Stage 1  DBPR Monitoring Plan Worksheet Instructions
Step #1    Enter your system information.
Enter your system's name, address, and PWSID.  Next, enter the name of the
system's contact person, their phone number, and their email address. Then,
enter the number of customers and service connections your system serves.

Step #2    Enter your system's characteristics.
Check off the appropriate boxes to describe the type of system that you
operate, including which disinfectant(s) are used to treat the water and
whether your system uses conventional filtration or softening.

Step #3    Enter your system's source water characteristics.
• Under 'Source Name,' list all the drinking water sources your system uses.
  Include sources that are used intermittently (e.g., backup sources,
  seasonal sources).
• Under 'Source Type,' indicate whether the sources used are surface water,
  ground water, or GWUDI.
• Under 'Purpose,'  indicate whether the source serves as a  primary, backup,
  or emergency source.
• Under 'Period of Operation,' indicate when the source is in use (e.g., year-
  round, only in the summer months).
• Under Treatment Type,' indicate how the water from each source is
  treated (e.g., chlorine, conventional filtration). Then note where each
  source is treated  under Treatment Plant.'
Step #4    Attach a system schematic.
Attach a schematic of your system for system staff, state, and lab reference.

Step #5    Enter the monitoring plan completion date.
In the 'Date Last Modified' area, enter the date on which you completed this
monitoring plan. If the monitoring plan is modified at any point, enter the
modification date in this area.

Note: If you operate more than one treatment plant, you may want to
photocopy this for and use one for each treatment plant.

Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring Plan
System Information
System Name: Contact Person: Population Served:
PWSID Number: Phone Number: Service Connections:
Address: Email:

System Characteristics
Type of System: Type of Filtration: Type of Disinfectant:
n CWS n Conventional Filtration n Chlorine and/or Chloramines
n NTNCWS n Softening n Chlorine Dioxide
n TNCWS n None Booster Chlorination? n Yes n No
n Ozone
n Other (please specify)
Source Water Characteristics
Source Name

Source Type
(GW, SW, Purch.)

(Primary, Backup)

Period of

Treatment Type

Treatment Plant

Attach your system schematic to this monitoring plan for system staff, state, and lab reference.

Date Last Modified:  	

                               Chlorine & Chloramines Monitoring Plan Worksheet Instructions
Step #1    Set up a routine monitoring schedule.
       Under 'Disinfectant Residual,' note the disinfectant residual for
       which you will be sampling at this location.
       Under 'Sample Site Location,' enter the locations at which you
       will be sampling (use your TCR monitoring plan for reference).
       Under 'Sampling Frequency,' note the frequency with which you
       will sample at this location.  Note that depending on the number
       of sample sites you use, you may not be sampling at every site
       every month.
       Under 'Scheduled Sample Dates,' indicate the dates on which
       you will be sampling for the disinfectant residual (use your TCR
       monitoring plan for reference).

Step #2    Set up a schedule for additional monitoring.
      Under 'Disinfectant Residual,' note the disinfectant residual for
      which you will be sampling.
      Under 'Repeat Sample Site Locations,' enter the sites at which
      repeat total coliform monitoring (and therefore additional chlorine
      or chloramines monitoring) will be performed (consult your TCR
      monitoring  plan for reference).
      Under 'Routine  Sample Site,' enter the locations for the routine
      sites that correspond to the additional samples.
      Under 'Scheduled Sample Dates,' enter the dates on  which the
      repeat monitoring will be performed.
Step #3    Describe how you will determine compliance.
Enter a narrative description of how you will calculate compliance with
the chlorine or chloramines MRDL.  Discuss how you will calculate the
monthly average (if applicable) and the RAA and how you would account
for additional samples taken as a result of a total coliform-positive result
in the monthly average.

Step #4    Enter the monitoring plan completion date.
In the 'Date Last Modified' area, enter the date on which you complete
this monitoring plan.  If the monitoring plan is modified at any point, enter
the modification  date in this area.

Note: If you need more space to list all your sources and plants, you can
photocopy the worksheet and use one sheet for each plant.

