    I    ox
                     INVENTORY OF

                STATE DRINKING WATER
                          Prepared by

                     Office of Drinking Water
                U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
      l)  ~               HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY
                         WASHINGTON. D.C. 20460
"I                                       >;p Printed on Recycled Paper


                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
I.   Introduction	 1-1

II.  Overview	II-l

III. Detailed Descriptions of Each State's System	ffl-l

Appendix A
   il 22, 1991


                                   L Introduction
    Basic Purpose and Scope of this Document

    EPA's Office of Drinking Water (ODW) is pleased to present this inventory of State
drinking water information systems. This document is intended to assist State staff members
who are interested in learning about drinking water information systems in other States.

    For example, if you are considering upgrading, expanding or improving your own State's
drinking water information system, you may find it instructive to learn more about systems
that other States currently use.  This may help  you in.the following ways:

    *  Expansion of system functions: You may be able to identify particular system
       functions that you would like to add to  your own State's  system. For example, you
       may discover that some States' systems have particularly powerful capabilities for
       identifying MCL violations, and for automatically generating correspondence (e.g.,
       warning letters).              .

    •  Improvement of interface with  EPA's system: You may be able to identify better
       methods for translating your State's data into formats required by the Federal
       Reporting Data System (FRDS).

    •  Development of new system: You may want to consider developing a new.
       information system for your own State. One approach might be to emulate another
       State's system - by using its software design concepts. Alternatively, you may even
       want to obtain a copy of another State's software, load the software onto your own
       hardware, and tailor the software to meet your own State's needs1.  You can use the
       inventory to identify other States' systems that might meet your needs and which are
       based on software and hardware that are available to you in your State.

    •  Contact with other States: You may want to learn the names and telephone numbers
       of staff in other States who are managing their- own States' drinking water information
        Under this approach, you would have to consult with the Stale that has the software, and would have to purchase
copies of any proprietary packages required to run thai software.
     22, 1991               .                                                          M

    The inventory presents details on each information system, on a standard form. Exhibit
1-1 describes the type of information that is contained in these forms.  In brief, you can use
this inventory to answer the following questions:

    •  What types of information systems have other States developed to manage their
       drinking water data?

    »  What hardware and software do these systems use? .

    •  What types of data do these systems maintain in their data bases?

    •  What types of functions do these systems perform?

    •  Who uses these systems?

    •  What approaches do these systems use for convening data into FRDS formats?

    •  What documentation is available for these systems?

    •  Who can you contact in each  State for more information?

    You may want to skim through the entire inventory.  Alternatively, you may want to
focus on those systems that are compatible with the types of hardware and software available
in your State.  A description  of how  the inventory is organized is in Section C

B.  Context and Background for this Inventory

    ODW prepared  this inventory in response to requests from several States.  It is one of
several initiatives to improve State/EPA data sharing, and to assist the States in meeting their
drinking water information management needs.

    Most States have substantial data collection and analysis burdens associated with drinking
water programs.  Primacy States have to submit large amounts of data to EPA, which EPA
then loads into FRDS to administer the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).  Virtually all
States, including primacy and non-primacy States, have their own information management
systems for Public Water System (PWS) data.  These systems are based on microcomputers
(sometimes referred to as "personal computers" or "PCs"), minicomputers, and mainframe

    Many States use their own drinking water information systems, in part, to assist in
reporting data to EPA.  Typically, a State will collect data and enter it into its drinking water
information  system; use the system to convert the data into a format that can be "read" by
FRDS; then transmit this FRDS-compatible data to EPA, where it is loaded into FRDS.

April 22,1991                                                                       1-2

    In most cases, States also use their drinking water information systems to meet a variety
of their own program support needs.  For example, many States use their own systems to
     inspections and enforcement actions, and some States use their systems to automatically
    violations of State and federal drinking water regulations.

C.  How this Inventory is Organized

    In addition to this Introduction, the inventory contains two other chapters and an

    Chapter II:  Overview. This chapter provides an overview of selected State drinking
                 water information systems that are included in this inventory.  Part of the
                 overview includes  a table which summarizes each drinking water system.

                 A review of this table will give you a  basic understanding of all of the
                 systems in the inventory. In addition,  this table can help you identify a
                 subset of systems of particular interest to  you.  For example, you may
                 want to use the summary table to identify all systems that use  dBASE

    Chapter ffl: Detailed Descriptions of Each State's System. This chapter  describes
                 each State's drinking water information system in detail. The  information
                 is presented on standard-format inventory forms.  The forms are quite
                 detailed, and typically are at least nine pages long for each State. The
                 forms  are arranged alphabetically, by State.   We encourage you to review
                 the table and summary information in  Chapter II first — and then decide
                 which of the  detailed inventory forms (in  Chapter III) you want to review.

    Appendix A: Examples of System Outputs. Appendix A presents examples of output
                 reports and also includes sample pages of system documentation.

D.  Sources of Information in this Inventory

    This inventory is based on information supplied by State drinking water staff.  The
interviewees are listed in the inventory forms in Chapter 10. All information was obtained by
telephone.  Due to limited resources,  the methodology for this inventory did not include
on-site reviews or system tests.

    After compiling the  information,  ODW sent initial drafts of each inventory form to the
EPA Regions and to the States for their review and comment.  Approximately 32 States
returned comments before the deadline for this document This version of the inventory
reflects these comments.  Comments we received past the deadline will be incorporated in the
next version of the inventory.
     22,1991                                                                         1-3

E.  How this Inventory Will be Updated

    ODW will update this inventory periodically, and will send copies of updated pages to

    We anticipate several types of changes:

    •  We will continue to respond to comments, as we receive them. If you want to
       propose changes or corrections, please photocopy the appropriate pages, make die
       necessary changes  on the photocopy, and send it to EPA. (See section "F', below, for
       contact information.)

    •  We may prepare descriptions of additional State systems. (Some States maintain more
       than one system to manage their drinking water information. In the current version of
       the inventory, we describe only one system per State.  If your State has more than one
       system, and you think the other system(s) should be described, please let us know.)

    •  We may perform a thorough update of the inventory — probably on an annual basis.

    ODW would like to receive  comments regarding the updating process.  Specifically, how
often should the inventory be updated? If you have suggestions, please let us know.

F.  How to Contact EPA Regarding this Inventory

    Please contact Arnetta Davis, in EPA's Office of Drinking Water, if you have questions
or comments; need additional copies of this document; have suggestions on how to modify,
improve or add to the inventory; or  if you want to propose changes or corrections.

    Ms. Arnetta Davis
    Office of Drinking Water
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (WH-550E)
    401 M Su SW
    Washington, DC 20460

    Telephone:     (202) 382-2803
    Telefax:       (202) 245-4383
April 22, 1991                                                                        1-4

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                                  IL Overview

 This chapter provides an overview of the State drinking water information systems that
 included in this inventory.  By reading this chapter, you can obtain a good understanding
the range of systems in the different States.
      In addition, by consulting the summary table in Exhibit II-1, you can identify specific
  systems that meet certain criteria (e.g., systems that run on particular hardware and/or
  software). You can then decide which systems you want to explore in greater detail.  Chapter
  III contains the detailed descriptions of each system.

  A.  Summary Table

      Exhibit H-l, starting on the next page, provides a summary of the States' drinking water
  information systems, listed alphabetically by State. For each drinking water system, the
  summary table indicates:

      • Whether the system maintains:

        -   MCL & Monitoring Violations
        —   Enforcement Actions
        —   Compliance Schedules

      * Whether the system provides mailing support

      • -Whether the system determines SNCs

      * The data output format for FRDS uploading

      * The hardware and software on which the system currently resides

      * The name and telephone number of a lead contact within the State.
     il 22,1991






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 B.  Overview of Selected State Systems

     To help illustrate the range of systems, we have selected a handful of innovative systems
   describe briefly in text These descriptions illustrate the different approaches various States
 use to manage their PWS data.  You may want to read these summaries to obtain a flavor of
 the type and range of systems before proceeding to the detailed inventory forms contained in
 Chapter HI.
 1.   Alaska

     The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of
 Environmental Quality, developed the "APWS" system.  The system is written in Advanced
 Revelation, a commercial database package that runs in a DOS environment APWS resides
 on 286- and 386-based microcomputers linked by a Novell network, and represents a major
 upgrade of Alaska's previous information system.  The system currently maintains the last
 five years of information about Alaska's 4000 Public Water Systems (PWSs).

     APWS has the following approximate storage requirements:

     •   640 kilobytes of RAM.

     •   5 megabytes storage for the Advanced Revelation software package.

™  •   5 megabytes of storage for the system and associated programs.

     •   70 megabytes of storage for PWS data.

     Sampling results and updated inventory information are received in hard copy from
 laboratories and five district offices.  All updates to the system are performed via on-line data
 entry in DECs regional offices.

     The system produces standard reports, and has extensive ad-hoc reporting capabilities.
 All reports can be viewed on screen or sent to a printer for hard copy. On-line help screens
 are available to assist users unfamiliar with the program.  A user's documentation manual
 provides an overview of the entire system as well as a description of each dam field.

     Other highlights of the system include:

     •   Extensive Data Structure. The  system is capable of maintaining all of the data
        required by FRDS-II and also allows DEC to store some of its general administrative
     22.1991                                                                        H-6

      Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compliers.  The
      system automatically identifies all MCL violations and automatically creates a
      corresponding violation record.  Entry of monitoring violations causes the system to
      prompt the operator to correct the input  If no correction is madet the system
      automatically brings up a violation report screen where the violation is documented.
      Upgrades to the system, expected to be complete in December of 1991, will include
      the ability to automatically generate letters  to PWSs in violation.

      Automated QA Support for Data Entry.   In addition to the non-reporting violation
      responses described above, the system has built-in edit-checking to ensure that MCL
      entries fall within acceptable ranges.  System users are responsible for checking die
      accuracy of all other information they input

      Strong Capabilities for Uploading to FRDS-IL The system automatically writes
      data (in Data Transfer Format) to a floppy disk, which DEC sends to Region X,
April 22,1991                                                                       H-7

2.  Florida

    The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), Drinking Water Section,
          the "PWS Data Base" system.  This system is written in COBOL and resides on a
UNISYS (Sperry) 2200.  The data base maintains approximately 300,000 records, totaling 275
megabytes of storage.  The system is relatively new, developed shortly after FRDS-II was
created. DER uses the database to manage information on Public Water Systems (PWSs).

    The system supports remote and local data entry. For example:

    •  Approximately 20 field offices (county and district) enter data themselves. These
       offices utilize on-line data entry capabilities, via a telecommunications hookup to the
       PWS database.

    •  Inventory data  for the balance of the counties is  performed by DER's District Offices,
       which also use on-line hookups to the system.

    •  Compliance and violation data is entered by DER Headquarters staff, using terminals
       that are directly connected to the system.  (This includes sampling results data, which
       is submitted directly to DER Headquarters by certified laboratories.)

    The system produces standard reports, and also provides an ad-hoc reporting capability.
Standard reports are generated using a library of report programs which DER wrote using
     Ease software. Data Ease is also used for ad-hoc reporting capability.
    Other highlights of the system include:

    *  Extensive Data Structure.  The system maintains the same types of data as FRDS-Q,
       as well as additional fields not in FRDS-EL

    •  Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compliers. The
       system automatically tracks the types of monitoring reports PWSs are required to
       submit for the current month.  The system flags all instances of non-reporting, and
       also flags MCL violations.  The system then generates letters to those PWSs in
       violation. Another capability of the system  is the ability to identify PWSs in
       significant non-compliance.  (DER plans to  update the definition of SNC to correspond
       with EPA's three-tier definition.)

    *  Compliance Management Support Compliance schedules  can be input into one of
       several free-form screens to facilitate PWS supervision.  Monitoring limits for
       trihalomethanes, Chem/Rads, and bacti (coliform) can easily  be altered to facilitate
       stricter compliance. The capability to easily alter other monitoring limits is planned
       for the future.  Reports indicating the last inspection date of each PWS are used to
     22,1991                                                                       0-8

      schedule future inspections. Variance and exemption data can also be entered into the

    •  Automated QA Support for Data Entry.  As sampling results are input, all values
      resulting in MCL violations flash on screen. This allows for confirmation of correct
      data entry.  (In addition, Drinking Water Division staff manually review high and Ipw
      violation values for quality assurance.)

    •  Strong Capabilities for Uploading to FRDS-EL  The system automatically writes
      data (in Data Transfer Format) onto a magnetic tape, which DER sends to EPA
      Region IV. No intermediate manual steps or adjustments to die data are required.

    The system has both a user's manual and a technical guide.
April 22.1991                                                                        D-9

3.  Kentucky

    The Kentucky Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Division
   Water, uses a customized version of the Model State Information System (MSIS).  The
     mized system is written in Structured COBOL and SAS, and resides on an IBM 3090
mainframe.  The master data file and update routines are in COBOL.  Data are kept in flat
files, where SAS is used to, generate printed and on-screen reports, and to perform statistical
analysis of the information.

    Inventory information and sample results are input to the system by keypunch operators
in the central office.  To reduce keypunch error, all data is input by two operators, whose
files are then compared.  Entries not matching are rekeyed. All violations in the system are
cross checked manually.  The system generates reports from a library of programs written in
SAS. Reports can be reviewed on screen or in hard copy.  There is currently no special
utility or report shell to make it easy for the user to request ad hoc reports.

    Other highlights of the system include:

    •  Extensive Data Structure. The system has the capability to maintain all of the data
       fields i in FRDS-II.  Revisions and  updates to the system have kept it current with
       FRDS-II additions,  including the revised reporting requirements.

    •  Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence  to Non-Compliers.  The
       system stores all sampling results and flags any MCL violations.  Instances of non-
       reporting are also identified as violations.  A subroutine can identify significant non-
       compliance violations which are stored in a SAS data set for further analysis, tetters
       to PWSs in violation are automatically generated by the system.

    *  Compliance Management Support. Compliance schedules can be input into the
       system, which will  then track a PWS's progress. Although this capability exists, it is
       not used by the Department.  All current and historical enforcement actions are stored
       by the system.

    •  Strong Capabilities for Uploading to FRDS-IL The system writes data  to magnetic
       tape in Data  Transfer Format using SAS programs.  There are no intermediary steps or
       conversion programs.

    The user's  and systems administration manuals developed by USEPA for the MSIS
system are outdated. They do not reflect additional programming capabilities and do not
contain information  on the program code  or reporting capabilities of SAS.
il 22,1991


4.  New Jersey

    The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of Water
  Sources, administers the New Jersey Public Water Systems (NJPWS) information
management system.  The system resides on an IBM 4381 mainframe, and is written in SAS.
DEP staff access the mainframe via dedicated terminals and microcomputers emulating
dedicated terminals. | The system is used to manage information on New Jersey's Public
Water Systems (PWSs).

    PWS sample results and updates are uploaded in batch files created by keypunch
operators in DER's central office.  Standard printed reports are generated using an assortment
of programs written by DER. Ad hoc reports can only be generated by users who can write
their own SAS retrieval routines. There is no formatted on-screen reporting  capability,
although  users do have on-screen access to raw data files.
    Other highlights of the system include:
    •  Extensive Data Structure.  The system maintains as much data as FRDS-IL The
       chart (in Appendix A) provides an overview of the system architecture.

    •  Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compliers. The
       system automatically identifies sample results that are MCL violations.  The system
       also tracks reporting frequencies and sample submission dates, and can automatically
       flag non-reporting/monitoring violations.  Violations causing a PWS to be in
       significant non-compliance, as defined by the state, are  also identified by the system.
       Letters indicating non-compliance are automatically generated by the system and sent
       to all PWSs in violation.

    *  Strong Data Manipulation Capabilities. Data maintained by the system can be
       accessed and displayed in almost any format, The system software, SAS, is very
       powerful and can manipulate data more extensively than most database programs.
       This ability allows DEP to run statistical analysis of the data and supply other state
       offices with useful information.

    *  Strong Capabilities for Uploading to FRDS-IL All system information is sent to
       FRDS-EI via a dedicated telephone line, directly to NCC.  Violation information is
       reported in Data Transfer Format (DTP).  Inventory information is uploaded in MSIS,
       or FRDS 1.5, format  DER is presently implementing program changes, and expects
       to upload all information to FRDS-n in DTP by early 1991.
   il 22,1991 .                                           .                         n-11

    *  Extensive Documentation and User Support.  DER has developed both a user's
       manual and a systems administration manual for NJPWS. These manuals, currently
       under revision to include new FRDS-II update information, include a data element
       dictionary and descriptions of each field.

    The system contains built in edit-checking routines to ensure sample data is within
reasonable criteria.  DER staff also review printed violation reports for further quality control.
April 22,1991

5.  South Carolina

    The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), Division
           Water Quality and Enforcement, developed the Water Supply Information
Management System. The system is written in dBASE ni+, and resides on a DOS-based
microcomputer. The microcomputer is connected to other microcomputers by a Novell
network and is also hardwired to an NAS 8000 mainframe.  The system is used to track
Public Water System (PWS) data and upload that information to FRDS.

    Hard copy data from laboratories and regional offices are input by DHEC staff into a
copy of die system residing on a second microcomputer on the network. Once complete,
updated files are copied to the primary system to replace the preexisting data files.  South
Carolina uses the system to track all PWSs, including those serving less than 25 people.

    The system has  the following approximate storage requirements:

    • 640 kilobytes of RAM to run the system.

    • 600 kilobytes of storage for the dBASE application.

    • 350 kilobytes of storage for programs written by DHEC.

    • 400 kilobytes of storage for entry programs.

P • 4.9 megabytes of storage for indexes.

    • 22 megabytes for data storage.

    The system generates standard reports, programmed by DHEC that can be selected from
menus. Ad-hoc reports can be generated by users familiar with dBASE commands.  All
reports are available in hard copy, from a printer linked to the network, or onscreen.

    Other highlights of the system include:

    » Extensive Data Structure. The system maintains all data required for a PWS to be
      registered in FRDS-H, and most other data maintained by FRDS-IL

    • Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compilers. The
      system automatically flags all MCL violations. Instances of non-monitoring and
      reporting are  also identified as  violations.  Through a menu selection, notification
      letters can be generated to PWSs in violation.
    22,1991                                                                      H-13

    * Compliance Management Support. Compliance schedules can be entered into the
      system, which will then track the PWSs progress in meeting that schedule. There are
      no fields for variances or exemptions since the state does not issue any.

    • Automated QA Support for Data Entry. The system has built-in edit-checMrag
      capabilities for monitoring data. DHEC staff manually review at least 10% of all data
      for quality control.

    • Use of dBASE Software.  dBASE is a widely used software package which many
      people use. Training and programming time can be reduced for departments with staff
      familiar with the software.

    Violation data is prepared for FRDS in Data Transfer Format (DTP).  Inventory
information is prepared in MSIS (FRDS 1.5) format The system is currently under revision,
and DHEC forecasts all data will be uploaded in DTP by mid-1991. To upload to FRDS,
data is transferred  from the  microcomputer to the NAS 8000 mainframe, where it is sent over
a leased line (i.e.» telecommunications line) to NCC.
April 22.1991

6.  Tennessee

    The Division of Water Supply of the Tennessee Department of Conservation developed
    "Tennessee Compliance Tracking System" using FoxBASE-f (Version 2.1), a commercial
  tabase package that runs in an IBM DOS environment  The system is installed on an NCR
brand 286 based microcomputer and requires 60 megabytes of storage to maintain the state's
Public Water Supply (PWS) data for the last six years.

    A copy of the Compliance Tracking System is installed on a second microcomputer
which is hardwired to the first.  Update information is entered on line into the second
system.  Once completed, updated files are copied to the primary system to replace the old
data files.  This allows the Department to have the master Compliance Tracking System as a
backup and available for full time data retrieval.

    Report programs which the Department wrote using R&R Relation Report Writer
software, support both standard and ad-hoc printed reports. Other highlights include:

    •  Extensive Data Structure.  The system has the capability to maintain almost all of
      the data fields in FRDS-II.

    •  Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compilers. The
      system automatically identifies all non-reporting and MCL violations.  The system can
      also identify violations and PWSs that meet or exceed significant non-compliance
      levels.  Violation nonces are then generated by the system and sent to those PWSs in
      violation. In addition, mailing labels and general information letters can be generated
      by  the system.

    *  Automatic QA Support for Data  Entry.  Built-in edh-checking routines check data
      eligibility. Fields that are coded with edit checks will only accept predetermined
      answers or specific types of data as valid entries.

    •  Quick and Easy Program Adaptability.  Since the program resides on a single
      microcomputer, programming changes can  be made with relative ease.  Structural
      changes, such as the addition of new data fields or changes to the format of output,
      are easy to implement.

    •  Strong Capabilities  for Uploading to FRDS-II.  The system writes output to a
      floppy disk in Data Transfer Format (DTP), which the Department sends to Region

    There are no user's or system administration manuals for this system. A limited number
of help screens are written into the program.  Knowledge of FoxBASE is necessary to
implement program changes.
  Iril 22,1991                                                                       IMS


  7.  Utah

^^  The Utah Department of Health (DOH), Division of Environmental Health, Bureau of
^Prinking Water/Sanitation, developed the Bureau of Water/Sanitation System.  The system
  resides on a NIXDORF2 600/45 minicomputer, and is written in Editor. The system
  maintains data on Public Water Systems (PWSs), and small non-public water systems that fall
  below federal reporting limits.

      Seven work stations are tied into the minicomputer, which has a 66 megabyte hard disk.
  The information system runs on 56 kilobytes of RAM. The system occupies slightly more
  than 5 megabytes of disk storage, and takes up an additional 34 megabytes for data storage.

      Inventory information and sample results from private laboratories are keypunched into
  the system by central office  staff. State laboratory bacteriological and chemical sample
  results are uploaded from magnetic tape submitted and prepared by die lab.  The state is
  expecting private labs to have electronic transfer capability by the middle of 1991.

      Standard reports are available from a variety of programs written by DOH staff. Ad-hoc
  reports can only be generated by writing new programs.  All reports can  be  viewed on screen
  or produced in hard copy. The system is menu-driven; it presents message lines indicating
  which options are available to the user.  DOH staff feel it is very easy to use.

      Other highlights of the system include:

      •  Extensive Data Structure. The system maintains almost all of the data fields in
         FRDS-H.  The system maintains additional data in the  following areas:

         —   Submission and tracking  of engineering plans.

         —   Data on certified operators, including their training and examination history.

         —   General administrative data for the Bureau of Drinking Water/Sanitation such as
             prioritization of enforcement actions and staff statistics.

         -   Emergency response action lists.

         —   Mailing lists of interested parties and support  groups.
          The NIXDORF 600/43 is an early generation minicomputer running in a proprietary DPEX operating system. Newer
  NIXDORF products run on the UNIX operating system and can support programming done on older models.
     1122,1991                                                                         n.16

      Violation Flagging, and Generation of Correspondence to Non-Compilers. The
      system automatically identifies all MCL violations, and instances of non-reporting.
      Notification letters to those PWSs in violation are generated by the system through
      interaction with a WANG V-S word processor. The system indicates which PWSs are
      in significant non-compliance, and can generate hard copy lists of those systems;.

      Strong Capabilities for Uploading to FRDS-EL  The system was one of the first
      systems to upload PWS  information in Data Transfer Format (DTP). Data files are
      sent from the NIXDORF minicomputer to the Department's (Prime computer)
      mainframe, where they are transferred via modem to Region VUL
April 22,1991

                   IH. Detailed Descriptions of Each State's System

    This chapter provides details about each State's infoimation system on standard forms.
    systems vary significantly on a number of dimensions, such as types of data maintained;
functions performed; hardware and software employed; and methods for transferring data to

    These forms are based on information from State drinking water and data management
personnel.  As noted in the Introduction, all information was obtained by telephone, and
States and Regions were provided the opportunity to comment on interim drafts. We received
comments from approximately.32 states.  The attached forms reflect these comments.
Upgrades and enhancements to State information systems occur regularly.  Please see Section
E in the Introduction on how this inventory will be updated.  New and updated information
received by ODW will be reflected in future versions of this document.
    22, 1991


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  AK1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Advanced PWS Supply
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Alaska
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Conservation
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Doug Martinson
            1.4.2. Interviewee's Agency/Office:
           State agency/office/division (or branch):
                           Division of Environmental Quality, Drinking Water Program
           EPA Region/division/branch/section:
           EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   3601 C Street, Ste. 316
                                                Anchorage, AK 99503
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number:  (907)  273-4275
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   il 22, 1991                                                                   Alaska -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other  required reports
                For State regulated issues.
         X      General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
         •       Other
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)     '                                                       '
              X  .CWSs
              X    NTNCs
              X    NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X    Source/entity data
              X    System administration data
              X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X    System size
              X    System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
April 22, 1991
                                                                                 Alaska - 2

            X   System location data
            X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
                The system has fields for this information, but the State has not yet
                entered the data.
            X   Sanitary Surveys
            X   Operator Certification
          	  Entry Point
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
        ,  "X" next to ail that apply.)
            X   Type of violation
            X   Date of violation
            X   Parametric data (e.g.,  limit; level measured)
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same  type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                                  The system automatically  creates a violation record if
                                  there is a monitoring violation.
                           X      MCL violations
                         	    SNCs (also see next question)
                                  The system can sort for SNCs, but they do not  use this
          3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether  a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X      EPA definition
                         	    State definition
                                  Other definition
pril 22, 1991                                                                    Ajajfra . 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Current enforcement actions
             X    Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           _XT_  Compliance schedules
             X    Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X    Variances
             X    Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X_  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                  Can print a list with last inspection dates.
             X    Summaries of results of inspections
                  Can input the last survey date and the name of the inspector.
      3.7,  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           . apply.)
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)  ;
           	  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22. 1991                                                                    ****** ' 4

  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
       to all that apply.)
       	  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., sysem; systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
       	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system: systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
        X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
             Data is received and input in  Regional offices.
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
       	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line  (key) data entry
       	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary means by  which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
       to all that apply.)
        X   Input operator review
       _____  2nd party review
       	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
       On-line verification
             	 By repeat query
               X  By edit-checking
  3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices  (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
       (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
       	  Data telecommunications  (e.g., via modem)
        X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
       	  Magnetic Tape to Region
       	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
22, 1991                                                                     AJaska - 5

               3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                    	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                                    	   We are currently convening to DTP,
                                    	   There are problems with  the conversion.
                    	        MSIS  format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                                    ___   We are currently convening to DTP.
                                    	   There are problems with  the conversion.
                      X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF).  If DTP is used:
                                        Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                        Yes. There were some problems with coding data in the
                                        correct (DTF) format, and the first  upload had incomplete
                                        data which FRDS rejected.
                                        Was the conversion  fully successful?
                                        Fairly  successful.
         4.   User issues
                4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next: to all
                    that apply.)
                      X   Standard on screen reports
                      X   Standard printed reports
                      X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                      X   Ad-hoc printed reports
                4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                      X   On-line help screens
                      X   Telephone support
                4.3. WEat other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                      X   Other offices within the same state
         April 22, 1991                                                                    Alaska-6

                  Regional offices have access to the data.  There is a demand by other
                  agencies to use the data.
             X   Other states
                  Montana uses a copy of the system.
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Piit an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC
                       Compaq 386s and NCR work stations.
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Novell 215
                	   PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
                	   PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  DOS
           Applications software: Advanced Revelation
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                  Needs to be updated.
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
  ril 22, 1991                                                                  Alaska - 7

           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 They want to update the system to allow regional offices to input data and
                 electronically upload it into the system.
      5.6.  The following are Issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
             No Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
             X  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
                 Any users would need to purchase Advanced Revelation.
             X  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
                 5 megabytes of storage are needed for the Revelation software package
                 and an additional 5 megabytes are needed for the system's programs.
April 22, 1991
Alaska* 8

             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of RAM are needed to run the system.
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  Each Region  requires an average of 20-30 megabytes of disk storage for
                  data.  The entire data set for the state, encompassing five years of data,
                  requires 70 megabytes of storage.
             X   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system can address FRDS-II well, and is easily adaptable to changing requirements
    (especially  for surface water treatment laws that may be changing).  The system does
    require an in-depth knowledge of Revelation.

7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
           	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2 Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS H interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991
Alaska - 9


                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
      1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  AL1
      1.2.  Information system identification
           1.2.1. Official name of system:  FRDS-n
           1.2.2. Common name (if different):
           1.2.3. Commonly used acronym (if different):  FRDS
           1.2.4. State: Alabama
           1.2.5. Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
              '  Department of Environmental Management
      1.3  Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
      1.4.  Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1. Name of interviewee: Mike McCary
           1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
     State agency /office/ division  (or branch): Environmental Data
     EPA Region/division/branch/section:
     EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3. Interviewee's mailing address:
1751 Congressman W.L.
Dickinson Drive
Montgomery, AL 36130
           1.4.4. Interviewee's telephone number    (205) 271-7927
           1.4.5. Backup contact: Nanette Lumpkin
   il 22, 1991

2.   For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
              Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
              To date, the  only entries into the system are violations.  The system
              will be able  to identify and track violations when all monitoring
              information and sample results are entered.  This capability is
              expected by the end of 1991.
              Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
              Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of
              warning letters)
      	   Fee tracking
      	   Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
      	   Tracking of submission of other required reports
        X     General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
        X     Other

3.   Data .issues
      3.1.  For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data?   (Put an "X" next
           to  all  that apply.) '
            X   CWSs
      3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the  system maintain about
           PWSs? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Source/entity  data
                 Each source is maintained as  a separate  entry.
                 System administration  data
                 Demographics  (e.g., population served)
            X   System size

April 22, 1991                                                            Alabama - 2

            System owner/operator data
            System treatment data
            System location data
        X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
      __  Operator Certification
            A separate dBASE  program on a PC tracks drinking water and
            waste water operator certification.
     .   X   Entry Point
  3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about FWSs?
      (Put an '"X" next to all that, apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different  types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                 Planned changes  to  the system will enable it .to track the
                      X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                    _XTJLJ    MCL violations
                      X     SNCs  (also see next question)
      3.3.2.  Does  the system store an  indicator of whether a particular violator is
            a SNC?
                    How are SNCs defined in this system?
                    	    EPA definition
                    ___    State definition
                    	    Other definition
22, 1991                                                             Alabama-3

      3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about
          PWSs? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Current enforcement actions
            X   Historical enforcement  actions (or profiles).
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about
          PWSs? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          	 Compliance schedules
          	 Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           .. X   Variances
          ____ Variance type
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X"
          next to all that apply.)
          	 Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
            X  , Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources  are tracked by the system?  (Put ah "X" next to
          all that'apply.)
            X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data  is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to
          all that apply.)
          	 Financial data (e.g., fees)
          ___ Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please
          describe.  Refer  to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                            Alabama - 4

 3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put
      an "X" net to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories)
            to the state agency headquarters that manages the system.
      	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a
            regional office, which forwards the information to headquarters where
            the system is maintained.
        X   Data arrives from another agency  within the state (e.g., health
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to
      all that apply.)
      ___  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
 3.12. What  are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
      	  Input operator review
      	  2nd party review
      	.  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
             	By repeat query
             X   By edit-checking
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to
      FRDS)?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
      	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
      	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
      	  Magnetic Tape to Region
            Magnetic Tape to NCC
22. 1991                                                            Alabama • 5

      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           ____ Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                         	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                         	  There are problems with the conversion.
           	 MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                         	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                         _^__  There are problems with the conversion.
            X  FRDS 0 Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                             Were there any problems with the conversion?   No
                             Was the conversion fully successful?   Yes
4.   User issues
      4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an, "X"
           next  to'all that apply.)
        .     X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
                 Ad-hoc on screen reports
                 Ad-hoc printed reports
      4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X"
           next  to' all that apply.)
             X   On-line  help screens
           _1J_U_. Telephone support
             X   Other
      4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Other offices within the same state
                 Other State offices have data access capabilities, but cannot
                 manipulate  the data.

April 22, 1991                                                            Alabama - 6

                Other states

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
      5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that
          5.1.1. Centralized
                X    Mainframe
                     WANG VS 73-60 With Hardwired terminals
          5.1.2. Distributed
              	   PC network   Network type:
              	   PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
              	   PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
          5.1.3. 	Hybrid

      5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
          System software:  WANG operating system
          Applications software:  PACE
      5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
                User's manual
                Training material
                System administration manual
                Technical guide
   il 22, 1991                                                           Alabama - 7

          	  Annotated code
     5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
          Name:         Walter Corbitt
          Address:      (same)
          Telephone:     205-271-7921
     5.5.  Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system.
          5.5.1.  Is the system  currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
             	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets
                     these requirements?
                X    Yes, there are changes planned.
                     The department  is in the conversion process and working
                     idiosyncracies  out of the program.
          5.5.2.  What other changes are planned  for the system?
                Changes will be made, as required to report to EPA.
     5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the  transportability of the system.
          Put an "X"  next  to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
            X   Is the system run on public domain applications  software?
            No  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for  a copy or use of the
          	  Would any other fees be  required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary
          	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required
                for efficient operation of the system?
          	  What is least amount  of memory required for the system to run?
          	  What are  the current storage requirements for the system's  data?
                What degree  of modularity (e.g., substantial use  of table-driven
                software)  is there in the system?
                Are  there any other factors not yet discussed?
                What is the size of the current staff to support application  Two.

