US  EPA's  Program  to
                    Regulate the  Placement
                    of Waste Water  and other
                    Fluids  Underground
Why Do We Need a Program to
Regulate the Placement of Fluids

Facilities across the nation discharge a variety of
hazardous and nonhazardous fluids into underground
formations through more than 800,000 injection
wells. Our way of life would be quite different without
injection wells. Agribusiness and the chemical and
petroleum industries as we know them today,  could
not exist. While treatment technologies exist,  it would
be cost  prohibitive to treat and release to surface
waters the trillions of gallons of wastes that industries
produce each year. When wells are properly sited,
constructed, and operated, underground  injection  is
an effective and environmentally safe alternative to
surface  disposal.

The Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program
provides these safeguards so that injection wells do
not endanger drinking water. The  most accessible
fresh water is stored in  shallow geological formations
called aquifers and is the most vulnerable to
contamination. These aquifers feed our lakes;
provide  recharge to 41  percent of our streams and
rivers, particularly during dry periods; and serve as
resources for 89 percent of public water systems in
the United States.
What Is an Injection Well?

An injection well is used for subsurface emplacement
of fluids.  An injection  well is a bored, drilled, or
driven shaft whose depth  is greater than the largest
surface dimension; or, a dug hole whose depth is
greater than the largest surface dimension; or, an
improved sinkhole; or, a subsurface fluid distribution
system. This definition covers a wide  variety of
injection  practices that range from more than
140,000  technically sophisticated highly monitored
wells which pump fluids into isolated formations up
to two miles below the Earth's surface, to the far
more numerous on-site drainage systems, such as
septic systems, dry wells,  and storm water wells, that
discharge fluids a few feet underground.
How Does the UIC Program
Regulate the Very Different  Types of
Underground Injection?

United States En ivron mental Protection  Agency
groups underground injection into five  classes for
regulatory control purposes. Each class includes
wells with similar functions, and construction and
operating features
so that technical
requirements can be
applied consistently
to the class.
   • Class  I injects
   hazardous and
   fluids (industrial
   and municipal
   wastes) into
   isolated formations
   beneath the
   u ndergrou nd
   source of drinking
   water (USDW).
   Because they may
   inject hazardous
   waste, Class I
   wells  are the most
   strictly regulated and are further
   regulated under the  Resource,
   Conservation and Recovery Act.
   • Class  II includes injection of brines and other
   fluids associated with oil and gas production.
   • Class  III injects fluid  associated with solution
   mining of minerals.
   • Class  IV addresses injection of hazardous  or
   radioactive wastes into or above a USDW and is
   banned unless authorized  under other statutes for
   ground water remediation.
   • Class V includes all underground injection not
   included  in Classes I-IV. Generally,  most Class V
   wells  inject nonhazardous fluids into or above a
   USDW and are on-site disposal systems, such as
   floor  and sink drains which discharge  to dry wells,
   septic systems, leach fields, and drainage wells.
   Injection  practices or wells which are not covered
   by the UIC Program include single family septic
   systems and  cesspools as well as non-residential
   septic systems and cesspools serving fewer than
   20 persons that inject ONLY sanitary waste water.
                                                                                  CLASS I WELL

Are  All  Injection  Wells Waste
Disposal Wells?

All injection wells are not waste disposal wells.
some  Class V wells, for  example,  inject surface
water to replenish depleted aquifers or to prevent
salt water intrusion. Some Class  II wells inject fluids
for enhanced recovery of oil and  natural gas,  and
others inject liquid hydrocarbons  that constitute our
nation's strategic fuel reserves in  times of crisis. But
most injection wells have the potential to inject fluids
that may cause a
public water system
to violate  National
Drinking Water
Standards. These
standards  provide
our safety net
against waterborne
disease and other
health risks.
How Does  US EPA's  UIC Program
Prevent Contamination of Our Water

In  general, US EPA's UIC Program prevents
contamination of water supplies by setting minimum
requirements for state UIC  Programs. A basic concept
of US EPA's  UIC  Program is to prevent  contamination
by keeping injected fluids within the intended injection
zone, or  in the case of injection directly or indirectly
into  a USDW, the fluids  must  not endanger or have
the potential to endanger a current or  future public
water supply. Most of the minimum requirements that
affect the siting of the injection well, the construction,
operation, maintenance, monitoring, testing, and
finally, the closure of the well, are designed to
address these  concepts. Another basic  concept  is that
all injection wells require authorization under general
rules or specific  permits. Finally, states are expected
to have  primary enforcement  authority  (primacy)
for the UIC  Program.  To date, 33  states, Guam,
Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, and Puerto
Rico have obtained primacy for all classes of injection
wells. Seven states share primacy  with  US EPA.  The US
EPA  administers UIC programs for the remaining ten
states, and all other federal jurisdictions and Indian
Cou ntry.
              The UIC Program Protects More Than
              Ground Water

              The  UIC Program:
                  •  Reduces human exposure to organic and
                  inorganic  chemicals and heavy metals by removing
                  them from the environment;
                  •  Eliminates more than nine billion gallons of
                  hazardous waste and a trillion gallons of oil field
                  waste from the environment each year;
                                                             CLASS V WELL - Aquifer Remediation Well
                  •Decreases public water system costs for water
                  •  Avoids cost of  ground water remediation,
                  medical monitoring for health effects, and
                  replacing a drinking water supply;
                  •  Reduces pollution in wellhead and source water
                  protection areas,  rivers, streams,  lakes, wetlands,
                  watersheds, estuaries and  coastal zones; and
                  •  Enables communities to make wise local land
                  use decisions.
              For More Information

              To learn more about underground injection control,
              call  the Safe Drinking Water  Hotline at  1-800-426-
              4791 or visit the safewater web  site at www.epa.
Office of Water (4606)
EPA 816-F-04-040 June 2004