Chlorine/Chloramines Monitoring Plan
Routine Monitoring
Disinfectant Residual

Sample Site Location

Sampling Frequency

Scheduled Sample Dates


                                               Additional TCP/Chlorine & Chloramines Monitoring Locations1
Repeat Sample Site Locations2
Routine Sample Site
Scheduled Sample Dates
                               Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                     At original location
                              At entrance to distribution system
                               Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                     At original location
                              At entrance to distribution system
                               Within 5 connections upstream
                             Within 5 connections downstream
                                     At original location
                              At entrance to distribution system
        Systems must take additional chlorine or chloramines samples whenever total coliform-positive results require additional samples based on TCR requirements.
        Systems must collect: one repeat sample at the same tap as the original sample; one repeat sample within five service connections upstream from the original sample; and one repeat sample
        within five service connections downstream from the original sample (check your TCR sample siting plan). Systems collecting one or fewer routine samples per month must collect one
        additional repeat sample at any other point in the system. Unless the requirement is waived by the state, systems that collect fewer than five routine samples per month that experience a total
        coliform-positive result must collect five routine total coliform (and therefore chlorine and/or chloramines) samples the  next month.
                                                                  Compliance Determination
Date Last Modified:

                                    TTHM & HAAS Monitoring Plan Worksheet Instructions
Step #1 Set up a routine sampling schedule.
    Under 'Byproduct,' note whether you are sampling for TTHM or
(a)  Under 'Sample Site,' enter the locations at which you will be
(a)  Under 'Plant,' enter the plant that corresponds to the sample.
(a)  Under 'Frequency,' note how often you are required to sample for
    the byproduct (i.e., quarterly or annually).
(a)  Under 'Number of Samples Collected,' enter the number of samples
    collected at that location.
(a)  Under 'Scheduled Sample Dates,' indicate the dates on which you
    will be sampling for the byproduct.
Step #3 Set up a schedule for reduced monitoring.
(a)  Under 'Byproduct,' note whether you are sampling for TTHM or
(a)  Under 'Sample Site,' enter the locations at which you will be
(a)  Under 'Plant,' enter the plant that corresponds to the sample.
(a)  Under 'Frequency,' note how often you are required to sample for
    the byproduct when on a reduced monitoring schedule.
(a)  Under 'Number of Samples Collected,' enter the number of samples
    collected at that location.
(a)  Under 'Scheduled Sample Dates,' indicate the dates on which you
    intend to sample for the byproduct.
Step #2 Set up a schedule for increased monitoring.
(a)  Under 'Byproduct,' note whether you are sampling for TTHM or
(a)  Under 'Sample Site,' enter the locations at which you will be
(a)  Under 'Plant,' enter the plant that corresponds to the sample.
(a)  Under 'Frequency,' note how often you are required to sample for
    the byproduct when on an increased monitoring schedule, if
(a)  Under 'Number of Samples Collected,' enter the number of samples
    collected at that location.
(a)  Under 'Scheduled Sample Dates,' indicate the dates on which you
    intend to sample for the byproduct.
Step #4  Describe how you will determine compliance.
Enter a narrative description of how you will calculate compliance with
the TTHM and HAAS MCLs.  Discuss how you will calculate compliance
on a routine, reduced, or increased monitoring schedule.

Step #5  Enter the monitoring plan completion date.
In the 'Date Last Modified' area, enter the date on which you complete
this monitoring plan.  If the monitoring plan is modified at any point, enter
the modification date in this area.

Note: If you operate more than one plant, you can photocopy the
worksheet and use one sheet for each plant.

TTHM/HAA5 Monitoring Plan
Sample Site
Number of Samples
Scheduled Sample Dates
Routine Monitoring

Increased Monitoring

Reduced Monitoring

Compliance Determination

Date Last Modified:

Appendix D: Additional  Sources  of Information on the  Stage  1  DBPR

Below are some sources of information on topics related to the Stage 1 DBPR.

Regulations                                                   Documents
The Federal Register Notice on the Final Rule: National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants and Disinfection
Byproducts; Final Rule. December 16, 1998.  Federal Register.
Volume 63, No. 241, pp. 69390-69476. Available online at

The Federal Register Technical Corrections to the Stage 1
DBPR: Revisions to the Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule (IESWTR), the Stage 1 Disinfectants and
Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR), and Revisions to the
State Primacy Requirements to Implement the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) amendments; Final Rule. January 16, 2001. Federal
Register. Volume 66, No. 10, pp. 3770-3780.  Available online at

The Federal Register Minor Corrections to the Stage 1 DBPR:
Revisions to the LT1ESTWR, SWTR, and other National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations; Final Rule.  March 2, 2004. Federal
Register. Volume 69, No. 41, pp. 9781-9790. Available online at
EPA's MDBP Rules Implementation Activities Web site:
www.epa.gov/safewater/mdbp/implement.html EPA has posted a
number of documents, including the text of the Stage 1 DBPR, an
Implementation Guidance, many fact sheets, and a quick reference
guide to the Rule.