April 22, 1991                                                            Alabama - 8

  6.  What are the interviewee's perceptions of system's strengths and weaknesses?
     »Very pleased with system. Its architecture is just like the federal FRDS-II
     system.  PACE does have some problems in terms of extracting  data. Users must
     make a formalized query.

  7.  Miscellaneous
        7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
             ^X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses  FRDS
                           Frequency: Quarterly
                           Main purpose(s):  Data checking
            :	 No, the interviewee  does not use FRDS
        7.2. Did  the interviewee attend the FRDS H training provided by EPA?
            Did  the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
nil 22, 1991                                                           Alabama - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: AZ1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):  •
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym-(if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Arizona
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Quality
       1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Robert  Andrews
           - 1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
       .EPA  Region/division/branch/secrion:
       EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    2005 N. Central Avenue
                                                 Pheonix, Arizona  85004
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (602) 257-2205
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
       :, 1991                                                                  Arizona - 1

             All data is now tracked manually by the state.  Sample data is input quarterly into the
             FRDS-DE program to update FRDS-II.
         For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
               	    Inventories of water systems
               	    Compliance (e.g.. tracking violations; cracking inspections)
               	    Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
               	    Mailings support (e.g.. generation of mailing  labels; production of warning letters)
               	    Fee cracking
               	    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring   ,
               	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
                   _    General administration
               	    Uploading to FRDS
         3.  Data  issues
                3.1.  For which types-of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
                3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
                     "X" next to all that apply.)
                        ._  Source/entity data
                     	  System administration data
                     	  Demographics (e.g., population served)
                     __  System size
                     	  System owner/operator data
                     	  System treatment data

          April 22, 1991                                                                  Arizona.- 2

          	  System location data
          	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
          	  Sanitary Surveys
          	  Operator Certification
          	  Entry Point
      3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
          "X" next to all.that apply.)
          	  Type of violation
          	  Date of violation
          	  Parametric data (e.g., limit;  level measured)
          	  Capable of storing multiple  violations of same type
          	  Capable of storing multiple  violations of different types
          3.3.1.  	  Is the system capable  of identifying or flagging violations
                           X    Monitoring/reporting violations
                          	MCL violations .
                          	SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2.  Does the system store  an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are  SNCs defined in this system?
                          	EPA definition
                          	State definition
                          __ Other definition
      3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
          an "X" next to all that apply.)
          	  Current enforcement actions
          	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
pril 22, 1991                                                                   Arizona - 3

      3.S.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Compliance schedules
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put  an "X" next, to all that
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
           ___  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
           	  Data arrives from the  field (e.g.,  system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters  where the system is
           	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
April 22, 1991
Arizona - 4

     3.11, Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          	  Data is electronically uploaded
          	  On-line (key) data entry
          	  Data is keypunched
     3.11 What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	  Input operator review
          	  2nd party review
          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied Hata
          On-line verification
                	 By repeat  query
                	 By edit-checking
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an  "X" next to all  that apply.)
          	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
          	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
     3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put  an "X" next to all
          that apply.)
          	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
pril 22, 1991                                                                   Arizona - 5

            	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	  There are problems with the conversion.
            	  FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1,  What types of reports arc generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Standard on screen reports
            	  Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
            	  Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
 April 22, 1991                                                                   Arizona - 6

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           The state has the following hardware available for use in developing an
           information tracking system.
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Minicomputer
                       Honeywell DPS-6
                 X     PC
                       386 Machine
           S.I.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Novell
               	    PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
               	    PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
           5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           The following software would be used to support the above listed hardware.
           System software:
           Applications software:    ORACLE DBMS for the  Minicomputer; dBASE m+ for
                                  the PC
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
   il 22, 1991                                                                Arizona-7

           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Terry  Fields
           Address:       Data Processing Unit (for information regarding the

           Telephone:     (602) 257-6945
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the  following changes planned for die system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There are  no  changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an  answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system  run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would  the owning  state agency charge a  fee for  a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would  any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) dial is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           _.	  What is least  amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use  of table-driven  software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are  mere any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's  perception  of system's strengths  and weaknesses?
April 22, 1991                                                                   Arizona - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
            	  No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  II training provided by EPA?

             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                  Arizona - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  AR1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Public Water System Inventory
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Arkansas
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name of interviewer  Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Harold Seifert
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch): Division of Engineering
       EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   4815 W. Markham
                                                Little Rock, Arkansas 72205-3867
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number (501) 661-2623
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     22,1991                                                                  Arkansas - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
                The system stores the last 12 months of compliance history.  A violation flag
                indicates  compliance or noncompliance  for each parameter in the system.
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
                Minimal  enforcement information is maintained in a separate Lotus 1-2-3  file
                on a PC.
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
       	     Tracking  of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	.     Tracking  of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
       	     Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data  issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data

 April 22, 1991                           .                                      Arkansas - 2

        X   System treatment data
        X   System location data
        X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
       ^X.   Operator Certification
       r	   Entry Point
  3.3   Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
       "X" next to all that apply.)
       Inventory  and violation data are in two interactive databases.  PWS ID#s and
       Customer  #s are used to interrelate the information.  Separate programs, written
       in Basic, access the data  as needed.
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
       	   Parametric data (e.gl. limit: level measured)
       	   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
       3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X^    MCL violations
                       X     SNCs (also see next question)
                              The system can generate a SNC report.
       3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     	EPA definition
                     	State definition
                     	Other definition
22, 1991                                                                 Arkansas - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 Stored in Lotus  1-2-3 file on PC.
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X ^ Progress in  meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are  tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What wpes of resource  data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                   Arkansas - 4

  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             CWS data is collected from the  field by the State Department of Health.
        X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where the system is
             NCWS data is submitted by local Health Departments and central office
      __  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter  data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
      	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to ail that apply.)  •
        X   Input operator review
      	- 2nd parry review
      	  Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
             	 By repeat query
             	By edit-checking
  3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             Region can dial into State inventory system.
22, 1991                                                                   Arkansas - 5

             X    Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
                  Compliance information is delivered to Region VI in disk form.
             X    Other
                  Enforcement actions and inventory are delivered to Region VI in hard
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           thai  apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
        .   	  FRDS 0 Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
             X    Other
                  Compliance data is delivered to Region VI in dBASE. Inventory and
                  enforcement data is delivered to the Region in hard copy.
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
 April 22, 1991                                                                 Aikansas - 6

       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.) •
             X^  Other offices within the same state
                  Inorganic and water biology laboratories use the system for mailing
            	  Other states

5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X      Minicomputer
                        WANG VS 5000
            5.1.2,  Distributed
                	    PC network  Network type:
                	    PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
                	    PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
            5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Arkansas - 7

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: WANG Operating System
           Applications software:  .BASIC
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                 Contains limited documentation on  query and report access capabilities.
              _   Training material.
             X   System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Same
      5.5.  Please  indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
                  The Data Processing section will develop a new inventory system on the
                  WANG.  The system  will  be a relational database, using either Pace or
                  Cobol software.
      5.6.  The  following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X    Is the system run on public domain applications software?
April 22, 1991                                                         .        Arkansas - 8

            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of die system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g.t for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are die current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree  of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            jv._r[;j  Are  there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the sue of the current staff to support  application

6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    BASIC does not lend itself to routine user access; it is not  compatible with other
7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
            	  Yes. the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                             Main purpose(s):  -
              X   No,  the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS  II training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee attend die FRDS  n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                   Arkansas - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
L  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  CA1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1. Official name of system:  State Water Evaluation E.... P.— System
            1.2.2. Common name (if different):
            1.2J. Commonly used  acronym (if different): SWEEPS
            1.2.4. State: California
            1.2.5. Name of state agency that maintain? and operates the system:
               .   Department of Health
       1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1. Name of interviewee: Mark Ratbbun
            1.4.2. Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Health and Welfare Data Center
      EPA Region/division/branch/section:
               1.4.Z3. EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3. Interviewee's mailing address:   2151 Berkley Way
                                                Berkley, CA 94704
            1.4.4. Interviewee's telephone number  (415) 540-2186
            1.4.5. Backup  contact: Duncan Wilson (for "SWEEPS" information)
April 22, 1991                                                                California - 1

    Control of PWSs currently resides with both County and State District offices.  The 58
Counties oversee small PWSs, and the 14 District Offices are generally responsible for large
PWSs.  The information contained in this inventory form references a popular County
system and a new District system. New legislation scheduled to go in effect will give the
State control over all PWSs.  The State will then be in a position to implement a common
data management system.
    District offices will be using a mainframe system that is currently under development by the
State. Offices will access the mainframe via terminals with dedicated lines. Information
regarding this new system is printed in italic type.

    Each of the Counties independently decides what type of information system to use.
Many of the counties use "SWEEPS", a system developed and maintained by a private
contractor.  SWEEPS, previously available  on only a mainframe, has now been adapted for
microcomputer use.  This is enabling many more counties to use SWEEPS, and it is now in
use by most Counties.  Information in this  inventory form pertaining to SWEEPS is printed
in standard type.

    Where an "X" is checked and no comment is provided, both systems have that

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)

         X     Inventories of water systems

         X     Compliance (e.g.. tracking violations; racking inspections)

       ,,iuiXm  . Enforcement (e.g.. enforcement histories)

       _X_^   Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)

         X     Fee tracking

               This capability is planned for the implementation after the system is developed.

         X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring

               The system for District Offices will have this capability.

        	    Tracking of submission of other required reports

               General administration

       	    Uploading to FRDS

April 22,1991                                                               California - 2

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
            _^_   Others

       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
            	  System administration data
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   System size
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   System owner/operator data
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability,
              X   System treatment data
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X _ System location Hata
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
            	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
              X   Sanitary  Surveys
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
            	  Operator Certification
            	  Entry Point
April 22, 1991
California - 3

       3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Type of violation
                The system for District Offices will have this capability.
             X   Date .of violation
                The system for District Offices will have this capability.
             X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
                The system for District Offices will have this capability.
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations  of same type
                The system for District Offices will have this capability.
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations  of different types
           3.3. L  	  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                             X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                                    The system for District Offices will have this capability.
                             X      MCL violations
                                    The system for District Offices will have this capability.
                             X      SNCs (also see next question)
                                    This capability is planned for the implementation after the
                                    system is developed.
           3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of  whether a particular violator is a SNC?

                           How are SNCs defined in  this system?
                             X      EPA definition
                           	     State definition
                                    Other definition
April 22, 1991
California - 4

       3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
            an "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Current enforcement actions
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
            	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
       3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Compliance schedules
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   Progress in meeting compliance ^h^ifes
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
            	  Variance type
       3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   Summaries of results of inspections
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
       3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   Ground
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   Surface
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
              X   Purchased
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
April 22, 1991                                                                 California - 5

      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Financial data (e.g., fees)
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
           	  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
            to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the  field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that  manages the system,
                  Data will be sent directly from laboratories to headquarters via a local area
             X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where die system is
                  Counties send data on floppy disks in ASCII format to headquarters.
            __	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
       3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Data is electronically uploaded
            	  On-line (key) data entry
              ..._  Data is keypunched
       3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
            ^_.M Input operator review
                2nd party review
            	Confirmation by water system that supplied data
            On-line verification
April 22,1991                                                                  California - 6

                  	  By repeat query
                    X   By edit-checking
                        Well ID numbers are subject to a validity check by the system.
       3.13. How data is  exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
            (Put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
            	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
              X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
            j	  Other
            	  Magnetic Tape to Region
            	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
               j Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
            	MSIS format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            __   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            __   There are problems with the conversion.
              X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format  (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                  The new system for the district offices will send data to FRDS-II in DTP.
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
  pril 22, 1991                                                                California - 7

             X   Standard printed reports
                  The system for District Offices win have this capability.
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of die system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
             X   Telephone support
                  The system for District Offices will have this capability.
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	Other offices within the same state
            	Other states
            	Other                 .

S.  System.configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's  hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1. Centralized
                 X     Mainframe IBM with terminals and emulation stations
                __t    Minicomputer
                 X     PC Some County  offices have microcomputers
            5.1.2. Distributed
                ___    PC network  Network type:
                ___    PC/minicomputer network   Network type:
 April 22, 1991                                                                 California - 8

              	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
          5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
      5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
          System software:  DOS for microcomputers
                           IBM operating system for the mainframe
          Applications software:    Both SWEEPS  and the mainframe system under
                                  development use FOCUS software.
      5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
            X   User's manual
                 The new mainframe system will have a Data Element Dictionary, capture
                 screens, and data value descriptions.
          	  Training material
          	  System administration manual
          ___  Technical guide
          _____  Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?

      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
          5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
              	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
              	   Yes,  there are changes  planned.
          5.5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
.pril 22, 1991                                                                California - 9


       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	Is the system run on public domain applications software?
               . Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?  If
                so, what amount?
            __ Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
          *   ...._ What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for efficient
                operation of the system?
               . What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	L What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
               . What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is there
                in the system?
            	Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	What is the size  of the current staff to support  application
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            ___ Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                             Main purpose(s):
            ____ No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did die interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?

            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                                 CalifiHiria - 10

                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
Background Information
   1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  CO1
   1.2.  Information system identification
        1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Colorado Drinking Water Compliance System
        1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
        1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym  (if different):
        1.2.4.  State: Colorado
        1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
              Department of Health
   1.3  Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
   1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
        1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Dave Rogers
        1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office: •
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Colorado Department of Health
                       Water  Quality  Control Division
                       Drinking Water Program
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
        1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   4210 East llth Avenue
                                            Denver,  Colorado 80220
        1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (303) 331-4554
        1.4.5.  Backup contact:
    nil 22, 1991                                                                 Colorado - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       	     Enforcement (e.g.f enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels;  production of warning letters)
                The system generates mailing labels.
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2,  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X"  next to all that apply.)
              X  Source/entity data
             ___LIT System administration data
              X  Demographics (e.g., population served)
            	 System size
              X   System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                                  Colorado - 2

            X   System treatment data
            X   System location data
           	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
            X   Sanitary Surveys
            X   Operator Certification
           	  Entry Point
      3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           . X   Type of violation
            X   Date of violation
            X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
           3.3.1.   X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       The system can  sort on different fields to produce lists of violations.
                            X      Monitoring/reporting  violations
                            X      MCL violations
                          	     SNCs (also see next question)
           3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this  system?
                          	EPA definition
                          	State definition
                          	Other definition
pril22, 1991                                                                   Colorado-3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 Dating back to about 1985.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
            	i   Financial data (e.g.. fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                   Colorado - 4

     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
          _X_  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                 state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                 Laboratories send sample results to the central office.
            X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                 office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                 Inspection data  arrives from regional offices.
          	   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the  system? (Put an "X" next to ail that
          	   Data is electronically uploaded
            X   On-line (key) data entry
          	   Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	   Input operator review
            X   2nd party review
                 Staff spot checks data input.
          	   Confirmation by  water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 	 By repeat query
                 	 By edit-checking
pril 22, 1991                                                                  Colorado - 5

      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office .
                 Planning on installing a direct communications line to NCC in the near
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC

      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
            X   Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                            X    We are  currently converting to DTP.
                                 Inventory, bacti, and turbidity are uploaded in  FRDS
                                 1.5 format. The Department plans to convert to DTF
                                 by the end of 1991.
                          	  There are  problems with  the conversion.
           	  MSJS format.  If MSIS format, check those  that apply:
                          	  We are  currently converting to DTF.
                           ^^  There are  problems with  the conversion.
            X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTF is used:
                 Chemical and enforcement data is currently transferred in DTF using the
                 FRDS-DE program.  Once this system, which  is just being installed, is
                 complete, uploads will be sent in DTF by the system.
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
April 22, 1991
Colorado - 6

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4:2.  What types of support  are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply j
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state
                  Other offices request data in hard copy or on diskette.  There are no
                  other interactive users of the system.
            	  Other states

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized .
                 X     PC
                        CompuAdd 286, COMPAQ 386
   ril 22, 1991                                                                  Colorado - 7

           5.1.2.  Distributed
              	._   PC network  Network type:
              	   PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
              	   PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: MS-DOS
           Applications software: dBASE IV
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support die system?. (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's  manual
           	  Training  material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What  is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the  system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
April 22, 1991                                                                 Colorado - 8

                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
                       The new system, which includes the revised reporting requirements,
                       will be in place by the summer of 1991.
            5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            _X_.._  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy  or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is  the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
                  4 to 5 megabytes.
             X   What is  least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  (NOTE: dBASE usually  requires 640 kilobytes of RAM to operate.)
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  The Department has 30 megabyte hard disks.
            	•_  What degree of modularity (e.g.. substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in  the system?
            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is  the size of the current staff to support  application
                  1 part-time administrator, 4 technicians/users, and 1/2 employee for data
                  entry,                                                            .
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Colorado - 9

         7.  Miscellaneous
                7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
                        T   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                                     Frequency: Used only once
                                     Main purpose(s): Training
                       X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
                7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  n training provided by EPA?
                     Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  H interactive retrieval training?
          April 22, 1991
Colorado - 10

                                      Inventory Form
                         State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  CT1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Violations
            1.2.2.  .Common name (if different):
           . 1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Connecticut
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health Services
       1.3   Name of interviewer Milenko RaJich
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Joy Zocco
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
                1.4,2.1. State "agency/office/division (or branch): Data Processing Section
      ' EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   150 Washington Street
                                                 Hartford, CT 06106
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number 203-566-5049 (x!272)
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   tt 22- 1991                                   .                             Connecticut - 1


2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e,g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
                Compliance information data entry began five months ago.          !
       _     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
                Enforcement actions can be described in text fields associated with violation
       _     Mailings support (e.g.. generation of- mailing labels; production of warning
                Planned for the future.
       _     Fee tracking
       _     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
                Planned for the future.
          _n     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       _     General administration
       _ _     Uploading to FRDS
       •         Other
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
            _  Others
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
April 22, 1991
                                                                             Connecticut - 2

        X    System size
        X    System owner/operator data
      	  System treatment data  (Planned)
        X    System location data
        X    Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X    Sanitary Surveys
        X    Operator Certification
      	  Entry  Point
 3.3. Which types  of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X"  next to all that apply.)
      ^X^  Type of violation
        X    Date of violation •
      	  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X    Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3-3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                  Future plans for the system include the ability to identify exceptions,
                  or sample results that would normally be considered violations.  The
                  responsible engineer would then have the option of allowing the
                  exception without creating a violation, or not allowing the exception
                  and  creating a violation.  Engineers would also  have the  opportunity
                  to have a form letter generated- by the system to those PWSs with
                  exceptions or violations.
                       X _   Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X     MCL violations
                       X     SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
             The system  currently flags repeat non-compilers.  A method of flagging
             SNCs will beadded in  the future.
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                          EPA definition
22, 1991                                                               Connecticut - 3

                            X  State definition
                              Other definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 Enforcement actions starting in mid-1990 are stored.
             X   Historical enforcement actions  (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections (Planned)
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X  T  Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
                  Other resources data
April 22, 1991                                                               Connecticut - 4

  3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
       to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       The system maintains data on inactive PWSs, town population data across
       several years, violation tracking, and bas the capability of storing prior lab tests
       (although  not yet in use).
  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
       to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field  (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
       	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where the system is
       	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the  system? - (Put an "X" next to all that
        X   Data is electronically uploaded (beta testing)
        X   On-line (key) data entry
       	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
       to ail that apply.)
        X   Input operator review
       _Xr.  2nd parry review
       	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
        X   Inspection Review
       On-line verification
            	 By repeat query
               X  By edit-checking
                  There are programs that look for obvious, out-of-range errors.
22, 1991                                                                Connecticut - 5

       3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)                                       i
           _.	   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
                  The Department currently uses the FRDS-DE program to upload data to
                  FRDS.  They plan on using the program until their own system is
                  updated, holds all the information required by FRDS-C, and is able to
                  upload into DTF.
           	   Magnetic Tape to Region
           	   Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Card image.-  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTF.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTF.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTF).  If DTF is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             _X_  Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             jg   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
April 22, 1991
Connecticut - 6

       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
           	  Telephone support
             X   Other
       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             .    Other offices within the same state
           	  Other states

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized'
                 X     PC                  •          :       •
                       Epson and Compaq
           5.1.2. Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Banyon
               	\    PC/minicomputer nerworkNetwork type:
               	    PC/mainframe nerworkNetwork type:
           5.1.3. 	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software: dBASE III
         1991                                                             Connecticut-?

      S.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                  An information package, consisting of instructions and examples of the
                  screens has been developed.
             X   Training material
             X   System administration manual
             X   Technical guide
           	  .Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of die system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Connie Healy
           Address:       Water Supply
           Telephone:     (203) 566-1253
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                  The system includes most of the  required fields.  All required fields will
                  be in place as the system is upgraded.
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	   Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
                  The system will  be  upgraded to allow for many of the changes indicated
                  in this inventory. The Health department estimates that it will take
                  approximately two years before all the changes are made.
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of die system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           ^C   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
                  Developed in-house.
April 22, 1991
Connecticut - 8

             X    Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
                  Enough to cover costs of media and technical assistance.
             X    Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X    What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 .efficient operation  of the system?
                  The total storage  for both the system and data is currently 10 megabytes
                  (full-scale 44 megabytes).
             X    What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  5 megabytes.
             X    What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  20 megabytes.
             X    What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
                  dBase development consists almost entirely of modules.
            	  Are there .any other factors not yet discussed?
            inX  ; What is the size of the current staff to support  application?
                  Technical support • one systems analyst.
6.  What are the  interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    Each engineer uses it several  times a day.  The system has the potential to eliminate
    much of the current need  for storage of (paper) records.
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
            ___  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
      22, 1991                                                               Connecticut -

       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991
Connecticut - 10

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  DEI
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  FRDS U
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Delaware
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health and Social Services
       1.3  Name of interviewer  Lisa  Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Nome of interviewee: Jack Pingree
            1,4.2.  interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Division of Public Health, Bureau of Environmental Health, Office of
                        Sanitary Engineering
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    P.O. Box 637
                                                 Dover, Delaware 19903

            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   302-739-5410
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: Jeff Beaman
a-22. 1991
                                                                               Delaware -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
       	     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning
                Mailings support is done manually.
       	     Fee tracking
       	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
                Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring is done manually.
           .     Tracking of submission of other required reports
                Tracking of submission of other required reports is done manually.
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading 10 FRDS

3.  Data issues                                                                       .
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory  information does the system maintain about  PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to ail that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
            ^X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
April 22, 1991
Delaware - 2

           X   System owner/operator data
           X   System treatment data
           X   System location data
           X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
               The system has limited source location data.
           X   Sanitary Surveys
               Selected data from sanitary surveys is maintained, but no narrative.
         	 Operator Certification
         	 Entry  Point
    3.3.  Which types  of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
         "X"  next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation
          _X__ Date of violation
         	 Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
               Parametric data is maintained manually.
           X   Capable of storing  multiple violations of same type
           X   Capable of storing  multiple violations of different types
         3.3,1. 	Is the system capable of identifying  or flagging violations
                      The system may have the capability to identify or  flag violations, but
                      the office is  not aware of how to use it.
                         '     Monitoring/reporting violations
                        _____ MCL violations
                        _____ SNCs (also see next question)
         3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                        How are SNCs defined in this system?
                        	EPA definition
                        	State definition
                        	Other definition
Til 22, 1991                                                                  Delaware-3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 Historical enforcement action data is maintained manually.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all. that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
                 Compliance scheduling is done manually.
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 Progress  in meeting compliance schedules is tracked manually.
           _.	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put ah "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
                  Violations data gathered from inspections is maintained in the system.
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an  "X" next to aJl that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
                  There is  very little purchased water in Delaware.
      3.8  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all. that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
April 22, 1991                                                                 Delaware - 4

         	  Other resources data
     3.9  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
         to the categories above, as appropriate.)
         Historical violations and chemical data are maintained in the system.
     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
         to all that apply.)
           X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system: systems' laboratories) to the
                state agency headquarters that manages the system.
         	  Data arrives from the  field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                office,  which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
         	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
         	  Data is electronically uploaded
                The system is being upgraded to be able to electronically upload data.
           X   On-line (key) data entry
         	  Data is keypunched
     3.11 What are the  primary means  by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next,
         to all that apply.)
           X   Input operator review
         	  2nd party review
         	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
         On-line verification
                	 By repeat query
                	 By edit-checking
           X   Other
                The regional offices review the data.
Til 22, 1991                                                                   Delaware - 5

       3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)                                       ;
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           _.	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                               ....   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MS1S format. If MSIS  format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Removing some bugs and entering data.
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
            	  Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
            	  Ad-hoc printed reports
April 22, 1991                                                                 Delaware - 6

       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    On-line help screens
           	   Telephone support
             X    Other

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Other offices within the same state
             X    Other states

5.   System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's  hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC
                 '     Other
           5.1.2. -Distributed
               	    PC network  Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
                 X     PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:  Banyon
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment  and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software: FRDS-DE
     22, 1991                                                               Delaware - 7

      S.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                 Selected information from the FRDS n training manual is used for user
             X   Training material
           _____  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  .Annotated code
             X   Other
                 FRDS-DE training session.
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes  planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 The office is in the process of having a consultant upgrade the system to
                 have the ability to electronically  upload data from both the laboratories
                 and the regional offices. With the upgrade, they also hope to have more
                 people actually entering data  and be able to interface with the laboratories
                 and regional offices.  The system will also be able to track trends and
                 produce reports.
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to  the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to  those questions for which an answer is supplied
             X  Is the system run on public  domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
April 22, 1991
Delaware - 8

                 If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
           _____  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
             X   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
                 Using the FRDS-DE program.
           ___  Are  there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the  current staff to support application
                 One employee  with only 15-20  minutes per month for the input of data;
                 there will  be more when the upgrade is complete.

6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system has a useful way  to maintain data, but  manuals are too much material to
    sort through. The office wants to be able to  save the data automatically under the date
7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use  FRDS
           	 Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             ^X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7,2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                Delaware - 9


                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
Background Information
   1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  FL1
   1.2.  Information system identification
        1.2.1.  Official name of system: PWS Data Base
        1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
        1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
        1.2.4.  State: Florida
        1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
              Department of Environmental Regulation
   1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
   1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
        1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Kenna Study
       J.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:  Drinking Water
    State agency/office/division (or branch):  Dept. of Environmental
    EPA Region/division/branch/section:
    EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
        1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   2600 Blairstone Road
                                            Tallahassee, FL  32399-2400

        1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number (904) 487-1762
        1.4.5.  Backup contact:
       22, 1991             .                                                      Florida - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
               The system automatically produces letters to PWSs in violation.
       	    Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission-of other required reports
       	    General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system  maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs  '          .
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
             X   Others
                  The PWS system is capable of tracking non-pubiic water systems from
                  information supplied by  counties.  This information is used by the
                  counties for their own tracking efforts.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X    Source/entity  data
            _____   System administration data
              X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
 April 22, 1991
Eorida - 2

        X   System ske
        X   System owner/operator data
        X   System treatment data
        X   System location data
        X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
        X   Operator Certification
      	  Entry Point
  3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation                    •                   •
        X   Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
             The system  maintains parametric data for all types of violations.  In
             addition, ail laboratory data must be accompanied by a certified
             laboratory identification number or the data will be rejected.
     .   X   Capable of storing multiple violations of. same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1. . X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X      MCL violations
                       X      SNCs  (also see next question)
                               The system can generate SNC reports for the previous
                               12-month period.
22, 1991                                                                    Florida - 3

           3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X     EPA definition
                                  Florida is currently using EPA's old definition. They
                                  plan on reprogramming the new three-tier definition by
                                  December 1991.
                          	    State definition
                          	    Other definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
          • an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information dpes the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance  schedules
                 Florida can modify the program to use stricter compliance limits for three
                 contaminant types: trihaiomethane, Chem/Rads, and bacti. The capability
                 to easily alter'limits for other contaminants is planned for the future.
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 There are several free-form screens where comments regarding a water
                 system's ability to meet compliance schedules can be made.
             X   Variances
             X   Variance type
April 22, 1991
Florida - 4

 3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
      that apply.)
        X   Scheduling of inspections/Inspectors
             Reports based on the last inspection date are generated  to identify water
             systems due for inspection.
        X   Summaries of results of inspections
             Summary reports are kept in comment  fields.'
 3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
        X   Ground
        X   Surface
        X   Purchased
 3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
      	   Financial data (e.g.. fees)
      	   Other resources data
 3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
      to the categories above, as appropriate.)
  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
       to all that apply.)
       	  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency that manages the system.
        X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where the system is
             Sampling data is delivered  to the field offices from laboratories or
             drinking water systems with their own laboratories for on-line entry.
             Inventory information is entered into the PWS database directly by  the
             seven district and 10 approved county offices.  (The 10 approved counties
             are part of Florida's Health Department.)
        X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
22, 1991                                                                    Honda - 5

      3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Data is electronically uploaded
             X   On-line  (key) data entry
                 Information sent to  the State offices (district and county) is entered on-
           	  Data is keypunched
      3.12. What  are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
           to all  that apply.)
           	  Input operator review
             X   2nd party review
                 High and low values are manually  reviewed from hard copy.
           	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
           On-line verification
                   X  By repeat query
                      MCL violations flash on-screen when entered.
                                                           •                 *
                   X  By edit-checking
             X   Other
                 There are  on-line transaction edits before storing some data.
      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to ail that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g.. via modem)
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
             X   Magnetic Tape to NCC
April 22, 1991                                                                  Florida-6

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
            	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with die conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with die conversion?  Minor
                               Was die conversion fully successful?
                               Discovered in February 1991 that the state violation
                               conversion to federal violations was not working properly.
4.   User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for.use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard  on screen reports
             X   Standard  printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of die system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
             X   Telephone support
             X   Other
                  Annual training and manual updates.
  Ml 22, 1991                                                                   Florida - 7

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Other offices within the same state  Can only view and request reports.
             X    Other states  Request reports.
             X    Other        Public - request reports.
5.   System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe
                       UNISYS 2200; Florida uses dedicated lines exclusively for security
                       reasons.  The system previously ran on a Sperry  1193.
               	'   PC
           5.1.2.  Distributed
               	    PC network   Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer nerworkNetwork type:
               	    PC/mainframe nerworkNetwork type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  UNISYS OS-2200
           Applications software:  COBOL
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
             X   Training material
 April 22, 1991
Florida - 8

        X   System administration manual
      	  Technical guide
      	  Annotated code
  5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
      Name:         Greg Knobel
      Address:       Administrative and Technical Services Division

      Telephone:     (904) 488-0892
  5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
      5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
           	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
            X     Yes, there are changes planned.
                  With the adoption of the TCR, masssive changes planned.
      5.5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
             Automated tracing and invalidation of samples under new coliform rule
             requirements. When the surface water treatment rule becomes effective,
             the  sampling protocol will  be altered to recognize plant requirements.
  5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
      next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
      	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
      	  Would  the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
             If so, what amount?
      	  Would  any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
        X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
             efficient operation of the system?
             Exact system size is not available. There are over 300,000 records.
      	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
22,1991                                                                   Florida-9

             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  276 megabytes are currently required for data storage.
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What .is the size of the current staff to support application
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system contains about four times the information needed for PROS which is used at
    the State level. The interviewee's  perception is that the system is very good and that
    there  should be more automation.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
           	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
           .  X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
 April 22, 1991

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview foim:  GA1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Georgia Drinking Water Database System
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):  WATSUP (Program Name)
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Georgia
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Georgia Department of Natural Resources
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Paul Arnold
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's  Agency/Office:
       Slate agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Environmental Protection Divison
                       Drinking Water Program
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    205 Butler Street, SE
                                                Floyd Tower East, Suite 1066
                                                Atlanta, GA  30334
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (404) 656-4807
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: Doug Davenport
   il 22, 1991                                                                  Georgia - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning; letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
                Inventory data is maintained using the PRIME system; violation data is
                maintained on a PC using the program Clipper.
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            ______  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
 April 22, 1991                                                                   Georgia - 2

        X   System owner/operator data
      	X   System treatment data
        X   System location data
        X   Source  location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
      	 Operator Certification
      	 Entry Point
 3.3.. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X"  next to all that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X   Capable of .storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                  A program must be run against tbe data to generate lists of
                  microbiological  violations.
                     	Monitoring/reporting violations
                      ^u MCL violations
                     	SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2. Does the system store  an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                       X     EPA definition
                              The EPA definition of SNC as of April 1990 is used to
                              determine SNCs.
                     	    State definition
                        _      Other definition
 3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
      an "X" next to all that apply.)
22,1991                                                                   Georgia-3

           _X   Cuirent enforcement actions
                 Enforcement information  is on microcomputers in the Clipper Program.
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? '[Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
                 Compliance schedules for microbiological violations only are in the system.
                 Most other compliance data is tracked manually at the  regional level.
           	  Progress in  meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling  of inspections/inspectors
           	  Summaries  of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	 Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	 Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                   Georgia - 4

  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system: systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             The State does most of the laboratory work for PWSs and has a system to
             store data and print reports on the PRIME system.  The other
             laboratories do not have direct access and some data is received from the
             systems themselves.
      	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
      	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
      	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary  means by which data  QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to ail that apply.)
        X   Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
        X   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
      There is on-line verification data QA/QC  for microbiological data.
             	 By repeat query
              X  By edit-checfcing
  3.13. How data is exported  to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             The data is sent  via modem directly to NCC.
22,1991                                                                   Georgia-5

           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Mapetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	  We are currently convening to DTP.
                           	  There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                           ___  There are problems with the conversion.
                 FRDS  D Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                  As of October 1, 1990, all transfers will be in DTP.  Conversion and
                  testing are complete.
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.   User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that appiy.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                  Ad hoc reports are available only with programming.
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next; to all
            that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
April 22, 1991
                                                                 Georgia - 6

             X   Telephone support
     .  4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Other offices within the same state
           	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5,1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Minicomputer
                       PRIME 2755: access via terminals.
                ;	   PC
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Novell; this will Ethernet.
                 X     PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type: Twisted Pair
                	   PC/mainframe  network  Network type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In  what environment and on what software does  the system run?
           System software: Primes
           Applications software:  Info
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to  all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
           	  Training  material
           	  System administration manual
    il 22, 1991                                                                  Georgia - 7

           	  Technical guide
           __	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Ted Jackson
           Address:       Division of Environmental Protection
           Telephone:     (404) 656-6593
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there  are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 Plan  to discontinue use of the Clipper Program  to maintain enforcement
                 information  and develop  a proram  on the Prime Computer similar to the
                 inventory programs.
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put 5m "X"
           next to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state  agency charge a fee for  a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees  be required (e.g.f for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient  operation of the system?
                 The system uses 8 megabytes of main memory, currently uses 400 to 500
                 megabytes of disk  storage.  New regulations will increase need greatly.
           	 What is least amount  of memory required for the system to run?
           	 What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	 What degree of  modularity (e.g., substantial use  of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
                  Many separate  databases can be accessed with the INFO program.
April 22, 1991                                                                  Georgia - 8

           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
    What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The Drinking Water Program is setting up a PC network to be tied into the PRIME.
    There are some problems with down time  when the air conditioning is shut off.  Prime is
    unable to interface with other computers and software applications.

