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  DATE:   7 OCTOBER 1981 _
  SUBJECT:  Gulf of Mexico
  REF:   15-2-4
Cruise 28 Sept - 2 Oct 1981
 Six  dives were made to record density and species composition  data  to  supplement
 Hourglass octocoral collections.  Identification of  vouchers of  all  specimens
 are  incomplete;- however most are accurate in situ identifications.

 Site I, Florida Middle Ground, 2 dfves, 80-90 ft.  Densities of  MuriceaTlaxa
 (the most abundant gorgonian) were up to 26 colonies/m  .  Usually no other
 species were recorded within the^square meter.  Other species  collected include:
 Eunicea knighti, Eum'cea calyculata, Plexaurella f us if era, Pseudoplexaura sp.,
 Lophogorgia cardinal Is, Pseudopterogorgia fecerosa , and Pterogorgia guadTlupensis.

 Site II.  Florida Middle Ground, 1 dive 90 ft.  Gorgonian species composition
 the  same as for site  I; area dominated by Millepora.  Drop off observed from about
 85-125 ft.  Proposed  dive on drop off had to be aborted due to rough weather.

 Site III.  Off Bayport.  1  dive, about 60 ft.  Low relief ledge.  Average of
 9.5  gorgonians/m  recorded.   Six species occurred in plot sampling;  most to
 least abundant were Plexaurella  fusifera, Eunicea knighti, Pseudoplexaura ?porosa,
 Pterogorgia quadalupensis,  Eunicea calyculata, Leptogorgia virgulata.  Lophogorgia
 hebes and Huricea elongata  were  also collected from this site.

 Site IV.  Blackthorn  wreck  off Tampa Bay.  1  dive,  75 ft.  No gorgonians were
 observed colonizing the wreck structure.  Surrounding bottom was hard but devoid
 of gorgonians at first glance.   Closer observations provided -five species:
 Lophogorgia hebes,  Leptogorgia virgulata, Eunicea calyculata,'  PIexaurel 1 a sp.
 an<^ Muricea elongata.   With  exception of the  single whip noted, L^.  virgulata,  .
 no colonies were taller,than 10  cm.   Huricea  was most abundant; however, no
 colony taller than  7  cm was  observed.  Time  limits  disallowed  collection of
 specific density data.   I can only surmise  that  debris (tire bundles) in the area
 or the sinking of the  Blackthorn itself perhaps  scoured or otherwise damaged the
 surrounding bottom; therefore resulting, incf\ly small  gorgonians be'Img present.

 Site V.   Dump site  for Tampa  Bay dredge spoil  off Tampa  Bay.   1 dive, 55 ft.
 Moderate relief ledge.   Gorgonians were abundant up  on the ledge  proper and on
 parts of the surrounding bottom.   Densities of Muricea  elongata v/ere up to 30
 colonies/m , with addition of 1  or 2  other species occasionally.  Other species
 collected  include:  Eum'cea  calyculata,  Plexaurella  fusifera, Lophogorgia  hebes,
 Leptogorgia  virgulata,  Pterogorgia guadalupensis.  This  area supports an incal-
 culable  monospecific population  ofcphiuroid.   Every  attached benthic spbnge?and
•gorgonian  supports numerous animals.  One small  (13  cm)  Huricea was  collected
 with 11  animals mostly as~large  as 1.3 cm disc diameter  but some  as  small  as
 2  mm diameter.  The same number  were  noted on a  previous dive on  thi's  ledge  last
 June. They  are probably Ophiothrix.  I*collected these  samples to send to Gordon
 Kendler^at the Snrithsonian^who Maureen Downey recommendegl).

 cc:   Steidinger
    .  Lyons                .
      Halas        .               .                                  '
      Conant  and Burns

R/V Hernan Cortez Cruise. Dec. 1,-2, 1980; Reconnaissance of
     dredge  spoil disposal area.
     Dive  I  - Duration 17 minutes. Lat  -  27°37.2'N,  Loran  C  14163.39;  Long  -. 82°59.9'W,   "'
              Loran C 44747.33; depth - 50-55  ft  (15-17 m)                                ~
              Bottom Character - rock overlaid with  a  (2-5 on) veneer  of sediments.
              Windrows of fossil gastropods noted on surface of sediment waves.
              Organisms noted:  Caulerpa  sp.,  Siderastrea radians. Solenastrea hyades.
              Phyllajiqia americana. Petrogorqia citrina. Lytechinu's variegatus. Echinaster
              sp., Cassis sp.
                                                  i/'X                             fao 3-3
                                               tlf                           Set »
     Dive II - Duration 11 minutes. Lat - 27037.6'N, Loran C 14164.05; Long  - 83°01.5'W,  '
               Loran C 44754.00; depth - 45 feet (14 m)
               Bottom Character - a mosaic of rocky substrate with pockets of sediments
               overlying the rock in some places.   Octocorals visually dominant.   A very
               diverse benthic community,  with corals,  echinodenns, polychaetes, "mollusks,
               and sponges.   The height (1 ft) of some  S_pjena_5trea hy.ade_s heads would imply
               long  term community stability.                             "
               Organisms  noted:   Eunicea sp.,  Stephanocoenia  michelinii, Siderastrea
               radians.  Millepora  alcicorm's.  Cladocora arbuscula. Solenastrea hyades.
               Isophyllia  sinuosa.  Hanicina  areolata. Scolymia  lacera.  Phyllangia  americana.
             > Ophiothrix  suensoni. Echinaster sp.,  Diadema antillarum, sponges unidentified,
              holothurians unidentified.                                  V
    Dive  III - Duration 20 minutes.  Lat  -  27°37.6'N, Loran  C  14164.05;  Long -  83°01.5'W,
               Loran C 44754.00; depth - 50  ft.  (15 m)
               Bottom "Character - ledge  line with up to  1. m relief.   Vertical, horizontal
               interface with Millepora  alcicornis colonies.  Some slumping of overhanging
               under cut ledges noted.   While few large  fish  were observed, black  grouper

            '        -•'            •          VCStf  —'"-VJT-/
I^partment  of Natural  Resources^SbBS^Interoftlce Memorandum



10 May 1982

Bill Lyons
Walt waap
George  Henderson
                                                 Karen Steidinger
Observations  from May 6 diNnng on dredge spoil  disposal  s1te0flf/^iA
 Nine stations were sampled.  Dr. Taylor took  4 benthic plug samples at each
 station.   Samples were sieved and preserved in rose bengal for later sorting
 and identification.  Each station took ca. 5  minutes of bottom time to sample,
 hence my  observations are not in great detail..  Stations were located ne*r the
 corners,  middle of the area, and one midway between each corner.
                                  approximate N *-
 The following summarizes  observations by station.  "~

     1.  27°37'N,  82059.7'W,  38 ft.
         Bottom strewn with large boulders and silt.
         posal. No macro epibenthos seen.
                                          Evidence of recent dis-
     2.  27*37.3'N, 82°59.7'W, 44 ft.
         Bottom  uniformly covered with an ooze that had the  consistency of
         pudding.  No macro epibenthos seen.

     3.  27°37.4'N, 82°59.5'W, 45 ft.
         Same as station 2.  A few sand perch, Pi plectrum formosum were observed.

     4. '27*37.3'N, 83°001W, 50 ft..  "
         A small ledge with no more than^one  to two feet of  relief.  A "live"
         bottom community was seen.  Algae included Halimeda and Udotea;
         Sponges, stony corals:  Cladocora arbuscula, Kanicina areolata; Solen-
         astrgfl. hyades. Phyllangia americana,  and Siderastrea radians; Octo-
         corals with ophioroids in their branches.Black urchin Diadema aritil-.
         Varum? or Arbacia punctulata?  Red and black grouper and numerous
         small tropical fishes were seen.  Little or no sign of dredge impact.

     5.   27°37'N, 83°00'W, 50 ft.
         Hard packed sediment.  Some  piles of  consolidated (clay like) dredge
     -   spoil.  One small colony  of  £.  arbuscula seen.
                                -recycled paper-

   •-» •     Rocks and sand  some  si i ^./ mu.:.   unuc>.^^'v. . ..»_  _>~..l .«, — _.      -  •'  '
 -  '.     .sediments.  Sand  perch  observed.
;  . 7.   27°36.75'N, 82°59.7'W,  55 ft.
          Hard firm sand, no macro epibenthos seen.                 ...

     8.   27*36.8 'N,- 8?059.5'W, 48 ft.
          Hard sand.  Piles of clay-like  mud, very black in color.  No macro

     9.   27C37.3'N, 82°59:5'W, 40 ft.
          Large cable on  bottom.   Slimy ooze, no macro  epibenthos observed.

 Only station 4 seemed to have escaped impact.  The remaining stations all  had
 received some impact, 1, 2, 3, and 9 appear to have received the greatest
 insult.                            •*

      UKAl- i   JK
   -1 ..   ,-a
      Subject:  3fe^«rE±JCTrs» R/V  Hernan  Cortez  Cruise.  Dec.  l/"2,  1980;  Reconnaissance of
      ,7tr<«-»      OC*"0-"\.
tit"'           ~ ~—•—
      dredge spoil disposal area.

                                               .*                           .       »-r
     Dive I - Duration 17 minutes. Lat - 27°37.2'N, Loran C 14163.39; Long - 82°59.9'W,
              Loran C 44747.33; depth - 50-55 ft (15-17 m)
              Bottom Character - rock overlaid with a (2-5 cm) veneer of sediments.
              Windrows  of fossil gastropods noted on surface of sediment waves.
              Organisms noted:   Caulerpa  sp.,  Siderastrea radians,  Solenastrea  hyades,
              Phyllafigia  americana,  Petrogorgia  citrina,  Lytechinus variegatus,  Echinaster
              sp. , Cassis sp.
    Dive I! - Duration 11 minutes. Lat - 27°37.6'N, Loran C 14164.05; Long - 83°01.5'W, '
              Loran C 44754.00; depth - 45 feet (14 m)              •
              Bottom Character - a mosaic of rocky substrate with pockets of sediments
              overlying the rock in some places.   Octocorals visually  dominant.   A very
              diverse  benthic  community,  with corals,  echinoderms, polychaetes,  mollusks,
              and sponges.   The height (1  ft) of  some  Scjen_a.s_trea hyade_s heads would imply
              long term community  stability.                             "*
             Organisms noted:   Eunicea sp. ,  Stephanocoenia  michelinii ,  Siderastrea
             radians, Millepora alcicorm's,  Cladocora arbuscula,  Solenastrea hyades,
             Isophyllia sinuosa, Mam'cina areolata, Scolymja lacera. Phyllangia americana,
           , Ophiothrix suensoni . Echinaster sp.» D i a dema a n t i 1 1 a rum .  sponges unidentified,
             holothurians unidentified.                                   H-
                                         27 r> ^"       ^              ^°° ^
   Dive  III  -  Duration 20 minutes.  Lat -  27°37.6'N,  Loran C 14164.05;  Long -  83°01.5'W,
              Loran C  44754.00;  depth  - 50  ft.  (15 m)
           • Bottom "Character  - ledge line with  up  to i m  relief.  Vertical, horizontal
             interface with Mil 1 epora al cicornis  colonie_s.  Some  slumping of overhanging
             under cut ledges noted.  While  few large fish were observed, black grouper


   'J.tate of  Florida
   Department of Natural Resources
                                 Interoffice Memorandum



8 June 1981

George Henderson

Bill Lyons
Halt Jaap
Jenhi Lowry
       SUBJECT:  4 June Cruise to Bayboro Harbor Dredge  Spoil
                 Disposal Site
       We met Scott Sobel and his cameraman,  Lynn Rabren,  at  Captain
       Warren Sturgess1  boat, the Proposition,  on Madeira  Beach.  Using
       R/V Hernan Cortez Loran coordinates from the  December  cruise,
       three short dives were made.

       Site 1, 14164.3-4, 44747.1,  depth 45 ft,  bottom:  coarse
       sediments with fossil freshwater mollusk (gastropod) shells.
       No visual evidence of spoil disposal impact.   This  area is
       estimated to be less than 1 km inshore of the second site, the
       mid-disposal area which was visited in December.

       Site 2 (mid-disposal area visited in December)  14163.8-7,
       44748.2,  depth 50 ft, bottom a hardpan veneered with a thin
       layer of  sediments.  Bottom benthos included  numerous  octo-
       corals, stony corals, anemones,  sponges  and numerous brittle
       stars  (possibly Ophiothrix sUensoni) entwined in  the octocoral
       branches.  No visible evidence of impact was  observed.  Low
       relief anemones and stony corals were  not suffering from burial
       and had not expelled zooxanthellae.  Conditions appeared similar
       to December observations.

       Site 3 (ledge system just seaward of the northwest  boundary of
       the disposal site) 14164.5-6,  44754.4.   Ledge outcrop, high di-
       versity,  hard substrate, benthic community with sponges, anemones,
       octocorals, stony corals, molluscs,  crustaceans and an abundant
       ichthyofauna including triggerfish,  grunts, jacks,  grouper,
       snapper,  butterflies, and high hats.   Again,  there  was no visible
       evidence  of dredge disposal.   The stake  established here in
       December  was found, hence we are certain of being on station.
                               -recycled paper-

           OHU rrencn angelfish were common.     .      .      .  .                  /.;
           Organisms noted:  Stephanocoenia micheli-nii. Siderastrea radians, Cladocora
           arfauscula, Sblenastrea hyades, Phyllangia americana, Mi.TlepoT'a alcicorm's.
           Condylactis gigantea, Rhodactis sanctihomae? , Panulirus argus, Ophiothrix
           suensoni, Diadema an till arum.
Photographs were taken of representative community elements with a Nikonos .camera,
15 nni lens and flash.  Film at RoMo for development.  The ledge was marked with a
copper clad survey marker to establish reference.
cc:  Gary Burns
     Ken Haddad
     Bill Lyons
     Roy Williams
     Terry Leary, GMFMC
     Robin Lewis

 Page Two
 Dumping impact was either very localized or  tHe material  dispersed
 so fast that  it did not  have  an effect  on the  three  sites.   It is
 most probable that the impact was  greater on the  inshore  side of
 the disposal  area.  The  contractor.probably  made  his dumps in this


       January 5,  1983
                                                                                   campo bau
       Mr. Jonathon Amson                                                     -' ~*'-e-'=><-•'•- ••-
                                                                           jQil,£T'*i*i^i 7 ;j-n ,, -, ~ T '
       U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency                              '  	  '  """"
       Criteria and Standards  Division (WH-585)
       401 M Street, S.W.
       Washington,  D.C.  20460

       Dear  Mr. Amson:

       Subject:  Tampa Bay Regional Planning  Council A-9S Clearinghouse Review No.
                  218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa
30-1              Harbor,  Florida,  Ocean  Dredged  Material  Disposal  Site
                  Designation,  Hillsborough, Pinellas and Manatee Counties

       Enclosed please find a copy of the Council's Clearinghouse Review report
       for the above  referenced project adopted by the Council's  Clearinghouse
       Review Committee on January 3,  1983.

       Should additional clarification be  needed, please  feel free  to contact  me.
       We appreciate the opportunity to review the proposal.

       Michael  R.  McKinJ
       Director of Plapning


        Chairman Jan K Piatt
     Commissioner. Hillsoofougn County
Vice-Chairman Geo'ge Mr.Gougn
   Ma\'or. Cuv at Largo
                                                Councilwotngn. Ofv of Braoennjn

Sradenton • Cieatwaier • Oade City • Duneaii • Guiioof. • Hiiisoorougn Coumv • largo • Manatee County • New Pon Ricurv « ui.jstn,r • ^I'-ow,

  * Pasco Counsy • Pinellas County • Pinellas Pa'k « Safely Haroo' • Si Peie'SDurq * Si pi'OOr' Sor»'.g»


                                                             Agenda Item #11A
     A-9S #218*82;  Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa
     Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation,
     Hillsborough, Pinellas and Manatee  Counties
 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested review and
 comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Tampa Harbor,
 Florida which presents  information necessary  for the designation  of a new
. Tampa Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Site.  The purpose of the action  is
 to provide the most environmentally and economically acceptable ocean
 location for the disposal of material dredged from the Tampa Bay area.
 Based  on recent surveys of four Shallow-Water Alternative Sites,  EPA has
 determined that Shallow-Water  Alternative Site 4 is the  alternative with
 the fewest hard-bottom areas  which may be affected by the disposal  of
 dredged material.   It is  the recommendation  of  the DEIS that Alternative
 Site 4 be designated as the disposal site location for dredged material
 from the Tampa Bay area.  Agency - EPA;  Location - Hillsborough,  Pinellas
 and Manatee  Counties.

                     Local Comments Received From;

 Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission:  See attached
   letter dated December 5,  1982.

 Hillsborough  County Department  of  Development Coordinations   See attached
   memorandum  dated December 3, 1982.

 Pinellas County Planning Department:  No comment received as of  December
 30,  1982.

 City of St.  Petersburg Planning Department:  See attached letter dated
   December 16, 1982.

 Manatee County Board of County  Commissioners:  See attached  letter dated
   December 13,1982

 Mote Marine Laboratory:   See attached letter dated December 9,  1982.

 Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management  Council:   See attached letter dated
   December 10, 1982.

 Office of  the Governor:   See attached letter dated December 22,  1982.

                  Council  Comments and Recommendations

 This project  has been reviewed  for consistency with the Council's  Areawide
 Water Quality Management Plan and the Council's adopted growth policy,  the
 Future of the Region.  The proposal has not  been found to be consistent
 with Council policy that a standard of  water quality should be achieved
 that allows  for the protection and propagation of fish,  shellfish,  and
 wildlife and  provides for recreation  in and on the waters in the region.
      a-ict u- -,,,«. o~. .,,,. .„.,,
                tempo boy regional planning council
                                                    T •»<•


    A-95 #218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa   | 2.^-
    Harbor,  Florida,  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation,
    Hillsborough, Pinellas and Manatee Counties
 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested  review* and
 comment on the draft Environmental  Impact Statement (BIS) for Tampa  Harbor,
 Florida  which presents information  necessary for the designation  of a new
 Tampa  Harbor Dredged Material Disposal  Site.  The purpose of the; action is
 to provide  the  most environmentally and economically acceptable ocean
 location for the disposal of material dredged from the Tampa;  Bay area.
 Based  on  recent surveys of four Shallow-water Alternative Sites, EPA has
 determined that Shallow-Water  Alternative Site 4 is the  alternative ;with
 the fewest hard-bottom areas  which may be affected by  the disposal of
 dredged  material.   It is  the recommendation of  the DEIS  that  Alternative
 Site 4 be designated as the disposal site location for dredged  material
 from the Tampa  Bay  area.  Agency - EPA; Location - Hillsborough, Pinellas
 and Manatee Counties.                                          >-•• •--
                                                                "  * * *
                      Local Comments Received From;           '.A. ••*...   i

 Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission:  See attached
  letter dated December 5, 1982.                               _'     •

 Hillsborough  County  Department  of  Development Coordination:  See attached
  memorandum  dated December 3, 1982.

 Pinellas County  Planning  Department:   No comment received as of December
 30, 1982.

 City of  St. Petersburg Planning Department:  See attached letter dated
  December 16,  1982.

 Manatee County Board of County Commissioners:   See attached letter dated
  December 13,1982

Mote Marine Laboratory:  See attached letter dated December 9, 1982.  :

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council:   See attached  letter dated
  December 10, 1982.                                             ."   :-

Office  of the Governor:  See attached letter dated December 22, ..1982. e

                  Council Comments  and  Recommendations

This  project  has been  reviewed for consistency  with the  Council's Areawide
Water Quality Management Plan and the Council's adopted growth -policy;; the
Future of the Region.  The proposal has  not been found to be  consistent
 with Council policy that a standard of water quality should be  achieved
 that allows  for the protection and propagation of fish,  shellfish/ and
 wildlife and  provides for recreation in  and on the waters in the-region.
                                                         : J.'.  •  si "1 '
                                                              •jat.it i
                                                           . .; on t :
                 tampa boy regional planning council
      •9-155 Koger Boulevard Si Peie'Sbyq, H 33702  (8i3)577-5i5i Tampa 224.9380

This project is regionally significant and the following local and regional
concerns have been raised during the review:

•  The staff of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has reviewed the
   Draft Environmental Impact  Statement (DEIS) for Tampa*Harbor  Ocean
   Dredged  Material Disposal Site Designation  and offers  the following

   General  Comments

   1.  The  DEIS lacks sufficiently detailed evaluation and comparisons of
       all  possible  alternatives including diked  disposal islands  and
       upland disposal areas.

   2.  The   designation of Alternative  Site 4  for  disposal of dredged
       material from the Tampa Bay Area should be based on  more detailed
       studies  of this area.  The DEIS lacks site specific studies evaluat-
       ing  the  impacts on marine environment and economy of the region.
       The  results  of the studies done in other  locations cannot serve as
       the  base for  evaluating the impacts of  the  proposed dumping of
       dredged  material on  the proposed site.

   3.  The environmental consequences of dumping dredged  sediments on sand-
       subs tate habitats  also cannot be predicted based  on the  results of
       the  studies from other locations.   The  ecosystem  of shallow-waters
       in central-southwest Florida is different from the continental  U.S.
   4.  Information pertaining to tidal currents is needed based on records
       obtained from the tide guage station located in Egmont Key.

   5.  The  monitoring program has not been specifically designed to deter-
       mine whether disposal at the selected site significantly affects
       areas  outside the site and to detect long  term effects occurring in
       or around the site.  It is stated  in  the DEIS that a monitoring
       program  may be  established to supplement  historical data.  Details
       on what the monitoring program will entail/must be  included.

   6.  The  recreational and  commercial fishing values of the surrounding
       area should be identified as  well as the  impacts  of  ocean disposal
       on migratory fishing. »

   7.  It is  stated  that  dispersion  of  disposal  material outside the site
       boundaries will be  over time and in  thin  layers,  and that  such
       dispersion is not expected to have  unacceptable adverse environmen-
       tal  impacts.   Specific studies need to be completed to determine
       whether the  thin  layer of siltation  adversely  impacts the  sur-
       rounding hard bottoms  (corals).

   Specific Comments

   1 .  Statements that there are no hard-bottom  habitats within  or  in
       proximity to Site 4 are not well-documented.  More extensive inspec-
       tion of areas both  within and  around the site is necessary before it
       can  be known what  types  of  organisms and  communities will  be

    adversely affected by dumping.   In-depth surveys to determine the
    nature and extent of  live, hard-bottom habitats.in or near the  site
    should be further conducted.

2.  It is stated in DEIS that results of dredged material disposal at
    the Tampa Harbor alternative sites are anticipated to be  similar to
    the results of disposal operations at Calveston,  Texas  (page 2-28).
    However,  the West Florida Shelf cannot be compared with other areas
    which have no hard-bottom communities.   The conclusions that dispo-
    sal will not result in any detectable changes in ecology of the  area
    are inappropriate.

3.  An assessment of the siltation and turbidity caused by resuspension
    of fine particles by waves, storms and tides has not been completed,
    as well  as  the  expected impacts  of  the siltation on live-bottom

4.  The long-term effects  from the continual  resuspension of spoil
    material throughout the  water column  have not  been adequately
    studied  nor documented.  The amount and  frequency of siltation,  the
    direction of sediment transport  based on  site-specific ocean current
    information,  and the environmental consequences of long-term  tur-
    bidity should be estimated before  final recommendations are made.

5.  It is stated in  the DEIS that Site 4  is removed  from areas of
    recreational  use,  and has no known  significant commercial  fishery
    use (page 2-27).   This statement is not based on the detailed survey
    of commercial and recreational fishing activities of  this area.
    Relevant studies should  be completed  based on  public testimony
    whether  the proposed action affects the  recreational  activities of
    the region and commercial  fishing.

6.  Cost-benefit  analysis,  taking into account the direct  and  indirect
    economic benefits generated by the recreational use of this part of
    the Gulf  of  Mexico have not been done at  this time.

7.  A public hearing should be scheduled to  allow  full and fair public
    comment  in the draft EIS and the  overall suitability of  dumping in
    the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.
The Manatee County Board  of County Commissioners has provided extensive
comments  which already have been forwarded to EPA and are summarized
below (see attached  letter  dated December 13,  1982) regarding the Draft
EIS for a permanent ocean disposal site for Tampa Harbor:

1.  The EPA survey upon which the EIS relies to recommend  Site 4 for
    permanent designation, used survey  methodologies that are  inadequate
    for determining  the nature and extent of live,  hard-bottom  habitats
    in or near  the  site;  yet, the entire EIS rests  on  the unproven
    assumption  that there are no hard-bottom habitats within or in
    proximity to Site 4.  This is critical  because  of the well-docu-
    mented importance of live-bottom habitats to both  commercial  and
    recreational  fishery resources.

2.  Although  the  E1S  notes that significant damage that can occur to *
    hard-bottom habitats front siltation and turbidity, it completely
    fails to describe  or assess the siltation and turbidity  that will be
    caused by resuspension of fine particles by waves, storms, tides,
    and combinations thereof, and it fails to quantify the resulting
    siltation problem and its expected impacts  to corals,  sponges,
    algaes,  and the like.

3.  The EIS recommendation of Site 4 is based on erroneous and under-
    stated information concerning the use of the area in and around the
    site, which is actually located in an area that is heavily used by
    commercial and recreational fishermen, sport divers,  and others.

4.  The Site-Designation EIS presumes  that ocean dumping is appropriate
    in this part of the Gulf of Mexico, disregarding as  a general matter
    the high potential for damage from burial and siltation to the hard-
    bottom habitats and organisms found  scattered  throughout this part
    of the Gulf,  and  inadequately considering  the  possibility of using
    uplands or diked  disposal areas on a  short-term  basis  pending
    thorough investigation  of  the suitability of  ocean dumping.

5.  The EIS also relies on erroneous  cost estimates for  transporting the
    dredged material  to various alternative  sites,  and  there is no
    comparison of  the environmental  "pros and cons" of  each  alternative
    site relative  to  the economic costs.
6.  Finally, with respect to the EIS's cost analyses,  the EIS fails to
    take any account of the direct or indirect economic benefits gen-
    erated by the  recreational use of this part of the Gulf of Mexico,
    thereby placing too-heavy  emphasis on the  immediate costs of spoil

Therefore,  in  light of  the many deficiencies  of the Draft EIS, including
reliance on erroneous  assumptions,  inadequate surveys, and incorrect
infomation,  the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County requests
that a public  hearing be scheduled to discuss the Draft  EIS and proposed
site designation, or,  in the alternative, that the Draft EIS be with-
drawn and subsequently  resubmitted for public comment.

The staff of the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission
has reviewed the  Draft Environmental.Impact Statement  (EIS) for Tampa
Harbor:  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation and submits
the following comments and recommendations:

   It is  recommended that all disposal at the  Existing Site A be
   stopped  because it  is too close to shore,  too close  to produc-
   tive reef areas, and within easy  reach of divers  and  small boat

   Site 4 is in 85 to 95 feet of water and is not as likely to be
   used for recreational purposes  such as diving and fishing.  All
   material  should go  to this site until  some long  range  solution
   is  found.


    Site 4 has no hard-bottom outcrops and would therefore have the
    least impact on fish and other types of  life.

 »  The City of St. Petersburg Planning Department has reviewed the Draft
    EIS for Tampa Harbor:  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designa-
    tion and  recommends the following  additions to  the above referenced

         Incorporation of any appropriate review criteria
         which may  be  forthcoming  from the  pending  litiga-
         tion  related  to offshore  dumping  initiated  by
         Manatee County;

         Analysis of upland dumping sites;

         Further  analysis  of  Site  4.   It appears  that
         Appendix C. (referenced on Page 2-13  of study) may
         provide additional data to substantiate minimal
         adverse environmental impacts.

 •   The Office of the Governor has submitted the following comments  and
    recommendations regarding the Draft EIS:

         An interagency review  of the statement has found
         that the proposed action would smother the  benthos
         within the designated area and  alter habitat within
         the  site.   The document recognizes that these
         adverse impacts at the site are unavoidable.  Our
         reviewing agencies report  that the EIS statement is
         inadequate and lacks the necessary information to
        be of sufficient value  as a decision-making docu-
         ment (see attachments).

        We have  concerns  with this designated site  and
         EPA's proposed  rule for ocean dumping without  a
        Federal Coastal Zone Management Consistency Evalua-
        tion.  Recognizing our concerns, the impact of this
        designation  and its effect on  the Tampa  Harbor
        project, we request that your agency participate in
        an interagency  meeting  at your earliest convenience
        to afford us  the opportunity to discuss issues of
        concern to the State of Florida.  It is our  desire
        to use this initial meeting as a step toward  re-
        solving  our concerns.

Based on the  review of  this document, it is-the opinion of the Tampa  Bay
Regional Planning Council that no ocean  dumping should be performed
until it is demonstrated that ocean dumping in this part  of the Gulf of
Mexico is appropriate and that it is  the most suitable  method of dispo-
sal.  That demonstration should include an  actual determination of  the
nature and  extent of hard-bottom habitats  and fishery resources in site
4 and  in surrounding  areas.   This  determination  should be  based on
further,  site-specific surveys,  including  the direction,  amount,  fre-
quency, and distance of sediment transport and siltation,  and a specific
quantification of the damage that will result therefrom.  Also, a de-

   tailed, careful balancing of the economic versus environmental concerns
   for each alternative method should be performed, including consideration
   of  the many commercial  aspects  of  recreational  fishing  and  diving  and
   development of a  thorough  monitoring  program to assess the  impacts  of
   any dumping on a long-term basis.

   In conclusion, the final recommendation of the DEIS for Tampa. Harbor
   which  designates Shallow-water  Alternative  Site  4 as the Tampa  Harbor
   ocean  dredged  material disposal  site  is not  consistent with  the
   Council's  adopted policy  to support the maintenance of Class  III waters,
   including bays,  rivers,  lakes,  estuaries  and open waters  of  the  terri-
   torial sea,  at a quality sufficient to allow body-contact water  sports
   and propagation of fish and wildlife.   (Future of_ the  Region, 2.402)

   It is  recommended  that  Alternative Site 4 not be used  as  an interim
   dumping site,  and that all concerned parties meet to resolve  identified

It is therefore recommended that the above local and regional concerns  and
recommendations be addressed in the final EIS  for Tampa Harbor.  Further,
it is recommended that any additional comments addressing local  concern be
considered prior  to  issuance or approval of the  final  EIS.
Committee adopted January 3,  1983.
Mayor (Emerge McGough",  Chai
Clearinghouse Review Committee

Please note:  Unless  otherwise notified, action by Clearinghouse Review
Committee is final.  Append copy to application  to indicate compliance with
clearinghouse requirements.: Comments constitute compliance with OMB Circu-
lar A-95 only.

                           Responses to Comments
1-1       EPA appreciates the review and comments on the DEIS provided by
          the Florida Department of State, Division of Archives, History and
          Records Management, and acknowledges the response that the
          proposed action is "...unlikely to affect any cultural

2-1       EPA appreciates the review and comments on the DEIS provided by
          the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human.
          Services, and acknowledges that possible health effects of the
          proposed alternatives have been adequately addressed.

2-2       A monitoring program will be initiated for Shallow-Water
          Alternative Site 4 to document any potential unacceptable adverse
          environmental impacts caused by the disposal of dredged material.
          Extensive baseline data and information has been collected in
          preparation of this EIS (see DEIS, p. 2-31).

3-1       EPA thanks the Tampa Port Authority for their review and comments
          and continued interest in the preparation of the FEIS.

3-2       Extensive video camera observation of the bottom characteristics
          of Site 4 as well as other areas has been completed during EP^'s
          February, March, and April 1983 extensive surveys.  More than 80
          miles and over 50 hours of video camera observation have been
          recorded on videotape to document the physical characteristics of
          the ocean floor and the presence of hard bottom and associated
          flora and fauna.

4-1       EPA acknowledges that the Tampa Port Authority agrees that Site 4
          may be a more acceptable long-term dredged material disposal
          site than Site A.

4-2       Intensive surveys conducted during February, March, and April 1983
          using an underwater video camera afforded extensive characteri-
          zation of the ocean floor.

5-1       EPA acknowledges DER's concern regarding disposal of dredged
          material offshore and its support for land-based alternatives.

5-2       The purpose of the document "...is to provide an environmentally
          and economically acceptable ocean location for the disposal of
          dredged material, which complies with the environmental impact
          criteria of the Ocean Dumping Regulations {40 CFR 220-229)."
          Preliminary survey work was followed-up by intensive surveys
          during February, March, and April 1983.  This work included
          sediment cores, water quality samples, fathometer and side-scan
          sonar tracings, fish tissue analysis and more than 50 hours of
          video camera recordings of the bottom, in the area.


5-3       Full public Involvement has been evident through the DEIS and site
          designation process; 32 comments have been received in response to
          the public notices of the availability of the two documents.

5-4       Non-ocean disposal of dredged material from the Tampa Bay Project
          including upland and diked disposal areas has been considered.
          According to the Corps of Engineers (letter from Harrison D. Ford,
          to Joseph Freedman, EPA Attorney, July 14, 1983), upland disposal
          areas which must be obtained by the local sponsor are not
          available at a reasonable cost.  Although disposal of dredged .
          material on existing or proposed diked disposal islands was
          considered a viable alternative, this alternative was later found
          to be economically and environmentally unacceptable for disposal
          of dredged material from the construction phase of the Tampa
          Harbor Project.  Existing diked disposal islands do not have
          sufficient capacity to receive the construction phase dredged
          material.  In addition, the costs associated with diked disposal
          islands are greater than originally thought because of the
          presence of rocks in the material to be dredged.  The dredged
          material would be placed in a barge where the heavier rocks would
          settle to the bottom.  These rocks would be dropped to the bottom
          in the area to be retrieved mechanically later and deposited on
          the diked disposal island.  After removal of the rocks, the finer
          silt could then be pumped from the barge onto the diked disposal
          area.  This double handling of dredged material for diked disposal
          alternative would result in increased costs.  In addition, the use
          of diked disposal islands could result in adverse environmental
          effects including:  increased turbidity during construction,
          increased turbidity from post-construction erosion, changes in
          circulation and flushing characteristics, reduction in aquatic
          productivity, destruction of benthic organisms, and possible
          increased levels of pollutants in the water column.  In summary,
          both upland disposal and diked disposal island alternatives have
          been found to be economically and environmentally unacceptable,
          because of increased costs and adverse environmental impacts.

5-5       Acknowledged; correction made in text.

5-6       Hard bottom is more appropriate terminology here, because fine or
          coarse sand and shell hash also have a living biotic component.
          The biological assemblages cited are associated with hard
          substrate; therefore, it is more appropriate to differentiate
          between "hard" substrate types and "soft" substrate types.

5-7       Intensive surveys conducted by EPA in February, March, and April
          1983 in the area of Site 4 supported the conclusion that there is
          little hard- bottom habitat in this area.  Less than 17% of the
          site was found to have hard-bottom, and less than 1% is densely
          populated hard-bottom.

5-8       Acknowledged.  Description of existing site has been expanded.