American Waterworks Association:

Association of State Drinking Water Administrators:

Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies:

National Rural Water Association:

The Natural Resources Defense Council:

Appendix E: Contact Information for Safe Drinking Water Act Primacy


For additional information or to learn more about the laws in your own state, please contact your EPA Regional Coordinator or State Drinking
Water Agency.
State Agency
Department of Environmental Management: Water
Supply Branch
Department of Environmental Management: Water
Supply Branch
American Samoa
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Environmental Quality: Safe Drinking
Water Section
Department of Health: Division of Engineering
Department of Health Services: Division of Drinking
Water & Environmental Management
Department of Public Health & Environment: Drinking
Water Program
Department of Public Health: Drinking Water Division
Delaware Health & Social Services: Division of Public
Web Site
www.state.ak. us/dec/eh/dw
http://www.cdphe. state. co. us/wq/Drinking_Water/Drinking_Wate
www.dph. state. ct.us/BRS/water/dwd. htm
Phone Number
(907) 269-7647
(684) 633-2304
(602) 771-2300
(303) 692-3500
(860) 509-7333
(302) 744-4700

State Agency
District of Columbia
Environmental Health Administration: Water
Resources Management Division
Department of Environmental Protection: Drinking
Water Program
Department of Natural Resources: Water Resources
Guam Environmental Protection Agency: Water
Programs Division
Department of Health: Environmental Health Division
Department of Environmental Quality: Water Quality
Environmental Protection Agency: Division of Public
Water Supplies
Department of Environmental Management: Drinking
Water Branch
Department of Natural Resources: Water Supply
Department of Environmental Protection: Bureau of
Web Site
Phone Number
(215) 814-2300
(850) 245-8335
(404) 657-5947
(808) 586-4258
(208) 373-0194
(515) 725-0275
(785) 296-5503

State Agency
Department for Environmental Protection: Division of
Office of Public Health: Safe Drinking Water Program
Maine Department of Human Services: Drinking
Water Program
Department of the Environment: Public Drinking
Water Program
Department of Environmental Protection: Drinking
Water Program
Department of Environmental Quality: Water Bureau
Department of Health: Drinking Water Protection
Department of Health: Division of Water Supply
Department of Natural Resources: Water Protection
and Soil Conservation Division
Department of Environmental Quality: Public Water
Supply Program
Department of HHS: Public Water Supply Program
Web Site
www.mde. state. md.us/programs/WaterPrograms/Water_Supply
www.health. state. mn.us/divs/eh/water/index.html
www.msdh.state.ms.us/msdhsite/index.cfm/44. 0.76. html
www.deq. state. mt.us/wqinfo/PWS/index.asp
www.hhs. state. ne.us/enh/pwsindex. htm
Phone Number
(225) 765-5038
(207) 287-2070
(410) 537-3000
(406) 444-4071
(402) 471-0521

State Agency
Department of Environmental Services: Safe Drinking
Water Program
New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services: Water
New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection: Water
Supply Administration
New Mexico
Environment Department: Drinking Water Bureau
New York
Department of Health: Bureau of Water Supply
North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources:
Public Water Supply Section
North Dakota
Department of Health: Division of Water Quality
Environmental Protection Agency: Division of
Drinking & Ground Water
Department of Environmental Quality: Water Quality
Department of Human Services: Drinking Water
Department of Environmental Protection: Office of
Water Management
Web Site
www.nmenv. state. nm.us/dwb/dwbtop. html
www.health. state. nd.us/mf
www.dep. state. pa. us/dep/deputate/watermgt/wsm/WSM. htm
Phone Number
(775) 687-6353
(609) 292-5550
(505) 827-1400
(971) 673-0405