7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally  uses FRDS
                           Frequency: Once  per quarter.
                           Main purpose(s): To upload inventory changes and violation
           	 No, the interviewee does not  use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?

           Did  the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   d!22, 1991                                                                 Georgia-9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  HI1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.22,  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):  WST-BAC, PWS-INV.
            1.2.4.  State:
            1.2 J.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name  of interviewer
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Linda Bauer
•                                          .
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch): Safe Drinking Water Branch
       EPA Region/divisionybranch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.43.  Interviewee's mailing address:    5 Waterfront Plaza
                                                500 Ala Moana Blvd.  Ste. 250
                                                Honolulu, HI  96813
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone  number 808-543-8258
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: David Higa
     22,1991                                                                  Hawaii - 1

    The state's sytem is comprised or four databases kept on microcomputers. Three of the
    databases can be linked by PWS ID number. The fourth system, used to track VOS's
    and unregulated sample results, can not be interlinked with the others.
2.  For which purposes is the system used (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
               Inventory information is stored in one of the three interlinkabie databases.
        X     Compliance (e.g.. tracking violations; tracking inspections)
               A second database tracks bacti and turbidity.   The third interlinked
               database  tracks organic, inorganic, and THM violations.
        X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
               Enforcement information is tracked for Bacti and turbidity only.
       	    Mailings support (e.g.. generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	    Fee tracking
       	    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	    General administration
       	    Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all  mat
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
 April 22.1991                                                                  Hawaii - 2

          X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
          X   System size
        	  System owner/operator data
        	  System treatment data
        	  System location data
          X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
          X   Sanitary Surveys
          X   Operator Certification
        	  Entry Point
    3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
        "X" next to all that apply.)
          X   Type of violation
          X   Date of violation
          X   Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
               Sample results for Bacti and turbidity are entered into the system for
               some islands. Other islands submit a summary which lists only the
               instances of violation
       .   X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
          X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
        3.3.1.    X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                          X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                                 For the old Total Conform, turbidity, and Bacti
                                 violations only.
                          X      MCL violations
                                 For the old Total Conform, turbidity, and bacti
                                 violations only.
                        	     SNCs (also see next question)
il 22, 1991                                                                     Hawaii - 3

           3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this system?
                            X     EPA definition
                          	    State definition
                          	    Other definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
          .       Historical enforcement actions (or profiles).
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
             X   Other
                 The system can indicate when the last survey was completed.
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 The system stores  only the survey date.
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X    Purchased
April 22, 1991                                                                   Hawaii - 4-

 3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
      	 Financial data (e.g., fees)
      	 Other resources data
 3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
      to the categories above, as appropriate.)

 3.10. How is  data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
            state agency headquarters  that manages the system.
      	 Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
            office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            Army and Navy  bases and the Honolulu Board of Water Supply submit
            their* own results.
        X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
            Some islands have their  own labs and submit results on floppy disk.
            Smaller islands submit hard copy summaries.
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next  to all that
        X   Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line  (key) data entry
      	 Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
      	 Input operator review
      	 2nd parry review
      	 Confirmation by water system diat supplied data
      On-line verification
            	 By repeat query
            	 By edit-checking
22, 1991                     .                                               Hawaii - 5

      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA  Regional Office
                 A diskette is delivered  directly to PRC, an EPA contractor providing
                 FRDS support
             X   Other
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.   If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           __   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS  format, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                 The Safe Drinking Water Branch uses the FRDS-DE program to upload
                 data to FRDS-II.  All relevant information is entered into tbe FRDS-DE
                 program every quarter.
                               Were there  any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports arc generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
April 22, 1991
Hawaii - 6

             Ad-hoc reports are generated by creating custom dBASE commands and
         X   Standard printed reports
         X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             The system is menu driven.
        ^X   Ad-hoc printed reports
   4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
        that apply.)
         X   On-line help screens
        	  Telephone support
   4.3.  What other users of this  system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        	  Other offices within the same state
        	  Other states
System  configuration and system management and administration
   5.1.  What is the system's  hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        5.1.1.. Centralized
             X     PC
                   IBM-XT and WANG PC
        5.1.2.  Distributed
           	    PC  network Network type:
           	    PC/minicomputer networkNetwork type:
           	    PC/mainframe networkNetwork type:
 22,1991                                                                 Hawaii-7

           5.1.3. 	Hybrid
      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: MS-DOS
           Applications software:  dBASE III+
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.).
          •   X   User's manual
                 A set of instructions was  written for the bacti  and tubidity database part
                 of the system.
           	  Training  material

           	  System administration manual
                 They believe the  system meets the RRR.
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the  system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5,5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
      5.6.  The following  are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an  answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?

April 22, 1991                                                                  Hawaii - 8

           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g.t for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           _;	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  The Branch currently uses a 20 megabyte hard disk and a Bernoulli box.
           	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support  application

6.   What are the  interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS
            _____  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS U interactive retrieval training?
   ril 22, 1991                                                                   Hawaii - 9


                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
Background Information
   1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  ID1
   1.2.  Information system identification
        1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Public Drinking Water Supplies
        1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
        1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
     .   1.2.4.  State: Idaho
        1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
              Department of Health and Weifare
   1.3  Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
   1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
        1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Renee Hardy
        1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
    State  agency/office/division (or branch):
                    Division of Environmental Quality, Operations Unit
    EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
    EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
        1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   1410 North Hilton St.
                                            Boise, ID  83706

        1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number (208) 334-5870
        1.4.5.  Backup contact:    Steve Dempsey
     il 22, 1991                                                                    Idaho - 1

    Idaho is currently developing a new system to track PWS information.  The following
    inventory  fact sheet contains information about this system.  The expected completion
    date for Idaho's new tracking system is December 1991.
2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
         X     Inventories of water systems
         X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	    Fes tracking
         X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
         X        General administration
         X     Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWS.s does the system maintain data?  (Put ah "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain  about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all mat apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X    System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                                   Idaho - 2

       X   System treatment data
       X   System location data
       X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       X   Sanitary Surveys
     	  Operator Certification
     	  Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
       X   Type of violation
       X   Date of violation
       X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
       X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
       X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
     3.3.1. 	 Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                      \      Monitoring/reporting violations
                      X      MCL violations
                      X      SNCs (also see next question)
     3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                    How are SNCs defined in  this system?
                      X      EPA definition
                    	State definition
                    	Other definition
3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
     an "X" next to all that apply.)
       X   Current enforcement actions
       X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
  1991                                                                      Waho - 3

      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X   Variances
             X   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           ___  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 To be determined upon further development
             X   Summaries of results of inspections                                '.
      3.7. - What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put  an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all. that
           	 Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	 Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
                VOCs, bacteria, and turbidity.
      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
             X    Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system: systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that  manages the system.
April 22, 1991                                                                     Idaho - 4

          X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
               office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
               Inventory information is reported to field offices which then send the data
               to the main office.
        	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
    3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          _^rr  Data is electronically uploaded
          X   On-line (key) data entry
        	  Data is keypunched
    3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
        to all that apply.)
        Data verification methods are undergoing further consideration.
        	  Input operator review
          X   2nd party review
        	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
        On-line verification
               	 By repeal query
               	 By edit-checking
    3.13, How data is exported  to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
        (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
               Direct connection to NCC.
        	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
il22.1991                                                                     Idaho-5

           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	^   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            iir_   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with die conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?   Yes
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
              X   Ad-hoc on  screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed  reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   On-line  help screens
            	  Telephone  support
 April 22, 1991                                                                    Idaho - 6

       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
            	  Other .

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the  system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
               ___   Mainframe
                 X     PC IBM PS 2
            5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network Network type:  Token Ring
               	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               __.	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
            5.1.3.  	 Hybrid

       5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
            System software:  MS-DOS
            Applications software:  dBASE III, Clipper
       5.3.  What types  of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                  To be developed.
             X   Training material
il 22, 1991
                                                                                Idaho - 7

             X    System administration manual
                  To be developed.
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Steve Dempsey
           Address:       1410 N.  Hilton, 2nd Floor
                          Boise, ID  83706
           Telephone:     (208) 334-0414
      S.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system,
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes, there are  changes  planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes  are planned for the system?
      5.6. The  following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for  which an answer is supplied.
             X    Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would  the owning state agency charge a  fee for a copy  or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would  any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X    What is the smallest size (megabytes  of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
                  The system will require  30 megabytes  total.
             X    What is least  amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes
             X    What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  5 Megabytes
April 22, 1991
Idaho - 8

             __X_ _  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) Is
                  there in the system?
                  Menu-driven software
             X   Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
                  Wide-area access
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application
                  16 state-wide
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                     Idaho - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: IL1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Sample Automation Facility Evaluation
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):  SAFE
            1.2.4.  State: Illinois
            1.2.5.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Illinois  Environmental Protection Agency
       1.3   Name of interviewer  Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Charles Bell
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):   •
                        Division of Public  Water Supplies
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:.   P.O. Box 19276
                                                 Springfield,  IL  62794-9276
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (217) 785-4653
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     22, 1991                                                                    Dlinois - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g.. generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
          _      Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X^    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	      General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs                                                       .    !
                  The State Department of Public Health oversees Non-community water
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                                   mads - 2

        X    System treatment data
        X    System location data
        X    Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X    Sanitary Surveys
       IL _s    Operator Certification
      	    Entry  Point
 3.3. Which types  of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
        X    Type of violation
        X    Date of violation
        X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
             The system is designed to hold all sample results, however only violation
             data is input due to resource limitations.
       _ X  LI  Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X    Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3-3.1.   X'-n  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                        X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                              The system does not automatically identify radiological
                              reporting violations.
                        X     MCL violations
                     ___  SNCs  (also see next question)
      3.3.2.  Does  the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
             No. There is a  persistent violator report available for Bacti violations
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     	  EPA definition
                     	  State definition
                           Other  definition
22, 1991                                                                    Illinois - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical  enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
                 The system has the ability to track compliance schedules, but it is not
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X   Variances
             X   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           •__X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface  '
             X    Purchased                                                        ,
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           The system maintains historical data on raw water sources and on all certified
April 22, 1991                                                                    niinois - 4

 3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system,
      	   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
      	   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
        X   Data is electronically uploaded
             Data is electronically uploaded from laboratory information systems.
        X   On-line (key) data entry
             Bacti data is entered into an entry  program which then batch uploads  the
      	   Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X"  next
      to all that apply.)   "                                                   .
      	   Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
      	   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
             __  By repeat query
             	  By edit-cnecking
        X   Other
             Data is verified in the field  before it is entered into the system.
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
      	   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
      	   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
22, 1991                                                                     Illinois - 5

            	   Magnetic Tape to Region
             X   Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	   Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                             _____•   We are currently convening to DTP.
                               .    There are problems with the conversion.
            	   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Formal (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?  No
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
                  There is a very limited on-screen reporting capability.
              X   Standard printed reports
             ___t   Ad-hoc  on screen reports
            	   Ad-hoc  printed  reports
       4.2.  What types of  support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next; to ail
            that apply.)
              X   On-line  help screens
            ____   Telephone support
 April 22, 1991                                                                    Dlinois - 6

       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	Other offices within the same state
            ___ Other states

5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM 3090
                	     Other            •             •
            5.1.2.  Distributed
                	     PC network  Network type:
                	     PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	     PC/mainframe network  Nerwork  rype:
            5.1.3.  	   Hybrid

       5.2.  In what environment and on what.software does the system run?
            System software:
            Applications software: COBOL
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
              X   User's manual
            	   Training material
              X   System administration manual
            	   Technical guide
   iril 22, 1991                                                                   Illinois - 7

           	   Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Lou Allyn Byus

      5.5. Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X     There are no changes  planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	   Is the system run on public  domain applications software?
           	   Would the owning state agency charge a  fee for a copy or. use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	   Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           	   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	   Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	   What is the size of the current staff to support application?

6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    It would be better if the system were on-line and bad inquiry capabilities so thai;
    regional offices could use it
April 22, 1991
Illinois - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee  attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee  attend the FRDS E interactive retrieval training?
      22, 1991                                                                    Illinois - 9


                                    Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form:  INI
       1.2. Information system identification
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Drinking Water Information Management System
           1.2.2.  Common  name (if different):
           1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):  DWIMS
           1.2.4.  State:  Indiana
           1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Management
       1.3 Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun  (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of  interviewee: Linda Edwards
          •  1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch): Drinking Water Branch
        EPA RegioiVdivisioivbranch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    105 South Meridian
                                                Indianapolis IN  46225
         1  1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number.  (317) 233-4190
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
      22,1991                                                                  Indiana-1

    Indiana is in the process of receiving primacy.  As such, they are developing an
    information management system using dBASE IV.  The following information address
    this dBASE system, although it is not yet complete.
2.  For which purposes is the system  used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e,g., tracking violations;  tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                Fees are tracked through the Board of Health laboratories.
       __     Fee  tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ____     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
       	     Other  .
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
             X   Demographics (e.g.,  population served)
             X   System size
             X   System owner/operator data
April 22, 1991

       X   System treatment data
       X   System location data
       X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       X   Sanitary Surveys
       X   Operator Certification
       X   Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
       X   Type of violation
       X   Date of violation '
       X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
       X   Capable  of storing multiple violations of same type
       X   Capable  of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1. 	 Is  the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X      MCL violations
                     __    SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2. Does the system store  an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     	EPA definition

       3.S.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
            	  Variance type
       3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X.   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
       3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
       3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
            	  Other resources data
       3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
            to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X*' net
            to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
            	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
             X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
                  Some data arrives from the Department of Health.
April 22, 1991                                                                     Indiana - 4

 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all thai
      	  Data is electronically uploaded
       X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
      	  Input operator review
       X   2nd party review
            This is their current method of QA/QC.
      	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification •
      Repeat query and on-line edit checking will be developed in the future.
            	 By repeat query
            .	 By edit-checking
    .  	  Other
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to ail that apply.)
        X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            Data will be sent via floppy disk or modem once the system is fully
            developed.  Currently, bacti information  is sent to Region V  by modem.
      	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
      	  Magnetic Tape  10 Region
      	  Magnetic Tape  to NCC
22, 1991                                                                  Indiana - 5

               3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                    	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                                    	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                                        ni   There are problems with the conversion.
                    	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                                    	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                                    	   There are problems with the conversion.
                      X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                                       Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                       Was the conversion fully successful?
        4.   User issues
               4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                    .__X_^  Standard on screen reports
                      X   Standard printed reports
                      X^  Ad-hoc on screen reports
                      X   Ad-hoc printed  reports
               4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                      X   On-line .help screens
                    	  Telephone support
               4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                    _____  Other offices within the same state
                    	  Other states
        April 22, 1991                                                                    Indiana-6

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         '  5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC Epson 286
                  .     Other
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Novell
               	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network   Network type:
           . 5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
            System software:   MS-DOS
            Applications software:  dBASE  IV
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
              X   User's manual
            	  Training material
              X   System administration manual
                  It will meet the revised reporting requirements once complete.
            	  Technical guide
            	  Annotated code
    il 22, 1991                                                                  Indiana - 7

       5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
       5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
            5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                	   There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                	   Yes, there  are changes planned.
            5.5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Pat an "X"
            next to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            	  Would the owning state  agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required  (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the  smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
             X   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the  system?
            	  Are there any  other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the  size of the current staff to support application
6.   What are the  interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
April 22, 1991                                                                    Indiana - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   Nfo, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7,2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS U training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   nil 22, 1991                                                                  Indiana - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  IA1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Water Supply Facility List
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):  WSFL
            1.2.4.  State: Iowa
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Natrual Resources
       1.3  Name of interviewer  Lisa  Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Tamie Calef
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch): Data Processing Bureau
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    Data Processing Bureau, IA DNR
                                                 900 East Grand, Wallace Building
                                                 DesMoines,IA 50319
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (515) 281-8956
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
  pril 22, 1991                            '                                         Iowa -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
       JJX_    Inventories of water systems
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                The WSFL system stores data that computer programs can access to
                calculate  and determine which systems need to be sent "reminder notices" to
                initiate action.


3.  Data issues
Fee tracking
Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
Tracking of submission of other required reports
General administration
Uploading to FRDS
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.).                               ,
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all dial apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics  (e.g.. population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991
                                                                   Iowa - 2

        X   System treatment data
        X   System location data   (Nearest city)
        X   Source  location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys  (only inspection date is stored)
      	  Operator Certification
            Operator certification information  is maintained in a separate database.
        X   Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to ail that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations .
                       X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X     MCL violations
                     	    SNCs (also see next question)

      3.3.2.  Does the system store  an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     ji__rmf EPA definition
                       X  State definition
                     The system does not  define SNCs.  Iowa attempts to resolve
                     violations before they become SNCs.
                     	Other definition
22, 1991                                                                      Iowa - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Current enforcement actions
             X    Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Compliance schedules
             X    Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections

      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
             X    Other resources data
               Fiscal, personnel and hardware available to operate the system.
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           The system maintains historical data on violations and follow-up actions,
           monitoring results, monitoring requirements, construction records, and operation
April 22, 1991
Iowa - 4

        3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
             to all that apply.)
               X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                   state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                   System data arrives via a 2-year renewable water supply operation  permit
                   application from the field directly to the state agency  headquarters  that
                   manages  the system (DNR). Analytical data is sent from the field (system
                   or system's labs) to the University Hygienic Laboratory which is then
                   electronically transmitted  to DNR for editing and uploading into WSFL.
             	  Data arrives from the field  (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                   office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
             	  Data arrives from another agency  within the state (e.g., health   department)
        3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
               X   Data is electronically uploaded
                   Sample results from the laboratories are electronically uploaded.
               X   On-line (key) data entry
             	  Data is keypunched
               X   Other
                   Batch programs are used to load, delete, and modify data.
        3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
             to all chat apply.)
               X   Input operator review
             	  2nd party review
               X   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
             On-line verification
                   	 By  repeat query
                      X  By  edit-checking
        3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
             (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
               .__..,   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
22, 1991                                                                     Iowa - 5

           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Other                                                           '
             X    Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that  apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                               _    There are problems with die conversion.
             X    MSIS format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                  There are no major  problems with the conversion,  except for limited
                  resources. Currently, inventory and source data is sent  in FRDS 1.5,
                  while violation and follow-up data is sent in FRDS  II. Full conversion of
                  the system to DTF is anticipated by  mid-1991.
                            	   We are currently converting to DTF.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTF is used:
                               Were there any problems with  the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
 April 22, 1991
Iowa- 6

         4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
              that apply.)
                X   On-line help screens
                    The system is menu driven and displays screen messages.
                X   Telephone support
              ;	  Other
         4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
              	  Other offices within the same state
              	  Other states                    .                .    •
                X   Other
                    EPA Region VII  has direct access to view only. Any person or state
                    agency that is connected to the State network may access USFL for view
  5.  System configuration and system management and administration
         5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an  "X" next to all that apply.)
              5.1.1.  Centralized
                   X     Mainframe  IBM 3090
              5.1.2.  Distributed
                  	    PC network  Network type:
                     _L    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                  	    PC/mainframe network   Network type:
              5.1.3.     .   Hybrid
         5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
              System software:  VMS-ESA
              Applications software:  IDMS  DATABASE
22, 1991                                                                    Iowa - 7

      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                 There is a limited amount of training material.
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
             X   Annotated code
           	  • Other
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 Requirements?                                                       •  .
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets thtsse
                 X^    Yes, there arc changes planned.
                       Anticipate full  conversion by mid-1991.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to  those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X  Is die system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size  (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the  system?
                  The system operates a 500 cylinder mainframe.
April 22, 1991
Iowa - 8

            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?

                i  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            _____  Are there any other factors .not yet discussed?
             X   What .is the size of the current staff to support application
                  It is projected  that approximately two FTEs will  be required per year.
                  This estimate ranges from 1-4 people.
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's  strengths and weaknesses?
    Very use-friendly after initial  sign-on.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee  attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee  attend the FRDS H interactive retrieval training?
  pril 22, 1991                                                                     Iowa - 9


                                       Inventory Form
                          State Drinking Water Information Systems
  1.   Background Information
         1.1. Tracking number for this interview form:  KS1
         1.2. Information system identification
             1.2.1.  Official name of system:
             1.2:2.  Common name (if different):
             1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
             1.2.4.  State: Kansas
             1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                    Department of Health and Environment,
                    Bureau  of Water
         1.3  Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
         1.4. Basic interviewee information
             1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Jean Herrold
             1.4.2.  .Interviewee's Agency/Office:
         State  agency/office/division (or branch): Public Water Supply Section
         EPA Region/division/branch/section:
         EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
             L4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   Forbes Field
                                                  Bldg. #740
                                                  Topeka, Kansas  66620
             1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (913) 296-5518
             1.4.5.  Backup contact:
22, 1991                                                                   Kansas - 1

    Kansas does not have an information system to track PWS.  All data is manually
    tracked and stored.  Update information for FRDS-O is sent via hardcopy (card 45) to
    the Regional Office.
    The Word processing center has a mailing list with fees, lab accounts, EPA #, County,
    and brief description of each PWS.  The following capabilities are deroved from this
    mailing list
2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
       	 Inventories of water systems
          _ Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       __ Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
        X Fee tracking
       	 Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	 Tracking of submission of other required reports
        X General administration
       	 Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1. For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all  that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
                  For surface, ground, and purchased surface and ground souces only.
              X   System administration data
 April 22, 1991
Kansas - 2

           X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
         	    System size
         	,    System owner/operator data
          _      System treatment data
           X    System location data
                PWS county only.
         	    Source location  data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
         	    Sanitary Surveys
       .   __a    Operator Certification
         ___    Entry Point
    3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
         "X" next to all that apply.)
         	Type of violation
         .	Date of violation
         	Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
         	Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
       . 	Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
         3.3.1.  	  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                         ._TVI> Monitoring/reporting violations
                      .  	 MCL violations
                        __ SNCs  (also see next question)
         3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                        How are SNCs defined in this system?
                        __ EPA definition
                        	 State definition
                             Other  definition
nil 22, 1991                                                                    Kansas - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
              _ Current enforcement actions
           	Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           __  _ Compliance schedules
           	Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           ___ Variances
           	Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           ihat apply.)
           	Scheduling of  inspections/inspectors
           	Summaries of  results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put  an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in die system? (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that  apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
April 22, 1991                      .                                               Kansas -4

          X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
               office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
        	   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
    3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
        __   Data is electronically uploaded
          X   On-line (key) data entry
        	   Data is keypunched
    3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
        to all that apply.)
        	Input operator review
        	2nd party review
        	Confirmation by water system that  supplied data
        On-line verification
               	  By repeat query
               	  By edit-checking
    3.13. How data is exported  to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
        (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        	Data telecommunications (e.g., via  modem)
        	Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
        	Magnetic Tape to Region
        	Magnetic Tape to NCC
il 22, 1991                                                                    Kansas - 5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	    We are currently converting to DTP.
                            __    There are problems with the conversion.
           	   MSIS format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            ___    We are currently converting to DTP.
                            __    There are problems with the conversion.
           	   FRDS E Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                               Were  there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the -conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	   Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
            	   Ad-hoc on  screen  reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	On-line help screens
            __ Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this  system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	Other offices within the same state
            	Other states
 April 22, 1991                                                                   Kansas -

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
           5.1.2.  Distributed
               	    PC network   Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                 X    PC/mainframe network  Network type: LAN +
           5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: DOS
           Applications software:  WordPerfect 5.0
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	User's manual
           	Training material
           	System administration manual
           	Technical guide
           	Annotated  code
    il 22. 1991                                                                  Kansas - 7

      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Steve Brown
           Address:       Data Processing Section
           Telephone:     (193) 296-5612
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               __    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these .
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for die system?
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Pat an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	Would the owning state  agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system? If
               so. what amount?
          •	Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	What is the  smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for efficient    mm
               operation of the system?       .        •                        •              ^^
           	What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           ___ What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is there
               in the system?
               i Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           ___ What is the size of the current staff to support  application

6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
April 22, 1991                                                                    Kansas - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
               _ Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
            	No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?

            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
    il 22, 1991
Kansas - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  KYI
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  MSIS
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):  Kentucky Drinking Water Information
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Kentucky
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
       1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Vicki Ray
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office: -
        State agency/office/division (or branch): Division of Water
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   18 Reilly Road
                                                Frankfort, Kentucky  40601
                                                (502) 564-3410
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number:  (502) 564-3510
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
       2, 1991                                                                 Kentucky - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X^    Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
                The monthly operative report is also tracked.
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
       	  .   Other
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs                               '                                       (M|
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others   Semi-public
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X    System owner/operator data
              X    System treatment data
              X    System location data

 April 22, 1991                                                                Kentucky - 2

           X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
           X   Sanitary Surveys
           X   Operator Certification
                Operator certification data is included in a separate, menu-driven
                database but is integrated with the PWS inventory via PWS ID.
         	  Entry Point
    3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
         "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation
           X   Date of violation
           X   Parametric data (e.g., limit;  level measured)
           X   Capable of storing multiple  violations of same type
           X   Capable of storing multiple  violations of different types
         3.3.1.   X   Is the system capable  of identifying or flagging violations
                          X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                          X     MCL violations
                        	SNCs (also see next question)
         3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                No.  These indicators are stored in  a separate SAS data set and used for
                persistent violator reports.
                        How are SNCs defined in this system?
                          X     EPA definition
                                 The old  EPA definition is used.
                        	    State  definition
                        	    Other definition
nil 22, 1991                                .                                 Kentucky - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
                 The capability of the system to maintain compliance schedules is not fully
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 The capability is not used fully.
             X   Variances
                 The system has the capability to  maintain variance data.
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 The capability exists, but is not used.  Scheduling criteria varies, therefore
                 SAS report programs are used.  Schedules are determined by central
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
April 22, 1991                                                                 Kentucky - 4

 3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
      	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
      	  Other resources data
 3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe. Refer
      to the .categories above, as appropriate.)
      Historical data on all categories is maintained.
 3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
        X   Data arrives from the  field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
             information comes via  the  laboratory.  Operating reports are sent to both
             the main and  field office.   Most data is entered into the system in the
             main  office.
        X   Data arrives from another agency  within the state (e.g., health  department)
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to  all that
        X   Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line  (key) data entry
        X   Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the primary means  by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
        X   Input  operator  review
             Input is keyed in by two different operators and electronically compared
             for discrepancies.
        X   2nd party review
             Information on violations is checked manually.
22, 1991                                                                  Kentucky - 5

          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data              On-line
                 	By repeat query
                 	 By edit-checking
            X   Other
                 Random audit - data verification
      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
          	  Diskette delivered to EPA  Regional Office
          ___  Magnetic Tape to Region
      '      X   Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to  the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
          that apply.;
          	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We  are currently convening to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
          	  MS IS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           ___   We  are currently converting to DTP.
                           __   There are problems with the conversion.
            X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                              Were there  any problems with the conversion?  Yes.   >
                              A new program had to be written. There were many errors
                              due to misunderstanding FRDS  II documentation.
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
April 22, 1991                                                               Kentucky - 6

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
             TX ^ Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management  and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1. Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM 3090
                 X     PC (In development)
            5.1.2. Distributed
                	    PC network Network type:
                 X     PC/minicomputer network  Network type: (In development)
                	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
  priT 22, 1991                                                                Kentucky - 7

           5.L3.  	 Hybrid
      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:
           Applications software:    Structured COBOL  for master file and update. SAS for
                                  reports or statistical information.
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?' (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
            X   User's manual
                 The User's Manual is for the original  MSIS  system, but does not include
                 any adaptations to the program made by the state.
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           ___  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
          ' Name:
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system,
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to  meet the Revised Reporting
                 X     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes. there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
April 22, 1991                                                                Kentucky - 8

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
           ,	  Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that appiy.j
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
            	  Other •             .
5.  System configuration and system management  and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1. Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM 3090
                 X     PC (In development)
            5.1.2. Distributed
                	    PC network Network type:
                 X     PC/minicomputer network Network type: (In development)
                	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
    1122,1991                                                                 Kentucky-7

           5.1.3. 	 Hybrid
      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:
           Applications software:   Structured COBOL for master file and update.  8AS for
                                  reports or statistical information.
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's  manual
                 The User's Manual is for the original MSIS system, but does not include
                 any adaptations to the program made by the state.
           	  Training  material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	    Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the  system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:                           .              "                       .        •
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for die system,
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, mere are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
April 22, 1991                                                                Kennicky - 8

       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?.
            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree  of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there  any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support  application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                             Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS  n training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Kentucky - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  LAI
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Safe Drinking Water Program
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used, acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Louisiana
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health and Hospitals
       1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Mr. Leslie LoMon
            L4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Office of Public Health Engineering
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   Room 403
                                                P.O. Box 60630
                                                New Orleans, LA  70160
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  504-568-5109
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
  pril 22, 1991                                                                 Louisiana - I

    The information system as a whole consists of a number of different programs.  The
    mainframe holds bacti data and some inventory information. Chemical data Is
    maintained by chemical laboratories and by the central  office on a microcomputer.
    Inventory information is maintained on  the mainframe,  but more detailed and up to date
    information resides on the microcomputer in the main office. The following information,
    except where noted, pertains to the entire system as a whole.
2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to ail that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking  inspections)
       ^(     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
               Some mailing support is available, but the resources are not extensive.
       ___    Fee tracking
       _jn_     Tracking of submission of required reports on  monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	    General administration
        X    ' Uploading to FRDS
               Violation data is uploaded in Card 45.  Inventory data is uploaded in FRDS
3.  Data  issues
       3.1.  For which  types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X    Source/entity data
            	   System administration data

 April 22,  1991                                                               Louisiana - 2

                      X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
                      X   System size
                      X   System owner/operator data
                      X   System treatment data
                      X   System location data
                      X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
                      X   Sanitary Surveys
                      X   Operator Certification
                           There is some  limited capability for operator certification information, but
                           it is not used.  More extensive data is kept in a separate database and is
                           also tracked by a contractor on PC.
                     	  Entry Point
                3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
                     "X" next to all that  apply.)
                      X   Type of violation
                      X   Date of violation
                   .  	  Parametric data (e.g.,  limit; level measured)
                      X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
                      X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
                     3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                                      X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                                      X     MCL violations
                                    	SNCs (also see next question)
                     3.3.2. Does die system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                                    How are SNCs defined in this system?
                                    	EPA definition
                                    	State definition
                                         Other definition
             il 22,  1991                                                                  Louisiana - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 Public notification is the only action taken.  The state does not have the
                 means to enforce compliance.
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  ([Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance  schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities  does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	  Summaries of results of inspections                                     '
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained  in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                 Louisiana - 4

    3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
         to all that apply.)
           X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
               state agency headquarters that manages the system.
               Bacti laboratory results are sent in hard copy to the central office where
               they are keypunched into the system.  Future changes to the system will
               include bar coded  labels on the samples delivered to the laboratories.
               Labs will then be able to enter a sample  result and assign it to the correct
               PWS by scanning the bar code. This information will then  be sent on
               floppy disk to the mainframe.
           X   Data arrives from the field (e.g.,  system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
               office, which forwards  the information to  headquarters where the system is
               Inventory data is sent through  the regional office to  headquarters.
         	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
    3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to-all that
         	  Data is electronically uploaded
         	  On-line (key)  data entry
           X   Data is keypunched
    3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is  performed? (Put an "X" next
         to all that apply.)  '
         	  Input operator review
         	  2nd party review
         	  Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
         On-line verification
               	 By repeat query
               	; By edit-checking
           X   Other
               The inventory system has an internal validity check.  Regional database
               information is compared to current data  and checked by hand.
nil 22, 1991                                                                 Louisiana - 5

       3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e,g., via modem)
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
             X   Magnetic Tape to NCC
                 The magnetic tape is used to  update inventory information.
       3.U. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           ^C    We are currently converting to DTP.
                             i	   There are problems with the conversion.
                                  The state is waiting for the FRDS-DE program code to
                                  upload in DTK.  Once received, they  can copy the code
                                  and the mainframe will no longer be used.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  FRDS n Data Transfer Format  (DTP). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
April 22, 1991                              .                                  Louisiana - 6

           	Ad-hoc on screen reports
           	  Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
                  Telephone support
       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Other offices within the same state
           	  Other states
5.  System configuration  and system management and  administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM; contains inventory in MSIS
                ____   Minicomputer
                 X     PC EPSON 286.  Violation and enforcement  data is kept in the
                           microcomputer.  A separate inventory kept on the microcomputer
                           is more current than the mainframe copy.
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  PC-LAN (in the central office only)
                ..      PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	   PC/mainframe network Network type:
           5.1.3.       Hybrid
  pril 22, 1991                                                                Louisiana - 7

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: VMS  for the mainframe system; MS-DOS for the PC based
           Applications software:    COBOL for the mainframe system; Clipper for the PC
                                  based system.
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual For the mainframe system.
           	  Training material
             X   System administration manual  For the mainframe system.
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         J.J. Ray
           Telephone:     504-508-5100
      5.5.  Please indicate -any  of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               _X__ _^   Yes, there are  changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes  are planned for the system?
                 They want to copy  a more complete inventory from the Clipper pirogram
                 on the PC to the mainframe, since they update FRDS inventory
                 information from the mainframe.  In time, they want to move  away from
                 the mainframe system and keep everything on microcomputers. The main
                 advantage of the mainframe now is that it can produce ail the
                 bacteriological sample reports that are needed.
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for  which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?