5-9       Existing bottom at and in the vicinity of Site 4 is composed
          primarily of fine and coarse sands, coarse sand and gravel, and
          coarse sand and shell hash, as evidenced by recent February,
          March, and April 1983 surveys.  Since the area consists primarily
          of these types of sand bottom, the Dredged Material Research
          Project (DMRP) studies are applicable to the area of

5-10      Recent February, March, and April 1983 surveys address this issue.
          A large percentage (83%) of the area is "soft" bottom.

5-11      The coralline species noted in this area were seen in depths
          between 35 and 90 feet of water during the February, March, and
          April 1983 surveys.

5-12      The three fish species found most often during the February,
          March, and April 1983 surveys in the study area were the Caesar
          grunt, cusk eel, and sand perch.

5-13      The small, scattered patches of hard bottom consist of algae,
          sponges, corals, bryozoans, tunicates, and a motile fauna of
          crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs, echinoderms and fish.

5-14      Little evidence of commercially or recreationally important uses
          of the area of Site 4 was seen during EPA surveys.  The Corps of
       •   Engineers conducted an aerial surveillance of Site 4 between
          March 19 and June 5, 1983.  During the twelve survey flights over
          twelve weeks of observation, no commercial activity was observed
          and no vessels were observed in the Site 4 area, with the
          exception of one dive boat on June 1.  No other source has
          provided any reliable information concerning the commercial or
          recreational uses of Site 4 or its vicinity.

5-15      Since a large percentage of Site 4 is sedimentary habitat
          (approximately 83%), comparisons can be made to evaluate the
          impact of dredged material on the site.  (See also Comment 5-9).

5-16      No sea turtles were observed during any of the EPA or Corps
          surveys.  Turtles lay their eggs on beach areas; therefore, no
          effect on turtle breeding success is anticipated by the disposal
          of dredged material at Site 4 (see DEIS, p. xx, para. 3).

5-17      The conclusion is supported by analysis of liquid phase elutriate
          samples discussed in DEIS page xx, paras. 2 and 4.  In addition,
          monitoring will be conducted at Site 4 to detect long-term effects
          occurring at or near the site.

5-18      Adverse environmental effects of the action include "smothering of
          the benthos within a designated site" which would include minimal
          hard bottom and fish habitats.


5-19      The hazards of marine commerce are far outweighed by the benefits
          expected from the Tampa Harbor Project.  Moreover,  substantial
          civil penalties may be assessed against those  responsible  for oil
          spills or other accidents, which should encourage caution.   Costs
          incurred in clean-up may also be recovered by  the Government.

5-20      Results from intensive surveys during February, March,  and April
          1983, indicate that Site 4 has less than 17% hard bottom and less
          than 1% of the site is densely populated.

5-21      The intensive surveys discussed above and additional Corps work
          are sufficient to select and designate an acceptable disposal

5-22      Existing dredged material disposal islands were eliminated from
          consideration for disposal because of the nature of the dredged
          material.  Rocks would necessitate double handling  (see response
          to Comment 5-4).  Abandoned phosphate pits were considered and
          found to have insufficient capacity (CE, 1976).

5-23      Dredged material disposal at a mid-Shelf site  is considered  to be
          more likely to have long-term adverse effects  on the benthos than
          disposal at a shallow water site, because shallow water, high-
          energy benthic communities recover more quickly from such  adverse
          impacts according to Oliver ££.£]_.» (1977).-

5-24      Col lard and D'Asaro's terminology is adequate  for the discussion
          of the alternative site under consideration.

5-25      The statement referred to is that the "Shallow-Shelf Alternative
          Sites are in a high-energy environment influenced by wave action,
          freshwater and storms."  The magnitude or duration of that
          influence is not discussed.  The fact that there are low average
          winds and seas at the nearshore sites has little bearing on  the
          influence of periods of high winds and seas on the Shallow-Shelf
          marine environment.

5-26      The purpose of the EIS is to determine an acceptable disposal
          site.  The Corps of Engineers considered land-based alternatives
          and found them economically and environmentally unacceptable (see
          response to Comment 5-4).

5-27      See DEIS, p. 2-5, para. 2, continuing to p. 2-6.

5-28      Even if "currents are generally less than 1 Kn," this does not
          preclude the effect of periodic strong currents.  The cited
          reference refers to the effect of strong currents on resuspension
          of sediment, which is relevant to the study area.

5-29      Dominant live bottom flora and fauna are discussed in the DEIS
          (see pp. 3-30 through 3-46, especially p.  3-43, para. 4).


5-30      See..DEIS, Appendix C.  See also  February,  March,  and  April  1983
          surveys, Appendix F of the FEIS.

5-31 a.   Benthic communities in shallower waters are  adapted to  periodic
          stresses and therefore likely to recover more  rapidly from  burial
          than a community in a deeper, more stable, low energy environment
          (Oliver et al., 1977).
                  """""	 	            s,
     b.   Shallow-waters are defined as depths  less  than 30m, and located
          within 25nmi of shore; mid-Shelf waters are  defined as  depths  from
          30 to 200m, from 25 to 75nmi offshore; deepwater  Slope  waters  are
          defined as depths greater than 200m,  approximately 105nmi offshore
          (DEIS, p. x).

     c.   Areas in depths of 16-30m are considered areas of higher  energy,
         . because wind-driven currents affect bottom characteristics  and
          maintain a dynamic environment.

     d.   Because the mid-Shelf site is an area of lower energy,  the  dredged
          material could be expected to remain  in place  for a longer  period
          of time, and therefore, would have a  longer  adverse effect  on

     e.   Both shallow water (depths less  than  30m), and mid-Shelf  (30 to
          200m), have characteristic benthic communities, either  of which
          will be impacted by dredged material  disposal.

5-32      This is discussed in DEIS, p. 3-50 Marine  Recreation  (see also
          response to Comment 5-14).

5-33      Hard bottom communities are not  termed unstable or sedimentary;
          rather, the statement describes  the bottom and sediment
          characteristics of a shifting, dynamic environment, to  which
          nearshore biota have adapted.

5-34      These are two different issues.  The  deposition of dredged
          material over time will  preclude complete  recolonization of the
          site.   Only on cessation of disposal  at the  site  would  complete
          recolonization occur, and this would  depend  on  the mix  of disposed
          and in situ sediments in the area.

5-35      There were indications (hard bottom remnants on the fringes of
          Site A) that there may have been hard bottom areas located within
          Site A.

5-36      Extensive video camera work, side-scan sonar,  and supporting
          physical, chemical,  and biological  sampling was conducted during
          EPA's  February, March, and April  1983 surveys.

5-37      Disposal  of dredged material  at Site  4, 18 nmi  seaward of these
          amenity areas, will  not impact any  of these  species,   because of
          the distance involved.


5-38      Hard bottom habitat within the area studied are not true coral
          reefs; however, grunts are often found in hard bottom areas.

5-39      The February, March, and April 1983 EPA surveys provided extensive
          data to adequately characterize the bottom habitat in the vicinity
          of Site 4.  Less than 17% of the site is hard bottom, and less
          than 1% is densely populated.

5-40      Techni caljteport:   Rice, Patton, and Mahadevan, 1981, p. 18; see
          Appendi x r of DEIS.

5-41      The mounds at disposal sites will disperse at a rate based on the
          volume and composition of the disposed material.  Larger rocks
          will remain longer than the finer sands and silts; however, they
          make up only a small percentage of the composition of the disposal
          material.  The rocks remaining will also provide hard substrate to
          encourage recolonization of the site.  Further, there is no
          evidence of any mound remaining at Site B, despite the deposition
          of over 1 million  yds3 at that site.

5-42      Storm- and wind-generated currents do contribute to the high
          energy environment in these depths, and thereby resuspend and
          disperse sediments at depths of 40 feet (Ichiye et aU, 1973).

5-43     - It is more appropriate to compare sandy bottom recovery to the
          current and proposed sites, because the high ratio of sandy bottom
          to hard bottom habitat.  Comparison with recovery from lava flows
          has no validity to a dredged material disposal site.

5-44      Construction and maintenance of a multipurpose, deepwater port
          requires dredging  with subsequent disposal of dredged material;
          this is the environmental impact being evaluated, and therefore,
          should have bearing on the Tampa Bay disposal  sites.

5-45      References cited refer to the "region containing the alternative
          sites", and are not presented as site-specific water quality

5-46      See lines 4-8 of the cited paragraph.  The Hoi1iday report
          discusses the general processes affecting the fate of dredged
          material; such processes apply in the Tampa Bay area.

5-47    -  Video camera transects in the Site 4 area during the February,
          March, and April  1983 surveys revealed that less than 17% is hard
          bottom and less than 1% is densely populated.

5-48      Monitoring guidelines to be established by EPA will  address
          effects of disposal on hard bottom biota.   Both Courtney et
          (1974) and Griffin (1974) guidelines will  be considered.
          further guidelines, see pp. 2-31 through 2-35 of the DEIS.


5-49   -   The February, March, and April 1983 EPA Surveys address these
          Issues.  The disposal of dredged material is not expected to
          destroy stony corals or sea fans within the area of Florida's
          jurisdiction, and is expected to have a minimal impact on hard
          bottom communities in general.

5-50      The predominant substrate in the area is sand, occasionally
          intermixed with shell hash; this substrate has a benthic infaunal
          component.  With the sporadic occurrence of sessile benthic
          epifauna, the infauna remain the better organisms to monitor
          changes at the site.

5-51      Although organisms on hard bottom can be observed in situ and
          monitored for change, only a relatively small area could be
          covered practically by use of this method.

5-52      Although these species are not reported to be common to the
          proposed site, they will be considered if the study of trace
          metals is included in the monitoring plan.  Indications from EPA
          analyses are that trace metal levels in the vicinity of Site 4 are
          extremely low.

5-53      The creation of sediment is not being discussed here, but rather,
          the redistribution of existing sediments by tidal currents.

5-54      Sessile epibenthic organisms may be better indicators in some
          areas.  However, because of the sparse and sporadic occurrence of
          epibenthic organisms in and near the Site 4, the more uniformly
          distributed infaunal organisms are a better choice of indicator

5-55      The change has been effected.

5-56      Corals are predominantly colonial and solitary within the study
          area (see DEIS, p. 3-43, para. 4).

5-57      The change has been effected.

5-58      Information on the economics of fishing and boating are included
          in the DEISi p. 3-50, Marine Recreation (see also response to
          Comment 5-14).

5-59      The spotted sea trout is reported to occur in association with
          rock outcrops and artificial reefs located offshore and
          approximately 3 nmi. north of Sites A and B.

5-60      Paragraph 2, line 3, has been changed to read as follows:  "Pink
          and rock shrimp comprised 97% of the total shellfish tonnage
          (2,066 tons) and represented 96% of the commercial  value.  Some of
          the landings at the Tampa-St. Petersburg area were reported taken
          from waters outside the immediate area" (letter from Florida
          Department of Natural Resources to EPA, December 10, 1982).


5-61      The change has been effected.

6-1       Non-ocean alternatives were considered by the U.S. Army Corps  of
          Engineers (CE, 1976).  However, non-ocean alternatives were  found
          to be economically and environmentally unacceptable  (see  response
          to Comment 5-4).  The EPA is responsible for evaluating
          alternative ocean disposal sites based on the five general and
          eleven specific criteria of 40 CFR 228.5 and 228.6 (see DEIS,  pp.
          2-5 and 2-6).

6-2       Data from intensive site specific surveys conducted  by EPA during
          February, March, and April 1983, provide a basis for evaluating
          the impacts of the proposed dredged material site designation.

6-3       The comparison of similar environments allows a degree of
          predictive judgment for evaluating potential impacts on sandy-
          substrate habitats off the coast of Florida.

6-4       See DEIS, p. 3-4, para. 4, "Currents".  Information  is based on
          appropriate tide gauge stations in the region.

6-5       A detailed monitoring program will be established at Site 4  by EPA
          with input from members of State and local technical and
 ^        scientific staffs.

6-6       No significant impacts on migratory fish are expected, since fish
          are mobile and will avoid areas of temporary turbidity (see  DEIS,
          pp. 3-47 through 3-50).

6-7       Sufficient baseline information is available to evaluate the
          potential impacts-"of the long-term dispersion of disposed
          material, outside the site boundaries.  Designation  of the release
          zone can minimize the dispersion of dredged material outside the
          boundaries of the site.

6-8       The area in the vicinity of Site 4 is not a wetland, but open  sea.
          A comprehensive monitoring program will be initiated following the
          site designation.

6-9       Designation, of Site 4 as a dredged material disposal site will not
          preclude maintenance of Class III Waters to allow body-contact
          water sports and propagation of fish and wildlife.   In any event,
          Site 4 is not within the territorial sea.

7-1       Acknowledged.  We thank the U.S. Department of Commerce, National
          Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration' for their comments.
          Suggestions are well-taken, and are incorporated in  the Final
          EIS.   •

8-1       No significant ecological impacts including long-term effects  are
          expected, because of the characteristics of the dredged material


          and the lack of densely populated hard bottom within Site 4  (less
          than 1%).  The appendices were distributed with the DEIS.

8-2       Many organisms adapted to soft bottoms are capable of  recovering
          from burial following disposal operations, and are capable of
          recolonization of the site.  Biological components of  the Site  4
          bottom habitat are discussed in the DEIS, pp. 3-37 through 3-46.

8-3       The time required for recolonization of a dredged material site
          following the termination of dredging operations depends in  part
          on the similarity in composition of the original site  sediment
          with that of the dredged material.  Existing bottom sediments at
          Site 4 contain some of the geological components common to the
          dredged material, which makes recovery of Site 4 more  probable
          within a reasonable period of time.

8-4       Although distribution of an ocean discharge at sea cannot be
          specified with 100% accuracy, a reasonable prediction  based  on
          prevailing currents can provide a sound basis for evaluating
          potential impacts.  Continued site-specific studies will allow
          more accurate distribution predictions.  In most cases, dredged
          material planned for disposal at sea must pass the Ocean Dumping
          Regulations' elutriate, bioassay, and bioaccumulation  test
          procedures, found at 40 CFR Section 227.  Anthropogenic
          contaminants in harmful levels are not anticipated; however,
          monitoring of the dredged material and the dredged material  site
          will be conducted.  Disposal operations are not expected to
          promote red tide blooms, or to cause damage to biological
          populations outside the site through chemorecept'ion interferences,
          because of the character of the dredged material and dilution

8-5     .  No unacceptable adverse environmental long-term effects are
          expected inside or outside the designated site.  Short-term
          impacts to non-motile benthic organisms may occur from smothering
          and burial  within the site.

8-6       The combined results of all the potential effects of the proposed
          disposal are not expected to have any significant effect on  the
          ecosystem or on fishery resources.  Estuarine spawning and nursery
          areas, none of which are at Site 4, are more susceptible to
          damage.  Adults can avoid areas of high turbidity, whereas eggs
          and fry often may not survive.

8-7       In satisfying the five general and eleven specific criteria  for
          selecting sites for disposal of dredged material found at 40 CFR
          'Sections 228.5 and 228.6, all of the factors discussed must  be
          taken into account and carefully evaluated.  That was  done in this

8-8       The Corps considered in detail the use of upland disposal and
          diked disposal  areas (CE, 1976) but later found these  alternatives


          to be economically and environmentally  unacceptable  for  disposal
          of dredged material from the construction  phase  of the Tampa
          Harbor Project  (see response to Comment  5-4).

8-9       EPA has determined that the site designation will have no
          appreciable direct effect on the coastal zone.   Nevertheless,  a
          consistency determination has been completed and submitted  to  the
          State of Florida.  In addition, under 40 CFR 222.3,  State agencies
          responsible for the Coastal Zone Management Act  are  to receive
          notice of applications for ocean dumping permits.

9-1 through 9-7  Identical to Comments 6-1 through 6-7.

9-8       Intensive surveys conducted during February, March,  and  April  1983
          were specifically designed to determine  the nature and extent  of
          bottom habitats within and near the site.  The paucity of hard
          bottoms at the site was confirmed, with  less than 17% hard  bottom
          and less than 1% densely populated hard  bottom found at  Site 4.

9-9       The low incidence of hard bottom in the  Site 4 area  (estimated at
          less than 17% of the bottom) makes comparisons allowable with
          other, essentially soft bottom habitats.

9-10      Dr. Henry Bokuniewicz of the State University of New York Marine
          Sciences Research Center discussed siltation and turbidity  caused
          by resuspension of fine particles by waves, storms and tides
          (Bokuniewicz, 1982) as it pertains to the  Tampa  Bay  area.   He
          concluded that between 3 and 10$ of the  material  would be
          dispersed from a site, depending on long-term erosion of sediment.
          Material leaving the site will most likely be widely dispersed and
          diluted.  In addition, the Corps of Engineers Waterways  Experiment
          Station is conducting a site-specific study of Site  4 to determine
          the probable fate of dredged material disposed of at Site 4 and
          the distribution of resuspended sediments.  It is expected  to  be
          completed in November 1983.  This baseline data  will provide
          information for the direction of the monitoring  program.

9-11      Resuspension of disposal material  will cause temporary,  localized
          turbidity in the immediate area of disposal until the material is
          dispersed.  The EPA Ocean Dumping Regulations and Criteria  do  not
          require quantification of the amount and frequency of siltation,
          or the direction of sediment transport based on  site-specific
          ocean information; however, a study being  conducted  by the  Corps
          of Engineers will address many-of these  concerns  (see response to
          Comment 9-10 above).

9-12      The proposed action is not expected to cause unacceptable adverse
          effects on fisheries of the region.  Based on the paucity of hard
          bottom habitat within the Site 4 area (estimated at  less than  17%
          of the area, with less than 1% densely populated), the commercial
          and recreational value of Site 4 is negligible.  DEIS, p. 3-47:


           "Fisheries  (Recreational  and Commercial)".   See  also  response to
           Comment  5-14.

9-13       EPA has  no  evidence  indicating that  Site  4.is  a  significant  marine
           recreational area.   See also response  to  Comment  5-14.

9-14       EPA believes that the  public has had adequate  opportunity  to
           comment  on  the proposed site designation.

9-15 through 9-24  We have responded specifically to  the Manatee  County and
           Hillsborough County  Environmental  Protection Commission  comments
           (see response to Comments  10, 13,  14,  and 15.

10-1       The February, March, and  April 1983, intensive EPA  surveys address
           this issue  comprehensively.  Over  50 hours  of  video camera
           observation were conducted on Site 4.  While no  area  will  be
           completely  devoid of life  or even  hard bottom  habitat.  Site  4 has
           less hard bottom habitat  than any  other site studied  in  this area.
           The hard bottom in this area is characterized  by  low  relief  flora
           and fauna.  The widely scattered hard  bottom habitats within Site
           4 may support some corals, sponges and algae;  however,  few
           colonies attain heights over six inches.  The  characteristic biota
           in this  area does not  indicate a highly productive  ecosystem.   It
           is estimated that the widely scattered hard-bottom  habitat
           represents  less than 17% of the bottom area on Site 4 and  less
           than 1%  is  densely populated.

10-2       See response to Comment 9-10.  See also DEIS,  pp. 2-24,  4-7, and
           4-17 for descriptions and assessment of siltation and turbidity.
           Precise  quantification of the siltation is  not feasible  and  is  not
           necessary for the designation of a dump site.

10-3       Available information does not indicate that the  Site 4  area is
          heavily used by commercial or recreational  fishermen, or sport
           divers.  An aerial  survey by the Corps of Engineers indicates  that
           use of the area is minimal (see response to Comment 5-14).

10-4       Burial  and smothering of benthic populations by dredged  material
          disposal  were considered carefully (see DEIS,  pp. 4-17 through

10-5       The Corps developed an estimate of 15


10-7      The Corps of Engineers did not "expressly and unequivocally"
          reject ocean dumping as an alternative.  They stated that  "This
          plan [ocean disposal] produced the highest costs of all
          alternatives considered."  Lack of sufficient suitable land for
          disposal and the unsuitability of the dredged material for diked
          disposal areas lead to the ocean disposal alternative  {see
          recponse to Comment 5-4).  In any event, the availability of
          land-based alternatives must be considered by the Corps in each
          authorization for disposal.

10-8      The Corps of Engineers considered several types of dumping in
          detail, including in-Bay disposal, upland disposal, and dredged
          material island disposal (CE, 1976).  See also response to Comment

10-9      Acknowledged; the EIS has been corrected.  The actual distance is
          approximately 18nmi.

10-10     The primary reason that the "No-Action Alternative" is
          unacceptable is the adverse economic impacts to the area.  The
          Port of Tampa is one of the leading ports in the United States,
          ranking seventh in total tonnage and third in export tonnage.  The
          Tampa Port Authority has estimated that about 36,000 persons were
          directly or indirectly employed in port industries through the
          Tampa Bay region (DEIS, p. 1-5).  The Corps is required to
          consider both economic and environmentally feasible alternatives
          of accomplishing the proposed objective.  The Corps has found
          non-ocean disposal alternatives not to be economically or
          environmentally feasible (see response to Comment 5-4).
          Therefore, EPA, in cooperation with the Corps, initiated the
          necessary studies.-required by 40 CFR 228.4(e) to select, evaluate,
          and designate (if feasible) acceptable site(s) for the ocean
          disposal of dredged material.

10-11     It is EPA's responsibility to designate an environmentally
          acceptable ocean dredged material disposal site.  The Corps of
          Engineers examined upland disposal in detail (CE, 1976).  This
          alternative proved to be economically unacceptable'(see response
          to Comment 5-4).  Presumably, land is even less available and more
          expensive today than in 1977, making upland disposal even less
          feasible economically.  However, the Corps must consider non-ocean
          disposal alternatives before authorizing ocean disposal at Site

10-12     The site designated is for disposal of dredged material from the
          Tampa Harbor Project, which is described in detail in the Corps of
          Engineers Final EIS (CE, 1976).

10-13     Rocks in the dredged material cause unexpected problems making
          this alternative economically and environmentally unacceptable
          (see response to Comment 5-4).  The recent February, March, and


          April 1983, intensive EPA surveys address the feasibility and
          suitability of the designated site.

10-14     The fact that an EPA contractor recommended a course of action
          does not mean the Agency is bound to follow that course.  In fact,
          the contractor's recommendation was based on limited data, which
          EPA later supplemented by re-investigating the existing and
          alternative disposal sites, and found that Site 3 was
          environmentally unacceptable for dredged material disposal.

10-15     Note the final conclusion:  "Further studies should be conducted
          to validate the preliminary findings."  Note also that the wording
          of the statement in question states that "...Sites 1 and 3 are
          probably more environmentally acceptable..."

10-16     Diver observations can be an effective site-specific method to
          characterize small  localized areas; however, they are a very
          ineffective tool for characterizing large areas, such as Site 4.
          In fact, the divers found little evidence of hard bottom habitat
          at Site 3; however, EPA's May 1982 survey found considerable
          evidence of hard bottom.  Thus, videotape transects are capable of
          more accurately determining the presence of hard bottom habitats.
          An in-depth videocamera survey of Site 4 has been completed,
          recording approximately 80nm of bottom during the February, March,
          and April 1983 EPA surveys.

10-17     Divers observations are limited to a small localized area at each
          station.  Videocamera transects cover a much larger area in a
          continuous line, thereby giving far more conclusive evidence as to
          the extent of hard-bottom communities.  In fact, EPA's initial
          reconaissance survey of Site 3 (where divers were used
          extensively) first  indicated a potentially suitable disposal site;
          this was later proved to be an invalid assumption, based upon
          extensive videocamera observation and sample collection.

10-18     The assessment of impact does not require a quantification of all •
          factors.  EPA must  make a determination on site designation based
          on reasonably available information.  Further, the natural marine
          environment is dynamic; currents are not static either in
          direction or speed.  A site-specific study, expected to be
          completed by November 1983, is being conducted by the Corps to
          assess currents and sediment transport to provide additional
          baseline data.  The site designation will  be for 3 years.  See
          also response to Comment 9-10.

10-19     Detailed quantification of the rates of dilution of the turbidity .
          plume and the distance the deposited materials will  be transported
          are not required for site designation.  Examination of available
          facts and information using best professional  judgment is
          sufficient to determine whether a site is suitable for designation
          as an ocean disposal  site.   Site 4 is 4nmi  square, and no movement


          of sediment is expected from the site that will cause  significant
          adverse environmental harm.  See also response to Comment 9-10.

10-20     There are two reasons the Mid-Shelf was not considered  feasible:
          1) the Corps indicated that sites located in excess of  18nmi were
          not economically feasible; and 2} a Mid-Shelf site, considered a
          low energy environment, is likely to sustain more severe
          environmental impacts of longer duration from dredged material
          disposal than alternative higher energy sites.  The most distant
          portion of the Mid-Shelf (i.e., 70 miles offshore) was  selected as
          the alternative Mid-Shelf sf t e, because this was the area
          recommended by the State of Florida.

10-21     The sentence clearly does not state or imply that Oliver et al.,
          (1977), recommended ocean dumping in hard bottom areas  ratfier than
          deep waters.  The statement was that "...shallow-water, high
          energy benthic communities recover more quickly from disturbances,
          such as the disposal of dredged material, than communities in
          deeper water."  Since about 83% of Site 4 is soft bottom, the
          basic concept of recovery that Oliver et _al_., (1977), described
          applies in this case.

10-22     According to the Corps (letter from J. Wall to 0. Amson,
          August 19, 1983) the average cost to transport dredged  material is
          15f/cu. yd.  The basic premise here is still logically  true; it
          will cost considerably more to transport dredged material 70nmi
          than to transport it 18nmi.

10-23     The Agency is unaware of any evidence of that demonstrates that
          Site 4 is an area of high commercial and recreational activity
          (see response to Comment 5-14).

10-24     The economic feasibility of a dump site is determined on the basis
          of project costs.  According to the Corps of Engineers, sites in
          excess of 18nmi from Egmont Key are not economically feasible,
          based on project costs for the Tampa Bay Harbor Deepening Project.
          The sites described by the commenter were used for disposal of
          sewage sludge and industrial  waste, not dredged material.

10-25     It is well known that the primary productivity of deep  waters is
          less than that of shallower waters.  This is due, in part, to the
          decreased influx of nutrients and decreased light penetration.
          Productivity decreases with increasing distance from land, and
          with, increasing depth.  Benthic organisms adapted to the
          relatively constant environment in deeper water are less adaptable
          to change.  Those benthic organisms adapted to the more dynamic
          inshore waters tend to be more adaptable to environmental changes,
          either as individuals or as a species (Oliver et £]_., 1977).
          Although EPA has not conducted studies in the area of the
          Mid-Shelf or Deep Water Sites, the Florida Department of Natural
          Resources did study a site approximately 15nmi to the northwest of
          these sites during the Hourglass Cruise studies in 1969.


10-26     The Mid-Shelf site is a more dynamic environment than the Deep
          Water site, and therefore, more resilient to impact from dredged
          material disposal (see also response to Comment 9-10).

10-27     Precise quantification is not necessary to make a  comparison.   In
          addition, the term "small effect" in this context  did not refer
          specifically to hard-bottom organisms.

10-28     The basic point here is that deeper water organisms are less
          adaptable to perturbations such as dredged material disposal than
          shallow water, inshore organisms.  Therefore,  recovery from
          dredged material disposal would generally be more  rapid at a
          shallow water site than at a deep water site.  Immediate impacts
          would be more severe at the deeper water sites, and recolonization
          would be slower.

10-29     During the recent February,-March, and April 1983  intensive EPA
          surveys, there was already some evidence of recolonization noted
          at Sites A and B.  We are unaware of "scientific literature" which
          clearly demonstrates that hard-bottom communities  will not recover
          to their pre-dumping state for 25 to 50 years, even after hard
          substrate is available.  The increased entrainment of water during
          the descent phase of disposal operations at deep water sites will
          increase both the amount and duration of turbidity, as well as the
          distance from the discharge point the material is  transported,
          thus potentially increasing the extent of environmental damage.

10-30     The increased percentage of silt in the dredged material compared
          to the disposal  site sediments can be expected to  change the
          characteristics of the infauna accordingly.  The composition of
          the biota would be expected to shift to those  organisms more
          adapted to these sediments.  As these finer sediments disperse,
          leaving coarser material, the composition of the biota will
          gradually shift back towards biota that are adapted to the
          original substrate.

10-31     The same considerations apply to the Deep Water Site as to the
          Mid-Shelf Site (see response to Comment 10-22).  Increased
          distance increases the costs of transportation.

10-32     Intensive surveys by EPA during February, March,  and April 1983
          were conducted throughout the area with extremely  detailed
          examination of Site 4.   More than 50 hours of underwater video
          camera work was  obtained, to extensively study the character and
          extent of various bottom types, both inside and outside of Site 4.
          The video camera technique was found to be-an excellent tool  for
          this type of data collection effort, and covered far more area
          more rapidly with a greater degree of veracity than could be
          accomplished by  divers  in the same amount of time.

10-33     See response to  Comment 10-32, above.


10-34     See response to Comment 10-32, above for discussion of February,
          March, and April 1983 EPA surveys.  Site 4 is not devoid of
          hard-bottom habitat; however, less than 17% of the site is
          estimated to have this type of habitat.  This is far less than any
          other site studied in this area, and therefore less productive.
          We have no information that Site 4 is an area heavily used for
          shrimping, recreational fishing, or scuba diving (see response to
          Conment 5-14).

10-35     Disposal of dredged material at Site 4 is not expected to have
          unacceptable adverse environmental impacts to beaches, hard bottom
          areas, artificial reefs, sunken vessels, shrimping, commercial or
          recreational  fishing, or other amenity areas of the region because
          of the distances from the proposed disposal site.  There has been
          no evidence presented to EPA that Site 4 is an important fishing
          or diving site (see response to Comment 5-14).

10-36     See DEIS, pp. 3-4 to 3-11 for consideration of storms and
          currents.  A site-specific current and sediment transport study is
          being conducted by the Corps of Engineers to augment available
          information, and is- scheduled to be completed in November 1983
          (see also response to Comment 5-14).

10-37     Since approximately 83% of the bottom at Site 4 is "soft bottom",
          comparison with other soft bottom areas such as the Galveston dump
          site is appropriate.

10-38     Quantification of the amount and frequency of resuspension of
          sediment and impacts to hard bottom habitats and organisms is not
          specifically required by 40 CFR 228.6(a}(7).  However,
          resuspension of sediment is discussed in response to Comment 9-10
          (see DEIS, p. 2-11, para. 3 for discussion of Sites A and B, and
          pp. 3-4 to 3-11 for discussion of currents).

10-39     Dredged material disposal at Site 4 is not expected to interfere
          with shipping, fishing, recreation, mineral extraction,
          desalination, fish and shellfish culture, areas of special
          scientific importance or other legitimate uses of the ocean.
          Site 4 may be located in a general area used for sport fishing,
          shrimping, party and charter boat fishing, and scuba diving;
          however. Site 4 and its immediate vicinity have not been
          identified with these uses (see also response to Comment 5-14).

10-40     An intensive site-specific study of Site 4 was conducted by EPA in
          February, March, and April 1983.  A monitoring program will  be
          designed to detect unacceptable adverse environmental  effects.  If
          it appears that those effects are or will  become unacceptable, EPA
          will take appropriate steps to limit or halt dumping operations.

10-41     The intensive EPA survey of Site 4 in February, March, and April
          1983 revealed a minimum of hard-bottom areas within and


          surrounding Site 4, and no ledges in or near the site.  No
          unacceptable adverse environmental effects from disposal
          operations are anticipated outside the immediate vicinity of the
          designated disposal site.

10-42     During EPA surveys in February, March, and April 1983, less than
          17% of Site 4 was found to contain hard bottom, and less than 1%
          of the site was found to be densely populated hard bottom.

10-43     Bioassays of dredged material  are designed to insure that the
        -  material  will  not cause unreasonable acute or chronic toxicity, or
          other sublethal adverse effects, or cause accumulation of toxic
          materials in the human food chain (see 40 CFR §227.27(b)).  These
          tests are not  designed to predict direct impacts from burial or
          si 1 tation on hard-bottom organisms.

10-44     Less than 17% of the site is hard bottom and less than 1% is
          densely populated, so the impact of dredged material disposal on
          hard-bottom organisms would be minimal.  The site will be
          designated for a three-year period, and if monitoring detects
          unacceptable adverse environmental impacts, the Agency will move
          to halt disposal operations.

10-45     During EPA surveys in February, March, and April 1983, detailed
          examination of the area of Site 4 was conducted to identify areas
          of hard-bottom normally associated with this type habitat.

10-46     No evidence has been provided to EPA or the Corps to indicate that
          Site 4 is a heavily used commercial or recreational fishing site
          (see response to Comment 5-14).

10-47     Impacts within and immediately surrounding Site 4 from
          resuspension of fine particles will be negligible (see DEIS, p..
          3-2, para. 6,  and p. 3-8, para. 3).  See also response to Comment

10-48     Resuspension of dredged material will cause temporary localized
          turbidity in the immediate vicinity of the disposal area until the
          material  is dispersed and diluted (see response to Comment 9-10).

10-49     Much of the commercial fishery in the area is dependent on pelagic
          species,  which are not generally associated with or dependent on
          hard-bottom areas.  These species tend to be highly mobile, and
          avoid areas of high local turbidity.  Dumping of dredged material
          at Site 4 is not expected to significantly affect hard bottoms in
          any case.

10-50     See response to Comments 5-14 and 10-39.

10-51     See DEIS, pp.  3-47 through 3-51.  No spawning or nursery grounds
          are known to occur in the immediate vicinity of Site 4, and since


          there is minimal hard-bottom habitat within Site 4  (estimated  at
          less than 17%), it is unlikely that fish dependent  on hard-bottom
          habitat for spawning and/or nursery areas would be  severely
          impacted by dredged material disposal at this site.

10-52     Sport diving at Site 4 is an unlikely site for sport diving, since
          there are a minimum of hard-bottom areas at the site, with a
          concomitant reduction in abundance and diversity of marine
          species.  Resuspension of dredged material during severe storms is
          unlikely to significantly impact sport diving in the area, since
          it is too hazardous to attempt diving during such events.
          Turbidity following storms would be temporary and localized within
          the immediate vicinity of Site 4.

10-53     EPA believes that the public has had adequate opportunity to
          comment on the proposed site designation.

10-54     Intensive site-specific surveys conducted during February, March
          and April 1983 by EPA address many of these concerns, including
          the extent and nature of hard-bottom habitat in the Site 4 area.
          Additional site-specific current and sediment transport studies,
          expected to be completed in November 1983, are currently being
          conducted by the Corps of Engineers to provide baseline data.  A
          monitoring program will be formulated to assess the impacts of
          dredged material disposal  during the three-year designation.

10-55     After careful  evaluation of all factors including intensive
          site-specific surveys, quantification of the extent of hard-bottom
          habitats, and consultation on the subject of sediment dispersal
          during and after disposal  operations with experts in the field, we
          feel that Site 4 is an environmentally acceptable ocean dredged
          material disposal  site and will not result in unacceptable adverse
          environmental  effects (see response to Comment 9-10).  Use of
          diked disposal  areas is not preferable, for reasons discussed
          earlier (see response to Comment 5-4).