State Agency
Puerto Rico
Department of Health: Public Water Supply
Supervision Program
Rhode Island
Department of Health: Office of Drinking Water
South Carolina
Department of Health & Environmental Control:
Drinking Water Program
South Dakota
Department of Environment & Natural Resources:
Drinking Water Program
Department of Environment & Conservation: Division
of Water Supply
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality: Division of
Drinking Water
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Virgin Islands
Department of Planning & Natural Resources:
Division of Environmental Protection
Department of Health: Office of Drinking Water
Department of Environmental Health: Office of
Drinking Water
Web Site
www.tceq. state. tx.us/nav/util_water/
www. vdh. state. va.us/dw/index.asp
Phone Number
(787) 977-5870
(401) 222-6867
(803) 898-4300
(605) 773-3754
(615) 532-0191
(801) 536-4200
(804) 864-7500

State Agency
West Virginia
Bureau for Public Health: Department of Health and
Human Resources
Department of Natural Resources: Drinking Water
and Ground Water
EPA Region VIII: Wyoming Drinking Water Program
Web Site
Phone Number
(304) 558-6715
(608) 266-0821
(303) 312-6812

Appendix F: Tribal Contacts
For additional information or to learn more about the laws governing your tribe, use the contact information provided in this Appendix.
U.S. EPA Headquarters
American Indian Environmental Office
(202) 564-0303
U.S. EPA Regional Tribal Capacity Development Coordinators
U.S. EPA Region 1
U.S. EPA Region 2
U.S. EPA Region 4
U.S. EPA Region 5
U.S. EPA Region 6
U.S. EPA Region 7
U.S. EPA Region 8
U.S. EPA Region 9
U.S. EPA Region 10
yosemite. epa.gov/r1 0/tribal.NSF/webpage/tribal+office+homepage?ope
(888) 372-7341
(404) 562-6939
(800) 887-6063
(206) 553-401 1
Other Contacts
Administration for Native Americans
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Health Service
Native American Water Association
(877) 922-9262
(301) 443-3024
(775) 782-6636

Appendix G: Other STEP  Documents
This Guide, Supplement A, and Supplement B are part of a series of Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) documents for small
drinking water systems. The currently available STEP documents can be obtained from EPA by calling the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-
800-426-4791 and requesting the document by its publication number or by visiting EPA's Small Drinking Water Web site at
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Regulation Overview Brochure
for Small Systems
This brochure summarizes SDWA regulations that currently exist,
are  proposed, or are under development that affect or will affect
small water systems. The brochure emphasizes how the
regulations relate to each other and explains the multi-barrier
approach to microbial and chemical risks and how SDWA
regulations fit into this type of framework. The brochure also
emphasizes how most small systems can achieve compliance
through process optimization and more efficient system
Publication number EPA 816-R-02-004

Complying With the New Drinking Water Standard for Arsenic
This workbook is designed to help systems understand and
achieve compliance with the Arsenic Rule. The workbook provides
sample worksheets to help systems organize data and provides
guidance for small systems on their selection of appropriate
compliance options.
Publication number EPA 816-R-02-008A

Asset Management: A Handbook for Small Water Systems
This workbook guides small  systems through a four-step process
of developing an asset management plan and includes worksheets
on completing a thorough asset inventory;  prioritizing the
maintenance, rehabilitation,  and replacement of your assets;
developing a simple asset management plan; and carrying out the
plan. The workbook also provides information about how asset
management can help improve your system's financial health and
ability to provide safe drinking water.
Publication number EPA 816-K-03-016
Strategic Planning: A Handbook for Small Water Systems
This workbook is designed to help systems understand the
concept of strategic planning and how it can help them
prepare to meet public expectations and regulatory
requirements while maintaining organizational and financial
stability in the future.  The workbook provides worksheets to
help systems create a vision statement and mission, assess
their capacity, define their area of service, identify challenges,
and develop a strategic plan for their system.
Publication number EPA 816-R-03-015

Taking Stock of Your Water System: A Simple Asset Inventory
for Very Small Drinking Water Systems
This workbook will guide very small systems through a simple
asset inventory of their drinking water system and the  first
steps of an asset management plan. The workbook includes
worksheets on asset condition and prioritization.
Publication number EPA 816-K-03-002

Preventive Maintenance Tasks for Tribal Drinking Water
Systems: Guide Booklet and Log Sheets
The log cards and guidance booklet provide a schedule of
routine operation and maintenance tasks for small  drinking
water systems that use a groundwater supply. The booklet is
divided into sections that outline daily, weekly, and monthly
tasks,  plus individual sections that describe specific tasks for
each month of the year.  Each section contains guidance
notes that provide additional information on some tasks. The
notes correspond to the tasks on the accompanying cards.
Publication number EPA 816-F-01-017