April 22, 1991                                                               Louisiana - 8

            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e,g.» for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of memory is required for the microcomputer  system.
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use  of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths  and weaknesses?
    The PC is helpful in getting  away from the mainframe. The system can generate bar-
    coded labels for field units to use  to identify bacti samples.
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?  .
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally  uses FRDS
                            Main  purpose(s):
            	  No, die interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                Louisiana - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: ME1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Drinking Water Program
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):  DWP
            1.2.4.  State: Maine
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains  and operates the system:
                  Bureau of Health
       1.3   Name of interviewer Milenko Raltch (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Lynda Hadsell
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                  Drinking Water Program
                  Diy. of Health Engineering,  DWP
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    Division of Health and Engineering
                                                 State House Sta. 10
                                                 Augusta, Maine  04333-0010
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number:   (207) 289-5683
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     22, 1991                               .                                     Maine -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required .reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ___     General administration
       	     Uploading to FRDS
                This function  is not available yet. The FRDS-DE program is used for
                uploading purposes.
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others
                  Bottled water facilities are also included.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X    System size
              X    System owner/operator data
 April 22. 1991                                                                    Maine-2

        X   System treatment data
        X   System location data  (town located in)
        X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       ^X.   Sanitary Surveys
        X   Operator Certification
       	  Entry Point
  3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
       "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit;  level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple  violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple  violations of different types
       3.3.1.  	  Is the system capable  of identifying or flagging violations
                      	Monitoring/reporting violations
                      	MCL violations
                      	SNCs (also see next question)
       3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                      How are SNCs defined in this system?
                      	EPA  definition
                      	State definition
                      	Other definition
  3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
       an  "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Current enforcement actions
        X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
       	.   Other '
22,1991                                                                     Maine-3

      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Compliance schedules
             X    Progress in  meeting compliance schedules
                  Overdue letters are generated for those who are not in compliance.
           	   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling  of inspections/inspectors
             X    Summaries  of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are  tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
           -  X    Surface
             X    Purchased                                                                .
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in die system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           Engineering orders are maintained in the system along with violations, sample
           results, etc.  No data is purged from the system.
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
April 22, 1991                                                                     Maine • 4

          	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          	  Data is electronically uploaded
            X   On-line (key) data entry
          	  Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	  Input operator review   •
          	  2nd party review
          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line  verification
                	^  By repeat query
                  X  By edit-checking
                      System has ranges of acceptable values for sampling results.
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an  "X" next to all  that apply.)
          	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
                The FRDS-OE program is currently used to upload FRDS.
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
pril 22, 1991                                                                     Maine - 5

       3.14, In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)  '
           	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with  the conversion.
           	   MSIS format. If MSIS format, check those  that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with  the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                  All upload flies are generated by FRDS-DE program. The state is waiting
                  for information on the exact structure of  DTP  output to further develop
                  its system.
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.}
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line  help screens
            	  Telephone support
             X   Other
                  Information Systems Support Specialist
 April 22, 1991                                                                   Maine - 6

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Other offices within the same state
                  The Eating and Lodging Licensing Agency also uses the system for camp
                  and restaurant data.
           	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network   Network type:  New - 3 COM  with 29 PCs.
               	    PC/minicomputer network Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS on PCs - OS2 on Server
           Applications software: dBASE III+
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X    User's manual
           	  Training material
             X    System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
 pril 22, 1991                                                                  Maine - 7

           	 Annotated code
             X   Other
                 Program documentation
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 Requirements?                                                    ;
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes,  there are changes planned.
                       Formal enforcement actions and automatic determination of violation
                       capabilities need to be added.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 Greater system automation is planned.
      5.6.  The  following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	 Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            No  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 if so, what amount?
           	 Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	 What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                 640 kilobytes of memory is needed,
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                 A 320 megabyte hard drive is available* of which 110 megabytes are
                  presently used by DWP alone.
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
April 22, 1991
Maine - 8

            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    There are currently ten staff members consisting of one data person, two secretaries, and
    six-seven field staff to manage the systems.  Without this information support, the staff
    would be lost.  Increased automation could  help to improve the system.
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
 ,Pril22, 1991                                                                   Maine-9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  MD1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Maryland
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:

       1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: a) Hashem Pezeshki b) Boyd  Grove
          •  1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch): Water Supply Program
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   2500 Broening Highway
                                                Dundalk, MD  21224

            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (301) 631-3715
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
    il 22, 1991                                                                 Maryland - 1

2.   For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
       	    Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
               This information is contained in a separate R:BASE program running on a
       	    Fee tracking
       	    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	    General administration
       	    Uploading to FRDS
3.   Data issues
       3.1.  For which  types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
                  Non-community water systems are tracked in a different section of the
                  Water Supply Division  than community systems.  Both sets of data,
                  however, are* tracked with Lotus 1-2-3 software.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next 10 all that apply.)
            All of this information is in manual files.
            	  Source/entity  data
            	  System administration data
            	   Demographics (e.g., population served)
 April 22, 1991                                                                Maryland - 2

      	  System size
      	  System owner/operator data
      ___  System treatment data
      	  System location data
          _• Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
      __  Sanitary  Surveys
      	  Operator Certification .
      	  Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X"- next to all that apply.)
        X  Type of violation
        X  Date of violation
        X  Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
            Some of the community  sample results are kept in Lotus 1-2-3 files.
        X  Capable  of storing multiple violations of same type
       _X _ Capable  of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1. 	 Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                  The  system cannot identify violations based on a complex
                  determination of what constitutes a violation. It can, however, sort
                  a particular  set of data to determine MCL violations.
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X      MCL violations
                     	SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2. Does the system  store  an  indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     	EPA definition
                     	State definition
                     	Other definition

22, 1991             .                                                     Maryland - 3

      3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X"  next to all that apply,)
           All of this data is in manual files.
           	 Compliance schedules
           	 Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	 Variance type
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that  apply.)
           	 Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           j	 Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to ail that
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories  above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                  Maryland - 4

 3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
            state agency headquarters that manages the system.
      	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
            office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
        X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
            County health departments send quarterly summaries of those PWSs
            sampled and any violations to  the Water Supply Division.
 3.11. Which methods ore  used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
      	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to ail that apply.)
      	  Input operator review
      	  2nd party review
      	. Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
            	 By  repeat query
            ;	 By  edit-checidng
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an  "X" next to all that apply.)
      	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
        X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
22, 1991                                                                  Maryland - 5

            	  Magnetic Tape to Region
            	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
            	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            __f   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                  Data is entered  into FRDS-DE for the quarterly update to regional offices.
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are  generated for use within die state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            AH  reports are generated by printing  ranges of Lotus 1-2-3 worksheets.
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed  reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
 April 22, 1991                                                                 Maryland - 6

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Other offices within the same state
           	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is die system's  hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC IBM compatible 286 machine
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                	   PC network   Network type:
                	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software:  LOTUS 1-2-3 (Ver. 2.1)
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
   iril 22, 1991                                                                Maryland - 7

           	  Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 • Requirements?
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there are changes  planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would  the owning state agency charge a  fee for a copy or use of-the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would  any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes
           	  What are the current storage  requirements for the system's data?
            _JLI   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
                  What is the size of the current staff to support application
April 22, 1991                                                                  Maryland - 8

6,  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  n training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
       1, 1991                                                                 Maryland - 9


                                      Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  MAI
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Massachusetts
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Protection
       1.3  Name of interviewer Milenko Raiich (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Karen Doherty
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:                                   •  .
        State agency/office/division (or branch):  Division of Water Supply
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    1 Winter Street
                                                 Boston, MA 02108
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (617) 292-5775
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   iril 22, 1991                                                              Massachusetts -

    Massachusetts DEP currently maintains PWS data in a dBASE m system residing on a
    network of microcomputers.  The following information, in standard print, refers to this
    current system.
    Information in italic print refers ta a new system being developed in ORACLE.  The  new
    system will have all the capabilities of the current system in addition to the capabilities listed
    in italics.
2.  For which purposes  is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
                The new system will provide generation of letters and labels to the regional
                offices, which are responsible for compliance activities.
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X        Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports                        ;
         X      General administration
       	     Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
April 22, 1991                                                             Massachusetts - 2

 3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
        X    Source/entity data
             The current system has source/entity data, but it can only be interrelated
             with inventory information (and not violation data).  The new system will
             have source/entity information.
        X    System administration data
             The new sytstem will contain system administration data.
        X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
        X    System size
    .    X    System owner/operator data
        X    System treatment data
       jX    System location data
             The new system will contain system location data,
        X    Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
             The new system will contain source location data.
        X    Sanitary Surveys
      	  Operator Certification
             The new system will contain operator certification.
      	  Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X"  next to all that apply.)
             The new system will be capable of all tracking of the topics listed below. All
             sample results will be input and the system will automatically identify
             violations and PWSs in significant noncompliance.
        X    Type of violation
        X    Date of violation
        X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X    Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
22,1991                                                              Massachusetts - 3

           3.3.1. 	Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                          	Monitoring/reporting violations
                          	MCL violations
                          	SNCs (also see next question)
           3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this system?
                          	EPA definition
                           X State definition
                          	Other definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)  •
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 No variances or exemptions are issued by the State.                    .  .
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the  system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 Each region is responsible  for its own  scheduling.
           	 Summaries of results of inspections
April 22, 1991        -                                                    Massachusetts - 4

  3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
        X   Ground
        X   Surface
        X   Purchased
  3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
       _  Financial data (e.g., fees)
       _  Other resources data
  3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
       to the categories above, as appropriate.)
  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
       to all that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to die
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             Inventory information and sample results  are received from each region in
             hard copy and entered into the system.
        X   Data arrives from the field -(e.g.. system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
            . office,  which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
             The new system will allow on-line entry from each regional office.  Data not
             entered by the region will be sent to the central office for entry.
             Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
       	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line  (key) data entry
       	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
       to all that apply.)
       	  Input operator review
       	  2nd party review
22,1991                                                              Massachusetts - 5

           	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
           On-line verification
           The new system will have field dependent data verification. Exact details of the
          files and types of verification are not yet available.
                 	 By repeat query
                 	 By edit-checking
      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to ill that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS'uploads? (Put an "X"  next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:         "
                           	    We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	    There are problems  with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                 The new system  will upload all PWS information in DTP.
                              _    We are currently converting to DTP.
                              i	    There are problems with the conversion,
           	 FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                               Were there  any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
April 22, 1991                                                            Massachusetts - 6

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
                  Reporting capabilties for the new system are notfutty know at this time.
            	  Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
            	  Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to  users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that appiy.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
            	  Other            '               .

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1. Centralized
                 X     PC IBM-Compatible
            5.1.2. Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Banyon
                	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
   il 22, 1991                                                              Massachusetts - 7

           11.3.  	Hybrid

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software:  dBASE III+.  The new system will be in ORACLE.
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
                 A user's manual will be developed for the new system.
           	  Training material
                 Training material will be developed for the new system.
           	  System administration manual
           _.	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated  code
           	;  Other                                                         .
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Dorothea Williams
           Address:       Water Supply Data Management
           Telephone:     (617) 292-5528
      5.5.  Please indicate any  of the  following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X    There  are no  changes planned since the system already meets these
               	   Yes, there are changes planned
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
April 22, 1991                                                           Massachusetts - 8

        5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
             next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             	  Is the system ran on public domain applications software?
             	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                   If so. what amount?
             	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                   efficient operation of the system?
             	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
             	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
             	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                   there in the system?
             	  Are  there any other factors not yet discussed?
             	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

  6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's  strengths and weaknesses?
There are too many people involved with the current system since it encompasses four
separate regional systems and the central office system.
   7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
         X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                        Frequency: Once per quarter.
                        Main purpose(s): To review regional submissions to main office.
         X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
   7,2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
        Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   Bril 22, 1991                                                            Massachusetts - 9


                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
Background Information
   1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: Mil
   1.2.  Information system identification
        1.2.1.  Official name of system: P22 System - DPS 6
        1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
        1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
     .   1.2.4.  State: Michigan
        1.2.5.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
              Department of Health
   1.3   Name of interviewer  Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
   1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
        1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Karen Kalinowski
        1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
   State agency/office/division (or branch):
                   Division of Water Supply, Bureau of Environmental and
                   Occupational  Health
   EPA Region/division/branch/section:
   EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
        1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    3423 North Logan
                                             P.O. Box 30195
                                             Lansing, Michigan  48909
        1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number:  (517) 335*8316
        1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     il 22, 1991                                                                Michigan - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of waier systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       	    Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
          _    Fee tracking
       	   . Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
        X     General administration
        X   *  Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)    *                                                                 .
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
             X   Others
                  The system tracks some "Type 3" PWSs » small systems that do not fall
                  under  the Federal definition, but serve  more than one household.

       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain  about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
             X   System administration data
             X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
             X   System size
              X    System owner/operator data
              X    System treatment data

 April 22,  1991                                                                 Michigan - 2

        X   System location data
        X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
        X   Operator Certification
      	  Entry Point
  3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
        X  .Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable, of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                              For community systems only.
                     	    MCL violations
                         u     SNCs (also see next question)
                              Information is downloaded to a dBASE IV program on
                              a microcomputer which can sort and list violations.  The
                              lists  must then be manually reviewed to determine
      3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                       X     EPA definition
                     	     State definition
                     	     Other definition
22, 1991                                                                 Michigan - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pitt
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that appiy.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 The system tracks how many  times PWSs should be and are visited.
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
                 The evaluation  data is maintained.
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to al mat
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
                  Other resources data
April 22, 1991
Michigan - 4

  3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
       to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       The system tracks facility details, construction dates, the depth of wells, and
       other facility information.
  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
       to ail that apply.)
        X   Data arrives directly, from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             Data from state laboratories and district engineers is entered directly into
             the system.
       	i_  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office,  which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
       _Xij_  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
             Non-community system information is delivered from local health
  3.11. Which methods  are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
       	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
             District engineers .and state laboratory  personnel enter update information
             via remote terminal access.
       	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What arc the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
       to all that apply.)
       	  Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
       	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
       On-line verification
             	 By repeat query
               X  By edit-checking
22, 1991                                                                  Michigan - 5

      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
                 Quarterly uploads are sent in DTF format on a floppy disk via FRDS-DE.
             X   Magnetic Tape to Region
                 Annual inventory uploads are sent on tape once, a year.
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.1.4. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                             X    We are currently converting to DTF. (for inventory info)
                           	  There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	  We are currently convening to DTF.
                               _  There are problems with the conversion.                     flfc
             X   FRDS  0 Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTF is used:
                 For violation data, using FRDS-DE.
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
             _____ Other
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
                  One record at a time.
             X   Standard printed reports
 April 22, 1991                                                                Michigan - 6

             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	;_  On-line help screens
                t  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                   ni     Mainframe
                 X=L    Minicomputer   Honeywell DPS-6,  with PCs that emulate terminals
                '„	    PC
            5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X      PC network   Network type:       Novell under development for non-
                                                       community program.
                	    PC/minicomputer network  Network  type:
                	    PC/mainrrame network   Network type:
            5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Michigan - 7

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  GCOS (mini applications)
           Applications software:  COBOL (mini applications)
           The microcomputers run dBASE IV which is used to generate some ad hoc
           reports.  Chemical sample results are stored in INFO 6, a database package run
           on the Honeywell.
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
            X   User's manual
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code .
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Marvin Breedlove
           Address:       Data Processing Center

           Telephone:     (517) 335 8736
      5.5.  Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to  meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
                      The system will be upgraded to maintain all required information
                      simultaneously with DTP transfer capability.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
                 Developing an enhanced non-community  program.  They also  want to
                 develop the system to track all monitoring, and  are working towards
                 establishing a telecommunications network with  local health departments.
April 22, 1991                                                               Michigan - 8

       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            	  Would the owning  state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g.t for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is  the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is  least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in  the system?
            ___  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is  the size of the current staff to support  application

6.  What are the  interviewee's perception of system's  strengths and weaknesses?
    Entire staff can look at the same data and files; the on-line accessibility is very good.
    There  has been some difficulty developing data which is both  meaningful to the office
    and FRDS-compatible-enforcement data is not easily transferable.
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes. the interviewee personally uses FRDS •
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Michigan - 9


                                 Inventory Form
                    State Drinking Water Information Systems
Background Information
   1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  MN1
   1.2.  Information system identification
        1.2.1.  Official name of system: No system exists.
        1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
        1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
     .   1.2.4.  State: Minnesota
        1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
              Department of Health
   1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
   1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
        1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Doug Mandy
        1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
   State agency/office/division (or branch):
                   Division of Environmental Health, Water Supply and Well
                   Management Section, Public Water Supply Unit
   EPA Region/division/branch/section:
   EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
        1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   925 Southeast Delaware
                                            P.O. Box 59040
                                            Minneapolis, MN  554594040
        1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (612) 627-5179
        1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     il 22, 1991                                                                Minnesota - 1

2   There is no information system currently in use in Minnesota. All data Is kept
    manually.  They are trying to upload with the FRDS-DE program, but are experiencing
    a large number of errors.  They are planning on developing a system in dBASE IV+,
    since they own the software.  No programming has been done to date.  The Department
    of Health  is investigating other State systems and plans on hiring a programmer to help
    develop and institute a new system.
2.   For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)          ,
       	     Inventories of water systems
       	     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
          ...     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
       	     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
         .       Fee tracking
        ;	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	 •    General administration
       	     Uploading to FRDS
;  •     	     Other

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
            	  Demographics  (e.g., population served)
            	  System size
 April 22, 1991                                                               Minnesota - 2

      	  System owner/operator data
      	  System treatment data
      	  System location data
      	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
      	  Sanitary Surveys
      	  Operator Certification
      	  Entry  Point
  3.3. Which types  of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
      	  Type of violation
      	  Date of violation
      	  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
      	  Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
      	  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.  	 Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                     	Monitoring/reporting violations
                     	MCL violations
                     	SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2.  Does the system stone an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     	EPA definition
                     	State definition
                     	Other definition
  3.4. Which types  of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
      an  "X" next to all that apply.)
      	  Current  enforcement actions
      	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)

22, 1991                                                                Minnesota - 3

3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
      .      Compliance schedules
     	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
      _      Variance type
3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
     that apply.)
     	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
     	   Summaries of results of inspections
3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
     apply.)'                                                                        '
     	   Financial data (e.g.. fees)
     	   Other resources data
3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
     to the categories above, as appropriate.)
3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
     to all that apply.)
        _   Data arrives  directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
            state agency  headquarters that manages the system.
     	  Data arrives  from the field (e.g.,  system; systems' laboratories) to a reijional
            office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            Eight district  offices conduct surveys and forward the information to the
            central office.  Sample results,  conducted by the state laboratory, are sent
            to the district offices where they are included in the survey reports sent to
            the central office.
April 22, 1991
                                                                         Minnesota - 4

          	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)

     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
          	  Data is electronically uploaded
          ____  On-line (key) data entry
          	  Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	  Input operator review
          	  2nd party review
          	  Confirmation by water  system that supplied data
          On-line  verification
                	 By repeat query
                	 By edit-checking
          	  Other  '
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA  Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an  "X" next to all that apply.)
          	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
          	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
     3.14. In what format is data sent to the  EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to  all
          that apply.)
          	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We  are currently converting to DTP.
                           ____   There are problems with the conversion.
pril 22, 1991                                                                 Minnesota - 5

            	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	  There are problems with the conversion.
            	  FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues                                                                             ,
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Standard on screen reports
           	Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
            	  Ad-hoc printed  reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an' "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens  •
            __  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized

 April 22, 1991                                                             .    Minnesota - 6

              5.1.2.  Distributed
                   X    PC network  Network type:      Novell 2.15
                  	   PC/minicomputer network Network type:
                  _.,	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
              5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
         5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
              System software: MS-DOS
              Applications software:  dBASE IV+
         5.3.  What types of documentation are available to  support the system?  (Put an "X" next
              to all that apply.)
              	  User's  manual
              	  Training material
AM          	  System administration manual
              	  Technical guide
              	  Annotated code
         5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
         5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
              5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                  	   There are no changes planned since the  system already meets these
                  	   Yes, there are changes  planned.
    iril 22/1991                                                                Minnesota - 7

            5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
            next to those  questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are  there  any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?

,.  ....-,.,.....—..„
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses  FRDS
                             Main purpose(s):
              X   No,  the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did -the interviewee attend the FRDS D training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
 April 22, 1991                                                                 Minnesota - 8

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: MSI
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Region VIII program
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Mississippi
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Leland May
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Bureau of Environmental Health
                        Division of Water Supply
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    P.O. Box 1700
                                                 Jackson, MS 39215-1700
               •  a
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (601) 960-7518
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: Bill Wall
       , 1991                                                                Mississippi - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
                The system maintains bacteriological compliance data.
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
                The system maintains bacteriological enforcement data.
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	.m     Fee tracking
       	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
        X      Uploading to FRDS
                The Division of Water Supply is using the FRDS-DE program.
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next  to all that apply.)
             _     Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
 April 22, 1991                                                               Mississippi - 2

            X   System size
                 System size data is reported in number of connections.
            X   System owner/operator data
          	  System treatment data
       .	  System location data
          	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
            X   Sanitary Surveys
                 The system maintains data on the date of the last survey only.
          	  Operator Certification
                 Operator certification data is maintained in a separate file.
          	  Entry  Point
     3.3. Which types  of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Type of violation
            X   Date of-violation
            X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                           X      MCL violations
                         	     SNCs  (also see next question)
          3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                         	EPA definition
                         	State definition
                         	Other  definition
pril 22, 1991                                                                 Mississippi - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 The Division of Water Supply keeps toe last two historical enforcement
                 actions in hardcopy.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in  meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g.,  fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as  appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                Mississippi - 4

3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
     to all that apply.)
       X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
           state agency headquarters that manages the system.
       X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
           office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
           Inventory information is provided by field engineers.
     ____  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
     	  Data is electronically uploaded
     	  On-line (key) data entry
       X   Data is keypunched
3.12. What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
     to all that apply.)
     	  Input operator review
       X   2nd party review        •                      .   •
     	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
     On-line verification
           	  By repeat query
           	  By edit-checking
3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
     (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
     	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
       X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           The data must be  reentered in FRDS-DE to be sent on diskette.
  1991                                                                 Mississippi - 5

                    	  Magnetic Tape to Region
                    	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
                3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
                    that apply.)
                    	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                                     ______   We are currently converting to DTP.
                                      _     There are problems with the conversion.
                    	  MSIS format  If, MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           There is no  conversion in process. All data is re-entered in FRDS-DE.
                                     _LI_^   We are currently converting to DTP.
                                     	   There are problems with the conversion,
                    _.	  FRDS E Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                                        Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                        Was the conversion fully successful?
                         Other                                                             ,  .
         4.  User issues
                4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
                     that apply.)
                       X   Standard on screen reports
                       X   Standard printed reports
                       X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                     	  Ad-hoc printed reports
                4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
                     that apply.)
                     	  On-line help screens
                     _____ Telephone support
          April 22, 1991                                                               Mississippi - 6

       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states

5.  System configuration and  system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the  system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC MEMOREX 386
               	    Other                            •     .
            5.1.2.  Distributed
               	    PC network  Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer network Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
            5.1.3.  	  Hybrid
       5.2.  In what environment and  on what software does die system run?
            System software:  MS-DOS
            Applications software: FoxBASE
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
             X    User's manual
           	   Training material
           	System administration manual
           	   Technical guide
 pril 22,1991                                                              Mississippi - 7

           	  Annotated code
      S.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Address:                                                     •      .
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system  currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next 10 those questions for which an  answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system  run on public domain applications software?
           	 .Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size  (megabytes  of disk space) that is required fair
                  efficient operation of the system?
           	  What is least  amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	  What are the  current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support  application

6.  What are the interviewee's  perception  of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The State has approximately 2000 PWSs and the  system is getting us by.
April 22, 1991
Mississippi - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
            Attended some of the workshop.
  pril 22, 1991
Mississippi • 9


                                      Inventory Form
                         State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview foim:  MO1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Missouri
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department  of Natural Resources
       1.3  Name of interviewer Lisa  Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Patty Purvis
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Public  Drinking Water  Program
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:  P.O. Box A6
                                               Jefferson City, MO  65102
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone nuir.oer:   314-751-8330
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
April 22, 1991                                                                  Missouri - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       _____     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
         X      Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       ___     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ___     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1. .For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population  served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X   System location data
            .  X    Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)

 April 22, 1991                                                                  Missouri - 2

          	   Sanitary Surveys
          	   Operator Certification
          ,	   Entry Point
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
            X    Type of violation
            X    Date of violation
            X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X    Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                           X   •  MCL violations
                         	    SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X     EPA definition
                         __^    State definition
                         	    Other definition
     3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
          an "X" next to all that apply.)
            X    Current enforcement actions
          __^   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
pril 22, 1991                                                        •          Missouri - 3

       3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           .	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
           *	  Other
       3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	  Summaries of results of inspections
       3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
       3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all thai
           apply.)'         •
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
       3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories  above,  as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
           to all that  apply.)
           	  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that  manages the system.
             X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters whexe the system is
           	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
       3.11. Which methods are  used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
April 22, 1991                                                                    Missouri - 4

       	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line (key) data entry
       	  Data is keypunched
  3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
       to all that apply.)
       	  Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
       	  Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
    •   On-line verification
             	 By repeat query
           J   X  By edit-checking
  3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
       (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
       	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
        X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
       	  Magnetic Tape to Region
       	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
  3.14. In what format is data sent  to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
       that apply.)
       	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                       	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                       	   There are problems with the conversion.
       	  MSIS format. If MSIS format,  check diose that apply:
                       	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                       ___   There are problems with the conversion.
22, 1991                                                                 Missouri - 5

             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                            Dual data entry system;  new system on PC.
                                Was the conversion fully successful?

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)                                                    ,
            	  Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state                                 .1
             _     Other states
5.  System configuration  and  system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                  X     Mainframe  With terminal network
 April 22,1991
Missouri - 6

         5.1.2.  Distributed
             	    PC network  Network type:
             	    PC/minicomputer network Network type:
             	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
         5.1.3.  	 Hybrid

    5.2. In .what environment and on what software does the system run?
         System software:  Entry Point
         Applications software:  SAS, Answer, dBASE
    53. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
         to all that apply.)
         	   User's manual
         	   Training material
         	   System administration manual
         	   Technical guide
         	   Annotated code
    5.4. What is the name  of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
    5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
         5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
             	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               X     Yes, there  are changes  planned.
         5.5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
W122,  1991                                                                  Missouri-7

       S.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
            next to those  questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
              X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
                  300-350 Megabytes  to run
              X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  150 Megabytes for inventory and comp
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there  any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support  application
6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?

7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
              X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                             Frequency:  Quarterly
                             Main purpose(s):  Quarterly Update
            __    No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee  attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee  attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991
Missouri - 8

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  MT1
       1.2;  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Montana
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health and Environmental Sciences
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Jim Melsted
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):.
                       Water Quality Bureau
                       Monitoring and Reporting Section
       EPA Region/divisionybranch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address: Cogswell Bldg.
                                              Room A206
                                              Helena, MT 59620
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  406-444-2406
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Montana-1

2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X-     Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g.. generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
       	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ___     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs                  .                                      '    .
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics  (e.g., population served)
              X    System size
            ^X.   System owner/operator data
              X    System treatment  data
              X    System location data
              X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)

 April 22, 1991                                                                   Montana - 2

           X   Sanitary Surveys
         	  Operator Certification
         	  Entry Point
     3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
         "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation
           X   Date of violation
           X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured).   '
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
           X__  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
         3.3.L   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                          X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                          X     MCL violations
                        	    SNCs (also see next question)
         3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular-violator is a SNC?
                        How are SNCs defined in this system?
                          X     EPA definition
                        	    State definition
                        	    Other definition
     3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
         an "X" next to all that apply.)
         	  Current enforcement actions
         _nuj  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
iril 22, 1991                    .                                              Montana - 3

      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pitt an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Compliance schedules
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	   Variance type
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to  all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)'       ~                                             .             .          «
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the  categories  above, as appropriate.)
      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that  apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that  manages the system.
           	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards  the information to headquarters where the system is
           	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
       3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the  system? (Put an "X" next to all mat
           	  Data is electronically uploaded
April 22, 1991                             .                        .               Montana-4

        X   On-line (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
 3.12. What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
      	  Input operator review
      	  2nd party review
      	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
              X  By repeat query
              X  By edit-checking
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to  all that apply.)
        X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
      	  Diskette delivered to  EPA Regional Office
     -   X   Other    .
      	  Magnetic Tape to Region
      	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
 3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
      that apply.)
      	  Card image.  If card  image, check those that apply:
                      	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                      	  There are problems with the conversion.
        X   MSIS  format. If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                         X   We are currently converting to DTP.
                       __TJJ  There are problems with the conversion.
                             Using the new Revelation system.
22, 1991
Montana- 5

            	  FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
              X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users .of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	 . Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
            	  Other                                                           :
5.  System configuration  and system management and  administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                  X    PC IBM 286 & 386
 April 22, 1991        .                                                          Montana-6

      5.1.2.  Distributed
         .   X     PC network   Network type:  Novell
          	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
          	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
      5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
 5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
      System software:  MS-DOS
      Applications software:  Revelation
 5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
        X    User's manual
      	  Training material
        X    System administration manual
      	  Technical guide
      	  Annotated code
 5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
      Name:         Pam  Dale
      Address:                                                          .
      Telephone:     406-444-4549
 5.5.  Please indicate any of die following changes planned for the system.
      5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
          	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
          	    Yes, there are changes planned.
      5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
22, 1991                                                                  Montana - 7

                5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
                    next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
                    	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
                    	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                           If so, what amount?
                    ____  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
                    	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                           efficient operation of the system?
                    	  What is least amount of memory required for die system to run?
                    	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  .  	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                           there in the system?
                    ___  Are mere any other factors not yet discussed?
                    _.	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
         6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's  strengths and weaknesses?
         7.   Miscellaneous
                7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
                    	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                                     Main purpose(s):
                       X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
                7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
                      Did the interviewee attend the  FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
         April 22, 1991                                                                  Montana - 8

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: NB1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Nebraska
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Nebraska Department of Health
       1.3   Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Scott  Peterson
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       Slate agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation
       EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    P.O. Box 95007
                                                 Lincoln, NE  68509
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number.  (402) 471-2541
            1.4.5.  Backup  contact:
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Nebraska -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to ail that apply.)
        , X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       ___     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       •        General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTXCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X    System location data
            	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)

 April 22, 1991                                                                  Nebraska-2

         	  Sanitary Surveys
           X    Operator Certification
         	  Entry Point
    3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
         "X"  next to all that apply.)
           X    Type of violation
           X    Date of violation
           X    Parametric data (e.g., limit;  level measured)
           X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
           X^  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
         3.3.1.  	 Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                        	Monitoring/reporting violations
                        	MCL violations
                        	SNCs  (also see. next question)
         3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                        How are SNCs defined in this system?
                        ____ EPA definition
                        	State definition
                        	Other  definition
    3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
         an "X" next to all that apply.)
           X    Current enforcement  actions
           X    Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                Data is maintained  from July  1989.
iril 22, 1991
Nebraska- 3

       3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Compliance schedules
              X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
              X   Variances
            	  Variance type
       3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
            	  Summaries of results  of inspections
       3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   Ground
              X   Surface
              X   Purchased
       3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)   .
            	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
            	  Other resources data
       3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
            to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X1* net
            to all that apply.)
              X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
            	   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
       3.11. Which methods are used to  enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to Jill mat
April 22, 1991
Nebraska - 4

          	  Data is electronically uploaded
            X    On-line (key) data entry
          	  Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the. primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
            X    Input operator review
          	  2nd party review
          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 	By repeat query
                 	 By edit-checldng
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all  that apply.)
          ____  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            X    Diskette delivered to EPA  Regional Office
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
     3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
          that  apply.)
          	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
          	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
pril 22, 1991                                                                 Nebraska - 5

             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
           	Other   •

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports                     .  •
             •X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users" of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the  same state
            	  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                  X     PC  IBM, System  2, Model 60
 April 22, 1991
Nebraska - 6

      5.1.2.  Distributed
          	\	   PC network  Network type:
          	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
          	   PC/mainframe network   Network type:
      5.1.3. 	 Hybrid
  5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
      System software: MS-DOS
      Applications software:  dBASE III+
  5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
      	  User's manual
      	 Training material
      	.__ System administration manual
      	 Technical guide
      	 Annotated code
  5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
  5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
      5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
          	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
            X    Yes. there are changes planned.
      5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
22,1991                                                                 Nebraska-7

       5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an  answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning  state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           ___  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
             X   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system is not user-friendly,  and there  are no verification mechanisms.