11-1      Surveys conducted during February, March, and April 1983, which
          included approximately 80 hours of video camera observation of the
          bottom throughout the area, boxcore samples, trawls, side-scan
          sonar and fathometer tracings, and water samples have provided
          sufficient data for a site designation.  The Corps evaluated
          upland and other alternatives to ocean disposal  (CE, 1976).  These
          alternatives were found to be economically and environmentally
          unacceptable (see response to Comment 5-4).  The economic and
          recreational resources of  the area are discussed in the DEIS, pp.
          3-47 through 3-52 (see also response to Comment 5-14).  Disposal
          of maintenance dredged material is not expected to permanently
          destroy or degrade hard-bottom communities or associated fishery


•11-2      The additional  Intensive  surveys  conducted  with  the  video camera
          during  February,  March, and  April  1983,  confirm  that there are few
          hard-bottom  areas within  the site,  and those  observed are sparse
          and of  low  relief.   Less  than 17% of Site 4 is estimated to
          contain hard-  bottom communities  and less than 1% is densely

 11-3      According to available information  (Moe,  1963, see Figure 3-18,
          DEIS, p. 3-48)  and  EPA 1983  survey  results  (see  response to
          Comment 3-2),  there are no artificial  reefs or concentrations of
          hard-bottom  areas which would attract  large numbers  of divers or
          recreational and  commercial  fisherman  to  the  immediate vicinity  of
          Site 4.

 11-4      Intensive surveys utilizing  a towed  video camera during February,
          March,  and April  1983, provided considerable  information for
          evaluation of  potential dredged disposal  sites to augment the
          earlier survey.

 11-5      The movement of sediments  is not  expected to  cause long-term
          unacceptable environmental impacts  (see  response to  Comment 9-10).
          The planned  monitoring program will  be designed  to detect any
          unacceptable adverse  environmental  impacts.

 11-6      The majority of Site  4 consists primarily of  flat sandy bottoms,
         . and therefore  is  similar  to  the referenced  study areas.   No
          permanent environmental impacts are  expected  from disposal  at Site
          4.  There is no evidence  that the previously  designated disposal
          site has contributed  to "the disappearance" of basket sponges or
          spiny lobsters  from ledges near the  site.   A  number  of factors may
          have contributed  to a decrease in lobsters, including overfishing
          by divers, seasonal  changes,  and  large amounts of natural
          siltation, as  observed in the February, March, and April  1983 EPA
          surveys.  Permanent  stress to offshore habitats  from maintenance
          dredged material  disposal  is not  expected to  occur.

 11-7      According to the  Florida  Department  of Natural Resources  (see
          response to Comment  5-61), the fishery resources indicated  in the
          DEIS may actually be  overestimated,  as the  landings  in  the  Tampa-
          St, Petersburg  area  are not  all taken from  the local  coastal  area,
          and therefore the fishery resources  may be  less  than  indicated in
          the DEIS.  Only limited,  short-term  disruption of recreational or
          commercial  fishing  is expected to occur,  if any,  during  actual
          dumping operations  (see also response to  Comment 5-14).

 11-8      The Corps of Engineers examined the  upland  disposal  of  dredged
          material (CE,  1976),  and were unable to locate sufficient  suitable
          upland disposal areas (see response  to Comment 5-4).

 11-9      The Corps considered the diked dredged material  disposal  island
          alternative in  detail (CE, 1976).  However, with  further  study,


          this alternative was found to be economically unacceptable for the
          disposal of dredged material from the construction phase of the
          Tampa Harbor Project (see response to Comment 5-4).   In addition,
          diked disposal islands may have unacceptable environmental impacts
          by reducing circulation in the Bay and increasing turbidity during
          dredging operations and subsequent erosion of the islands after
          construction reducing productivity.

11-10     There are many reasons why a sediment sample may "fail" a
          bioassay.  Some of these reasons include high mortality in the
          control organisms or changes in required test conditions, such as,
          level of dissolved oxygen.  Tests that are invalidated for these
          reasons are not normally reported.  An invalid bioassay does not
          indicate "failure" of a sediment sample to pass a bioassay for
          toxicity.  Moreover, these allegations concerning the field and
          •laboratory procedures were refuted in court proceedings.  The
          court deferred to Dr. Engler of the Corps, who testified that
          field surveys were conducted using proper scientific  procedures
          and that bioassays were conducted in strict accordance with EPA
          and Corps guidelines (Manatee County v. Gorsuch, No. 82-248-CIV-T-
          GC (M.D. Fla., December 22, 1982) (slip op. at 14 note 12).

11-11     Disposal of dredged material outside any designated site is
          occasionally a problem.  However, the U.S. Coast Guard is charged
          with monitoring dumping activities, and dumping outside of a
          designated area is illegal.  Further, Site 4 is almost six times
          larger in area than the previously designated disposal site (Site
          A), so incidents of dumping outside the site should be
          substantially reduced.

11-12     Disposal has been- halted at Site A.  Additional extensive studies
         - have been conducted during February, March, and April 1983.
          Transects were conducted at 1/4 mile intervals using the video
          camera.  In addition, fathometer and side-scan sonar tracings were

11-13     Evidence collected during the February, March, and April 1983 EPA
          surveys indicate that siltation occurring in the area may be
          largely of natural origin because of the uniformity of sediment
          found throughout the area.  Further, a monitoring program will be
          designed to detect any unacceptable adverse environmental  impacts
          caused by the potential spread of the dredged material.

11-14     No significant impact is expected to fisheries because of the
          relative small size of the site, and avoidance of the area by fish
          during disposal  operations.

11-15     Diked disposal areas proved to be economically and environmentally
          unacceptable for the disposal  of dredged material  from the

con struct ion phase of the Tampa Harbor Project  (see response to
Comment 5-4).

Opportunity for full and complete public comment has been afforded
through the DEIS and the site designation proposal.  Designation
of Site 4 is not expected to seriously affect fisheries resources
in any way, or cause a serious public health hazard.

The February, March, and April 1983 EPA surveys provided extensive
information to evaluate the site-specific impacts of dredged
material disposal  (see response to Comment 3-2).

Recent intensive surveys address most of deficiencies in the
biological sampling.  The box core is designed  to sample infauna
on and in the bottom and to provide information on the abundance
and diversity of organisms.  Video camera observations are a more
effective tool for judging the relative abundance of hard-bottom

Recent intensive surveys in February, March, and April 1983 by EPA
employed extensive use of the video camera on site.  Preliminary
examination of video tape recordings indicate that less than 17%
of Site 4 bottom could be classified at hard-bottom, and less than
   was densely populated.
The February, March, and April 1983 EPA surveys provided adequate
evaluation of the extent of hard-bottom habitats in the area of
Site 4.

The recent 1983 EPA surveys discussed above confirm that hard-
bottom habitat is.- a minor component within the Site 4 area.  Less
than 17% is hard-bottom, and less than 1% is densely populated.

Sufficient information is now available from the February, March,
and April 1983 EPA surveys to evaluate Site 4 under the five
general and eleven specific criteria of the Ocean Dumping Act  (40
CFR 220-229).

Sufficient information from EPA's February, March, and April 1983
surveys (see response to Comment) and information from Bokuniewicz
(see response to Comment 9-10) is available to make a predictive
evaluation of the impact of dredged material disposal on hard-
bottom areas.  The monitoring program will be designed to detect
unacceptable adverse environmental impacts in which case, EPA will
move to halt disposal operations at the site.

Much of this information is available and is either discussed in
the DEIS, or in Appendices C and F.  Further, the monitoring
program to be established may well include the studies on
hard-bottom organisms that are suggested.


12-9      Analyses for vibrio-type bacteria would not provide an indication
          of a human health threat.  Only Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been
          implicated as a public health hazard, rarely as an opportunistic
          pathogen infecting wounds, more commonly as a food poisoning
          organism when allowed to grow uninhibited in contaminated seafood
          products.  Culture and identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
          using an array of biochemical tests still does not positively
          identify the causative form of Vibrio in cases of acute
          gastroenteritis, making this test of questionable value.

12-10     See DEIS, p. 4-19, para. 1.  "Recolonization of dredged material
          disposal sites depends [in part] on the disparity between site and
          dredged sediments...."  As the silt/clay ratio returns to pre-
          dumping conditions, recolonization is expected to accelerate.

12-11     None of the invertebrate species listed by the Florida Game and
          Freshwater Fish Commission as threatened or endangered, have been
          identified at Site 4.

12-12     The monitoring program will provide continuous site-specific data
          on the disposed dredged material to insure the quality does not
          change.  Tissue samples, water column samples and sediment samples
          may be part of this program.  Toxic metal concentrations were not
          found in Site A post-disposal sediments.
12-13     Use of a non-endemic species in bioassays is a scientifically
          valid procedure.  In fact, it is often more valid to use test
          organisms of known uniform age and condition then to use endemic
          species which are often difficult to obtain and often not uniform
          in age or condition.  Test organisms were not pre-exposed to
          "significantly high concentrations" of toxic chemicals in. control
          water.  Moreover,.-these allegations concerning the field and
          laboratory data procedures were refuted in court proceedings.  The
          court deferred to Dr. Engler of the Corps, who testified that
          field surveys were conducted using proper scientific procedures
          and that bioassays were conducted in strict accordance with EPA
          and Corps guidelines (Manatee County v.Gorsuch, No. 68-248-CIV-T-
          GC (M.D. Fla., December 22, 1982) (slip op. at 14 note 12).

12-14     Evaluation of utilization of diked disposal areas has been
          discussed in detail by the Corps of Engineers (CE, 1976), but were
          found to be economically and environmentally unacceptable (see
          response to Comment 5-4).  Additional studies were undertaken in
          May 1982, and in February, March, and April 1983, to ensure that
          an environmentally appropriate disposal site is designated.

13-1      Acknowledged.

14-1      All disposal of dredged material at Site A was discontinued on
          December 24, 1982.


14-2      Acknowledged.

14-3      Site 4 has fewer hard-bottom outcrops than any  other site
          examined in the Tampa Bay area, and therefore would have less
          impact on fish and other organisms.  Less than  17% of  Site  4 is
          hard-bottom and less than 1% is densely populated.

15-1      Acknowledged.

16-1      The requested meeting was held in Jacksonville,  Florida, on
          January 26, 1983; representatives from all affected Federal,
          State, and local agencies were present at that  meeting.

17-1      The reduced visibility reported is highly unlikely to  have  been
          caused by disposal operations at Site A.  It is  more probable that
          the apparent reduction in visibility is caused  by activities
          occurring within the Bay.  This could include nonpoint sources
          such as runoff from construction sites, or agricultural
          activities; it could also include point sources  such as discharges
          from sewage treatment plants, or industrial wastewater treatment

17-2      The order of presentation of material in the DEIS does not
          necessarily reflect the order of the impact assessment.  The
          summary and conclusion, while placed before the  actual evaluation,
          were written after evaluation of all considered  alternatives.
          Site 4 was selected only after careful study .showing that the site
          has few hard bottom areas.

17-3      Additional  survey work was conducted in the area with
          approximately 50 hours of video recordings taken of the bottom.
          Site 4 was surveyed in 22 runs that were 1/4 nautical  mile  apart
          in both NW and SE and SW to NE directions.  Analysis of this data
          reveals that the majority of the site is soft bottom,  with
          scattered,  sparse patches of hard bottom.

17-4      The Corps of Engineers (CE, 1976) considered upland disposal sites
          and found that insufficient suitable land was available for
          disposal  of the dredged material, even on McDill Air Force  Base
          (see response to Comment 5-4).  This alternative must  be
          reconsidered by the Corps before individual ocean dumping projects
          are approved.

17-5      The dredged material islands would be less environmentally
          acceptable, because of the resultant reduced circulation in the
          Bay, and increased turbidity caused by disposal  operations.

17-6      No impacts  are expected on Anna Maria Island or  Long Boat Key
          beaches from disposal of dredged material at Site 4, because of
          the distance of the site from the shore.


17-7      The DEIS has  been  reviewed  by the  National  Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
          Administration,  and the  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services;
          both agencies agree that no  unacceptable  long-term  environmental
          effects or adverse health  effects  are  expected  to occur from
          disposal of dredged material at  Site 4.

17-8      No significant adverse environmental effects  are  expected  either
          on recreational  use of the  area  outside the site, or  to the
          commercial fishing of the  area  (see also  response to  Comment

17-9      Disposal of dredged material at  Site 4 is not expected  to  cause
          any proliferation  of the "red tide" organism.  Further, the
          primary phosphorus sources  in the  Tampa Bay area  are  probably
          attributable  to  phosphate  industries along  the  Alafia River  (CE,

18-1      Diked disposal areas were  considered in detail  by the Corps  of
          Engineers (CE, 1976), however, this alternative was later  found to
          be economically  and environmentally unacceptable  for  the disposal
          of dredged material from the construction phase of  the  Tampa
          Harbor Project (see response to  Comment 5-4).

19-1      Acknowledged.                      >

20-1      Hard bottom areas  in this  region occur only in  scattered patchy
          distributions.   As a result, it  is difficult, if  not  impossible,
          to avoid all hard  bottom areas.  Those outcroppings with
          substantial  relief offer a more  diverse and productive  habitat to
          benthic organisms.  It is highly unlikely that  dredged  material
          will  drift back  into the Tampa Bay channel  entrance in  any
          si-gnificant amount.

20-2      Disposal operations at Site A have been terminated.

20-3      Depending on the composition of the dredged material  as well  as
          physical oceanographic conditions, suspended  particulate levels
          could be expected  to decline rapidly within hours, with  the
          turbidity levels returning to ambient  concentrations  within  24-36

20-4      The short-term avoidance referred to is over  a  matter of hours,
          or, at most days, thus it would not affect  the  seasonal  migrations
          of the cited teleosts.

20-5      The turbidity plume would have temporary, localized adverse
          effects on any sport diving in the immediate  area of  disposal.

20-6      Commercial  finfishing for pelagic species exists  seaward of  Sites
          A and B and the  Shallow-Water Alternative Sites.


              20-7       There  are  no  confirmed  reports that Site 4 is a good shrimping
                        area,  nor  do  any  EPA or Corps  survey results indicate that this is
                        the  case  (see response  to Comment  5-14).

              20-8       A monitoring  program will  be instituted at the completion of the
 o                       site designation  process and prior to initiation of disposal
                        activities.   If  serious adverse environmental effects are
                        discovered, the  Agency  may terminate or limit the use of the
ci.                      site.

              21-1       The  Corps  considered other alternatives to ocean disposal
                        including  upland  and within Bay disposal (CE, 1976).  However,
                        these  alternatives  were found  to be economically and
                        environmentally  unacceptable {see  response to Comment 5-4).   The
                        Environmental  Protection Agency is responsible for designation of
                        ocean  disposal sites under the five general  and eleven specific
                        criteria of the  Ocean Dumping  Regulations (40 CFR §220-229).

              21-2       Dredged material  disposal  has  been discontinued at Site A.
                        Disposal at Site  4  is not  expected to cause unacceptable adverse
                        environmental  effects,  although temporary impacts will  occur
                        during disposal  operations.

              21-3       Impacts from  disposal of maintenance dredged material  are not
                        expected to cause unacceptable adverse environmental effects.  The
                        volume of  maintenance operations is less than the initial
                        construction  operations.   Most impacts are expected to be of short
                        duration,  and  to  not extend beyond the site  boundaries.

              21-4       The  value  of  the  site area to  the  diving industry is judged  to be
                        minimal (see  response to Comment 5-14).

              21-5       The  U.S. Coast Guard monitors  disposal  activities to prevent this
                        illegal form of dumping  which  may  result in  a fine to  the parties
                        involved.  Persons  with  knowledge  of short-dumping incidents
                        should report  such  events  to their local  Coast Guard District.

              21-6       Upland disposal alternatives were  considered in detail  by the
                        Corps  of Engineers  (CE,  1976),  but  were  found to  be economically
                        unacceptable  (see response to  Comment  5-4).   Significant economic
                        losses in  fisheries  or  in  recreational  uses  are not expected to
 9                      occur  (see response  to  Comment  5-14).   Diked disposal  areas  were
                        considered in detail  by  the  Corps  of Engineers (CE, 1976), but
                        were later found  to  be  economically and  environmentally
                        unacceptable for  disposal  of dredged material  from the
 »                      construction phase  of the  Tampa Harbor Project (see response to
                        Comment 5-4).

              21-7       The  February, March,  and April  1983 intensive surveys  by EPA
                        provide adequate  baseline  data  to  evaluate projected impacts  of
                        dredged material   disposal.   The Corps  of Engineers  is  currently
                        conducting an on-site current  measurement  study,  expected to  be
                        completed  by November 1983,  to  provide  additional  baseline data.


22-1      The DEIS follows the five general and eleven specific criteria
          found at 40 CFR §228.5 and §228.6 for management of ocean disposal
          sites.  40 CFR §227.15 applies to permit applications for ocean
          dumping, which must be reviewed by the Corps of Engineers in
          approving disposal projects.  Section 227.15 does not require a
          cost-benefit ratio study.

22-2      Additional surveys conducted during February, March, and April
          1983 establish that hard bottom accounts for less than 17% of the
          site and less than 1% is densely populated.  The DEIS does not
          state that Site 4 is covered entirely by a sandy bottom.

22-3      Drift of dredged material is not expected to extend beyond the
          boundaries of the site {see response to Comment 9-10).

22-4      Dispersal of dumped sediments is not expected to cause
          unacceptable adverse environmental impacts to nearby artificial
          reefs or wrecks because of their distance from the proposed site.
          It is incorrect to conclude from the statement that "Site 4 will
          provide a large sandy bottom area" that'Site 4 is entirely covered
          with sandy bottom.  Less than 17% of the site is hard bottom;
          thus, approximately 83% is soft bottom.

22-5      The thin layer of sediment is expected to disperse vrtth time,
          causing no unacceptable long-term adverse environmental effects.
          Further, evidence collected during the February, March, and April
          1983 EPA surveys indicates that siltation noted in the offshore
          areas may be largely of natural origin, because of the uniformity
          of sediment distribution throughout the study area.

22-6      Flushing patterns-'and predominant bottom characteristics off the
          west coast of Florida are similar to cited areas where studies
          have been conducted; thus, it is acceptable to compare this area
          with these areas.

22-7      Less than 17% of the bottom on Site 4 is estimated to have hard-
          bottom habitat, and less than 1% is densely populated; the site
          has less hard bottom habitat than any other area surveyed in the
          Tampa Bay area (see response to Comment 3-2).

22-8      The parameters established for elutriate testing to determine the
          amount of trace contaminants released by the dredged material
          disposal are found at 40 CFR 227.13 and 227.27.

22-9      Turbidity resulting from disposal operations is expected to be of
          short duration, and not long enough to cause unacceptable adverse
          environmental effects to the loggerhead turtle's feeding or
          breeding habits.

22-10     Permit conditions can be stipulated to prevent unacceptable
          adverse environmental effects.  These conditions include, but are


          not  limited to, designation  of  the  disposal  site,  limitations  on
          time and  rate of disposal, disposal  site monitoring,  designation
          of release zones,  limited  site  designation,  or  termination  of

22-11     Complete  bathymetric studies were done  in  the February,  March,  and
          April 1983 EPA surveys.  The monitoring program will  be
          sufficiently detailed to determine  if unacceptable adverse
          environmental effects are  being caused  by  dredged  material

23-1      EPA thanks the Corps of Engineers for its  concurrence with  the
          recommendation of  an ocean dredged  material  disposal  site at
          center coordinates 27° 31' 27"N, 83° 04' 54"W (Site 4).

24-1      EPA thanks the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  for
          their comments and helpful information.  The information in the
          DEIS on whales and turtles has  been revised, based on NOAA's
          suggestions.  Consultation with NOAA, pursuant  to  Section 7 of  the
          Endangered Species Act has been accomplished.

25-1      Dredged material disposal  at Site A was discontinued  December  24,

25-2      EPA believes that  sufficient opportunity has been  provided  for
          public response to the site designation.

25-3      The Corps of Engineers considered in detail  non-ocean dredged
          material disposal  {CE, 1976), but later found these alternatives
          to be economically and environmentally  unacceptable for disposal
          of dredged materi.al from the construction  phase  of the Tampa
          Harbor Project (see response to Comment 5-4).

25-4      The proposed action is not expected to have  unacceptable adverse
          environmental  impacts to the marine environment.   The proposed
          action will  have a beneficial effect on the  economy of the  region
          (FEIS, 1983).

25-5      Dredged material disposal at Site A was discontinued  on
          December 24, 1982.

25-6      According to information available, the proposed action will have
          no significant effect on recreational activities of the region  nor
          commercial fishing (see response to Comment  5-14).

25-7      Impacts on migratory fish are expected to  be minimal,  because fish
          will  avoid temporary turbidity caused by disposal  operations.

25-8      The many studies conducted in the Site 4 vicinity,  and in
          particular,  the February, March, and April  1983 EPA surveys, have
          provided considerable information on the environmental features of
          this  area.


25-9      A monitoring program will be established for Site 4 to detect
          significant adverse environmental impacts.  Should unacceptable
          adverse environmental effects be noted, EPA will move to halt
          disposal operations.

26-1      Intensive surveys were conducted by EPA during February, March,
          and April 1983 to augment the preliminary surveys.

26-2      Designation of a release point within the site may be specified in
          the site designation.  Consequently, the Gunsmoke wreck may be one
          to two miles from actual dumping operations, and as much as three
          miles.  No unacceptable adverse environmental effects are expected
          at these distances.

26-3      Non-ocean disposal was considered in detail by the Corps of
          Engineers, but were found to be economically and environmentally
          unacceptable for disposal of dredged material from the
          construction phase of the Tampa Harbor Project (see response to
          Comment 5-4).  The potential impacts of ocean disposal, are
          presented in the DEIS, Chapter 4, "Environmental Consequences."
          (See also response to Comment 9-10.)

26-4      The use of diked disposal areas were considered in detail by the
          Corps of Engineers (CE, 1976), but was later found to be
          economically and environmentally unacceptable for disposal of
          dredged material from the construction phase of the Tampa Harbor
          Project (see response to Comment 5-4).

26-5      EPA believes that sufficient opportunity has been provided for
          public comment on the site designation.

27-1      Transmittal of Clearinghouse Review.  Identical to responses to
          Comments 9-1 through 10-55, above.

28-1      Intensive surveys conducted by EPA during February, March, and
          April 1983 included water column sampling, sediment samples (for
          infauna, grain size analysis, and trace metals), trawls (for fish
          tissue analyses), extensive video camera observations of the
          bottom, and side-scan sonar tracings.  These surveys provide
          adequate baseline data for evaluation of environmental impacts.

28-2      According to the Corps of Engineers, mid-Shelf and deepwater sites
          would not be economically feasible, due to increased
          transportation costs.  Site 3 has been judged environmentally
          unacceptable for dredged material disposal, due to the presence of
          hard-bottom areas.

28-3      Intensive surveys conducted during February, March, and April 1983
          provides sufficient evidence for designation of Site 4.  Less than
          17% is hard-bottom, and less than 1% is densely populated.


28-4       Construction  of  diked  dredged material  disposal  islands  could
           better  be  described  as  "a  non-ocean  alternative" (see response to
           Comment  5-4).

28-5       The additional studies  conducted  at  Site  4 and  vicinity  by EPA
           during  February, March, and  April  1983, provides data needed for
           designation of Site  4.

28-6       The video  camera observations conducted in February,  March,  and
           April 1983 by EPA were  transects  1/4 mile apart  in  both  northwest
           to southeast  and southwest to northeast directions.   The method
           enabled  detection of any significant  areas of hard  bottom
           communities.  It was found that less  than 17% of Site 4  was  hard
           bottom,  with  less than  1% densely  populated.

28-7       The dissolved oxygen data  for the  previously designated  site and
           the proposed  site are  not directly comparable.   The percent
           saturation of dissolved oxygen depends  on the ambient temperature.
           Therefore, the time  of year  and depth a sample  is taken  are.
           important  factors in evaluating dissolved oxygen data.   The  data
           presented, however,  does provide baseline data  on the Tampa  Bay

28-8       A stress reaction or death may have  a greater environmental
           consequence to the surrounding benthic community than the loss of
           the organism  in question.  Loss of individual organisms  is often
           naturally high, but  stresses or deaths which exceed the  natural
           fecundity  of a species may lead to a  decline in  the population.
           In the complex interrelationship of marine organisms, .decline in
           one species may  lead to a decline  or  an increase in a competing
           species.   This relationship  can be partly seen  in the simplified
           food web with potential adverse impact from dredged material
           disposal,  presented  in  Figure 4-1 of  the  DEIS,  p. 4-15.

28-9       The surveys conducted during February, March, and April  1983, have
           provided sufficient  information to recommend the designation  of
           Site 4 as an ocean dredged material disposal site (see response  to
           Comment 9-10).

29-1       EPA thanks the State of Florida Department  of Natural  Resources
           for the site-specific dive reports provided.  The June 4,  1981,
           dive survey by Japp  and Lowery supports the conclusion that
           impacts from disposal operations will cause negligible adverse
           effects outside "the  actual  site.  No  visible evidence of impact
          was observed beyond  1 km inshore of a disposal  site.

30-1       Transmittal of Clearinghouse Review.  See response to Comment
           10-26, above.

U S. Environmental Protection
Library. Room 2404  PM-211-A
401 S Street, S.W.
Washington, DC   20460



                                       APPENDIX G
                           COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT TAMPA BAY BIS
                          AND EPA'5 RESPONSES TO THOSE COMMENTS
                                    SEPTEMBER, 1983

r--.«'i.-;^'  :- .

     The Draft EIS (DEIS) was released November, 1982.  This Appendix
includes copies of written comments received by EPA on the DEIS.  Responses
to comments were addressed in one of three ways:

     0    Acknowledgement of comments for those requiring no response.

     0    Correction or addition of information incorporated into text as

     0    Specific comments not requiring text changes but requiring a
          response are numbered in the margins of letters with responses

     EPA appreciates the time and effort taken by those who offered their
comments on the DEIS.  Comments, criticisms, and additional information
offered were carefully considered in preparation of the Final EIS.



                  FLORIDA DEPARTMErfT OF STATE;l \ \rr-;--
                          George Firestone
                            Secretary of State
                        DIVISION OF ARCHIVES,     .
                   The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32301
November 30, 1982                             In Reply Refer To:

                                              Mr.  Frederick P.  Gaske
                                              Historic Sites Specialist
Mr. Walter 0. Kolb
Division of State Planning                              >-••
Department of Administration                    ^T  f i  r
Office of the Governor                           /   '
The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida  32301

Re:  Your Memorandum and Attachment  of November 19, 1982
     Cultural Resource Assessment Request
     Draft Environmental Impact Statement  for Tampa Harbor
  /""""Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site  Designation,  ~?
  \  Hillsborough County, Florida                   _  _f

Dear Mr. Kolb:

     In accordance with the procedures contained in 36  C.F.R.,
Part 800 ("Procedures for the Protection of  Historic  and
Cultural Properties"), we have reviewed the  above referenced
project for possible impact to archaeological and historical
sites or properties listed, or eligible for  listing,  in the
National Register of Historic Places.  The authorities  for
these procedures are the National Historic Preservation Act
of 1966 (Public Law 89-665) as amended by  P.L.  91-243,  P.L.
93-54, P.L. 94-422, P.L. 94-458 and  P.L. 96-515,  and  Presiden-
tial Executive Order 11593 ("Protection and  Enhancement of the
Cultural Environment").

     A review of the Florida Master  Site File indicates  that
no inundated cultural resources are  recorded within Shallow-Water
Alternative Site 4.  Furthermore, use of the area for disposal of
ocean dredged material is deemed unlikely  to affect any cultural
resources which may be present.  Therefore,  it  is the opinion  of
this office that the proposed project will have no effect on sites
listed, or eligible for listing, in  the National  Register of Historic
Places, or otherwise of national, state or local  significance.
                     FUDRIDA-State of the Arts

Mr. Walter O. Kolb
November 30, 1982
Page Two
     If you have any questions concerning our comments, please do
not hesitate to contact us.

     Your interest and cooperation in helping to protect Florida's
archaeological and historical resources are appreciated.
                               George JR, Percy
                               Deputy State Historic
                               Preservation Officer
cc:  U. S. Environmental Protection

                                                                       Public Health Service
                                                                       Atlanta GA 3C333
                                                                        (404) 452-4095
                                                                        December  3,  1982

Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, B.C.  20460


We have reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement  (SIS)  for Tampa
Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation.  We  are
responding on behalf of the Public Health Service.

We have reviewed this document for possible health effects and  find that
the proposed alternatives have been adequately addressed.  We trust that
both the existing site and the proposed disposal site will be monitored for
dispersion of dumped materials and also for adverse  impacts on  the local
fauna which could cause long-term food-chain effects.
Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing this Draft EIS.
a copy of the -final document when it becomes available.

                                    Sincerely yours,
                                                                   Please  send  us
                                           Frank S. Lisella, Ph.D.
                                           Chief, Environmental Affairs .Group
                                           Environmental Health Services Division
                                           Center for Environmental Health


                                Serving America'* Seventh Largest Port

                                    December 6,  1982
Mr. T. A. Wastler, Chief
Marine Protection Branch (WH-585)
Environmental  Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.  20460

Reference:  40 CFR Part 228
            (OW-FRL 2234-8)
            Proposed Designation of Ocean Disposal Site; Tampa Harbor

Dear Mr. Wastler:

I am writing in response to  the public notice which appeared in the
8 November 1982 Federal  Register concerning proposed designation of a per-
manent disposal site for dredged material from the Tampa Harbor Project.
I have reviewed the Draft Environmental  Impact Statement issued by your
agency in regard  to this proposed  action on 29 October 1982.  In addition,
I have reviewed all of the ancillary and background material regarding
this and other alternative.sites which is referenced in that document.

In general, we support the proposed designation proposed in the
8 November 1982 public notice.  We agree with the conclusion expressed in
the notice and the DEIS that current interim Disposal Sites A and B may
not be the best locations for the  disposal of dredged material due to the
presence of sensitive hard-bottom  communities to the west and north of
these" areas.  Based on the limited information presented in the DEIS and
supporting documents, we agree that alternative Site 4 appears to be a
more acceptable site for the disposal of dredged material.

However, we are concerned that there has not been presented sufficient
evidence to confirm that all  of alternative Site 4 is acceptable for
dredged material  disposal.  The television camera inspection presented by
EPA covers only a small  portion of the 4 sq. mile-site.  In addition, the
numerous sediment and biological samples collected during the EPA survey
appear to have been conducted using surface-deployed sampling devices.
The use of such devices does not afford  information regarding the possible
presence of viable hard-bottom communities in those areas sampled.


             8H WYNKOOP ROAD  •  TAMPA, FLORIDA 33601

                          AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYE*
•  813/248-1924 •  TEEX 52441

Mr. T. A. Wastler
December 6, 1982
Page 2
It would be our recommendation that, prior to  final  designation and  use of
this site, additional inspections  of the area  be  conducted  utilizing either
divers or the television camera to confirm the absence or  limited presence
of hard-bottom communities and predominance of sandy  substrates cited in
the DEIS for the entire area included in the  proposed action.  We are con-
cerned that in the absence of such information this designation, and any
dredging contract conducted pursuant  thereto, may be  open  to  the same
challenge and delays which have been  experienced in regard to the use of
interim Sites A and B.  Delays which  might result from such challenges
would have a severe economic impact on the Port  of Tampa since the  recently
proposed work in Section 38 of the Tampa Harbor  Project is the last work
necessary for completion of the present phase of that project.
                                                      ~2 /
                                   William K.  Fehring,  Ph.D.  /
                                   Director of Environmental Xffairs

                                        "-"-i*  •-
                                Serving America's Seventh Largest Port

                                    December 6, 1982
         Criteria  and Standards Division (WH-585)
         401  M Street,  Southwest
         Environmental  Protection Agency
         Washington, D.C.  20460
Draft Environmental  Impact Statement
Ocean Dredged Material  Disposal Site Designation
Tampa Harbor, Florida
         I  have  reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement published by your
4-1      agency  on  29 October 1982 in regard to the proposed permanent designation
         of a  site  for the disposal of dredged material from the Tampa Harbor Pro-
         ject.   In  addition, I have reviewed the supporting documents, video tapes,
         studies, and reports which have been presented by your agency to  support
         this  DEIS.

         In general, this Authority can support the proposed designation of Site 4
4_2      for dredged material disposal as described in the DEIS.  We  agree with the
         conclusion expressed in the DEIS that interim sites A and B  which are cur-
         rently  being utilized may not be the most appropriate sites  for long-term
         disposal of dredged material due to the presence of sensitive hard-bottom
         communities near those areas.  Based on the limited information contained
         in the  DEIS and associated documents, we agree that alternative Site 4
         appears to be more appropriate for use as a long-term dredged material dis-
      .   posal site.

         However, we are concerned that the DEIS and the accompanying documentation
         do not  contain sufficient evidence to confirm that all  of alternative Site
         4  is  appropriate for the proposed use.  We note that the video tape of
         Site  4  covers only a very small portion of the 4 sq. mile-proposed site
         While the  sediment and infaunal analyses described in the DEIS and attached
         documentation is certainly complete, the apparent use of surface-deployed
         sampling devices makes this data of little use in determining the presence
         or absence of sensitive hard-bottom communities within  the proposed site.



•  813/248-1924 •  TELEX 52441

Criteria and Standards Division
December 6, 1982
Page 2
We would strongly recommend that additional visual inspections of the pro-
posed disposal site be conducted utilizing either local divers or the
camera equipment utilized previously.  We believe that it may be important
to confirm the absence of hard-bottom communities and the predominance of
sandy substrates cited in the DEIS.  We are concerned that in the absence
of such additional observations, this designation may be subject to the
same challenges which have been experienced with regard to the use of
interim disposal Sites A and B.

Such challenges may result in delays to the final contract of the Tampa
Harbor Deepening Project and thus may have significant economic cost to
this Authority and to the Port of Tampa.

Should the decision be made to conduct the additional inspections by
divers which we have recommended, I would offer my personal assistance to
such efforts.

                                   William K. Fehring, Ph.D.
                                   Director of Environmental A/fairs

  State of Florida
       Cnanltt DbMMr
Secretary of Stale
Attorney General
Commissioner of Agriculture
Commissioner of Education
                                           December 8, 1982
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
401 M Street Southwest
Washington, D.C.  20460

Dear Sirs:

The Florida Department of Natural Resources  thanks you for the
opportunity to comment on the Draft  Environmental Impact Statement
for Tampa Harbor,  Florida Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site

Department testimony presented at the Army Corps of Engineers Public
Hearing June 30, 1982 called for the immediate  cessation of dumping
at current Interim Site A.  The Department continues  to be of that
opinion.   Further, the Department reiterates its concern regarding
any dredged material disposal offshore and its  support for land-based

In regards to the current Draft Environmental Impact  Statement, staff
review  (attached)  has shown it to be a fragmented, poorly developed
document which is both redundant and contradictory.   The document is
inadequate for the purposes proposed as it does not explore all alterna-
tives; it does not present a thorough environmental review; and it
proposes a new interim site (Site 4) without adequate survey or investi-
gation of the site.
                    DIVISIONS /

         Environmental Protection Agency
         December  8,  1982
         Page Two
         It  is  the Department's  request  that  the  Environmental  Protection Agency
5-3      withdraw this draft and schedule  full  public hearings  to  receive necessary
         public and private input to  the document and any  subsequent  designations.
                                         Elton J. Gissendanner


        cc:  Governor Bob Graham
             Florida Legislative delegation
             Manatee County Commission
             Edwin A. Joyce, Jr.
             Karen A. Steidinger
             George E. Henderson
             Walter Jaap        "  •

                                         of  Natural Resources
                      -T.ar.zs on Draft environmental Impact Statement
                      imps. Harbor, Florida Ocean Drsdged Material
                             Disposal Site Designation
These comments  ar=  referenced by page and line for  ease in following  the
critique.   Since  review time was  short  it  can be expected  that some
additional  comments could be made or expanded  especially regarding physical
oceanography and  hydrology.

