                     Water Security Progress  and Resources
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 United States
 Environmental Protection
     EPA's Office of Water and its partners are working to improve the security of the
     nation 's drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. This document highlights
     EPA managed and/or funded projects and resources. For more information, visit

Security Training and Tools
EPA supports organizations that develop security tools and provide comprehensive security training to states,
territories, tribes, and water systems, http://www.epa.gov/safewater/watersecurity/tools/

Water Security Guide for Systems Serving 3,300 people or Fewer
This guide will provide security guidance to small system drinking water managers and operators.
(contact: bielanski.andrew@epa.gov)

Grants to States and Territories for Drinking Water Security
These grants will provide funding for coordination activities among state, territorial, and local water managers,
homeland security and other emergency response officials.

Emergency Response Training Workshops for Water Utilities
With the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and others, EPA has designed workshops, drills, tabletop
exercises, and simulations to train utilities on the Response Protocol Toolbox and Emergency Response Plan
protocols, http://www.epa.gov/safewater/watersecurity/outreach

Emergency Response Training Workshops for Wastewater Systems
With the DHS and others, EPA will train wastewater utilities in infrastructure threat response and contingency
practices, (contact: frazer.brian@epa.gov)

Using Contaminant Information in Evaluating Water Contamination Threats and Incidents
This online course, developed for EPA Regional emergency responders, On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs), EPA
drinking water program staff, state primacy drinking water agencies, and water utility personnel, will increase
awareness of the types of contaminants that may be used to intentionally contaminate water and the decision-
making process used in evaluating threat situations.
(contact: smith.ashley-m@epa.gov)

Drinking Water Academy Security Courses and Products
These Drinking Water Academy (DWA) courses include security consideration for small drinking water
systems and risk communication principles. DWA products include a learner's guide for sanitary survey
inspectors and educational videos on assessing vulnerabilities and emergency response planning.

Wastewater Operator Training Program
EPA funds state environmental training centers to provide on-site and classroom security training for small
wastewater utilities,  http://www.epa.gov/owm/mab/smcomm/104g/

Available  Water Security Resources

   All of these products or links to them are available online at
   www.epa.gov/watersecurity, or contact the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterlSAC)
Managed by the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, this secure Internet portal is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource of security
information for drinking and wastewater utilities, http://www.waterisac.org

Water Security Channel
Free service of WaterlSAC designed to disseminate basic security information to the water sector,  http://www.watcrsc.org

Risk Assessment Methodology for Drinking Water Utilities
Risk Assessment Methodology for Water Utilities (RAM-W) by American Water Works Association Research Foundation and Sandia National Laboratory

Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies
Vulnerability Self Assessment Tools (VSAT) developed by the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies for water, wastewater, and combined
water/wastewater utilities, http://www.vsatusers.net

Protecting Your Community's Assets: Small Wastewater Systems
Guide developed by the National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities to help wastewater utility managers improve security
http://www.nesc. wvu.edu/nctcsc_indcx.htm

Vulnerability Assessment Tool for Small Drinking Water Systems
National Rural Water Association guide for small drinking water systems.  http://www. vulnerabilityasscssment.org/

Security Product Guide
Guide series to provide information to treatment plant operators and utility managers regarding products and tools that enhance both physical and cyber
security and contaminant monitoring, http://www.cpa.gov/safewater/watersecurity/productguidc

Laboratory Capabilities Compendium
On-line database containing nationwide information regarding laboratories capable of analyzing water for contaminants.
Baseline Threat Information for Community Drinking Water Systems (and Wastewater Treatment Facilities) Two documents to better understand
address potential vulnerabilities of, and threats to, water sector facilities, (contact: frazcr.brian@epa.gov)

Response Protocol Toolbox: Planning for and Responding to Drinking Water Contamination Threats and Incidents. Organized into six modules,
this document provides tools that are designed to help the water sector to effectively and appropriately respond to intentional contamination threats and
incidents, http://www.epa.gov/safewatcr/watersecurity/toolbox/

Physician On-Line Reference Guide for Waterborne Disease
Website to help health care providers recognize and manage waterbome diseases, http://www.waterhealthconncction.org/bt/itidcx.asp

Emergency Response Planning Guidance
Specialized guidance for drinking water utilities to help them meet the requirements of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002. http://www.epa.gov/safcwater/watersccurity/pubs/util-inst.pdf

Water Security Research & Technical Assistance Action Plan and Implementation Plan
The action plan identifies drinking water and wastewater security research and technical needs and the EPA projects that address them. The Implementati
Plan is under development, http://www.epa.gov/ordnhsrc/pubs.htin  (contact: nickel.kathy@,cpa.gov)

Laboratory Case Studies
Collection of laboratory case studies and lessons learned from real water contamination and emergency response situations involving unknown contaminant.
(contact: smith.ashley-m@cpa.gov)

Emergency Response Planning Guidance for Wastewater Systems
Specialized guidance, developed by the Water Environment Research Foundation to help wastewater utilities review threats, contingency practices, existi
security technologies, monitoring, and communications with respect to wastewater facilities infrastructure, http://www.werf.org/pdf/03cts4s.pdf
Water Security Outreach Materials
Water security posters and flyers available by download and hard copy,  http://www.cpa.gov/safewater/watersccurity/publications

Water Watchers Brochure
Simple actions citizens can take to be a partner in their communities' security.