7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
              X   Yes, the interviewee personally  uses FRDS
                            Frequency: Once  a quarter.
                            Main purpose(s):   To- transmit data to  EPA.
            	 No, the interviewee does  not  use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS H training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  ri interactive retrieval training?
 April 22, 1991                                                                  Nebraska - 8

                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  NV1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  PWS Compliance Tracking System
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Nevada
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates die system:
                  Department of Human  Resources
       1.3  Name of interviewer: Miienko Ralich (Cadmus)2
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Larry Roundtree
            1.4.2!  • Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Nevada State Health Division
                        Consumer Health Protection Services
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   505 East King Street
                                                Room 103
                                                Carson City, NY 89710
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   702-687-4750
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   ril 22, 1991                                     •                              Nevada - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
     .    X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       	     Enforcement (e.g.t enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                Mailing labels can be printed by the system.
       __     Fee tracking
       	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       .._L_      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTN'Cs
              X   NCWSs
            	._  Others
       3.2.  Which types of inventory  information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   .Demographics (e.g., population served)
            	  System size
            	  System owner/operator data
            	  System treatment data
April 22, 1991
Nevada - 2

      	  System location data
      	  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys
        X   Operator Certification
      	  Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
      The system stores microbiological violation and enforcement information only.
      Other contaminant types are tracked manually.
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
       ,_^ t  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            For microbiological data only.
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                              For microbiological data only.
                       X      MCL violations
                              For microbiological data only.
                     	     SNCs  (also see next question).
      3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs  defined in this system?
                     	EPA definition
                     	State definition
                          Other definition
22, 1991                                                                   Nevada - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 For biological data only.
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 For biological data only.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all mat apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors           -
           ___	  Summaries of results of inspections                  •
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked  by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all. mat
           	 Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	t   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                    Nevada - 4

     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
            X    Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                 state agency headquarters that manages the system.
          	   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                 office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
          ___   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the  system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          	   Data is electronically uploaded
            X    On-line (key) data entry
          	   Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to ail that apply.)
          	   Input operator review
          	   2nd party, review
          	^_   Confirmation by  water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 	 By repeat query
                 	 By edit-checking
     3.13. How  data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        •  	   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            X    Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
            X    Other
                 All  non-biological  information  is delivered to Region IX in hard copy.
          	   Magnetic Tape to Region
          	   Magnetic Tape to NCC
pri!22, 1991                                                                    Nevada-5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                  Biological information is written to a floppy disk in DTP by the system.
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
                  All non-biological information is delivered  to Region EX in bard copy.
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports arc generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
            Since the system maintains only biological  and inventory data, report contents
            are limited* to biological and inventory information.
             X   Standard on screen reports
                  A limited number of reports can be viewed on  screen.
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	 On-line help screens
            _____ Telephone support

 April 22, 1991                                                                    Nevada - 6

       4.3.  What other users of this system arc there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states
            ;	  Other

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the  system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC IBM/AT
            5.1.2.  Distributed
                	   PC network  Network type:
                	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
            5.1.3.  	 Hybrid
       5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
            System software:  MS-DOS
            Applications software:  dBASE III
       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
            	  Training material
            	  System administration manual
            	  Technical guide
   il 22, 1991                                                                 Nevada - 7

           	. Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5:1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                X     Yes, there  are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 The system was developed by Region vm.  The Department is watting for
                 an upgrade that will track other  types of violations and include the VOC,
                 TCR and surface water treatment rule  requirements.
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the  transportability of the  system.  Put an."X"
           next to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so. what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
           	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	 What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
          .	 What degree of  modularity (e.g.t substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
April 22, 1991                                                                   Nevada-8

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?  .
           	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS Q interactive retrieval training?
  ril 22, 1991                                                                  Nevada - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                     New Hampshire
1.   Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form: NH1
       1.2. Information system identification
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Drinking Water Program
           1.2.2.  Common  name (if different):
           1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
           1.2.4.  State: New Hampshire
           1.2.3.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department  of Health
       1.3  Name  of interviewer Milenko Ralich (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Laurie Cullenof
           1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Water  Supply and Pollution  Control Division
                       Water  Supply Engineering Bureau
                       Division  of Environmental Services
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    6 Hazen Drive
                                                P.O. Box 95
                                                Concord, NH 03302-0095
           1,4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number:   (603) 271*2923
           1.4.5.  Backup contact: Jim GUI
   il 22, 1991                                                          New Hampshire - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
       	    Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       	    Enforcement {e.g., enforcement histories)
               The system tracks Bacti information.  The Department plans to have ithe
               system upgraded within two years to track all sampling and monitoring
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
               The system produces labels which the State uses to send out sample
               collection bottles. Monitoring violation letters are also generated by the
        X  .   Fee tracking
       JX.     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
               For Bacti monitoring only.
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	    General administration
       	    Uploading to FRDS              .

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs .
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types  of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Source/entity data
             X   System administration data
             X   Demographics (e.g., population served)

 April 22, 1991                                                          New Hampshire - 2

      X   System size
     	  System owner/operator data
      X   System treatment data
      X   System location data
      X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
      X   Sanitary Surveys
      X   Operator Certification
     	  Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
     Bacti data is the only  information tracked by the system.
      X   Type of violation
      X   Date of violation
     	  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
     	  Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
     	  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
     3.3.1. 	 Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                    	Monitoring/reporting violations
                    	MCL violations
                    	SNCs (also see next question)
     3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                    How are SNCs  defined in this system?
                    	EPA definition
                    	State definition
                    	Other definition
  1991                                                            New Hampshire - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Current enforcement actions
                 Minimal information is maintained on enforcement actions. More
                 information will be maintained in the future when the system is fully
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does die system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all. that
           	   Financial data (e.g.,  fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to die categories above, as  appropriate.)
           The past year's Bacti violations only.
April 22, 1991                                                            New HamEishire - 4

  3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
      to ail that apply.)
        X    Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
             state agency headquarters that manages the system.
      	   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where the system is
      	   Data arrives from another agency within the  state (e.g., health   department)
  3.11. Which methods are used to enter  data into the  system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
      	   Data is electronically uploaded
        X    On-line (key) data entry
       Ji ,  Data is keypunched "
      	   Other                                                        '
  3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
      	   Input operator review
      ______   2nd party review
      	   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
             	 By repeat query
             	 By edit-checking
  3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X    Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             Data from the information  system  on the WANG is printed, and manually
             reentered into the FRDS-DE  program. Output data from the FRDS-DE
             program, in DTP, is then uploaded to the WANG mainframe  and sent via
             a telecommunications line directly  to NCC.
      	   Diskette delivered to EPA  Regional Office
22, 1991                                                          New Hampshire - 5

           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                              __   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS D Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                 All uploads are currently done through the FRDS-DE program which is
                 loaded on a WANG microcomputer  that is hardwired to the WANG
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
           	   Ad-hoc oii screen reports
           	   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  On-line help screens
           	  Telephone support
 April 22, 1991                                                         New Hampshire - 6

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            _ X   Other offices within the same state
                 The data is also used by the Ground Water Section and the Water
                 Reserve  Board.
           	 Other states

5.   System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  WANG VS 7110 with hardwired terminals.
               __    Minicomputer
                 X     PC A WANG microcomputer is connected to the mainframe and
                          operates as a stand alone microcomputer and as a mainframe
           5.1.2. Distributed
                       PC network  Network type:
                 ;	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	r     PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.1.3. 	 Hybrid

       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  WANG operating system.
           Applications software:  PACE management  system.
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	 User's manual
           ____^ Training material
   il 22, 1991                                                         New Hampshire - 7

           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Linda Stafford
           Address:        Water  Supply Data Manager
      5.5.  Please indicate any of die following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is  the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                X    Yes,  there  are changes planned.
           5.5.2.   What other changes are planned for the system?
                 The system is in the early development stages and should be complete
                 within two years. Once completed, the system will  track all sampling
                 results and 'reporting requirements, and generate upload files  in DTP.
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
             |	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	   Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	   What is the smallest size (megabytes  of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           	   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	   What degree of  modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  diere in the system?
April 22, 1991                                                           New Hampshire - 8

            	  Arc there any'other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses  FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
            	  No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?

             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
    il 22, 1991   '                                                        New Hampshire - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                       New Jersey
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: NJ1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  New Jersey Public Water System
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):  NJPWS
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: New Jersey
            1.2.5.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Protection.
       1.3  Name of interviewer  Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Vickie Prill
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Division of Water  Resources, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water
       EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    401 E. State Street CN 029
                                                 Trenton, NJ 08625
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (609) 292-9979
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
   fril 22, 1991                                                                New Jersey -

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
         X      Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to  FRDS                                                  ;

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X ur  System location data
              X    Source location  data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)

 April 22, 1991                                                                New Jersey - 2

        X   Sanitary Surveys
      	  Operator Certification
            The system maintains laboratory certification information.
        X   Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to ail that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying  or flagging violations
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X      MCL violations
                       X      SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
                       X      EPA definition
                     	     State definition
                     	Orner definition
 3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
      an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Current enforcement actions
        X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
            PWSs have the option of deleting the systems'  compliance action indicator
            after they return to compliance. The violation and action data, however,
            are still maintained by the system.
22, 1991                                                               New Jersey - 3

      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Compliance schedules
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	   Variance type
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources aze tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)"                      .                        ^
          •   X   Financial data (e.g., fees)
             X   Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?' (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories  above,  as appropriate.)
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an  "X" net
           to all that  apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquaners that manages the system.
           	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
           	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
April 22, 1991                                                                 New Jersey - 4

     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            X    Data is electronically uploaded
                 Currently working on direct data entry by laboratories on disk.
            X    On-line (key) data entry
            X    Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the  primary means by  which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
            X    Input operator review
                 Logs are kept.  Logs are printed by NSPWS.
            X    2nd party review
                 Review of violation reports.
            X    Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 	 By repeat query
                  X  By edit-checking
                      Data must  fall within reasonable criteria ranges.
    ' 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to  all that apply.)
            X    Data telecommunications  (e.g., via modem)
                 Transmittai via dedicated line to  NCC.
          	   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	   Magnetic Tape to Region
          	   Magnetic Tape to NCC
pril 22, 1991
New Jersey - 5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                  Inventory data  is transmitted in FRDS 1.5 format.  Conversion to DTF is
                  scheduled for early 1991.
                              X    We are currently convening to DTF.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTF is used:
                  Violations data is transmitted in DTF.
                               Were there any problems witfi the conversion?  No
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.   User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
                  On-screen access is limited to viewing the raw data flies.
             X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
                  Custom printed reports require  new SAS routines to be written.
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
 April 22, 1991                                                               New Jersey - 6

             X   Telephone support
                 Telephone or electronic mall.
             X   Other
                 System Documentation
       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	 Other offices within the same state
                 Regional enforcement offices send enforcement actions to be entered into
                 the system.
           	 Other states
         '	 Other
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       S.I. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM 4381
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                	    PC network  Network type:
                	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                 X     PC/mainframe network  Network type:    Banyan Vines
           5.1.3. 	 Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MVS
           Applications software: SAS
    il 22, 1991                                                             New Jersey - 7

      S.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
          .   X   User's manual
           	 Training material
             X   System, administration manual
           	 . Technical guide
           	 Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
        •   Name:
           Address:       Office of Telecommunications and Information Systems

      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The  following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Pat an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer, is supplied.
           	 Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	 Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	 Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	 What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
           	 What is least amount of memory required for the system to  run?
           	 What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           	 What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
April 22, 1991                                                               New Jersey - 8

            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths  and weaknesses?
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
              X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency: I/quarter
                            Main purpose(s):  Check edit violations in DTP
            	  No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the  FRDS H training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the  FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   ril 22, 1991                                                               New Jersey - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                       New Mexico
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  NM1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Drinking Water Database
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: New  Mexico
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health and Environment
       1.3  Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Richard Asbury
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State  agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Environmental Improvement Division, Drinking Water Section
        EPA  Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA  Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3. Interviewee's mailing address:    P.O. Box 965
                                                 Las Graces, NM 88004

            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (505) 524-6300
            1.4.5. Backup contact:
  pril 22, 1991                                                              New Mexico - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports .
         X      General administration
         X      Uploading to  FRDS                                                  ,

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
         .     X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs .                           .                         -.
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X    System size
              X    System owner/operator data
              X    System treatment data
              X    System location data

 April 22, 1991                                                               New Mexico - 2

           X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
           X   Sanitary Surveys
           X   Operator Certification
                The system maintains an indicator of whether or not the operator is
                certified.  More in-depth operator information  is in a database maintained
                by the Training and  Certification Section.
          	m  Entry Point
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain  about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation
           X   Date of violation
           X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations .of same type
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                           X      MCL violations
                           X      SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                No.  This information is maintained in a separate program.
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X  EPA definition
                         	State definition
                         	Other definition
     3.4.  Which types of enforcement  information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
          an "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Current enforcement actions
          	 Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
pril 22,  1991                                                              New Mexico - 3

      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Compliance schedules
                  Information can be kept in a "remarks field."
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X    Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased                  •                 -
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data  are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories  above, as appropriate.)
           Chemical  sampling histories are kept to 1983.
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that  apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                  State laboratories send sample results directly to the central  office.
April 22, 1991                                                               New Mexico - 4

            X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                Sanitary survey information and private laboratory sample results are sent
                to the central office from the  21 field offices.
          	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data  into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          	  Data is electronically uploaded
            X   On-line (key) data entry
          	  Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	  Input operator review
            X   2nd party review
                Field offices will occasionally  review  hard copy data.
          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                	 By repeat query
                	 By edit-checking
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put-an  "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
          	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
pril 22, 1991                                                               New Mexico - 5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	  There are problems with  the conversion.
            	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those  that apply:
                             __     We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	  There are problems with  the conversion.
              X   FRDS 0 Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                  Violation, envorcement and inventory information is uploaded to FRDS H
                  in DTP.
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?  No
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within  the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)                  •                               .
              X   Standard on screen reports-
              X   Standard printed reports
              X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to  users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            ,_X__ Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                   Other offices within the same state
 April 22, 1991                                                              New Mexico - 6

           	  Other states

5.   System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized
               	  "  Minicomputer
                 X     PC IBM PS 2, Model 80
           5.1.2. Distributed
               	    PC network  Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.1.3. 	  Hybrid

       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System  software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software: dBASE IV
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
           	  Training material
           	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           	  Annotated code
  pril 22, 1991                                                            New Mexko - 7

      S.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   .There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                X     Yes. there  are changes planned.
                       Conversion scheduled for completion in January 1991.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 The Department is planning on creating a new system in ORACLE on a
                 minicomputer.  This will give them more system  strength and allow them
                 to have terminals in the field for increased efficiency.  They plan on
                 developing the new system to parallel FRDS II.
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions  tor which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size  (megabytes  of disk space)  that is required for
                 efficient  operation  of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                 640 kilobytes of RAM are required to  run dBASE.
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                 Data is stored in  a 32 megabyte partition on the system hard disk.  Hie
                 exact size is not known.
           	 What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
April 22, 1991                                                             New Mexico - 8

            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application
                  One administrator and one secretary; neither is full time.
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system is very good for  producing ad-hoc reports very quickly.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
              X   Yes. the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency: Daily
                            Main purpose(s):  Input and extract useful data.
            	  No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
             Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   ril 22, 1991                                                              New Mexico - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                            New York
L  Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form: NY1
       1.2. Information system identification
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Safe Water System
           1.22.  Common name (if different):
           1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
           1.2.4.  State: New  York
           1.2J.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3  Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Frank Faro
           1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Center for Environmental Health
                       Division of Environmental Protection
                       Bureau of Public Water System Protection
                       Field Coordination Section
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    NY State Department of Health
                                                Room 406
                                                1215 Western Avenue
                                                Albany, NY 12203
           1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (518) 458-6731
           1.4.5.  Backup contact:
 pril 22, 1991                                                               New York - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support
               The system is used to generate mailing labels.
       	    Fee tracking                                              •         ,
       	    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	    General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
        X     Other       -                         -
               Information  for schools and FOIA requests are generated by the system.
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next .to all that
             X    CWSs
             X    NTNCs
             X    NCWSs

       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
                  System administration data
             X „ Demographics (e.g., population served)
             X   System size
                  The system tracks the size of industrial, residential, and commercial
                  populations served.

April 22, 1991                                                               New York-2

            X   System owner/operator data
            X   System treatment data
            X   System location data
            X   Source location data (e.g.» well latitude/longitudes)
            X   Sanitary Surveys
            X   Operator Certification
            X   Entry Point
      3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Type of violation
            X   Date of violation
            •     Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
                 The  system  will be upgraded to have the capabiltiy to accept sample
                 results and automatically determine those PWSs in violation.
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
           3.3.1.  	Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                      No.  Violations are determined manually and then input into the
                         ___ Monitoring/reporting violations
                         	MCL violations
                         	SNCs (also see next question)
           3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X     EPA definition
                         	    State definition
                         	    Other definition
.pril 22,1991                                                      .          New York-3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 Historical enforcement data after 1980 is maitained by the system.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the  system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           .	^  Variances
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by die system?  (Put an "X" next to all. that
           	  Financial data (e.g.»  fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as  appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                 New York - 4

       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
           	  Data actives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             X ^  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                  Hardcopy monitoring and MCL data is sent by PWS's to one of
                  approximately 45 county health departments, or one of the ten State field
                  offices.  These offices toward violation information to the central office to
                  be keypunched into the system.
             X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
                  (see preceding explanation)
       3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all mat
           	  Data is electronically uploaded
           	  On-line  (key) data entry
             X   Data is keypunched
       3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           __  Input operator review
           	  2nd party review
           	  Confirmation by  water system that supplied data
           On-line verification
                      . By repeat query
                    X By edit-checking
                       The system has some edit checking routines to ensure the correct
                       type and range of data.
April 22,1991                                                                New York-5

       3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FROS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
             X   Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to die EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            mm   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format. If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                              X    We are currently converting to DTP.
                                   The system is.being converted to provide output in DTP.
                                   This capability is expected to be available during the
                                   second  or third quarter of 199L
                           . _      There are problems with the conversion.
           	  FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was die conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
     •  4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within die state? (Put  an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
              _^  Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
           	  Ad-hoc  on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc  printed reports
                  Ad-hoc reports can be printed by writing new SQL routines.

April 22, 1991                                                                New York - 6

       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	  Other states

5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       S.I.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe IBM
                 .     PC

            5.1.2.  Distributed
                	   PC network Network type:
                       PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                   _   PC/mainframe network  Network type;
            5.1J.  	 Hybrid
       5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
            System software:
            Applications software:  IDMS Database
April 22, 1991                                                        ,       New York - 7

       5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)
            	  User's manual
            	  Training material
            	  System administration manual
            ___  Technical guide
            	i  Annotated code
       5.4.  What is, the name of the  system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
            Name:         Art Venne
            Telephone:     (518)473-8142
       5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
            5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                	    Yes. there are changes planned.
            5.5.2.  What other changes are  planned for the system?
       5.6.  The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run  on public domain applications software?
            	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so. what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to
            	  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
April 22,1991                                                                 New York - 8

            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application
                  The current support staeff is approximately 11 FTEs in the central office
                  and the equiveiant of 10 FTEs in the District and County offices.
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, die interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No. the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend 'the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                                New York - 9


                                      Inventory Form
                         State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                      North Carolina
 1.  Background Information
        1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  NCI
        1.2.  Information system identification
             1.2.1.  Official name of system: Public Water Supply System
             1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
             1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):  PWSS
             1.2.4.  State: North Carolina
             1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                   Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
        1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
        1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
             1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Martha Moore
••         1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
         State agency/office/division (or branch): Public Water Supply Section
         EPA Region/division/branch/section:
         EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
             1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   P.O. Box 27687
                                                 Raleigh, NC  27611-7687
             1.4.4. Interviewee's telephone number  (919) 733-2321
             1.4.5.  Backup contact:   John McFadyen
     il 22, 1991                                                           North Carolina -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of moling labels; production of warning letters)
       _____     Fee tracking
       ^X ^    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
         X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
                By tape (now) > by tape or direct line to NCC (FRDS II)
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCVVSs
              X   Others
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
             JC   Demographics (e.g.t population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X   System location data

 April 22, 1991                                                            North Carolina - 2

           X -  Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
           X   Sanitary Surveys  Dates (now) Dates and reason (PROS II)
           X   Operator Certification  (FRDS  II)
           X   Entry Point(FRDS II)
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation
           X   Date of violation
           X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level  measured)
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.    X   Is the system capable of  identifying  or flagging violations
                          X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                          X     MCL violations
                          X     SNCs (also  see next question)(FRDS II)
          3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined  in this system?
                          X     EPA definition
                         	Slate definition
                         	Other definition
     3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
          an "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Current enforcement actions
           X   Historical enforcement actions  (or profiles)
pril 22, 1991                                                             North Carolina - 3

      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system "urimain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X    Compliance schedules
           	   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X    Variances
             X    Variance type
             X    Other
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           __.	'   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)                       -
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
             X    Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories  above, as appropriate.)
           Historical results of sample analyses, violations, and enforcements.
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "'X' net
           to all that  apply.)
             X    Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
           	  Data arrives from the  field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
             X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
April 22, 1991                                                             North Carolina - 4

 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
      	  Data is electronically uploaded
        X   On-line  (key) data entry
      	  Data is keypunched
 3.12. What  are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
      to all  that apply.)
        X  . Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
      	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
            	 By repeat query
              X  By edit-checking Some (now) - a lot (FRDS U)
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to  all that apply.)
        X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)     (FRDS II)
      	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
      	  Magnetic Tape to Region
        X   Magnetic Tape to NCC(FRDS II)
 3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
      that apply.)
      	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                      	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                      	  There are problems  with the conversion.
22, 1991                                                           North Carolina - 5

              X   MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                              X    We are currently convening to DTP.
                                    There are problems with the conversion.
              X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                                Were there any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
             X    Other

4.  Cser issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on -screen reports
            	  Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	 Other states
5.  System configuration  and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
 April 22, 1991                                                   •          North Carolina - 6

           X    Minicomputer   WANG VS100 with hardwire work stations.
      5.1.2. Distributed (Undecided)
           X    PC network  Network type:  LAN
          	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
           X    PC/mainframe network  Network type: Unknown
      5.1.3.   X  Hybrid

 5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
      System software:
      Applications software:  COBOL
 5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
        X	 User's manual
      	  Training material •
        X   System administration manual
      	  Technical guide
      	  Annotated code
        X   Other-
 5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
22,1991                                                           North Carolina - 7

      7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                           North Carolina - 9

       S.S.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
            5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
            5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system? FRDS H Format
       5.6.  The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            	  Is the system run  on public domain applications software?
             X   Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
                  Cost of material  and time.  This would be provided on a time available
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g.. for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system? 300 - 500 MEG
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?   12 MEG
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?300 MEG
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application      4
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does  the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses  FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
   dl 22, 1991                                                            North Carolina - 8


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                      North Dakota
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  ND1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Bacteriological Monitoring Program
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: North Dakota
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Jim Allman
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    1200 Missouri Avenue
                                                P.O. Box 5220
                                                Bismarck, ND  58502-5520
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (701) 2244558
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
  pril 22,1991                                                            North Dakota -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                The system can automatically generate letters to PWSs.
       	     Fee tracking
       _X.._    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
   .  •  	      Tracking of submission of other required reports
         X      General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
        .       Other
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?   (Put an "X" next tor all that
            apply.)     '
              X   CWSs                                                                     W
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X  Source/entity data
              ^  System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                            North Dakota - 2

            X   System treatment data
            X   System location data
            X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
            X   Sanitary Surveys
            X   Operator Certification
          ___   Entry Point
     3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Type of violation
            X   Date of violation
                 The system maintains the date of Bacti violations only.
            X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
                 The system keeps all sample results for Bacti data only.
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
          	   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.    X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       The system flags Bacti violations only.
                          ^X.      Monitoring/reporting violations
                                   For Bacti  violations only.
                            X      MCL violations
                         	      SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                 Yes.  The State uses a system of priority  points to determine repetitive
                 non-compilers based on the number of violations, the types of violations,
                 and the population served of the PWS in  violation.
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                         	  EPA definition
                            X   State definition
                               Other definition
.pril 22, 1991                                                             North Dakota - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 Historical data is stored for one year.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           	   Compliance schedules
        .   	  Progress in  meeting compliance schedules
              .   Variances
           	   Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    Scheduling  of inspections/inspectors
           	   Summaries  of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource  data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to ill that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                              North Dakota - 4

     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? .(Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
            X    Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                 state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                 State and PWS laboratories send sample results directly to the central
            X    Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                 office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                 NCWS information arrives from one of six District Health Offices
       •   	   Data arrives from another agency within die state (e.g., health  department).
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
          	   Data is electronically uploaded
            X    On-line (key) data entry
                 Data is entered on-line into an entry program, and then batch uploaded
                 into the system.
          	   Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X"  next
          to all that apply.)
            X    Input operator review
            X    2nd party review
             _   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 	  By  repeat query
                 	  By  edit-checJdng
     3.13. How data is exported  to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
                 FRDS uploads are sent via TSO network directly to NCC.
pril 22, 1991                                                             North Dakota - 5

           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	  . Other
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is  data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	    We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	    There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format. If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            	    We are currently converting to DTP.
                            _____    There are problems with the conversion.
             X  FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?  No
                               Was the conversion fully successful?   Yes

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put  an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X  Standard on screen reports
                 The last 12  months of Bacti and Chem/Rad data can be view on screen.
             X   Standard printed reports
            	   Ad-hoc on screen reports
            	   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
                  The system  is menu driven and provides explanations to the user with
                  each menu.

 April 22, 1991                                                            North Dakota - 6

             	._  Telephone support
             	-  Other      •
        4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             	  Other offices within the same state
             	  Other states
  5.   System configuration and system management and administration
        5.1,  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         •:   5.1.1. Centralized                                             :
                   X     Minicomputer   IBM                     .
                 	    Other                             1
             5.1.2.  Distributed                                . •
                 	    PC network  ' Network type:   •           "
                 	    PC/minicomputer network Network type: '
                 	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
             5.1.3.     .  Hybrid
        5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
             System  software:  MS-DOS
        '    * Applications software: dBASE IV
        5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
             to all that apply.)                                   '   •
             	  User's manual
             	  Training material
             __  System administration manual
^Wpril 21
22,1991                                                            North Dakota-7

           	   Technical guide
           	   Annotated code
           '	   Other             •
      5 A  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                    •   requirements?
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The  following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           "	   Would the ownjng state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           	   Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             .     What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
           	   What is least amount of memory required  for the system to  run?
             X   What are the current storage requirements  for the system's data?
                  About 5 megabytes of storage space are required for the system.
             X   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	   Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X  .What is the size of the current staff to support application
                  About 5 FTEs are required to maintain the entire system*
April 22, 1991                                                             North Dakota - 8

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system is good because dBASE IV allows a large degree of flexibility and
    manipulation of data. .The system operates slowly, however, because about 775 PWSs
    are tracked.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                           Frequency: 2-3 times per quarter.
                           Main purpose(s):  To extract data.
           	  No, the interviewee does not  use FRDS
       7.2. Did  the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           No          -_             -            .-•''.
           Did  the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
   il 22, 1991
North Dakota -9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  OH1          .
       1.2.  Information system identification          ..     •   •
            1.2.1. .Official name of system:  MSIS
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Ohio
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
       1.3   Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Evelyn Young
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State  agency/office/division (or branch):
                Division of Public Drinking Water    .    •
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's Bailing address:   1800 Watermark Drive
                                                Columbus, OH  43266-0149
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number 614-644-2752
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:   Rick Herron
    il 22, 1991                                                                     Ohio -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	'    Fee tracking
       	     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
         X      General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs               •
           '   X   NCWSs
            	  Others             .                 •
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X    Source/entity data
            	   System administration data
              X    Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X    System size
              X    System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X   System location data

 April 22, 1991                                                                     Ohio - 2

       X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes')
       X   Sanitary Surveys                         .               •_.  ,-  ,
       X   Operator Certification  In planning stage  :
     ;	• Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)                                      '   - .
       X   Type of violation
       X^   Date of violation    '
    • i  X  . Parametric data (e.g.. limit; level measured)
       X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
       X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
     3.3.1.   X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                     X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                             The system can generate a persistent violator report.
                    '_ X^       .MCL violations  •
                     X         SNCs (also see next question)
                                Program in specification phase to generate SNC
     3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a- SNC?
                    How are SNCs defined in this system?
                     X         EPA definition
                           .  State definition                       .
                    	     Other definition
3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
     an "X" next to all that apply.)   .
       X   Current enforcement actions   .
           Enforcement actions are kept in violation files.
       X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
  1991                                  .                                   Ohio-3

                 The last 3 to 4 fiscal years are kept in the active database.  Older data is
                 archived to magnetic tape.
           __,	  Other               .  „.
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the  system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
                 The system will be  able to maintain compliance  schedules by mid-1991.
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X   Variances
             X   Variance type                                                    :
           	  Other                         '
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.) .
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 This capability is not used by the State; however, it is currently under
           	  Summaries of results of inspections'
                                                     '  •           '
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)"                       "
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial data (e.g.,  fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as  appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                      Ohio-4

      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
          	  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                 state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                 PWSs send copies of laboratory  reports to the central office.
            X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional  "
                 office, which forwards the  information to headquarters where the system is
                 maintained. •    "..
                 5 district offices track. Bacti  and biological sample results on
                 microcomputers. Hard copies of Bacti and turbidity results are stored at
                 the district office.  All other hard copy  information  is stored at the central
                 office.                                                              ..
            X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
      3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the  system? (Put an "X" next to all that
          apply.)                                ;                                •
          	  Data is electronically uploaded
          	  On-line (key) data entry
            X   Data is keypunched
      3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC  is  performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
          	  Input operator review
            X   2nd party review .        •          .                           .
                 Information is reviewed by a second keypunch operator.
                                          #                  .                   \
          	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification         ,
                 	._ By repeat query                   -
                   X  By edii-checking  .
          __	  Other                                   .              .
      3.13. How data is exported  to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X",next to all that apply.)
          	  Data telecommunications (e.g.t via modem)
pril22, 1991                                                                      Ohio-5

           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
             '    Other                                    •
           	  Magnetic Tape to Region
             X   Magnetic Tape to NCC                               •
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next 1:0 all
           that apply.)                                                              .
           	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:-
                           	  We are currently convening to DTP.
                           _.	  There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS fonnat.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                 Inventory data is currently uploaded in FRDS 1.5 format.  It will Ite
                 uploaded' in DTF by December  1991.
                             X   We are currently converting to DTF.
                           	  There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF).  If DTF is used:
                 Violation and enforcement data is uploaded in DTF.
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?     Yes.
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            _      Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
            	  Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
 April 22, 1991                                                                    Ohio-6

       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens
             X   Telephone support     -
             X   Other
       4.3.  What other users of this system arc there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state  .                                   ,
                  Other offices request data from the system.
            	  Other states
        ' '   	  Other

5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe         '       •            .  *  .
                        IBM 3090 with hardwired terminals.  Access to the IBM is through
                        a UNISYS (Sperry) 7000.
                	  .  Minicomputer
                 X     PC              ..-•'.
                	    Other                        .
            5.1.2.  Distributed
                	    PC network  Network type:
                	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	    PC/mainframe network   Network type:
            5.1.3.   •     Hybrid                         .:
   il 22, 1991                                           .                        .  Ohio - 7

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does die system run?
           System software:
           Applications software: COBOL
      5,3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X    User's manual
            _     Training  material
             X    System administration manual
           	   Technical guide
         .  	   Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:.         Rick Herron
           Address:       Ohio EPA, Data and Systems Office
           Telephone:     614-644-2997
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned  for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the  system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               .	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes. mere are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                  Ohio EPA plans to  update the system to include all revised reporting
                  requirements and automatic identification of violations.  They are holding
                  off on these, and other revisions, until the total coliform and surface
                  treatment  rules are in effect.  This will enable them to consolidate the
                  revision process  and conserve resources.
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?