Page x.  You have not  included certain existing diked dredged disposal
islands that could  be  used for the ongoing  projects.   In  many cases  they
are closer  to the dredge projects than offshore disposal sites.  In  fact,
consideration is  only  to offshore Gulf sites.
5.5  Page xii, line 4.  Should be 82'55'06"W not 83'55'06"W.

     Page xiii, line 15.  Change hard  bottom to "live bottom."   Refer to CFR
     1978, "Live bottom areas are defined  as those areas which  contain
     biological assemblages consisting of such sessile invertebrates as sea
5_5  fans,  sea whips, hydroids,  anemones, ascidians,  sponges, bryozoans, or
     corals living  upon and attached to naturally  occurring hard  or  rocky
     formations with rough, broken, or smooth  topography or whose  lithotope
     favors the accumulation of turtles and fishes."

     Page xiii, lines 19-22.  The conclusion that site 4 does not  contain live
     bottom communities is not  based  on adequate  field reconnaissance.  The
5-7  survey relied on incomplete remote data acquisition and  box coring using a
     symetrical station pattern.  Patchy distribution  of live bottom requires
     intensive in situ observations  to  insure that  the total  site of surrounding
     areas  are sand or sedimentary facies.

     Page xv, item 9.  The benthic  community is composed of two components.
     First,  infaunal communities  in the sediments  and secondly, live bottom
5-8  communities superimposed  on rock.   This includes  sessile attached algae,
     sponges, corals,  bryopzoans, tunicates  and mobile invertebrates  and
     demersal fish populations.   Both infaunal and  live bottom communities are
     composed of subtropical-tropical and  temperate species.
Page xvi,  lines 25-29.  Note that  the  studies referred to are  confined to
"Sandy bottom habitats."  Here we  are  dealing  with sandy and  live bottom
habitats.  Decolonization of a sedimentary habitat cannot be extrapolated
to equate  to recolonization of live  bottom habitats that  occur  offshore of
Tampa Bay.

        United  States Environmental Protection  Agency
        Page two
        7 December 1982

       . Page xvii, line 4.  Your statement  of "will  provide 4 nmi  of sand bottom"
5_10    is  made on the basis of symetrical  sampling  stations, using a box core,  and
        discarding any sample that contained <15 cm  of material.   This is a poor
        technique for reconnaissance of  an area suspected to contain contagious
        distribution of live bottom.  The statement  that the alternative site is
        "safe"  is an unsubstantiated hypothesis at best.

        Page xvii, line 22.  "Most of the living corals  are found shoreward of  the
5-11    .10  m isobath,  although, some  exist to 60 m."  Most reef  Scleractinian,
        Octocorallian, and Milleporarian  corals are  found in 10 to  40  m, very  few
        are found in depths <10 m.  Beyond  50 m, many  ahermatypic corals are  found,
        see Cairns (1979).

        Page xviii, line 28.  The  most common fish associated with the  live bottom
5-12    habitat includes red grouper,  white grunt, mangrove snapper,  triggerfish,
        and belted sand fish.
        Page xix, line 4.   Hard bottom (live bottom) areas are inhabited by algae,
5-13    sponge, corals,  bryozoans,  tunicates,  and  a  diverse  motile fauna  of
        crustaceans,  polychaetes,  molluscs, echinoderms, and fish.

        Page xix, line 8.   Recreational activities are important  to  the economy,
5-14    they generate a great amount of money through  attendant  service industries:
        dive shops, marinas, ice,  fuel, bait, and boating accessories  all are

    _    Page xix, line 26r27.  Again,  similar habitats are not being compared.  The
5-15    impact of dredge spoil on  a sedimentary habitat cannot be  extrapolated to a
        live bottom community.

c  ,g    Page xx, lines 18-22.  Sea turtles, especially loggerheads,  often remain on
        the same  outcrop  or live bottom site.   Burial of  the site may  be
        significant to individuals.   This  is  important during  breeding  periods
        since turtles tend  to  use the  same areas  to  mate and  nest.  During
        internesting intervals, sea  turtles  remain  in the  immediate  nearshore
        vicinity.   Degrading the offshore  environment  may disrupt reproduction

c  17    Page xx,  lines 27  and  28.  Your  conclusion  that long term adverse
        biological effects will  not occur from contaminants  is not  supported.

cio    Page  xxi,  line 3-5.   Other  resources lost  due to disposal would  include any
        live bottom habitat  that dredge spoil was  dumped on,  loss of  fish and other
        renewable resources  from the site.

       United  S;«
       Page  three
       7 December
                    :;::;.*.L3i  Protection Agency








 Page xxi, lines 4 £.-d  5.   If  you cite the benefits of marine  commerce you
 should also cite the negative aspects of these activities.   For example the
 the accidents and loss of  life  (Blackthorn-Capricorn, Sunmet Venture  vs the
 Skyway Bridge), numerous other accidents; two  barges hit the bridge in
 November,  one was  the dredge contractors.  Commerce also has  other
 undesirable attributes  i.e., oil  spills and  resultant   environmental

 Page xxi, line 22-26.   The  studies  to date are  insufficient  to document
 that there is less  hard bottom  (live bottom) in the site 4  area.

 Page 1-7, lines 11  and 12.   To date, EPA and the Corps studies  are not
 adequate to select  or  designate a most suitable site.

 Page 2-1.  You dp not  evaluate  the existing bulkhead spoil  disposal islands
 in Tampa Bay.  Also, abandoned phosphate pits east of Tampa are potential
 disposal sites.  Only  gulf  sites are considered.
 Page 2-2,  line 4.  Mid-shelf areas are  not any  more environmentally
 sensitive than areas near  to  shore.

 Page 2-3,  line 11.   It would be better  to consistently use  Lyons  and
 Collard (1974) terminology-for benthic community  distribution..   The Collard
 and D'Asaro (1973)  interpretation is not as accurate for offshore areas.

 Page 2-3, lines 12  and  13.  Chapter 3 of this draft indicates  low  average
 winds  and  seas at  the nearshore  sites.   Lyons and  Collard  (1974)
 characterization  referred  to  the area as the shallow shelf  10-30 m  (30-100
 ft).  Temperature  and substrate are the  physical-geological  controls.
 Occasional severe storms  place  stress on this  area, but it is  not  a
 consistent  influence.   Freshwater runoff,  with the exception of hurricane
 generated rains,  has little influence on bottom  communities 13  to  17  nmi
 off the mouth of  Tampa  Bay.

 Page 2-5.  Land-based  disposal.  Why were  the spoil islands in  Tampa  Bay
 eliminated  from consideration?

 Page 2-6, line 22.  What are  the technical  and environmental  reasons  fot
concluding  that ocean  disposal of  sediments is  the most  practical method of
disposal?  Your site specific studies are  inadequate to  show that disposal
 is not  harmful to  the  adjacent live bottom  communities.

 Page 2-11,  lines  11 and 12.   Previous characterization on page  xvi, line  3
 states  "(currents)  are  generally less than  1 kn."  Furthermore,  the  cited
reference (Holliday 1978) is not relevant,  there  is  nothing  in  this report
dealing with currents off Tampa Bay.

        United Spates Envir ^n-isr.tal  Protection A j . •
        Page four
        7 December 1982

       . Page 2-11.  In reference  to  animal  species  found in   =e region, one  should
        refer to the many Hourglass monographs.   Jaap (in prep.)  identified  16
5-29    species of stony corals.   There  is  no attempt to characterize dominant live
        bottom flora or fauna in  this EIS.

        Page 2-13, line 10-12.  Was  there a rational reason why  the  May 1982  site
5-30    specific survey did  not sample live bottom?  There is admission that  live
        bottom does exist, but  failure to sample or study its biota.

        Page 2-14, lines 5 and 6.  What  evidence do you cite to state that  "animals
        of a shallow-water area must be  adapted to periodic burial — ."?  You  fail
5-31    to cite the range of what  "shallow  water" is; define your terms.  The  area
        in 16-30 m depth is  not  a region of high  energy.   Your contention  that
        disposal at a mid-shelf site would  have longer adverse effect on the biota
        is" inadequately supported.    The community  type  is important when
        considering sites.   There is more  live bottom in  the nearshore  10-30 m
        depths than in 70 m  depth  off Tampa  Bay.

5-32    page 2-15, line 1.   Long  line fishing does occur in this area.

        Page 2-16, lines 22-24.  The, Hirsch  et al. (1978) statement  is irrelevant
5-33    to the area off Tampa Bay  in depths  of 16-30 m.   Live bottom communities
       . are not unstable and are not sedimentary.

        Page 2-17, lines 1-3.  The lack  of  addressing the effect of  fine -silt-like
5-^4    sediment chronically deposited over  a long period  of time on live bottom
        habitat is of more concern than mixing different types of sediments,.
5-35        bottom.
        Page 2-19,  lines  9  and  10.  Interim site A had  a  considerable amount of
        1^ bottom.

        Page 2-19,  lines  20-24.  The video  tape was only  a small portion of the
        entire site.  No  side scan sonar or seismic survey of the area was made.
        Symetrical  sampling with box cores is inadequate to discover  live  bottom.

        Page 2-21.  Amenity Areas.  Egmont  Key  and Passage Key, at  the  mouth of
 (. ,,   Tampa Bay,  are National Wildlife Refuges with  nesting sites  for  endangered
        species  (Loggerhead turtle)  and species  protected  by statute  (brown
        pelican).  Least  terns,  black skimmers and laughing gulls  also nest on
        these islands.

 5_38   Page 2-21,  lines  18 and 19.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  1982 identifies
        reef (live  bottom) areas in the area, with red  grouper,  cobia, grunts, gag
        grouper,  and  sea  bass.

         United States Environmental  Protection Agency
         Page five
         7 December 1982


 Page 2-22, line 2.  The survey  was  inadequate  to confirm  that major  live
 bottom areas do not occur within  the  site.

 Page 2-24, paragraph 2.  What is  the  source  for this information?

 Page 2-24, paragraph 3.  Site A has received 4.4 million yd^, site B
 received its volume over 5 years  and  the total was 1,020,000
There is no evidence to insure  that  the mound at Site A won't remain.   Some
        of  the  material is  rock 1 ft or more  in diameter.
        dynamic seas to move  it.
                                                       It will  take very
Page 2-25, paragraph 2.   The  dredge disposal  sites are in  40  ft depth or
greater.  This is  not a  "high energy environment" with the  exception of  a
hurricane passing  closeby.

Page 2-25, paragraph 3.   It  is  not  valid to  compare eastern Gulf sites
containing live bottom communities with a sedimentary site  off Galveston,
Texas.   Furthermore, Taylor's (1982)  work  was  largely  restricted to
soft-bottom infaunal recovery; he  did not  quantitatively  look at live
bottom or hard bottom communities.  The nine-year temporal parameter  is not
a valid figure for the live bottom situation.   Experience  in  coral reefs
may be extrapolated for  time1estimates.  Grigg and Maragos (1974) reported
a time period  of 20 to 50 years  for recovery following lava flows. Pearson
(1981) reported in reference  to  reef recovery "The situation is not clear,
following man-made disturbances, where the environment may  have undergone
permanent change."  Pearson reported that following natural disturbance,
coral communities  reguire several decades to recover.  '-

Page 2-25, paragraph 4.   What  research substantiates the  claim that "no
major differences  In finfish  and shellfish species or numbers have been
found between  stations within  the affected site  and  control  stations."?
The 1979b cited report is a EIS for  port and  crude  oil distribution in
Galveston, Texas.   It is  irrelevant to the Tampa Bay disposal  sites.

Page 2-27, last paragraph.  Many of the studies cited  are not  applicable,
they are restricted to Tampa  Bay and not the nearshore Gulf  (Saloman  1973);
others are not  included in  the references (Saloman and  Saloman et al.
1968).  The Smith  et  al.  (1975), Dawes and van  Breedveld (1969),  through
Huff and Cobb  (1979)  are not  ecological studies of  the area in question.
Smith et al. (1975)  is a  study of Florida Middle Ground fish  and Cairns
(1977) is a taxonoraic-systematic account of  Caryophyllid-Dendrophyllid
Scleractinia from  the Hourglass Cruises.

          United  Scares Environmental Protection  Age:'-:-
          Page  six
         . 7  December 1982

          Page  2-28, paragraph 2.  The area also  contains liv~ bottom communities.
5_46       *c  i-8 noc a high energy environment.  The  Holliday 1978  report does not
          contain any data about Tampa Bay nearshore  environments.

          Page  2-29, conclusion 4.   The  studies were insufficient  to insure that
5.47       major live bottom assemblages do not  occur  in the Site 4 area.

          Page  2-32, line 14.   This 1980  survey must  be  a typo; this is the first
          mention of it, and it is not in the  references.  Monitoring guidelines  fail
          to  address live bottom biota.  This  is  the most sensitive community.  Both
5-48       Courtney et al. (1974) and Griffin (1974) have  guidelines  for monitoring
          and protecting reef type habitats  in  and around dredging  operations that
          should be used here.

          Page 2-33, line 15.   The statement "—(hard  and soft corals) are expected
          to occur, only  to  a limited extent, in the  selected site;  a survey to
          assess these species need not be made." is wrong.  First,  on the basis of
          your cursory field study, you have no idea  of  coral abundance within the
          area.  Secondly,  to write  them off is a  poor and indefensible option.
5-49       Florida statute (370.114)  and  proposed federal  fishery management plan
          regulations (Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Fishery Management Councils)
          make  it illegal to  harvest;,  sell, or  destroy stony corals (orders
          Milleporina and Scleractinia)  and the sea  fan Gorgonia.   It would seem
          rational  that your  guidelines  reflect  Florida law and the Fishery
          Management Councils  concern regarding the value of coral  and its intrinsic
          habitat value.

          Page 2-34, lines 16,  17.   Benthic  sessile epifauna is  more  sensitive than
5-50      the infauna.   Attached epifauna is unable to leave the  area.

          Page  2-34,  lines 17,  18.  The numerically abundant  organisms on live
          bottoms can be observed  and censused  in situ and  monitored  for change as
5-51      well as infaunal populations.

          Page 2-35, paragraph 1.   It would  appear that several  macroinvertebrates
          are found in  the area that  could serve for trace metal accumulation  study.
5-52     fhe arc Noetia ponderosa,  starfish Astropectin,  and  Echinaster,  and  several
         Holothurian species  are  common  and remove nutrients  from the  sediments  or
          s'ediment water interface.

         Page 3-8,  paragraph  4.  .Sediments  of Tampa Bay are from  previous  time,  the
-  ct     bay at Present " not creating  any appreciable sediments  (Brooks,  1973  and
3~"     Doyle and Sparks  1980).

        United States Environmental Protection Agency
        Page seven
        7 December 1982

5_54   . Page 3-30, third line from the bottom.  Sessile  epibenthic  organisms  are
        better indicators than infauna.

        Page 3-29 follows page 3-30.

5_55    Page 3-32.  Change Gymnodinium breve to Ptychodiscus brevis-,  see Steidinger

        Page 3-43, line 3.  The corals are colonial and solitary.  These outcrops
5-56    also support a diverse assemblage of sponges, bryozoans,  tunicates, all of
        which are sessile and provide habitat for many mobile organisms.

        Page 3-43, line 27.   The corals Cladocora arbuseola and  Solenastreas hyades
5-57    are not Alcyonarians, they are Scleractinians.

        Page 3-47, paragraph 1.   You"should include information  on  the  economics of
5-58    bait, gas, boats, supplies,  ice,  diving,  and other service  industries that
        are fishing and boating  related.

        Page 3-47, paragraph 2.  Spotted sea  trout is  not a  fish found in the
5-59    dredge spoil area.

        Page 3-48.  Landing  statistics for shrimp are misleading,  Tampa-St. Pete
        landings  include harvest from Tortugas,  Ft.  Meyers,  Texas,  and  at  one time
5-60    Mexico.   Vessels fish many areas  far  from these ports.
                                                           '             «
        Page 3-51, paragraph 3.  Egmont Key and Passage  Key  are U.S.  Fish- and
5-oi    Wildlife  Service Wildlife Refuges.


United S:__.      . r-j;-..T->.r.ial Protection Agency
Page eigh'
7 December  i?'CZ
                               LITERATURE CITED
Brooks,  H.K.
  1973.   Geological Oceanography pp.  II,  El to IIE50,  in A summary  of
         knowledge of the eastern Gulf  of Mexico.  Coordinated by  State
         University System of Florida,  Institute of  Oceanography, St.
         Petersburg, FL.

Cairns,  S.
  1979.   The  deep-water  Scleractinia of  the Caribbean Sea and adjacent
         waters.  Vitgaven Natuurwetenschappelijke  Studiekring voor
         Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen 96.   341 pp.

Courtenay,  W., D. Herreraa, J. Thompson,  W. Azzinaro, and J. van Monfrans.
  1974.   Ecological monitoring of beach  erosion control  projects, Broward
         County, Florida, and adjacent  areas.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
         Coastal Engineering Research Center,  Tech. Mem.  41, Ft. Belvior,
         VA.  88 pp.

Doyle, L.,  and T. Sparks.
  1980.   Sediments of Mississippi, Alabama,  and Florida.   J. Sed. Petrol.'
         50(3): 905-916.

Griffin,  G.
  1974.   Dredging  in  the  Florida Keys.   A  case history  of a  typical
       .  dredge-fill project in the northern Florida Keys—effects on water
         quality, sedimentation rates,  and biota.  Harbor Branch Foundation
         Publ. 33.  Ft. Pierce, FL.  67  pp.  .

Grigg, R.,  and J. Maragos.
  1974.   Recolonization of hennatypic corals on submerged  lava flows  in
         Hawaii.  Ecology 55:  387-395.

Pearson,  R.G.
  1981.   Recovery and recolonization of  coral  reefs.  Mar. Ecoi. Prog. Ser.
         4:   105-122.

Steidinger, K.A.
  1979.   Collection,  enumeration,  and identification, of freeliving
         Dinoflagellates,  pp.  435-442  rn^ D.  Taylor and  H. Seliger eds.
         Toxic dinoflagellate blooms. Elsevier, North Holland, NY.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  1982.   Gulf coast ecological inventory.   Biological  Services Program
         FWS/OBS 82/55.  1 User guide, 22 maps.


                                                                                   I tampo boy
          December 13,  1982                                               /  /" xd   planning
          Mr. Jonathan Amson
          O. S.  Environmental Protection  Agency
          Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
          401 M  Street, S.W.                                                     9455Koge-Bouievara
          Washington,  D. C, 20460                                               St. Petersburg. R.3J702
                                                                            (813) 577-515 J'Tampa 224-3380
          Dear Mr. Amson:

          Subject:  TBRPC A-95 Clearinghouse Review #218-82; Draft Environmental
                     Impact Statement (DEIS)  for Tampa Harbor,  Florida,  Ocean Dredged
                     Material Disposal Site Designation, Hillsborough, Manatee and
                     Finellas Counties

          Pursuant to OMB Circular  A-95,  the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council is
          conducting a review of the above referenced DEIS  and,  based upon the
          December 13, 1982 required response date,  submits the  following preliminary
          comments as related to the document's  specific  recommendations regarding
          the designation of Alternative  Site 4:

          •  The DEIS lacks sufficiently  detailed evaluation and comparisons of all
g_i          possible alternatives  including diked disposal islands and upland dis-
             posal areas.

          •  The designation of Alternative Site 4 for disposal of dredged material
             from the Tampa Bay Area should be based on more detailed studies of this
             area.  The DEIS lacks  site specific studies evaluating the impacts on
g_2          marine environment  and economy  of the region.   The results  of the
             studies done in other*locations  cannot serve as  the  base  for evaluating
             the impacts of the proposed dumping of  dredged material on the proposed

          •  The environmental consequences of dumping dredged sediments on sand-
             subs tat e habitats also cannot be predicted based  on the results of the
6-3          studies from other  locations.  The ecosystem of shallow-waters in cen-
             tral-southwest Florida is different from the continental  D.  S. waters.

          •  information pertaining to tidal currents is  needed based on records
6-4          obtained  from  the  tide guage station located in Egmont Key.

           •   The  monitoring program has  not been specifically designed to determine
              whether  disposal at the selected site significantly affects areas  out-
              side the site and  to detect long term  effects occurring in or around the
g_5           site.  It is stated in the DEIS that a monitoring program may be estab-
              lished to supplement  historical data.   Details on what  the monitoring
              program  will entail must be included.
           Chairman Jan K. Platt        Vice-Chairman George McGough      Secretary/Treasurer Saundra Rann          W A. Ockunzzi
       Commi$sioner, Hillsborough County       Mayor. City ol Largo          Councilwoman, City ol BraOenton         Executive Director

        •Brademon « Clearwater • Oade City • Dunedin « Qulfport « Hillsborough County • Largo • Manatee County • New Port Richey « Oldsmar • Palmetto

          • Paaco County . Pinedas County * Pinellas Park • Safety Harbor « St. Petersburg • Si. Petersburg Beach * Sarasota * Tampa • Tarpon Springs

           Mr. Jonathan Amson               -2-               December 13,  1982
           •  The recreational and commercial fishing values of the surrounding area
              should be identified as well as the impacts of ocean disposal on migra-
6~6           tory fishing.  •

           •  It is stated that dispersion of disposal material outside the site
              boundaries will be over time and in thin layers,  and that such disper-
              sion is not expected to have unacceptable adverse environmental impacts.
.._           Specific studies need  to be completed to determine whether the thin
              layer of siltation adversely impacts the surrounding hard bottoms

           It is the opinion of the Council staff that the DEIS' is inadequate in
           detail on the above issues and  should  be sufficiently documented prior to
           designating the most environmentally and economically acceptable location
           for disposal of large volumes of dredged material.  The  amendments should
           include the feasibility of other possible  alternatives,  including diked
co        disposal islands and upland disposal areas.   The Council staff does cnot
           support the identified ocean disposal areas located offshore due to the.
           potential destruction of wetlands.  If the revised studies  of- viable alter-
           natives prove that Alternative  Site 4 is the most environmentally and
           economically acceptable location, both in  the ocean and on  land, then it is
           the opinion of the Council staff that a very stringent monitoring program
           should be established to trace  the future  changes caused by the  disposal

           In conclusion, the final recommendation of the DEIS for Tampa Harbor which
           designates Shallow-Water Alternative Site  4 as the Tampa Harbor  ocean
           dredged material disposal site is not consistent with the Council's adopted
g_g        policy to support the maintenance of Class III Waters, including bays,
           rivers, lakes, estuaries and open waters of the territorial sea, at a
           quality sufficient to allow body-contact water sports and propagation of
           fish and wildlife.   (Future of_ the Region,  2.402)

           The above comments by the staff of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
           are preliminary and are  subject to approval by  the Council's Clearinghouse
           Review Committee  and final approval by the Council's full policy board.
           Additional local and regional comments will be forthcoming upon the January
           3, 1982 meeting of the Council's  Clearinghouse Review Committee.  As dis-
           cussed, the copy of the draft Clearinghouse report will be  submitted to you
           prior to the meeting.  This format is necessary because, as noted in our
           November 19, 1982 letter to you,  TBRPC was not included, as required by OMB
           Circular A-95, on EPA's initial request for comments, and therefore',  did  .
           not obtain a copy of the document until November 22,  1982.   Finally, any
           local comments received from interested parties in the Tampa Bay Region
           will be forwarded to EPA immediately upon our receipt.

           We appreciate the opportunity to review this important DEIS and  hope our
           comments  are helpful to  you in preparing  the  final EIS for  the Tampa Harbor

Mr. Jonathan Amson               -3-               December 13, 1982
Disposal Site Designation.  Should additional clarification be necessary,
please contact Ms.  Margaret Guy of the Council's staff.
William A. Ockunzzi
Executive Director .

wao/ j is

cc:  Walt Kolb
     Jesse Carr
     Westwood Fletcher
     Jan Platt


                                       UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                       Washington. O.C. 20230

                                       OFFICE GF THE
                                       December 16,  1982
Environmental Protection Agency
Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
401 » Street, SW, Room 2824
Washington, D.C.  20460

Dear Sir:

     This is in reference to your dratft environmental impact statement
entitled "Tampa Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site
Designation."  Enclosed are additional comments from the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.

     Thank you for giving us an opportunity to provide comments.

                                    royce M. Wood
                                    Ecology and Conservation Division



                            *»»!».. M &
                                              UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                              OFFICE OF MARINE  POLLUTION ASSESSMENT
                                              Rockville,  Maryland  20852
        To:       PP/EC - Joyce Woo«
From:     RD/MP -  R.  Lawrence Swanson

Subject:  DEIS 8211.02,, Tampa Har&or,  Flortda,  Ocean  Dredged Material Disposal
          Stte Designation

     This DEIS appears  to be adequate to support the proposed ocean
disposal of dredged material.  The material to be dredged is not severely
contaminated and should not cause any major disruption of the shelf
ecosystem beyond that due to turbidity and burial.  The monitoring
program outlined on pp  2-31 to 2-35 is a good one and should be continued
for a least several years after disposal begins.  It should include con-
tinued sampling of the  dredged material itself to insure that there is
no major change in constituents.  On a more general level,. Were should
be extensive coordination within and among the various COE Districts to
insure intercomparibility of monitoring results.  The relative suitability
of the many present ocean disposal sites now being designated could then
be assessed, and the  results used in the planning of future disposal


                                        STATE OF FLORIDA

                                                                                BOB GRAHAM

                                                                         VICTORIA j, TSCHINKEL

             December 17,  1982
      Mr. Walt Kolb
      Senior Governmental Analyst
      Office of Planning and Budgeting
      Office of the Governor
      415 Carlton Building
      Tallahassee, Florida   32301

      Dear Walt:

                Re:  Draft Environmental Impact Statement,
                     Tampa Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged
                     Material Disposal Site Designation

      We have reviewed the referenced document and offer the following comments.

      Essentially, the selection of a preferred alternative was based upon  the
      tangible considerations of distance from shore (transport costs)  and
      prevalence of hard bottoms.  Most of the potential ecological  impacts,
      particularly long-term-effects, are not weighed as strongly since they
      are less quantifiable and less studied.  Further, the conclusions presented
      in the text are based upon information contained in appendices which
      were not included with the DEIS.

      The alternatives evaluations are understandably sensitive to the presence
      of hard bottoms, but this is not the only important component  of live
      bottoms.  Soft live bottoms are viable and vulnerable components of the
      ecosystem, too.  The characterizations on p.  2-19 do not discuss the
      biological characteristics of the Site 4 bottoms.  The only information
      given is geophysical, primarily noting fewer areas of hard bottom lithotype
      than alternative sites.

      While the DEIS asserts that recovery for soft bottoms is certain,  many
      qualifications must modify these expectations.   This is a relatively
      unstudied topic with wide variability in results and predictions.  One
      of the main factors repeatedly mentioned as a facilitator of recolonization
      by non-opportunistic species is the similarity between the disposed
      "material and bottom sediments.  The dredged material proposed  for disposal
      is a finer material than the. recipient bottoms of Site 4.

            Mr. Walt Kolb
            Page Two
            December 17, 1932
The distribution of a discharge plume at sea is unpredictable.  It is
not unrealistic to consider the possibility of a several mile impact
distance  (p. 2-26).  Entrainment of pollutants is even less predictable.
Some of these pollutants will be anthropogenic with a greater probability
for persistence in the environment.  Dissolution may result in or contribute
to localized high nutrient concentrations, one of the assumed preconditions
for red tide blooms (p. 4-8) ..  Dissolved contaminants may also effect
chronic, sublethal damages to biological populations through interference
with chemoreception.

The pile formed on the ocean floor may also spread and slough onto
adjacent bottoms.  During the period that affected bottoms are devoid of
benthic organisms, their contributions to water quality, habitat and
bottom stability are lost.

The combined results of all these potential effects of the proposed
disposal will operate on fishery resources dependent upon an intact
ecosystem.  Again, the full extent of these effects cannot be quantified
{p. 4-22).

It is a reflection of the complexity of the marine environment that many
of the above impacts are difficult to assess with fixed numbers.  It is
also a reflection of the sensitivity of this delicately balanced ecosystem
that some degree of all these impacts can be expected to result from a
perterbation such as dredged material disposal.  A difficulty in quantifying
effects should encourage a cautious approach to the use of Gulf coastal
waters for dumping grounds.  Also, this activity would only be one of
many degrading~influences operating on area environmental quality.  It
is myopic to continue to expect infinite capacity out of a finite waterbody.
Dilution does not solve environmental contamination.

Another long-term consequence of the proposed dumping is the waste of
the material itself.  We continually lose upland and nearshore sediments
to erosion to the extent that we should not discard useable material.
We recognize the magnitude and complexity of dredged material disposal,
but cheaper and quicker options are not always better economically or
environmentally.  Planning for port development, expansion and maintenance
should include consideration of appropriate, conservative disposal
methodologies.  Upland disposal and recycling of previously used sites
should be given the highest priority.

On November 5, 1982, we advised the EPA of the state's concerns for
proceeding with site designation and rule-making without benefit of the
federal consistency review prescribed by the Coastal Zone Management
Act.  (see attached correspondence.)  To date, we have received no reply

Mr. Walt Kolb
Page Three
December 17, 1982
or submission of consistency findings.  We reiterate our request for
attention to these federal requirements as soon as possible.

                                        Lynn F.  Griffin
                                        Environmental Specialist
                                        Intergovernmental Programs
                                          Review Section

cc:  Dave Worley
     Terry Cole
     Steve Fox
     Ann Berger-Blundon
     Elton Gissendanner


November  5,  1982
Mr. T. A. Wastler, Chief
Marine Protection Branch  (WH-585)
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.   20460

Dear Mr. Wastler:

          Re:  Proposed Rule for Ocean Dumping, Gulf of Mexico

On review of the Federal Register  (Vol. 47, No. 194), we note that the
EPA is proposing certain dredged material disposal site designations
pursuant to 40 CFR Part 228.  Specifically, the proposed rule would
extend the interim designation of Site A, which is currently being used
for the Corps of Engineers' Tampa Harbor. Project, Section 2C materials.
Additionally, interim approval of a new site. Site 4, is proposed, which
would accommodate the remaining dredged materials from this project.  A
permanent ocean disposal site, not necessarily one of these, will be
designated through an Environmental Impact Statement review.

Adoption and implementation of the proposed rule enables an activity to
be conducted in an area in and surrounded by abundant marine resources
of significant importance to recreational and commercial enterprises in
Florida.  Under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, federal activities
directly affecting the coastal zone of a state must be conducted in a
manner consistent"to the maximum extent practicable with the approved
state coastal management program.  The EPA is required under 15 CFR
Section 930.33(c) to evaluate the full extent of these direct effects
and, subsequently, prepare a federal consistency determination for the
state's review and comment.

We, therefore, request that these findings be submitted to the Florida
Department of Environmental Regulation and/or the Governor's Office of
Planning and Budgeting, Natural Resources Policy Unit as soon as possible.
As appropriate, we expect the federal consistency review to precede

Mr. T. A. Wastier
Page Two
November 5, 1982
final adoption of the proposed rule as specified in Section 930.34 of
the federal regulation.  We understand that ample tine is available
under the rulemaking and NEPA processes to accommodate this compliance

                                        Terry Cole
                                        Assistant Secretary
cc:  William Matuszeski
     Ann Berger-Blundon
     David Worley
     Elton Giasendanner
     Ton Herndon

                                                                               I tompa bay
                                                                               [    regional
                                                                      X  X "XX    *	
    December 22, 1982
                                                                              9455 Koger Boulevard
                                                                             St. Petersburg. R. 33702
                                                                        (813) 577-5iSl/Tampa 224-9380
    Mr. Jonathon Amson
    U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency
    Criteria and Standards Division  (WH-585)
    401 M Street, S.W.
    Washington,  D.C.  20460

    Dear  Mr. Amson:

    Subject:  Tampa  Bay Regional Planning Council A-95 Clearinghouse  Review No.
               218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)  for Tampa
               Harbor,   Florida,  Ocean Dredged  Material  Disposal  Site
               Designation, Hillsborough, Pinelias and Manatee Counties

    As referenced in my December 13,  1982 correspondence,  enclosed for  your
    information is a copy of our draft  Clearinghouse report and recommendations
    concerning the above  referenced project.    The Tampa Bay Regional  Planning
    Council's  Clearinghouse  Review Committee  will consider this  report at its
    January  3, 1983  meeting.

    Should additional clarification  be  necessary,  please contact me.

    Michael  R.  McKinley    I
    Director of Planning^"./


    Chairman Jan K. Platl        Vice-Chairman George McGough       Secretary/Treasurer Saundra Rahn          w.A. Ockunzzi
Commissioner, Hillsborougti County        Mayor, City of Largo           Councilwoman, City of BraHemon         Executive Director

  Bradenton • Clearwater • Oade City • Dunedin * Gulfport • Hillsborough County • Largo • Manatee County • New Port Richey • Oldsmar • Palmetto

   • Paseo County • Pinellas County • Pinellas Rark « Safety Harbor • St. Petersburg • St. Petersburg Beach • Sarasota « Tampa • Tarpon Springs


                                                                 Agenda Item #11A
     A-95 #218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa
     Harbor,  Florida,  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation,
     Hillsborough, Pine lias and Manatee-Counties-- -	-	
 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested  review and
 comment on  the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Tampa  Harbor,
 Florida  which presents information necessary for the designation  of a new
 Tampa Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Site.  The purpose of the  action is
 to provide  the  most environmentally and economically acceptable ocean
 location for the disposal of material dredged from the Tampa Bay area.
 Based  on recent surveys of four Shallow-Water Alternative  Sites,  EPA has
 determined  that Shallow-Water Alternative Site 4 is the alternative with
 the fewest hard-bottom areas which may be affected by the disposal of
 dredged  material.  It is  the recommendation of  the DEIS that  Alternative
 Site 4 be designated as the disposal site location for dredged  material
 from the Tampa  Bay  area.  Agency - EPA;  Location - Hillsborough,  Pine lias
 and Manatee Counties*

                      Local Comments Received From;

 Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission:  See attached
   letter dated December 5, 1982.

 Hillsborough County  Department of Development Coordination:  See  attached
   memorandum dated December 3, 1982.

 Pinellas County  Planning  Department:  No  comment received  as of  December
 30,  1982.