Law Enforcement Top 10 List
Visor card and flyer often water supply preparedness and security principles designed to assist law enforcement officials with water utility security effort
http://www.cpa. gov7safe\vater/watcrsccurity/pubs/brochure_sccurity_top 10. pelf


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• Emergency Response Training Tabletop CD
EPA produced a training CD entitled "Emergency Response Tabletop Exercises for
Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems". This CD allows state, regional, and local
water and wastewater utilities to prepare and conduct incident response training. The
CD contains materials and guidance to assist first responders to successfully plan and
conduct tabletop exercises that represent eight emergency response scenarios.
(contact: whitler.john@epa.gov)
• Law Enforcement Outreach and Training
This initiative is designed to strengthen the emergency response ties with water utilities
and law enforcement, (contact: bielanski.andrew@epa.gov)
• Computer Assisted Training Tool for Laboratories
This computer-based simulation will lead laboratories through the analytical decision-
making process to identify unknown contaminants in an emergency response situation.
(contact: smith.ashley-m@epa.gov)
• Field Sampling Test Kits for Drinking Water Utilities and Other Members
of the Response Community
EPA will issue a list of components for standardized field sample collection and test
kits that complement the Response Protocol Toolbox Site Characterization and Sampling
Guide (Module 3) to assist drinking water utilities and other emergency responders in
preparing for and reacting to water contamination threats and incidents.
(contact: parkcr.latisha@epa.gov)
• Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) Planning Tool
This planning tool for wastewater facilities will help them to prepare for the response to
chemical, biological, and radioactive contaminants in collection systems and treatment
plants, (contact: wheeler.james@epa.gov)
• Mobile Treatment Units
EPA is collaborating with the Department of Defense Office of Naval Research to
develop requirements and possibly test mobile water treatment units to be used for
homeland security incidents, (contact: whitler.john@epa.gov)
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• Voluntary Security Standards Development for Water and Wastewater Utilities
EPA is partnering with non-profit organizations, such as the American Society for Civil
Engineers (ASCE), to develop voluntary design standards and operational practices that
will enhance physical and cyber security, (contact: hais.alan@cpa.gov)
• Security Elements and Practices
The National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) formed a Water Security
Working Group to develop recommendations related to best security practices, including
implementing and tracking the success of those practices.
(contact: santora.marc@cpa.gov)
• Sanitary Surveys
This project incorporated security elements into sanitary surveys and trained government
officials on how to conduct sanitary surveys that included security elements.
(contact: bourne.james@epa.gov)
• Financing Security Enhancements
EPA will identify options both to improve security at utilities and to fund security
enhancements, (contact: simbanin.cynthia@epa.gov)
• Operator Certification
The Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) has developed and validated security-
related questions for drinking water and wastewater operator certification exams.
(contact: sdelacru@abccert.org)
Full Access •  Limited Access

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     Water Contaminant Information Tool
     This web-accessible database will contain current information on priority non-traditional water contaminants to
     assist in planning for and responding to drinking water contamination threats and incidents.
     (contact: smith.ashley-m@epa.gov)

     Analytical Methods
     EPA is developing laboratory analytical methods relevant to water security and creating a system to aid in
     applying these methods to known or unknown water contaminants, (contact: parker.latisha@epa.gov)

     Analytical Methods Data Base
     This product will update the National Environmental Methods Index to include methods relevant to water security,
     such as methods to analyze for contaminants suspected in a water contamination threat.
     (contact: allgeier.steve@epa.gov)

     Homeland Security Technology, Testing and Evaluation Program
     This program reviews new water security monitoring, treatment, and decontamination technologies.
     (contact: koglin.eric@epa.gov)

     Reverse Library Search Tool
     This tool will develop a library of contaminant-of-concern "fingerprints" so that these can be compared to sample
     results for more rapid contaminant identification, (contact: smith.ashley-ni@epa.gov)

     Concentration and Extraction of Water Chemical Contaminants in the Field
     The Technical Support Working Group, with EPA support, is developing portable cartridges to extract and
     concentrate potential chemical  contaminants in water from bulk water samples in the field.
     (contact: smith.ashley-m@epa.gov)

     Distribution System Security
     EPA is supporting the Distribution System Research Consortium in many areas related to water security for
     distribution systems, including the development of solutions to help safeguard distribution systems.
     (contact: herrmann.jonathan@epa.gov)

     Interdependcncies Analysis
     EPA is studying the direct and indirect effects of disruptions to external infrastructures to water utilities by
     studying the  impacts of the 2003 electrical blackout and Hurricane Isabel through a survey of technical literature.
     EPA is also working to develop a modeling tool to help utilities reduce their vulnerabilities to disruptions in these
     interdependent infrastructures,  (contact: whitler.john@epa.gov)

     Security Measures  for Automated Systems at Drinking Water and Wastevvater Facilities
     EPA has funded a project to analyze the risks and vulnerabilities associated with available data communication
     technologies, such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition "SCADA" systems, and to help refine or develop
     new, secure data communication strategies, (contact: whitler.john@epa.gov)
EPA817-F-05-001  March 2005