April 22,1991                                                                     Ohio-8

            	  Would any other fees be required (e'.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
            	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
            	' What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
             .  •'   What degree of modularity (e.g.t substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are-there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is.the size of the current staff to support application
6.   What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system functions well, but with the many changes in  the drinking water program, it
    is difficult to stay current.
7.   Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses  FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Yes                  .   .            •        •'    -
            Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS H interactive retrieval training?
            No           '                •'     .         .  '•    "          '  •    '
   ri!22, 1991                                        •              '               Ohio-9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems   *
1.   Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview foim:  OKI   .- '  •
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Aquarius and Bacti Aquarius
           -1.2.2,  Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly  used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Oklahoma
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Lisa Richardson (cadmus)
     .1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Mike Harrell
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State  agency/office/division (or branch): Water Quality Service
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3. .Interviewee's mailing address:   1000 NE 10th Street
                                                Oklahoma City, OK 73152
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (405) 271-7352
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     22, 1991                                                                Oklahoma - 1

    The Aquarius system was originally written for the IBM mainframe and was to
    encompass the entire information tracking system.  A separate Bacti Aquarius program
    was written to allow the state to meet federal requirements.  A third component of the
    system, maintained on a microcomputer, tracks vulnerability and YOG data. The three
    components contain a field for PWS ID number, thus enabling each component to be
    interrelated. The Department plans to move the entire system to a microcomputer
    network over the next year.
2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
       	    Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X    • Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
        X     Fee tracking
        X^    Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
               A separate program on a microcomputer tracks submission of required
        X     Tracking of submission of other required reports   .
       	  .  General administration •               .                ....
        X     Uploading to FRDS                         ...           ,

3.  Data issues
       3.1. For which types  of PWSs does the system  maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)                       ,     .                                      •
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
             X   Others
                  The system tracks smaller, State regulated PWSs that do not fall under
                  federal guidelines.
 April 22,1991                                                               Oklahoma - 2

 3.2, Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
        X   Source/entity data
        X   System administration data
             The system stores mailing addresses and telephone numbers.
        X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
        X   System size
        X^   System owner/operator, data
        X   System treatment data
        X   System location data
        X   Source  location  data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
        X   Sanitary Surveys                                         •
    .  	   Operator Certification
             Operator certification  is tracked by a different department
      	   Entry Point
 3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all. that apply.)
        X   Type of violation
        X   Date of violation
        X   Parametric data  (e.g., limit;  level measured)
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying  or flagging violations  ,
                       X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X     MCL violations
                     	SNCs  (also see next question)
22, 1991                                                              .   Oklahoma - 3

           3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X     EPA definition
                          ___ State definition
                             .. Other definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pot
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 The system tracks current administrative orders, enforcement actions in
                 progress, and level  one violators.
            __i.._   Historical enforcement actions (or  profiles)
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X   Progress in meeting  compliance schedules
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling  capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	 Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 The Environmental Health Administration tracks this data.
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
           apply.)                                                 :
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased

April 22, 1991                                                                Oklahoma-4

    3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
         apply.)             •        .        •
          X   Financial data (e.g., fees)
         	  Other resources data
    3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
         to the  categories above, as appropriate.)
         The PC component maintains data on  vulnerability and VOC data.
    3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
         to all that apply.)  -
          X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
               state agency headquarters that manages the system,
         	  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
               office,  which  forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
         	  Data arrives from another agency  within die state (e.g., health   department)
    3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? .(Put an "X" next to all that
         apply.)    "''•'.
          X   Data is electronically uploaded                         .   .
               Data from laboratories is  electronically uploaded.
          X   On-line (key) data entry
         ;	  Data is keypunched                                     -
         ____  Other
    3.11 What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
         to all that apply.)
         	  Input operator review
          X   2nd party review         ..'••'
         	  Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
         On-line verification
               _.	 By repeat query                          ,       .       -
               .-. X^_ By edit-checking
il 22, 1991                                                                 Oklahoma-5

      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          	   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
                 Violation information is sent to NCC via modem.
          	   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	   Magnetic Tape to Region         ,
            X   Magnetic Tape to NCC    '              "
                 Inventory information is sent to NCC on a magnetic tape.
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
          that apply.)                                                   .
          	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            X   We are currently convening to DTP.
                                 Violation data is uploaded in Card  image.  Conversion
                                 to DTP should be complete by January  of 1992.
                          	  There are problems with the conversion.           ,
            X   MSIS format.  If MSIS format; check those that apply:   :           ,
                 Inventory data is uploaded in FRDS 1.5 format
                            X   We are currently converting to DTP.
                                 Conversion to DTF should be complete  by January of
                           	  There are problems with the conversion.
           	  FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTF).  If DTF is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
              Other                                                           ,*
April 22, 1991       .                                                       Oklahoma-6

4.  User issues                           .
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            _ X   Standard on screen reports
                  AH reports are generated  using EZtreive Plus report writing software.
             X   Standard .printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                  Ad-hoc reporting capabilities require creation of custom dBASE  routines
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
             X   On-line help screens
                  The microcomputer component has help screens.
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  'What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
            	;. Other states               '              ,
            	  Other .
5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X    Mainframe  IBM 4381 is used to house the system inventory.
                 X    PC  Compaq 386 microcomputer network houses the system's
                            violation and enforcement  information
            5.1.2.  Distributed                      .
                 X    PC network  Network type:  Novell
  pril 22, 1991                                                                Oklahoma - 7

              	   PC/minicomputer network Network type:
              	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.13.  	 Hybrid
      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS for the microcomputer network
           Applications software:    dBASE m+ for the microcomputer network and
                                  COBOL for the mainframe
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to ail that apply.)
            X   User's manual
                 A user's manual exists for the Aquarius mainframe system.
           	  Training material
           _.	  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           •_	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Ernie Landry
           Address:      Data Processing Section
           Telephone:    (405) 271-4542
      5.5.  Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system,
           S.S.I. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                X    There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	   Yes, there are changes planned
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?

April 22,1991                                                                Oklahoma - 8

       5.6.  The following are issues pertaining .to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
            next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
              X   Is the system run on public domain applications  software?
            	  Would the  owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
            	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
              X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of RAM are required to run the system.
              X   What are the current storage  requirements for the system's data?
                  The  microcomputer system uses 50 to 60 megabytes of disk storage, 7 of
                  which are  to support the network.
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use  of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
            	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
            	  What is the size  of the current staff to support application
    What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    Interviewee is pleased with PC applications; however, there is little support for
    mainfraim applications.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            _^	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                      *      Frequency:
                             Main purpose(s):
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did me  interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the  interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
  pril 22, 1991                                                                 Oklahoma - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.   Background Information              '    ' .
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  OR1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Safe Water Systems
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):,
            1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Oregon
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Human Resources
                           •L         •         ...
       1.3   Name  of interviewer: Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4,  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Mary Alvey
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:                  -    .
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                  Health Division
                  Office of Environmental Health
                  Drinking Water Section
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:       '        '.
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   P.O. Box 231
                                                Portland, OR 97207
           .1.4.4;  Interviewee's telephone number  (503)229-5056
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: Vicki King
     22, 1991                                                                   Oregon-1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X"  next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems
       ^X      Compliance (e.g.t tracking violations; tracking inspections)
       	     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)                             '  " .
        X      Mailings support (e.g.. generation of mailing labels; production of warning  letters)
       	     Fee tracking
        X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
        X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       	     General administration
        X      Uploading to FRDS
       	     Other                                    '                            .
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)    "                          •     '
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs                .  .
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others          •                                                       '
                  The system tracks some smaller systems not covered under Federal
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
                  Tracked in gallons of production.
              X   System owner/operator data

 April 22, 1991                                                                  Oregon - 2

          X    System treatment data  .     •                                       "
          X    System location data
          X    Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
          X    Sanitary "Surveys                            •
          X    Operator Certification                                             ...
        	  Entry Point
   3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
        "X"  next to all that apply.)                        , .
          X    Type of violation   .
          X    Date of violation
          X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
          X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
         _ X _:w  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
        3.3.1.  _y^_ Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                         X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                       .  X     MCL violations
                       	    SNCs (also see next question)
                               . The system can  sort on violation fields to generate lists
                                of violators.
        3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                       How are SNCs defined in  this system?
                       	EPA definition
                       	State definition
                       	 Other definition
il 22, 1991                           .                                        Oregon - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 Enforcement actions are stored in a separate dBASE system that is not
                 interactive with the inventory system.
           	  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
           ;	  Other
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
           	  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           __  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
                 The last inspection date is maintained.
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put  an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           	  Financial  data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           Monitoring and chemical records since 1986 are in the system.
April 22, 1991                                                                   Oregon - 4

       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
            to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
            	  Data arrives from the  field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                  maintained.                                    -
            	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
       3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            	  Data is electronically uploaded
             X   On-line (key) data entry
            	  Data is keypunched
            	  Other   .'                      '                                 '      .
       3.12. What are the primary means  by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
            10 all that apply.)
            	  Input operator review
            _X _ 2nd party review
            	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
            On-line .verification
                    X   By repeat query .                 .         ,                ,     .
                    X   By edit-checking
       3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
            (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
             X   Magnetic Tape to Region
            	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
April 22, 1991                                                                     Oregon -5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next no all
            that apply.)                                   '          .
            	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                             .      There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
          .     .  Conversion for all data should be complete by January, 1991.
                              X    We are currently converting to DTP.
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS H Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                  Inventory information is uploaded in DTP.
                            	   Were there any problems with the conversion?
                            	   Was the conversion  fully  successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated  for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports                                 _   •
         .    X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc  on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc  printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line help screens .
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What  other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                  Other offices within the same state
 April 22, 1991                                                                  Oregon-6

           	  Other states

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           .•5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     PC
           5.1.2.  Distributed
                 X     PC network  Network type:  Novell
               	    PC/minicomputer network Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network  Network type:
               	   . Other
           5.1.3.  	 Hybrid   -                         '   ''

       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system ran?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software: dBASE III+ (Compiled by Clipper)
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to ail that apply.)
             X   User's manual                                          '    -
                  The user's manual is out of date.
           __	  Training material
             X   System administration manual    •                    '
                     "'9   •                                  •'•''••
                  The system administration manual is out of date.
           	  Technical guide                                         .
 Jail 22, 1991                         '                                        Oregon - 7

           	  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?  .      •>
           Name:              •
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system  currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets those
                 X    Yes, there are changes  planned.
                       Changes will be complete by January* 1991.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The. following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
         -  next to  those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system  run on public domain applications software?
             No  Would the owning state agency charge a  fee for a copy or use of the system?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
       N       •  efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least  amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of RAM.
             X    What are the  current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  Over 40  megabytes of storage are required for the data currently  in the
             X    What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven  software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
April 22, 1991                                                                    Oregon - 8

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    Flexible, easy to use & share data; especially geographic data.  Close linkage with other
    systems has not been available.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.' Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
.                            Main purpose(s): .
              X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  H training provided by EPA?
            No              -   -                 '
            .Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  II interactive retrieval training?
  pril 22, 1991                                                         .          Oregon - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information                                 ,
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form: PAl
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system:  MSIS
            1.2.2.- Common name (if different):
            1.2.3.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Pennsylvania
            1.2.5.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Environmental Resources
       1.3  Name of interviewer  Lisa  Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic  interviewee  information
            1.4.L  Name of interviewee: Barry Greenawald
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
               "  State agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Bureau of Community Environmental Control
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
          .  1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    P.O. Box 2357
                                                 Fifth Floor, Executive House
                                                 Harrisburg, PA 17105-2357
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number.   (717) 787-0122
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:   Bill Sedlak
    il 22, 1991                                                              Pennsylvania - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems                                                  •
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                The system can automatically generate  "monitoring reminder notices"
                which are sent to PWSs.
       __      Fee tracking
        X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	^      Tracking of submission of other required  reports
        X      General administration
        X      Uploading to FRDS
3,  Data issues                                     .                              ,
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)     *                                                                       -
              X   CWSs                 "                                  .                  'W
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain  about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X  Source/entity data
            	  System administration data
              X  Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X  System size
              X  System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                              Pennsylvania - 2

       X    System treatment data                                     '      .
       X    System location data,                          •
       X    Source locaidon data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       X    Sanitary Surveys
       X    Operator Certification
       X    Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
       X    Type of violation
       X    Date of violation
       X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
       X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type              •
       X    Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
   •  3.3.1.   X.  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                      X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                      X      MCL violations
                    	      SNCs  (also see next question)
     3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                    How are SNCs  defined in this system?
                    	      EPA definition
                    _p^_      State definition
                      .        Other  definition
3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does  the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
     an "X" next to all that apply.)
       X    Current enforcement actions
       X    Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
  1991                                                                 Pennsylvania - 3

      3.S.  Which types of inventory infonnation does the system maintain about PWSs? ([Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           ;       Compliance schedules
           _     Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	    Variances                       .                                  :
             T     Variance type
           ___    Other
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
              ^    Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           _____    Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that      /jj|
           apply.)                                                                           ^F
             X    Financial data (e.g., fees)
                  Cost estimates of correcting deficiencies and fulfilling "needs"
             X         Other resources data
                       Facilities "needs"
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           The system stores  historical violation and enforcement data.
April 22, 1991                                                              Pennsylvania - 4

 3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
      to all that apply.)            .       ._
        X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
            state agency headquarters that manages the system.
            Laboratories send chemical sample results to regional offices and to the
            data management contractor responsible for updating the system.
        X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
          :  ofncftt which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            Inventory and enforcement data is sent to the data management
            contractor from the regional offices, which are then keypunched into the
            system.                                                  .
      	   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into die system?  (Put an "X" next  to all that
        X   Data is electronically uploaded
            Some laboratory data is transmitted on magnetic tape..
      ___   On-line (key) data entry
        X   Data is keypunched                                     .
     •_;	 Other
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
        X   Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
         _.  Confirmation by water system that supplied data                  ' •   •
      On-line verification               .
              X   By repeat query
                                            *    ' .  .                 .
             •X   By edit-checking             '      '.   •,
       _ :F   Other
 3.131 How data is exported to  EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        - .   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
22,1991                                                             Pennsylvania - 5

           _	   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           ___.   Other        •                      .                           ;;
         .  	   Magnetic Tape to Region               .             •
             X   Magnetic Tape to NCC
                 Sent by the data management contractor.
      3.14. In what format is data sent to die EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           _____   Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently convening to DTP.
      :     .                	   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                            X    We are currently convening to DTP.    .
                            X    There are problems widi die conversion.
                                  Inventory information is scheduled to be uploaded in
                                  DTP by May, 1991.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                 Violation Data is uploaded in DTP.
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
           	 . Other                                                         .        •
4.  User issues                               .       .
      4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
                 The department can access some inventory data contained in the "Public
                 Water File".  This is achieved by downloading the file from the system to
                 a microcomputer, and then using SAS software to review the data.
             X   Standard printed reports
             •    Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X    Ad-hoc printed reports

April 22,1991                                                           Pennsylvania - 6

       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that   apply.)
           	   On-line help screens                                  •   .
         .    X   Telephone support
                 The contractor supplies support when needed by Department staff
                 members.                  •      ,
       4.3. What other users of mis system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state
                 The Bureau of Laboratories inputs certification data.
         *        Other ststcs
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
    *   5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           S.I.I. Centralized                             •
               __    Mainframe                   .   •
                X     Minicomputer  •  WANG-5000   -
              -   .      Other
           5.12. Distributed
                .       PC network Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer network Network type:
                •       PC/mainframe network  Network type;
           5.L3. _  Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
                           *           • i       •        '
           System software: WANG Operating System
           Applications software:  COBOL
April 22,
22,1991                                      '                      Pennsylvania - 7

      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X   User's manual
                 The system came with original documentation from the EPA (Le* far the
                 MSIS system), which has been somewhat updated as changes to the
                 program have been made.
           ^^   Training material
             X   System administration manual
                 A systems  PWF user manual exists for field and laboratory staff.
                 Technical guide
             .._   Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name  of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Paul Taylor
           Address:  .  •  PRC, Inc. - Harrisburg
           Telephone:     (717) 637^5090
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the  Revised Reporting
                  j     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                X     Yes,  there are changes  planned.
                       The  revisions are almost flnaL  They are currently working through
                       technical and operational problems, and  expect the revisions to be
                       final by the  Fall of 1991.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The  following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           ___   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	   Would the  owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
April 22,1991                                                             Pennsylvania - 8

            	   Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            	   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) mat is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
               •   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
          •   X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  The current system uses approximately 700 megabytes.
            	  What degree of modularity (e.g.. substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  mere in the system?
                .                               f*
              .......   Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application
                  3.5 contractor staff and 23 state staff.
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system would be much more useful if there were additional on-line capabilities. As
    it now stands, they must ask the contractor for any data runs that are not routinely
    supplied.                                             • '      ,
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?                      .
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency: Once per month.
                            Main purpose(s):  Data retrieval.
            ^	   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the  FRDS IT training provided by EPA?
                     -                                   .     ^
            Did the interviewee attend the  FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
            No                         .                         .
April 22
22,1991                                 ,..                           Pennsylvania - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                      Rhode Island
2.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview fonn: RI1               •
       1*2*  linromTfltioo system i{lffntiiPCi*Tioii
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: FRDS  Inventory System .
            1.12.  Common name (if different):
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State:  Rhode Island
            1.2^.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Brian  Barrett
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State  agency/office/division (or branch):
                        Division of Drinking Water Quality
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
                1.4.Z3.  EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    Room 209, Cannon Building
                                                3 Capital Hill
                                        .        Providence, RI 02908-5097
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone  number   401-277-3336
            1.4.5.  Backup contact: John Kachanis
  pri!22, 1991                      .                                       Rhode Island -1

2.  For which purposes Is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems
        X      Compliance (e.g.t tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement lustones)
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
        X      Fee tracking
        X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
        X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
         X      Uploading to FRDS
         X      Other  Data acquisition of laboratory results.
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs   '             '               .  '
        •                                                                          .
             X   NCWSs
            . _ .  Others

       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
             X   System administration data.'                            .
             X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
               .   System size
             X   System owner/operator data
             X   System treatment data
             X   System location data
April 22,1991                .                                             Rhode Island - 2

        X   Source location dat8 (e.g., well
        X   Sanitaiy Surveys                                     .
      ^^^  Operator Certification                    -  .      .  .
             Planned for In the future,
      _  Entry Point
 33. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
  .    "X" next to all mat apply.)
        X   Type of violation                                           *
   .     X   Date of  violation                     '•     ,
        X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured).               •
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
        X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is  die system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X     MCL violations
                     _ __    SNCs (also see next question)
                                           ,                         *
      3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
           '                                             '                           j
                       X     EPA definition
                          •    State definition
 3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
      an "X" ne^ to all that apply.)                                            "
        X   Current enforcement actions
        X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
22,1991                                                              Rhode Island - 3

      3.5. Which types of inventory infonnation does the system m^in^iti about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
            _X   Variances
             X   Variance type
           ____'  Other  •' ••        -                                 •                 ' .  •
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors                                 ',
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to an mat
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X :  Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)          •     '       '       •
             X   Financial data (e.g., fees)    As of 10/1/90                       •
           	  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the  categories above, as appropriate.)
           Violation infonnation is maintained from 1986.
      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                  State labs enter data on-line. Sample results from private labs are
April 22, 1991                                                              Rhode Island - 4

                Data arrives from the field (e.g.t system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
          	  Data arrives from .another agency within the state (e.g., health  department).
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
           X  . Data is electronically uploaded
                For state laboratory sample results.
          	  On-line (key) data entry        .       '.,.-.      "  .
           X   Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
          to all mat apply.)
           X   Input operator review                       .,                       .-
        1   X   2nd party review              .                         '
            .    Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                	By repeat query                 .
                  X By edit-checking                              .         .
                     Keypunched and electronically uploaded data are subject to edit-
                     checking and range verification routines.
       -     '    Other           .                                                     .
        \  •         '            	                                •   '.        	
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          ^^^  Data telecommunications  (e.g., via modem)
           X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
                                                     • •                          •-    .
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
pril 22,1991                                                             Rhode Island - 5

       3.14. ID what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
         .  that apply.)
             X   Card image.  If cart image, check those that apply:
                             X    We are currently convening to DTP.
                                   Inventory information is sent in 1.5 format by the
                            __   There are problems with the conversion.
           	MSIS format If MSIS format, check those mat apply:
                         -•  	   We are currently converting to DTP.               ;
                            ___   There are problems wim die conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                  Violation Information is entered into the FRDS-DE program and. sent in
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)                                                 -
            Reports are  generated using a Structured Query Language supported by File
            Pro, the system software.
             X   Standard on screen reports •
             X   Standard printed reports                                •
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
            	  Telephone support
 April 22, 1991                                                             Rhode Island - 6

      4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state
           	 .Other stales                        .
                                   1                              -           •
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
      5.1. What is die system's hardware architecture?  (Pot an "X" next to all that apply.)
       -    5.1.1. Centralized
                      Mainframe         .                        •
                 X    PC
                      16 MHZ, Tandy 4000
               	._   Other                   .
           5.1.2.  Distributed                          :
                 X    PC network   Network type: Santa Cruz XENIX with 16 users.
               	   PC/minicomputer network Network type:
           '  -   ..     PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.13. 	Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and  on what software does the system run?
           System software:
           Applications software:  4GL-F1LE PRO 16+
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)..                             .
             X    User's  manual
                  There  are a number of pages assembled that describe the system and are
                  used as training material.
           ^^^  Training material
      22,1991                                                           Rhode Island - 7

            ,      System administration
           _____  Technical guide
                  Annotated code,
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same
      5.5. Please indicate any of ths following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                  Requirements?  .
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                 X     Yes, there are changes planned.
                       Changes are being held until pending legislation and rule-making
                       procedures are finalized.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                  The system will be upgraded to generate upload data in DTF.  There are
                  also plans to replace the microcomputer network with a larger system,
                  running a UNIX operating system.
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee  for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
                  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) mat is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of RAM.
April 22,1991                                                             Rhode Island - 8

             X   What ate the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  There is a 170 megabyte Scuzzi Drive supporting the entire network;
                  however, plans are. to upgrade to 1/2 gigabyte soon.
             .     What degree of modularity (e.g.t substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  mere in the system?
           	  Are mere any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the size of the current staff to support  application?

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?  •
    Integrated system design based on FRDS.
7.  Miscellaneous
   !    7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
           	  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency:       '      •    s   -
                            Main purpose(s):
         "    X   No, the interviewee does hot use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS H training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
           No                        '            '    .                      •
   il 22, 1991                                                            Rhode bland - 9


                                    Inventory Form
               -. :•     State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                    South Carolina
1.  Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview fonn:  SCI
       1.2. Information system identification
           12.1.  Official name of system: Water Supply Information Management System
           1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
           1.2.3.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
           1.2.4.  State: South Carolina
           1.2 J.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health and Environmental Control
       1.3  Name  of interviewer  Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Melinda  Mathias
      ••" .  .
        •   . 1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Division of Drinking Water Quality and Enforcement
                1.4.2.Z  EPA Region/division/branch/secdon:
                1.4.Z3.  EPA Headquaiters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   2600 Bull Street
                                               Columbia, SC 29201

           1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (803) 734-5310
           1.4.5.  Backup contact:
  pril22,1991                         .                                 South Carolina -1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems                 •
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X      Enforcement (e.g.f enforcement histories)              .           •
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning fetters)
       [TX M    Fee tracking
        X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       __     Tracking of submission of other required reports
         X      Uploading to FRDS
       _     Other
3.  Data issues
    .   3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)                                                  .
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs              .                             .               '  '   '
             X   NCWSs
             X   Others
                  The system tracks small water systems serving populations less thaw 25.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply*)
             X   Source/entity data
            ^^^  System administration data                     •                    '
             X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
             X   System size
             X   System owner/operator data
             X   System treatment data
             X.  System location data

April 22, 1991                                                            South Carolina. - 2

            X   Source location data (e.g., wdl latitude/longitudes)
            X   Sanitary Surveys                     . ,    .     .
          ^^^  Operator Certification
                Operator certification is reviewed during sanitary surveys.
          ___  Entry Point
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does die system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all mat apply.)
            X   Type of violation                                            '
            X   Date of violation
            X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                           X      MCL violations
                         _     SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs  defined in this system?
                         _     EPA definition .
                                  The State uses a definition stricter than EPA's to avert
                                  instances of Federal SNC.
                                  Other definition      .                              •
rpril 22, 1991                                                            South Carolina - 3

       3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all mat apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                 Information maintained back to 1984.
           ^^_ Other
       3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system n\»mtam about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all mat apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 The system is not programmed for variance/exemption data since the State
                 does not issue them.                                                       .  .
           	 Variance type
           __ Other
       3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the  system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Summaries of results of inspections
       3.7. What types of water sources  are tracked by the  system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased
       3.8. What types of resource data is  tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to  all mat
           	  Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	  Other resources data
April 22, 1991                                                           South Carolina - 4

     3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in Ac system?  (Please describe. Refer
          to the categories above, as appropriate.)
     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
          to all mat apply.)

           X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to me
                state agency headauarters that manages the system.

                Laboratory data is sent directly to the central office.

           X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                maintained. '

                Inventory and survey data is sent to the central office in hard copy by 11
                regional offices.

          	  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)

     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
          apply.)                                           ;             .    / ,   •

          ___    Data is electronically  uploaded                                      ,.   •

           X   On-line (key) data entry

                Data is entered, on-line into a copy of the system. Updated files are then
                copied over to the main  system.  . •

             .   Data is keypunched

          __ Other                                               .

     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed? (Put an "X" next
          to  all that apply.)                                    .

          	 Input operator review

           X   2nd party review

                At least 10% of all data entered is reviewed for accuracy.

              '  Confirmation by water system that supplied  data
prU22,1991                                                             South Carolina - 5

           On-line verification
                 	By repeat quay .
                   X  By edit-cfaecking
                      For monitoring data only.                                 .
      3.13. How data Is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           ^^^  Data, telecommunications (e.g., via modem)   •                      '
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
             X   Other
               '  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with die conversion.                     fmb,
             X   MSIS format. If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                 Inventory information is now sent in FRDS 1.5 format.  Changes to the
                 system are ongoing, and inventory information is expected to be uploaded
                 in DTP by mid-1991.
                            .X   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           __   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                 Violations data is uploaded in DTF.
                             Were there any problems with the conversion?
                             Was the conversion fully successful?
           	   Other                         .       .
April 22, 1991                                                          South Carolina -6

4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X-  Standard printed reports      -                                        .
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc primed reports                                           .
       ,4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  On-line  help screens
            ^^__  Telephone support
            ;	  Other
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Other offices within the same state
                  The 11  regional offices use data from the system.
            	  Other states
            	  Other   •                               •               .        -

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized   .                               ..  '  s         -
                	.  .  Mainframe
                	._    Minicomputer
                  X     PC             •  '             .         '"'•':'•
                                                                 - * •
                        IBM microcomputer on a PC network and hardwired to a
                        mainframe.                     '
    il 22, 1991                                                           South Carolina - 7

           5.12.  Distributed                                                    ,
                X    PC network  Network type:  Novell
              	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
              	   PC/mainframe network Network type:
              	   Other-                                                   ;
           5.13.  	Hybrid

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS
           Applications software: dBASE HI+
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all mat apply.)     .
             .    User's manual                                               . • .
           	  Training material                                                \
           ^^^  System administration manual
           	  Technical guide
           _____  Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
Steve Vassey (Information System) / Jeff Nuovo (Mainframe
Division of Drinking Water Quality and Enforcement / Bureau of
Information Resource  Management
           Telephone:     (803) 734-5310 / (803) 734-4785
April 22, 1991
                                             South Carolina - 8

     5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
          5.5.1.  Is the: system currently being revised to meet the Revised Repotting
              	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                      requirements?  "
                X     Yes, there are changes  planned.                           .
                      Most new fields for the revised reporting requirements are already
                      In the system.
          5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
     5.6.  The following are issues  pertaining to the transportability of die system.  Put an "X"
          next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
            X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
            X   Would  the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?                        ,
                 No. A  number of other States have copies of and use the system.  Other
                 States  have built their own systems based on this system design.
          	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
            X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) mat is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
                 Approximately. 6 megabytes.
            X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                 640 kilobytes.
            X -  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                 22 megabytes are used for  current storage.
          	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
          .       Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
          	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
pril 22,1991
South Carolina - 9

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The Division feels the system is good. It meets all their needs, and can be programmed
    by staff members.                     .     •

7*  Miscellaneous   •                    '
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            _____  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did die interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Yes                                   .
            Did the interviewee attertd the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                          South Carolina - 10

                                    Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems                .
                   • •     . '                                    t              •      •
                                     South Dakota
L   Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form: SD1            ,
       1.2. Information system identification.                           .
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  No system name.

           1.22.  Common name (if different):
           1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different);  ,
           1.2.4.  State: South  Dakota
           1.25.  Name of state agency that maintains and'operates the system:
                  Department  of Water and Natural Resources
       1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Rob Kittay                               .
           1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
                                                        i . •         '    , "          •
       .   . State agency/office/division (or branch): Office of Drinking Water
             "" EPA Region/division/branch/section:  ...'..
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:  • 523 East Capital Street
                                                Foss Building, Room 412
                                                Pierre, SD 57501-3181
           1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   605-773-4208
           1.4.5.  Backup contact: Darron Busch
      22,1991                                                            South Dakota - 1

    Two separate systems, with very similiar capabilities, track PWSs.  Community systems
    (55% of the FWSs in the State) are tracked by a mainframe system, non-community
    systems (45%) are tracked by a microcomputer system.
2.  For which purposes Is the system used?  (put an "XH next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g.* enforcement histories)
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	    Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
        X     Tracking of submission of other required reports
    .       •    General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1. For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)                                          ...
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs               .  ,                               -
                 There are about 30 NTNC PWSs in the state.
     f       X   NCWSs .
                 Non-community water systems, which comprise about 45% of all PWSs,
                 are tracked on the microcomputer system.
       3.2. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
             X   System administration data
             X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
April 22,1991                                                          South Dakota:- 2

       X   System size                   '                         .
       X   System owner/operator data
       X   System treatment data
       X   System location data
       X   Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       X   Sanitary Surveys
      ^^_  Operator Certification
            Operator ccrtiflcation is tracked for all PWSs in a separate dBASE
            program residing on a microcomputer.
       X   Entry Point
 3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)
       X   Type of violation                                 •
       X   Date of violation
       X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)               .
       X   Capable  of storing multiple violations of same type
       X   Capable  of storing multiple violations of different types
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                       X      MCL violations
                     _ _    SNCs (also see next question)
      3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                     How are SNCs defined in this system? '     '
                                   Gcfinition *
22,1991                                                              South Dakota • 3

       3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system mstmym about PWSs?  (Put.
            an "X" next to all mat apply.)                                                   .
             X   Current enforcement actions
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
            —___  Other
       3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
            	  Compliance schedules
                                               ,   ,             ^                         «
              ,   -Progress in meeting compliance schedules
            	  Variance type
           .       Other
       3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does die system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X_a Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
            	Summaries of results of inspections
       3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)                .
             X   Ground
            _JK_ Surface
             X   Purchased
       3.8.  What types of resource data is  tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
                ' Financial data (e.g., fees)
            	  Other resources data
       3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
            to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed,  and  prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
            to all that  apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems'  laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
April 22,1991                                                               South Dakota - 4

      _  Data arrives from die field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
            office, which forwards the information to headquarters where me system is
            HTJfl I ffltSMflllQ,     ' »
      _  Data arrives frdm another agency .within the state (e.g., healm   department)
 3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
      apply.)                                              .
            Data is electronically uploaded        .
       X   On-line (key) data entry
      ^__  Data is keypunched            •      .    •     *  -
      _  Other
 3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all that apply.)
         .   Input operator review
      _  2nd patty review
      _  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line verification
            _ By repeat query
            _ By edit-cheddng
       X   Other                             .
            Instances  of non-compliance are manually checked before NOVs are sent
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            Data telecommunications (e.g., via
        X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
            For NCWs from the microcomputer system.
            Magnetic Tape to Region
            For CWSs from the mainframe system.
            Magnetic Tape to NCC
22,1991                            .                                South Dakota - 5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)        .  .
           	  Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                           ___   We are currently convening to DTP.
                               .   There are problems with die conversion.
           	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                           __   We are currently convening to DTP.
                               •   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                 Upload information from both systems is currently written in FRDS LS
                 format The Department is going to expand the microcomputer system to
                 eventually include all PWS data, and will be upgrading it to write files in
                 DTP.  The mainframe system phase-out and DTP uploading capabilities
                 are near completion.
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?  Yes
                              Was the conversion fully successful?     Yes
4.  User issues
      .4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within die state? (Put an "X" nest to all
           that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                 Ad-hoc reports are available from the microcomputer system only.
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2. What types of support are available to  users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
            .....   Telephone support
April 22,1991                                                           South Dakota - 6

       4.3.  What other users of this system axe there? (Put an "X" next to an that apply.)
            _  Other offices within the same state
            _; _  Otherstates                .
            _ _  Other                                          .