 City of  St. Petersburg Planning Department:  See attached letter dated
  December 16,  1982.    -  .

 Manatee  County Board of County Commissioners:   See attached letter dated
  December 13,1982

 Mote Marine  Laboratory:  See attached letter dated December  9, 1982.

 Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council:   See attached letter dated
  December 10, 1982.

Office of the Governor:  See attached letter dated December  22, 1982«

                  Council Comments and Recommendations

This project has been reviewed for consistency  with the Council's  Areawide
Water Quality Management Plan and the Council's adopted growth policy, the
Future of the Region.  The proposal has not been found to be consistent
with Council policy that a standard of  water quality should be achieved
that allows for the protection  and  propagation of fish, shellfish, and
wildlife and provides for recreation in and on the waters in the region.
                 tempo bay regional planning council
      9455 Koger Boulevard St Petersburg, FL 33702  (813) 577-5151-Tampa 224-9380

       This project is regionally significant'and the following local and regional
       concerns have been raised during the review:

       •  The staff of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has reviewed the
          Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa  Harbor  Ocean
          Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation  and offers the following


General Comments

1.  The DEIS lacks sufficiently  detailed evaluation and comparisons of
    all possible  alternatives including  diked disposal islands  and
    upland disposal areas.

2.  The designation of Alternative Site 4  for disposal of  dredged
    material from the Tampa Bay Area should be based on more detailed
    studies of  this area.  The DEIS  lacks site specific studies evaluat-
    ing the impacts on marine environment and economy of the region.
    The results of the studies done in other  locations cannot serve as
    the base for  evaluating  the impacts  of  the proposed dumping of
    dredged material  on  the proposed site.

3.  The environmental consequences of dumping dredged sediments on sand-
    substate habitats  also cannot be predicted based  on the results of
    the studies from  other locations.  The  ecosystem  of shallow-waters
    in central-southwest Florida is  different from the continental  U.S.

4.  Information pertaining to tidal currents  is needed based on records
    obtained from  the tide guage  station located in Egraont  Key.

5.  The monitoring program has not  been specifically designed to deter-
    mine whether disposal at the selected site significantly affects
    areas  outside  the site and to detect long  term effects occurring in
    or around  the site.  It is stated in  the DEIS that a monitoring
    program may be established to supplement  historical data.  Details
    on what the monitoring program will entail must be included.

6.  The recreational  and  commercial  fishing values  of the surrounding
    area should be identified as  well as the impacts  of ocean disposal
    on migratory fishing.

7.  It is  stated that dispersion  of disposal material outside the site
    boundaries will  be  over  time  and in  thin layers, and  that such
    dispersion  is  not expected to have  unacceptable adverse environmen-
    tal impacts.  Specific studies need to be completed to determine
    whether the thin layer of siltation  adversely  impacts the sur-
    rounding hard  bottoms  (corals).

Specific Comments

1.  Statements that  there are no hard-bottom habitats within  or in
    proximity to Site 4 are not well-documented.   More extensive inspec-
    tion of areas both within  and around the site is necessary before it
    can be  known  what  types  of organisms and communities will-be


     adversely affected by dumping.  In-depth surveys to determine the
-     nature and extent-of live,  hard-bottom habitats  in  or near  the  site
     should be further conducted.

 2.  It is stated in DEIS that results of dredged material disposal at
     the Tampa Harbor alternative sites are anticipated  to  be similar to
     the results  of disposal  operations at Calveston, Texas (page 2-28).
     However,  the West Florida Shelf cannot be compared  with other areas
     which have  no hard-bottom  communities.  The conclusions that dispo-
     sal will  not result in any detectable  changes in ecology of  the  area
     are inappropriate.

 3.  An assessment  of the siltation and turbidity caused by resuspension
     of fine particles by waves, storms and tides has not been completed,
     as well  as  the  expected impacts of the siltation on live-bottom

 4.  The long-term effects from  the  continual resuspension  of spoil
     material throughout the water  column have  not been adequately
     studied nor  documented.  The amount and frequency of  siltation,  the
     direction of sediment transport based on site-specific  ocean  current
     information,  and the environmental consequences of  long-term  tur-
     bidity should be estimated before final recommendations are  made.

 5*  It is stated  in the DEIS  that  Site 4 is removed from areas of
     recreational use, and  has  no  known significant  commercial fishery
     use (page 2-27).   This  statement is not based  on  the detailed survey
     of commercial and  recreational fishing activities  of this area.
     Relevant studies should be completed based on public testimony
     whether the  proposed  action affects the recreational activities of
     the region and commercial fishing.

 6*  Cost-benefit analysis,  taking into account the direct and  indirect
     economic  benefits generated by the recreational  use of this part of
     the Gulf of Mexico have not been done at this time.

 7.  A  public  hearing should be scheduled to allow full and fair public
    'comment in the draft BIS and  the overall suitability  of dumping in
     the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

 The  Manatee County Board of County Commissioners has provided extensive
 comments which already have been forwarded to EPA and are summarized
 below  (see attached  letter dated December  13,  1982}  regarding  the Draft
 EIS  for a permanent ocean disposal site for Tampa  Harbor:

 1.   The EPA survey upon which the EIS relies to recommend Site 4  for
     permanent designation,  used survey methodologies  that are inadequate
     for  determining  the nature  and extent  of live, hard-bottom  habitats
     in  or  near  the  site;  yet, the entire EIS rests on the  unproven
     assumption that there are no hard-bottom habitats within or in
     proximity to Site 4.   This is critical because of  the well-docu-
     mented importance  of  live-bottom habitats to both commercial  and
     recreational  fishery resources.

          2.  Although the EIS notes that significant damage that can occur to
              hard-bottom habitats from siltation and turbidity,  it completely
              fails  to describe or assess  the siltation and turbidity that will be
9_15          caused by resuspension of fine particles by waves, storms,  tides,
              and combinations thereof,  and it fails  to  quantify  the  resulting
              siltation problem  and  its  expected impacts  to corals,  sponges,
              algaes, and the  like*

          3.  The EIS recommendation of Site 4 is based on  erroneous and under-
              stated information concerning the  use of  the area in and  around the
9_17          site,  which is actually located in an area  that is heavily used by
              commercial and recreational fishermen, sport divers,  and others.

          4.  The Site-Designation EIS presumes that  ocean dumping  is appropriate
              in this part of the  Gulf of Mexico, disregarding as a general matter
              the high potential for damage from burial and siltation to the hard-
9-18          bottom habitats  and organisms found  scattered throughout  this part
              of the Gulf,  and inadequately considering, the possibility of using
              uplands or diked  disposal areas on a  short-term  basis pending
              thorough investigation of  the suitability of ocean dumping.

          5.  The BIS also relies  on erroneous cost estimates for transporting the
              dredged material  to various alternative sites, and there  is  no
              comparison of  the environmental  "pros and cons" of each alternative
9-19          site relative  to the economic costs.

          6.  Finally, with respect to  the EJS's cost analyses, the EIS fails  to
              take any account of the direct or indirect economic benefits gen-
              erated by the  recreational use of this part of the Gulf of Mexico,
9-20          thereby placing  too-heavy  emphasis on the immediate  costs of  spoil

          Therefore,  in light of  the many deficiencies of the Draft EIS,  including
          reliance'on erroneous assumptions, inadequate surveys, and incorrect
          infomation, the Board of County Commissioners  of  Manatee County requests
9-21      that a public hearing be scheduled to discuss  the Draft EIS and proposed
          site designation, or,  in the  alternative,  that the Draft EIS be with-
          drawn and subsequently resubmitted for public  comment.

       •  The  staff of the MilIsborough County Environmental Protection Commission
          has  reviewed the  Draft  Environmental  Impact  Statement (EIS)   for Tampa
          Harbor:  Ocean Dredged  Material Disposal Site  Designation and submits
          the  following comments and recommendations:

            It is recommended that all disposal at the Existing Site A be
            stopped  because it is too close to  shore,   too close to  produc-
9-22        tiv« reef areas,  and  within easy reach of divers and small boat

            Site 4 is in 85 to 95 feet  of water and is not as likely to be
            used for recreational purposes such  as diving and fishing.   All
9-23        material should go to this  site until some long range solution
            is found.

          Site 4 has no hard-bottom outcrops and would therefore have the
9-24      least impact on fish and other  types of life.  •

       •'  The City of St. Petersburg Planning Department  has reviewed the Draft
          SIS for Tampa Harbor:  Ocean Dredged Material  Disposal Site Designa-
          tion and recommends  the following additions to the above referenced

              Incorporation of any appropriate review criteria
              which may be  forthcoming  from the pending litiga-
              tion  related  to offshore  dumping initiated by
              Manatee County;

              Analysis of  upland dumping sites;

              Further  analysis  of  Site  4.    It  appears  that
              Appendix C.  (referenced  on Page 2-13 of study) may
              provide additional data to substantiate minimal
              adverse environmental impacts.

       •   The Office of the Governor has  submitted the following comments and
          recommendations regarding the Draft BIS:

              An interagency  review  of  the statement has  found
              that the proposed action would smother the benthos
              within the designated area and alter habitat within
              the site.   The document recognizes that  these
              adverse impacts at the site are unavoidable.  Our
              reviewing agencies report that the EIS statement is
              inadequate and lacks the necessary  information to
              be of sufficient value  as a decision-making  docu-
              ment (see attachments).

            -  We have  concerns  with this designated  site  and
              EPA's  proposed  rule for ocean dumping without  a
              Federal Coastal  Zone Management Consistency Evalua-
              tion.  Recognizing our concerns,  the impact of this
              designation  and its effect on the Tampa Harbor
              project, we request that your agency participate in
              an interagency meeting at your earliest convenience
              to afford us the opportunity to discuss issues of
              concern to the State of Florida.  It is our desire
              to use this initial meeting as a step toward  re-
              solving our  concerns.

      Based on the review of this document, it is the opinion of the Tampa Bay
      Regional Planning Council that no ocean  dumping should be performed
      until it is demonstrated that ocean dumping in this part  of the Gulf of
      Mexico is  appropriate and that it is  the most suitable method of dispo-
      sal.  That demonstration should  include an actual determination of the
9-2S  nature and  extent of hard-bottom habitats  and fishery resources in site
      4 and in surrounding areas.  This  determination should be  based on
      further, site-specific surveys, including  the direction/ amount,  fre-
      quency/ and distance of sediment transport and siltation, and a specific
      quantification of the damage that will result therefrom.  Also, a de--

   tailed, careful balancing of the economic versus environmental concerns
   for each alternative method should be performed,  including consideration
   of the  many commercial aspects of recreational fishing and diving and
   development of a thorough monitoring program  to assess  the impacts of
   any dumping on a long-term basis.

   In conclusion, the final recommendation of the DEIS for Tampa Harbor
   which designates Shallow-Water  Alternative Site 4  as  the Tampa Harbor
   ocean  dredged  material  disposal  site is  not consistent with the
   Council's adopted policy to support the  maintenance  of Class III waters,
   including bays,  rivers,  lakes,   estuaries and open waters of the terri-
   torial sea,  at a quality sufficient to  allow body-contact water sports
   and propagation of  fish  and  wildlife.   (Future of_ the^ Region,  2.402)

   It is recommended that Alternative Site 4 not be used as an interim
   dumping site, and that all concerned parties meet to resolve identified

It is therefore recommended that the above local  and regional  concerns and
recommendations be addressed in the final EI5 for Tampa Harbor.  Further,
it is recommended that any additional comments addressing local concern be
considered prior to issuance or approval of the final EIS.

Committee adopted January 3, 1983.
        /Mayor ({gorge McGough",  Chai^fian
          Clearinghouse Review Committee

          Please note:  Unless otherwise notified, action by Clearinghouse Review
          Committee is final.  Append copy to application to indicate compliance with
          clearinghouse requirements.  Comments constitute compliance with OMB Circu-
          lar A-95 only.

     O. LION
    I WILUAM9.P.A.

                            PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                             ATTORNEYS AT LAW
December 14, 1982



     OOS) 358-3OOO



                                                           REPLY TO:
 Joseph  Freedman,  Esquire
 Office  of  the  General Counsel
 U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency
 Rm.  538, West  Tower
 401  M.  Street, S.W.
 Washington,  D.C.  20460

      Re:  Comments on Draft EIS for Tampa Harbor Site Designation

 Dear  Joe:

      This will  confirm that you have agreed to a one day extension
 within  which Manatee County can provide comments to EPA's Draft
 EIS  for a  permanent ocean dump site desigation outside Tampa
 Harbor, Florida.  Therefore, Manatee County will file the com-
 ments 'with EPA on December 14, 1982.  I have enclosed a copy of
 Manatee County's  comments for your convenience.

      Thank  you  very  much for your cooperation.

                                 Yours very truly,

                                 PEEPLES, EARL, REYNOLDS & BLANK
                                 :-  -•  ^  •-•/
                                 William F.  Tarr
                                 For  the Firm
 cc:  Mr.  T.  A.  Wastler









                PEEPLES, EARL, REYNOI-DS  &  BI-AJOC

 December  13,  1982



    OOS) 3S6-3OOO
                           3O6 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE

                            POST OFFICE BOX 1189

                        TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 323O2

                                ) 22S-2IS6
                                                           REPLY TO:

  Mr. T. A. Wastler
  Chief, Marine  Protection
    Branch  (WH-585)
  Environmental  Protection Agency
  401 M. Street  S.W.,  Room 2709
  Washington,  D.C.  20460

      Re:  Comments  on Draft BIS No. 820697, Tampa Harbor Ocean
           Dump  Site Designation; Request for Public Hearing  and
           for Withdrawal ofr BIS.	

  Dear Mr. Wastler:

      This   letter   is   furnished   on   behalf  and  under  express
  authority of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County,
  Florida,  to  provide  comments  to  the Environmental Protection
  Agency  (EPA) on  its Draft  Site-Designation EIS  for a permanent
  ocean  dump  site  outside  Tampa  Harbor.    This  letter  is  also
  provided  to request  a public hearing  concerning  the EIS and the
  site-designation  and,  because of  the  many deficiencies  in  the
  BIS,  to  suggest  that  it  be withdrawn  and   resubmitted   after
  development  of  more  accurate information.

      Because  of the County's  proximity to the dump sites proposed
  in  the  EIS and   the  heavy  use  of  the  Gulf   of  Mexico  by  its
  citizens  and  tourists,  Manatee  County is  vitally  interested  in
  assuring  that  the most suitable  ocean  dump site  is selected (if
  dumping  in  this  part  of  the Gulf  is, in  fact,  appropriate)  in
  order  to protect  commercial  and recreational  activities  in  the
  marine environment and the public health, safety, and welfare.

      In  pursuit of those goals,  Manatee County recently  filed  a
  lawsuit  against EPA  and the  Army  Corps of  Engineers,  which was
  joined  in  by the  cities of Anna Maria  and  Holmes Beach, seeking
  to  enjoin  the  use of  the  existing Gulf dump  site  approximately
  thirteen  miles  offshore.    An  order  from  the   Court  in.  this
  lawsuit, styled Manatee County et al.  v. Ggrsuch et  al., Case No.

         Mr. T. A. Wastier
         December 13, 1982
         Page -2-
         82-248-Civ-T-GC  (M.D. Fla.), is expected in the very near  future.
         As a  result  of that litigation, a  great  deal of information has
         been  developed  that reveals  numerous deficiencies  in the Draft
         EIS  and  militates  in  favor  of  withdrawing  it  for   further
         consideration.  As you know from the taking of your deposition  in
         June  of  1982, the  federal  government at all  times  had at least
         four  attorneys  working  on  the  case,  and  the same  four people
         (including Joseph Freedman, Esq.,  of EPA)  were actively  involved
         all the way through trial.  It is suggested that you consult with
         your  legal counsel  to  take  advantage of their knowledge of these

             To  summarize  what  is  amply  demonstrated  by   the  below-
         enumerated specific comments,  the  Draft  Site-Designation EIS  is
         either wrong or inadequate in at least six general respects:

             (1) The  EPA survey  upon  which  the  EIS  relies  to recommend
         Site  4 for permanent designation,  used survey methodologies that
         are inadequate  for  determining  the  nature  and extent  of live,
         hard-bottom  habitats  in or  near the  site;  yet, the  entire EIS
         rests  on  the unproven assumption  that thertre  are  no hard-bottom
10-1      habitats  within  or  in  proximity  to Site 4.   This  is critical
         because"of the well-documented importance of live-bottom habitats
         to both commercial and recreational fishery resources.

             (2) Although the EIS notes  that  significant  damage that can
         occur   to  hard-bottom habitats  from siltation and  turbidity,   it
         completely  fails   to  describe  or  assess   the  siltation  and
         turbidity that will be  caused by  resuspension of  fine particles
         by waves, storms,  tides, and combinations thereof,  and it fails
10-2      to  quantify   the  resulting  siltation problem and  its  expected
         impacts to corals,  sponges, algaes, and the like.

             (3) The  EIS  recommendation of  Site  4 is  based  on erroneous
         and understated information concerning the use of the area in and
         around the  Site, which  is  actually located  in  an area  that   is
         heavily  used by  commercial  and  recreational fishermen,  sport
10-3      divers, and others.

             (4) The  Site-Designation EIS presumes that ocean  dumping   is
         appropriate in this part of the Gulf of Mexico, disregarding as a
         general matter  the  high potential  for damage  from  burial  and
         siltation  to  the  hard-bottom  habitats   and  organisms  found
         scattered throughout  this  part of the  Gulf, and  inadequately
         considering   the  possibility of  using  uplands or diked disposal
10-4      areas  on a short-term basis pending thorough investigation of the
         suitability of ocean dumping.
                        PEEFUBS, HARJ., RBTTNX>U>S &
                                  PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW

      Mr.  T. A. Wastler
      December 13,  1982
      Page -3-
          (5)  The  EIS  also  relies  on  erroneous  cost  estimates  for
      transporting  the  dredged' material to various  alternative sites,
10 s   and there is no  comparison of the environmental "pros  and cons"
      of each  alternative site relative to  the economic costs.

          (6)  Finally,  with respect to the  EIS's cost analyses, the EIS
      fails  to  take  any  account of  the direct  or  indirect  economic
      benefits generated  by  the recreational  use  of this part  of the
      Gulf  of  Mexico,  thereby  placing  too-heavy  emphasis  on  the
10_6   immediate  costs of spoil transportation.

          Therefore,  in  light of  the many deficiencies  of  the Draft
      EIS,  including  reliance  on  erroneous  assumptions,  inadequate
      surveys,  and   incorrect   information,   the   Board  of  County
      Commissioners of  Manatee County requests that a public hearing be
      scheduled  to discuss the Draft EIS and proposed site designation,
      or, in  the alternative,  that  the Draft  EIS  be  withdrawn  and
      subsequently resubmitted for public comment.

          The  following comments are  directed  toward specific portions
      of the EIS:                                                      >

          COMMENT No. 1 — page  x,  1f 1;

              Non-ocean disposal methods were  considered  by
               the U.S. Army Corps of  Engineers  (C.E., 1974)
               (while   evalutating    the   need   for  ocean
              disposal)  to be  less desirable than  disposal
               in  the   ocean  because  of   the  quantity   of
              sediments to be dredged, the  limited  receiving
              capacity of land  disposal sites,  and  economic
              and environmental concerns.

          That statement is erroneous.   In  fact,  the  Corps  of  Engineers
      expressly   and    unequivocally   rejected  ocean  dumping   as   an
1Q_7   alternative:

              6.05  Consideration  was given  to disposal  in
              the  Gulf  of  Mexico.    This   would  entail
              covering 6.1 square miles of Gulf  bottom with
              an  average  of  ten  feet of  fill.   This plan
              produced the highest  costs of all  alternatives
              considered.   (Final  EIS at 142).

                   * * *  *

              Gulf   disposal  was   ruled   out  because   of
              prohibitive  costs.    (Final  EIS  at  page v).
                     PEEFUBS, EAKL, REYNOLDS &
                              PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr.  T.  A.  Wastler
        December 13,  1982
        Page -4-
        The  statement  in  EPA's  Draft EIS  implies  that  the  Corps  of
        Engineers carefully examined several types  of  dumping but choose
        ocean dumping.   That clearly was not the  case.   in addition, the
 10-8    adequacy of  the Corps's discussion  of  alternatives is now subject
        to challenge in the above-described lawsuit.   Further comment in
        this regard  is  provided below.

            COMMENT  No. 2  — page 2-3,  fl 2;

                 However,  using Shallow-Water Alternative Sites
                 one or  four   would  add only  4-5  nmi  to  the
                 present   round-trip  distance  to   the   Outer
                 Existing  Site  ....

            The  round  trip  calculation has apparently  been cut  in  half
        through  a  clerical or  typographical  error.    Testimony by  the
        Corps at trial indicated  that  the  additional distance  to Site  4
        (above and beyond  Site A) was 5.6  nmi one way,  so the round  trip
  10-9   distance would  actually be approximately  11  nmi.

            COMMENT  No. 3  — page 2-4,  H 2;

                     By  taking no action, the present  ODMDS's
                 would  not  receive  permanent designation,  nor
                 would  an   alternate  ocean  disposal  site  be
                 permanently designated.    Therefore,  the  CE
                 would   be   required   to:  (1)   justify   an
                 acceptable  alternative disposal  method  (e.g.,
                 land-based);      (2)     develop     information
                 sufficient  to  select  an  acceptable  site  for
                 disposal  in the ocean;  or  (3)  modify  or  cancel
                 a proposed dredging  project  that  depends  on
                 disposal  in  the ocean  as the  only  feasible
                 method for the  disposal  of dredged  material.

            The  next sentence of the  Draft  EIS  then  summarily states  that
        the  "No-Action  Alternative"   in   therefore  unacceptable.  No
        analysis  of  the  reasoning  used  to  discount   the  three cited
        factors  is  provided,  and  this  passage suggests that  the Corps
        should not be burdened  with environmental  considerations.  Please
        explain  why  it is  unreasonable for  the  Corps  to "justify an
10-10    acceptable alternative  disposal  method  (e.g.,  land-based)," which
        would present  less  environmental  damage  than  that  caused to
        sensitive  marine  habitats from  burial  and siltation.    Equally
        important,  explain how it would be unacceptable  to  ask  the Corps
        "to develop  information sufficient to select an  acceptable site"
                       PEEBLES, EARL, REYNOLDS &
                                PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                  ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December  13,  1982
        Page -5-
        for  ocean  dumping.    Finally,  please  clarify  why the  proposed
        dredging project  (apparently  Section  3B)  depends on ocean dumping
        as  "the only  feasible  method," when  testimony as  trial  clearly
        demonstrated  that the diked disposal areas  in  upper Hillsborough
        Bay  are closer to Section  3B than  the  Gulf dump sites;  that  the
        use  of  the  diked  disposal  areas  would not  have unacceptable
        adverse impacts  to the environment, in stark contrast  to dumping
        in  the ocean; that the  diked disposal areas have  ample  capacity
        for  handling  the dumping from Section 3B and other projects;  and
        that  the  cost of disposing materials at  the diked  disposal  areas
        would  be approximately the  same as  the costs of ocean dumping.

            COMMENT No.  4 —  pages  2-5  to 2-6;

             [See   Block-indented   quotation   of  Corps   of   Engineers
        concerning land-based disposal, dated 1974.]
            Reliance  on  this  passage from  the  Corps of Engineers'  Final
        EIS  for the Tampa Harbor  Project  is  flawed for several  reasons.
        First,  the Corps  quotation  was  dated 1974,  fully eight  years ago,
        and conditions may well  have  changed drastically since  that  time.
        Please  specifically reexamine the feasibility  of upland  disposal
10-11    as   °f  today,  describe   potential   upland  sites  (and   other
        locations}  in the area,  and explain why  each is  less appropriate
        than ocean dumping.

            Second,  the  1974  decision  regarding  land-based disposal  was
        based  on  the  dumping  of 72.8 million  cubic yards of material  to
        be dredged  from  the  Tampa  Harbor Deepening Project.   Nothing  in
        EPA's  Draft EIS  suggests  that  like-quantities are proposed  for
        dumping in the near future, so  that the feasibility of  the use  of
        uplands, diked disposal  areas,  etc., in the  near  future should  be
        reconsidered.    Please   describe  the  location  of  all  possible
        upland  disposal  areas   and  assess  the  costs  and enviromental
10-12    benefits  of   -transporting  dredged  materials  to  each  upland
        location versus  ocean sites and the diked disposal  areas.   Also,
        please  discuss currently proposed dredging projects in the  Tampa
        area and  their current, projected  scheduling  so the actual need
        for ocean dumping can be better determined  in the EIS.

            Finally,  as  noted above, two  diked  disposal  areas exist  in
        upper  Hillsborough Bay  that are stated by the  Corps of Engineers
        to contain 15 million cubic yards of capacity.  Although-they are
        purportedly  slated   to  be  used   for  dumping   from maintenance
10-13    dredging over the next twenty-five to fifty  years,  please explain
        why  they  could  not  be   used  on  a  short-term   basis  as   an
        alternative to ocean  dumping pending completion of complete and
        careful studies  of  the  feasibility  and suitability  of  particular
        ocean dump sites or other methods of disposal.

                       PBEPX.ES, EAKL, RETTNTOLUS  &
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION
                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T.  A. Wastier
        December 13, 1982
        Page -6-
            COMMENT No. 5 — page 2-8, H 1;

                 It was determined during the initial screening
                 that areas  immediately north and  west  of the
                 Existing  Sites   should   be  eliminated  from
                 consideration because of the presence of hard-
                 bottom    areas    and    artificial    reefs.

            That statement is misleading and inaccurate.   As a result of
        its September/October 1979 and January  1980  surveys, Interstate
        Electro'nics Corporation  actually "strongly recommend[ed] that the
        Existing Sites  not  be  used or  designated."   Nevertheless,  the
        Corps and  EPA authorized  the dumping  of several  million cubic
        yards of dredged  spoils  at  Site  A  in  spite  of  the  express
        recommendation of  EPA's  contractor  to  the  contrary.    Please
10-14    furnish  the documentation  showing  that  IEC recommended  that  the
        areas north  and  west of  the existing  sites,  as opposed  to  the
        existing sites themselves,  should  be eliminated.   Most important
        explain  why  the  Corps  and EPA  used Site  A in  spite of lEC's
        recommendation against it.

            COMMENT No.  6 — page 2-8, T 2, 2nd circlet

                 At this  point,  based  on  evalutation  of  the
                 historical and  survey data and information, it
                 was concluded that:

                      * * * *

                 Suggested    Shallow-Water   Site   2  and   the
                 Existing  Sites   are  the  most  economical;
                 however, Shallow-Water Alternative Sites 1 and
                 3  are probably  more environmentally acceptable
                 locations  for  dredged   material  disposal.

            That block-indented  material   is   similarly  erroneous  and
        demonstrates a misunderstanding of the  factual history of EPA's
        own  site-designation process.   The quoted  material refers  to
10_15    lEC's 1979/1980 survey,  but states  that  conclusions were  made at
        that  time   concerning  Alternative  Sites  1,   2,   and 3.    IEC,
        however, did not  even survey Sites  1 through 3 at that time:  the
        first survey of those sites did not occur until  the Reconaissance
        Survey of October,  1981.

            COMMENT No.  7 —  page 2-9, I 3  (last line)  and 11 4;

                 Alternative   Site  3  appeared   to  be   sandy- ..
                 bottomed over its entire area.
                       PEBPXJBS, EARL, REYKOIJDS & BLANK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                  ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T.  A. Wastler
        December 13,  1982
        Page  -7-
                      Based  on  results  of  the  Reconaissance
                 Survey,  more  in-depth  surveys  were  planned.

            Please   explain   the  difference   in  the  results   of   the
        Reconaissance  Survey in  October of  1981 and  the  EPA Survey  of
        Site  4  in May of 1982.   During the Reconaissance  Survey,  actual
        diver  observations  were  made,  which  is   (from   a  scientific
        standpoint)  the most  appropriate way  of identifying  the  nature
        and extent of hard-bottom  areas  at  a  particular site.  In the May
        1982  survey  of  Site  4,  however, no diver  observations  were made;
        rather,  one  videotaped  transect and  two otter  trawls were  run
        across  the  site,  along with  nine box cores, all  of  which  are
10-16    incapable  of accurately  determining  whether  or  not hard-bottom
        habitats exist  in or near the Site.  Since  in-depth  surveys  were
        planned  to .follow  up the  Reconaissance  Survey  of  1981,  please
        explain  why  an  in-depth  survey is not  now  planned  to follow  up
        the preliminary  survey that has  been  performed of Site  4.

             COMMENT No. 8 — page 2-10,  H  3;

                 Examination  of  the  videotape  of  Alternative
                 Site  3 revealed  much  more  hard-bottom areas
                 than  was   revealed  by the   results of   the
                 Reconaissance Survey  of October, 1981.  These
                 new  results  led   to  the   elimination   of        '
                 Alternative  Site  3  from,  further   detailed

            Actually, the Reconaissance  Survey  report  described Site  3  as
        being  mostly   sandy  bottomed  but  having   sparce  hard-bottom
        communities  appearing  at  five  out  of  ten stations at the site.
        That description of Site  3, based on diver observations,  does not
        appear to  differ significantly from the  description  now  provided
       • as  a  result of  the EPA's  1982 videotape.   Please  explain  this
10-17    perceived  discrepancy  between the  two  surveys and the differing
        conclusions  reached as a result  of  different methodologies.

            COMMENT  No.  9 — page  2-12,  1? 2;

                 Disposal  of  large  quantities  of  additional
                 dredged  material  may  result  in  an adverse
                 impact  due  to  burial  or  siltation of nearby
                 hard-bottoms  and artificial  reefs.    However,
                 these possibilites are  dependent on the amount
                 of  material and on  the ultimate direction  of
                 mass  transport   of   dumped   material.    The
                 limited  knowledge of  water  current  phenomena
                        PEEPI.ES, EASL, RETTXOUOS & BLANK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December 13, 1982
        Page -8-
                 in    this     region    suggest    that

            This passage  highlights a  striking  omission  from  the Draft
        EIS.  Although  the  EIS expressly  recognizes  the adverse impacts
        from  burial  and,  importantly,   siltation,   it   stops   short  of
        quantifying  such  damage   because  of   a  lack  of  information
        concerning  water  currents.   This,  it  seems,  is  precisely  the
        purpose of an environmental impact statement.   Since knowledge of
        water current phenomena  is "limited," and siltation  is a widely
        recognized threat to hard-bottom habitats, please explain why EPA
        has yet to  perform  an ocean current  survey to  determine current
        direction  and speed at Site 4 in  order  to accurately predict the
        amount of  siltation that  will  occur and  the distance  from  the
10-13 .   Site that  it  will cause  problems.  Also,  please  explain why  the
        Environmental  Protection  Agency   is  proposing  permanent  ocean
        dumping in  the  face of admitted  environmental damage, especially
        when EPA has yet to  assess the extent of that  damage.

            COMMENT NO.  10 — paq 2-13/  1f 1;

                A distance  of several miles between a disposal
                 site  and  a   potentially  affected  area  will
                provide for extensive dilution  of a  turbidity
                plume  and  dispersion  of deposited  materials
                 transported   away   from  a   Site   by   water
                currents.  Thus,  artificial reefs (5  nmi NE)
                are less likely  to be  adversely affected, but
                hard-bottom areas within one mile of  the Outer
                Existing  Site  may  be   adversely   affected.

            Please  provide  site-specific  data   concerning  the  rates  of
        dilution of  the turbidity plume  and  the  distance  the deposited
        materials  will be tranported from the site by  water currents.   In
        addition,  please specifically address  the  siltation that will be
        caused by  resuspension of  the  dredged  material  throughout  the
        water  column  by  subsequent   wave,  storm,   and  tidal  action.
        Finally,  once those amounts of  turbidity and  siltation have been
 10-19    quantified, please provide documented  information describing  the
        specific effects  of expected  siltation and  turbidity  on  hard-
        bottom organisms  such  as corals,  sponges, and algaes.   If such
        environmental damage to  these  important marine habitats can  not
        be  quantified,  please  explain  EPA's  rationale   in  authorizing
        long-term  dumping in this.area  instead  of  actively searching  for
        less-environmentally damaging  methods of disposal.
                       PEE PIES. EARX., REYNOIJDS 8e BLANK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                  ATTORNEYS AT LAW

         Mr.  T.  A.  Wastler
         December 13,  1982
         Page -9-
             COMMENT No.  11 — page 2-13, II 3;

                  No dumping  has  occurred and  no  environmental
                  studies have been conducted at this [Mid-Shelf
                  Alternative] site ....

             If  no environmental studies have been performed regarding the
         Mid-Shelf Alternative Site, please  explain how EPA  has balanced
         the  environmental pros and cons  of  dumping  at  that site relative
         to  the  economic  costs  of transporting the materials  that  far in
         the  ocean.   In addition,  please explain why the site proposed for
         the  mid-shelf,  which runs from  25  to 75 nmi offshore  (see page
         x),  was  selected at the  most distant  portion of  the  mid-shelf
10-20     (i.e.,  70 miles  offshore),  as opposed to the closer  side   {e.g.,
         25  or  30  miles  offshore).  Obviously, selection  of  a  potential
         alternative mid-shelf site  30 miles offshore would  be  much less
         expensive than  one  70  miles  offshore.   Since no environmental
         studies were  performed  of  the  seventy-mile Mid-shelf  site,  the
         selection of that particular  site for  inclusion in the  EIS would
         seem arbitrary   and  capricious  in  the  absence   of  a  specific
         rationale for  such selection.

             COMMENT NO.  12 — page 2-14,  If 1;

                  According to  Oliver   et al,   (1977)  shallow-
                  water,  high-energy benthic  communities recover
                  more  quickly - from disturbances,  such as  the
                  disposal of  dredged material, than communities
                  in deeper water.

             This  conclusion  from  Oliver's report has  been taken  out of
         context and is quite misleading.   It  is certainly not  true that
         Oliver  recommended  ocean  dumping  in  hard-bottom habitat  areas
         rather  than deep water areas.   Instead,  any  reliance  on Oliver's
         report  must  be restricted  to discussion of ocean dumping on soft-
         bottom  organisms that are actually  adaptable to periodic burial.
10-21     On  fc^e  otner  hand,  in  comparing the adverse impacts  from  burial
         and  siltation  on  shallow-water,  hard-bottom organisms  vis-a-vis
         the  relatively  sparce   populations  of  organisms   at  deep  water
         sites,  it is  clear that Oliver's work  would not   apply.   Please
         discuss the Oliver  report in  more  detail and carefully examine
         the  applicability of his  findings  to  hard-bottom areas such as
         those found  off  the coast  of Manatee County.

             COMMENT  No.  13 — page  2-14,  1f 2;

                  It  is  estimated  that  the  increased  distance
                        PEEFLES, EAROL, RETTM-OLDS & BI«ASTK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT. LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastier
        December 13, 1982
        Page -10-
                 would  add  approximately.$.15/ cubic  yard/mi  to
                 disposal   operations   (J.   Hendry,    personal
                 communication),   or   $102,600.00  per   hopper
                 vessel load.

            The  quoted  cost figure is  erroneous.   Testimony at  trial  by
        Mr.  Hendry and  others revealed  a  lower cost  figure,  which,  by
        Court  Order  and   agreement  of  the   parties,   is   to  be  kept
        confidential.   Nevertheless,  because the Draft EIS relies  on the
        higher,  incorrect  cost estimate,  all  of its cost estimates  are
10-22    exaggerated,  if the real cost  figures are not used  in the Draft
        EIS,   it  should  be  made  clear  that  all  cost   figures  are
        hypothetical and used  merely  for  comparison.

            In  addition,  the  MPRSA  regulations require  a  quantitative
        analysis of  the percentage of a resource lost, reduction  in user
        days  of  recreational  areas,  dollars  lost  in commercial  fishery
        profits, and  the profitability of  other commercial  enterprises.
        See  33  C.F.R.   § 227.19.   Because  Site 4 is in  an  area of high
        commercial  and   recreational  activity, any consideration of  the
        economic disadvantages of using the Mid-Shelf Site in  comparison
        with  Site  4  must  include  balancing  a  consideration  of  the
        environmental and   commercial advantages of  using the Mid-Shelf
10-23    Site  vis-a-vis  Site 4.   This is especially  so  in  light of  the
        inappropriatness of relying  on  the  Oliver study to determine  the
        environmental   consequences  of  dumping  in  mid-shelf   areas  as
        opposed  to hard-bottom habitat  areas.   Please provide  a  detailed
        assessment comparing the  economic costs  of going  to the Mid-Shelf
        Site  with  the   commercial  and  environmental advantages  of  not
        going to the heavily used Site 4 area.   Also,  describe how that
        assessment would change if a Mid-Shelf  Site closer to shore (say,
        30  to 35  miles offshore)  were chosen  instead of one 70  miles

            Lastly,  it  must be noted that  ocean dump sites much  farther
        out  than that   proposed for  the Mid-Shelf Alternative  Site  have
        been established for receipt of disposal materials.  For example,
        on NOAA  Chart   No.   13003, a dump site used  for  the  disposal  of
        industrial wastes   has  been  designated approximately  125  miles
        from  nearest  landfall, with  center  coordinates at approximately
10-24    ^° ^' w  an(^ ^°  ^'  ^'   There are also two dump sites about  40
        and  50 miles  offshore of  Cape  May,  New  Jersey, respectively.
        Please explain  why  it  is  economically  feasible to use a dump site
        125 miles off the coast of New York but  it is infeasible to  use a
        dump site 30 to  75 miles  off the coast of Florida.
                        PEEPUBS, EARX,, REYITOIJJS &
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

       Mr. T. A. Wastler
       December 13,  1982
       Page -11-
    COMMENT No. 14 — page 2-16,  11  2;

              Although  the  Deep Water Alternative  Site
         supports  a  lower density  of organisms,  these
         organisms would be more  sensitive to  adverse
         effects from disposal.

    Please  identify  the  study that  specifically quantifies  the
adverse  effects from  both  burial  and  siltation to  hard-bottom
organisms  such  as corals,  algaes,  and  sponges.   If there  is  no
such study  that specifically  describes  the nature and extent  of
damage  to  hard-bottom  organisms  from  particular  amounts  and
frequencies of  burial  and siltation,  explain how you  arrived  at
the conclusion  that  deep water organisms would  be more sensitive
to dumping  than shallow-water organisms,  especially in light  of
the fact that EPA conducted no environmental studies of the deep
water site  and  ostensibly does not know what organisms exist  as
the site.

    Additionally,  please  consider  the  comments  and  questions
posed regarding the  Mid-Shelf Site  and  explain  in each instance
how your  response would differ with  respect to the Deep  Water

    COMMENT No. 15 — page 2-16, f  2;

         According to  Slobodkin and  Saunders (1969) a
         perturbation    (such   as   dredged   material
         disposal) which would have  a small effect  on
         groups of organisms  in stressful  environments
         (e.g.,  a shallow-water  environment)  "may  be
         catastrophic,   when   applied"   to  groups   of
         organisms in  relatively  constant  environment,
         e.g.,     a      deep      water     environment.

    First,  please  clarify the  meaning of the term "small  effect"
in relation to  the impacts to hard-bottom  organisms  in  and around
a dump site, from  burial  and siltation caused by dumping.  If EPA
cannot quantify the  effects  to hard-bottom habitats  from  burial,
siltation,  resuspension,  etc., how can  comparisons  such  as  that
in the above passage be made?

    Second, once  again,  the findings  of the report relied on  in
the EIS have been taken out of context.  (See discussion of Oliver
above.)   Please explain,  with specific  textual references, how
the Slobodkin and  Saunders  report can be meaningfully  applied  to
the long-term  dumping  of massive  quantities of  dredged  spoils

                PEEPLES, EARL, RETTKTOLDS  &
                          PROTESSIONAL ASSOCIATION
                           ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr.  T.  A.  Wastler
        December  13,  1982
        Page -12-
        (and the associated sediment transport and siltation)  at an ocean
        dump site in or  near productive hard-bottom areas.

            COMMENT No.  16 — page  2-16,  II 3;

                      Shallow-water,  high-energy   communities
                 recover more  quickly  from disturbances,  such
                 as  the  disposal   of  dredged  material,  than
                 communities  in deep   water   (Oliver  et  al.

            The  passage  is extremely misleading  and totally  disregards
        the  recovery  potential for  hard-bottom  habitats and  organisms.
        Although a soft-bottom community may recolonize  a site soon after
        dumping, hard-bottom  communities  will be  killed by dumping  and
        will not be capable  of recolonizing the dump site  until  all  the
        dumped  spoils have been transported away  from the site leaving a
        hard  substrate.     Even   after   a  hard   substrate   reappears,
        scientific literature  clearly  demonstrates that  the  hard-bottom
10 29    communities themselves will  not  recover  to their  pre-dumping
        state  for  25 to  50  years.   In light  of  these   facts,  please
        explain  your conclusion that the  communities discussed in the  EIS
        will  "recover  more   quickly"   than  deep   water  communities.
        Further, please  compare the amount of  environmental damage  at
        shallow-water  versus  deep-watersites  (i.e.,  will  as  much  be
        damaged  by dumping in deep  water?).

            COMMENT No.  17 — page  2-17,  1} 1;

                 Thus, dredged material  sediments  are likely to
                 differ    from  Deep  Water    Disposal  Site
                 sediments,  and this  difference  increases  the
                 adverse  effects  of  disposal  on  deep  water

            The  quoted material, along  with other  portions of the EIS,
        erroneously implies that the dredged  spoils  being dumped  outside
        Tampa Harbor are in fact similar  to  the sediments found naturally
        in  and   around Site 4.  The  evidence  at trial,   including  I.B.C.
        findings and expert  testimony,  showed  that natural silt  in this
1Q--30    area off Tampa-Bay ranges  from II to possibly 10%.- However,  the
        evidence  also  showed  that  materials that  have  actually been
        dumped  from Tampa  Harbor  to date have averaged almost 60% silt
        and  have sometimes contained as much  as  100% silt.   Thus,  these
        two  sets of sediments cannot be considered similar.  In  light  of
        such differences,  please explain whether  the  "increase[d]  adverse
                        PEEPLBS, EARL, REYNOLDS & BLANK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastier
        December 13, 1982
        Page -13-
effects  of  disposal  on  deep water  benthos"  would  likewise  be
applicable to dumping at  Site  4.

    COMMENT  No. 18 — page  2-17,  H  2;

    [Paragraph  regarding  the additional costs  of  transporting  to
the Deep Water  Site.]

    With  regard to the Deep Water  Site,  please address the  same
considerations  noted  in  Comment No.  13, above,  concerning  the
mid-shelf alternative site.

    COMMENT  No. 19 — page  2-19,  H  4t

              Shallow-Water  Alternative   Site  4  has
         never  been used  for dredged material  disposal
         and  is devoid of  major typographic  features.
         A  videotape  taken of  this  area  revealed no
         rock   or   hard-bottom  outcroppings   and  low
         vertical   relief.      A   recent   EPA  survey
         determined  that   the   site  is  predominately
         characterized  by  the  presence of  fine  sands
         and  coarse silts  and  plains  of  shell  hash.

    This entire passage highlights  the unfounded assumptions  that
run throughout  the Draft EIS, i.e.,  that  Site 4  and surrounding
areas  contain  no  hard-bottom  habitats  and  are  unimportant  to
commercial   and  recreational  activities.    As   is  clear   from
discussion with several  scientists,  however,  the methodologies
used in the  EPA survey  of  Site  4 in  May of 1982  were completely
inadequate for  identifying  the  nature  and  extent  of hard-bottom
habitats both within and  without the  Site.   The survey consisted
solely of  one videotape  run  across part or  possibly  all  of the
site,  two  otter trawls that  did not run across  the  whole site,
and nine  box cores.   No diver observations were made.   Based  on
that survey, it cannot  be  known what  exists  in  the  unseen and
unstudies 95% or more of the Site.  Equally important, EPA cannot
possibly know what  exists anywhere  outside the boundaries of the
site because those areas were  not studied  (except for  the  four
small  box  core  locations).    Thus,  the  survey of   Site  4  can  be
considered preliminary  at best,   and  a  more  extensive inspection
of areas both within and  without the  Site is necessary before  it
can be known what  types of  organisms  and communities in the  area
will be adversely  affected  by dumping.   Actually,  observation  by
divers and fisherman with many,  many  years of experience, in  this
part of  the  Gulf  demonstrates  that Site 4  itself contains  hard
bottoms   and   possibly   ledges    (and   EPA   found  live-bottom
                        PEEPIJES, EART, RETNOUOS & BLANK
                                  PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December 13, 1982
        Page -14-
communities  at  the Site); and  that  the  areas surrounding Site  4
contain  hard-bottom   habitats,   ledges,  wrecked  vessels,   and
valuable shrimping and fishing grounds.

    EPA's   unfounded   assumption   is   rendered   all   the  more
questionable  by  the high  likelihood  of  encountering hard-bottom
habitats in this general area of the Gulf of Mexico.  Sites 1, 2,
and 3  all  were  found  to contain productive hard-bottom habitats,
and I.E.G. recommended against using or designating Sites A and  8
in 1980 because of the existence of such hard-bottom areas.  This
highlights the need for  further  study  of Site 4 before it can be
reasonably recommended as a permanent Site for ocean dumping.

    COMMENT No. 20 — page 2-21, Hi;

              Use  of  Shallow-Water Alternative  Site 4
         is not anticipated  to  affect any biologically
         unique habitats  or  interfere  with spawning or
         migration  activities.   The site  was selected
         on  the  basis  of  its  remoteness  from  known
         hard-bottoms.   A recent EPA survey determined
         that this site apparently contains fewer  hard-
         bottom areas  than any of the  other shallow-
         water alternative sites.

    The   reliability   of   those   conclusions   is   extremely
questionable because they are based solely on the  preliminary EPA
survey of  May 1982.    (Refer to preceding  comment.)   Actually,
local divers  and  fishermen have stated unequivocally that Site  4
is not  remote from known  hard  bottoms  and  have countless Lor an
numbers demonstrating  the presence of hard  bottoms,  ledges,  and
the like.   Additionally,  Site  4 is in  an area  that  is heavily
relied on  for shrimping,  recreational fishing,  by charter boats,
party boats, and individuals, and scuba divers.

    In light  of the above, it would appear  Site 4 does not meet
the second of the eleven factors found in EPA's Criteria.  Please
reevaluate Site 4  for  the suitability  of its use  "in relation to
breeding, spawning" grounds under 40 C.F.R.  § 228.6 (a)(2).

    COMMENT No.  21 — page 2-21, fl 4:

         Recreational  fishing  and  diving  may   occur
         anywhere  in  the near  shore waters.   However,
         most of  these  activities  are  limited to  high-
         relief  hard-bottom  areas,  artificial  reefs,
         and  sunken vessels,  all of which  are  removed
                        PEEPLES, EARL, REYNOLDS &
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December 13, 1982
        Page -15-
                 from the  site.   Some scuba diving and fishing
                 activities  may  occur  in  the   site  vicinty,
                 although  these  activities  are  probably less
                 frequent  in  similar  use in the vicinty of the
                 existing sites.

            With  the exception  of the  first sentence  and part  of the
        third, the above passages are mistaken and misleading.  As stated
        above, Site  4  is located in an  area  of  the Gulf that is heavily
        used  for  shrimping,  recreational fishing,  and  scuba diving, and
        the Site  is not^  far  removed from hard-bottom  areas,  artificial
        reefs, and  sunken vessels; in fact,  the  "gunsmoke"  is a 65  foot
        vessel approximately one mile to the north of Site 4 that is  very
10-35    important to fishing and diving  interests.  Further, scuba diving
        and fishing  activities are actually  more frequent around Site  4
        than  around  the  existing  sites,  because  the  dumping  at the
        existing  sites  has  ruined those  areas  by burial  and recurrent

            Therefore, Site  4 fails to  meet  the requirements concerning
        its location relative  to beaches and other amenity areas under  40
        C.F.R. § 228.6(a)(3).

            COMMENT NO.  22 —  pages 2-23 to 2-24;

                 [Dispersal, horizontal  transport, and vertical
                 mixing  characteristics  of  the  area including
                 prevailing current  direction and velocity, if
                 any. ]

            This entire  discussion in the Draft  EIS  is too speculative.
        Testimony of two experts at trial demonstrated that the direction
        and   ultimate  distance   of   sediment  transport  could  not  be
        predicted accurately without a site-specific ocean current study,
        and that  combinations of tides, wave action,  storms,  and bottom
        currents create  variable current directions and  velocities.   No
10-36    investigation  of  the currents  at  Site  4  has  been  performed.
        Therefore,  please  explain  how  the  Site-Designation  EIS  has
        satisfied the requirements  of 40 C.F.R.  § 228.6(a)(6) concerning
        movement of  the dredged spoils.

            COMMENT No.  23 —  page 2-25, 11 3;

                 Although dredged material disposal causes some
                 localized   decreases   in   the   abundance  of
                 benthic  fauna,  fairly  rapid  recollinization
                 has been  observed  at similarly  affected areas
                         PEEPUBS, EAKL, RBTHSTOUDS &
                                  PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December 13, 1982
        Page -16-
                 within three months  after  disposal operations
                 ceased.     At   the   Galveston,   Texas  ODMDS,
                 organisms which  colonized  the  affected  areas
                 were  members  of  the  surrounding  unaffected
                 areas and no nuisance  species  were recruited.

            The implication that the  Galveston  dump site  is analogous to
        the sites off Tampa Harbor is erroneous because it disregards the
        numerous hard-bottom  areas  found off  the  coast of  Florida that
in ,?    are not  found  off the  coast  of Texas.   Thus,  recolonization of
 u       soft bottom  organisms  at  Texas  would  be  quite  different from
        recolonization by corals, sponges, and algae.

            COMMENT No. 24 — page 2-26, fl It

                 [Unacceptable   adverse  effects  could  result
                 within several  miles of  the  disposal site  due
                 to deposition  of suspended particulate matter
                 and   dispersion  of   accumulated   sediments
                 following disposal  operations.

            The  passage   is  undeniably  true,  but  the EIS  consistently
        fails   to  adequately address  resuspension  of  particulate  matter
        and to  quantify  both the amount  and  frequency of  re-suspension
        and the impacts to hard-bottom  habitats  and organisms.  Because,
        as was demonstrated at  trial, hydrodynamic  energies in this part
        of the  Gulf of  Mexico  are  sufficient  to  continually resuspend
10-38    fine materials, siltation and turbidity are  problems that must be
        described  before  a  permanent  dump  site  should  be  designated.
        Please  quantify these impacts with specific reference to Site 4,
        and include ocean current data relied  on in  such quantifications.
        In the  absence of such information,  the requirements of 40 C.F.R.
        § 228.6{a)(7)  cannot be  considered to  have been fulfilled.

            COMMENT NO. 25 — page 2-27, H 3;

                 This   site  is   removed    from   areas   of
                 recreational use,  and has no  known  significant
                 commercial fishery  use.

            As   stated  above   in  several  comments,  that   conclusion
        concerning Site 4 is plainly  incorrect.   Site 4 is located within
1Q -g    an area that is heavily  used  for both  commercial and recreational
        use,  including sport  fishing,  shrimping, party and  charter boat
        fishing, and scuba diving.  Therefore, Site  4  also  fails to meet
        the requirements  of 40 C.F.R.  §  228.6 (a)(8).
                        PBEFUBS, EASX,, REYTTOUOS &
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

           Mr.  T.  A.  Wastler
           December  13,  1982
           Page -17-
           COMMENT No.  26  --  page  2-28  1f  3;

            [Reference dumping operations  in  other  regions].

           Because   the    numerous   hard-bottom    habitats   scattered
        throughout  this  part  of the  Gulf of Mexico  make this a  unique
        area,  reliance  upon studies of dumping operations near  Texas  and
        other  dissimiliar  areas  is inadequate.   Adequate  site-specific
10-40    studies  of  Site  4  and  of the  effects of burial and  siltation on
        hard-bottom  habitats  is  necessary before  ocean dumping off  the
        coast  of Manatee County can be reasonably authorized.

           COMMENT No. —  page 2-29,  conclusion no.  It

                A limestone shelf  is  believed  to occur  0.5  nmi
                northwest   of  the  outer  existing  site,  and
                small outcrops are suspected  to  occur within
                the  site.    An  artificial  reef   has  been
                constructed within 3  NMI  of  the inner existing

           The  quoted  passage, which is  relied on to  recommend the  use
        of  Site  4, fails  to note  the existence  of numerous hard-bottom
        areas  and  ledges  in proximity  to Site 4  and  the  wreck  of  the
        "Gunsmoke" one mile to the north  of  the site.  The  existence of
10-41    these  would militate  against the use of  Site 4 for  permanent
        ocean  dumping.

           COMMENT No. 28  —  page2-29, conclusion no.  4;

                These   surveys  indicated  that  disposal   of
                dredged  material  at  alternate  Site  4  would
                affect the fewest  hard  bottoms since  this area
                is sandy bottomed.

           For  the  reasons indicated in  comments above,  the preliminary
        nature  of  the  EPA  survey  of Site  4  in  May of  1982  makes  it
        unreasonably  speculative  to   presume  that  there  are  no   hard-
10-42    bottoms, ledges,  or other important habitat areas within or near
        Site 4.

           COMMENT No. 29  —  page  2-30, H 2;

                All  dredged  material scheduled  for disposal
                must    comply   with    the    Ocean    Dumping
                Regulations'    elutriate,    bioassay,    and
                bioaccumulation  test  procedures.   Disposal  of
                            PEEPXJES, EARL, REYNOUOS & BLANK
                                     PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW-

       Mr. T. A. Wastler
       December  13,  1982
       Page  -18-
                 th is  material  should  not  cause  unacceptable
                 and  adverse  effects  outside  the  designated
                 dump site  nor should  this material cause long-
                 term   adverse/chronic  effects   at  a   site.

           The  first  sentence  of  that paragraph  fails  to mention  that
       bioassay  tests are  regularly performed  on worms,  clams, and fish,
10-43   rather  than on corals,  sponges,  and algaes.  Please  explain how
       elutriate,   bioassay,   and  bioaccumulation   testing   accurately
       predicts  the  impact of  burial and  siltation  on  such  hard-bottom

           In  addition,  the  second   sentence  of the passage  disregards
       the impact  to  hard-bottom organisms from  siltation  and continual
       resuspension of  the dredged spoils  throughout the  water  column.
       Because  this resuspension will occur on a  continual basis for as
10-44   long  as  the dump site is being used  (permanently),  these  impacts
       will  be long-term and, as stated  in  the EIS>  adverse.

           COMMENT No. 30  — page  2-33,  1? 3;

                 However-,  in the event  that the  selected  site
                 is  determined  to  have hard-bottom outcrops
                 within  0.5  nmi,  pollution-sensitive species
                 outside    the    site    should    be   surveyed.

           That  passage emphasizes   the  importance  of  identifying  the
       nature  and  extent  of  hard-bottom outcrops  both  in and near  the
       dump  site,  which  was not adequately accomplished by the EPA  1982
       survey.   The  sentence  preceding, the  quoted  passage   once  again
       erroneously presumes that hard and  soft corals do not  occur  near
10-45   the site.  In  light of the admitted importance of monitoring for
       pollution-sensitive species within  one-half  mile  of  the  site,
       please explain why  it is  unnecessary to conduct an examination of
       Site  4  that better identifies hard  and  soft  corals in and  near
       the site.

           COMMENT No. 31  — pages. 3-47 to  3-48;

           [Re:  Recreational and commercial fisheries]

           As stated above in numerous other comments the EIS's findings
     '  regarding commercial and  recreational fishing  in  the area  of  Site
       4 are inaccurate,   in light of the EIS's  reliance on a  study  that
10-46   is  nearly  20  years  old  (see  Figure  3(18)),   this  error  is
       understandable.   The  drafters  of  the  EIS   should  discuss  the
       current,  actual  use  of  the  area   around  Site  4  with  local
                        PEEFLES, EART, REYNOLDS & BLAJTK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT I_AW

        Mr. T. A. Wastler
        December 13, 1982
        Page -19-
        governmental  agencies   and   interested  persons.    After  such
        discussions and  resort  to  more recent studies, please report the
        findings and reevaluate the EIS's conclusions.

            COMMENT No.  32 — page 4-4 1f 4;

            [Re: characteristics of dumping after release into the water]

            The EIS  has  failed  to  mention the  fourth characteristic of
        post-release dumping, i.e.,  the  resuspension of find particle by
        wave action, tides,  storms,  and  ocean currents.  Please describe
n -7    these characteristics with specific  reference to data collected
u       from Site  4 and  identify  the  potential impacts  to hard-bottom
        habitats and organisms in and near Site 4.

            COMMENT No.  33 — page 4-8 H 1;

            [Discusses   the   short-term  turbidity  effects on  coral-type

            Although the severe adverse impacts from short-term turbidity
        are described,  the EIS makes no attempt to quantify the long-term
        effects  from   the   continual   resuspension  of   the   material
  ._    throughout  the  water column.    Please  quantify  the amount and
IU-4S    frequency of siltation,  the direction of sediment transport based
        on site-specific ocean current information, and the environmental
        consequences of  long-term turbidity.

            COMMENT NO.  34 — page 4-19 fl 4;

                 Short-term  avoidance of locally high  turbidity
                 may  be  the  only  significant  environmental
                 effect  on fisheries.

            The paragraph is erroneous.    Testimony  by a  scientist  with
        the •*• National Marine Fisheries Service clearly demonstrated that
        high turbidity  will cause  significant adverse impacts  to live,
        hard-bottom habitats and  resulting  adverse   impacts to  fishery
10-49    resources.   Please explain the discrepancy between the statements
        in the EIS and those of  the  NMPS  scientist  regarding the adverse
        impacts on  fisheries  due to turbidity  and  siltation,  especially
        in light of the unquestionable relationship  between hard-bottom
        habitats and fishery resources.

             COMMENT No.  35  — page 4-21,  1 4;

            [Reference   to   lack  of   recreational   fishing   and  diving
        activities  at site 4, and to nature of the bottom.]
                        PBEPLBS, EART,, REYITOUDS &
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT I_AW

        Mr.  T.  A.  wastler
        December 13,  1982
        Page -20-
            The paragraph  is incorrect  for  the  reasons  stated  several
        times previously.

        COMMENT No.  36 —  pages  4-21 to 4-22;

            [Discussion regarding effects on economics.]

            This entire section  fails  to take account  of  the commercial
        aspects of  recreational  fishing,  which  are clearly recognized
        under the MPRSA regulations.   See  40 C.F.R. §  227.19.   In fact,
        the EIS  notes that  the  "full  extent  to  which fisheries  may be
10-50    affected,  including damage to  spawning grounds  or  juvenile fish,
        is  unknown."    In  light  of  the   admitted  lack  of  knowledge
        concerning impacts  to fisheries  in the  area,  the  necessity of
        further  study  is   obvious.     Please   explain   the  rationale
        underlying EPA's recommendation of  designating  an ocean dump site
        on  a  permanent basis in  the  absence of  knowledge  concerning
        impacts to fisheries.

            COMMENT No. 37 — page 4-22,  IT  3;

                 Disposal  of dredged material  will  result  in a
                 turbid plume that will  reduce water cleary at
                 the  site.   Because all  sites are located at
                 least 9 nmi offshore adverse impacts on visual
                 aesthetics  from  shore  will  be  non-existent.

            The quotes  passage  ignores  two  important  factors:   (!)  It
        unreasonably  ignores  the  effects of turbidity on  sport  diving,
        the enjoyment  of which is substantially dependent upon visibility
10-51    and aesthetics. ,{2)  It  fails  to take account  of   the  fact  that
        there  will be  continual  resuspension of   the materials as tides,
        storms, etc.,  act  on the  dredged  spoils.

            The above  comments make  it pellucidly  clear that  the  Draft
        Site-Designation  EIS  is  critically  flawed.     It  should  be
        withdrawn  and  substantially revised for   further public comment.
        Because of the  extreme  significance of  the marine  habitats  and
10-52    fishery resources  in this  part of the  Gulf  of  Mexico to  the
        people  of Manatee   County  and  the   general  area,  EPA  should
        schedule a public hearing  to allow full   and fair  public  comment
        on the revised EIS and the overall  suitability  of  dumping in the
        eastern Gulf' of Mexico.

            In addition,  the Environmental  Protection  Agency must  not
10-53    allow further  ocean  dumping and  the concommitant damages  to  the
        environment and natural resources unitl it has  been affirmatively
                        PEEPJLES, EARL, REYNOLDS & BLANTK
                                 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                   ATTORNEYS AT LAW

Mr. T. A. Wastler
December 13, 1982
Page -21-
demonstrated  that ocean  dumping  in this  part of  the  Gulf  of
Mexico  is appropriate  and  that  it  is the most suitable method of
disposal.     That   demonstration   should   include   an   actual
determination of  the  nature  and extent  of  hard-bottom habitats
and  fishery  resources  in Site  4 and in surrounding areas, which
must be  based on  further,  site-specific surveys; a determination
of  the  direction,  amount,  frequency,  and  distance  of sediment
transport  and   siltation  and  a specific  quantification  of  the
damage  that  will  result  therefrom;  a detailed, careful balancing
of  the  economic versus environmental concerns  involved in using
each  alternative  method  and  location  for  dumping,  including
consideration  of   the  many  commercial  aspects of  recreational
fishing  and  diving;  and  development  of  a  thorough  monitoring
program  to   assess  the  impacts of  any dumping  on  a long-term

    pending  completion of  necessary studies,  no  ocean  dumping
should be allowed  — especially on  another  "interim" basis.  Any
consequential  delays  in  important  dredging  projects  can  be
avoided by using the massive diked disposal areas in Hillsborough
Bay in the meantime.

                               Yours faithfully,
                               William F. Tarr
                               On behalf and under
                               authority of the Board of
                               County Commissioners of
                               Manatee County, Florida

cc: Honorable Charlotte Long, Holmes Beach, Fla.
    Honorable Ernest Cagnina, Anna Maria, Fla.
    Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
    Dr. Elton Gissendanner , Florida DNR
    National Marine Fisheries Service, Reg'l Dir.
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reg'l Dir.
    Col. Alfred Devereaux, District Engineer
    Florida DER
    Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
    Joseph* Freedman, Esquire
                PBBPXES, EARI., REYNOLDS 8c BLAITK
                          PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION

                           ATTORNEYS AT LAW


                                                 GULF OP MEXICO FISHERY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL
                                                	Lincoln Center, Suite 881  • 5401 W. Kennedy Blvd.
                                                     Tampa, Florida 33609 • Phone: 813/228-2815
             December 10,  1982
Environmental Protection Agency
Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
401 M Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C.  20460

Dear Sir:

The Gulf Council has reviewed the DEIS  for Tampa Harbor Ocean Dredged
Material Disposal Site Designation.   I  would  like to take this oppor-
tunity to express the Council's position with  the following comments
and recommendations:


The Council is a federally funded entity charged with insuring that
the United States obtains the best possible use of fishery resources
in the Fishery Conservation Zone (FCZ), out to the 200 miles offshore.
Fishery management plans developed by  the Council for shrimp, reef
fish, and coral reef resources place great  importance on habitat pro-
tection.  Spoil disposal in or near  productive hard-bottom habitat is
a significant threat to fisheries dependent on these habitats.  This
threat is not adequately analyzed in the DEIS nor are alternative-
disposal sites adequately explored.  We find  the DEIS to have serious
deficiencies in content and scope.  Our comments of June 4, 1982 (copy
attached), have not been addressed.   The survey of offshore sites and
disposal impacts is totally inadequate. The DEIS does not seriously
address disposal alternatives other  than the Gulf, nor does it con-
sider the economic and social cost to  recreational and commercial
fishermen dependent on fishery populations  in  and near the dump sites.
We are particularly concerned that offshore disposal of maintenance
material on a continuing basis (1.1  million cubic yards per year, DEIS
page 1-6) will permanently destroy or  degrade  hard—bottom corrmun i 11 es
and associated fishery values for several miles surrounding the site.


1.  The site survey on which designation of disposal site 4 is based
    is  inadequate.  Although the site survey  is not clearly described
    in the DEIS, our staff has obtained additional documents which
    detail the survey.  It consisted of one transect with an under-
    water camera approximately one-half way across site 4, two otter
    trawl samples of unknown duration in or near the site and an
    unspecified, but apparently small  number  of box cores and sediment
    samples.  This  is not an adequate base  on which to conclude that a
          A council authorized by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation & Management Act

             Environmental Protect ion Agency
             December 10, 1982
             Page Two
                 site of approximately 3,000 acres contains no hard-bottom com-
                 munities or that the thousands of acres  immediately surrounding
                 the site are equally barren.  According  to published information
                 there are two artificial reefs nearby, one less than one mite
                 north of site 4 (loran coordinates 14138.5, 44789.6 and 14143.6,
                 44762.4).  Personal communications from  divers and fishermen that
                 use these areas indicate that there are  several areas of hard-
                 bottom habitat within site 4, including  at least one ledge.   In
                 addition, hard-bottom areas with  ledges  have been found on the
                 northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of the site.  There is
                 a large concentration of hard bottom within 1.5 miles of the
                 southern boundary of the site, a  large concentration of ledges
                 approximately one mile east of the site, a ledge one-half mile
                 south of the site, and another area with several ledges less than
                 one mile north of the site.
The DEIS states that site 4  is removed from areas of recreational
and commercial use (page 2-27).  This is in error.  The artificial
reefs and hard-bottom areas  surrounding the site are well known
and very popular with divers and recreational fishermen and are a
major fishing ground for the charter and head boat fleet operating
out of Manatee County.  •

The EPA field survey conducted to  look for alternative disposal
s i tes, cons i s ted of two camera transects, one from site 2 approxi-
mately six mi  les to the southwest  and another west from site A
through site 3, approximately ten miles.   ft is difficult for us
to understand how  this could be considered an adequate search or

DEIS does not consider the  long-term, essentially permanent effect
of siltaticn  resulting from  disposal of maintenance material.  The
DEIS indicates that a total maintenance budget of 1.0 million
cubic yards per year.  An earlier  document indicated 0.5 million
cubic yards per year would be disposed of  off-shore.  This
material will be primarily soft, silty sediments, highly suscep-
tible to movement  by current and wave action.  It is anticipated
that this mater ial will spread out  in a thin layer for many mi 1 es
surrounding the site, as indicated  in the DEIS, pages XVI1 and
2-11.  This recurring, essentially  p.ermanent siltation can be
expected to severely stress  hard-bottom communities, decrease the
habitat's ability  to support valuable fish stocks and their
aesthetic value for scuba divers.
The DEIS suggests on page 2-28  that disposal will not result in
any detectable changes  in ecology of the area.  However, the
studies used  to back up  this  conclusion were all from areas which
have no hard-bottom communities.  The animal and plant communities

         Environmental Protection Agency
         December  10, 1982
         Page Three
              in those areas  are  al
              t ion and turbi dity.
              use  in making conclus
              is characterized  by  I
            ..levels, and  low level
              from divers  indicate
              since offshore  dispos
              sponges and  spiny  oys
              around the present  di
             manent stress result!
              a very serious  threat
              dependent on  it.
ready adapted to soft sediments,  high  silta-
Those studies are totally inappropriate  to
ions about the west Florida  shelf.   This  area
ow freshwater inflow, clear  water,  high  light
s  of silt and turbidity.   Personal  reports
substantial changes in hard-bottom  habitat
al began.  Many species,  including  basket
tors, have disappeared from  ledges  in  and
sposal  site.   The Council regards  the  per-
ng from maintenance disposal  siltation to be
 to the offshore habitat  and human  activities
         3.  The DEIS does not make  any  attempt  to analyze the effect which the
             proposed disposal will  have  on  fisheries and the economic damage
             which will  result  in  the Florida economy.  Recreational and com-
             mercial fishing  is  a multibillion dollar business in Florida.  A
             large fraction of  this  value  is derived from the west Florida
11-7         shelf and will be  directly  affected by degradation of the habitat
             on which these fishery  resources are dependent.  The values given
             in the DEIS are  very much out of date and grossly underestimate
             the actual  value of  this activity.

         4.  The DEIS does not  seriously  consider alternatives to open Gulf
             disposal.  Upland  disposal  is mentioned but rejected because con-
             demnation pr oceed i ngs by the  sponsor wilt be necessary.  However,
             it is the legal  responsibility  of the sponsor to find environmen-
             tally acceptable sites.  Condemnation is a viable alternative and
             is not a particularly  lengthy process.  As an example, the Alabama
11-8         State Docks recently  used condemnation to acquire an industrial
             site for port expansion.

             An environmentally  acceptable alternative exists which has not
             been addressed.  Two  diked  enclosures exist today in upper
             Hillsborough Bay which  have  tremendous capacity.  These sites are
             not mentioned in the DEIS.  Although no official estimates were
             available to our staff,  the  diagrams in the 1977 Supplemental EtS
             for the Tampa Harbor  Project  indicate a capacity of roughly 39
11-9         million cubic yards,  assuming a six* foot elevation.  If existing
             dewatering  technology was used  and  the dikes increased in height,
             the capacity could  be  increased many fold.  This appears to us to
             be sufficient to hold all material  scheduled for offshore disposal
             for many years to  come.

         5.  The DEIS considers  the  possible adverse affects of heavy metals
             and other toxic  substances which may be contained in dredged
             spoil.  It  cites bioassay testing by Jones, Edmonds and
             Associates, to support  a conclusion that no human health hazards
11-10        are indicated.  We  have  examined sworn affidavits by two former

          Environmental  Protection Agency
          December 10,  1982
          Page  Four
             employees  of  that  firm which  allege  that  some  sediment  samples
             failed  bioassay  tests.   However,  only  favorable results were
             reported.  This  casts  serious  doubt  on  the reliability  of any
             conclusions based  on  the Jones, Edmonds and Associates  report.
             Another study by Mote Marine Laboratory found  extremely high
             levels  of  heavy metals  at  the  existing disposal site.  This infor-
             mation  indicates to us  that dangerously contaminated sediments
             were dumped offshore and may be dumped again as a result of main-
             tenance dredging activity.