 5.  System  configuration and system management and administration
       5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
            5.1.1.  Centralized
                 X     Mainframe  IBM 3090
                 X    PC 386-based machines.
                 X    PC network  Network type:  Token Ring
                _   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                 .ijjijj:   PC/mainframe network Network type:
                _ .   Other
            5.1.3. _ Hybrid                               /    .

       5.2.  In what environment and on what software does die system run?
            System software:  MS-DOS for the microcomputer system.
            Applications software:   dBASE for the microcomputer system. AidaBASE is the
                                  database structure for the mainframe system.  Natural
                                  Programming Language is  used to access and
                                  manipulate the database.
       5.3. , What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
            to all mat apply.)
                                                                        *     *
              X   User's manual
               .   For the mainframe system only.
            _  Training material
South Dakota. - 7

             X   System administration manual
                 For the mainframe system only.                                • ,
                 Technical guide
           	 Annotated code                              .
      5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:                                         •                '       '
      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                _X_  Yes. there are changes planned.
           5.5.2. What other changes are planned for the system?
                 The Office of Drinking Water is  planning to move all PWS data to the
                 microcomputer system in the future.  They feel that programming changes
                 .will be easier  to implement on a  smaller system.  This move will .
                 encompass changes in upload formatting (to DTF) and will encompass the
                 revised reporting requirements.
      5.6. The  following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those  questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	 Would the owning state agency charge a tee for a copy or use of die system?
                 If so, what amount?
               ; Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space)  mat is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
                 dBASE requires 5 megabytes of storage.  They do not yet  know the full
                 size of the system including all programs.
April 22, 1991                                                            South Dakota - 8

             XiL[[i  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes.
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data? .
                  The system currently uses 8 megabytes of storage, but has less than 70%
                  of the data entered into the system. The system resides on a 300
                  megabyte bard disk.
            _____  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  mere in the system?
            	  Are mere any other factors not yet discussed?
            .._..!_.  What is the size of the current staff to support  application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The PC system is strong.

7.  Miscellaneous
  t   s
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?      .
              '    Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
            Yes             :      '•-,'•              '           . '      "'     '
  pri!22,1991                                                      .       South Dakota - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
L   Background Information
       LI. Tracking number for mis interview form: TNI
       1.2. Information system identification -
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  Tennessee Compliance Tracking System
           1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
           1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
           1.2.4.  State: Tennessee
           1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Conservation
       1.3  Name of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Margaret Keck
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch): Division of Water Supply
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters  office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    150 9th Avenue North, 2nd Floor Terra Bl
                                                Nashville, TN 37247-3001

            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number 615-741-6636
            1.415.  Backup contact:
  pril 22,1991                                                                Tennessee - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g.. tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
         X      Fee tracking
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       ^X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       •     •    General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS       "                                          ,
       	     Other                        .                                     ;  •

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)                                                                 ;
              X   CWSs                                                           i  •
              X   NTNCs      '                        .
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory  information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment data
              X   System location data

April 22, 1991                                                                Tennessee - 2

             • X   Source location data (e.g.» well
             X   Sanitary Surveys  .
             X   Entry Point
       33.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Type of violation
        '                  <                         *   *                              "
             X   Date of violation
         .    X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
                  This information is stored in a separate, interrelated database file.
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types          •      j
            3.3.1.   X   Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                            Xm   Monitoring/reporting violations
                            X^   MCL violations
                            X     SNCs (also see next question)
            3.3.2, Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?

                           How are SNCs defined in this system?
                            X     EPA definition
                           ^^^    State definition
       3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? .(Put
            an "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Current enforcement actions
              X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
            _  Other              r   .    .                   '•  .   •
April 22,1991                                                                 Tennessee-3

      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)             •                     ,
           ._::  •   Compliance schedules
               '   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
             X   Variances
                  This capability is not used by the  State.
             X   Variance type
      3.6. Which .types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)                              .                  ..
             X   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors               .   .
                  This capability is not used by the Stale.
           ,       Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           	   Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
               Data files six years old  are purged from the system and archived to another
               microcomputer or a mainframe for storage.
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put  an ?X" net
           to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems'  laboratories) to the
           """""" state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                  Laboratory data is sent directly to the central  office.
April 22,1991                                                                 Tennessee-4

             X   Data arrives from the field (e.g.t system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                 office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                 maintained.       •       '                                •   "
                 Inventory information is gathered by one of four regional offices and then
                 sent to the central office.  Non-community water system information is
                 sent in by county health departments.
           	 Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
      3.11. Which methods axe used to enter data imp the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Data is electronically uploaded
             X   On-line (key) data entry
             X   Data is keypunched                    • t .
      3.12. What are the primary means by  which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           __ Input operator review                 -
             X   2nd party review  .                      •   .
           	 Confirmation by water system that supplied data           /
           On-line verification • • •  .                    .   •      *  • .
                 	By repeat.query      .
                   X  By edit-checking               .                 ,.,,.'•'
         .'  '     Other  '                  ..        .  '_   .    .       .•...,../•
      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           	 Data telecommunications  (e.g., via modem)
             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office               • ....
           	.m Other.
           	 Magnetic Tape to Region              .       .
           	 Magnetic Tape to NCC             .
April 22, 1991                      :                                          Tennessee-5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Card image. If card image, check those mat apply:
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                             ....-...._...   There are problems with the conversion.
               '   MSIS format  if MSIS format, check those mat apply:
                             •      We are currently converting to DTP.-
                            	   There are problems with the conversion.
              X   FRDS E Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?  None
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
           	   Other       -                               .              ••      .!
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" nexit to all
            that apply.)
            •  X	  Standard on screen reports
                  R&R Relational Report Writer is used to generate reports.  It is fast and
                  user friendly,  and can relate up to 10 files for a single report. -
              X   Standard printed reports
              X   Ad-hoc  on  screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc  printed reports
       4.2.  What types of  support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   On-line  help screens
            	  Telephone support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            	Other offices within the same state            .    .
                  They are trying to update the system so that other State offices will have
                  access to the data more easily.

 April 22, 1991                                                               Tennessee - 6

           _____  Other states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized
               	  ' Mainframe
                    •   Minicomputer               •.
                 X     PC
                       IBM NCR 286. The system is loaded on two microcomputers that
                       are hardwired together.  Information is updated on one machine,
                       and then batch uploaded to the other.
           5,1.2.  Distributed
               	   PC  network  Network type:               '        ,
                .__,     PC/minicomputer network Network type:
               '        PC/mainframe network  Network type:
                  -•     Other    .  .            •
           5.1.3.	..Hybrid                      ...

       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: MS-DOS
           Applications software: FoxBASE+ (Ver. 2J)
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           _____  User's manual
           ^^^  Training material
           ^^^^  System administration
           _____  Technical guide
April 22,1991                                                              Tennessee-7

                  Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of die system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same

      5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 X     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning  state agency charge a  fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary  software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) mat is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?     ,
                  640 kilobytes
             X   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
                  Currently using 60 megabytes on an 80 megabyte hard disk.
                  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
           	  Are there  any  other factors not yet discussed?
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application
April 22,1991                                                                .Tennessee-8

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    Completely on-line; easy retrieval.
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does die interviewee use FRDS?
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency:  Quarterly
                            Main purpose(s): Check quality of data.
            	  No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did die interviewee attend die FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
      22,. 1991                             .                                   Tennessee-9


                                     Inventory Form         ..
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview fonn:  TX1
       1.2.  Information system identification
            1.2.1. Official name of system:
            1.2.2. Common name (if different):
      ,   .   1.2.3. Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4. State: Texas
            1.2.5. Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health, division of Water Hygiene
       1.3   Name of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1. Name of interviewee: Anthony Bennett
            1.4.2. Interviewee's Agency/Office:
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                                             ,        •                   >i
                        Data  Reports and Water Quality Monitoring Branch
        EPA Region/division/branch/section:
        EPA Headquarters office/tiv&on/branch/section:
            1.4.3. Interviewee's mailing address:   1100 West 49th Street
                                                Austin, TX 78756

            1.4.4. Interviewee's telephone number  (512) 458-7497
            1.4.5. Backup contact:
    U22.1991                                                                    Texas-1

 2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X      Inventories of water systems
• • .                                                                                  *
         X      Compliance (e.g.f tracking violations? Tracking inspections)
                The mainframe system tracks submission of reports and samples for Bacti
                and turbidity.  A separate microcomputer system tracks Chem/Rad data,
                although  this information Is reentered into the mainframe system to generate
                FRDS upload ffles.
         X      Enforcement (e.g.( enforcement histories)                     .
                A separate microcomputer based system (using dBASE HI+) will begin to
                keep enforcement histories in the near future.
       .  X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                The system can provide mailing support for Bacti monitoring activities.
         X      Fee tracking                                              '      '
                A separate system on the mainframe tracks submission of fees.
        __ t      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	      Tracking of submission of other required reports
        	      General administration                                               .         .^
         X      Uploading to FRDS
 3.  Data issues
        3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs       '
              X   NCWSs
              X   Others
        3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system *»a"*fiMn about PWSs?   (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
 April 22, 1991                                                                  Texas - 2

           X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
          _X _  System size
           X   System owner/operator data
      ..    X   System treatment data          •
         .  •     System location data
                Source location data (e.g., well
       .    X   Sanitary Surveys             ."'...
          	   Operator Certification
          ' '  '•;  Entry Point            .
     3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
           X   Type of violation  •      •   -
           X   Date of violation           .               ,
          •;w._   Parametric data (e.g., limit;  level measured)
           _Xrm Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
                Multiple.violations for the same month are stored as a single violation.
           X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1. 	  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
            '               '
                        .     Monitoring/reporting violations
                         	^ MCL 'violations
                         •    SNCs (also see next question)
          3.3.2. Does.the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                No                                •                        .   .
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?.
                         	EPA definition     ''                                '
                 .-,'      	State definition
           .;            	 Other definition       ;
'pril22,1991                                                                    Texas-3

      3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
           _____  Current enforcement actions
           ____  Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                                                           k     »    '
             •    Other
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
            .	Compliance schedules
            ..._  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	•  Variances                                                        :
           —  Variance type
           _.	  Other                           .
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)  .
             X  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 The system  can  be used to schedule PWS inspections.
           	  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system,?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X  Ground
             X  Surface    .                               '
             X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource  data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           j	   Financial data (e.g.t fees)
            .  •    Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories  above, as appropriate.)
April 22, 1991                                                                     Texas - 4

        3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry ? :  (Put an "X" net
             to all that apply.)                      - -   .
              X   Data anives directly from flic field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to me
                   state agency headquarters that manages die system.
             _   Data anives from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to a regional
                   office, which forwards the information to headquarters where me system is
                :i   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
        3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
             __  Data is electronically uploaded            . .
               X   On-line (key) data entry
             ___   Data is keypunched
       /    J_   Other
        3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
             to all that apply.)
             _   'Input operator review
•               X   2nd party review
                   '    *                                  .   /                '
             _   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
             On-line verification
                   _ By repeat query
                     X  By
                        The system performs random edit checks on Bacti and inventory
        3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
             (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             _     Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
             . _  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
             ; _  Other
            .       Magnetic Tape to Region
               X  Magnetic Tape to NCC                                       .
 April 22.1991                                                                     Texas-5

      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Pot an "X" next to all
           that apply.)       '
           ___   Can! image. If card image, check those that apply:
                           __   We are currently convening to DTP.
                           ^^   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those mat apply:
                             X   We are currently converting to DTP.
                             X   There are problems with the conversioa
                                  There is not yet a date on which conversion will take
                                  place.  The Department may decide to switch the entire
                                  system to a microcomputer based system, although the
                                  mainframe would continue to provide mailing support.
             •    FRDS n Data Transfer Fonnat (DTP). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                               Was the conversion fully successful?  •  •    '
4.  User issues
       4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
                 There are a limited number of fields that are eligible to be indudei in ad
                 hoc reports.
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put ah "X" next to all
           mat apply.)
           	  On-line help screens
           ___  Telephone support
April 22, 1991                                                                  Texas-6

         4.3.  What other users of this system axe there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                X   Other offices within die same state
                 i   Other stales
               -     Other
   5.  System configuration and system management and administration
                                                                              . i .
         5.1.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
              5.1.1. Centralized
                \                "  '  ,  *      •
                   X    Mainframe  UNISYS  1100  Series
                  __    Minicomputer
                  _    PC  .             '          '      ''        '              •
                  _    Odier                               '         .
              5.1.2. Distributed
                  _    PC network  .Network type:                                 .
                   .........    PC/minicomputer network Network type:       '•'•..-
.«•    •        '        PC/mainframe network Network type:
           •—    _    Other.
              5.1.3;  .  •  Hybrid
         5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
              System software: UNISYS Operating System
              Applications software:  COBOL and MAPPER, which is used to access data.
         5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
              to all that apply.)   •
                X   User's  manual
                   j ' System i
                    Technical guide
                    Annotated code
   April 22,1991                                                                   Texas-7

      5.4. What Is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?  .     ,
           Name:         BUI Hennlg
           Address:       Data Processing Section
           Telephone:     (512)458-7645
      5.5. Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting    ,
                ' Requirements?
               	    There are no changes planned since die system already meets these
                 X^   Yes, there are changes  planned.
                       The revised reporting requirements will  be in place by January of
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      S.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	   Would  the owning state agency charge alee for  a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?       .              •
              __   Would  any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X   What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
                  The system  inventory requires about 4 megabytes of storage each year.
                  Each year's violation data requires about 2 megabytes of storage.
           _____   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?    . ;;
           ___   What degree of modularity (e.g.. substantial use  of table-driven software) is
                  there in the system?
             	   Are mere any other factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is the  size of the current staff to support application?
                  About six to eight FTEs are required to fully support the system.
April 22,1991                                                                     Texas - 8

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The system lacks flexibility.
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            ___   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
 ,pril 22,1991                                                                   .Texas - 9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
L  Background Information                                 '
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview fbim:  UT1
       1.2. • Information system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: Bureau of .Water Sanitation System
            1,12.  Common name (if different):  Ken's system
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: Utah
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintain* and operates the system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information    ...
            1,4.1.  Name of interviewee: Ken Bousfleld
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Division of Environmental Health
                       Bureau of Drinking Water/Sanitation
       EPA Region/divisionAnanch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/divisiaD/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:  288 North 1460 West
                                              P.O. Box 16690
                -                             Salt Lake City, Utah  84116
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number   (801) 538-6159
          .  1.4.5.  Backup'contact:
April 22, 1991          .                                                          Utah -1

.   For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems                            . •
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X  .   ' Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)                              ,
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
        X   .  Fee tracking
       ^^^_   Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring               ~<
        X     Tracking of submission of other required reports
        X.._   General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS                                                 i
       	    Other  .                                                           ;

3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs                      '  '     ".'•'•"'         \       •
             X   NCWSs
             X	 Others      •                     •                         •
                  There is a non-public category for systems that are too  small to fall under
                  the Federal limits.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)       '                                      •
             X   Source/entity data
             X   System administration data
             X   Demographics  (e.g.t population served)
             X   System size
             X   System owner/operator data
 April 22, 1991                                                                     Utah-2

          o  X   System treatment data
            X   System location data
            X   Source location data (e.g., well
            X   Sanitary Surveys                     .                      .    .
                For the most recent surrey.
            X   Operator Certification              •
          _ Entry Point                         •        '
     3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
          "X" next to all that apply.)
            X  . Type of violation
            X   Date of violation                                                    .
            X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
            X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
          3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                           X   •   Monitoring/reporting violations
                           X      MCL violations
                         _    SNCs  (also see next question)
                                  A dummy file can be created to sort on violation fields
                                  and generate a printout of SNCs.
          3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                         How are SNCs defined in this system?
                           X      EPA definition      •            ......
                                  Other definition
'pril22,1991                                                   ,                  Utah r 3

      3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all thai apply.)
           «X    Current enforcement actions
          '   X    Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                  The system stores the last 3 years of information.
           	  Other                          .
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all mat apply.)                                                    -
                  Compliance schedules
                          m meetm2 CQ^FIPMancc schedules
             X   Variances
             X   Variance type
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           mat  apply.)
             X   Scheduling of inspections/Inspectors
                 This  capability is not used..
           	 Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types  of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
        •   apply.)
             X  . Ground
             X   Surface
             X    Purchased
      3.8. What types  of resource data is tracked by die system?  (Put an "X" next to alt that
           ___  Financial data (e.g.. fees)
           	  Other resources data
April 22,1991                                                                     Utah - 4

       3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
            to the categories above, as appropriate.)
            Chemical data is available for the last 20 years.  Bacteriologic data is available
            for the most recent one to two year period.
       3.1Q. How is data consolidated, transcribed, gnfl prepared for data entry? (Pot an "X" net •
            to all that apply.)
              X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                       agency headoiiarters tti^T manages th^ system.
              .._..  Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
            _  Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
       3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   Data is electronically uploaded
                  The State health lab sends data on magnetic tape.
              X   On-line (key) data entry
                  Inventory information is updated on-line.  Data from  private labs is also
                  updated on-line. They plan to have electronic transfer from private labs
                  by mid-199L
            _ Data is keypunched

            _  Other  ,_•; r .,...,..'     * V'-. .'   "' '' •  '
       3.1Z What are the  primary means by  which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
            to all that apply.)           . ,         '  .
            ____  Input operator review
              X   2nd party review
            _  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
            On-line verification
                  _ By repeat query
                    X  By edit-checJong
April 22,1991                                                                      Utah - 5

      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
           (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
             X   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
                 Data is transferred by magnetic tape to a Prime mini computer and then
                 sent by modem to Region VOL
           	  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           ___  Magnetic Tape to Region
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Card image. If card image, check mose mat apply:
                           ___ • We are currently convening'to DTP.
                           ___   There are problems with the conversion.
           	  MSIS format.  If MSIS  format, check those that apply:
                           —_   We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	   there are problems with me conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Yes.  There were some early problems Unking violation and
                              enforcement data.
                              Was the conversion fully successful?  Yes
4.  User issues
       4.1. What types of reports are'generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
April 22,1991                                                  .„                Utah-6

        ^X^  Ad-hoc on screen repents
              Ad-hoc reports require custom programming.
                            •                                    •            •  '
         X   Ad-hoc printed reports
   4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
        mat apply.)                                         •
         X   On-line help screens
              Menu-driven  with message lines that offer different options the user can
        	  Telephone support
        	  Other                               .
   4.3.  What other users of mis system are there? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
         X   Other offices within the ^flmff state
              Other offices use the data.
         	  Other states
 »•                 . '•      '
System configuration  and system management and administration
   S.I.  What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        5.1.1.  Centralized
                 * Mainframe
             X    Minicomputer    NIXDORF 600/45 with 7 terminals.         .
            	   PC      .'••.-•'-
        5.1.2.  Distributed       "                 -             ;
            	   PC network  Network type:
                .   PC/minicomputer netwoik Network type:
               •    PC/mainfirame network  Network type:    .
            	   Other       •    '     '  •
        5.13.  	Hybrid
il 22, 1991                                                     .               Utah - 7

      5.2.  In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software: Editor.operating system.
           Applications software:  EDITOR (same as the operating system).
      5.3.  What types of documentation are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all diat apply.)
             X   User's manual
                 There are several pages that provide an overview of the system and its
           _^_  Training material
           	  System administration manual
                 Technical guide
             X   Annotated code
      5.4.  What is the name of the  system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:    .      Same
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes  planned for the system.
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet die Revised Reporting
                X     There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
               	   Yes, there are changes, planned
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
April 22, 1991                                                                    Utah - 8

       5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system. Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           ' "X.  Is the system ran on public domain applications software?
               .  Utah's public domain -
          .  No  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 The department would be willing to share the application software with
                 other state free of charge.  They would not be able to provide system
               •  support
           ___ Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             X  What is die smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for
                 efficient operation of die system?
                 The system occupies 4.7 megabytes of disk storage.,
         •   X  What is least amount of memory required.for die system to run?.
                 56 kilobytes of RAM.
           	What are the current storage requirements for die system's data?
                 The system currently  uses 34 megabytes of storage for PWS data.
             X  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 there in the system?
                 ' There are 24 standard tables.  More tables can be added as new
                 regulations are passed.                      •
           _____ Are diere any other factors not yet discussed?  .
             X  What is die size of die current staff .to support application             *
                 About 1/4 to 1/2 FTE for administration and 1-1/2 FTE for data entry.
6.  What are the Interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    User-friendy; rarely experience operational problems; easy to train staff on its use.
     22,1991                                                                    Utah-9

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does the interviewee use FRDS?
            ._     Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                        •   Main purpose(s):
             X   No, die interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS H training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
 April 22,1991                                                                   Utah-10

                                     Inventory Form-
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
L  Background Information
       1.1.  Tracking number for this interview form:  VT1
       1.2.  Infonnation system identification
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: *  -   ••      . :           .
            1,2.2.  Common name (if different):*
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):               .
            1.2.4.  State: Vermont                '
            1.2J.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department of Health                                      .
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Milenko  Ralicb (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
          .  1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Kim Jones
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
               . State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Environmental Health  Division, Water Supply Program
                1.4.2.Z EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    60 Main Street
                                                Box 70
                                                Burlington, VT  05402
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone  number  (802) 863-7344
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
  pril 22, 1991,                                                                Vermont - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an NX" next to all that apply.)
         X     " Inventories of water systems
         X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
         X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)                              ;
         X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
                The system can generate mailing labels and special notices to PWSs.
         X      Fee tracking    •                      -          * *;    .    •   '     .
         X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
          •.      Tracking of submission of other required reports
       __      General administration
         X      Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does- the system maintain about PWSs?  (Pot an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X^  Source/entity data
              X   System adrniris*raT'nn data
              X  Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X        System owner/operator data
 April 22,1991                                                                  Veimont - 2

         •   X    System treatment data
             X    System location data                          .
           _    Source  location data. (e.g.« well latitude/longitudes)
            ;. X    Sanitary Surveys
              -.    Operator Certification
           ^^^    Entry Point    "                                                    .
       3.3. Which types of violation infonnatioh does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all mat apply.)
             X    Type of violation
            ^X    Date of violation
             X    Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
             X    Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
           _  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
           3.3.1.  __  Is the system capable of identifying or Sagging violations
                            X     Monitoring/reporting violations
                            X     MCL violations
                          ___   SNCs (also see next question)
           3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
          .                How are SNCs defined in this system?       '
                *                             • »** ,
       •••'                 EPA definition
       3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
            an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X        Current enforcement actions                    '
April 22, 1991v   ,                   ;                                           Vermont - 3

             X         Historical enforcement actions (or profiles) •
           ^_^   Other
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           _____  Process in meeting compliance
             .    Variances
            . ____  Variance type
           ^^_  Other
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X"  next to all that
             X  Ground                                          .
             X  Surface                                                                    A
             X  Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by die system? (Put an "X" next to all mat
             X  Financial data (e.g., fees)
             X  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system? (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
       3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
         •  to all that apply.)
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
           ___   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems'  laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
April 22,1991                                                                  Vermont-4

             __  Data arrives firom another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
mm   3.11. Which methods ace used to enter data into die system? (Put an "X" next to all mat
^        apply.)
                   Data is electronically uploaded
               X  On-line (key) data entry
             __  Data is keypunched
             .      Other
•  .      3.12. What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is, performed?  (Put an "X" next
            • tO all fhflj apply,)
             	  Input operator review
             •      2nd party review
             	  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
             On-line verification
                   __f  By repeat query
                     X  By edit-checking
                         The system has verification checks for field codes used in FEDS.
         3.13. How data is exported to  EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
             (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                 '  Data telecommunications (e.g.» via modem)
             "  X  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
               •   • Other
             .  -    Magnetic Tape to Region
             	  Magnetic-Tape to NCC
           1991                                   .                              Vermont-5

       3.14. In what formal is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                            ___   We are currently convening to DTP.
                               _   There are problems with die conversion.
           	   MSIS fbnnaL  If MSIS format, check those mat apply:
                            __   We axe currently converting to DTP.
                            ____   There are problems with die conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP).  If DTP is used:
                               Were there any problems with die conversion?  No    :
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
                  Other         '                                    '
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            	  Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X. _  Ad-hoc on screen reports                                          ,:
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
             X   On-line  help screens
            	   Telephone support                                .
             X   Other
                  On-site support
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
                  Other offices within the same state
 April 22, 1991                                                                 Vennont - 6

           	  Other states
           ;	  Other
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized
               ^^^    Adamfraine
                 X     Minicomputer   VAX 8550
              '	    PC           '               -,
           5.1.2. Distributed          .
               __    PC network- Network type:
               	    PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               	    PC/mainframe network   Network type:
               	    Other                                .                          ,
           5.1.3. 	  Hybrid                .
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does die system run?
           System  software: VMS
           Applications software: 1032
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system?. (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
           	  User's manual
           	- Training material             •
             	  System administration manual
                 Technical guide
                 Annotated code
  pril 22.1991          .                •>.                                   Vermont - 7

       5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:         Same                                                       -
       5.5. Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
          • 3.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 ..     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                       requirements?              .
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
                       Changes will be made to meet TCR/SWTR requirements.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
       5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           ___ Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system? If
               so, what amount?              .
                                                         ••   -          •            ''
           ___ Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           ^^ What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required for efficient
               operation of the system?
           __ What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
               What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
              .. What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is mere
                in the system?
           	Are mere any other factors not yet discussed?
           ___ What is the size of the current staff to support  application
6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
April 22, 1991                                                                  Vermont - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does die interviewee use FRDS?       .
            __   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, die interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did die interviewee attend die FRDS  H training provided by EPA?
            Did the interviewee attend the FRDS  H interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991
Vermont - 9


                                    Inventory Form                 -
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
         ,   .                            Virginia
L'  Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form: VA1
       1.2. information system identification
            12.1.  Official name of system:  FRDS-DE and MSIS
            1.22.  Common name (if different):
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2A  State: Virginia
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency that maintain* and operates the system:
                  Department  of Health                   .        .
       1.3  Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Evans Massie
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:       .
        ~       '           :•   •         '-.  -~--   "
        State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Division  of Water Supply and Engineering
          .  .    1A22.  EPA Region/division/branch/section:
      ;  EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    109 Governors Street
                                                Richmond, VA  23219
           1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  804-786-1756
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:            •
     22, 1991                                                                 Virginia-1

2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
       • X     Inventories of water systems
               The MSIS system maintains inventory information.
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
               The Department uses a manual system to track violations, and an "inhouse"
               automated system to track inspections.
           Enforcement (e.g... enforcement histories)                          '        •      '  '
       ___    Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
          . '    Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ___    General administration                        ,
        X     Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data issues
       3:1, For which types  of PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
       3.2. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Source/entity data
             X   System administration data
             X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
             X   System size
             X   System owner/operator data

 April 22,1991                                                                 Virginia-2

      X   System treatment data
      X   System location dflt*
      X   Source location data (e.g.. well latitude/longitudes)
      X   Sanitary Surveys
      ^^  Operator Certification
           Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system *n^'ptam about PWSs? (Put an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
     _  Type of violation
     _  Date of violation
     •      Parametric data (e.g., limit: level measured)
     _  Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
     ___  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
     3.3.1. _ _ Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                        ' Monitonng/reportiDg violations
                         MCL violations-   .  •                        -
                    _ SNCs (also see nea question)
     3.3.2. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?

                    How are SNCs defined in this system?
                        EPA definition "
  3.4. Which types of enforcement information does die system
      an "X" next to all mat apply.)
      _ Current enforcement actions
      '      Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
                                                                  about PWSs?  (Put
22, 1991
                                                                         Virginia . 3

      3.5.  Which types of inventory information docs the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
                 Compliance schedules
                 Progress in meeting compliance schedules
                 Variances                                 •                 .•
           ___  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have? (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
                 Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X    Surface
             X    Purchased        •
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)                         '.,..*..
           __   Financial data (e.g.t fees)
           	   Other resources data                                              .
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above,  as appropriate.)
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)
           	  Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system;  systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             X    Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
                  maintained.              •
                  Laboratories send bactf sample data to the regional offices which record
                  the violations and toward a report to the central office.
April 22,1991                                                                  Virginia-4

            X   Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health  department)
                Chemical sample results are fowarded directly to the central office by
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
          ___  Data is electronically uploaded     :
            X   On-line  (key)  data entry
                For the FRDS-DE program.                            .         .   .
        .• i"       -      .  *    _.
            X   Data is keypunched                                              ,
                For the mainframe system.
          	  Other     ,
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)                           .           '    .
          	  Input operator .review
            X   2nd party review
          _____  Confirmation  by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification          '                        •
                  •   By repeat query
                  X.  By edit-chedong
            X   Other
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)              ,             .
         •      Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
            X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          	  Magnetic Tape to Region
          	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
pri!22, 1991                                                          ,       Virginia-5

       3.14. In what format is data sent to die EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                           	  We are currently converting to DTP.
                           	  There are problems with the
             	  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those that apply.
                            	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                            ___   There axe problems with the conversion.           <
             X   PROS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                  The Department uses the FRDS-DE program to upoad data to FRDS-IL
                               Were there any problems with the conversion?         ,
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
                Other                                      .
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            Reports are generated from the mainframe for inventory information.
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
            mat apply.)
             X   On-line help screens                   ,
             X   Telephone support
             X   Other
       4.3.  What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
            	  Other offices within the same state
 April 22,1991                                                                 Virginia-6

           	  Otter states
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
      5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1.  Centralized            •           '                        "  •
                X    Mainframe  IBM 4381
                X    PC MEMOREX TELEX 7045                      '
           5.12.  Distributed         *
                      PC network  Network type:
               	   PC/minicomputer network Network type:
               	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
               	   Other           .                               .
           5.1.3.    .   Hybrid

      5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run?
           System software:  MS-DOS for the microcomputer system.
                           HPO-5 for the mainframe system.
           Applications software:    Clipper for the microcomputer system.
                              .   COBOL for the mainframe system.
      5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)          '•'...                           .             •
             X   User's manual                        .
           	  Training material
             X   System administration manual        .       •,
           ^^^  Technical guide                                                  -
               '  Annotated code                ,
     22,1991              .    ;  :                                          Virginia-?

       S.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?

           Telephone:                        .
       5.5. Please indicate any of die following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Repotting
                  Requi tftflmus 7
               	   There are no changes planned since the system already meets these  -
                 X    Yes, there are changes planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
       5.6. The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put in "X"
           next to those questions  for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is the system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           	  What is the smallest size (megabytes  of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           	  What is least amount of, memory required for the system to run?
           _____  What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           ____  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                 ' there in the system?
           ____  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?                       |
           	  What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    They are too far removed from FRDS and  cannot use system to help the state with its
    tracking efforts.
April 22,1991                                                                   Virginia - 8

                                               ., t
7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?
             X   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                           Frequency:         .
                           Main purpose(s): Data verification
           	No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2. Did die interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
         .  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS II interactive retrieval training?
 pril 22, 1991


                                    Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information                         .
       1.1. Tracking number for mis interview form:  WAI
            1.2,1.  Official name of system:  Drinking Water Program
            1.2.2.  Common name (if different):
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):          .  '. -
            1.2.4.  State: Washington
            L25.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates die system:
                  Department of Health
       1.3   Name  of interviewer Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Peggy Johnson
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                Environmental Health Program
                Division of Drinking Water
                Technical Services Section
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:    Building 3, Airdustriat Park
                                                Mailstop LD11
                                                OIympia,WA  98504
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  206-753-3528
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
April 22,1991   '.."'••'                                           Washington-1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g.« enforcement histones)
               Enforcement data management is a small part of the program.
        X     Mailings support (e.g.» generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       ____    Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
      '         Tracking of submission of other required icpoits
       _____    General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS.          .
       _ _    Other                                 .
3.  Data issues                               .
       3.1.  For which types of .PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   CWSs
             X   NTNCs
             X   NCWSs
             X   Others
                  The program  maintains data on systems that have as few as two service
                  connections or more.
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all mat apply.)
              X   Source/entity data
              X   System administration data
              X   Demographics (e.g.. population served)
              X   System size                                  .
 April 22,1991                                                              Washington - 2

             X   System owner/operator data
            _X   System treatment data    •               '                 "
             X   System location data                          .
             X   Source location data (e.g.. well latitude/longitudes)
                 He system has source location data in terms of township range.
             __  Sanitary Surveys
           _ Entry Point
      3.3. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Type of violation
             X   Date of violation
             X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type                 -
             X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types             :
           3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                            X      Monitoring/reporting violations
                            X      MCL violations
                 _ ; '   ' __    SNCs (also see next question)
           3.3.2. Does the system store 'an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                          How are SNCs defined in this system?
                                   EPA definition
                                   State defimoon
                          _     Other definition •                 ~            -
April 22,1991                                                              Washington - 3

      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pot
        .  an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions
                 The system handles the entire letter sequence, from warning to formal
                 action letters.
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
           [	  Other
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information .does the system maintain about PWSs?  "[Put an
           "X" next to all mat apply.)
           ^^_  Compliance schedules
       .	Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           ___  Variances
           	  Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)   .          ,                -    .
           	  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors                            .  .
           	  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types of water sources ate tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
           ___  Financial data (e.g.. fees)
           __—_  Other resources data
      3.9.  What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
April 22,1991                                                       .        Washington-4

     3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? • (Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
            X   Data arrives directly from die field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to me
                                           CDSU12UECS ~
                Water Quality information arrives from the laboratories. Inventory data
                arrives from the systems themselves.
            X   Data anives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
             .   office; which forwards me information to headquarters where the system is
                Some inventory data arrives via Regional offices.
          _ _  Data anives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
     3.11. Which methods are used to'enter data into the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
          apply.)     •
            X   Data is electronically uploaded
          _  On-line (key) data entry
          ___  Data is keypunched
          _  Other                                         •
     3.12. What are die primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?. (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
            X   Input operator review
            X   2nd party review
          _  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification               •             .         .       »
                _  By repeat query     .
                                                                      >    ^.   -
                  X   By edit-cheddng
          _  Other
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all  that apply.)
          _  Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
          _  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
          _  Other
pril22,1991  ..   •                                                    .    Washington - 5

             X   Magnetic Tape to Region            .
           	  Magnetic Tape to NCC
       3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to an
           that apply.)
            ...     Card image. If card image, check those that apply:
                           __   We aze currently converting to DTP.             „ "
                           ^^_   There are problems with the conversion.  >
             X   MSIS format.  If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                             X    We are onrently convening to DTP.
                             X    There are problems with the conversion.          t.
                                  Too many nnnimils are provided and makes distillation
                                  of pertinent information difficult
           	  FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
           	Other                             _     •        -    .