         6.  The DEIS ignores the fact  that spoil  is being dumped outside the
             site.  Several individuals have observed dumping outside the site.
             A  large pile of  spoil  material was found by a member of  our  staff
             one mile outside the site.  Dr. Blake Edwards of the University  of
11-11        South Florida  observed five disposal  trips.   In two  of  the  five
             trips,  disposal  occurred outside the  site.  This dumping greatly
             increases  the  area  affected and the potential  damage  to  U.S.
             fisher ies.

        The  Council  would  like  to make the  following requests and recommen-

        1}   Immediately cease all.offshore  disposal until  the following  is
             comple ted -

             a.   Adequate studies are  made of the offshore environment.  This
                should  include  a well  planned  series of transects with an
                underwater camera or  high resolution fathometer.   Transects
H-12           should be run from near shore  to beyond 100-foot  depths.
                Transects should be  spaced no more than one-half  mile apart.
                The area of coverage  should extend from at  least  15 miles
                south of the  harbor entrance to ten miles  north  of It.
            b.   A careful  study  is  made of  the  present  disposal  site  and
                surrounding area to determine how  far  the .material already
                dumped  has  spread and what  effect  siltation is having on  hard-
1]__13           bottom  communities.   Observations  from  local  divers  indicate
                that  siltation from the present disposal site has  spread  at
                least seven to eight miles  beyond  the site.   This  should  be
                confirmed and  its effect determined.

H-14      c.  A  good  economic  analysis of  potential damage  to fisheries is
               produc ed.

      Environmental  Protect ion Agency
      December  10, 1982
      Page Five
    d.  A detailed analysis is made on how the capacity of the
        existing diked disposal areas could be increased.   We suspect
        that a carefully planned program of de-watering,  increasing
        dike height,  and reusing spoil material  could extend the life
        of existing site far into the future,  perhaps permanently.

2)  Until the above are accomplished, the existing diked  disposal
    areas should be used for disposal of material  proposed to be
    dumped rn the Gulf.
3)  We request that a public hearing be held to allow full  and complete  public
    comment.  As indicated above,  our preliminary review of this  project  indica-
    tes that it is a serious threat to fishery resources for  which  the Council
    is responsible.  It may also represent a serious health hazard  to  the  human
    population in the area.
     Si ncerely,
      John M. Green
      Ch a i rma n


      At tachments
      cc:  Gulf Council
          Di rector, FlorIda DNR
          Secretary, Florida DER
          District Engineer, JacksonviI Ie COE
          Regional Director, National Marine Fisheries Service
          Regional Administrator, Fish & Wildlife Service


                              1600   CITY   ISLAND  PARK
                              SARASOTA.   FLORIDA  33577

                                    PHONE:  (813)  388-4441

                                WILLIAM R. MOTE            WILLIAM H. TAFT. Ph.D.
                              CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD              PRESIDENT
December 9,  1982
Mr. Michael R. McKinley
Director of Planning
Tampa Bay Regional Planning  Council
9455 Koger Boulevard
St. Petersburg, PL  33702

Dear Mr. McKinley:

Enclosed please find a copy  of  the Mote Marine  Laboratory's
comments on the Draft EIS  for Tampa  Harbor, Florida Ocean Dredged
Material Disposal Site Designation,  dated November 1982.  These
same comments have been sent: 'to the  EPA Criteria. and Standards

I hope that these comments are  of use  to you in evaluating the
offshore dumping issue as  it relates to the plans and goals of
your organization.
             H. fU^f
Stanley A. Rice, Ph.D.
Staff Scientist

SAR: lef


                                            1600   CITY
                                                  = L O R I D A
                                                 PHONE:  (813)  388-4441
                                              WILLIAM R. MOTS
                                            CMAIPMAN OF THE BOARD
                                                         WILLIAM H. TAFT, Ph.D.
                     Comments  on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement
                                  For Tampa harbor, Florida
                      Ocean  Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation.
                                     Dated November, 1982
        I have  thoroughly reviewed the above draft EIS  and  the  associated
appendices  and would like to register the following  comments.

        The  proposal  to designate Site 4 (located 18  n  mi southwest  of
the mouth of Tampa Bayl as a permanent disposal  site, for dredged material
is unjustified for two major reasons.  First,  insufficient information is
available concerning the physical and biological characteristics of Site A
and the Surrounding  area to predict the impact of ocean disposal of dredged
material.   Second, site specific monitoring studies  of post-disposal impacts
have been incomplete and insufficient to evaluate the  impact of  ongoing dis-
posal operations on  the nearshore Sulf of Mexico environment.  Attempts are
made in the EIS to draw conclusions about potential  impacts at Site 4  based
upon studies conducted in other paz-;s of the U.S.  and  under very different
environmental  conditions.   The  Gulf of Mexico  off Tampa Bay constitutes a
unique ecological system containing hard-bottom  as well as soft-bottom
habitats, tropical and subtropical species,  and  productive commercial  and
recreational resources.   For these reasons,  site specific  studies are
essential to any evaluation or  prediction of disposal  impacts within -his

       A review of environmental studies conducted in  the Gulf of Mexico
near Tampa  Bay as part of the EIS process reveals  that Site 4 has only
recently been  considered and that little more  is known about Site 4  than
was known about Site A when it  was first designated as an  interim disposal
site.  Of the  eight  major site-specific environmental  studies that have been
conducted since 1979  (Taylor, 1979;  IEC, 1979; IEC, 1980; >C-1L, 1981; EPA,
1981? CCI,  1982;  Taylor,  1982;  EPA,  1982),  only  the last study considered
Site 4.  The latest  EPA survey  (Appendix C  of  EIS) collected certain physi-
cal,  chemical  and biological  information from  Sites A,  B, 3 and  4.    In  this
study, the  sediment  grain  size  analyses,  sediment chemical analyses and
water column chemistry would  appear to be sufficient to characterize the
existing and proposed  sites;  however,  the biological sampling, habitat
descriptions and tissue  chemical analyses fall far short of being adequate.


                  Biological sampling during  the EPA, 1982 survey was carried out
           with a box core ar.d an otter trawl.  As stated on page A-4 of EIS
           Appendix C, with reference to box  core samples, "All samples obtained
           with less thar. IS cm penetration depth were rejected."  This type of
           sampling methodology would automatically exclude any samples collected
           from hard-bottom habitats since a box core .would not penetrate 15 cm. into
12-2       hard substratum.   Since no hard-bottom habitat samples were retained or
           analyzed and since no record is given on the number of times that box
           core samples were rejected, absolutely no conclusions can be drawn from
           these benthic samples with regard  to presence or absence of hard-bottom
           habitats and organisms.

                  The only other data from the Site 4 study that aight be used to
           estimate bottom habitat coverage are the video tape records mentioned
           on page 2-10 of the EIS.  These videotapes, however, represent only
12-3       one partial transect of the site and do not cover enough terrain to
           justify conclusions about the entire site or surrounding area.

                  Local fishermen and divers frequent the area within and around
           Site 4 and hard-bottom habitats s*re known to exist within ths site.  Unless
           more detailed habitat studies are completed at Site 4,  the ETA will be
           running the risk  of repeating the. same mistake it made with regard to
12-4       Site A, that is,  designating an environmentally unacceptable site for
           dredged material  disposal because of inadequate site-specific studies.

                  Since insufficient data presently exists with regard to  benthic
           habitats within and around Sire 4, several conclusions  in the EIS cannot
           be substantiated  since they ars based uron the assumption that  hard-bottom
           habitats are rare or non-existent at Site 4.   These conclusions induce:
12-5       EIS page 2-21,  first paragraph;  page 4-13,  second  paragraph;  page 4-19,
           third paragraph;  page 4-21,  fourth paragraph.

                  Table S-l  on  pages xiv-xv of the  EIS lists  eleven  specific cri-
           teria to be considered in selec.ticn of an offshore disposal  site  and
           compares the existing sites with Site  4.   Ir.  light of the  aiove discussion
12-6    '   criteria si,  3, 8,  and 9  cannot be adequately  evaluated with  respect  to
           Site 4  due  to insufficient environmental  characterization  cf  that site.

                  The  prediction of  environmental impacts due to dredged material
           disposal and the  success  of environmental monitoring program rests
           heavily upon having  a thorough  knowledge of  the composition  of poten-
           tially  affected habitats.  The  Gulf of Mexico  off  Tarrpa Bay  is unique in
12-7       that  it contains  highly   productive and diverse hard-bottom habitats inter-
           spersed among sandy  substrata.   With the exception of studies by  Jaap  (1981),
           Mote  Marine  Laboratory (1981) and  scattered observations by Taylor  (1982),
           no  studies  have considered the  impact of dredged material  disposal upon
           hard-bottom  attached organisms.  The importance of th&ise hard-bottom
           habitats and  their associated flora and fauna  has  beer adequately stressed
           in  the  literature  (see EIS for OCS  Sale 365, 1978;  ar.d Fed. Regist. Vol.
           45, No.  194,  pg.  55945) and even the present EIS states on cage 2-25,

             "To further minimize  adverse  inpacts, disruption of hard-bottom
             ccnnunities should be  avoided to  the greatest extent possible."  Hard-
             bottom ccnmmnities have been  identified within  all of  the existing and
             shallow water alternative  sites yet no studies  have been undertaken
             to determine the sensitivity  of these organisms to disposal operations.
             The effects of disposal operations upon soft-bottom conmunities are not
             transferable to hard-bottoms.

                    In order to predict potential short-term impacts upon hard-
             bottom communities, it will be necessary to determine:   (1) the species
             composition of site-specific  hard-bottom habitats;  (2) the sensitivity
             of .selected representative hard-bottom organisas to siltation and burial;
        k,     and (3) the potential  for  bioaccumulation or biomagnification of toxic
             chemicals in hard-bottom organisms and food webs.  In  addition, long-term
             monitoring programs should include studies on colonization, growth, and
12-8         reproduction of attached hard-bottom organisms  in the  vicinity of any
             active dump site.  At  the  present time, none of the above information is
             available for the existing or alternative sites and thus no predictions
             can be substantiated with  regard  to acute nor chronic  impacts upon hard-
             bottom habitats.                                     +

                    In addition to the  above comments, the Draft EIS is incomplete
             with respect to the following points:

                    1)   Bacteriological studies reported in  EIS Appendix C considered
             only total and fecal cpliforra with no tests made for vibrio-type bacteria
12-9         that have been identified  in Tampa Bay sediments and pose a human health

                    2)   Data contained within the EIS and Appendices indicate that
             Tampa Bay sediments are not compatible or comparable to dump site sedi-
             ments.  For example:  Table 3-5 on page 3-30 and Table  3-2 on page 4-5
             report very-low background values for heavy metals  like cadmium,  lead,
             and mercury,  yet Tampa Bay sediments contain significantly higher concen-
             trations of-these metals.   How can these sediments  be assumed to have r.o
12-10        significant impact?  Sediment grain size analyses  reported for Site A
             and vicinity prior to disposal operations (Appendix A,  page A-143  indi-
             cated a silt/clay fraction of less than 2%,  whereas post disposal'samples
             reported silt/clay fractions as high as 11-42%  at  the same site-(Appendix
             C, page A-33).   These are  obviously not similar sediments and would
             definitely be expected to  cause a significant  impact upon endemic organisas.

                    3)   The EIS sections concerning endangered  species (pages  3-46
             and 4-19}  fail  to consider any of the invertebrate  species that are
             listed as threatened  or endangered by the  State  of  Florida Game and
12-11        Freshwater Fish Commission and that have  been  reported  in the  vicinity
             of the dump sites.


                    4)  Site-specific studies are lacking which address the poten-
             tial for toxic chemical release from dumped sediments in spite of the
12-12        fact that potentially toxic concentrations of heavy metals have been
             found in Site A post-disposal sediments (SIS Appendix C, page A-54;
             Appendix E, page 17) and tissue samples (Appendix C, page A-68).

                    5}  Bioassay studies conducted by Jones, Edmunds and Associates,
             Inc. (1979) (EIS page 2-25} on pre-disposal sediments did not employ
12-13        endemic species and are further invalidated by pre-exposure of test
             organisms to significantly high concentrations of toxic chemicals in
             control water.  Thus, these studies have no predictive value.

                    6)  The possibility and economic feasibility of other than ocean
             disposal has not been adequately treated in the EIS.   Serious consi-
             deration should be given to using diked disposal areas within Hillsborough
             Bay, at least until a suitable permanent disposal area can be found.
12-14        Further studies, as listed above, are needed before the impact of ocean
             disposal in the Gulf of Mexico can be predicted or evaluated.  These
             studies must be designed,  executed and reviewed by competent scientists
             to ensure that reliable information is obtained and that the results
             address the appropriate concerns.  Additional studies should be undertaken
             immediately at Site 4 (as  suggested in EIS Appendix C, page A-153) to
             ensure  that another inappropriate disposal site is not authorized pre-
             Stanley A.  Rice,  Ph.D.
             Staff Scientist



      JEJWV M. BOWMEfl
        FRAN OAVIH
        JOE KOTVAS

   1900 - Ml AVE.

          December 5, 1982
         Ms.  Margaret Guy
         A-95 Coordinator
         Tampa Bay Regional  Planning Council
         9455 Roger Boulevard
         St.  Petersburg, FL    33702

         Dear Ms. Guy:

         The  staff of the Environmental Protection Commission has reviewed the
         Environmental Impact Statement for Tampa Harbor, Florida:   Ocean
         Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation.  The attached memo defines
         our  concerns and recommendations of  the project.

         If you have any questions concerning our comments, please contact me.

         Michael Heerschap
         Environmental Specialist
         Hillsborough County Environmental
              Protection Commission
                                      An AWrnwlM* Action • Equal Onpoiuwy Employer

                                 OF HILLSBOROUGF
                                                         November 18. 1932
       Mike Heerschap, Assessment
From    Tom Cardinale, Laboratory
S fa cr
          ~ Ocean Dredged Disposal Site
       I would recommend that al 1 disposal  at the Existing Site A be stopped because
       it is too close to shore,  too close  to productive reef-areas, and within
       easy reach of divers and small boat  users.

       Site k is in 85 to 95 feet of water  and is not as likely to be used for
       recreational purposes such as diving and fishing. All  material should go to this
       site until some long range solution  is found.

       Site k has no hard-bottom outcrops and would therefore have the least impact
       on fish and other types of life.

                        OF HILLSBOROCIGH
                                                    Dote  December 3. 1982
Maroaret F. Guv. A-9S Coordinator. TBRPC
Christy SuppXSenior Planner, Department of- Development Coordination
TBRPC A-95 Clearinghouse Review No. 218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement
for Tampa Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation,
Hi 11s borough, Manatee and Pinellas Counties
We have no comment on the above-stated project proposal.  Offshore impacts
related to water quality are within the jurisdiction of the Environmental
Protection Commission. It is understood that you have already sent, under
separate cover, a copy of the Draft to the Environmental Protection Commission
and the Planning Commission for review and comment as appropriate.
          Thank you for informing us of the project.


                                  STATE OF FLORIDA
                          ©Hire of     dcfcmwr
                                    THE CAPITOL

                                 TALLAHASSEE 323O1
                                December 22,  1982
Mr. Chris Schilling
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Criteria and Standards  Division  (WH-585)
401 North Street, Southwest
Washington, D.C. 20460

Dear Mr. Schilling:

     This Office reviewed  and coordinated a state agency
review of your Draft Environmental  Impact Statement for Tampa
Harbor Florida, Ocean Dredged Material  Disposal Site
Designation for Hillsborough, Manatee and Pinellas Counties.

     The document describes  a proposed  action designating a
dredge material disposal site for Tampa Harbor.  The site will
be managed by the U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency, Region
IV.  The proposed recommended site  is approximately 18 miles
southwest of the mouth  of  Tampa  Bay and covers a four-mile
area.  It is intended that the site be  permanently designated
for the disposal of dredge material resulting from the dredging
of the Tampa Harbor area.

     An interagency review of the statement has found that
the proposed action would  smother.the benthos within the
designated area and alter  habitat within  the site.  The document
recognizes that these adverse impacts at  the site are unavoid-
able.  Our reviewing agencies report  that the EIS statement is
inadequate and lacks the necessary  information to be of sufficient
value as a decision-making document (see  attachments).

     We have concerns with this_d_e^ignate_d_.s.ite__and EPA's
pjcoposed rule fojr ocean dumping  without a Federal Coastal Zone	
Management Consistency  Evaluation.  Recognizing our concerns.
the impact of this designation and  its  effect r»n +T-IQ
        Harbor project, we  request  that your agency participate in an
        interagency jneetinq at your earliest convenience to afford us
        the opportunity to discuss  issues  of concern to the State
        Florida. m It  is our desire  to  use  this initial meeting as
        step toward resolving our concerns.
                        An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Mr. Chris Schilling
December 22, 1982
Page 2
     Please contact Walt Kolb of my office at (904)  488-5551
concerning arrangements for this meeting.  Thank you for your

cc:  Ms. Victoria Tschinkel
     Dr. Elton Gissendanner
     Mr. L. Ross Morrell
     Mr. William A. Ockunzzie
                                 hn T. Herndon, Director
                                 fice of Planning and Budgeting

                                           A vary H. Gould
                                        9907 Spoonbill Road East
                                            Flamingo Cay
                                         Bradenton, FL 33529

                                       5-7   //    --     ^^^f**S/^J£
                                       -  7^2-^W^&^ fju*, £&4&i^ 0L  ^4^2..

                                       A very H. Gould
                                    9907 Spoonbill Road East
                                        Flamingo Cay
                                      Bradenton, Ft 33529
                                                                 /          /
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      ~mj\*L ^ \4TlA*-S& IA £ *± ** J^ J^t                            £^

    Awry H. Gould
9907 Spoonbill  Road East
     Ramingo Cay
  Sradenton, FL 33529


           OFFICE OF THE
                               RATIONAL  SCIENCE  FOUNDATION
                                     WASHINGTON. O.C.  2O55O

                                          October 28, 1982
Environmental Protection Agency
Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460

Dear Sir:

The National Science Foundation has ..no comment on the DEIS for

Tampa Harbor, Florida Ocean Dredged Material  Disposal Site

                                          Sincerely yours,
                                          Barbara  E. Onestak
                                          Acting Chairman
                                          Committee on  Environmental

                   ££*e leds damp the nwtenal at
                          islands.            -

                 -^^U  '

•__  st.'L'L*.
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                         UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA
       November 29, 1982
                                          MARINE ADVISORY PROGRAM
                                          R.CPLV TO  1303  17th  St.  W.
                                                 Palmetto,  Fl.  33561  2998
                                                 (813)  722-4524
       Criteria and Standards Division
       401 M Sheet SW
       Environmental Protection Agency
       Washington, B.C. 20460

            I have reviewed the draft Environmental Impact Statement
       for Tampa Harbor, Florida Ocean Dredged Material Disposal  Site
       Selection, and have some questions and comments.

            1. In the report it is clearly and repeatedly stated  that
       existing dump sites are located near areas of hard bottom  and
       charter boat operations. Also, that since this area is a "high
       energy" environment there is the po^ssibilty that dredge material
       could drift back into the Tampa Bay channel entrance  (approx.
2Q-1    1.25 nm south of the existing sites).  To me this suggests  that
       the orginal site selection was conducted in a hasty and arbitary

            I applaud the efforts to find a more suitable disposal site
       but question whether damage has already occoured. It will  soon
20-2    be  six years since the initial dump site- selection. To me  the
       information presented would argue against permitting any additional
       dumping I.e. 1.7 million cubic yards at the present dump location.

            2. On page 4-7 the report states:  "Dilution and dispersion
       will reduce suspended particulate levels relatively quickly".
20-3    What does  "relatively quickly" mean, (hours, days, weeks,?).

            3. On page 4-19 the report states:  "Short-term avoidence of
       locally high turbidity may be the only  significant environmental
       effects on fisheries". If this short term avoidence were to occur
       concurrently with the short-term seasonal migrations of mackerel
20-4    and mullet, the effect would be greatly increased. Therefore it
       would seem to be advisable to consider  seasonal restrictions on
       dumping activity.

            4.  On page 4-22 the report indicates  that  since the sites  are
20-5    a least 9  nmi  from shore,  a  turbid  plume  would  have non-existent
       adverse impacts  on visual  aesthetics from shore.  What about for
       sport diving?
                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


                      WASHINGTON, D.C.  20460
                           3KC.  1982
                                                         OFFICE OF
Mr.  Richard E. Pease, President
Florida Skin Divers Association
3901 Lynwood Avenue
Tampa, Florida  33611

Dear Mr. Pease:

       Thank you for your letter of November 1, 1982,  containing
comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for
the Tampa Harbor Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designa-
tion.  Comments on this DEIS should  be addressed to Mr. W.  C.
Shilling, Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585),  EPA, Washington,
DC,  20460.   I have taken the liberty  of forwarding your comments  to
Mr.  Shilling.

       The notice of availability of  this DEIS was published  in the
Federal Register, on Friday,  October  29; the comment period does
n ot close until December 13.

                               Sincerely yours,
                               T. A. Wastler, Chief
                               Marine Protection Branch (WH-585)


                                                   November  1,  198
Mr. T. A. Wastler
Chief, Marine Protection  Branch
(WH 535 > EPA
Washington, D.C. 20460

Dear Mr. Wastler

As a representative of the  Florida  Skin  Divers Association,  I
would like to submit the  -following  comments on the DEIS -for the
Tampa Ocean Disposal Site Designation.

We have not been afforded an  adequate opportunity to comment.
We recieved a copy of the document  on October 29,  23 days after
the beginning of the comment  period.   After allowing time for
our comments to reach you by  mail,  we had  less than 72 hours in
which to review and draft comments.   Therefore please understand
that this letter does not contain all  of our objections.  There
appear to be many errors  in the  text  which we have not had time
to analyze. .Your agency  is very strict  in requiring other
branches of government to provide DEISs  to reviewers on or
before the beginning of the comment period.   Are you exempt from
your own rules?

The document addresses only offshore  disposal,  claiming that a
previous study by the Corps of Engineers had determined that
offshore disposal was preferable to upland or within bay
disposal.  However, previous  studies  by  the Corps have never
made any significant attempt  to  compare the environmental  and
economic effects of offshore  disposal  with other sites.  Without
such a comprehensive treatment of the disposal  problem, both EPA
and the Corps remain in violation of  the spirit and letter of

The document strongly suggests that impacts of  dumping are
limited to the site and areas immediately  adjacent to it  and
that turbidity and siltation  effects  disappear  after a few hours
or days.   The experience  of our  members  indicates that this is
false.  Since large scale dumping began at the present site,  we
have experianced. tubidity and siltation problems over a very
wide and steadily increasing  area.  These  problems became severe
during 1981 and 1982.  During the summer of  1982 and continuing
up to the present in an area  extending for at least 10 miles
south of the site,  a thin layer  of silt has  been present.
Sponges and soft corals in this  area  are frequently coated with
this material.  It does not take a coral biologist to know that
this is not a healthy situation.- Visibility in this area has

         been greatly reduced,  reducing  penetration of light and
         productivity of  the  bottom community.   As a side effect, it has
         become impossible  to dive  in  much  o-f  this area,  and greatly
         reduced  the receational  value o-f  the  rest.  In our experiance,
         turbidity and  siltation  -from  dumping  continue to disrupt the
         system for months  or years, not days.

         The DEIS Does  not  differeniate  between the likely environmental
         effects  of spoil from harbor  deepening versus maintenance. In
         our opinion, the difference will  be radical.   Large grain
         material, rock,  sand,etc from channel  deepening will probably
         stay within the  site.  Longterm  adverse impacts outside the site
21_3      may not  be too serious.  Maintenance  dreding will produce
         primarily silt and other fine grain material.  This material
         will inevitably  be distributed  for miles surrounding the site.
         If the effects of  the material  are evident for months or years,
         and maintenance  dreding  is conducted  annually or bi-annually, we
         have a permanent problem.   longterm chronic damage to thousands
         of acres of. coral  habitat  is  likely.   The DEIS gives no
         suggestion that  this problem  might exist.

         The DEIS ignores the effect on  the human environment.  TWere'has
         already  been and will  continue  to  be  a sustantial loss of
         esthetic value to  divers.   This will  inevitably translate into
         economic loss  for  diving related  businesses.   The same i.s  true
21-4      for recreational and charter  fishing.   The values for
         recreational fishing given in the  document are ridiculously
         understated and  8  years  out of  date.   Economic value of diving
         is not even mentioned.   Recreational  fishing and diving is a
         multi-bi11 ion  dollar industry in  Florida.

         The DEIS ignores the effect of  illegal dumping outside the site.
         As you are aware,  from previous correspondence with us, dumping
         is now occuring  outside  the site.   A  spoil pile can be found at
         loran coordinates  1416S.2,  44327.5.  This is about one mile east
2l_5      of the present site.   When found,  it  was obviously fresh, with
         little growth  on the rocks.   Some  of  our members have reported
         other instances  where hopper  dredges  appeared to be dumping
         outside  the site.  This  may be  a  common occurance.  If so, it's
         environmental  effects should  be considered.

         FSDA is  strongly opposed to offshore  disposal of spoil,
         particularly maintenance material.  We reccommend that dumping
21-6      cease, at least  until  the  following is completed:
            1.  The DEIS  should be  modified to fully examine all disposal
         alternatives,  including  upland  disposal.  Economic values for
         fishery  and recreational losses should be included.

         Proper management  of existing disposal sites could solve most or
2J_7      all of our problems  and  eliminate  the need for offshore
         disposal. Most material  from  channel  deepening is good quality

fill, for which there is a ready market in this area.  Presently
available techiques for de-watering and compacting soft material
could greatly expand the capacity of existing sites in upper
Hiilsborough Bay.

     2. If offshore disposal is inevitable, a serious study of
the offshore area should be completed.  Work to date has been
piece meal and totally inadequate. A complete mapping study of
the entire area is needed along with current and wave energy
studies to determine exactly where spoil material will end up.

Thank you for this opportunity to comment.
Sincerel y
Richard E. Pease, President
Florida Skin Divers Association


          Captain L. F.  Borden
          5301 35th Avenue West
          Bradenton, Florida  33529
          December 8, 1982
          Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
          401 M Street, S.W.
          Environmental Protection Agency
          Washington, D.  C.  20460
          RE:  Draft Environmental  Impact Statement 11/82

          Dear Sirs:

          Page 10 of the summary.   The Corps stated that non-ocean disposal  methods were
          considered in 1974.   We  see nothing in the 1982 draft that compares the cost
          benefit ratio of offshore dumping with any other alternatives such as upland
          disposal  of dredged  material.   The Federal Register 40CFR, Subpart C227.15,
          Paragraph C states that  in the factors considered,  the need for dumping will be
          determined by evaluating  the relative environmental risk impact and cost for
 22-1      ocean dumping as opposed  to other feasible alternatives: including, but not
          limited to, landfill, well injection, consideration of spreading the material
          over open ground, recycling material, storage, etc.  Again, the Corps has not
          dealt with the cost-ratio benefits between ocean dumping and upland containment
          as they must according to-EPA1s Federal  Register.

          Page 13,  paragraph 4. States  "the shallow water Alternative Site  4 will  provide
          a sandy bottom environment that is further removed  from the hard bottom areas
          and of sufficient size to permit the disposal  of dredge material without unaccept-
 22-c      a^e adverse affects." There  is quite a lot of sand in Site 4.   However, this
          site also contains many  highly productive, low relif, hard bottom  areas.   There-
          fore Site 4 is not an entirely sand bottom as  so specified.

          Page 16,  first paragraph.   States "the tropical storms and hurricanes produce
          strong bottom currents of 3 to 4 knots which can profoundly affect dumped material.1
          This is true, however, every northwestern blow that commonly occurs with the
22-3      winter fronts causes considerabledrifting of the dumped material.   These prevail-
          ing winds will disperse the material  towards the southeast, a very sensitive area
          located off Sarasota.

          Page 16,  paragraph 2. EPA states "dispersal of dumped sediments,  particularly
          the large volume projects from the Tampa Bay Harbor Deepening Project may
          adversely affect hard bottom outcrops near the existing site".   Again they are
22-4      stating that migitation of the silt is probable.  "Relocation of the disposal
          site to an area containing fewer or no hard bottom  outcrops  will  present less
          conflict  with the environmental  characteristics of  the area and the commercial
          fishing,  diving and  recreational  use of the area."   One mile north of Alternative
          Site 4 lies one of the best dove areas in the  West  Coast of Florida; the wreck

        Criteria and Standards Division
        December 8, 1982
        Page 2
        of the Gunsmoke in 80 feet of water.  The Gunsmoke is a 65-70 foot fishing
        vessel sunk some 6-7 years ago.  Without a doubt the siltation will affect that
        dive site.  The Draft goes on to say "in addition continued use of existing
        sites or use of Alternative Site 2 may result in repositioning of dump sediments
        into the entrance of the channel".  Again they are stating that migration is
        probable.  The last portion of that paragraph states that shallow water Alternative
        Site 4 will provide a large sandy bottom area for disposal of dredged material.
        Again, they stated that is is all sandy bottom.  It is not.

        Page 17, paragraph 2.  States "dispersal of material outside the site boundaries
        will be over time and in thin layers.  Such dispersion is not expected to have
        unacceptable adverse environmental affects."  It is my belief that a thin layer
        over a period of time is what is doing the damage to the limestone ledge forma-
22-5    tions, particularly the low relief hard bottom outcrops in the Gulf of Mexico.
        This thin layer that the draft is discussing unnaturally resuspends and smothers
        every little section of outcropping in the area, destroying the chain of life.

        Page 19, summary Environmental Consequences.  EPA states "previous disposal  of
        dredged materials at existing sites has not been monitored to determine specific
        environmental effects".  It goes on to say that "studies of dredged material
        disposal in other operations conducted in other areas of the continental waters
        had determined no significant long term adverse affects resulted in the dumping
        of dredged material on sandy bottoms".  The West Coast of Florida is not tfke
        other locations throughout, the continental U.S.A.  The flushing patterns are
22-6    completely different than the East Coast of Florida or the northeast coast of
        the continent.  Flushing patterns and dispersal patterns cannot be compared to
        other areas of the United States.  Again, they have stated in the summary that
        dispersal is evident.  The problem is that it does not collect on the sandy
        areas, it collects in the limestone pockets, the habitat for the fish.

        Page 20.  States "that mounds of dredged material may persist several months.
        The physical characteristics of the dredged sediment may be dissimilar to the
        existing sediments resulting in changes to the bathynic biological characteris-
"•-7    tics of the affected site."  The Draft summary states "the marine organisms are
        not adapatable for burial or the high level of silt, therefore the dredged
        material and disposal at the existing site may result in a more significant
        environmental consequence than at an alternative site, such as Site 4."  The
        problem with this statement is that the quality of the water is much better
        at Site 4 in 80 feet of water.  The corals are in better shape, the spiny oysters
        are surviving and the general quality of the water is much better and much
        clearer.  Therefore there would be more environmental consequences due to the
        siltation at Site 4.

        Page 20, paragraph 2.  States that "based on analysis of the samples, certain
        trace elements would be released in the water during disposal.  Some of these
        materials contain heavy metals, organic compounds, nitrogen compounds, and
        phosphorous compounds.  It states however the estimated volume release and
22-8    calculated dilution of this mater indicated that there would be reduced back-
        ground levels after the permitted 4 hour period of initial  dilution.   The problem
        seems to be that the samples and the 4 hour periods of initial dilution are  not
        actual paramenters, but in fact samples. - Samples of silt removed from the actual
        dump site.

22_Q    Page20, paragraph 3.  States "the proposed action is expected to have minimal

          Criteria and Standards Division
          December 8, 1982
          Page 3
impact on threatened and endangered species occuring in the region." Turtles
inhabiting the area are predominantly loggerhead.  The last portion of that
paragraph states "that the general area of the site under consideration, Site 4,
do not contain unique feeding or breeding grounds for any specie of turtle and
the site used is not anticipated to affect their survival."  Perhaps the bottom
within Site 4 is not unique in that it does not have the high relief that the
loggerheads seem to stay around and feed, however the scope of the siltation
will affect the loggerhead feeding.  Silt migration is evident to other areas
that the loggerhead will be feeding and living.  There are loggerheads in the
area of Site 4.  I feel that siltation will definitely affect the feeding
pattern and perhaps the breeding pattern as well.

Page 21. paragraph 1.  States that "disposal operations on Alternative Site 4
would not interfere with long term use of the resource".  I disagree with that.
It goes on to say that, adverse environmental effects of the proposed action
include smothering of the bottom within the designated site to possible habitat
alteration of the site and states adverse impacts within the site are unavoid-
able, but the disposal operations will be regulated to prevent unacceptable and
environmental degration outside the boundaries".  Regulation seems to be the key
would here.   The EPA has proven to the residents of Manatee County that it does
not intend to abide by it's own regulations set up in the Federal Register.

Page 21. paragrapir 2.  States "the CE District Engineer or EPA may_ establish a
monitoring program to supplement historical data.  The primary purpose of the
monitoring program is to determine whether disposal at the selected site signifi-
cantly affects areas outside the site, and to detect long-term effects occurring
in or around the site."   This monitoring plan will no doubt be as incomplete as
Mr. Amson's site survey of Site 4.  Retrospective monitoring serves no purpose
after the damage is done and the habitat is destroyed.  As in the case of Site A.
Bataymetric studies must be conducted before the ocean disposal if adverse im-
pacts are expected.
          cc:   Alfred B.  Devereaux,  Jr.
               Charles Hunsicker
               Bob Reynolds.


                                   DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
                                        KINGMAN BUILDING
                                   FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA 22060
                 REPL.Y TO
                 ATTENTION OF:
                                                              9   DEC 1982
         Mr.  Jonathan Amson
         Criteria and Standards Division
         U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
         401  M Street, S. W.
         Washington,  D. C.  20460
Dear Mr. Amson:

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Tampa Harbor, Florida, Ocean
Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation, dated November, 1932, has been
reviewed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.  The Corps' general and specific
comments are inclosed, Incl 1.

The Corps concurs with EPA's recommendation that the ocean site at center
coordinates 27° 31* 27"N, 83° 04• 54«W, is environmentally acceptable for the
ocean disposal of dredged material and should receive permanent designation for
the disposal of dredged materials from the Tampa Bay area that are in
compliance with the criteria and requirements of EPA and Corps regulations.

         1  Incl
         As stated
                                       Chief, Dredging Division


     -R                                                        1 December 1982

                     SAD Comments  on  EPA  DEIS  (November 1982)
            for Tampa Ocean Dredged Material Disposal  Site  Designation

1.   General.

    a.   While the EIS recommends the  designation  of a  new ocean disposal  site,
it does not clearly show the trade-offs involved  in changing sites.   That is,
the additional economic costs of utilizing Site 4  are not weighed-against the
environmental damages to the existing site and adjacent areas.  Furthermore,
the significance of the hard bottom areas in  Site A to the  hard bottom in the
geographic region is not discussed or demonstrated.

    b.   The EIS should clarify the concept that previous studies  "showed no
significant environmental degradation outside  Site A,  and,  in EPA's  best
professional  judgment, the balance of the dredged material  from Section 2C
(portion) will remain within the site without  causing  unacceptable  adverse impact
beyond the site boundary."  (Federal  Register, October 6, 1982).  The EIS does not
appear to be totally consistent with  the concept as indicated by  paragraph 1,
page 2-26 and paragraph 1, page 4-2.

    c.  Recovery of Site A after completion of disposal should be disc-.-sed.

2-  Page VI. first sentence, item(2).  "possible" should be deleted.

3,  Pages X, 10thlineand 2-4, llth  line,  "justify an acceptable"... suggest
replace "justify" with "develop," and method needs to  be pluralized.

*•  Page 1-6.  The second paragraph needs to be revised to  reflect  the comple-
tion~~5rrecent maintenance dredging of St. Petersburg  Harbor and  Port Tampa
Channel,  St. Petersburg Harbor dredging was completed on May 1981; 362,652
cubic years of dredged material was taken from St. Petersburg Harbor and
deposited in the Gulf d/a (Site A).  Dredging at Port Tampa Channel  (Cut 6)
was completed on March 1982; 662,897  cubic yards of dredged material from
the Port Tampa Channel was deposited  at the Gulf d/a (Site A).

5.  Page 2-3,_ f1rst^ful1 paragraph.  Freshwater runoff from upland  is not
considered a significant influence at the subject disposal  areas.  It is
recommended  that "freshwater runoff11  should be deleted.

6.  Page 2-3, last paragraph.   Site 4 is  5.6 statute miles farther hauling distance
than existing site.A  round trip would therefore  be 11.2 statute miles  (9.7 nautical
mi 1es).

7.  Page 2-5.  A total  land-based  operation is not expressed on this page.  The
alternative  should be  identified as a land and water-based disposal area.   In
addition, the mention  of dike  locations  is confusing.  During  successive
dredging operations,  dredged material will be placed  landward  of temporary  dike
structures located  above the waterline.   This will confine unconsolidated material
and control  the  runoff from the disposal  area.
                                                                 Incl.  1


                                                     UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                                     Washington. D.C. 20235
                                                     OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR

                                                      December 13, 1982
Environmental Protection  Agency
Criteria and Standards Division (WH-585)
401 M Street, SW,  Room 2824
Washington, D.C.   20460

Dear Sir:

     This is in reference to your draft environmental impact statement
entitled "Tampa Harbor, Florida,  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal  Site
Designation."  The enclosed comments from the National Oceanic  and  Atmospheric
Administration are forwarded for  your consideration.

     Thank you.for giving us an opportunity to provide comments.  We would
appreciate receiving  four copies  of the final environmental impact  statement.

                                                yce !"f  Wood
                                              Ecology  and  Conservation Division
                                                     10TH ANNIVERSARY 1970-1SSO

                                                     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                                     A young agency with a historic
                                                     tradition of service to che Nation


                         National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                        Southeast Region
                        9450 Roger Boulevard
                        St. Petersburg,  FL 33702

                        November 4, 1982
PP/EC - Dave Cgttingham

F/SER64 - And'reas


SUBJECT:   Review of the November 1982 Draft Environmental
           Impact Statement for Tampa Harbor, Florida Ocean
           Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation by the
           United States Environmental Protection Agency

     The subject DEIS has been received for review by the Marine Mammals
and Endangered Species Branch of the National Marine Fisheries Service,
Southeast Region.

     The statement has been reviewed relative to information provided
on marine mammals and endangered species.  The following comments
are offered for your consideration.

3 Affected Environments
Rare and Endangered Species (Page 3-46)

     The information provided regarding whales should be revised.  No
data is available on the life histories of the six whale species discussed.
Accordingly, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the Gulf serves as
a winter feeding, mating, and calving ground, or that most whales
stay beyond the continental shelf.  The following information on
whales should be considered.  This information was obtained from
Schmidly, D.J. 1981. Marine Mammals of the Southeastern United States
Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office
of Biological Services, Washington,.D.C. FWS/OBS - 80/41 163p.

     Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis) - -These whales are known from
the Gulf of Mexico based on three strandings; one at Gulfport Harbor,
Mississippi, one near Fort Bayou, Louisiana, and one at Campeche, Mexico.
Three stocks are believed to exist, one of these may be a Caribbean/Gulf
of Mexico stock.  These whales are distributed inshore as well as offshore.
No data is available on life history in the Gulf of Mexico.

     Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physa_l_u8_) - These whales are known from
the Gulf of Mexico based on four sightings and six strandings.  They
are present in the Gulf of Mexico apparently throughout the year,
possibly indicating an isolated stock.  Two sightings have occurred
inshore;  one in Florida Bay near Boot Key and the other off Destin, Florida,
Accordingly, an inshore as well as offshore distribution is indicated.
No life history data is available for fin whales in the Gulf of Mexico.

      Blue Whale  (Balaenoptera musculus) - Blue whales  are known
 from the Gulf of Mexico based only on two strandings.  The
 identification of one of  these  strandings may be  suspect.  No other
 data is available for this species in the Gulf of Mexico, but blue
 whales seem  to prefer cold water and avoid warm waters.

      Humpback Whale  (Megaptera  novaeang1i ae) - This  species  is known
 from the Gulf of Mexico based mainly on three sightings, one of  these
 was  off the  mouth of Tampa Bay  within 40 miles of the  coast.  Captures
 are  also reported from the Gulf of Mexico.  Humpback whales  are  a
 coastal species  and  are likely  to be found inshore.  Breeding and
 calving are  known to occur in Caribbean waters from  January  to March,
 but  no life  history  data  is available for the species  in the Gulf of

      Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) - One sighting  and one stranding
 of this species  are  reported from the Gulf of Mexico.  The sighting
 occurred off New Pass, Manatee  County, Florida.   These whales are
 primarily coastal, occurring very close to shore.  Therefore, they
 are  threatened by pollution, habitat destruction, and  ship traffic,
 especially since they are near  extinction.  No life  history  data is
 available for the right whale in the Gulf of Mexico.

      Sperm Whale (Physeter catodon) - A number of captures,  strandings,
 and  sightings have been reported for this species in the Gulf of Mexico.
 Sperm whales occur primarily in deep water off the continental shelf.
'The  sperm whale  was  once numerous in the Gulf, but is  now considered
 to be uncommon.  No  life history data is available in  the Gulf of Mexico.

      The information in the DEIS on sea turtles is also not accurate.
 Specifically, we disagree that  the five endangered turtles migrate from
 the  Caribbean to nest along the Gulf coast of Florida  and that the
 turtles range from Cedar Keys south to the Dry Tortugas.  Moreover,
 the  loggerhead sea turtle is listed as threatened, not endangered.

      The five species of sea turtles mentioned are distributed through-
 out  the Gulf of  Mexico and not only from the Cedar Keys to the Dry Tortugas,
 Also, the reference  used to document that sea turtles migrate from the
 Caribbean to the Gulf of Mexico should be provided.  The loggerhead is
 the only sea turtle  that nests with any frequency along the Gulf coast
 of Florida.  Nesting here by other sea turtles would be very rare to

      In view of the above, the information in the DEIS on sea turtles
and marine mammals should be upgraded.  Also, the discussion of project
impacts on endangered and threatened species (page 4-40) should
be re-examined in the light of new information obtained.

      The DEIS would also be more complete if it contained the results
of the Section 7 Consultation required by the Endangered Species Act.
This could perhaps be included in Chapter 5 - Coordination.


         December 17,  1982
                                                                                     tempo bou
                                                                                   9455 Koger Boulevard
         M_  m  a  waa*1»f                                                      SI Petersbwg.FL 33702
         ax, A. A. was^xer                                                  (813) 577-515 VTampa 224-9380
         Chief, Marine Protection Branch (WH-585)
         Environmental Protection Agency
         402 H Street S.W.,
         Washington,  D.C.  20460

         Dear Mr. Wastier:

         Subject:  Capacity of an Ocean Disposal Site to Contain Dredged Material
                   with Special Reference to Outer Site A, Tampa, Florida

         The staff of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has reviewed the
         above referenced  report prepared to support the extended area of  Site A
         for the disposal of dredged material from the Army Corps of Engineers
         Tampa Harbor Deepening Project* Based on the limited information in the
         report and minimal review time frame,  a determination cannot be made
         until detailed evaluation of  the proposed action on the  human health,
         welfare,  amenities, marine environment,  ecological system, and economic
         potentialities are  completed and public hearing is  held.

         The  report contains  some valuable scientific  information  assessing the
         impact  of disposing  dredged material  on sites  located  on the Atlantic
         Continental Shelf.   However; as it is  stated in this report, the  number
         of  conducted  studies  is relatively  small  and there  is  not  yet  a
         generalized model that  is  widely  accepted and available to describe all
         the relevant processes.

         Further disposal  of dredged material at  Site A  may result  in  more signi-
         ficant environmental consequences than at other locations.   Since  May
25-1     1981,  about 4.68 million cubic  yards  of dredged  sediment have been
         discharged at Site A;  about 59 percent of this material was  mud,  39  '
         percent was sand,  and 2 percent was  rock.  The additional dumping may
         cause irreversible  negative impacts on the marine environment.

         Therefore,  the Council staff recommends  that a public hearing be  held to  '
         evaluate  the impact of the continued disposal of dredged material of the
25-2     designated  site.   The public hearing  should be held in order to  receive
         this public testimony on the following issues:
             Chairman Jan K. Platl       Vice-Chairman George McGough      Secretary/Treasurer SaundraRahn         WA Ockunzzi
         Commissioner. HiltsDorough County       Mayor. City ol Largo           Councilwoman. City ot Bradenton        Executive Director

           Bradenton • Clearwater . Oade City * Ounedm • Guifport • Millsborough County • Largo « Manatee County • New Port Richey * Oldsmar « Palmetto

            • Pasco County • Pinedas County « Pinellas Park • Safety Harbor « Si. Petersburg « St. Petersburg Beach • Sarasota • Tampa « Tarpon Springs

         Mr.T.  A. Wastler                -2-                   December 17, 1982

;/  '   •

25-3     o    Evaluate other alternatives than ocean disposal like diked disposal
             islands and upland disposal areas.

25-4    o    Evaluate the Impacts of the proposed  action  on marine environment
             and economy of the region.

2,5-5    o    To further review the EPA proposal for extension of Site A for the

             Determine  whether the proposed action affects the recreational
             activities  of the region and commercial fishing.

             The possible impact on migratory fishing, should be identified*

            Contribute  to the knowledge  of the environmental features of this
            area based  on the previous activities in/around the site.

           Determine what studies' and monitoring should be done  in  this area in
           order to detect long term adverse impacts.

       We appreciate the opportunity to review this important project and hope
       the above comments are helpful to you in reaching a decision on a public
       hearing.   Should additional clarification be necessary,  please  contact
       me or Mr* Michael McKinley of the Council's  staff.
2.5-6    o

25-7    o

25-8   o

25-9   o
      'William AT
      Executive Director


      cc:  Jan Platt

           Westwood Fletcher
           Jesse Carr

                               Florida Skin Divers Association,  Inc.
                                                   December  9,1982
          Environmental Protection Agency
          Criteria  and Standards Division  (WH-5B5)
          401 M Street, S.W.
          Washington, D.C.  20460

          Dear Sir:

          As a representative of the  Florida Skin  Divers  Association,  I
          would like  to add to  our previous comments  on the  DEIS for Tampa
          Harbor Ocean Dredged  Material  Disposal Site Designation.

          The data  base of the  DEIS is badly flawed.   The "survey"  used  to
          define site 4 was unbelievably inadequate.   It  consisted  of
          towing an underwater  camera along a  straight line  track for  a
26-1       total of  two hours.   According to the  distances given  in  the log
          of the survey supervisor, the  camera track  only extended  about
          half way  across the site.

          The DEIS  concludes that site 4 is "sandy bottomed" and is
          "removed  from areas of recreational  diving".  It further-  states
          that there  are no wreaks or artificial reefs near  the  site.   All
          of these  statements are false.   Two  very popular wreaks are
          located just north of the site.  One,  the Bunsmoke,  is less than
          one mile  from the site and  is  plainly  marked on navigational
          charts.   There are numerous productive fishing  and diving areas
          in and around site 4. To our  knowledge,  three  productive areas
          exist within the site, including one ledge. At least  three
26-2       other ledges can be found within one third  mile of the site and
          dozens, if  not hundreds, of ledges lie within two  or three
          miles.  Numerous hard bottom areas can be found within and on
          all sides of the site.  All of these areas  are  popular and
          productive  diving and fishing  areas.   We can provide exact loran
          coordinates for these areas if the EPA or some  other agency is
          willing to  conduct a  comprehensive and unbiased study.

          The DEIS  is legally insufficient, because all alternatives are
          not considered. The DEIS implies that  it was not necessary to
          consider  non-ocean disposal because  the  Corps of Engineers had
          previously  compared those alternatives to ocean disposal.
          Hovever,  we examined  the 1974  FEIS and the  1977 supplemental EIS
2g_3       and found no significant analysis of potential  damage  to
          offshore  habitats, no studies  of offshore sites, no estimates  of
          damage to fishing and diving values  ,  either economic  or  social.
          We conclude that the  previous "analysis by the Corps was not
          sufficient  to assess  the relative merits of ocean  versus  other




        types of disposal alternatives.

        A practical, environmentally  safe  alternative to offshore
        disposal does exist.  Two  diked  disposal  areas are available in
        upper Hillsborough  Bay.  These areas  cover several  square miles
        and have tremendous capacity.  That  capacity  could be
26-4     sustantially increased by  increasing dike heights and
        de-watering the spoil material.  There  is no  need for any
        offshore disposal for many years to  come,  probably never.
        Failure to consider this alternative is a serious legal
        deficiency in the DEIS.

        We request that a public hearing be  held  in the Tampa Bay area
        to allow full and complete public  comment on  this issue.

        Please be aware that we  are considering legal  action  against the
26;-.5     EPA and Corps of Engineers if offshore  disposal continues.

        Thank you for this  opportunity to  comment.

        Richard E. Pease, President
        Florida Skin Divers Association


                                                                                      tempo bay
         January 14, 1983
         Mr. Jonathon Amson
         U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency
         Criteria and Standards  Division  (WH-585)
         401 M Street, S.W.                                                  {8i3)577.5l5i.'TanDa22-»-9380
         Washington,  D.C.  20460

         Dear  Mr. Amson:

         Subject:   Tampa Bay  Regional Planning Council A-95 Clearinghouse Review No*
                    218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa
                    Harbor,  Florida,  Ocean  Dredged  Material  Disposal   Site
                    Designation,  Hillsborough,  Pinellas and  Manatee Counties

27-1     Enclosed please find a copy of the Council's Clearinghouse Review report
         for the  above referenced  project adopted by the  full Council on  January  14,

         Should additional clarification  be needed,  please  feel free to  contact  me.
         We appreciate the opportunity to review the proposal.

         Chairman - TBRPC
         Hillsborough County  Commissioner



         cc:  Walt O. Kolb, Governor's Office
              Westwood Fletcher,  TBRPC
              Jesse Carr, TBRPC
           Chairman Jan K Plan        Vice-Criairman George McGougn      SecreiaryfTreaSU'er Saundra Rann          WA
       Commissioner. HillsOorougn County      Vice-Mayor. City ol Largo         Counc/'woma/r Cify ol Sradenton         Etecuiive Queer

         B'acenton • Oearwater • Dade City » Ounedm • Gulloon • HillsDorough County • Largo • Manatee County • New Pori Ricnev • Oldsmar • Palmetto

          • Pasco County • Pinellas County • Pinellas ParX • Safety Harbor • St. PetersOurg • Si. PetersDutq BeacM * Sarasota • Tamoa « Tarpon Sonngs


                                                                Agenda Item
    A-95 #218-82; Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Tampa
    Harbor, Florida, Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation,
    Hillsborough, Pinellas and Manatee Counties
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested review and
comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (BIS)  for Tampa Harbor,
Florida which presents information necessary for the  designation of a new
Tampa Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Site.  The purpose of the action  is
to provide the most environmentally and economically acceptable ocean
location  for the disposal of  material dredged from the Tampa Bay area.
Based on recent surveys  of four Shallow-Water  Alternative Sites,  EPA has
determined that Shallow-Water Alternative  Site 4 is the alternative with
the fewest hard-bottom areas which may be affected by the disposal  of
dredged material.   It is  the recommendation of  the DEIS that Alternative
Site 4 be designated as the disposal site location for dredged material
from the Tampa Bay  area*  Agency - EPA;  Location - Hillsborough,  Pinellas
and Manatee Counties.

                      Local Comments Received From;

Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission:  See attached
  letter dated December 5,  1982.

Hillsborough  County  Department of Development Coordination:   See attached
  memorandum  dated December 3,  1982. .

Pinellas County Planning Department:  No comment received as of  December
30, 1982.

City of St. Petersburg Planning Department:  See attached letter dated
  December 16, 1982.       *  *

Manatee County Board of County Commissioners:   See attached  letter  dated
  December 13,1982

Mote Marine Laboratory:  See attached letter dated December 9,  '1982.

Gulf of Mexico Fishery  Management Council:   See attached letter dated
  December 10, 1982.

Office of  the Governor:  See attached letter dated December 22, 1982*

                  Council  Comments and Recommendations

This project  has been reviewed for consistency  with the Council's  Areawide
Water Quality Management Plan and the  Council's adopted growth policy, the
Future of the Region.  The proposal has not been found to be consistent
with Council policy that a standard of water quality should be achieved
that allows  for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish, and
wildlife and  provides for recreation in and on the waters  in the region.
                  tempo bay regional planning council
       9455 Koger Boulevard St Petersburg, F|_ 33702  (813) 577-515 Mampa 22-1-9380

This project is regionally significant and the following local and regional
concerns  have been raised during the review:

•  The staff of the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council has reviewed the.
   Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)  for Tampa Harbor Ocean
   Dredged Material  Disposal Site Designation and offers  the following

   General  Comments

   1 .  The  DEIS lades sufficiently detailed evaluation and comparisons of
       all possible  alternatives including diked  disposal islands  and
       upland disposal areas.

   2.  The designation of Alternative  Site 4 for  disposal of dredged
       material from the Tampa Bay Area should be based on  more detailed
       studies  of this area.  The DEIS lacks site specific studies evaluat-
       ing the  impacts on marine environment and economy of the region.
       The  results  of the studies  done in  other locations cannot serve as
       the base for  evaluating the  impacts of the  proposed dumping of
       dredged  material  on the proposed site.

   3.  The  environmental consequences of dumping dredged sediments on sand-
       subs tate habitats  also cannot be predicted  based on the results of
       the  studies  from  other locations.   The ecosystem of shallow-waters
       in central-southwest Florida is different from  the continental U.S.

   .4.  Information  pertaining to tidal currents  is needed based on records
       obtained from  the tide guage station located in Egmont Key.

   5.  The  monitoring program has not been specifically designed to deter-
       mine whether  disposal at the selected site significantly affects
       areas outside  the  site and to detect long term effects occurring in
       or around the site.   It  is stated in the  DEIS that a monitoring
       program  may be established to supplement historical  data.  Details
       on what  the  monitoring program will  entail must be included.

   6.  The recreational and commercial  fishing values of the surrounding
       area should  be identified as well as the impacts  of  ocean disposal
       on migratory fishing.

   7.  It is stated  that dispersion  of disposal material outside the site
       boundaries  will be over time and  in  thin layers,  and that  such
       dispersion is  not expected to have unacceptable  adverse environmen-
       tal impacts.  Specific studies need to be completed to determine
       whether the thin layer  of siltation adversely  impacts  the  sur-
       rounding hard  bottoms (corals}.

   Specific Comments

   1.  Statements  that there are no hard-bottom habitats within or' in
       proximity to Site 4 are not well-documented.  More extensive inspec-
       tion of  areas  both  within and around the site is necessary before it
       can be  known what types of organisms  and communities will be

     adversely affected  by  dumping.  In-depth surveys to determine the
     nature and extent of  live,  hard-bottom habitats in or near the site
     should be  further conducted.

 2.   It is stated in DEIS that results  of dredged material disposal at
     the Tampa Harbor alternative  sites  are anticipated to be similar to
     the results  of disposal operations at Calveston,  Texas  (page  2-28).
     However, the  West Florida Shelf cannot be compared with other areas
     which have no hard-bottom communities.   The conclusions that dispo-
     sal will not result in any detectable changes in ecology of the area
     are inappropriate*

 3.   An assessment of the siltation and turbidity caused  by resuspension
     of fine particles by  waves, storms and tides has not  been completed,
     as well as the expected impacts of the siltation on live-bottom

 4.   The long-term effects  from the continual resuspension  of  spoil
     material throughout the water  column have  not been adequately
     studied nor documented.   The  amount and  frequency  of siltation, the
     direction of sediment transport based on site-specific ocean current
     information, and the environmental consequences of long-term tur-
     bidity should be estimated before final  recommendations are made.

 5.   It is  stated in  the DEIS that Site 4 is  removed from  areas of
     recreational use,  and has no known significant commercial fishery
     use (page 2-27).  This statement is not based on the  detailed survey
     of commercial and recreational fishing activities of this area.
     Relevant studies  should be completed  based on public testimony
     whether  the  proposed action  affects the recreational activities of
     the region and commercial fishing.

 6.   Cost-benefit analysis,  taking into account the direct and indirect
     economic benefits generated by the recreational use  of this part of
     the Gulf of Mexico have  not been  done at this time.

 7.   A public hearing should be scheduled to allow  full and fair public
     comment  in the draft EIS and the overall suitability of  dumping in
     the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

 The Manatee  County Board of County Commissioners has  provided extensive
 comments which already  have been forwarded .to EPA and are summarized
"below (see attached letter dated  December 13, T982) regarding the Draft
 EIS for a permanent ocean disposal site for Tampa Harbor:

 1 .   The EPA  survey upon which the EIS relies  to recommend Site 4 for
     permanent designation, used survey methodologies that are inadequate
     for determining the  nature and extent of  live,  hard-bottom habitats
     in or  near the site; yet,  the entire EIS rests on the  unproven
     assumption that there  are no hard-bottom habitats within  or in
     proximity to Site 4. This is  critical because of the well-docu-
     mented importance of  live-bottom  habitats to both commercial and
     recreational fishery  resources.

2.  Although the BIS notes that significant damage that can occur to
    hard-bottom habitats from siltation and turbidity, it completely
    fails  to describe or assess the siltation and turbidity that will be
    caused by resuspension of fine particles by waves, storms,  tides,
    and combinations  thereof, and it fails  to  quantify the  resulting
    siltation problem and  its  expected impacts to corals,  sponges,
    algaes, and the  like.

3.  The EIS recommendation of Site 4 is based on erroneous and under-
    stated information  concerning  the  use of  the area in and around the
    site,  which is actually located in an  area  that is heavily used by
    commercial and recreational fishermen,  sport divers, and others.

4.  The Site-Designation EIS presumes that ocean dumping is appropriate
    in this part of the Gulf of Mexico, disregarding as a general matter
    the high  potential  for damage  from burial and  siltation to the hard-
    bottom habitats and organisms found scattered throughout  this part
    of the Gulf,  and inadequately considering the possibility of using
    uplands or diked disposal areas on  a  short-term basis pending
    thorough  investigation of the  suitability of ocean dumping.

5.  The EIS also relies on erroneous cost estimates for  transporting the
    dredged material to various alternative  sites,  and there is no
    comparison  of the  environmental "pros and cons" of each alternative
    site relative  to the economic costs.

6.  Finally, with respect to the  EIS's cost analyses, the BIS fails to
    take any account of the direct or indirect economic benefits gen-
    erated by the recreational use of this part of the Gulf of Mexico,
    thereby placing too-heavy emphasis  on  the immediate costs of spoil

Therefore, in light  of  the many deficiencies  of  the Draft EIS,  including
reliance  on erroneous assumptions, inadequate surveys, and incorrect
infomation, the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County requests
that a public hearing be scheduled to  discuss  the Draft  BIS and proposed
site designation,  or,  in the alternative, that the Draft EIS be with-
drawn and subsequently resubmitted for public comment.

The staff  of  the Hillsborough  County Environmental Protection Commission
has reviewed the Draft Environmental Impact  Statement (EIS)  for Tampa
Harbor:   Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designation and submits
the following comments and recommendations:

   It is recommended  that all disposal at the Existing Site A be
   stopped because  it  is too close to shore,  too close  to produc-
   tive reef  areas,  and within easy reach of  divers and  small  boat

   Site 4 is  in 85 to  95 feet of water and is not as likely to be
   used for recreational purposes  such as diving and fishing.   All
   material should go  to  this site until some long range solution
   is found.

   Site 4 has no hard-bottom outcrops and would therefore have the
   least impact on fish and other types  of life.

*  The City of St. Petersburg Planning Department has reviewed the Draft
   EIS for Tampa Harbor:  Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Designa-
   tion and recommends the following additions  to the above  referenced

        Incorporation of any appropriate review criteria
        which may be forthcoming from the pending litiga-
        tion  related to offshore dumping initiated  by
        Manatee County;

        Analysis of upland dumping sites;

        Further analysis of  Site  4.    It  appears  that
        Appendix C.  (referenced on Page 2-13 of study) may
        provide additional data to  substantiate minimal
        adverse environmental impacts.

•  The Office of the Governor has submitted the following comments and
   recommendations regarding the Draft EIS:

        An interagency review of the statement has found
        that the proposed action would smother the benthos
        within the designated area and alter habitat within
        the  site.   The document recognizes that  these
        adverse impacts at the site  are unavoidable.  Our
        reviewing  agencies report that the EIS statement is
        inadequate  and  lacks  the necessary  information  to
        be of sufficient value as a decision-making docu-
        ment (see  attachments).

        We have concerns with  this designated  site and
        EPA's proposed rule for ocean  dumping without a
        Federal Coastal Zone Management  Consistency Evalua-
        tion.  Recognizing our  concerns, the impact of this
        designation  and  its effect on the Tampa  Harbor
        project, we request that your agency participate in
        an interagency meeting at your earliest convenience
        to afford  us  the opportunity to discuss  issues of
        concern to the State of Florida.  It is our desire
        to use this initial meeting as a step toward re-
        solving our  concerns.

Based on the review  of this document, it is  the opinion of the Tampa Bay
Regional Planning Council that no ocean dumping should be  performed
until it is demonstrated  that  ocean  dumping in this part of the Gulf of
Mexico is appropriate and that it is  the most  suitable method  of dispo-
sal.   That demonstration  should  include an  actual determination of the
nature and extent  of  hard-bottom habitats and fishery resources in site
4 and  in  surrounding areas.  This  determination  should be based on
further, site-specific surveys, including the direction,  amount,  fre-
quency, and distance  of sediment transport and siltation, and  a specific
quantification of the damage that will result therefrom. Also, a de-

     tailed,  careful  balancing of the economic versus environmental concerns
     for each alternative method should be performed, including consideration
     of the  many  commercial aspects  of  recreational fishing  and  diving  and
     development of a thorough monitoring program to assess the  impacts  of
     any dumping on a long-term basis.

     In conclusion, the final recommendation of the DEIS for Tampa Harbor
     which designates Shallow-Hater Alternative  Site 4 as the Tampa  Harbor
     ocean dredged  material disposal  site  is not  consistent with  the
     Council's adopted policy to  support the maintenance of Class  III waters,
     including  bays,  rivers,  lakes,  estuaries  and open waters of  the  terri-
     torial sea,  at a quality sufficient to allow body-contact water  sports
     and propagation  of  fish and wildlife.  (Future  of  the Region,  2.402)

     It is recommended that Alternative Site 4 not be used as  an interim
     dumping  site,  and that all  concerned parties meet  to resolve  identified

  It is therefore recommended that  the above local and  regional concerns  and
  recommendations be  addressed in the final  BIS  for Tampa Harbor.  Further,
  it is recommended that any additional comments  addressing local concern be
  considered  prior  to issuance or approval of the final  EIS.
  Committee adopted January 3, 1983.


                        United States Department of the Interior

                                     OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                      WASHINGTON, B.C. 20240
                                                                      5 '.983
 Mr. T. A. Wastler, Chief
 Marine Protection Branch (WH-585)
 Environmental Protection Agency
 Washington, D.C.  20460

 Dear Mr. Wastler:

 We have reviewed the draft environmental statement for Tampa Harbor, Florida, Ocean
 Dredge Material Disposal Site Designation, and have the following general and specific

 General Comment

 It is our understanding that present and  alternate Tampa Bay disposal sites have been
 selected without the benefit  of intensive and thorough  underwater surveys.  A fairly
 comprehensive analysis of impacts at Site A disclosed that severe environmental damage
 was occurring.  However, the same degree  of analysis was not devoted to any of the
 alternate spoil sites suggested.  The preferred alternative (Site  4) may not  have highly
 productive or  unique bottom  communities, but  this document does  not  provide the
 information to make that choice.

 Specific Comments

 Page 2-2. 203:  The so-called  "11 criteria analysis" has been restricted just to the two
 existing spoil disposal sites  and Site 4. It would seem appropriate to consider the same
 factors for Site 3, the mid-shelf site, and any other alternative which is not infeasible.

 Page 2-4;  In considering the no action alternative, it is stated that the Corps would be
 required to: 1) justify an acceptable alternative disposal method; 2) develop information
 sufficient to select an  acceptable site for  ocean  disposal; or  3) modify  or cancel a
 proposed dredging project that depends on disposal in the ocean.   Apparently each of
 these is considered an unacceptable alternative to the proposed action.  The  EIS fails to
 explain how Alternative 2 (developing information sufficient to select an acceptable site
 for disposal in the  ocean) is unacceptable.  In fact, this  is the major problem with the
spoil disposal sites which have  been proposed to date and with the draft EIS itself. It is
 apparent that  no source has developed sufficient information for selecting an acceptable
 site for ocean disposal.  Even proposed Site 4 is supported only with  minimal data: a
 single photographic transect did not disclose large quantities of productive hard bottom.
 It is  fully possible  that Site  4 may  indeed be  an ideal spoil  disposal site, but  this
 environmental impact  statement does  not  offer  sufficient evidence for  a rational

                   Mr. T. A. Wastler, Chief
                   Page 2-5;  A  Corps of Engineers 1974 document is used to explain the review of land-
                   based spoil disposal alternatives. The EIS does not describe how the construction of spoil
                   retention berms in shallow  waters of Tampa Bay and backfilling of wetlands  can be
        28-4       considered a "land-based*1 scheme.  If this "CE proposal" is to be described in the final
                   document, it should simply be considered another form of open water disposal.

                   Page 2-19; It appears that the entire justification for selection of site 4 is stated in two
                   sentences:  1) "A  video tape  taken of this area  revealed no rock or hard bottom
                   outcroppings and low vertical relief."  and 2) "A  recent EPA survey determined that the
                   site is predominately characterized by the presence of fine sands  and coarse silts  and
                   plains  of shell hash."   Considering the number of  alternative sites that  have been
                   proposed by various parties, and  their later rejection upon the finding that they contained
        28-5       environmentally sensitive areas,  the  reader surely must  question whether those  two
                   statements are sufficient to justify the permanent designation of four square miles of
                   shallow ocean bottom  to receive millions of cubic yards of silt and  other materials both
                   during this project and annually for maintenance dredging.

                   Page 3-21; The analysis of Site  4 is further detailed on this page. A camera was towed
                   across part  of  the spoil site and noted "flat, featureless sandy bottom".  A "few" soft
                   coral  communities were noted  during the video  tape  transect, but no hard  corals.
                   Presuming that this transect consisted of a single 2.8 mile line, and the width of bottom
        28-6       scanned was about 50 feet, then  this analysis was based upon examining about one-half of
                   one percent of the area proposed for spoiL  The document should state whether this is
                   statistically valid or significant.

                   Page 3-29; The EIS provides few bits of data which  are directly comparable between the
                   existing and proposed spoil site.  However, here  it is stated that dissolved oxygen levels
                   in the area currently receiving spoil are lower than dissolved oxygen levels over proposed
        23-7       spoil Site 4. In fact, dissolved oxygen levels actually dip below minimum State standards
                   in area currently receiving spoil.  The EIS should explain the significance of these data, if

                   Page 4-13;  The EIS states "a stress reaction or death may have greater  environmental
                   consequences to the surrounding benthic community than to the organism in question."
                   The average reviewer  may find  it difficult to conceive of circumstances in which death
        28-8       would  not be  considered a  primary or major  consequence to an organism.  Additional
                   information should be provided.

Mr. T. A. Wastler, Chief
Concluding Comment

It is our opinion that the draft environmental statement contains insufficient information
and  impact analyses to support a  decision to  designate  the  proposed ocean  dredge
material disposal sites.
                                                                  fa tJLs'
                                               Blanchard, Director
                                         Environmental Project Review


   •jpoionerit of Natural  Resources^
   DATED:    6 October 1981
   TO:       Bill  Lyons, <£l T*'SCOPTFoa-<» ^
             George Henderson

   FROM:      Walter C. Jaap'

   SUBJECT:   CRUISE REPORT R/V Hernan §irtez, 28 September-2 October 1981

   Scientific Party:

       Walter Jaap                 ^
       Jennifer Lowry
       John Halas-FDNR Park Service
       Richard Conant-USNPS
       Richard Defenbaugh-BLM
       Torn Burns-RSMAS-USNPS

  Vessel  departed  Bayboro Harbor 1630 EOT, 28 September.  Steamed to Florida '
  Middle  Ground  (14131.16, 45741.12).  On station at 0800, 29 September.  En-  .
  tire Scientific  Party dove on a large relief bank 78 ft (23 m) deep.  A second
  dive was made at 1305 on the same s.ite.  At 1500 29 September, vessel moved
  to  another bank  (14127.45,. 45734.01).  Dive made to 90 ft(27.4 m).

  Inclement weather precluded a fourth dive on the second Middle Ground bank.
  On  30 September at  0900,  vessel weighed anchor and steamed to a station of
  Bayport (14312.40,  45149.41)  arriving at 1745.   A ledge community  in ,2£ft :
  (9rjrm) was sampled.    .    .  • • •                             '       £*
   10.7  -        .                      ^
  On  i October we weighed anchor and steamed  to the  Blackthorn  artificial  reef
  (14181.74,  44942.61).  At  1545 we  dove  the  site  for 40  minutes.  After com-
 pleting  this survey we steamed to  a  60  ft(18.3 m)  ledge (14168.63, 44798.00).
 We dove  this  site for a short period for examination.   Following this dive we
 steamed  to  the  "dump site"  ledge off Tampa  Bay (14164.05, 44754.00).  On 2
 October  we made a sampling dive on the ledge.  We returned to the dock at
 2315, 2  October 1981. '

 During the course of the cruise,  six stations were sampled, 38 dives,  or 23.1
 hours of underwater  observations were accomplished.  A census of 56 one meter
 square plots was taken; a  total of 551 colonies,  15 species, and 14 genera
 Were encountered.

 Specific details of the sampling are included in  accompanying  tables.

 cc:  Captain Alan  Nelson   '   R. Conant
     0. Lowry ft.              T. Burns
   •  R. Defenb/ugh            J. Hal as       '
                                —recycled  paper-





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