4.  User issues
       4.1. What types of reports are generated for use within the state?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
           _X_ Ad-hoc on screen reports
                 Ad hoc reporting capabilities are limited by some selection criteria.,
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2. What types of support are available to users of the system?  (Put an "X" next to all
           mat apply.)
           ^_ On-line help screens
             X   Telephone support

April 22,1991         -                                                    Washington-6

       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X  Other offices within the same state
                 Some local health departments have inquiry access; the Utilities and
                 Transportation Commission has on-line inquiry access as well.
                 Other states                                                       .
5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture? (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized                     .
                 X    Mainframe  IBM network with microcomputers
             -  	   Other
           5.1.2. Distributed
               	   PC network  Network type:
               	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               __   PC/mainframe netwoik  Network type:
           5.13. 	Hybrid
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does  the system run?
           System software:  Natural
           Applications software:    Adabas  '
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support the system? (Put an "X" next
           to all mat apply.)
             X  User's manual
           	 Training material                           . •
             X  System administration manual (to be developed by July 1991)
 !pril 22,1991                                                             Washington - 7

           mmf__ Technical guide
           	 Annotated code                  .
             X   Other
                . Some resource persons.                                     .
      5.4.  What is die name of die system administrator (if not die interviewee)?
           Name:         Simon Tung
           Address:       MS LD-11
                          Olympia, WA 98504                                    i
           Telephone:     (206) 586-8733
      5.5.  Please indicate any  of the following changes planned for the system.         ,
           5.5.1. Is the system currently being revised to meet die Revised Reporting
               	    There are no changes planned since the system already meets diese
                 X     Yes, mere aie changes  planned.
                       The new data system  will meet the Revised Reporting Requirements.
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?   .
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	 Is die system run on public domain applications software?
             No Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
           	 Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
             _     What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) mat is required for
                 efficient operation of the system?
           	  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           	  What are the current storage requirements for die system's data?
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  there in die system?
           	  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
April 22,1991                                                                Washington • 8

             X   What is the size of the current staff to support application.
                  15 FTEs are needed to maintain the system; L5 data entry employees and
                  one system administrator. Additional programming staff will be used as

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    The systems strength  is that Regional offices have access to it.  The system is very new
    and will undoubtedly  have "bugs" still to be discovered.

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does die interviewee use FRDS?
              __'  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Frequency:        .
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS                          .
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           Did die interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
,1991                                                              Washington -9


                                     Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
                                      West Virginia
L  Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for mis interview form:  WV1
            1.2.1.  Official name of system: No system name.
            1.22.  Common name (if different):
            1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
            1.2.4.  State: West Virginia
                                                                       ,- *•
            1.2.5.  Name of state agency mat maintains and operates the system:
                ,  Office of Environmental Health Services
       1.3   Name  of interviewer: Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
       1.4.  Basic interviewee information     '
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee:  Jan Griffith
            1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
              v 1.42.1. State agency/office/division (or branch):
                       Environmental  Engineering Division
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
                1.4,2.3. EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing  address:   1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
                                                Building 3, Room 550
                                                Charleston, WV 26305
            1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone  number   (304) 348-2981
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:
    il 22,1991                                                            West Virginia - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used?  (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X      Inventories of water systems
        X      Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X      Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        X      Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels: production of warning letters)
       	     Fee tracking
        X      Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
        X      Tracking of submission of other required reports
          •      General administration
        X      Uploading to FRDS
3.  Data  issues                                                                         .
       3.1.  For which types of PWSs doe* the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
              X   CWSs
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)
              X   Source/entity  data
                  System n^ifl^iT^$tr8ftofi o^T^j
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data                                        :
              X  System treatment data
              X  System location data
            	 Source location data (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)

 April 22, 1991                                                             West Virginia - 2

                      Sanitary Surveys
               _____  Entry Point                 .                 •              •
           33. Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
               "X" next to all that apply.)                               .
              ,   X   Type of violation
                 X   Date of violation
               	  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
                      Only those tests resulting in violations are entered into the system.  -
                 X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
                 X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
               3.3.1.  	Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                              	Monitoring/reporting violations
                           .  	MCL violations
                              	SNCs (also see next question)
               3.3.2.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                      No                 .
                              How are SNCs defined in dus system?
                                   EPA definition
!['   .     '                 •""        State-definition
                               	Other definition
           3.4. Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put
               .an "X" next to all that apply.)
                 X   Current enforcement actions
                 X   Historical enforcement actions (or  profiles)
                      No old data is erased from the system.
       il 22,1991                                                              West Virginia - 3

      3.S. Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pot an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
                  Compliance schedules
                  Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           __, m   Variances     ,
           _   Variance type
           ^^^   Other                                                                 .
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does die system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           _ _   Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           ____   Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)                                                          !
             X   Ground
             X   Surface
             X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
          . apply-)                                                    .
           _   Financial data (e.g., fees)
           ___   Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe. Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
           Owner changes and public notification data.
      3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
           to all that apply.)                         .
             X   Data arrives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
                  Inventory data arrives  directly from PWSs.
             X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where  the system is
                  Violation data is sent in from the 6 district offices.
April 22,1991                                                              West Virginia - 4

          •  Data anives from another agency within die state (e.g., health  depaztment)
• 3.11. Which methods axe used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
      ^^^  Data, is electronically uploaded                           .               •
        X   On-line (key) data entry
      __  Data is keypunched                              •
           ' Other          '                     .                          -
 3.12. What are the  primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
      to all mat apply.)
      	  Input operator review
        X   2nd party review
        X   Confirmation by water system that supplied data
      On-line  verification
            __ By repeat query
            •      By edit-checking
 3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
      (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
      ^^^   Data telecommunications (e.g.( via modem)
        X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office  ..•'-•-
        '.    Other                                                      '
      	   Magnetic Tape to Region                                         ,
      	   Magnetic Tape to NCC
 3.14. In what fonnat is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
      that apply.)
      	   Card image.  If card image, check those that apply:
                      	   We are currently converting to DTP.
                      	   There are problems with the conversion.
22,1991                                                            West Virginia ^ 5

                -  MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those mat apply:
                            __tm  We are currently converting to DTP.
                             _*  •   There are problems with the conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTP). If DTP is used:
                  All data is re-entered into the FRDS-DE program and sent to Region
                  on floppy disk.
                                Were mere any problems with the conversion?
                                Was the conversion fully successful?
                Other                                 .                              '
4.  User Issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   Standard on screen reports
              X   Standard printed reports
              X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
              X   Ad-hoc printed reports                                                      mm
                                           •                   •                     •           \^^
       4.2." What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
              X   On-line help screens                                            .
              X   Telephone support                  '
       4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
            ___ Other offices within the same state                                               >
            	 Other states
 April 22,1991                                                             West Virginia - 6

5.  System configuration and system management and administration
       5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized
               ^>p>pgp   Mainframe
                 .     Minicomputer
                 X    PC IBM and Zenith
                 '     Other
           5.1.2. Distributed
                 X    PC network  Network type:
               __   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
               __   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
           5.1.3. 	Hybrid                            ,      .           .
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does the system run? '
           System software:. MS-DOS
           Applications software:  dBASE m+
       5.3. What types of documentation  are available to support the system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)
             X  User s manual
           ^^^ System administnitioii
                                          •          '             -
           ^^^ Technical guide
                 Annotated code
           	 Other  '  -
       5.4. What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:        . Same
     22,1991                                                          West Virginia - 7

       5.5. Please indicate any of die following changes planned for the system.
           5.5.1.  Is die system currently being revised to .meet die Revised Reporting
                             t #
                 X    There are no changes planned since die system already meets diese
               ^^^   Yes* diere are changes planned.
           532.  What other changes are planned for die system?
       5.6. The following are issues pertaining to die transportability of die system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is die system run on public domain applications software?
           _  Would die owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of die system?
                  If so, what amount?
           _ _  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           _ _  What is die smallest size (megabytes  of disk space) that is required for
                  efficient operation of the system?
           _  What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
           _  What are the current storage requirements for die system's data?
           _ _  What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) 'is
                  there in the system?
           _  Are diere any odier factors not yet discussed?
             X   What is die size of die current staff to support application
                  There is one administrator and four clerks.
6.  What are the  interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    Lack of human resources.
T.  Miscellaneous
       7.1. Does die interviewee use FRDS?
             X   Yes, die interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
           _  No, die interviewee does not use FRDS
April 22, 1991                                                             West Virginia - 8

 7.2.  Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
      Yes                     ' .            •       -         '
      Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
22, '1991  .                                                          West Virgjnia - 9


                                    Inventory Form
                        State Drinking Water Information Systems
1.  Background Information
       1.1. Tracking number for this interview form:  WI1
       1.2. Information system identification
           1.2.1.  Official name of system:  WATER/ENTRACK
           1^2.  Common name (if different):
           1.23.  Commonly used acronym (if different):
         .  1.2.4.  State: Wisconsin
           1.2^.  Name of state agency that maintains and operates the system:
                  Department  of Natural Resources       .           -
       1.3  Name  of interviewer Martin Rebhun (Cadmus)
       1.4. Basic interviewee information
           1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Sharon Bur bach
           1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:                        '   _.
       State agency/office/division (or branch):
                  Division of Environmental Quality
                  .Bureau of Public Water Supplies
       EPA Region/division/branch/section:
       EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
           1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   Box 7921
                                               GEF n
                                               Madison, WI 53707
           1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  608-266-8696
           1.4.5.  Backup contact:
     22,1991,                                                              Wisconsin - 1

2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
               The WATER system tracks inventory data.
     .   X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
     •	    Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)                          .
               The ENTRACK system tracks enforcement data.
        X     Mailings support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
       	m    Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission of required reports on monitoring
           .    Tracking of submission of other required reports
       ____    General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
       	    Other                                                   ;

3.  Data issues
'                       '                                      •
       3.1.  For which types of. PWSs does the system maintain data?  (Put an "X" next to all that
            apply.)                       ..' •     •                                          •
           •   X   CWSs             •                                         - •         .
              X   NTNCs
              X   NCWSs
       3.2.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
            "X" next to all that apply.)       .
              X   Source/entity  data
            _^_  System administration data.
              X   Demographics (e.g., population served)
              X   System size
              X   System owner/operator data
              X   System treatment  data

April 22. 1991                                                               Wisconsin - 2

      X   System location data
           Source location data (e.g., well
     'X'  Sanitary Surveys
     ___  Operator Certification •
           Operator certification is not tracked in the Public Water Section.
     _  Entry Point
3.3.  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Pot an
     "X" next to all that apply.)
     The ENTRACK system tracks violation data.
      X   Type of violation
      X   Date of violation
     __  Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
      X   Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
     ..X.^  Capable of storing multiple violations of different types
     3.3.1.  _____ Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                        Monitdnng/reporting violations
                        MCL violations                                  .
                   _ SNCs (also see next question)        ,      •   •
     333.  Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
                                                                       f •
                   How are SNCs defined in this system?
                        EPA  definition
        3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put
             an "X1 next to all that apply.)
             The ENTRACK system tracks enforcement data.
               X   Current enforcement actions
     il 22, 1991                                                               Wisconsin -3

           ........... X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
           _  Other
                                                                       *  "   - *        --
      3.5. Which types of inventory information does die system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
           ^^^  Compliance schedules
                          in meeting compliance schedules
                  Variances                                                           '
           __  Variance type                                                      ;
           _  Other
      3.6. Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
           _  Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
           _  Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7. What types of water sources are tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
             X   Ground                                                        ...
             X   Surface                                                                     At
          '   X   Purchased
      3.8. What types of resource data is tracked by the system?  (Put an "X" next to all that
           _  Financial data (e.g.t fees)
           __ _  Other resources data
      3.9. What types of historical data are maintained in the system?  (Please describe.  Refer
           to the categories above, as appropriate.)
      3.10. How is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry? (Put an "X" net
           to1 all that apply.)
           _  Data arrives. directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
                  state agency headquarters that  manages the system.
             X   Data arrives from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to a. regional
                  office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
April 22, 1991                                                                  Wisconsin - 4

         _X_ Data arrives from another agency within the state (e.g., health   department)
               The district offices maintain formal violations data in the ENTRACK
     3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into the system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
           X   Data, is electronically uploaded
               The sample results from State laboratories are electronically uploaded.
         	  On-line (key) data entry
           X   Data is keypunched
     3.12. What are the primary means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
         to all that apply.)
       .  	 Input operator review
                                                       » i >  '   ,                •
         	 2nd party review
         	 Confirmation by water system that supplied data
         On-line verification
                	 By repeat query             .        .
                • X  By edit-checking   "            '
                    Edft-checking is done by checking codes and water system ID#s.
         __ Other            "         .
     3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
         (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
          ..,     Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
           X  Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
               Both ENTRACK and WATER systems data is sent on diskette to the EPA
               Regional Office.
          _..   Magnetic Tape to Region
         j	 Magnetic Tape to NCC
priI22,1991                                           .                  Wisconsin -5

       3.14. lii what format is data sent to die EPA for FRDS uploads? (Put an "X" next to an
           that apply.)
           _ __   Card image.  If caid image, check those that apply:
                            t _   We are currently convening to DTF.
                            ^^_   There are problems widi the conversion.
           _   MSB format If MSIS format, check those that apply:
                             '      We are currently convening to DTP.
                            ___   There are problems with die conversion.
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF). If DTF is used:
                               Were diere any problems with the conversion?
                               There were some initial problems, but the prospects for
                               success look good. The data has to be reformatted to DTF
                               to send.
                               Was the conversion fully successful?
            __ Other
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" next to all
            that apply.)
            _  Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports              •
            .....     Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            mat apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
                  Both the ENTRACK and WATER systems have on-line help screens.
            _ m  Telephone support                                                .,
            .  •    Other
April 22,1991                                                                Wisconsin - 6

        4.3. What other users of this system are there? (Put an "X" next to all mat apply.)
              X   Other offices within die same state     .
v                 Data reports are provided to the Department of Health.
                  Other states

 5.  System configuration and system management and administration            .
        5.1. What is die system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply!)
            5.1.1. Centralized                           .             •
                 X    Mainframe D3M. There is an ORACLE Database at HQ with
                         :    .    hardwired terminals with D3M access through gateway.
                                  There is an IMS Database at the regional center.
                 •      Minicomputer     .
   '  '  •	   PC-.                     •            •-.',;'.-
                	^  Other     ,_                   ......
            5.1.2. Distributed
                  •    PC network   Network type:
                	PC/minicomputer network  Network type:
                	   PC/mainframe network   Network type:
               .	;  'Other '                        -'              '.'.'•
            5.L3. 	Hybrid
        5.2. In what environment and on what software does die system run?
            System software:  '
            Applications software:  ORACLE and IMS Databases
        5.3. What types of documentation are available to support die system? (Put an "X" next
         .   to all that apply.)
            	._• User's manual                                          .
                  4iaimn& material
                  System administration manual
             	  Technical guide
   Ipril22,199r   ,                                                        Wisconsin-?

           	  Annotated code
      5.4. What is the name of die system administrator (if not die interviewee)?
           Name:         Patrick Powers, Data Coordinator in Bureau of Water
           Telephone:     608-266-0460
      5.5. Please indicate any of die following changes planned for die system.  •
           5.5.1.  Is die system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting     '
                  Requirements?   .     .
                 X     There are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                       requirements?              .
                ___   Yes, there are changes  planned.
           5.5.2.  What other changes axe planned for the system?
      5.6. The following are issues  pertaining.to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
           	  Is die system run on public domain applications software?
           	  Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                  .If so, what amount?
           	  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary .software)?
           	  What is die smallest size (megabytes of disk space) diat is required for
                  efficient operation of die system?
           	  What is least amount of memory required for die system to run?
           	  What are the current storage  requirements for die system's data?
           	  What degree of modularity (e.g.. substantial use .of table-driven software) is
                  mere in die system?
           	  Are mere any  odier factors not yet discussed?                           .
           	  What is die size of die current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
April 22,1991                                                                 Wisconsin - 8

7.  Miscellaneous
       7.1.  Does die interviewee use PROS?
                                                •  •
            	;  Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, die interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2.  Did die interviewee attend die FRDS H training provided by EPA?
            Did die interviewee attend die FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                                Wisconsin - 9


                                     Inventory Form             •    ;  r
                         State Drinking Water Information Systems
•          "'•'.'                      Wyoming
-•                  '                                         '           .
 1.  Background Information                               .         .   "   .
        LI. Tracking number for mis interview form:  WY1
        1.2. Information system identification
            12.1.  Official name of system:  Compliance Tracking System (versions 1 and 2)
            1.23.  Common name (if different):
            1.23.  Commonly used  acronym (if different):  CTS-1 and CTS-2
            1.2.4.  State: Wyoming
            1.2J.  Name of state  agency that maintains and operates the system:
                   EPA Region ym maintains the system for Wyoming.
        1.3  Name of interviewer  Lisa Richardson (Cadmus)
     .   1.4. Basic interviewee information
            1.4.1.  Name of interviewee: Clint Lemmons
      -      1.4.2.  Interviewee's Agency/Office:
             .'    '           "                             '
         State agency/ofnce/division (or branch):
         EPA Region/division/branch/section:
                        Region Vm, Water Management Division
         EPA Headquarters office/division/branch/section:
            1.4.3.  Interviewee's mailing address:   EPA Region VIH
                                                999 18th Street, Suite 500
                                                Denver, CO  80202-2405
          .  1.4.4.  Interviewee's telephone number  (303)294-7118
            1.4.5.  Backup contact:  Tom Entzminge'r, Marshell Pullman
       22, 1991                        .                                       Wyoming -1

    Region Vm developed and uses the Compliance Tracking System, version 1 (CTS-1) to
    track Wyoming's PWSs.  Several States have received copies of CTS-1 and use the
    system to track their PWSs,  A new system, CTS-2, is currently under development by
    Region Vm, and is expected to be finished by early 199L  The new system, CTS-2, will
    incorporate new EPA rules and requirements, and will replace CTS-1. The information
    contained in this system inventory form pertains to the new system, CTS-2,
2.  For which purposes is the system used? (put an "X" next to all that apply.)
        X     Inventories of water systems
        X     Compliance (e.g., tracking violations; tracking inspections)
        X     Enforcement (e.g., enforcement histories)
        Xr    Mailings  support (e.g., generation of mailing labels; production of warning letters)
               The system will be able to automatically generate violation letters and
               mailing labels.
       	   . Fee tracking
        X     Tracking of submission  of required reports on monitoring
       	     Tracking of submission  of other required reports
       ^_m     General administration
        X     Uploading to FRDS
       _     Other                                               '             '          •

3.  Data issues
       3.1. For which types of PWSs does the system maintain data? (Put an "X" next to all that
           apply.)       -
             X   CWSs                                        .
             X   NTNCs                 • •  .    ,    .
           _X_ NCWSs
 April 22,1991                                                               Wyoming-2

 33.  Which types of inventory information does die system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
      "X" next to all that apply.)                                          ,
       X   Source/entity data.                          -         .
       X '  System administration
            The system mriirtE*"* data on the congressional district and township of
            each PWS.
      _X_ Demographics (e.g., population served)                             .
      r-[X. r System size                                    ,                            .
       X   System owner/operator data                          .
       X   System treatment data       '               •  '     '  •
       X   System location data
       X   Source location *Jata (e.g., well latitude/longitudes)
       X   Sanitary Surveys
      _   Operator Certification
     .- '     Entry Point
 3.3;  Which types of violation information does the system maintain about PWSs? (Put an
     . "X" next to all that apply.)
       X   Type  of violation                 .
       X   Date of violation
       X   Parametric data (e.g., limit; level measured)
       X^ Capable of storing multiple violations of same type
       X   Capable of storing multiple violations of different types        '                    /-
      3.3.1.   X  Is the system capable of identifying or flagging violations
                       X      vtnnitormg^|HMmyfl|w Violations
                       X      MCL violations   '    -       .,"•"'
-                        • SNCs  (also see next question)     '
      3.32. Does the system store an indicator of whether a particular violator is a SNC?
            NO            '           .                 :'       .
                     How are SNCs defined in this system?
22,1991                                                                Wyoming-3

                                   EPA definition
      3.4.  Which types of enforcement information does die system maintain about PWSs? (Put
           an "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Current enforcement actions                    •    . •   •
             X   Historical enforcement actions (or profiles)
             X   Other
      3.5.  Which types of inventory information does the system maintain about PWSs?  (Put an
           "X" next to all that apply.)
             X   Compliance schedules                                              '  •
             X   Progress in meeting compliance schedules
           	    Variance type
      3.6.  Which types of scheduling capabilities does the system have?  (Put an "X" next to all
           that apply.)
             X    Scheduling of inspections/inspectors
             X    Summaries of results of inspections
      3.7.  What types, of water sources are tracked by the system? (Put an "X" next to all that
             X    Ground
             X    Surface               .                                     .
             X    Purchased                         •        .
      3.8.  What types of resource data is tracked by die system?  (Put an "X" next to all mat
           	   Financial data (e.g., fees)
                  Other resources data
April 22,1991                                                                 Wyoming - 4

     3.9. What types of historical rfata are maintained in the system? (Please describe. Refer
          to the categories above, as appropriate.)                                 .
     3.10. How  is data consolidated, transcribed, and prepared for data entry?  (Put an "X" net
          to all that apply.)
            X   Data anives directly from the field (e.g., system; systems* laboratories) to the
          ~'~  "~  state agency headquarters that manages the system.
             .    Data anives from the field (e.g., system; systems' laboratories) to a regional
                 office, which forwards the information to headquarters where the system is
          ^^   Data arrive from another agency within die state (e.g., health   department)
      3.11. Which methods are used to enter data into die system? (Put an "X" next to all that
          _.__   Data is electronically uploaded
      .      X   On-line (key) data entry
             .    Data is keypunched
            X   Other
                 By the end of 1991, laboratories  will submit results to use on floppy disk.
      3.12. What are the primary  means by which data QA/QC is performed?  (Put an "X" next
          to all that apply.)
           ______  Input operator review
            X   2nd party review           .
          _  Confirmation by water system that supplied data
          On-line verification
                 __  By repeat query
                   X  By edit-checking
                      The system will contain several edit checking routines including:
                      verification of PWS name and ID number; verification that required
                      data fields are entered; and validity checks for dates.
          _   Other
      3.13. How data is exported to EPA Regional Offices (for eventual uploading to FRDS)?
          (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)                              <.       .   ,
          __>   Data telecommunications (e.g., via modem)
rpril22,1991                                                .                 Wyoming -5

             X   Diskette delivered to EPA Regional Office
           	;   Other
           	   Magnetic Tape to Region                                         '
          .	   Magnetic Tape to NCC
      3.14. In what format is data sent to the EPA for FRDS uploads?  (Put an "X" next to all
           mat apply.)
              .   Card image. If card image, check those that apply:          .
                           	   We are currently convening to DTP.
                              i    There are problems with  the conversion,
           	   MSIS format  If MSIS format, check those  that apply:
                             ._   We are currently convening to DTP.
                           	   There are problems with  the conversion.       ...  ;,
             X   FRDS n Data Transfer Format (DTF).  If DTP is used:
                 The system, now under development, will upload files for FRDS in DTP.
                              Were there any problems with the conversion?
                              Was the conversion fully successful?
4.  User issues
       4.1.  What types of reports are generated for use within the state? (Put an "X" nexc to all
            that apply.)
             X   Standard on screen reports
             X   Standard printed reports
             X   Ad-hoc on screen reports
             X   Ad-hoc printed reports
       4.2.  What types of support are available to users of the system? (Put an "X" next to all
            mat apply.)
             X   On-line help screens
           \         '
            ___  Telephone support
April 22,1991                                                               Wyoming-6

             X   Other                                   '     .        .......
                 Otiier EPA Regions                                 .           .
      4.3. What other users of this system are there?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
                 Other offices within the Stunn? state
              .   Other states
          • ^^^   Other

5.  System configuration  and system management and administration
      5.1. What is the system's hardware architecture?  (Put an "X" next to all that apply.)
           5.1.1. Centralized
                X    PC  CTS-2 is shared on a local area network using an IBM PS2
                           model 80 as the file server.
               	   Other                                 .             .
           5.1.2. Distributed                .          '
                         *     '            f     • *             "  r
                X    PC network  Network type:      Novell
             .	   PC/minicomputer network  Network type:    '     .
               	   PC/mainframe network  Network type:
         .  •    	   Other  '     •    .              >•••'•'';,'.'.•'    '  *  *
           5.1.3. 	 Hybrid                       "..-.'
       5.2. In what environment and on what software does die system run?
           System  software: MS-DOS
           Applications software:  dBASE IV
       5.3. What types of documentation are available to support die system?  (Put an "X" next
           to all that apply.)                 .
             X   User's manual
                 A user's manual for CTS-2 will be written.     .
  pril22,1991                  .  ,'                                         Wyoming-7

            -X   Training material
                 The Region will hold training sessions for States that wish to use the new
             X   System administration
                 There are no plans to write a system administrative manual.
                 Technical guide
                 Annotated code
        .   _   Other
      5.4.  What is the name of the system administrator (if not the interviewee)?
           Name:          Same
           Address:                                                          .
      5.5.  Please indicate any of the following changes planned for the system.
           S.S.I. Is the system currently being revised to meet the Revised Reporting
                 Requirements?            .
                 The new CTS-2 system will meet all Revised Reporting Requirements.
               ___    There  are no changes planned since the system already meets these
                       requirements?            .        :
           v _ ,^_    Yes, there are changes planned. "
           5.5.2.  What other changes are planned for the system?
      5.6.  The following are issues pertaining to the transportability of the system.  Put an "X"
           next to those questions for which an answer is supplied.
             X   Is the system run on public domain applications software?
             No Would the owning state agency charge a fee for a copy or use of the system?
                 If so, what amount?
           _  Would any other fees be required (e.g., for licensing of proprietary software)?
           __  What is the smallest size (megabytes of disk space) that is required fat
                 efficient operation of the system?  v
                  The system size in not yet known.
April 22,1991                                                                Wyoming-8

             X   What is least amount of memory required for the system to run?
                  640 kilobytes of RAM are required to run CTS-2 (dBASE IV).
           	   What are the current storage requirements for the system's data?
           __   What degree of modularity (e.g., substantial use of table-driven software) is
                  mere in the system?
           .___.  Are there any other factors not yet discussed?
           __   What is the size of the current staff to support application

6.  What are the interviewee's perception of system's strengths and weaknesses?
    CTS n tracks all EPA requirements Including inventory, sources, treatment, site visits,
    bacteriological, turbidity, and chem/rads.  It is geared toward EPA regulations and
    would require modification by the state to adapt to their particular regulations.
7. .Miscellaneous                      •
       7.1. Does the interviewee use FRDS?                .  -
           	   Yes, the interviewee personally uses FRDS
  ^ !                       '
                            Main purpose(s):
             X   No, the interviewee does not use FRDS
       7.2. Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n training provided by EPA?
           Did the interviewee attend the FRDS n interactive retrieval training?
April 22, 1991                                                               Wyoming-9


       Appendix A
Examples of System Output

Examples of System Architecture

Tables of Contents from Two User's Manuals


Examples of System Output


                                                             PAGE 1
WS ID ft
                                                          MAIL  BOTTLES. TO
    1,106  (615)323-5485  P,0, BOX 264
                HrW UTILITY DISTRICT','

                                TN 37617
Mr. Bill McMurray. . M
ll-W Utility District
1458 Harrtown Rd.
Blountsville   TN  3761
JUNTY - SULLIVAN      (SEASON)~  BEGIN -         END -,

            BRISTOL WTR DEP   P         -  -
                         TASTE ?< ODOR CONTROL

           OS/ 16/90       ABRAMS CREEK CAMPGROUND
                          GREAT SMOLY MTNS NATIONAL
       75  (615)436-5615  RT. 2  .
                          GATLINBURG      TN 37738
             - 2
                                              MAINTENANCE DIVISION
                                              GREAT SMOKY MTNS  NAT10!
                                              RT. 2
                                              GATLINBURG     TN 3773S
        BLOUNT        (SEASON)   BEGIN - O401    END -  1031

                              P '     035-36-30
         .  .03/01/88.
    2.775  (615)696-2266  P.O. BOX 6, KEESBURG RD.
                        .  ADAMS           TN 37010
 OF SERVICES - 925      .  .
Mr. Timothy Henson,
Adams-Cedar Hill Water
Box 6
Adams          TN 3701C

           -RED RIVER
                              P  •    036-35-35
                         CORROSION CONTROL
                         TASTE & ODOR 'CONTROL
                         IRON REMOVAL      .
                                             MANGANESE REMOVAL

                          INORGANIC CHEMICAL RESULTS

  DATE             NAME

07/18/89    ARSENIC
07/18/89    BARIUM
07/18/89    CADMIUM
07/18/89    CHROMIUM
07/18/89    FLUORIDE
07/18/89    LEAD
07/18/89    MERCURY
07/18/89    NITRATE (AS N)
07/18/89    SELENIUM
07/18/89 .   SILVER
07/18/89    SODIUM
08/07/87    HARDNESS - CALCIUM
08/O7/87    PH
;>S/07/S7    TEMPERATURE C/.C)
                                                     PAGE NO. 1
O8/ 27/87

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Examples of System Architecture









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•  i          Table of Contents from Two User's Manuals


                               P W  S

                TABLE   OF    CONTENTS
  PWSO 04
  PWSO 09
  PWSO 10
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            MASS ENTRY

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         1   •          "        PART
     "      *          "        PART
     "    : . "          *    •    PART
     •                 "        PART
     *      «     •     «        PART
 -                     "        PART
     "      "          "        PART
     (Op t i on to chang
              SUMMARY SCREEN
              ng screen number in upper left
        cor ner)
  PWS 111 - MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT                 .

                             STATE OF ALASKA
         HISTORY	..  .   3
         DOCUMENT CONTENT	  .   3
1         DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS 	 	  ....".   4

    STRUCTURE .............. 	   6
         INDEX DESCRIPTION  	  6
         SYSTEM FILES	-;•	   7

    NAVIGATION	'.	13

    MENUS	  . .	  .  16

    SAMPLE POPUPS	  .	  20

    INVENTORY	  .	  24

    SOURCES	. .	  36

    PROFILES	  . .  .  .  .  ...•;......  .  .  .  .'.  45
         •PROFILE DATA FILE  ...........  	  45
         SOURCES DATA FILE  	.........;.....  49
         FREQUENCY HIERARCHY  	 	  50
         CREATING PROFILES  . ..  .  .  .  . . .	52

         GENERIC SAMPLE  MAINTENANCE 	  ........  54
         BACTI	58
         OPERATOR	66
         INORGANIC	71
         PESTICIDE	  ;	  72
         ORGANIC	73
         SECONDARY	77
         RAD	78


    ENFORCEMENT	  .  85

         SYSTEM DESIGN  	  	  .....  91
         IMPORTING RECORDS	  .  .  .  ;  95

                         STATE OF ALASKA
     SYSTEM CODES .,	   98
     NEXT NUMBERS	  101
     SYSTEM STRUCTURE  .  .  .	103

     INVENTORY	106
     SOURCES	110
     PROFILES	113
     BACTI	119
     OPERATOR	  120
     INORGANIC	122
     ORGANIC	  123
     PESTICIDE	126
     SECONDARY	127
     RAD	  129
     VIOLATION  . .-	  .  J	130
     ENFORCE	,	132

APPENDIX - B  SYSTEM CODES FILE  ............;..  133


